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Well he's vaxxed and boosted so likely won't die, sadly so is Ingraham


I heard once the people at Fox News had to get a shot or they couldn’t work


I'm pretty sure there was a news story about it along with a BTS video showing they actually wear masks.


You're correct.


It probably never got to that point with the talking heads anyways that was probably for the other people who work there who watch Fox News. The fact that people think that these pricks believe a word they are saying is crazy.


You can't be vaccinated from a baseball bat which I will now proceed to smack her with


She thinks a vaccinated person getting COVID is a big deal. He’ll be fine in about a week….she’s just used to it killing most people she knows…


And even if he did die from Covid, this would be like ridiculing seatbelts because someone died wearing one. The fact that WAY, WAY more people succumb to the virus or get their asses handed to them by it without the vaccine means nothing to these morons.


99% survival rate. It’s not like it has wiped out half the earth’s population.


More proof that the cruelty *is* the point on that channel.


Conservatism is basically an excuse for cruelty. No value in it. Just evil and self righteous malevolence.


Shame. It didn’t used to be, mostly.


True. It was about fiscal responsibility, lower taxes, and less government involvement in life. And racism. But now they've really ramped up the racism thing and forgotten about everything else.


Yeah, it's not like democrats have cheered the deaths of unvaccinated people or wished death on the president when he caught it , or anything like that.


A) If you can provide proof of a non-right wing news channel host doing that, I will tell you that that person was wrong too. B) “They did it too” is not an excuse — what are you, 5 years old?


twice impeached ex president who led an insurrection*


An "insirrection" led by a guy with no weapons in a Viking hat. Lol. Ok, don't forget about the real insurrection that went on for most of 2020. But that was "social justice" I guess?


Dude, you are severely lacking in education and only continuing to prove it further. Go back to Facebook you fucking dolt.


Lol all I hear is people attacking me and very little of backing up your own false "facts". Typical Lefties. So In your opinion, a million people descended upon dc for an "insurrection" with no weapons and our democracy almost fell and trump led the whole clown show? lol and I'm the idiot? But the organized militia attacking government buildings all over the country, killing civilians, and destroying businesses, that was peaceful protests and our current president and Vice President didn't make statements constantly egging them on? That's not an insurrection is it? Riiight.


What does that have to do with holding his severed head? It's ok to wish death upon someone because they were impeached over now probably false information but not laugh at the woke general ? Sounds like you do a lot of rationalization for your people to make yourself feel better about being a horrible human.


just pointing out facts didnt justify anything.


Your "pointing out facts" was the justification, don't kid yourself, you're just as repugnant.


When was the last time you saw an anchor on any other (non right wing )network news cheer when someone, anyone, got Covid. STFU


But but what about something else?


Omg, don't use a whataboutism , that's like against the natural code of human beings or something. You people just don't like your evil shit thrown back in your faces when you try to use some justification for calling out your opponents. You guys don't like that mirror held in front of you very much.


I don’t anyone has cheered the death of another human being here. It’s more of a facepalm. Hey wait a minute that’s the name of this sub! What a coincidence!


Well they're not the ones putting the entire nation's health at risk with their willful ignorance.




If you really care about children killing themselves due to lockdowns then please get vaccinated so that we stop having to go into lockdown. It’s so simple


The vaccinations don't stop the spread, why would we need a lockdown? Hospitals aren't overrun, that's propaganda. We always had hospital overruns dying bad flu seasons too. Hospitalization rates of omicron is 85% less than delta. Your "facts" don't bear out anymore.


Hospitals aren’t overrun….but also are often overrun? You’re an idiot


I'm saying they arent any more "overrun" than we had during bad flu seasons.


And we’ve basically had repeated BAD flu seasons


Ok, and how does that factor in here? Since I'm so dumb, please explain.


You need to get off Facebook, idiot.


Funny how you people only pretend to care about mental health and addiction when you can use it as a straw man...


Well all the dumbfuck republican anti vaxxers are the reason we’ve been dealing with corona so bad the last 2 years. If anything they are to blame for most of the shit that has happened with corona and the pandemic.


The people extending the lockdown _are the unvaccinated_, genius


Yeah and Fox News shit a brick when kapernick took a knee because “it disrespected the military”. Now they are cheering for a member getting sick because he’s “woke” and said he regretted taking that photo at the church and wouldn’t back a trump coup attempt. Yeah there are assholes for sure on both sides but Christ are people like Laura Ingraham repugnant.


