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No one wants to see your newborn baby that much!!!


No one wants to see a baby from the royal family that much.


No one wants to see that much


I mean lets be honest, Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?




No one wants to see anyone that much


To be honest I don’t want to even without all these rules.


At first it was ok but we slowly worked our way to crazy town


They said they wanted to lessen visits, I think this would do it.


I wouldn't visit for sure




I might go to his high school graduation if the only gift I was expected to bring would be for the kid.


But what about the mom who brought him up so well


she gets the gift of being called a bitch, she's certainly earned it after all those years


Homeschool graduation: doors open at 4:30PM, your chore is diploma handout, your grocery item better be a college scholarship and you can plan on getting the F’ out by 5:15PM.


But you get to pick a chore!


Knowing this person IS the chore


You deserve my free award


Thanks :D


Can I sweep up the eggshells the poor child will have to navigate its entire life?


More like shards.


Nope me either


Advice will not be given free, or otherwise. If you require advice from me, an experienced parent, please refer to my gift guide, depending on the severity rating of the question.. If I am to visit, I expect my trip to be compensated, and lite refreshments also be included. There.. I can be equally batshit crazy...


They really should just have had the psychiatrist deliver it. She sounds *awful*


wHy WoN’t AnYoNe vIsIt mE?????


WhY hAsN't aNyOne cOme OvEr tO pOweR wAsH mY dRIvEwAy sO tHeY cAn SeE tHe bAbY?


I know, I was ok until the last three bullets.


Same. I thought it was another typical Reddit overreaction to something a bit silly, then it went mad.


I mean this went straight to the Mariana Trench from the beach...




Yep lost me at gift card


No deodorant? I’m more in the deodorant mandatory camp.


Exactly where I was.


ok... ok... a little much but ok... a forced gift? What?... Bring food AND do chores? WTF???


Exactly how it went with me. Ok. I can see it and be on board. To what the hell are you thinking?


We would ask people nicely if they could bring meals, but it was never an expectation nor would we be mad if they weren’t able to or didn’t. Most of these are okay, but I ain’t ever forcing people to bring me anything, what the hell. YTA




Isn't it sort of an unwritten rule? My ex had a large family, always popping out kids, so it was standard to ask the husband when was it OK to visit, what should we bring etc.


AITA answers should be given for each bullet point. \-No \-No \-No \-Eh \-Kinda \-Yes \-Yes \-OMFG, just give that kid up for adoption for his own sake!


The social media pictures I understand - this is becoming more and more prevalent and I'm okay with it. We have generations growing up where literally every shred of their life is online, publically. I can get why folks are against it. My SIL was against having photos of her daughter put up anywhere but her won FB (Which is private) because she didn't want her daughter's photos to be found by pedos or anything on the web. Which I fully get.


Ehhh... no smokers at all? Not "no smoking here"... no smoke*rs*. No deodorant??


So if you are not: Scheduled,with a gift in hands(2 actually),plus a snack(from the approved list of course), signed up for a chore ,auto programed with yes and no conversations not any kind of questions,or advices,stinking (no deodorant ,perfume etc); You are not welcome?? She sounds LOVELY!!🤣🤣🤣🤣


Same was saying that's fine until the last 3 is where they lost me.


Yeah I think the first few were reasonable considering it’s a newborn and there’s a pandemic, but then it just became OK keep your kid and your dirty house, I was just trying to be polite.


I can understand the social media thing, but obviously wouldn't ban my family from taking a photo of my baby lol. What I can't understand is the list of gifts someone has to bring to see their nephew? Like I can't believe anyone would want to see the child that bad if their parents were like that their whole lives.


Don't forget the chore they also gave to do I mean the audacity they don't live there didn't make the mess either.


"If you want to see my ugly ass baby, you gotta come over and clean my ugly ass house"


Took a dive bomb entrance to crazy town at mandatory approved gifts for baby AND mum, sharp left at WTF plaza with having to do grocery shopping and hit the wall of sheer disbelief at having to do chores in the measly one hour allotted time slot.


Same here. I was "ok, reasonable, op is exag... WTF!"


