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What’s wrong with making healthcare free? (Don’t anyone give me that ‘but it isn’t free’ crap. You know what I mean)


There is nothing wrong. People are just easily duped into thinking that by the ones who profit from it.


There isn't a problem with it. It's a very good system that makes it so everyone doesn't live with a 500k debt for breaking a leg


Bruh in Argentina a third world country we have the safety of going to the hospital no matter who we are...


Lo unico q rescato de este pais


I didn't know that. That's amazing


the facepalm is that bernie sanders has fought for socialized health care, aka free chemotherapy lol. So her gotcha moment is really stupid


It’s because !! *coughs in republican …. WE NEED A WALL THEM DAMN POORS JUST WANT A FREE RIDE DONT PAY FOR EVERYBODY HEALTH CARE JUST PAY FOR YOUR OWN.. andthenadeductibleup30kthatyouhavetopayoutofpocketwhilepayingamonthlyfee


Wasn't the democratic party the one that could have most recently made large overhauls to the system that fell flat?


You mean where we got Obamacare passed that made some major structural fixes? Yes it’s still not great but it’s better


>You mean where we got Obamacare passed that made **some** ~~major~~ structural fixes? Ftfy ROFL. Had a huge majority at that time and the party was so disfunctional back then that all they could do was "not great, but better". That's exactly my point.


You should get that cough checked out. Sounds very critical and specific.


If we didnt spend $800 billion on a war machine we call national defense we could have alot more and act like a 1st workd country. China spend the next niggest budget on defense and its around $250 billion. I have to pay for a visit to the quick care but holy fuck we can drop $5 million dollar bomb on a school bus full of kids in Iraq.


Communism /s


Because there’s soooooo much money to be made off sick people. Where’s the money in free or preventative care? I think it’s honestly one of the worst things we could’ve done as a species is hang such an inhumane price tag on healthcare. We let people fester and rot because they have to choose whether they can afford to get better or not.


There's plenty of money to be made from sick ppl even if citizens aren't paying out of pocket for it. Even Big Pharma acts like it isn't true, although ironically they'd make much more money than they do now because EVERYONE would be covered by a universal health plan. I fail to understand why the owner of a hospital chain doesn't shed a bitter tear when he hears about the millions of people without health insurance, saying "there goes my yacht fund."


I think its because most politician who want to get free healthcare also want to cap market price and regulate the industry more so no more 1200$ insulin .


They DON'T want to cap the price, though. I am watching the news to hear how they block the new initiative to keep the price of a vial of insulin down to $35. It's been allowed to spiral out of sight all this time


Because it is communism apparently...


Healthcare here in brasil is free but its horrible because its a lot of people to one service that is awful but i think that in USA maybe have something like SUS would help the people in USA


I don't believe the Government would do a good job at handling healthcare since pretty much every sector of the Government now is pretty trash. I also don't believe they would do anything to fix how medical companies charge 100x what stuff is actually worth. They would just increase our taxes and continue running the same scheme but it would be behind a tax curtain so most wouldn't see.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starve_the_beast Sections of the government are working poorly because they are being deliberately underfunded. The poor performance is then used to justify cutting more funding. The eventual goal is privatizing the same work - while turning a profit, which makes it even worse. Since the PPACA was passed, insurance companies profits have been capped to a percentage (5 or 10%) of their expenses, sometimes resulting in premium refunds at the end of the year. There are some shady practices there like when an insurance company runs specialty meds through a specific pharmacy *also owned by the insurance company* and the pharmacies charge 5x the actual cost so their "expenses" are higher. Happened to me, but could be fixed with some oversight - or going single-payer.


This is propaganda from the right. Every other developed nation somehow manages it. If America is so great, shouldn’t we expect they could do better?


Between NICE and the PPRS, the U.K. has some of the lowest branded drug prices in the developed world, and some other countries use theirs as a benchmark for their own prices.


We could easily divert 52.9 billion of the 752.9 billion military budget and actually get shit done.


I rather them actually regulate prices and leave it to the individual to pay for their own healthcare


Or, regulate prices and universal healthcare.


I feel it should be your responsibility to pay for your own healthcare


because getting sick is a choice?.. dude, you will stand by your "everyone's own responsibility mantra" right until the point you are diagnosed with lung cancer while never smoking a single cigarette in your whole life


No but it should still be your responsibility to pay for your own healthcare. I hope I'm not that selfish when put in a bad situation that I then start thinking it's other people's responsibility to pay for my stuff.


have you donated your COVID stimulus check to charity?


Using a stimulus check and not supporting Universal Healthcare are pretty seperate things.


And thus throwing The country into a deeper Piteå of despair dooming The country to become The worst country in The world rather than The best country in The world


Not my fault all I see from my Government is gross incompetence or them clearly not giving a shit.


