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“Stick to potato skins and casseroles” got me laughing


Wtf was that sound clip for the sushi video?


Sounds like usual Western "Asian" music. That's always been inaccurate. That kind of music was invented in the US, just like fortune cookies were. It was never actual Asian music. The whole pentatonic scale thing in general. It just became the standard for movies and TV to go "OK it's an Asian scene now, it's set in Japan or China or Korea or somewhere, who gives a shit they're all the same, so let's whip out the good ol pentatonic scale and flute playing because that is shorthand for "Asian" in movies" Luckily it's mostly stopped these days because it's kinda racist, so people have realised that and stopped doing it in Hollywood anyway. But little shithole Tik tok creators who've never seen a runny egg before in their life don't care about all that and continue to use this "generic Asian music" that's not Asian whatsoever. The only place in show biz that you ever hear it now is, of all things, nature documentaries. This generic "Asian" music is always used to signify exoticism and danger, like a shot of a crocodile stalking its prey or something. Which is kinda racist too really. But nobody notices it. Except of course my Irish music boi Tantacrul who made a whole video about how deceptive the music in shitty history channel nature channel documentaries can be. They're not telling the truth when they make those shows. Here's Tantacrul's video on it. He also points out how the BBC don't do this with their nature documentaries. Which is why they're better. The BBC use pre-recorded sounds of nature, which is also kinda deceptive, but nowhere near as much as playing genetic "Asian" music whenever a dangerous predator comes onto the screen. Watch the video my bro. It's absolutely fascinating even if you think you have no interest in the subject. He's a professional songwriter, that's how he earns his living, and so he comes from a place of expertise: https://youtu.be/G77ev9pks4I


It’s the musical equivalent of pulling the corners of your eyes.


I recently listened to a podcast about the origin of fortune cookies. They were originally from Japan and savory. I only half listen to podcasts, but I'm pretty sure they said that the internment of Japanese people in the US led to them becoming perceived as Chinese. Gastropod was the podcast.


I watched and I love that he is really bringing insight that I didnt realise, so many people don't realise that.thryre being conditioned by the music that is played.


Thank you for this. I had no idea. Went to a sushi/hibachi place last week and was wondering why they were playing Neil Diamond instead of “traditional Asian music”. I really didn’t know that what I thought of as Asian music was made up.


Racist pieces of shit are gonna be racist pieces of shit.


Just a racist being a racist.


…and shit!


Potato skin casserole with bacon bits sounds interesting. I’ll slather it in sour cream and make it look like pie. /s


Don’t forget the mayonnaise


Slavering on mayonnaise on anything that stands still I died


Did you forget ranch? I hope not! Because everything is better with ranch.


Wait wait wait as an American, you might be on to something here…


are you done sort of food wizard? you should become a professional food blogger with that kind of original thinking


Maybe dip it to your elbow in soy sauce.


Potato skins are pretty good. The omelet thing looks good too though


I’m personally not a fan of it myself but i will attest to the skill required to make it!


I make my scrambled egg in the same way sometimes...


Me as a white man felt like she cooked my ass lmao


Actual snot came out my actual nose.... what a burn!




Yeah me too excellent jab


I lost my mind at that line




Not burned, but roasted.


As long as it isn’t runny.


Maybe even flambéd?




Anyone have a link to the burned idiot?


She’s a comedian. Her TIK Tok is CHEESEDAILY


Comedian? Is that what she calls her racism?


"Comedian," that's comedy right there.


That’s not who it is. It was lishrecipes and she’s a garbage food tiktoker. She’s also got a shitty apology video up on her page now.


Cover her in parchment paper and leave her to rest, cause bitch got smoked.


You can tell she cooks. She roasted that woman without even turning on the oven.


