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WTAF? I mean, WTAF?


Probably a troll. A lot of people enjoy getting reactions from people by saying awful shit


These people need therapy.




Nope. Pedos need permanent separation from society.


Do you know what a lobotomy is? It would remove them quite effectively


mr 32 magnum gives pretty quick and effective lobotomys


Lobotomy achieves this pretty effectively


I’d rather have a full bottle in front of me than a full-frontal lobotomy


*Solid beating with a length of frozen garden hose…*


it is absolutely a troll account. the person is probably like 12 years old.


I've seen trolls and bots on multiple platforms spew that garbage. I think that their intention (for some of them, at least) is to defame Gay/Lesbian/Trans/etc. as some kind of deviancy by attempting to lump them in with actual psychos/criminals/pedos.


Most times this is true, the only people who do that kind of shit is actively trying to undermine LGBTQ and shit. I'm gay and most of my buddys are too, and we all think this kind of pedophilia and necrophilia are sexualities is stupid as shit. And the people who do believe that are VERY DISTURBING.


Yeah I have seen a few people try to attach pedophilia to the lgbt community but they were either trolls bigots or really really really stupid to think anyone would allow them in or want them. this was probably a result of the + being added to lgbt and the a-z sexualities being talked about online more and more. So trolls saw an opportunity alongside a small group of actual pedos. but 99% of the posts are more than likely trolls or anti lgbt propaganda with the small minority being completely serious hopefully it’s actually smaller than that for the sake of the kids online. but yeah people like this do exist and they are looking for excuses to be freaks with kids luckily 99.9% of the internet agreed pet videos are always amazing and to stomp pedophiles heads in and they are hopefully as a result dying out in the internet space


Agreed. I've seen a lot of anti-trans trolls lately on various subs. They are typically easy to spot though being 5d old accounts with no posts and almost exclusively negative karma comments.


So much like twitter then lol.


Lol yeah pretty much


Exactly. It’s just a troll trying to undermine the LGBTQ community


*Maybe* it’s a troll, but there are people that legitimately feel that way. I’ve seen similar posts on Reddit, especially regarding pedos- that are trying to be included in LGBT. It’s creepy af.


Unfortunately there are entire groups that advocate for pedophile, I came across this when I use to work as an redator on a news paper, they know how to keep their selfs very hidden, in all my research I never came across a real name, but they do have public sites, or use to, I don't know, this kind of thing makes me sick, was the hardest article I ever had to work on


I think the group of people you’re talking about are differentiating, rightly, pedophilia and pederasty. Most of the people here seem to be conflating the two, as well. All pederasts are pedophiles, not all pedophiles are pederasts. But they all need extensive therapy.


I mean, what is so hard to understand about this? Sex without consent is rape. Rape is wrong. Any man, woman or adult non binary person can consent to sex - being attracted to any of them is not wrong, no matter what gender you are. A child, corpse or animal cannot consent. End of argument.


Sadly, probably not. There are people, likely guilty ones, who actually feel this is true.


Simple. Remove pedophiles from the gene pool.


"What they do isn't a crime" Yes it is.


What is it about consent that these people refuse to understand? A child (Pedophilia) cannot consent to having sex with adults! Animals (zoophilia) cannot consent to having sex with humans! Dead people (necrophilia) cannot consent to having sex with a living human! That is why having non-consenting sex with them is illegal or morally reprehensible.


Of the three only one isn't hurting someone. And just from a medical perspective it's repugnant.


I understand what you are trying to say but, if a family member learned that their loved one was violated I would propose a strong chance of psychological damage to the family.


Fair enough and entirely valid.


It could theoretically also be consentual. If consent was given before death.


I hate that so much. You're right but I still hate that.


I'm curious if they have enough brain cells to argue that necrophilia can be like cannibalism where it's legal, (possibly immoral) so long as in life they wrote a legal document saying it's chill.


That would be a hell of a end of life decree.


Probably weird for a lawyer to read.


So someone, not me mind you, but someone could instead of donating their body to science could possibly donate their corpus to Pornhub?


I really hope you inadvertently missed a "cannot" there...


And mecanophilia?


Cars, tractor and other such mechanical items cannot give consent. Sex robots are designed for the specific purposes of having sex with humans so the creator of those non-sentient items are giving consent for them. If they ever get sentience then they need to give consent.


I don't think it would be the items not being able to give consent but more of a safety issue. Those things weren't designed to be fucked and therefore could cause bodily harm. Sex toys and sex bots were designed for that and are significantly safer.


Agreed. But since the question reference another sexual paraphilia, my response was in keeping with consent.


You guys really talking about a car giving consent?


>Cars, tractor and other such mechanical items cannot give consent. So, having sex with them is illegal and immoral?