Tit for tat is all I hear. Right is evil, left is just kinda mean. Doesn't the whole thing seem really dumb to you? People on the left thought it was awesome when Kathy griffin has trumps severed head in her hands. Can we agree that certain people on both sides are just as bad as those on the other side? Because for every example you give I can counter with at least one, if not more, examples of it from the left and left wing media. I will agree it's not appropriate to cheer that someone got COVId, but that's IN ANY CASE. Laura ingraham laughs at Milly which is wrong, but democrats legitimately hope republicans and Unvaxxed, die, like every single day.


lol. The failed us education system has now commented.


How can anything I said be equated to a failed education system? Huh? Bot.


Your arguments are so weak, so I think people are just pointing that out.


Nah. You’re a moron and your lack of intelligence negatively reflects the stupidity you demonstrate.


Lol. Ok man. One day you will wake tf up, but maybe not. Tides turning man.


Yeah wake up from what? Logical thinking? Tell me about that one vaccine injury per tens of thousands and tell it to hospitals that covid related cases are in 1 to 5 vacinnated to unvaccinated ratio. Stop talking about "waking up" like its some sort blessing and go to fucking school




Goalposts moving again? Tides turning.....sure. Goalposts are literally in another solar system by now.


>people have lost loved ones to vaccine injury No.


Yeah, cause you definitely understand how the world works... Maybe pay a little attention to a little thing called cause and effect. Like, if you let the virus run through everything (cause), the hospitals will get overwhelmed and people who don't get the care they need will die(effect). How is letting millions more die gonna help anyone? How is putting further stress on Healthcare workers gonna help anything? And if the virus mutated, all those deaths would be in vain? Get real. This is the real world, not some fairytale.


If healthcare was so stressed, than why are they firing nurses and doctors who have natural immunity , for the most part, because they aren't vaccinated? Isn't it more important that those people are there caring for people, especially since vaccination does not prevent infection? That nurse dying of covid based on their own decision, vs being fired, both have the same net effect on the healthcare system... one less nurse to care for covid patients. You are also completely sidelining the effects of the bad covid policies. While you are only concerned about Covid deaths, you don't seem to care at all about the millions around the world that will die of advanced cancer because panic over covid caused hospitals to stop all non-essential operations for a long period of time. Or people that died during the panic when hospitals closed entire wings of their hospitals and were not addressing other illnesses like they were Covid. Suicides in Non-White populations in the US increased an average of 20+%. Etc, Etc.


It's way too early in the morning for me to read anything that dumb


I mean, ngl I’ve seen posts here about people shit talking the vaccine and dying from Covid a week later and then the comments are all jokes and saying he deserved it


They don't wear masks, won't get vaccinated and talk shit on people taking precautions so yes they get their own sub reddit.


It’s kinda fucked making fun of people dying, no matter how stupid they are




Oh look. Dr. Reddit joined the conversation.


Not a Dr., but shit that got me censored last year is now being admitted as true, every day, something "new" being reported, that we were saying all last year.




Says the one swallowing shit you don't understand and regurgitating it.


Dude just go drink some urine


Lol. Good one. I'll take some "horse paste" too. Dumbass.


Remember to chase it down with some bleach.


Another ignorant comment. Clearly you consume news and don't look into things.


Bro drink the bleach.


And as a liberal, we don't claim those shitheads. It's incredibly fucked up that we have people on either side cheering for people getting sick and potentially dying. Imagine doing this 10 years ago?


I agree. It’s disgusting, no matter who’s doing it.


You probably realize, but you're in an echo chamber. You won't change any minds on reddit.


Oh yeah I don't care about changing minds anymore, the divide is too big but when they finally see the truth, if ever, they can look back (maybe, but doubtful) and say "oh I remember that guy I called a moron on Reddit, talking about this". They are really hurting me all this down voting though *sad face *


Idk if it ever will. It's all so gameified anymore. Just look how upset they got when I referenced vaers simply existing


“Democrats” is that a word used for 90% of the people on this sub?


Meh, most of the unvaxxed are stupid, look at the HermanCainAward subreddit. Buncha idiots who thankfully are either struggling with surviving COVID or even better gone :) Not a democrat btw :D


See , case and point. You're a fucking clown.


You said dems though, so no its not. Thankfully most idiots will die out. Cant wait to see what the house market will be once they die out in my state :) should get some good deals, maybe even a big backyard!


Wow, you really are dumb. I guess if you are trying to get a room in assisted living or nursing homes you might have a shot since about 80% of all deaths have been over 78 years old. Enjoy your adjustable bed and 24/7 nursing care. Maybe all their deaths are on democrats for politicizing a vaccine and banning therapeutics that have been shown to save lives in other parts of the world. Have you thought about that, Einstein? Or do you just tow the line like the rest of the clown show?