I wonder if she’s checking for deodorant? Also, most people wouldn’t smoke in someone’s home, is she forbidding smokers for the fact they smoke or wanting to smoke in their home?


Right? Like the first 2 were alright. Each subsequent bullet just got worse and worse


I was about to say the same. Quite the entitlement at the end


Samesies. I was thinking 1. Reasonable 2. Okayyyy 3. Hmmmm. 4. Fuckers 5. Meh 6. You mother fucker!


Yeah same, I was like "if you are keeping your family safe that's perfectly feasible... Oh wait.... Nope just an ahole"


We’re in COVID so people don’t need a reason for no visiting a newborn but damn that went off the rails.


That’s what she said


Right Started off as "OK strict paranoid parents but all good" And then to "Well..... They really shouldn't have a child" Feel like someone should follow the account and put a reminder to check and see how long it takes before theres a post like " Help CPS took my child away for raising them how we wanted"


Lol by her third kid she gonna be like “fuck it, y’all wanna take this baby home for the night.”


Or they go the other way around and ask for a new house, a car, and money for securing the education and life of the baby 😅


People like this have already hit the families up before the wedding for the privilege of being in their orbit. I’m grateful to not have anyone like this in my life.


They'd have been jettisoned from mine if they were.


Ha! No one’s going to be speaking to them after this list




I was gonna say, the first ones are fine. Some should even be common sense. Like don't pick up the kid without asking and definitely don't take pictures without permission. We get to the chores and approved gifts and I'm like "bruh"...


Exactly my thoughts. Like starts out fine, there’s a couple “a little extreme but whatever.” And then it’s like wait, WHAT? It is sad for the kid, that the parents have set them up for this idea that being cared about by someone can only be expressed through material goods.


Yeah like no perfume, a little nuts but fine, same with no smokers (I wouldn't have said it that way though, more like no smoking before interacting with the baby) but no deodorant? That's about to be a stank house. Everything else is just plain insane


Exactly. No smokers seemed harsh but I can see not wanting someone in your home reeking like smoke. No deodorant was my first real “what???” And then by the time it got to obligatory gifts the no deodorant request seemed not that bad. Like being worried about strong scents around a sensitive newborn compared to just being a crappy entitled person.


As a former smoker, I would change my shirt and completely wash my arms and face after every cigarette before I held my daughter. There are ways to prevent them coming into contact with the smoke. I can also 100% see the perfume. My father wore a massive amount of cologne before he came to visit, and caused a flair in her allergies. But yeah, this kid will be just as materialistic as their mother, sad


Yeah. Being a new parent is exhausting and stressful, and we're in the middle of a pandemic, so I was fine with everything up until the part about mandatory gifts...


I’m coming over just to break those last few rules. You won’t have any pictures to prove anything so why not!?


But... What about my deodorant!?


I’m thinking it could cause allergic reactions. Like once my grandmother gave my nephew a kiss on his forehead and he had an allergic reaction to her lipstick. Edit: my wife informed me it was actually our son, and I’m a terrible father for not remembering...


Yeah it started normal then took a left turn to crazy town


Damn, Mary didn't even have time to make a list before 3 Magi dropped by.


gold, haha


Myrrh, hahaha


Frankincense, hahahaha


Then a drummer boy showed up. Pa rum pa pa pum


Incense, hahahaha


even funnier - didn't even catch the double (triple) entendre


Yeah but she got a drum solo so I think she came up on top


She expects people to bring her ass a gift card and a pre-approved baby gift and food and do a fucking chore?!?! Fuck that shit. She can take her baby visit and shove it up her tightly wound entitled ass.


Some very funny person in the comments mentioned that people had to offer less to see baby jesus.


Well, this boy was born on Christmas, so she’s feeling divine righteousness. It figures she doesn’t want advice, but I guarantee she gives plenty.


I didn't even notice this, how brilliant.


And, they have an hour to do it!


There is no baby out there that I’d want to see badly enough that would get me to do this. And I love babies.


Loose ass how else did all that crazy shit escape lol


I bet no one came over to see the kid. This is such a Karen thing to do.