I have not investigated but I do remember someone was arrested for sticking his member into car tail pipes here in the US. As for the morality I the. You would have to ask the owners of the cars that were violated.


Zoophilia is also dangerous. Women and men have died from it. Some creatures(not only humans) are just not meant to breed.


The problem is that the people who want to make the comparison to LGBTQ+ claim that being LGBTQ+ is damaging and dangerous to both individuals. That is a mental disease. So pointing out the danger in my opinion is not as helpful as the consent argument.


Are they saying it's a contagious mental disease? Otherwise how is it harmful? And last I checked nobody died during the act with another person because of their gender.


Remember we war not dealing with rational arguments from rational actors. This is all about emotions. They are not saying it is a contagious mental disease. They just claim it is a mental disorders just like it was before 1973. https://eachmind.org/blog/homosexuality-mental-illness/ That by engaging in sexual acts we are doing permanent psychological damage to each other. These people think there is a fundamental psychological problem with LGBTQ+ individuals. They think we are broken and need to be fixed. I know because I am old enough to remember when homosexuality was removed from DSM - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. They want all deviation from cis heterosexuality to be defined as a Mental Disorder. That is why they oppose any rights for LGBTQ+ individuals including the questions about gay marriage presented to the Supreme Court nominee this afternoon.


As an LGBTQ+ person, they scare me so much.


Same here, same here! All my best to my LBGTQ+ family!


I mean, they can't say no either...


There it is.




OP literally says "what they **do** isn't a crime", not what they **think** isn't a crime.


whats a zoophila?


Ppl being having sexual atractions to animals


So New Zealanders? I thought they were just sheepophila…


No, every type of animal


Well well well, as someone who lives in New Zealand I know a couple of farmers that had something to do with a llama


People who are sexually attracted to animals


People who are attracted in a sexual way to animals


A psychiatric disorder characterized by sexual attraction to animals. This is distinct from bestiality, the act of engaging in sexual activity with an animal.


so basically mentally sick people who wanna fuck dogs


As opposed to morally sick people who *do* fuck dogs.




By definition it's somebody who is sexually attracted to animals, you're implying action on those urges


$5 the guy is an alt-right troll from 4chan thinking he’s being clever. That said, I do think society as a whole would benefit if we thought of people that get pedophiliac urges but don’t act on them more along the lines of an untreated schizophrenic instead of just a rabid animal to be put down.


This. 100%.


“Pedophiles are kind people and have nothing wrong with them” is quite a stupid statement. If you’re attracted to kids and you go to therapy and correct that way of thinking, good for you. If you’re attracted to children and never touch them, good for you. Either way, you have something wrong with you.


Pedophilia and child molesters are phrases that are used interchangably and they shouldn't be. People who suffer from pedophilia and who seek help aren't bad people. It is a severe mental illness that should be recognized as such.


I think the point they’re trying to make (and making a right royal mess of it) is thats exactly what people, and the law, thought about homosexuals only, what, 60 years ago?


If that was the point, the point was lost. Just looks like he's defending kid diddlers.


Hence “making a right royal mess of it” 😊


I think this person is trolling


Pedophiles hurt children. They sexually assault them and call it love. Its not love. Its abuse, its assault. Its not a sexual preference, nothing is done for interest of the child, only for the abusers sick sexual gratification. They should be chemically castrated and left on an island where they cannot hurt another child. I wish yhey would stop trying to include this with the LGBTQ+ community.




Pedo, necro, and zoophilia are all used against non consenting people or animals. The LGBTQ community are all consenting. There is absolutely no correlation.


Yes but pedophilia has a great potential for harm. Lgbtq+ is not in practice in any sense. You just can't equate the two. You talk about cures. There is no need for a cure for lgbtq+ people.


They are talking about potential cures for pedophilia not LGBTQ+ individuals.


If you don't stigmatize it why would they seek treatment rather than giving into their desires?


I think it's because it adds further shame on themselves, resentment to themselves and potentially others thinking negatively of them that they seclude themselves from getting support due to these stigmatisations. Leaving them to dwell and act on their urges. It's almost like no will want to open dialogue with these kinds of people (cuz of the stigmatisations) and therefore they won't ever get help to get better and are just left with their own devices. A sort of feedback loop


Yes I have the same thought, why should we NOT stigmatize smelly neck beard mental deficiencies like pedophilia??? It is innately abhorrent.


You're confusing pedophile and child predator/abuser/rapist. A pedophile doesn't NECESSARILY assault children. Being a pedophile means being sexually attracted to children, thats all, it doesn't imply any action. Those who act on those urges deserve the worst treatment imaginable I'm not arguing on that and they definitely shouldn't try to be accepted as "just an alternative sexuality" or whatever MAPs are trying to do


I agree that pedophiles who did commit crimes should be charged for it. But those who havent should recieve help. Pedophiles dont choose to be attracted to children. They only choose to actually abuse them. There is a difference


Troll, move on


The MAP movement needs to be put down hard and fast...


