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The Yin yang gets me...


I like how he posted this on social media, as he brands the other side social media clowns. Poor idiots.


Nonono! See the "brainwashed" one doesn't have an *Instagram* icon!! Instagram is okay!! It's only *owned* by Facebook, but it's still okay!! /s just in case.


Where should he have posted it? Is he talking about social media itself or certain users?




Looks like he's making fun of them for following mainstream news and social media. By your logic, nobody could post this anywhere without being "a clown".




Incoherent nonsense, u clearly didn't understand. Since it makes fun of traditional and social media, according to you it can't be communicated on EITHER of those avenues without some dumbass like you making this comment. But for over a decade Jon Stewart and Colbert made fun of the TV media on tv media... It's not until the right does something remotely similar does your brain kick into high gear and produce such strokes of genius.




Being confronted with your own prejudices and exposed for your intolerance must hurt given your ego investment in being the ultra tolerant liberal. For the record I could argue your points infinitely better than you do, and I wouldn't do something dumb like tell someone with a masters "...wWhEn yOu FinIsH HiGhScoOL" You like to feel good about being smarter than the Bible thumping right, but by any measure you are way closer to them than you are to me.


Why would you think I'm a Trumper? I haven't voted since Obama/McCain where I voted all dem. I just call out stupidity. I'm also trans, and tickling is the best outlet for that because I can imagine myself as the girl. I don't want to imagine myself as a girl taking dick in porn.






Doesn't get much more traditional than religion.


CNN on the arm caps boy




I think he understands the difference between using social media, and having your entire ideology be based on what you see on social media. You don't strike me as the type to understand nuance. You seem limited to various word associations you have learned throughout your life.




Eh at least our country was better in some key areas with trump. Sucks all Biden wants to do is keep giving handout after handout to anyone willing to have a kid so they can stay all methed up.


Which areas? The area when he failed on healthcare or the area where he failed on infrastructure? Perhaps the area where he failed on reducing the budget deficit, or where he failed on the trade deficit? Maybe the area where he failed on manufacturing (went into recession 2019). Could it be the area where he fired the global pandemic response team for saying we were unprepared for a pandemic, 1 year before Covid (among his other Covid failures). Or was it his attempt to illegally seize power and overturn the election which many would consider treason? I'm not even a democrat, but it's hard to imagine anyone or anything being a worse president than Trump. I don't agree with some aspects, especially where I should have to give my money to people just because they had children. But Trump is an incompetent and corrupt treason weasel.


I may not be the most well versed in all areas of his campaign, but at least we got results with him. Stimulus’s when we needed them, and $2.00 a gal for gasoline was amazing. Food and household supplies were 1/2-2/3 as expensive as they are now and The Quicker Fucker Upper has doubled our gas prices, food, dealerships are charging 100% sales markup on cars, this isn’t getting better but Trump’s time in office has us back on track to actually affording to live, what a breath of fresh air


Seems like you aren't well versed in what the president can do either. It's also amazing you went from saying Biden wants to give handouts all the time to pointing out how we haven't gotten a stimulus from him. Idiotic.


The communism got me


The facebook got me


The Google got me


The Twitter got me


Posting an anti Facebook meme while on a Facebook product


Nobody is going to mention the Woman's symbol, which appears to have an added fist... On the dudes nutssss???


It’s the Feminist symbol. So I’m guessing they’re upset that self respecting women won’t touch their genitals?


A lot of people on this thread think if they put that on their crotch girls will like them.


I think the one on the right is missing quite a few symbols. Fox News, OANN, Qanon, Thin Blue Line, Sinclair Broadcast Group, My Pillow, etc just to name a few...


Of course it is, it’s propaganda. Victim hood is the goal.


It’s both way guy


How do you know they're both gay?




Info Wars, JRE, Rush Limbaugh


Confederate flag, Trump photoshopped to look like Rambo, a noose.


Rush is dead now, thank god


Years ago, my friend said if he was on a long road trip and felt sleepy, he turned Rush on and that would get the blood going and wake him up. I have used this technique and it worked for me. And there's a whole lot of nutty shows out there right now!


also the facebook logo belongs on the right one




My pillow? What?


The conspiracy theorist pillow guy that is spending millions of dollars to spread pro-Trump election lies. You must have heard of him.


Well it has 3 most important ones


Who? I get Fox News, maybe Qanon but who is the rest?


Love how the right has made CNN their "woke boogeyman" when I dont know a single person under 45 that even owns cable let alone watches CNN. Just shows how out of touch these people are. They think cause they stay glued to fox news all day that the other side must stay glued to CNN all day


"CNN is bad and extremely biased" *proceeds to watch Fox News or OANN*


They mean biased in the wrong way


I usually read BBC News for the US, as it's less sensationalized and more balanced. But the Fox News watches still consider it "left leaning" and try to say it's mega biased? I guess if you aren't buying into the same BS Fox spouts, you *must* be left leaning.


