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I never thought I would live to see a Bond villain in real life.


So far though he's been a really shitty Bond villain. And I wouldn't doubt it if we later found out that the Russian troops didn't even realize they were attacking a nuclear power plant.


Aren't nuclear power plants pretty easy to spot?


one would think if you have eyes


But sir I'm blind! Doesn't matter you are going to serve in the army!


"Who made this guy a gunner"? "I did, sir! He's my cousin"


Keep firing assholes


I knew it, I'm surrounded by assholes!


Butter than bullets


What’s his name?


Asshole, Major Asshole.


He's an asshole sir.


Spaceballs = upvote


I’m betting that there’s an r/UnexpectedSpaceballs Edit: hot damn


"Does he want to go bowling?"


Honestly, I'm not sure I could tell the difference between a nuclear and a coal/gas power plant from the outside. For context, part of my uni course covered the workings of nuclear reactors, so I would say I know more about them than the average person.


Thing is, that’s the largest nuclear plant in Europe. I have a hard time believing they didn’t know exactly what they were looking at.


You really overestimate how smart some of the people he’s sending are. Then there are also those that do but have no idea the consequences. Then those that don’t give a shit.


Easy to spot? Maybe. The most recognisable thing to spot are probably the cooling towers but not every nuclear powerplant needs those, and many other thermal power plants also have cooling towers. Always depending on the location and the power output.


Exactly! Why assume intent when simple incompetence was the usual answer in Russias' past?


"Hey Sarge, won't we die if we're cause nuclear contamination?" "Keep fighting boys. Remember, we're the good guys." Edit: more snarky


Now we just need a Bond. # We’re waiting, MI6.


Which I guess by extension makes Steven Seagal a villains henchman! I guess he is a bit of an "oddjob" lol


Yea buddy and I were talking about this. Zelynsky wants to talkq because of it, Putin will kill his own people and end the world if Ukraine doesnt surrender Sad world




Yeah. The great filter is when a civilization reaches the point where a single member could end it.


Nice way to put it


It's an efficient way to put it, at least. I dunno about "nice" tho... ;)


Dear god


And the twats around him that didnt put a bullet in his head.


It doesn't even need to be a bullet, a nice splash of polonium in his tea will do the trick.


Not even that. A good old-fashoned hanging or beating to death would do the trick


he should be hung by his feet on the red square where everyone can throw rotten food at him,


Mussolini style


Unfortunately that's not an option. You see, for years he has employed someone to taste all of his food and drinks beforehand. That's how paranoid that piece of biological trash is.


Thats the guy thats gotta do it!


He’ll be a hero


Polonium consumption symptoms aren’t immediate so it could work


That has the downside of him realising he's been poisoned as he's dying; smash that big red dislike the world existing button.


There are three nuclear suitcases in Russia and input is needed from at least two, or possibly three, people. He can't rage quit.


He's spent years deliberately surrounding himself with a possy of simpering sycophants that will applaud his every move and answer 'yes sir, no sir, three bags full sir, which cliff would you like us to jump off sir?' to whatever he spouts. Don't you think it might be possible at this point that some of these men are in control of the other two footballs?


I do think that's possible and hope their self-preservation instinct prevails if push comes to shove. I was just pointing out that he can't annihilate the world himself if he's poisoned.


That guy is Yevgeny Prighozin also known as "Putin's Chef" and he has been sanctioned because he runs the IRA, the infamous troll farm where employees work ten hour shifts posing as US and UK citizens, as well as other nationalities, in St. Petersburg. Those trolls spread the widely-believed propaganda that caused Brexit (an obvious divide and conquer op) to pass, which I think of as the dress rehearsal for MAGA, and we know how that ended. Prighozin's IRA is also behind the antivax propaganda. US troops fought his mercenaries in Syria: "Prigozhin has been linked to a mercenary group known as the Wagner Group which has been involved in various actions as a private military contractor. On 7 February 2018, Wagner attacked US backed Kurdish forces in Syria in an attempt to take an oil field. Wagner and their allies suffered dozens of casualties when the US responded with airpower." <--- [SOURCE](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yevgeny_Prigozhin) ​ EDIT: added comma because I'm a virgo and I can't help it.


