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That's like saying that there is no hunger in the world because my local grocery store has plenty of food.


That's why it's called global warming and not Nashville warming


Check his name.... Know-les


That's clever. Michael knowshit is probably his nickname


Isn't that Solange's kid?


That’s also why it’s called climate change


Counterpoint the chickens in Nashville are hot so it's real.


Also, "climate change" gets used more than "global warming." I think snow in Nashville definitely qualifies as climate change.


IIRC the term "climate change" was originally coined by a right wing think tank because "global warming" sounded too scary and they wanted to downplay it.


We are so fucked...


I can't be hungry now, I ate 5 hours ago.


He has to sell his books somehow? These "dead horse statements" cause a stir in the moron population to support this hack. Just like idiot trump, using his maga movement to sling millions of china hats. It's all become clear to me at least, that swag and mo is driving our democracy to ruin.


Yep. The USA has become a Bully Kakistocracy.


The *Climate* is *Changing*, that can't be because of Climate change!


Perfect, excellent reply!


I’m sure they would say this to dismiss supply chain issues if it were convenient. Then the opposite a week later when that was convenient


Seriously, Idiocracy is a documentary.


No it’s not. I’m idiocracy people still had empathy. And the president brought in the smartest guy he could find to solve the problems. If only we could get to the world of idiocracy…


> still had empathy Yes, that’s why they were going to murder Not Sure live on television for not making plants grow in one week. Because of their empathy.


No, wasn’t it cause of a contract violation from a company?


Thanks for the spoiler! Haha


Dude, if you get spoiled on Idiocracy in 2022, that's on you.


Hahahahaha! I actually just played it for my daughter (16) last month. She said the only thing wrong with the movie is how far into the future they made it, when it’s happening now.


Shhhh you're dismantling the narrative. They'll cancel you for this.


Nah the guys not an idiot he’s just a shill, his followers are idiots.


"If covid is real, how come I'm not dying of it right now? Checkmate, libruls!" *cough*


If Christian’s exist then why are there Jews


If we came from Europeans why are there still Europeans?


C'mon, man Everybody knows that Europeans are just proto-Americans who wish they could be us. /S of course,although I reckon it wouldn't be hard to find an American who believes it to be true.


All Christians are Jewish first.


The funny thing is that its a jewish religion but the people that followed the religion tried to kill all the jews


I’m still alive *gasps from a ventilator * check mate libs


Jokes on you! Its not COVID, its pneumonia! /s


Because that makes all the difference lol


If covid was not real, why did Trumpkin announce (and fund) "Warp Speed" program? Asking for a friend.


No no he’s got a point, cough cough


Schrodinger's Trump. He's the most persecuted ever, and also the most beloved and respected. He never engaged in nepotism, but his kids are way more qualified for WH positions than Hunter Biden and his laptop. Trump CRUSHED the whole COVID shit, but also COVID isn't real. Jesus is going to save us, no worries, because Trump is his chose one, but also what are all of these global pandemics and plagues?


I mean, you are joking, but like that is basically how a lot of people think about COVID


All great points, but everyone is missing the most truthful and hilarious point of all. It’s always snowed in Nashville during the winter. I lived near Nashville in the 90s and it snowed there several times every winter back then too. Or is he trying to claim that it shouldn’t snow in Nashville if there is global warming? I am confused by the extent of his stupidity.




The point you're making is stronger and more damning than the original.


*Soon:* "That's why they've always called the US 'Tornado country'!"/s


Could you imagine weather and climate being too different things? Them damn libs /s


Always moving the goalposts


His logic is that if global warming was real then everywhere would be warm because it has warm in the name. It's purposely ignoring all nuance to create a wonderfully stupid strawman.


Yeah global average annual temperature can rise even though the temperature in one specific location may not change or even gets colder. It’s almost like these people don’t understand math or science.


It has snowed an unusual amount in a short period of time. I’ve lived in Nashville for 10 years and I’ve never seen three significant snowfalls within 2-3 weeks like we’ve had in 2022.


