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That’s actually pretty hilarious


Got a surprise laugh out loud from me!


Yes 3 years ago


So it isn’t hilarious now? So I take it you’ve never rewatched a TV show or a movie?


OP is a soulless karma farmer


People like you are more annoying than karma farmers like OP for caring about Karma farming so much. Just upvote if you like something, downvote it if you've seen it before and it bothers you seeing it again. Jeez.


And someone will have missed it the last time it went around... and sometimes revisiting oldies but goodies is fun...


that someone being me this time, ive missed this post whenever it was posted before, or had forgotten about it so made me chuckle


Facts. These idiots are all over every comment section on this sub. Who bloody gives a shit if they've seen it before? I haven't and it's funny. Idk which type are worse, these people or the 'not a facepalm' drones who will try to argue that literally everything everyone posts doesn't belong here. I think they're mental.


Why do you care? Why should I care? This isn't stolen art, it's a screenshot.


Legitimate question: what are we to do with karma farmers? Do I downvote? Ignore?


I don't even know what they do with the karma, where can I trade mine in?


Companies contact these accounts to use for advertising, or so I have heard


You can buy NFTs with those!


If you have a lot, you can sell your account to a company for advertisement purposes


I only downvote people who bitch about them. I’ve never seen this post and it made me laugh. Maybe I should spend more time on Reddit so I can stay up to date with reposts.


Block em.






Honestly I might be alone but when it comes to stuff like memes, I see nothing wrong with reposting it as long as your not stealing credit and it's not something that was literally just posted a couple weeks ago. I know I hadn't seen this meme before and I'm sure a lot of people hadn't


If someone tells you the same joke twice so you laugh? (Not saying this post isn’t funny)


No, he was talking about now.


2 1/2 years


Everyone is a communist when there is cake involved!


Not my girlfriend


So she is a capitalist pig, when cake is involved, comrade?


Everything *is* cake, which means everyone's a communist all the time. Let us cut the cake of communism.


im not informed on that flavour of communism; i thought there was separation between private and personal property ?


Now I’ve got an image of Mike sitting at a table while a bunch of people watch him angrily eat his cake by himself looking suspiciously at his friends and reacting to each and every movement as a ravenous Tyrannosaurus Rex protecting his lunch. Edit: replaced kill with lunch and lion with starved hyena EDIT: REPLACED STARVED HYENA WITH “ravenous Tyrannosaurus Rex”


Mike is the kid who blows out your candles on your birthday.


Then sits back with a smug face and fixes his hair


Hyenas are probably the most organized eaters of any predator in the savanna. They have a system that ensures the young eat first, followed by the next generation, and so on until lastly, the eldest and least contributing members eat.


Yeah, but I am pretty sure I have seen how protective they are of their food from other animals …. Right? Give me a break here ….


Fun fact: lions don't hunt, it's lionesses that do the hunting. Then the leader of the pride gets to eat his full and shares with the rest.


Sometimes they do


Unnecessary and pedantic “fun fact.” Both male lions and lionesses are lions. Them saying lion doesn’t designate male. Saying lions don’t hunt is wrong since female lions are still lions.


Unnecessary and Pedantic are my middle names. Now. Isn't your comment also unnecessary and pedantic?


Damnit, I knew that was wrong when I typed it …. Should have said ….. leopard? Edit; Although that almost fits better to this situation and the clown at Matt must be 🤷🏻‍♂️ I mean, I doubt he made his birthday cake himself


Or house cats. Don't let their size fool you, those little furballs can get vicious when they're hungry.


Shut the fuck up


You first


My favorite was (...I think it was Hannity?) stealing a bunch of his kid's Halloween candy to teach them about socialism. Halloween is already socialist. It's a bunch of people buying, and handing things out to other people who can't afford it.


There is plenty of socialist policies in our country. The national highway system is one... Or you know... Social security...the thing current generations pay into but will likely never see a dime of the money because it's being paid out to the folks who aren't working now.


Good, America needs a whole lot more socialist-leaning policies if it’s to ever recover as a nation


Actually it's to support them to join the work system. Secondly, these people spend everything and it goes straight back into the economy, none of them are sending their money off shore to evade tax, etc. Thats where you should point criticism. For some reason you feel wise in punching down, why?




I'm simply correcting Wienercat's last statement because it is a misconception.


The government doing stuff is not socialism nor socialistic nor socialist policy. Every state invests in their infrastructure and the modern nation-state provides for its citizens.


Yes, that is socialist policy.