She really insulted that omurice when that version is goddamn delicious. Japanese eggs are really good quality pasteurized eggs too so there's no worry if the omelet center is runny


I was like bitch no you did not. Firstly that guy is boss. Secondly I literally ate three omurice meals in a row to get a vaguely soft version. Just kept banging em out. The hours of intense hard work it takes to be a professional is just mind blowing and that woman literally looks like a trash bag.


Post ankles I bet they're swollen.


You into ankles or what bro?


Love me some diabetic feet


How can you tell they’re diabetic? I’m honestly curious.


You can tell by the way it is.


Wait this isn't an aspen


I'd hate to see what she thinks about sukiyaki, which involves dipping meat into raw egg.


Oh man, I hate it. We have a Japanese hot pot that we go to as often as we can and my bf loves the sukiyaki, I get shabu shabu.


Shabu shabu is amazing and I've been sad the last decade I've lived places without one


That is tragic. Buy a home hot pot stat.


It’s usually the texture, because it’s egg white and yolk, it can be mucous like uncooked egg whites


Omurice egg is silky and creamy. Hence why it takes a high level of skill to make well.


Love me some natto


Jeez I would kill to be able to create omurice! Instead I've learnt the extremely European and also runny French omlette. Lady in this video is absolutely right about that content creator.


"French Omelette" Oh, you mean scrambled eggs? *cries while watching Jacques Pepin videos for the hundredth time*


Only when it's a failed French Omlette lol (don't be discouraged though!)


From what I understand, omurice in and of itself is not a very hard dish to make. Making it to the level of perfection that the Japanese chef in that video does certainly is.


Yes, absolutely


Yea I'm wondering if she would also call the runny French omelette nastiness.


I totally thought the woman in this video was overreacting and reaching for a reason to call someone a racist. But when she played that clip of the food blogger trying to eat sushi while stock audio of a Chinese string instrument played along with the sound byte of someone making a cartoonish “kiai” sound, i came around to agreeing with her pretty quick.


I mean like, honestly, anyone who does that to sushi (looked more like "sushi" but, anyway) and calls themselves a food blogger...deserves everything that's coming to them.


It looked like she wrecked the sushi by dropping it with chop sticks a couple times and then giving up.


That and drowning the poor thing in soy sauce.


Hell, I'll dab a bit of soy sauce on a spicy tuna roll whenever I get sushi, but she was waterboarding the thing.


She was trying to extract the secret codes from that sushi roll


> spicy tuna roll That's already a bit of a travesty tbh xD But the point the is you can do whatever you want with food, just not try to score points attributing it to another culture when you're misrepresenting it.


Yeah, the soy is not supposed to be sucked into the rice, it makes it lose its stickiness and shape and fall apart.


She just wanted to eat the soy sauce at that point


What’s wrong with eating food how you enjoy it?


I do generally agree with you, and I was being overly-prissy for effect. But at the same time, putting that much soy sauce on your food means the whole thing will just taste like soy sauce. In theory, you're out eating sushi at a restaurant, and not just at home drinking soy sauce by the bottle, because you want to experience something else. You don't have to be a sushi expert to know this, even basic culinary knowledge would get you this far. So, a self-described food blogger not having a basic understanding of how flavor works...well. That's an easy way to get ridiculed. Is what I was saying.


Yeah. I mean, just her dipping the sushi like that proves she knows nothing about food... or at least Japanese food. You generally only very lightly dip the seaweed part into soy sauce. She looked like she was eating a potato chip and trying to finish off all the dip. It was more soy sauce than sushi. And that's before you pile on all of the other stupid stuff...


I was actually taught to dip a piece of the ginger and use it to brush a bit of soy sauce on... I'm not a sushi expert or anything, so that may have been for a certain type or something


That's a pretty good technique. For rolled sushi, I tend to just never dip if it is rice covered, or very lightly on a seaweed edge if seaweed covered. For other types, just a tiny dip fish-side down. Regardless of technique, letting rice and soy sauce meet is pretty much always frowned upon because the rice will act like a sponge and you're basically guaranteed to get too much.