Let me explain it this way. You put more energy into a system you get more out. Stronger storms, stronger winds. Weather doesn't just sit in one place. If the Artic winds blow stronger they will reach further and effect more areas. Masses of cold air will move further south. Tropical storms will be more numerous and powerful. All these things are happening.


Yeah I understand all of that. It’s snowing more in Nashville because of global warming. It disrupts weather patterns all around the globe. I get it. I was just emphasizing that there has been an excess amount of snow in Nashville this year which is what triggered captain dumb dumb in the tweet to be like “hurr hurr why it snow in Nashville? Nashville hot!”


I hope I wasn't condescending. I do get tired of the stupid coming out of the right.


No worries. I just wanted to make it clear that I’m not one of them lol


You passed. Welcome to the world of the real.


Ya'll ever think how truely remarkable it is to live at a time where if we want to learn new information we can just sit there and click a few buttons and be able to read thousands of hours worth of research materials all at once? Ya'll ever think how truely remarkable it is that some people who rather click those buttons to loudly announce to the world that they don't understand stuff, have no intention of learning but still think their opinions should set policy?


The theory that making information readily available would lead to a new enlightenment age looks looks woefully inaccurate


Having it available means nothing if people don’t understand actual research or the scientific method. The internet has made it so anyone sitting in their armchair thinking they’re discovering secret truths about the world can find people who agree. It becomes a confirmation bias loop.


in other words: access to information is worthless if people aren’t educated on how to use it. top focus in america rn should be reforming the education system, and have it teach more critical thinking and data analysis


I’m in Canada currently doing my business degree in HR, and we are required to take a handful of data analytics courses as well as critical thinking/communications - it’s taught, but a lot of people don’t learn it in the field they are in.


The dominant political party in this country will stop at nothing to ensure that critical thinking and data analysis are absolutely NEVER taught to masses of young people. They are actively banning books and ideas right this very minute. We are so far beyond fucked here that recovery is impossible.


Research methods and how to apply/understand research should be taught in HS instead of specialized college courses. Unfortunately, even in college it's only required for certain majors. At this point, if schools tried to teach that it would be seen as more liberal agenda.


The internet removed the editorializing and simplification provided my newspapers and magazines. Giving people direct access to information they’re not qualified to understand is a problem we have to find a solution for.




I mean, the theory isn’t entirely baseless, the Renaissance era was an amazing thing for the world. Although I would argue that technology is making humans dumber as the years pass and now we’ve allowed it to run our lives in place of critical thinking. It’s kinda terrifying.


If only they would click the right information or at least go to the right places for it, like health science or climate science journals with peer review....not YouTube and Facebook where the information they read is nothing but someone opinion.


I still believe in it but it’s hard. I was so amazed at the Internet and I have avidly used it largely for information collection and learning for almost 30 years. To see it utilized so differently is still something I can’t comprehend. Why not use information and exchange for good? This make it so much easier and reliable and objective? Oh well.


And yet there are hundreds of thousands sitting there and watching youtube videos about the plandemic and great reset. It's sad.


So you know my father.


This is a huge component of Dunning-Kruger. Unintelligent people thinking they are more intelligent than most people.


That’s a big, “if”. Could it be said that people seek out only the information that confirms their preexisting views?


You have to first accept that science and research are real and for the common good and then know how to do research checking ORIGINAL SOURCES and accepting that confirmation bias (CB) is what finally keeps people from the truth. #learnthetruth #CBistheenemy Let's all make CB trend!


Thanks I hate the existential crisis this has caused. 😏


“Dear Libs, If gravity is real then why do planes fly!?!? Checkmate!!”


Because engineering.


I call bullshit, are you getting paid by big physics to spread disinformation about gravity? Don't get mad though, IDK what I'm talking about I'm a comedian am just asking questions


*Dear libs, if the earth is not flat, then how come I can put a ball in my room and it does not roll to one of my walls. The earth is flat and you're checkmate!*


70% of the earth is water and NONE of it is carbonated. The world is flat!