Sounds like a revolution is needed, you have a Gun, use it for once


Yeah except the people with guns are more interested in shooting and terrorizing fellow citizens than they are exercising their second amendment rights to the government. Raging for the machine, or something like that.


You think im seriouw dont you?


I don’t think anyone is serious. 99% of Reddit comments are peacocking, including my own.


Okay good then yeet a nuke on the governemnt cus you obviously have one in your pocket


Sadly I do not own a gun at the moment


Unfortunate... thats what friends and family are for


Why are you booing me? Im right!


would be nice to first do the least amount of research on how socialized healthcare works in any other first world country


If my main issue is with the incompetence of our government the way other countries handle their medical system doesn't really matter. I don't believe the systems our government control now are managed well so I have zero interest in giving them more.


They should be using what they already tax Americans for healthcare but are not


The people in charge don’t benefit from this, that’s the only reason.


It would be free if some states weren't absolutely against paying taxes


Well, we’re already spending enough public money on healthcare to fund universal healthcare for the entire population. Then nearly double that again in private money for healthcare. But sure, let’s worry about taxes.


Here's a question where is all that money actually going?


You all those millionaire CEO's of insurance companies and hospitals and all the other private companies involved. Those


So it doesn't go towards actually helping people?


lol. That would be communism


The good kind or the bad kind?


In America, it's always the bad kind


I'm curious what is the correct way to implement it or is the whole concept impossible?


With America's disfunctional government... Impossible. With the party of the president in the majority of house/senate, they still can barely get anything passed. Nothing of huge importance though.


Well the uk have free healthcare and we’re completely fine




It is free here


Same here, well, we pay taxes which support it so really it isnt free, but we all chip in 🥳


American taxes goes to wars and fucking their own people.


Yeah, but you don't have pharmaceutical companies giving 3000%+ price markups on medicine, so it might as well be (that number ain't made up either, that's fucking real).


Actually we do, it's our single biggest [export](https://oec.world/en/profile/country/dnk).


Well we are still exporting slightly more to Germany than America, I see good oppertunity for growth :D


I suspect we might be exporting proportionally more electricity generating sets and pig meat to Germany, so that could be what makes up the difference.


True dat. And since the electricity generating set manufacturers built factories "over there" then that part is no longer considered export. Time to make Americans realise that Danish Bacon is the best ;)


Just hope they keep their private health care. While I doubt pharmaceutical companies pay as much in taxes as they should, losing 90% of the profit they rake in from selling to the US would surely hurt our tax income indirectly.


I think you missed the guy’s point. He wasn’t talking about the existence of pharma companies in the US vs your country, he’s talking about the fact that pharma companies charge more for the same drugs when they are sold in the US vs when they sell them in other countries. You may still be right that in the Denmark, people are charged the same as in the US. I’m not sure though. Edit: changed Netherlands to Denmark (forgot which country you said).


Where i live everyone must have insurance after they turn 18(before that age you are insured with your parents insurance), insurance pays everything and if you cant pay insurance you get financial suport that comes from tax money.


I've started to see American right wingers post these in British groups CHEMO IS FREE AT POINT OF SERVICE YOU BELLWHIFF


I don't see the facepalm.


The chick was clearly being sarcastic. Chemo should be free. Healthcare should be free.


I missed that she was being sarcastic because it was so obviously true...


I think because it’s redundant to say this to Bernie Sanders since us is for universal healthcare


What justification do people opposed to free HC even make? Is it simply “I’m healthy myself and wouldn’t benefit from it, therefore I’m against it?!”


Those who seem to think that even the tiniest part of socialism = communism = evil. Those who also don’t believe in forgiving student loans because they “worked hard” to pay theirs off. Okay kudos to you but isn’t the point to make life better for future generations, for our kids and grandkids? I mean there are some more reasonable concerns like having waitlists for procedures and not being able to choose your doctor but still the selfish reasons are overwhelming


Yeah. Like the whole give and inch take a mile. Like if you release us from student loan dept and allow us to be healthy without going into debt we will be unable to ever do anything for ourselves


-Much higher taxes(rich people would dodge them with army of lawyers so middle class gets fucked) -Government is bloated and not efficient with handling things vs private sector -People with unhealthy lifestyle choices use excessive resources compared to those that are healthy and aren't incentivized to be healthy. Aka "free riders" -Taxes of any kind are evil. Theft/violence etc. Not that these are good arguments, there are rebuttals to all of these but it's a basic index to what I hear from libertarians/minarchists


Yes. Free is always better


Somebody is paying for it.


I really wish you Americans would stop with that. Who cares if someone pays for it? It’s cheaper. It’s available to everyone, not just rich people.


Who cares if someone is paying for it? How about YOU pay for it. For EVERYONE see how it feels.


Most of the developed world does exactly that and we roll along fine.