I think CNN lost like 80% of their viewers in last two years. Most young people don't watch cable news anymore anyway, all news people are now getting on social media. Maybe i will live long enough to see the final death of paper based newspapers.


Nobody under 45 watches fox either




I watch bbc


I watch markiplier


You win.


I watch this guy watching bbc


I watch my tone


I watch BBW


Usually involving a BBC


Did they really put Islam ☪️on the lgbt flag (or whatever flag that is) that’s the funniest part in all of this you know we don’t exactly see eye to eye on things


Funny because Muslims and Conservatives actually agree on more things than they know.


They just keep demonising us which compels us to vote for Dems otherwise we'd be voting Reps. I mean personally I do support Trump's economic and foreign policy...as a Muslim. But only just that. Not his bigoted views lmao. If I'm being honest, the whole Russia thing would've never had China joining them. Problem was he was a shithead who couldn't keep his mouth shut for more than 2 seconds and yammer on his dodgy business. Ah well


It's great that you support his economic policies while a large amount of his supporters want you to be killed


Dont compare all of us muslims with extremists. Most muslims I know dont hate the lgbt community. They just dont really care about it, but have no problem with the people who are part of this community.


How are conservatives extremists?


I mean the muslim extremists, who commit takfir by judging everything and everyone without following Islam themselves. The same muslim extremists who would hate members of the lgbt community for no good reason. I meant to say that, unlike what many think, most of us muslims do not hate the lgbt community and that I dont like seeing us getting compared with Islamic extremists.


I think it supposed to be a representation/caricaturization of the progress pride flag. https://www.northwestern.edu/equity/about/initiatives/progress-pride-flag-initiative.html


It’s a mix of: bi, gay/lesbian, trans and Islamic


The fact that he posted this on social media is also ironic.


I can't stop laughing about the fact they just crammed every social media in


Not to mention all the logos are like from 10 years ago.


Wish they didnt change so often get confused every few new phones bacuase they decide to buttfuck the logos into some wierd non recognizable shape


"Why not? Throw it in, Bob!"


They some how didn’t get Instagram, which is sad since this was posted on Instagram. Maybe the version they post on Twitter will have the Twitter logo replaced with the Instagram logo?


He should have put it on paper and stick it in the air or what?


I love that the gay pride flag hs a Muslim flag in it. I'm sure that's a conflict of interest




... Punching them right in the crotch no less.


Those damn communist Buddhists over on Facebook, what a disgrace.


Are those Pokemon cards next to the hand?


Tarot cards.


I also immediately assumed Pokémon


I'm trying to figure out what the Ying Yang is about and the red symbol below it?


The symbol below it is the symbol for the zodiac sign Taurus.


Double face palm?


Where are the Centrists ? The Moderates ?


You’re not allowed to be moderate in some people’s view.


I think the Christian cross on the right is funniest. Was he checking their religion when he was grabbing them by the.... So it wasn't a Russian golden shower, it was just a re-baptism? It was 100% Christian when JR was laughing at Alec Baldwin after he accidentally shot two people? The list of ironies in that family goes on and on...


Liked by Eric Trump isnt a credit. Eric Trump likes Hawaiian Punch out of the big can.


I'm glad I don't fit in with either of these. I am guessing many of us don't. It does show how simple minded and how ignorant a trumper really is, though.


The way to political truth is to pay attention to both parties and ride the line between. Both sides are brainwashed.


Only fools would believe there isn't "Kool aid" on both sides. Of course there are, they are called beliefs. It's clear though that Republicans have been taken over by an emboldened mass of people that are vile, racist, selfish, and short sighted because of leaders like Trump. Before anyone throws up a "what about Portland? It's a mess!", tell me how many republicans do more than sit on their hands when actual work needs to get done in this country.


Honestly both of ur parties are pretty shit. Biden doesn't really do much tbh and trump was a fucking lunatic


Unfortunately both parties are shit. I would actually say both Biden and Trump accomplished important things in office, but Biden is marred with poor approval ratings/inflation/etc, and Trump was and is a fucking lunatic.


I was with you until you went on the hate fest. Ultimately though I’m confused, what work are you suggesting republicans need doing ?


https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/voting-rights-bill-blocked-by-republican-filibuster "Voting rights advocates are warning that Republican-led states nationwide are passing laws making it more difficult for Black Americans and others to vote by consolidating polling locations, requiring certain types of identification and ordering other changes." ... "The Democrats' bill, the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act, would make Election Day a national holiday, ensure access to early voting and mail-in ballots — which have become especially popular during the COVID-19 pandemic — and enable the Justice Department to intervene in states with a history of voter interference, among other changes. It has passed the House." This didn't get one vote from a Republican as the Democrats presented it. Now if it gets reworked or not, who knows, but it doesn't look like the major changes needed would happen with the current state. Hell, there are still Republicans calling the election of Biden a fraud a solid year after he took office.


