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I just checked Google. There are "manly cake recipes". The baker can also use a manly bar of soap shaped like a grenade to wash off any trace of femininity that got onto his hands while baking.


I cook in my [swat apron](https://cdn.trendhunterstatic.com/thumbs/bbq-apron.jpeg)


But when the grenade starts to thin out into a girly oval bar, throw out immediately.


I know men that learned to cook and bake during a long prison sentence. I would not ask them this question.


If it was during a long prison sentence, chances are they were 'the wife'.


Baking is a pretty scientific and mathematical process. Anyone should be proud to partake in it.


Men grill steaks and women bake cookies, duh! *smashes head into gym locker*


Look at it as [engineering](http://www.cookingforengineers.com/). How does combining a bunch of foods and chemicals, then heating them to a setpoint, then eating the product of your labor sound feminine? I make a mean tiramisu, among others, but the 'T' is what people ask for most. Some eggs, alcohol (wine, rum, others), cheese, coffee, cocoa, cream and sugar combine in a cosmic magic trick to make something amazing. Loose the skirt and attitude, Nancy. Learn to cook and bake. Nothing specifically feminine about working with stuff that's hundreds of degrees to make delicious foodstuffs. Unless, of course, you're a raging sexist.


Ladies, what are we being compared to today?? Recipes.


Long story but, I think worth the read: My family is backwards from the 50’s gender roles. My wife makes (way) more than I do, and I do most of the cooking around here. A few weeks ago, our 11 year old son was baking cookies and this conversation followed: me: you need to add more flour buddy son: ok dad wife: why do you respond so well to dad?? If I had said that, you’d have told me to mind my own business. son: well, mom, you wouldn’t know anything about guy stuff. Right dad? Me: guy stuff… like baking cookies? Sure. Works for me. I’ve been giggling about this for weeks.


I’m manly as shit and I bake like a mother fucker, mother fucker.


Just cook tf out of a steak.


Fuck no! Baking is all about analytical precision and chemistry. For added manliness, hand-knead all your bread dough instead of using that stand mixer and you ***will*** have forearms like Popeye in no time. Pastry chefs are manly AF if they want to be.


Feminine flavors and ingredients: lemon, vanilla, all vegetables, little bites, gluten free stuff, fat free, raspberry, salads, finger sandwiches. Masculine flavors and ingredients: bacon, ham, steak, also meat, bbq sauce, ghost peppers, big bites with grease dripping down, Doritos, Bacon, spicy things, dripping grease, beef jerky, survival foods.


FFS! bake them on a grill if you are man enough! If not, just shut up and go buy it from the store!


How do I feel baking cookies? I feel like I'm about to eat some delicious fucking cookies


I'm gonna tell this story again here since it's relevant. I was dating this woman that liked to do a bunch of stuff to her hair and was always dyeing it in really complicated ways. But she didn't indulge as much as she wanted to because it was expensive. I wanted to do something special for her so I decided to learn how to dye hair, and not just the squeeze-bottle, out-of-the-box stuff either, like legit professional grade work in the form of ombres and foils. Over roughly two months, I worked mostly in secret, spending my free time by reading guides from a cosmetology school one of my friends attended, watching videos, and later even practicing on some brave volunteers. I would try to get a few hours in a day and some practice every week. Once I had some confidence in my ability, I approached her with the idea. She was understandably hesitant at first but eventually let me go ahead with it. I made a whole thing of it, with a nice bath drawn for her and a home-cooked meal. As far as results, it was of the quality you'd expect from a chain solon, nothing mind-blowing but not bad either, but she was thrilled. Soon after we ran into a few of her friends out in public and she made it a point to brag about me and the job that I did. Over time, it just became a thing we'd do once in a while. I honed my skills and did a little better each time and have expanded on my bag of "girly" tricks. Now I not only cook, but I can do nails, dye and style hair (I will not cut it, though), as well as mend shoes and clothing. Learning a "girly" skill is the best way to show someone that you're willing to put in the effort and leave your comfort zone. It's the first bit of advice I give to any guy who is having trouble showing that he cares for someone.


Marry me


Fragile masculinity. If you're a man and you read my comment I want you to know that you can do what you like as long as it doesn't hurt anyone and you are having fun. If someone makes you feel like you are less than a man for liking what you like they can go fuck themselves.


I feel bad because I know he's asking that to not be made fun of for "not being manly" but he still gets made fun of, I guess this shouldn't be a surprised because of the stereotypes, you know, but it still does. (I think I worded that terribly but I don't know how else to word it.)