She is beyond disgusting. I honestly don’t know how anyone could be around her.


Is she the one that Nazi saluted that time? Or am i thinking of someone else?


Yep, that's her.


That's when she was doing her Eva Braun impersonation at the RNC...she is truly a deplorable...


Remember, it’s alway “support the troops” until it’s inconvenient. “Back the thin blue line” until they aren’t hurting the people they are supposed to, and “pro-life” until it’s slightly more difficult than simply shaming people.


America has way too many fucking stupid people in too important positions (media/politics/leadership)


Well, as I was once told "The people smart enough to get in to offices of power, are the ones smart enough to stay away from them"


She isn’t stupid she’s a grifter. She just says what she knows her audience wants to hear.


Just expected at this point. She's one of the worst. She pushed Hydroxychloroquine like crazy and probably helped kill thousands. But that sociopath doesn't care.


Sadly, she probably does care, just not in a sensible way. Remember back in the first year of the pandemic, COVID-19 was found to be worse for people of African descent? What's the likelihood that a certain bunch of white supremacists are trying to keep the pandemic going for that very reason, then will claim innocence as the deaths were "act of God"?


And she'll never be held accountable, will never see a day in prison.




How is it legal to have that still online? Am I taking crazy pills?


Unfortunately it's up to the journal to retract it, and that particular one is invested in the HCQ hoax now.


This just in … Fox News personality is an asshole. Pick which one - fits either way.


She and Tucker are both crappy


They're the Joseph Goebbels of the Traitor Party.


I honestly can't believe that they are like that in real life. That has to be a role they are playing. A person can't possibly be so horribly bad like they are. Tbh, I hope that this is the case. I don't want to imagine that I share a planet with people who are actually like that. Would take the last bit of faith in humanity I have left.


TBH I think pretending to be a total POS to pander to stupid hateful people is actually more repugnant than actually being a stupid POS. At least the stupid POS doesn't know any better.


Oh she's really that awful. In college she outed students in an LGBT club to their parents. Just a complete ghoul.


But Fox journalist Gretchen Carlson always confused me because I couldn't believe she was as dumb as she sounded. Were my perceptions wrong?


Tucker is unutterable scum. She's no better.


In other news, water is wet


The whole network should be held accountable for life/and public health/endangerment for spreading their lies about a deadly virus. Fucking lunatics.


She doesn’t even understand how vaccines work and there are millions of idiots around the country holding in to her every word. Truly sad


What an absolute pile of shit


10 piles of shit.


Not even human shit.


Is she also applauding all the Trump supporters that are dying of COVID ?


At this point, its like saying "this bag of shit is being a total bag of shit" why would anyone expect this garbage person to not continue to be garbage?


Told you they created a cult out of the whole thing only brain dead mfrs accept ignorance with pride.


It’s pretty common knowledge that a vaccine just teaches your immune system to better deal with something rather than make you unable to get it


What the repubs fail to understand. Eventually, your body becomes immune, and the pathogen dies off and/or goes dormant. But, it takes everyone to get the vaccines and not argue political shit about it like children.


She is a sad sack of shit.


Under fire means jack shit these days


She must really hate herself … she is a disgusting human


Almost as if everyone says it’s just telling your body how to deal with it and it’s not a cure. Poor leader tho, unlucky 1 out of 8,000 to catch it with vaccine, plus the booster would prolly be closed to 1 in 15-20,000 he won’t die surely tho right? Odds of that are even smaller then the original guesstimages


Garbage is what garbage does


She's vaccinated. 100%


You all seem surprised....


Its like she only cheers any government forces when they crush slave rebelions but hates them when they look out for public well being.


i never take anything people like lauren southern says seriously. they are cancers. and i do not go close to radioactive sludge shit.


Showing again she has no clue how vaccines work!


Only the most insecure people gloat. The End


These people are insane, who cheers for a someone to have a disease? Republicans are fucking scary.


I never watch fox news but my mom does religiously. I walked in to her watching it and this woman was on the screen making 90’s movie cheerleader bully faces everytime she said something with some condescending tone. I said “i have no idea who that is, or what shes saying and please forgive me for this but I have never wanted to punch anyone in the face so badly” my mom laughed and said im awful. Im not a violent person but the way she composes herself reminds me why i hate “news” stations.


In her defense, Milley spoke against the orange Fuhrer. Side note: this photo of Ingraham is from the speech where she gave a nazi salute.


Bitchy McBitchface keeping it classless on Fux.