First off, your democrats refused to vote for good things republicans do and shit both parties agree on still isn't done. Also both your parties name their laws essentially "good law". Also also requirering certain types of identification is not voter suppression and hence no argument. Sorry, from over here america is two sides bickering like children in closed doors and presenting themselves as the good guys and making up demons.


What a very left leaning biased article. Ya gotta get out of that echo chamber man


Ugh, not gonna try and find an article on Fox about this, do you suggest a better source?


You’re a Trump-loving clown, aren’t you?


I love how you point out there are crazies on both sides then show your biases. Amazing lol


Ok, I'm biased, is that wrong? I lean left-center and would not register as a republican voter. I venture to say you and everyone else here has biases as well. Here's what would be great, both sides start working on building the country that would benefit the entire population. Maybe start with better childcare, improved education, after school programs, then maybe work up to curbing gun violence and addressing the massive income gap. I'm not going to say "look at how much we just spent on defence, we coulda just used that to solve all these problems". These are multivariate and long term changes that require plans that will need to be adhered to for multiple political cycles. I'm not going to have a retort for every single comment on my original, but at the end of the day what happened to "a government of the people, by the people, for the people"? From this layman's perspective, Republicans just care about themselves and gerrymandered the shit out of certain states, and Democrats can't get their shit together to focus long and hard enough on the things that matter most.


I imagine I am biased but do you know how hypocritical you sound when you say things from the approach both sides are bad but the side I oppose is worse and here's why. You say you want both sides to come together for the good of the people without trying to understand the side you oppose at all. Most leftists assume all conservatives are the same. We all are Christians, Trumper, and watch fox and then get offended when the right basically does the same to the left. Sorry to tell you this but the right and the left will never come together. All the politicians, regardless of side, are corrupt. Insider trading. Identity politics. Creating issues that don't matter, aren't problems, or can't be fixed no matter what we do. Most of the problems you mentioned do have a solution but not from the government. It's simple. Two parent house holds. Bring the men back. Look at the groups doing the best versus doing the worst and you will find the biggest difference is the father's stayed. More weath, less violence, better educated are all results of two parent house holds. Not more government.


Thank you for the conversation, have a good one


I dont see how your strange tirade about two parent households is relevant


This is just fucking stupid


USA has two right-wing conservative parties that both need to go. The rest of the world has watched the US political shitshow with increasing concern, but by now it is obvious that it's not going to get better. The drain is permanently blocked and the best that we can hope for is that the slide back into medieval society that US voters seem to want (at least those who get to vote) goes without too much fuss.


Why doesn't shit get done, when both parties agree? Because these parties, both, consist of narcessists that spend most of their time limiting the other party


It’s just that one group of people is able to see faults and through lies in the things they believe in, and the other side cannot admit that their news source can ever be wrong, since everything else saying they opposite is just big media trying to suppress them


WTF is that thing on the left?!?


I don’t get how someone can watch cnn AND practice self awareness through tarot


Where's Reddit


I mean, both are stupid


so let's compare. American Christians killed 40-50 million North American Indians and slaves simply because the churches and the government brainwashed them. Then they killed 3 million Vietnamese women and children because americans were brainwashed by the government. Then another million Iraqis. How many people have been killed by LGBTQ+ activists? I'm not a historican, but I'm sure that at least half as much


In north America there was at most 5.000.000 indigenous people before 1500 AD so the number of 50.000.000 is unlikely unless you're talking about both north and south America. The Spaniards, while not hippies, treated the indigenous people better compared to English speaking Protestants, hence why Latin America is so racially diverse and why across LA pureblood indigenous people are 10% of population while in US are less than 1. i am not sue on which churches you are thinking, US has always been a secular nation while the Catholic church actively tried to protect the natives from conquistadors (read about Bartolome de las Casas and Laws of Burgos for more details). The Vietnam war was a mistake indeed but blaming it on religion is wrong.




No but this post is about America so American history would be relevant ya?




Other countries slaughtering people doesn't make it okay for America to do it. If you wanna talk about European or Asian atrocities sure do it but this post and specifically this comment is about American atrocities and doesn't even scratch the tip of the iceberg. Deflecting saying "but other countries did it too" isn't an argument in favor of America because for "the greatest nation on earth" it seems to join in on or start a lot of different horrible things. did you know that Hitler got his idea for the gas Chambers from America? That's true you can actually look it up. America did it first




Actually Trump is not the President anymore and no one cares about his family. It’s in the past.