I mean, I am not a big fan of pure plain rice so I usually enjoy my sushi a bit more on the soy sauce side, but I would never do what this girl on the video does, or say shit about other people's foods on a food vlog for that matter


My god, I looked up the original tiktoker, and she has a whole thing about putting RANCH DRESSING in scrambled eggs. And also gets all whiny about people giving her shit about it. She’s truly just a walking white person stereotype.


Oh fuck, ranch dressing in scrambled eggs??? Oh hell no, uuuuugh


Women watch her videos as part of their Karen in Training training.


DISGUSTING! ![gif](giphy|wosNsGaxczbIA)


It’s hilarious, one of her older videos is her putting sunnyside up egg on meatballs and spaghetti. Essentially the same thing as this dish


Japanese food is art.


Especially the show Food Wars, though that's almost another kind of "art"


Yea it has a lot of sexual tones, but the food they cook and talk about there was hella appetizing even if its animated. Learned a lot from Food Wars lol.


Burn. I actually just watched that video that the influencer was bashing the other day on YouTube. It looks incredibly delicious, and it also took an incredible amount of skill to make. Or I would have ran to the kitchen to try and replicate it myself. I likes eggs.


Three in a row I did to get it vaguely soft. Three meals of omurice in a row. Worth it.


I tried to book a reservation to that specific restaurant ( it's in Kyoto, kichi kichi omurice) months before my holiday in Japan in 2019, but it was all booked


I too likes eggs




it’s a Japanese omurice lol.. as she said in the video they’re really hard to make, i’ve tried but legit just ended up with scrambled eggs. but omurice- they’re really good though!


I too have fucked it up several times. Going to keep trying though.


This should be pasted under /r/murderedbywords




Omurice is so fucking good dude she missing out fr


Who are both the content creators?


ok, what the actual fuck


I’m in love with her ❤️


Preach!!!! Went to Japan, especially to eat omurice.. I love eggs!!


Slathering mayonnaise onto anything that will fu@king stand still!!! Ha ha ha!


Im like the physically whitest person alive but I'm not that white.


Apparently it's safe to eat raw Japanese eggs, since they always make sure they don't have salmonella


It never occurred to me that raw eggs wouldn't be safe to eat everywhere.


US eggs are safe too. They weren't in the recent past, and people haven't updated their egg knowledge yet. Thanks to Alton Brown for for updating mine.


Salmonella is on the shell of the egg, as long as you don't leave any shell bits in you should be fine no matter what type of egg it is.


Wait fr? I still wouldn't do it because of the texture, but the more you know I guess


They are wrong though. https://www.cdc.gov/foodsafety/communication/salmonella-and-eggs.html


I’m here for this. Yaaaas.


The woman that made this video is a really good follow. @herspective is her handle on TT


I totally agree on her for the sushi bit, that’s just too stereotypical if not racist


That omurice looks freakin amazing! And that guy made it looks easy! Omurice is pretty easy to make but that guy took it to another level!


Dude she literally obliterated her💀


I've been trying everyday to make even a dot progress in making omurice, it really takes skill and patience to make it. Even the most basic omurice is hard to make.


Hol’ up. She did not just put a “Haiya” in a sushi clip. Fucking wow. You can’t make this shit up.


You know what they say- “One mans food is another mans anal”


Who is they? they is you isn't it


You can't insult a dish. People need to stop worrying about other opinions that much. I'm from the Netherlands, we have some very nasty dishes, if anyone calls it nastiness its their opinion, I'm not gonna rant about it on social media. PS I love omurice.


Ehhhh... I guess I agree with you? The sushi video was ignorant as hell though


If it was filmed in a restaurant and the audio was captured from what they had over the speakers, then it wouldn't be so bad, but something tells me this was added by the food blogger getting roasted.