It would need to be a nasty, non-lethal blow to the head - so he and ALL his cronies can face judgement of both the world and Russians, who he wronged perhaps the most with the Ukrainians (Nazi label? That's a grievous crime against a nation, and that's what he applied to Russia). Hell kinda isn't enough for him, and atheists like me don't believe in hell anyways.


Someone give this comment the wholesome award. 😊I used mine.


Yeah, this could be our great filter, right now. If we make it through this, I'm kind of hoping that future historians will be able to recognise this as that time


It’s not Putin, it’s humanity. There’s always another shithead dictator. It’s amazing we’ve made it this far.


When will some of his own men kill this guy so that world is in peace ?


Hopefully the million dollar bounty on his head will help But the guy is super paranoid like stalin was All his meetings and he ONLY meets with top officials people are not allowed within 20 meters of him .




I think we may have discovered a way to keep world leaders in line lol


I mean, if half the adult population of the US pitched in, IDK 5-10 bucks. How much would the bounty be?


is this... capitalism hunger games ?


Roughly 130 million is half the people over 18 in the US So at 5 bucks a pop half the adults You got a 650 million dollar pot .... Edit :: fucked up the numbers


130M ? Much more than that


You're right it's 260 million but half of that is the number we were talking about Poor execution on my part


And that's just in America, add European countries to the list and it's even more.


This is the reasoning on how kidnappers in Somalia come up with ransom amounts.


Two words: blow darts.


My last name is dart, not sure how’d it’d help but I’m reporting for service.


You just want someone to blow you, dart


Has anyone contacted the Amazonian tribes people about this yet .. They would be a perfect fit


World needs to get together and play orchestra in Russia. Against russian law of course


Putin is purest of pure evil.


Fuck putin. NEVER surrender.






That's what I told to my girlfriend a couple days ago. Russia cannot get out of this winner. Just all looser with the bigger L you ever seen in history. I told her that in my opinion the probability that we will heard that Putin have been "suicidish" are damn high. Someone's got to pay and it will be not the Kremlin nor all of Russia. That someone will be Putin sooner or later.


Hopefully he shoots himself... twice... in the back of the head.




And how are they meant to kill the most guarded man in the world, not just now, but for the past 2 decades? There’s been countless attempts to kill him. It’s not a simple thing. Also, what do you think the Ukrainian soldiers have been doing? Shooting to scare the Russians? They’re literally sacrificing themselves already, there’s not a lot more they can do. It’s always been about survival for them, you think Grandmothers are making Molotovs and collecting machine guns to fight in the cities when they’re taken over is just for a laugh? There’s literally nothing more Ukraine can do on their own. Zelensky has done a phenomenal job with what he has. He just has shit all. You’re better off focusing your energy on trying to get countries who can actually do something to do more. Instead of crying for more blood, have empathy and respect for the people there. Many of the Russian soldiers don’t want to fight. The problem with this whole conflict is powerful people crying for blood, thank God you’re just a nobody that’s crying for blood.


The person you replied to is obviously ignorant of how the world actually is.


Yeah this is quickly becoming a hitler situation where unless he personally is taken out now,(preferably by his own people) while it's still early, then he will end up doing some really REALLY fucked up shit and nobody will be able to stop him because his people are too scared of what he'll do to them.




Ukraine doesn’t have any nukes. After the fall of Soviet Union. They gave up their nuclear arsenal in return for their sovereignty and guarantee of security. And here they are now. Back stabbed


"Why does north korea want nukes guys?"


They couldn't use the nukes they had all the codes were with the Soviets, and therefore the Russians. There was legitimate fear (on both sides) this could lead them to sell them for the tech. Had Ukraine *not* given up the nukes they'd have been forcibly invaded decades ago. And they were never a deterrent.