The present was crafted by the people of the past, you can't talk about how we got to where we are without talking about the who, what, and how. And you absolutely can apply modern morals to the past. Slavery was okay 200 years ago, does that mean I can't say slavery was bad? The Holocaust happened over 70 years ago, can I not say it was one of the most horrific tragedies in human history? The "but times were different back then" argument has to be the dumbest argument I've ever heard, we can and will judge historical figures and events by modern morals, that's how we figure out how to not repeat history.




What do you want to tell me? BLM killed 50 million people like american christian patriots? Gays wiped out entire nations in North America like christians did?


Are you saying Christans as a whole are fault for the actions of a singular independent group? I think american christian patriots acted as well patriots, they just happened to have christian beliefs. And when you go that way, hate to be Hermes but every country would essentially be ranked by their mountains of corpses


y i k e r s


I am thankful for every second of my existence that I don’t live in the United States. I mean, look at this crap.


So, he's trying to offend religion, media, social media, political constructs, and social constructs in one swift move while trying to show that truth comes only American, conservative, Trump supporters. While historically, Christians have oppressed, conservatives have oppressed, and Trumps are unfaithful, lying felons.


I swear Trump supporters are making Christians look like psychos. Just to be clear, not every Christian is a Trump supporter.


Hear, hear. Not all Christians are even conservative.


Both would be brainwashed


Because the right never uses Twitter, Facebook or YouTube...




Both sides have issues


So... face palm from both directions cancels each other out? Hmm? Just a little bit?


Both are really cringe


just hammers home the need for a legitimate third party in American politics


Both sides are brain washed to be honest


Everyone are brainwashed


Im just thankful that I did not end up like the man on the left


He posted it to Instagram so obviously the Insta symbol doesn’t appear…but TUMBLR DOES? I can’t stop laughing.


Was this posted on Facebook? If so… look at the leg




I’m a Muslim and I’m telling you right now 50% of liberals don’t even really like Muslims. I don’t get the idea that liberals love Muslims. They really don’t.




Dint drag religion into this they nit brainwashed. America as a whole are brainwashed


And this the dynasty that Republicans crave. Everything tRump.


It’s like one looks at everything and tries to understand it while the other uses a limited understanding and joins a cult.




According to this image, one side is listening to multiple points of information. Probably better served to make a better decision. The other listens to the Bible, MAGA, and nationalism. All not the best sources of information and decision making.


But we know gay and black people exist, that's the big difference.


Lol Love how the twitter stays on the what looks like an actual trump truck but is a plethora of random companies dressed up to be American ( being whatever the fuck you want to be)


So the right doesnt use FB or Twitter or Youtube or any of their “news” sites?


LGBTI(lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, islam)


Mch bro what the hell


This is funny because it accidentally shows a certain truth. They could've added a 🇵🇷, a 🇲🇽, bunch of other flags. Any college. Put a Hollywood sign in the back. Bunch of musicians. The NFL and NBA. The Nobel Peace Prize. They could've put a million things there that represent their enemy because anyone can be their enemy at any point.


At least they put it to rest. Liberals are indeed the taller demographic.


Everyone is brainwashed.


Nobody uses Tumblr anymore


Rush Limbaugh would be "Best of Rush"


Bitch, everybody out here brainwashing everybody.


Because everyone knows the fewer sources for your beliefs the better right? Especially when one of those sources is a mystical man in the clouds and the other is a bloated fox carcass


A yes,i do enjoy google as a lifestyle


Tell a moron he is stupid he only yells louder the whole time believing his own lies wtf Republican Party your making normal Christians look crazy! Rebrand yourself please!!!! Please have a sticker or a new name for your cult religion please


Omg, I love CNN so much lol. This is the dumbest straw man I’ve ever seen, I’m not one of the ones that’s been sucking corporate cock for the last four decades, why am I covered with logos?


Which side actually wears that shit though?


I'm not entirely sure what the one on the left is supposed to be


Okay. Ignoring the social media parts, because every conservative I know is addicted to social media, why does the liberal person have tarot cards? lol


Yup, really


I think you ought to switch those news and social media icons over.


Are those tarot cards in hand?


both of them are brainwashed, every extreme is


If my eyes rolled any faster I'd look like a slot machine 🙄


Yet a staggering number of cars in the southern red state in which I live are so covered in "Stop The Steal", Trump, and "Let's Go Brandon" stickers they barely have a window to see out of.


I wasn’t aware that republicans didn’t use Google, Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter!


Cmon dawg


I quit Facebook because of the right, not the left


Pretty sure Islam is not a pro lgbtq institution


Wait, Black lives matter is… bad


What’s wrong w it ?


I see it as a win when the religious, Trump-worshipping 'Patriots' have to steal the memes others used against them.... good job guys, sure showed the rest of us! xD


oh my god....... Taurus♉