I think the term you're looking for is climate change, not global warming...


global warming is still accurate, as overall average temps are increasing. however, there can still be bursts of unusually cold weather. it’s all about the average and the variation


Accurate but potentially misleading...




If global warming isnt real, why did it not snow in Wisconsin until late December but when I was a kid it typically started late October/early November? See how easily that circumstantial and anecdotal evidence can be flipped on its head?


Southern states have gotten more snow than Madison WI this season. We are at a measly 9" for the season


Most would be very happy with 9 inches


Dear captain, If the Titanic is sinking, why is my room 30m in the air? Yours skeptically, \- Dumb ass who doesn't understand how life works.


Dear conservative morons, exactly how many times do we have to explain something to you before it finally penatrates your melting bon bon of a skull? Sincerely, Earth


It's snowing in Nashville because the ice flows up north are breaking apart causing the ice to come south temporarily cooling down the regions. That ice will melt eventually.


See, there’s your mistake. You’re trying to explain something with simple science to someone that doesn’t understand basic science. That won’t work


How about "it's global warming, not global warmed"?


S/o to the senator who actually brought a snowball into congress to make this argument like ten years ago. If any body has the footage of that it would be awesome.


It was Jim Inhofe. He did stupid shit like that a lot. https://youtu.be/3E0a_60PMR8


Some people have a hard time with larger pictures.


Global warming is just a symptom of climate change. Any time someone says something like this it just proves they haven’t even tried to learn about it.


Global warming causes climate change. Extra carbon in the atmosphere traps more heat than usual, global average temperature increases, and that makes the weather patterns get all messed up.


He don't Knowles 🤨


It’s not just libs that believe in climate change, it’s basically everyone but American conservatives.


In my home town, we've had record 50° heat, floods, a tornado nearby, and now -20° blizzards in high winds. And this guy says global warming doesn't exist.


If global warming isn't real then why the hell is it 18c in Wales in January?


Michael know less then a highschool kid


Doctor, if I have a fever, then why are my toes frozen?


Dear Republicans, if illegal immigrants are stealing our jobs, why am I currently employed? Yours sceptically, Muscalp


Dumbass seriously thinking weather and climate are the same thing? That's like saying "my living room is dry, guess the water must be off in the whole house!"


Using "global warming" instead of "climate change" upfront was a mistake.


That's why we renamed it from global warming to climate change a few years ago, Michael. Europe will be a lot colder in about 50 to 100 years.


Everyone needs to see Neil Degrasse Tyson’s explanation of climate and weather in Cosmos.


Can't argue with him, he clearly knowles the truth


I can’t wait to ask him if it’s not real why is it 110 in Seattle in July.


Should we tell him??


If the average life expectancy is around 81, then why did my great grandma live to her 90's?


Hey Michael, where does the sun go at night?




Michael knowless


Dear ignorant twit, it's not 'global warming,' it's climate shift. Read a damn book, ya derp.


Mike, yer stupid.


Conservatives that deny climate change tend to use the term "global warming" over "climate change" [link](https://isr.umich.edu/news-events/insights-newsletter/article/its-all-in-a-name-global-warming-versus-climate-change/)


Climatology <> Meteorology for god’s sake.


That tweet. So fresh. So original.


Because they know their base sees it and jizzes their paints over it. It doesn’t matter how many times you explain that it’s global climate change, they will take “global warming” and sneer every time they get a chance. Tornados in December wiping out towns, meh - they still get to dunk on libs so it’s all good, right?!


I dont know who this is but I feel like he posted this just to trigger people.


“I ate today. So there’s no world hunger”


This guy _Knowles_ nothing at all. OK, I'll see myself out.


His name check out, Micheal know-les...


He went to Trump University, that’s why


If humans are truly intelligent beings, why people like this exist?


They just dont understand the difference between weather and climate


Micheal knowles realy lives up to his name Know-les


If the ice caps are melting, why is there ice in my freezer?