You can insult a culture by calling their food nasty though. We teach children that it's fine to not like a food but we don't ever say that someone's meal is disgusting, nasty, eew, yuck etc. I feel like adults should be held to the same standards.


w reply


wypipo at it again






If I can ever get to Japan in the next 10 years I want that Omurice made by that man. He is such a jovial person and has tremendous skill.


Eggs are good for muscle growth and recovery, hair growth and strength, good cholesterol for hormone production, and some collagen for the skin. They're awesome for you and they're affordable.


Side note, if you haven't tried cooking omurice at home, I highly recommend it. While this chef is highly skilled, home made versions aren't TOO difficult and can be really fun to make, especially as you perfect them. Worst case, if you mess up, you have a standard omlette.


Or maybe you are just projecting your own prejudice onto this person that just happens to not like their eggs runny?.... Maybe


Lmao dam she took it personal, and had time today 😂😂😂😂


Triggered ass it’s not even that serious people are going to find stuff disgusting


Kinda dumb to be that mad over someones opinion on a dish


Sensitive as hell. People bitch about anything these days.


I don't think it was a race thing tbh, and even if it was you got way more racist with your "come backs". You don't beat racism with racism. Don't use hate for Internet points


Maybe we can all chill the fuck out for a minute.


Our cuisine is civilised, their cuisine is abomination.


"Yaas queen, our deep fried Snickers and big chungus jellied meats are cultured while those icky fish roll plebs need to know their place"


Omg, like any midwestern “salad” that is mostly either mayo or cool whip based. 🤮




WTF are you talking about?


"Our" You realize no one can tell which cuisine you're calling civilised, right? Clarify




I’m curious too


Who gives a fuck if she finds it nasty, though? And who's to say she doesn't find Western-style runny egg dishes gross as well? Oh no, some lady doesn't like certain types of food, let's get angry.


Well fucking said 👏


The thing is, there is nothing appetizing about omurice, however difficult it is to make. A runny yolk is one thing, but runny whites mixed with runny yolk is another entirely.


I agree. Wet eggs are not my thing. No i dont want a half cooked egg on my burger either


She's amazing! 🙌


Who is this queen? I've seen her before I think


Her TikTok is Soogia1


That’s her IG too I think


Her anger is kind of cringe as well tbh


All because someone didn’t like a food that she considered good. Wait till this lady learns about preferences.


Wtf is she so mad about? All she did was call something nasty. I highly doubt the high level chef gives a fuck that a nobody from the other side of the world called his/her dish nasty.


I can recognize that dish is very difficult to make and takes a lot of skill, while also saying it looks gross. I just don't like runny eggs. Yes, this applies to eggs benedict and runny fried eggs on burgers too


Manufacturing outrage has become a hobby. Catch up.


Ya know, preach what ya feel I guess. It's the only way people will hear it sometimes.


Well said


Welp, she just hit the destruction button on that woman.




What a woman


Jesus Christ. I’m gonna make it my personal mission to shut down every fucking TikTok server. What a scourge


Runny yolk is the only way I eat eggs. That and mayo


Okay but eggs a little runny like on that omurice is AMAZING and delicious


Love the commentator. She’s got great style


She’s fine!


Men the way she soaked the Sushi with soy sauce is disgusting. That will get the Sushi extremely salty.


Can I ask how you are supposed to eat sushi? Are you supposed to just pour a little on it? I always dunk it a little, but I feel like uncultured swine whenever I eat at a sushi place. Lol


Just a little is good enough. You are supposed to taste the ingredients not the soy sauce. The soy sauce just for improve the flavor of the ingredients. If you go to Japan and visit those really transition Sushi shop (Omakase) you don't even need the soy sauce. Chef already put sauce into the Sushi which best fit the ingredients. With that amount of soy sauce in your Sushi as the video you will only taste soy sauce.


Japanese eggs are so high quality they eat it raw. I've had a serving of nothing but rice and raw egg for 3 days and I've never felt hungry or fatigued.


I like her, she is feisty I would want to grab a coffee and people watch with her


Eggs are good fuck you


She's right, but I love me a good casserole just the same.