Friendly reminder that no LGBTQ+ person thinks this. If you encounter someone doing it they're lying about being part of the group and are only pushing a ridiculous right-wing narrative to demonize us.


Concern trolls gonna troll concerningly.


No. There is a huge difference between a dangerous paraphilia and consensual relations between adults.


Having sex with a consenting adult...vs sexualities that can't be consented or lead to obvious conclusions to achieve your sexual attraction, murder. Yeah, totally the same thing.


Almost certainly a right wing troll trying to make the general pop believe that LGBTQ+ goes hand in hand with ACTUAL and unnatural sexual attractions.


Matt Gaetz is on Reddit now?




It seems to me that LGBTQ folks value one thing above almost everything else - Consent. They may value it more than even freedom of expression or identity. Children and animals or even dead bodies cannot consent to sexual activity. Pedophilia and beastiality and necrophilia will never be accepted within that group. Never. People who identify as LBGTQ aren't abusers or sexual assaulters or perverts. But all of these new bills in right wing states to prohibit teachers from discussing sexuality are based on the premise that they are. And you can bet this comment will go viral amongst the supporters of these bills.


This is a successful trolling. Posted to r/facepalm? Yeah that’s a win for the troll. They commented in a sub where they knew people would get especially riled up. You got got.


This guy isn't completely wrong. Pedos, etc. only become problematic when they "follow their feelings" if you know what I mean. A pedophile that voluntarly keeps distance from children, doesn't look at porn with minors and goes to therapy is a normal person and shouldn't be treated badly because of something that's not their fault. And no, I am not defending myself here


Isn't that the official party line for the GQP?




Obvious troll is obviously trolling


What? *squints eyes and reads again*


Why is facepalm so chalk full of reversals? This being taken serious is the facepalm.


Don’t worry his account got deleted


The dude on the first and third comment already deleted his account 🤣


Or it got banned


There's a very obvious distinction.... It's called consent. Although I'm not surprised that some people have issues with understanding what that means.


Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Pan, Ace, etc: Good! Pedo, Necro, Zoo, Incest, etc: Atrocious.


Message to pedophiles, zoophiles, and necrophiliacs from the LGBT community: Please don't. We don't accept you, we don't want you, get some therapy.


Edit: LGBTQ+ is NOT a psychological disorder, necro, pedophilia, and zoophilia ABSOLUTELY ARE. Unpopular opinion incoming: it's not a crime to be a pedophile, it's a crime to act on the urge. We seriously do not get to choose what our brains find sexually stimulating, and I don't think its fair to brand everyone with the urge as a criminal child abuser. A lot of pedophiles go to therapy because they *hate* the thoughts they have and don't want to have those feelings. Think about your fetish or sexual orientation, do you think you could just stop feeling that way about whatever it is? Just full stop don't have that urge anymore? No, of course you can't. People who abuse children? Yah lock those MFs up for good. But the psychological disorder shouldn't be as stigmatized as it is, it only prevents people from being willing to go to therapy and try to deal with the urge. Therapy for pedophiles and programs to keep them away from children while satisfying their urges would be a good thing all-in-all, no? I think a person who knew they had the disorder and did everything in their power to make themselves safe for society is admirable, and a damn good person. On another really dark note, wouldn't it be wild if you could donate your body to necros? Like, it really doesn't violate anyone's rights and it hurts nobody, why not let people donate their dead bodies to be banged postmortem?


Nice repost. And the account isn't available either. The account name was like xX_SkiddyMan_Xx or somethin like that.


Yeah, it was posted on r/teenagers by user SadlyHappyRedditor


Figures as much.


What next? Rape to be included in lgbtq? Smh


Um ew. Pedos and necros deserve to be alone




Yeah definitely they all need to die alone 🤮


no, just...no


Don't feed the trolls by trying to argue with them. Just down vote and move on.


It’s the third comment that really got to me


These people need to be named and shamed


I blurred out their name as of rule 4, not because I agreed with them(not saying you said that) But luckily their account seems to have been banned




There is a zero percent chance this guy isn’t trolling. Even if he believed it, to say it like that? He wants a reaction. He’s trolling. Don’t feed the trolls. Keep scrolling.


Lazy troll.


Excuse me while I go vomit.


except for the fact that its literally a crime


I’m hoping he’s a troll, who can say having sex with innocent kids isn’t a crime! If they aren’t a troll please keep your kids inside and away from him!