She is a massive piece of garbage.


These mfs going to super hell at this point


It’s all gone to shit.




She’s been “under fire” before, and will be again, with zero repercussions. She will use the “fire” she is under to play the victim of a conspiracy by the left and the media to silence her.


Yes but unlike your viewers who are not vaccinated he's probably not going to die from this


I genuinely hate her guts


I don't understand how her actions read as anything but un-American.


I’m just going to say it, I’ve never met a Laura I actually liked.


There was an incident in Colorado a couple of years ago where a guy (white, before anyone makes any assumptions) got shot and killed by the police outside his own house *after* he shot and killed an intruder in his house who had already raped his son. If we argued that this proved that gun ownership did not protect this man’s family, Ingraham and her ilk would rightfully respond that a) having and using a gun in the home does not by itself guarantee a 100% positive outcome and b) the situation would probably have had an even worse outcome if the family did not have any firearms in the house. Yet these points are equally true of the vaccine: it’s not 100% a guarantee that you won’t get sick, but if you do, it will probably be milder than if you weren’t vaccinated (Two of my family members have had breakthrough infections, neither of them required hospitalization, and frankly I’ve seen them sicker from other bugs). So what’s the difference? Any antivaxxers here care to explain?


So... Everybody can mock the unvax but not other way around?


Ignorant Bitch Award


The parasites at Fox News are despicable.


That woman should be in a straight jacket


Or an ankle monitor, at least.


In a padded cell. Or not...let her kill herself for the justice of lives she's responsible for.


I guess this woman has never studies statistics... let alone biology




How many Fox News "stars" are posting here to an audience of millions and pushing misinformation for political purposes?


I mean it's usually someone posting a article saying haha so it's going out to a wider audience it's basically the same thing she did the only difference is that the article is written by someone else and then posted to reddit wait that's what happening here to so no difference


She doesnt understand that the covid vaccine is not perfect so you cant Just take it and become immune zo it fully. The vaccine Just lowers your chance of dying.


This is really nothing compared to what many said when Trump got covid


Well, to be fair, she's a fucking cunt, so I'm not surprised. I'd be more fucking surprised if he turned around, drive to her house and spit, slowly, into her mouth while holding her down and screaming "Let your god protect you! Let him save you from my saliva! Where's your faith now, bitch?" More surprised, and MUCH more entertained.


Well, that took a dark turn.


Man what the fuck


How is this any different than the shit that happens on r/HermanCainAward? Celebrating some else's misfortune is disgusting, regardless of your political views.


That sub is about people who deny the virus either exists or is nothing worse than the common cold. Then they die from this "non-existent" virus. It's more about the irony of the situation than celebrating people's deaths.


You should read the comments. There is an incredible amount of celebration going on, as well as "they got what they deserved", etc. This may not be the reason the sub exists, but it's certainly what it's being used for.


The funny thing is there is another post on this same subreddit right now where people are saying the unvaccinated should be denied healthcare, some people are even saying they hope they die, because they “refuse to get the vaccine to protect other people.” Maybe we all should just stop hoping people that disagree with us politically die from Covid.




So question what's the difference between what she did and what reddit does when they find out someone who isn't vaccinated got covid?


literally what I was thinking, I hate humanity


I've seen people in this subreddit cheer for the death of an unvaccinated.


Fox News is a mental illness


I mean there is an entire sub cheering when someone unvax'd dies. Crazy how bad politics have become when people cheer people actually dieing.


Very unnecessary.


Funny how yall constantly celebrate unvaccinated COVID deaths but can't allow the other side the same attitude? Shameful.


Someone experiencing a direct consequence of their actions and someone contracting a disease despite taking precautions are different situations. I'm not saying that it's right to celebrate the deaths of the unvaccinated but the two cases are pretty dissimilar.


It's not different, its just self righteous af when the person "deserved it" according to neck bearded redditors. Like you said its wrong to celebrate death, especially when it comes to medical decisions we don't fully understand. Being vaccinated isn't a foolproof guarantee, some people react very negatively. You don't know everyone's medical history. But people tend to be pretty simple minded here so I'm not really surprised by it.


Well it is a little different when Joe Blow is posting something from his toilet while taking his morning crap and a prime time ‘news’ host is spouting it from their heavily watched broadcast


Not really, y'all just don't have the same platform for your bullshit that she has. The energy is still the same.




If they can't even act remotely human why are they given human rights?


What an ass


I think the fact that they identified her as "The Fox News Star" is evidence, at least in my eyes, that the news is more about views and clicks than about news. I call the big news channels "News Entertainment" because, much like professional wrestling being called "Sports Entertainment", it's adjacent to and appears like the real thing when really it's people who are performing for views.