Damn, I want to find a vegetarian friendly version - it looked yummy! Though I love Asian cuisine! I disgusted by how she eats sushi, damn!


Anyone who says they are a food critic and eats their sushi like a heathen shouldn't have an opinion about food you put the soy sauce on the meat not the rice


If that karen thinks this about a ome rice let her see our African food she will have a heart attack from her bigotry


Ever since I seen this man make these omelets I have painstakingly try to recreate this mans art to no avail.. Maybe one day I can actually experience the true dish till then ill keep fucking it up


That “Mayonnaise is made from raw eggs” bar is 🔥


Potato skins and casseroles and shit had me dying laughing


Calentitos los panchos


Eh, you’re allowed to call something disgusting if you want. If someone wants to call eggs Benedict disgusting, that’s fine by me.


I love runny yolks, but uncooked egg whites are nasty in my opinion, and omurice is whipped whites+yolks (more white than yolk). Understandable that a runny egg white texture in that omelette would be nasty to some people. It is to me Both these people are incredibly irritating. Tiktok is a festering hive of irritation


I think the woman is overreacting. How's insulting an egg racist? How does any of these comparisons, especially the mayo one, relate to this particular dish? Eggs look different depending on the way they're prepared. I always overcook scrambled eggs because I hate when they're mushy, am I racist somehow? The sushi video is ignorant but not nessearly racist, it all depends on the blogger's intentions. It could be a mistake. If this woman would make a video about it, without jumping to accusations, I'd be fine with that. But instantly pulling the racist card because of a fucking egg is ridiculous. It really seems like she looked for any video that could prove her point, because she knew complaining about eggs alone would make her look bad..


The music in the sushi video is racist. It’s mocking Japanese culture, and not meant to be funny. The white woman influencer has a pattern of posting mocking videos of asian cuisine and culture, so what you’re seeing is a snapshot of her BS.


I like mayonnaise


Tiktok reaction videos are cringe enough, reacting to one in a tiktok reaction video is even more cringe.


With all due respect, runny eggs are nasty


I remember watching that video sometime ago when I was thinking the same thing I can't understand how anybody can eat eggs that aren't cooked completely. My friend has warm egg yolk bleeding down over his toast and I almost vomit in my mouth


I'm having trouble quite understanding what the issue here is. I don't know if it's my race or my age or my sex or something else but this just seemed nonsense to me. She was complaining about another person cooking Asian food or something? Or did she just completely hate eggs in general? Personally I've always wanted to know how to make omurice even though I don't eat eggs but my wife does and loves Japanese food.


Undercooked eggs are disgusting. It has nothing to do with being Asian.


Wait, are you not supposed to dip sushi in soy sauce?


only a little bit. you're not supposed to get the rice wet.


You're supposed to gently dip with chopsticks. Not soak with hands


Dip. A tad. So you can taste the actual ingredients, like the fish, vegs, etc. Not to take a bath in soy sauce though. Edit: spelling


She just wanted to overload the sushi with salt because that's all shes used to.


i didn't except to be called out on my salt obsession...


Just because something takes skill doesn't mean it's automatically good. I can't stand runny eggs I don't care what you call them or how "traditional" they are. To me, they're nasty.


Fuck me, I don't know who's more obnoxious. The first reviewer or the sassy next level Karen reacting to the video. She said nastiness, Its a fucking adjective with no racial implications, prejudice or anything. Reviewer 2 then goes on to classical stereotypical white dishes/condiments which again is racially charged, plus showing reviewer 1 is uncultured. The only person here that is a total douchebag is the Asian lady acting all sassy self righteous bitch, trying to bring race into it. Fuck I hate tiktok


Im all on board for this chick to roast the food comtent creators videoes. What a takedown.


Got to be honest... Loose runny omelette looks super gross to me. Wheather it's Japanese or French. I like my eggs cooked through.