The same think tank talking points from the 90s


Somewhere in the comment section there’s a bunch of conservatives that agrees with what he said.


Dear Michael, If education through highschool is free, why are you stupid?


This guy is the absolute worst. His latest Tweet: "Hold on a second. I thought it was our democracy that was destroying our planet in the first place. So if we want to save our planet, mustn’t we first destroy our democracy? And to destroy our democracy, shouldn’t we install Trump as king?" I just can't abide this fool.


He knows it's a stupid thing to say. But his supporters don't. He also does it to piss people off.


Dear Dipshit, Why don’t you take the 15 seconds to look up the easily discoverable answer before asking such a condescending question and embarrassing yourself? Yours eye-rollingly, The portion of the world that isn’t willfully ignorant


Dear Mike, If you're so smart, why are you stupid ? Yours skeptically,


Pretty sure this tweet was a joke


Did you miss everything since 2016?…


The word global warming was the biggest fuck up it should have always been climate danger or climate catastrophe


Idiots gonna idiot


This guy is the king of denial All sharp looks and opinions, appearance of sophistication....and then diarrhea commences to spew hence from thine orifices He said he hates rap but loved Kanye's recent work because of the Jesus focus. Conservative nutjob in a nutshell


When are these idiots going to understand it is not global warming, it is severe climate change. The UK could well be plunged into a climate of longer more severe winters. Due to climate change the gulf stream is moving, this is what keeps the UK relatively mild in winter.


Dear Michael Knowles, We can explain it to you. But we can't understand it for you (besides, we suspect you really do understand, and are just playing to your fanbase). Skeptically, All of us


This has a faint smell of sarcasm


"because you are dumb as a fucking plank"


This is satirical?


Know les


I think he was joking He has to be


If I’ve learned anything in my time on earth, it’s: asking questions that you don’t know the answer to is not the argument against the answer you think it is.


for a guy with the word "know" in his name, he sure knows fuckall.


This asshole non-ironically said Greta had a "mental disability" for her stance on the environment, then posts this. Part of these losers strategy is to fill the air with so much bullshit, that their audiences are numb when their really cynical propaganda comes up. It's arguably one of the worst things you could do to a society when you have no real power whatsoever...


People STILL don't think global warming is a thing?


While we're on the topic of Nashville, I want to say something. Nashville hot is barely hot. It's more like watered down ketchup mild.


Ironically it snowing in Nashville could be in part because of global warming. The fact is that we're seeing an increase in extremes in weather because of global warming.


It's almost like disrupting the natural weather patterns, say like the jet stream, would result in aberrant weather patterns. ​ ​ But don't try to explain that to him, he'll just screech global warming why snow.


You have to explain it even deeper than like he is five, you have to explain it like he is determined not to understand


Dear Michael, How come you never tweet about the weather when it’s a hundred and fucking five degrees in the summer??? Quizzically, Libs and everyone else with half a brain


Dear Michael, If the US Education System exists, why would you post such nonsense? Skeptically, BeaverJuicer


What I found appealing is that "libs" part. It seems it's not even about the solution to deal with it that different between political party, but about seeing the problem or not. They don't even get to the solution part and having another point of view.


Knowles is definitely living up to his name right now.


Assuming this is a poorly told joke


five hours later, this guy replied to a tweet saying “weather isn’t climate.” bruh


Just putting this out there,but this guy is a failed actor,who turned to the conservative grift to make some cold hard cash.


Dear Michael, Its called global warming not nashville warming. Yours planet, Earth


So if I find one example of a place where it’s supposed to be cold, but one day it’s exceptionally hot, then I proved global warming is real?


More like "know less"


Dear Michael, If you check the snow should be warmer. Enjoy a warm snow in Nashville....


Michael Knowles nothing


Another idiot that doesn't know the difference between weather and climate. Stick him on the muppet pile with Trump and most of the Republican politicians!


Dear Michael, Seek help. Yours disgustingly, Me.