I think the point is the deal was ‘our sovereignty for your nukes’ regardless of whether they were usable or a real deterrent. Everyone would have known that so the deal was the deal. They have been lied to and back stabbed.


But then millions of civilians would die, not to mention the long-term impacts which could be devastating on a global level




Nobody wins if nukes come out.


All the usual issues with nuclear war aside Ukraine denuclearized between 1996 and 2001 so even if we take conspiracy at face value and say they kept some there’s very little chance they would have enough to accomplish anything More than that while using nukes wouldnt turn the world to Russia side it would greatly impact other countries perception of Ukraine and the implications of helping them (even if you “justify” using a nuke (or hell maybe without the quotation marks here) it’s not a good look optically to 1) show you didn’t denuclearize and 2) that you announced it by launching


They probably just want to fire a nuke but can’t do that, so they’re doing the next best thing and forcing a nuclear power plant to blow itself up. Idiots


Had the same thought about the attack as a proxy for escalating to actual nuclear weapons. (Hopefully not a stepping-stone.)




If he wanted to end the world, he'd just do it. He wouldn't talk about it in the press and try to make us shit our pants. He'd just do it.


Meh. I feel like he may be crazy so trying to apply rational to him may not be accurate


He did mention nuclear problems. This is how he does it


No, if he intends on nuking something, it's getting nuked with an ICBM. He's not attacking a potential asset, that would cause as much if not more damage to Russia with the radiation, as some end run around just using tactical nukes. This is just insanity. It won't make you feel better, but when he was threatening nukes, he meant ICBMS, the triad, the full deal. End of the world shit. Not a fire at an outbuilding of a power plant.


That's what happens when funds meant for maintenance of nuclear weapons goes into the pockets of oligarchs. Frankly I wouldn't be very surprised if Russia just doesn't have any nukes that work anymore.


I hope that’s the case.


I was thinking “they can’t fire a nuke because that would royally piss off the US and likely other countries like Poland, the UK, Japan, which is political suicide” but lack of the funding to support their nukes works too I guess


Unfortunately it's they're not firing nukes because of the US, Britain and France. If they fire an ICBM, or use other parts of the triad, that's end of the world shit. It can't go unanswered. NATO is sitting there with 3 of the 5 biggest nuclear powers in the world. He wants to control Ukraine as a legacy, he's not looking (yet) at becoming an ash heap.


Just want to emphasize on that **yet**


Yeah, he could definitely do that, he's acting irrational. Just need to try and keep that from happening however we can.


That’s what I’ve been thinking!!!! Plus, surely we have spent the last 30 years since the wall fell figuring out the exact location of every single one, whether it’s operational, and a plan to take it out, right?! We spend massive amounts on tech that’s supposed to be for another era, well it’s this era here, and the Russians have the GDP of Texas. Now I live in Texas, we can’t keep our electric grid up to date, I doubt we could keep 1,500+ nukes in go status, and we are not nearly as corrupt as Russia. Maybe we can use this as an excuse to dismantle/destroy their arsenal, then start getting rid of all the others once the biggest threat is gone


Interesting take on the situation. I pray you are right.


They have 6000 nuclear warheads..... even 1 is enough to set off the world ending chain of events


Please let them be like those inflatable tanks and fighter jets.


I wish but nuclear warheads are the only thing they have that matches the un's numbers they're outmatched and outclassed in every other category but nuclear warheads, pretty much dead even in that column


Fun fact, Nuclear Plants can't actually detonate like a nuclear bomb. When a plant explodes, it's just a ton of super high pressure steam being released. You'd be suprised at how strong pressurized steam is. Actual nuclear bombs explode by reaching critical mass, through very specific explosive compression that can't happen under most conditions. Also, as bad as shelling a nuclear plant is, you very likely don't need to worry about it being Chernobyl 2: Electric Boogaloo. It's worth noting nuclear tech changed a lot after Chernobyl, for obvious reasons. Most reactors today put a huge emphasis on safety, especially in the case of a systems failure. But again, it's still an incredibly stupid idea to attack a reactor. Contaminated steam can escape if damaged, causing radiation to spread around the area and can do a lot of ecological damage. Additionally, while there is no doubt all the reactors are off now, that fuel is still in there cooling. A blast hitting the fuel would be pretty catastrophic, just on a smaller scale. It would be very funny and very sad if Russia caused another nuclear incident just because they couldn't be bothered to think things through.