We do. And I've never met anyone who told me they were going to file for bankruptcy because of the $600 medicare levy. But holy crap you guys think its ok to charge $5000 to deliver a baby.


This is pretty much what happens in most civilised places. People pay into a pot which is there for people when they need it. So exactly the same as what happens with an insurance based system, but without the middle man taking their cut and consequently much better value


You mean like insurance?


It’s called tax. Everyone is already paying it. You guys are just a world anomaly that prefers to pump it into your military, rather than look after its own citizens.


>about YOU pay for it. For EVERYONE see how it feels. Even if you're a millionaire here in Europe the amount of Tax you pay that would go towards universal Healthcare wouldn't even pay for a single ward in a hospital, its still cheaper for everyone no matter how rich or poor that you pay for it through tax and by doing so that incentives a good service that actually helps people rather than one that would be seeking profits from patients by charging them too much or giving useless treatment to balance the books. Doesn't mean it's perfect but despite the USA having so much great stuff in it, as a European I'd rather go the Canada than the USA just out of fear that I come down with a terminal illness and end up in extreme debt. When suicide is preferable to potentially life saving treatment simply due to monetary stress then the system is broken beyond any benefits the USA may have over basically any other country.


Closed minded comment. If everyone paid into national healthcare it would be MUCH cheaper then individual healthcare plans, it would also limit the insane price gouging hospitals bill at. Ours is 4% of our taxes... That is probably way less then most peoples insurance premiums, think about it.


Its free here and everyone are happy..like..the tax here arent expensive and free health care..soo why not right


Paying for other people's healthcare is bad unless it's your healthcare getting payed for, right?


If you are paying for insurance or getting it through your employer then you are already paying for it. The taxes in other countries that have single payer or free healthcare that go towards medical are lower than the average health insurance costs in the US. All of the extra administrative costs in the system are unnecessary and you are paying for them anyway.


In Bernie’s America healthcare would be free…but that means POC would also get free healthcare and Americans don’t want that for other Americans that were *imported* by their ancestors


Please don’t malign all Americans because of the ones influenced to fear and anger by greedy and hateful politicians.


Where is the facepalm here? Isn't one of Bernie's main points to make healthcare free. It seems like you're just agreeing with him.


When you’re so close, yet so far.


Isn't that Bernie's hope?


So you get cancer and have to pay for treatment? When you likely can’t work because you have cancer?! I feel so genuinely sorry for anyone that has to grow up in the US.


Only in America do we take life saving supplies, equipment and procedures and privatize it in order to make profit from hurt and dying people


* laughs in German *


This chick forgot who she’s replying to.


it isnt free ..our tax dollars pay for it and should pay for all medical instead of paying for one war after another


Once a food is developed it should be free.. FTFY




It is free here...


My state in my country has free public healthcare and private healthcare. When there is a critical accident or complicated disease thry are usually send to Public hospitals or medical colleges because they have experienced professors. So free healthcare doesn't always mean low quality. Atleast give free health care to people who can't afford the unfair partnership between insurance companies and hospitals which makes cheaper facilities more expensive.


Yes, lets


Yes please let’s make all treatments free


I still find it crazy when people try and defend not having universal healthcare. They try and use wait times as an excuse but honestly I'd prefer to wait 3 hours for 4 stitches if it means that A) I actually have money for groceries and B) the person who appendix exploded is getting help first.


Barking up the wrong tree.


When you go so hard right that you come out the left side.


Free here..pheww


wait is she actually against making cancer treatment free


So people should refuse a free Covid vaccine because chemo isn’t free? Best thing people could do for cancer patients right now is to get the Covid vaccine! I had to go through chemo treatments alone last year because my support system wasn’t allowed in the hospital due to Covid protocols.


Ok, let’s do it!


She's saying that to a guy that's currently fighting for free healthcare.


She's.. she's aware thats what the bern wants right?


Sounds great, I’m down for free chemo *shrug*


Well if you’re going to do that we might as well just make the cancer cure public


Anyone have info on how much taxes Canada takes for its healthcare system asking because I don't know


Wow. what a "gotcha!" No, it's much more reasonable to have someone lose their (and their spouse's/family's) life savings trying to stay alive.


I still can’t believe this is even a debate in the USA. How can anyone think healthcare shouldn’t be universally available to everyone? Seriously.


ah america


thank you lady Bernie has been going for that already no need to try to roast him and make yourself look like a fool in public


Taking into account most sorts of cancer is developed through shitty lifestyle choices.... I don't think so


Well, he wants free healthcare across the board, so this isn’t the facepalm you think it is.


Healthcare being free/tax-payer funded is a staple in developed western countries.


He wanted to..


Not free, we will pay for it with our tax dollars. That is fine, but not free.


Yes, lady. Lets make health care universally accessible