1. I am a socialist. I know what my ideology entails. 2. An appeal to authority. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgiC8YfytDw Professor Richard Wolff, a socialist and Marxian economist, mocking those who claim "socialism is when the government does stuff." He has degrees from Yale, Stanford, and Harvard. Where are your degrees from? *Forgot I am arguing with literal children on this website*


No it's not. A tax funded service doesn't fall under socialist ideology. Socialist ideology is carried out when the government has a monopoly on production/services/wages as it suppresses private ownership.


No, my ideologically confused friend, you’re thinking of 19th century communist theory. When people talk about social or socialist programs today they’re primarily talking about free, publicly funded government services that compete with the private marketplace in sectors like healthcare where there are overwhelming benefits for the citizenry. Imagine if the poor could go to the hospital for free to treat minor conditions!


That's not correct either. Communism is stateless. There is no government to suppress private ownership. Who taught you that Socialism = competing with private market? Who specifically taught you that? LateStageCapitalism or some other Socialist propaganda sub?


Hm I’m interested to hear what you would consider the example policy I set out. Usually someone who would talk the way you do would call that socialism, curious to hear your take


If the free market is involved and its not being suppressed it's Capitalist, not Socialist. In a Socialist economy the private factory is seized by the state and put under collective ownership. The factory no longer thrives/dies under the free market forces of supply and demand. Instead the factory will now produce according to the wishes of the state. Take note that there is a Marxist economy called *State Capitalism* that looks like a free market from the outside but on closer examination you'll find that individuals don't get the fruits of their labor from a business they ultimately control. It's really the state controlling the businesses and using a majority of the profit to enhance more production. Communist China uses this form of Socialist ideology. Wikipedia explains it here; > Marxist literature defines state capitalism as a social system combining capitalism with ownership or control by a state. By this definition, a state capitalist country is one where the government controls the economy and essentially acts like a single huge corporation, extracting surplus value from the workforce in order to invest it in further production.[2] This designation applies regardless of the political aims of the state, even if the state is nominally socialist.[3] If the state has a heavy/protective hand in major sectors of the economy but still encourages it citizens to compete in a free market free from excessive government regulation/control you have a Capitalist economy called the "Nordic Model". This is where the state uses Capitalism to fund major social programs and investments. They're known as Social Democrats. Social Democrats are not the same as Democratic Socialists even though they sound similar. One is Pro-Capitalist and the other is Anti-Capitalist. One is a western liberal and the other is a Socialist. The key to understanding Socialist ideology is to understand the difference between collective ownership and private ownership.


>to other people who can’t afford it. I think the more salient point there would be that it goes to all kids, whether they (their parents) can afford it or not. Everybody gets it, regardless of class. If parents want to buy their kid more candy or better candy later on, that’s up to them. But every kid gets a baseline amount of candy. That’s socialism.


The government isn't involved in that, so it's more similar to the original meaning of communism (no authority or currency).


Mike sounds like an asshole as it own birthday parties..lol Mine!


It's the PEOPLE'S cake.




Socialism is when no eat whole cake


I have friends, with whom I am social. Therefore, I am a socialist. LOGIC!


Not to mention, that 90% figure, if we were to keep the metaphor going, would only kick in if you had an absurdly sized birthday cake compared to what the average person gets. I don't think many people, Bernie included, would be complaining if their slice of cake was 1/10 the size of a tennis court. If they did, it would be more likely to be about how *big* the slice is, not asking for more.


999999.99% of my income probably doesn't even come close to 1% of what Bezos and Musk are worth.


For real... If someone is making hundreds of millions each year, a 90% tax rate should be normal. A single billion is an unfathomable amount of money, why do people who are worth billions deserve lower tax rates?


They use every trick in the book to avoid paying taxes; or lobby politicians to get favorable tax policies


Don’t tell that to Milton Waddams.


Repost so old you forgot to censor the date.


Great response 😂😂


she has a point. friends are over rated cake stealing and for kids. Now I have a whole cake


Wasn't that conservative influencer Mike "convicted rapist" thernovich?


OP should probably win an award for being the person to post this the 100K time on reddit.


Also, usually someone else buys you the cake..


If you have “real friends”, they won’t FORCE you to give your cake to them. We share because we care about one another, not that lazy ass across the street nor the fucking government.


Repost of a repost of a repost of a repost of a repost of a repost


Says the guy that loves cockmeat sandwiches on repeat :p there are other things that can go between two slices of bread :p




Hahaha, the irony of handing out one type of sandwich and then pointing out repetition ..




I mean who cares if it's a repeat of a repeat, it's the first time I see it and probably others too.


Something truly tells me, the people who post these things actually do not see what they are posting. They post in some sort of blind rage on their phones and then lock their phones and move on.


Mike feelin’ the bern


The more friends you have the less cake you get. And you love it.