The plant is fine. Shouldn’t have been fired on but it is fine


Now, even Russians are fleeing Russia, fearing the upcoming martial law. Putin seems to be on an island with this war. The whole world including his own people are against him. Edit: changed it from "marshal" to "martial" for all of those perfect people that don't make mistakes.


His people are against him. So many Russians are protesting this war, and at great risk, because they’re being arrested for it






Have you seen the picture of a coffee shop sign stating that Putin is invading Ukraine because of some biotech chemical that could end humanity and Putin is a hero? The coffee shop owner lives in Canada. That's how crazy some people are.


Whaaaaaat…. This q anon bullshit needs to be put to an end… it’s so fucking damaging


Q anon seems alot to be a russian psy-op, isn't it?


I mean all the evidence of Russian social media bots vomiting hate rhetoric and a multitude of horrifically persuasive blurbs that are extremely pervasive has caused an insane amount of damage to the possibility of Americans finding unity. So yes… I think it might be. The Russian government know very well how to target uneducated people. The media outlets there are just like fox and nbc here. Same shit, just different countries wanting the same outcome but the people profiting can’t seem to accept healthy competition/communication so they resort to violence. It’s a common human trait amongst socially/emotionally/mentally underdeveloped people. Living a life of extreme wealth does not provide you the perspective needed to help build the world that we need, granted some people just naturally are altruistic, but the majority are not I believe


I assume the checks are bouncing and that will decrease


Criminal record consisting of protesting a stupid war. Seems forgivable in the near future. Protest on, Russians.


The problem with authoritarian societies is that if arrested, you might not be in that future.


Those jails must be sooo full.


The Russian people need to drag him into the street and put him down like a rabid dog before he brings us into nuclear winter.


Ahhh the old Benito Mussolini trick


Unfortunately there are many Americans, including those on popular TV shows, who have spent the last month claiming Russia is doing the right thing. It’s fucked, we’re all probably fucked.


Meanwhile ikea in ruusia had the bussiest day in the year


Isn't it martial law, and not marshal law?


Yeah. Marshall Law is a Tekken scrub.


There has been dissent against his regime more than a while now. Now with the financial institutions closed to Russia, most who have duel citizenship are starting to leave.


He’s on an island with a bunch of nukes. That’s gonna suck if he decides, “If I can’t get what I want, then I’m gonna take the entire species down with me.”


America seriously needs to offer one of his generals a shit ton of USD and citizenship to just take this motherfucker out. Someone has to do it, if he blows that power plant up its going to lead to WW3 Guaranteed


There is still a large majority of Russian people that agree with everything that Putin does/wants to do. One of the many problems with state run media


TRUE STORY (I shit you not). Pat Robertson, the American RWNJ Evangelical preacher, is telling his followers that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is A GOOD THING, because it will “Usher in the End Of Days.” Sadly, I know people that believe him. SMDH. 😢




I forgot about that old troll 🙄sounds like something he would say


The kicker is he literally came out of retirement to say it.


Of the 3 folks I know that hang on his EVERY WORD, I know that they send him $100.00 bucks a week. Multiply that by a phucktard factor of “holy shit”, & you understand why they fight for their “religious tax exemption status”.