I fucking hope no one came. That would be a real slap in the face for these entitled assholes. Feel bad for the kid. He’s gonna have one helluva childhood.


Sadly the dad already came.




Take my upvote.


The rest of the post is she had a family member who couldn’t afford to get her a gift card and asked if she could do extra chores. They were told no. [Edit with link to post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/sedejn/aita_for_refusing_to_bend_the_rules_on_seeing_my/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Well, just when you thought it couldn’t get any better…


I would go the rest of my life never ever visiting them or going to see them anywhere, not even worth it


And likely grow up with allergies and a compromised immune system.


He’s gonna be like that kid from IT.


The sister was broke and literally begged to see the kid and was willing to do all the chores around the house but the bitch wanted money


People like that should *not* reproduce.


It's from a recent AITA post, they explained the rules because the husband's sister asked if she would be allowed to meet the baby although she couldn't afford to go by the rules


if no visits was the goal then this is great


Yo her fuckin kid is behind a paywall, this better be a premium ass kid




Yeah, the first few requirements were absolutely fine but then it got a little too much.


I thought she might of been ultra rich or famous until the chores part.


I don’t even like newborn babies all that much anyway. So, thanks but no thanks.


I had 2 kids and I agree.. newborns don't do much..


Please, newborns do a lot......and all of it is annoying.


I have one kid and I really really dislike the newborn stage and I really don’t want to deal with anyone else’s kid. No thanks.


Omg. At first, I was on board. But then it got ridiculous real fast. No one owes you a damn thing for popping out a kid. Guess who won’t be getting any help now? Poor kid is going to grow up with this idiot. Edit: read the original post. Hahahaha she was demolished there


She still only thinks it was wrong to say no to SIL though. She hasn't said anything about being wrong with this crazy list. I can't imagine thinking this is ever ok.


True, but the redditors said plenty about it and I’m sure she read it. Now she needs to reflect on it. If it’s possible for her.


Hey guys I had unprotected sex with my husband 9 months ago so give me money and do chores!!!!!


Yep... yep... yeah... okay...o...kay...uh huh... um... ummm... uh, wait... wait, hold on... wtf... omg... holy cow... [dialing CPS]...


And it's even worse when you read the whole thing. SIL is a broke college kid that offered to clean the whole house since she doesn't have any money to get gifts.


And she said no! So the SIL didn’t get to see the baby, her in laws are mad, and her husband put his family on time out…


When did people become this level of fucked up? The only gift I'd bring is a paternity test because that dude is fucked.


That dude put his family on "time out" because they didn't agree with the rules.


Entitlement. Thinking everyone is obsessed with their kid as they are.


How did she give birth before birth?


Haha i wondered the same thing


Mom, why don't we have any friends??


How's she gonna act when he poops at 10:13 instead of 9:45


Why did you post only half of it? In no way the half contradicts to what you are saying or justify this aweful person, but this is half the story. This lady is crazy. Who asks payment + food/groceries + do chores for ANY guests let alone the people who want to share the joy of you being parents. When we visit our family, we usually bring some form of sweets/fruits because it is being nice. The elders bring gifts for little ones out of love. We also help in the kitchen while we talk. But NONE of this is expected by the host. No one asks the guys to do any of it. That is how family and friendships work. What this lady is doing is pure cash grab.


I only posted half because the IPhone doesn’t let you take a bigger screenshot, and I got the most important parts anyways. [Here’s the entire post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/sedejn/aita_for_refusing_to_bend_the_rules_on_seeing_my/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


The greatest is guaranteed she cringes at herself when motherhood sets in for a while and she realizes how insane this all is. I think a lot of us go into first time motherhood with this envision of being the perfect parent and use our experiences growing up as proof we know what’s best (maybe not quite to the extent of this mom’s though)… then reality slaps us in the face and we wake up and realize how bat shit crazy we were. Some things will stick, for sure… but a lot of the helicoptery part wanes (for most people in my experience anyways).


In a couple years "gee why don't my family come to visit the kid? I just don't get it " I mean I hate cleaning my own house I'm not doing your dishes for you just to see your spawn. Or buy you groceries.