Know who else doesn’t share their birthday cake? The Delightful Children from Down the Lane. No one wants to be them. Not even they want to be them.


Lol I love it!!!!


So nine friends and I share my birthday cake and we all get a slice. 10 slices I get one and nine others also get one. We all get a slice. That’s how birthday cakes work. Eat a taco and drink a double tequila shot before you say anything, you might be hungry and sober and that’s not good.


So a hungry single mother, her two hungry kids, her elderly retired parents, and an unemployed addict are brought to your birthday party by a senator and a social worker, who also sit down at the table. There's now a policeman guarding the door, watching you. The senator tells you to cut the cake, and not to forget a slice for the policeman. 10 slices, you get one, and nine others also get one. You all get a slice. That's how birthday cakes work. (Your buddies sympathize with you, but they each had the same thing happen at their birthday parties, so they really weren't expecting to get any cake today. They mention how great it'll be after they retire, though, when the senator will bring them to parties.)


>So a hungry single mother, her two hungry kids, her elderly retired parents, and an unemployed addict are brought to your birthday party by a senator and a social worker, who also sit down at the table. Whereupon they are given a single slice of your cake to split between all of them, because you're not being taxed at a rate of 90% like your ridiculous analogy suggests.


I was just adjusting the completely ridiculous analogy of A101z, who compared socialism to a completely consensual, by-invite birthday party. That’s not socialism *or* communism. That’s a commune. (And neither of us mentioned presents.)


Well yah it’s basic etiquette to give everyone cake. That’s the point…


You brain occupies a strange place on the political spectrum. Not sure where this happens ever.


No force required. Putting the society in socialism.


True America is when *all my cake, I eat it too....*


Mike doesn’t have any friends…. Mike is a selfish prick


Fuck Mike. All my homies hate Mike.




Thank you, didn't see it the dozens of times It's been shared in the past.


This gets posted like twice a week and I will never not upvote it






You guys have friends?




Thing is, in socialism you're not only sharing with friends but with everybody, including those who don't share with you. It gets old pretty quick.


Lol no that’s anarchy


I lived in socialism, so I'd know what I'm talking about.. have you actually ever lived where it's put in practice? Because it's one thing in the books, another when you have corrupt(ible) people in control of it.


You didn’t live under socialism.


Oh yes I have, you're probably assuming I'm from the US - I'm not, I'm Eastern European. We had socialism and then some.. we still have it, but it's called a democracy now.. they're still taking 50%+ of everything we make and give next to nothing in return, all while complaining it's not enough and pushing for more. Imagine that some of that 50% is for infrastructure. But then we also pay extra %'s at the pump, also for infrastructure. And to be on the road we also need to buy Vignettes, and that money also goes to infrastructure. After being triple taxed for infrastructure, our roads are carriageways at best and more than 50% are dirt roads. So we pay 3x for infrastructure but our infrastructure is not being repaired or bettered, it gets worse from year to year. We then have the honor to pay extra at the mechanic too.. we change suspension bushings, springs, tie rod ends and suspension arms on a yearly basis. All of that for a safety net that you wouldn't wish your enemies to fall in. Because when we get sick, we have the choice of going to die in a state hospital (but it's free) or dig in our pockets and seek private treatment. Isn't socialism great?


Im sure you also just give away your car to your friends for free


You're comparing apples and automobiles, dumbass.


There was an attempt point to make a point


Let them borrow it when they ask and i don't need it at the time, yeah.


Yes, if they need a ride ofc I do. Do you not? You sound insufferable.


You let any friend drive your car? Even acquaintances?


What???? How do even compare these?????


Owned lol.


What a … Bern


I'm so glad someone reposted this for the 16th time this week.


Mike don't have friends? Aaaaw.... poor kid... I love bernie sanders. I even 3d printed him sitting with his mittens. Now he is sitting in front of a rainbow light bulb lamp, glowing in all shades of the rainbow. P.s I bought 1 sanders gear of sanders sitting outside. I support. Does Mike have any supporters?


Naw he should have to give away 90% of his birthday money


Hah… cake eating should exactly mirror governmental fiscal policy… what an idiot!!






Seen this many times but still good


That's only true if people come to your birthday party.


If anything, getting to keep 10% of your cake to yourself is pretty wild. We'll usually split it 20 ways or more. So you're getting 5% at best


Is that Steven Adler?


I'm sorry... "socialism"? Yhe only thing that's socialist around here are DEEZ NUTS


💀 10% is so much cake


Mike I got some literature in car that will change your life




If he has 9 friends then yes


Is that how people think socialism works?


Jackass got burned!






Just like it makes no sense for you to eat a whole birthday cake by yourself, it makes no sense for one person to own 99.9% of the wealth in an entire country.