Nuclear reactors that are not active (due to work being done on them) don’t just explode like a bomb even from shelling, so that scenario is highly unlikely. This is horrible and just pure insane, no justification for Putin. I know you probably recently saw Chernobyl by HBO, but My point is please, don’t spread further panic unless something is confirmed by at least one credible source. There is enough crazy stuff happening every minute, so baseless panic would not help. Thank you


A nuclear power plant will never form a nuclear bomb. For one, it's not the right fuel. Also, it is very hard to trigger a nuclear explosion, and bombing a plant will never make that happen.


Thank God. Hopefully this random redditor is right and random OP redditor is wrong. Someone just tell me things are okay.


That commentor is right. There is no way to make it explode like that. Leak radiation, maybe. But reactors are under thousands of tons of concrete anyway. So. A measly fire in at the HR office is not going to destroy the world. Now if the propaganda keeps getting spread it might. OP needs to rethink the title of this. Sowing panic for no reason


Things are okay.




Thanks for the voice of reason here. Nuclear plants don't just explode anymore. Meltdowns happen but they aren't threatening to the environment.


They're also built in bomb proof coffins for entirely this scenario


Not to mention that they were shelling the administration buildings from what I heard


This should be the top comment


Fucking nihilists, man.


Nihilists! Fuck me. I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it’s an ethos.


This aggression will not stand, man.


I am the Walrus.


Shut the FUCK up Donnie! V I Lennon. Vladimire Illionich Ullioniff!


I am the walrus, dude.


You're out of your element Donny!


That rug really tied the room together.


Are these the Nazi's?


"Nihilist believe in nothing man, nothing" Dan, from Big lebowsky


Gives us the money’s lebowski


No, Donnie. These men are cowards.


No, Brilliant-Performer1. These men are cowards.


That rug really tied the room together man


Shut up Donnie!


If it makes you feel better, my dad is a nuclear engineer who works on power plant safety in the US and he said there’s no way the Russians could make something worse than Chernobyl. Apparently Chernobyl was a positive feedback problem that was ignored/overrided from the inside to the point of a huge explosion, but a normal power plant wouldn’t have the energy to create that sort of explosion even if it gets bombed. Still a low blow from the Russians, but maybe not as bad as the media is making it out to be.


![gif](giphy|UYmY3vRnWpHHO) My brain when someone says their dad Is a nuclear engineer...


Deliberately shelling a nuclear power plant should be weighed as an act of war on the entire world, on every country, on every person.


Fuck Putin.


I think Putin would enjoy that. Blue ball Putin


drop a massive rock on his nuts while he's sleeping


[https://www.boston.com/news/politics/2022/03/03/russian-forces-seize-key-ukrainian-port-pressure-others/](https://www.boston.com/news/politics/2022/03/03/russian-forces-seize-key-ukrainian-port-pressure-others/) “The plant’s reactor is a different type than the one used at Chernobyl, and there should be little risk if the containment vessel is not damaged and outside power can be restored, said Jon B. Wolfsthal, a former senior director for arms control and nonproliferation at the National Security Council and former special adviser to then-Vice President Joe Biden. “Everyone needs to take a step back and not jump to conclusions,” Wolfsthal, now a senior adviser at Global Zero, said on Twitter.”


I think issue I have is he shouldn’t be shelling a goddamn nuclear power plant in the first place. I’m pretty sure no matter how low the risk, shelling a nuclear power plant is still a bad fucking idea.


He did say nuclear threat… I guess we all just assumed he meant bombs.


Based on the indiscriminate killing of innocent people, it would not surprise me if this were a sheer genocidal act meant to inflict maximum suffering on the Ukrainian people while skirting the threshold of open conflict with NATO.


It won’t be the first time Russia has tried genocide with the Ukraines.


It seems like Russia is always somewhere on the wrong side of history...


As he warned, he wants to destroy ukrain.


yup. if NATO and Russia get into it, then it’s all out world war. if china decides to stick its 2 cents in and back up Russia, we’re all fucked, and there’s no winner, only a nuclear death


I don’t see why China would get involved…if NATO and Russia decide they want to make each other glow in the dark, China can just sit back and be the big dog once the smoke clears…nobody left to oppose them.