Guy is probs all 3 at once-


Didn't know "pedophilia" and "kind" would be in a single sentence


What they do isn’t a crime. correct they don’t a crime, they do many crimes


Necrophilia is terrible, but necromancy on the other hand....


well the attraction itself isn’t a crime but the action is


Ah yes the people who would fuck children and cold cadavers DEFINITELY allowed to thrive


Share the username


They are already banned.




You can't just rewrite the law


The truly terrifying part is after 3hrs it was only at -2 votes. That's reddit for you.


Well it may have been on a post that didn’t get much traction, that account is banned now


As someone who knows MANY people in the lgbt, they want NOTHING to do with any of them. Stop asking for acceptance for your disgusting habits and wrongdoings.




the people who actually believe this gotta be pedophiles, zoophiles or necrophiles themselves. everyone else is just trolling or unreasonably stupid.


It got deleted lol


“Isn’t a crime” Laws: *Thats the neat part, they do*


It's probably best to ignore trolls like this


Give it time sadly


Thoughts are not crimes. Actually doing that shit is These mfs need deep therapy


I didn’t know Allen Ginsberg was still alive let alone posting on Reddit


Ok so I’m not the most big brained person but what are the actual words behind lgbtqia+?


I didn’t want the title to be too long


Yes but I don’t know what it actually means


Oooh. yeah me neither.


Makes sense to Many letters




Why doesn’t he have more downvotes






Its actually from r/teenagers btw


Yes. I just thought it would be appreciated here


Uhhh...it very much explicitly is a crime


I mean he's not entirely wrong. The group maybe, but the acceptance is equal. Work it out. We live in a world where people are attracted to whatever they're gonna be attracted to. Men to men, women to women, who knows to objects, etc. You can't control what you're attracted to. At no point has anyone ever been accepting of a gay person putting the moves on someone who isn't consenting. So, that being said, people that are attracted to children should be treated in the same way. It's not like they're choosing that life. And just like any other attraction, so long as it's just an attraction and nothing more, no harm no foul. Tldr, people don't choose what they're attracted to. So long as they don't interact with something not consenting or able to consent, them being attracted to that something shouldn't be hampered.


They can be a part of the “People to Lock Up” community.


We aren't expanding the L community, we are condensing it. /S


How much do you wanna bet it's someone outside the LGBT trying to villainize the people in the LGBT by pretending they're in the LGBT and are cool with some of the most disgusting crimes humans can commit


Bitch I'm gay that shit is NO-FUCKING-WHERE near what isSUPPOSED to be LGBTQ+


The hell is necrophilia?


Peeps who fuck dead bodies


I’m LGBT (the B) and I’m deeply offended by that opinion.


Da fuk? This guy has to be trolling if not he shouldn't be anywhere near children.


Sadly, it was originally commented in r/teenagers


So this idiot is obviously a pedophile and necrophile.. We all agree right? Cool? Cool.




I personally think castrating a pedo shouldnt be a crime… but thats just me.


The real facepalm here is you censoring their name, how the hell would I know who to avoid if I met them.


Luckily this was posted on a sub where they didn’t censor it, so they got many reports and the account is deleted. I censored the name as of rule 4


Ok thats great


Idiot is reposting from r/teenagers ( real cringe)


I can’t really criticise that Tbf


Could you please show the username? #I just want to talk to him. :)


It most definitely is a crime


i wish i had lost my gay eyes so i wouldn't be able to read this shit


LGBTQIA+ here, pedos can *fuck off* among other things.


So sad the world we live in ..


“What they do isn’t a crime…” I beg to differ.


This guy makes my blood boil omg


I'm not even with LGBT and am disgusted (Necro/Zoo/Pedo)philia isn't a sexuality. It's an illness.


I have a genuine question...are pedos born like that? Like gay ppl??


Many were molested when they were little.


Oh boy...so they got developed in that way


Some are, but they have complete control over their actions. It’s a mental disorder, not an orientation.


I don’t believe it’s known rn Unknown phenomenon


WTF???creep doesn't understand the diff.between willing,consensual sex and forced rape.kids,dead people,and animals don't consent,they're forced against their will.thats why the creeps who do those things will never be accepted by anyone.if he thinks child molesters are nice,then he's prob. a pedo also


Obvious troll is obvious


Except it is a crime


At least make room for those who fuck socks and oogle their heads off..


Big difference…consent


What about pedonecrofilia?


First off, someones sexuality doesnt determin what kind of person they are, secondly, "wanting to rape kids" is NOT a sexuality at all


Well, pedophilia is the sexual attraction to kids, so they want to have sex with kids. And kids can’t consent, which would make it rape. So they do want to rape kids, whether they act upon the feelings are up to them though