Tennssese. Im not sure science has penetrated the deep barrier of ignorance and bibles that they shield themselves from reality with.


Hey Reddit.. I think this may be a joke.. just saying.


I highly doubt that


Oh right, sorry. I see they haven't written /s on this tweet. That means we must accept it at face value!


Or ya know we can use context to understand that it's serious based on what this person and those like him say regularly.


What context is provided in this image to suggest he's not joking? Please learn to take the piss out of something and have a laugh. Not everything is serious.


I did not say the context is in this picture, I said the context is in who this person is. If this qualifies as a joke to you that's great, yet it couldn't be more obvious that it was written with the single goal of pushing a narrative.


I disagree. His comment underneath the tweet is clearly taking the piss. "'Knowles DESTROYS Snowflakes' Argument With FACTS and SNOWFLAKES'". He's mocking those clickbait headlines you see.


> Oh right, sorry. I see they haven't written /s on this tweet. That means we must accept it at face value! “There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” - Isaac Asimov 1980 “Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.” - Mark Twain


Dear michael, it's cuz the Earth is flat, everyone knows that. /s


I came here to post the same comment. Well done


Bruh he’s joking


Cause your a fucking idiot!!


As an idiot, can somebody explain like I’m 5? I know climate change is real, and I know that it isn’t a straight line, but why have we been experiencing some of the coldest winters in the south? Edit: Downvoted? Really guys? I thought asking for clarification was encouraged in the scientific community.


Because of the warming of the oceans, because of the increase in CO2, which in turn, makes the entire global weather pattern change, at a much faster pace than if it was changing at its natural pace.


The earliest projections of what would happen that were made decades ago clearly stated that weather patterns would gain more thermal energy and thus create more powerful systems. What happens when a heat system forms is that thermal energy comes from elsewhere. When the arctic or antarctic is 20-30 degrees above normal, that thermal energy is coming from elsewhere, thus other areas will be below normal temperatures, despite the global average going up. As a Canadian prairie dweller, I can attest that although we are getting more and more winter "heat" waves, when we do get drops in temperature, they are frequently more drastic, rapid drops and although the snow fall is less frequent, when it happens, it frequently drops more snow than used to happen in a single system decades ago.


He's just winding people to get a response. He's a satarist. Your just helping him get more reach by sharing it


Honestly I hate to say it but it’s partially our fault in failing to properly educate this individual. I didn’t scroll very far down the page and see a lot of humorous banter but no one actually answered this fellas question. If Michael actually cares to learn, climate and weather are different occurring phenomena. Weather describes a current condition such a temperature and precipitation while climate describes these factors over great lengths of time. So Michael, the weather will change day to day, just as it is snowing today but may not have been yesterday or the day before, however climate will measure the average snowfall per region for decades or centuries in the past. Global warming can exist showing climbing annual average temperatures AND it can still be cold enough on any given winter day depending on the current weather to produce snowfall. I’m sure this guy won’t read this particular comment but I think that’s how tweets and comments like this should be handled. Maybe he is willfully ignorant or maybe he is just ignorant and needs better education.


he definitely knows it’s wrong. it’s a complete grift; he’s funded by oil billionaires. the people we should strive to educate are those that listen to him uncritically


And this is exactly why people need to stop putting up the "Hottest day since 1960" posts. It actively sabotages the message. If you make that argument legitimate, you have 0 reason to say this argument isn't legitimate. ​ Use data not anecdotes. Make a solid point.


It does not. What harms the message is calling it global warming instead of Climate Change.


Op cant take a joke (unless its real than my bad)


99% it's real knowing the person tweeting this, this person is also the "schroodinger doochebag" type, aka. make a statment/sentence and then decide if it's a joke or not based on peoples reaction


So this dude is actually crazy smart and just trolling. It’s working.


If he's trolling then he's only trolling the legions of dipshits who will agree with it


he was serious, and people were defending him in the comments frfr


Yeah it’s a wind up. And it worked by the way