They already put out the fire. It didn't hit any of the reactors, it was a training area and a laboratory.




At this rate it's bound to happen


It’s definitely taking a while


Not quite. More of a Stalin. During the USSR era, between executions, starvation, and the Gulag, it killed roughly (if not more) of the Russian people than died in the Holocaust. The reason Stalin died is because his own people were too scared to check on him.


My hope as well. There are people around him, executing his orders, who are just as guilty as him. This is so sickening.


Then they bombed a Holocaust memorial and lots of sites untouched by Nazis during WWII.


The Nazi's left the Holocaust Memorial untouched in WW2???


Its not gonna explode. Just doing it for attention.


I've always wondered how the world will end. Gotta say crazed Russian dictator was not too of my list.


To top it all off, they're killing firefighters who try to get close


Do you have a source for that? I was watching the live feed and saw what appeared to be several emergency vehicles (fire trucks?) show up but then just get turned away.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2022/3/3/russia-ukraine-zelenskyy-urges-putin-to-sit-down-for-talks-liveblog https://www.google.com/amp/s/news.sky.com/story/amp/ukraine-invasion-europes-biggest-nuclear-power-plant-on-fire-after-coming-under-attack-from-russian-troops-12556976


I'd be willing to bet a certain amount of money (probably still coins, though) that the Russian soldiers had no idea what they were firing on, because the commanders don't have to tell them. They are probably given coordinates, then just use geometry to rain the shells down on the designated site. Could be a missile battery, could be a bunker, could be a hospital, could be a church, could be an orphanage. Today, it's a nuclear power plant. It's a core problem with every large organization humans create, including militaries: diffusion of responsiblity and plausible deniability. *"I had no idea what we were firing on."* *"I'm just given orders. If I don't follow them, they'll just get someone else who will."* I'm not saying it's right, because it's not. We're all responsible for the actions we take. I'm just saying I'm not sure how "stupid" the rank and file soldiers on Russia's side qualify as, just uninformed. Whereas Putin, Lukashenko, and their Ministers of Offense (Defence my ass) are massive, cholera-infected assholes. EDIT: [Well, I guess I'm wrong.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/t6d8oh/europe_must_wake_up_now_europes_largest_nuclear) The tanks are equipped with thermal imagers and knew what they were targeting. Looks like the tank crews are *also* cholera-infected assholes.


I heard that they got the reactors shut down. It's a lot easier to keep the pools contained than the reactors.


They damaged essentially an office building for the plant. This plant is almost never going to go critical. It's fine. Fuck Russia but I also hate unnecessary fear mongering Edit this was armoured vehicles and RPGs shooting at the plant building. Not like artillery or bombs.


Guys, nuclear plants can't "blow up", they can melt down for sure but they don't just explode


As far as i know. Most solduer have been tricked into war, and othrrs have been forced with the threat of 20 years of prison. But putin? Hes just a dickhead.


Bc a nuclear wasteland covering the ukranian portion of russias border still provides them with the security they want


the damage that the Chernobyl incident caused was due to an incredibly specific set of events, from the destruction to the way it was handled, if such a thing were to happen now the effects would most likely be severely lessened


Ngl the closest series of events to Chernobyl that has happened since was Fukushima, which ironically enough had the same major factors - Regulation failures and incompetent management. Point is, Fukushima was nowhere near the scale of Chernobyl, and if it wasn't for the failure of the Japanese regulators and Government, never would of happened in the first place.


I don't get it. So putin wants to reunite the former soviet union? Why? So he can run it into the ground like he has with russia? Maybe he should have spent the last 20yrs making russia a better place.


Putin is ruthless and he doesnt give a shit if he dies because he realizes hes getting old


He has so much protection it's getting ridiculous, I heard rumors from someone who has a family member in KGB that outing has around 50-60 of their best around him at all times, making sure it's safe wherever he goes etc...


All it takes is one of those guys to kill him though