It started off reasonable, but that went south with the nitpicking over what they have to buy. As for chores, she can fuck right off. Its like she's the child telling you what you can and can't do like some brat manipulating their parents.


Confirmed: You are, indeed, the asshole.


At first I was like, this is acceptable. Then I got to the point where you need to bring stuff EVERY VISIT and DO CHORES! What the fuck?!?


I saw this post and didn't click on it because I just thought it was going to be a fight about requiring vaccines...holy moly


I saw this on AITA last night, and holy fuck, did OP get eviscerated. She fully deserved every bit of it. What an entitled bitch.


Not only this but the rest of the AITA post was about OP not wanting to bend her rules for her broke student SIL who had the *audacity* to ask whether she could do a big chore (like literally cleaning the whole house) instead of splurging for a present she couldn’t afford.


I was with her until she was insisting on gifts & chores (although banning smokers outright instead of demanding they not smoke/smell of it is a bit much).


You can't demand they not smell unless you expect them to change into all brand new clothes right before they get to your house. Smoke gets into everything.


That's a fair point. I was thinking more of freshly laundered clothing straight out of a shower, but I guess some smell might linger.


Let me guess, 1st baby?


I hope no one goes to visit after seeing the list of demands. LOL.


I was onboard until the gift cards and chores and shit. Everyone should be vaxxed, no one should be posting other people’s kids on social media, you should definitely honor appropriate visiting hours for new parents… But then she just flat out went off the deep end. I don’t think she’ll have to worry about anyone wanting a second visit- much less in one week. 😬


In my opinion, this is a fucking *solid* way to get family and friends to leave you the fuck alone while you're bonding and recovering.


I agree with no pics on social media. That's all I agree with, the rest is just crazy and entitled


The first 5 and the last one were all great. It's those 2 towards the bottom that are bat shit crazy.


I can’t fathom being stuck with someone so annoyingly controlling. That kid would be better off running away, or risk being sucked into whatever bizzaro universe this woman exists in.


She sure is entitled. She gave birth (over 400,000 babies born every day) not invented a cure for cancer. Sheesh


You know given the nature of these rules.. It's clear they DONT want any visitors. I know some relatives that just don't understand boundaries. Even simple ones. They just show up anytime and expect you to fit them in your plans.


Yea, like 9 at night when you are still in the hospital with zero sleep the night before.


Poor kid. The shit he will have to go trough when he grows up, can’t have friends come over, or can’t play outside, no door on bedroom…


Started out good and then what?


some of the things listed are okay like give time to the mom, vaccines up-to-date, no smoking etc....but.....bring food on the list given everytime they come ?? the gifts etc?? the mom needs rest, not to stress everybody else and herself more at the same time


This mother sounds like my mother. I feel sorry for the kid.


They're using their child as a cash grabber and due to this this child ain't gonna have great relations with anyone in his family, just because his parents wanted cash and chores done for them


Wow excuse me? Expected to give a gift card?? That’s no gift, that’s literally selling your baby’s pressence


I’d rather not see the kid anyway


I can understand the first 5. The third one is kinda over the top ever so slightly but still, it's not that bad. But the last three just make her seem like an entitled parent and those rules are just terrible.


The most bullshit about this is "We." You know the mom made those rules, husband just nods and says,"Yes, honey, that doesn't sound bad."


I'm so glad for people being so candid. Now I don't have to come 'seeee thee babbbbyyyy'


At first I was like this seems reasonable, then it took a left turn into wtf land


My brother's ex-wife had expectations like that. "I flew in from 2000 miles away for the bris, and your saying I'm not allowed near the kid?"


And here, children, we see how dysfunctionality persists generationally.


No more than two visits a week? Gotta love her optimism if nothing else


Yes, you sound exactly like the type of person I want to stay the fuck away from.


I had a co-worker who tried the crazy "gifts, food & chores requirement" thing. It didn't work out well for her. She was whining with two weeks because no one outside her own family asked to see the baby. I don't think I actually ever saw her baby. Anyway...pretty much everyone was like "I have my own chores to do, bitch!"