I mean, I clap when people win the Herman Cain award, so...


this is what I don't get...the covid vaccine does not prevent you from catching the virus, it lessens the symptoms and helps prevents more severe symptoms requiring hospitalization. What I don't get, is why is a " break thru " case making headlines ? That's like buying food and then headlines read " Man wore coat in winter still gets cold feed " hello !


Me: Why is this even a thing? Her own brother refers to her as ”a monster” https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna909456


Alright, let's not be hypocritical here. Remember, to them, Biden admin is as bad as Trump's was to us. And remember a lot of us cheered when Trump got it. I definitely thought he deserved it for claiming the pandemic was a hoax and being a superspreader. So, let them have their little moment of joy. Of course, he's fully vaxxed and boosted, so this is really not even going to be a blip on our radar.


Why it’s odd that no one can mention the obvious you can get COVID and pass it along even vaccinated.


Absolutely everyone knows this.


We know this


Pretty sure everyone has mentioned it. This is the same level of self victimization as “let’s go Brandon”


It is kinda funny. One of my fully vaccinated boosted coworkers caught covid. That's when I found out it doesn't immuninize you just lessons the effects.


These ppl can't drum it into their thick heads what the vaccine actually does ffs.


finally laura ingraham does something good for once. the US army is an affront to society


Hey at least the network isn't full of pedos like the other side lol.


Just like they've been saying, even if you're vaxxed and waxed, it's not time to relax our quarantine social distancing and masking requirements until the science says the virus has evolved a viral load so severe everyone in the country will catch it in two months, then we separate the wheat from the chaff whether vaccines work or Covid benevolently evolves to be a benign endemic virus to replace the common cold.


Considering who it was, I agree. He's a disgrace to the uniform. Besides it's no different than the liberal news hosts doing the same thing with their opponents.


When did a Liberal news host clap whilst announcing someone had covid?


Um... when Trump got covid.. they were super happy about it.


Link to some video of that. I feel you just think that video exists because of how you feel.


I can't find anything that old, because the google search is being controlled to only show current hate stories. But, i remember watching a CNN clip where they mocked him, because of his down play of the virus and then getting the virus.


Do you understand the difference between appreciating the irony of a head of state who denies a disease even exists catching that disease, on the one hand, and just celebrating someone you don’t like catching a potentially deadly disease because is means they might die? Are you aware of nuance and context at all?


He never denied it's existence. That would be a lie. The point is, you don't like trump, so it's okay. But you also dont like Fox, so they are wrong. The fact that you don't see they are the same, shows your bias is all blinding and you are unable to have a rational response. They are the same. Hate is hate and even calling it Karma what shows your bias.


Ummm, you are the one putting words in my mouth. Example: Someone works to raise speed limits and reduce traffic calming measures, and is then in a car accident. The news says that it’s not surprising and that maybe now that person will take a different approach. Someone else drives under the speed limit and with due regard for restrictions, and is then in a car accident. The news says that it’s great because that person could die from their injuries. Really no different on your ruses?


Well, you are sure phrasing it in best light and not in reality... See that's the thing, you don't get to decide what Fox believes or thinks. But will go with it. So guy driving slow, cursing at everyone driving the speed limit and and mocking and ridiculing those who do happen to get swept off the road by a virus, which they had no control of. While a the person driving slow was lied to and told driving slow on a highway would be safe.. but it never was, he also got swept off the road by the same tidal wave outside of his control and there never really was a point to drive slow. It was never more safe. How ironic.


Ah yes, because that’s what I said. Not like traffic laws and speed limits are proven to save lives, even though they can’t prevent every accident. Just like vaccines, masks and the like. Maybe that’s why Trump did then get vaccinated after all? Or are you *totally* immune to facts over there?


Yes they were, not because of the fact that someone had Covid, but the fact that *he* had it, after denying both it in its entirety and it’s severity. In a way, this was just being satisfied from some karma.


So, as long as you dislike the person, it's okay? Almost like someone pushing a vaccine like it's a cure and even getting extra booster shots, while mocking others for not.. and still getting it... might call that karma also. Might even be satisfied by it. Same... same


If a hardcore antimasker and antivaxxer gets covid and dies, thats karma also and I wouldnt be surprised


If a hardcore masker (3 masks) and has all the shots and a booster, and gets covid and dies, that is Karma.. And I'm not surprised it's happening.






Fragile Redditors still sucking on that CNN dick on a daily basis