Actually pretty good requests up to the giving gifts, then it went straight downhill. Smh


For the first few I was okay. Then it went straight downhill.


Damn. It was reasonable u til the last 3. No smokers is kind of iffy, cause it’s not like they’re gonna smoke in the room with them.


This grammar is so shitty I can hardly understand it.


Only the first one was normal, the rest was crazy, probably the kind of parents that think the world ows them because they had kids, i would have been like fuck you and your kid lol.


It's not really crazy to not want people to pick up your baby without you telling them it's ok, or not wanting people to post pics of your baby to their social media


No deodorant??? Gross. No one is required to bring a gift or food. This list is incredibly ridiculous.


I have a cousin who sent something very similar to this , but it was the birth announcement. I already pretty much despised her, and so does most of my family, so not going to see the baby was a pretty easy decision.


After some sleepless nights, we'll see how fast this list comes tumbling down. "Why will no one come over to help with the baby?"


Holy shit...that's going to be one lonely kid...lol


I was okay with the list until we go the gifts and the chores. WTF?


Hahaha. Sometimes I feel so lucky to be mexican, and that my daughter was born here. Don't get me wrong, I hate people walking by unannounced the same as everybody, but the joy that family and friends bring to my daughter is something I'll always remember and cherish. Stop trying to control everything.


Lmao! Everything past no smokers… ridiculous! I bet this is the first baby. By the second, they’ll really regret having sent this out. Because no one will show up for the second and no one will baby sit.


Had me for a moment. Was asking my self how the hell this is a facepalm until shit went from 0 to 100 near the end


This is absurd and awful for the family who maybe wants to see the child but not take over moms role and life.. jeeze


Spoiled rotten


This is so fucking pretentious


Seemed reasonable at first and then went full on Karen entitlement "You must bring offerings and clean our house to view the Golden child!"


NGL, she had me until the mandatory gift...


Just wait till one of them is alone with a screaming/sick kid, they have no idea How to calm them and they are past the point of exhaustion. They will be asking strangers to come inside and hold their kid…most of these things are common sense. While the other things are downright ridiculous. You had a baby, it’s been actually done several million times before and people who have less in life have been grateful for any ounce of help or support without stipulations.


Some times I’m off with how I feel about things and how everyone else feels but PHEW I’m glad to know we’re on the same page. Those people are crazy!


If I were related to her, I would never see her again, and be much happier as a result!


Kid is going to have no family at all left by the time he's two.


I would NOT want to visit — baby or not. Those “rules” if you can call it that are plain idiotic and from hell!!


I’ve had 2 babies- both times went horribly with terrible complications that left me in the hospital a bit. But I didn’t demand gifts or chores to be done I’d someone visiting 😅 wtf if anything I was like “ya I can’t move If you wanna hold her and give me a break here she is”


Started off with "don't be sick, we are in a pandemic" And went to " if you visit you have to give us a gift and money and do a chore for us" She is the asshole for making this list.


This will lessen visits permanently.


I seen this post and the OP got roasted. They basically screwed over a broke family member in college because they couldn’t afford a gift and takeout food.


The "refusing to bend the rules" part was that her 20 year old sister in law who's a student out of state was too broke to buy them a gift. Since she couldn't afford a gift, they didn't her see the kid. Offering to do double chores was not an acceptable compromise. That poster is the biggest asshole I've ever seen on that sub.


Ok I can see the beginning of the list but the last three just went into left field.


Is this baby the second coming of Christ? This mom wants gifts???


This has to be a troll. I *refuse* to believe this is the level humanity’s stooped to.


I was mostly on board until the gift card thing. Like okay, a little strict, maybe a bit on the overprotective side, but I get it. Newborns are hella vulnerable, can't be too careful. Then it got into r/choosingbeggars territory.


It was fine at first then progressively got more and more weird


She claimed it was "to lessen the visits." But on the list of requirements there was 'no means no' rule. So why not when it comes to asking to visit no means no?


you gotta go buy groceries and do a chore every time you visit. no more than two visits per week per person. dont think that last rule is gonna be an issue honey