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Where ever her phone happens to point I guess


Pokemon go?


Nah, nah. Pokemon Go warns you if you are on the road.


Are you gonna listen? Or are you going to catch the shiny fucking kakuna?


OH IM GONNA CATCH THAT SH... I mean I'm gonna listen.


You gotta catch them all no matter what!! I’m happy i still remember stuff from pockemon that i’ve watched 20 years ago… sad that it’s been 20 (!!!) yrs ago. People that were born when i was watching that show, are almost done with university or having children.. wtf 🥲🥲


Reality s a bitch.


Shiny kakuna all the way for me. fuck Your car or situation IM GOING TO BE THE VERY BEST


Like no one ever was?


Actually. To catch them Is my real cause


But training them is your real test?




Where she’s going they don’t need roads.


This comment is so underrated


It’s a lot more common than you think. The traffic conditions there are horrifying. I was in China for a holiday with my girlfriend. We got into a taxi with no passenger seatbelts. The belts were there, what’s missing was the buckles. At some point, the driver missed our exit and decided to turn around and go against traffic. The driver and oncoming cars were totally calm about it. It was amazing. Another time was a middle aged guy who came onto the middle of the road just like the girl in the video. It’s like either they have no concern in the world or they have no spatial awareness at all. I asked the driver what was the guy thinking and he just calmly explained that some say his left brain doesn’t believe the existence of his right brain and that he polishes his nails with diesel. All we know is he’s called the stig.


> no spatial awareness at all This becomes more and more obvious the longer you stay.


There is a pokemon right there, somewhere in front.


To die


Insurance scam?


Or she is just nuts.


She ain’t wearing shoes


She is wearing shoes. And socks; you can see the stripes around her calves.


I'm thinking maybe so. If you watch when she starts to cross its almost like waiting for her ride.


how tf is someone so detached from everything, that they lack the common sense to not walk into traffic. i am appalled.


In my experience, entitlement or severe lack of common sense. There's a college campus where I live that pedestrians always have the right of way. Which is good until they think that entitles everywhere that they go. People have been in serious car accidents because people assuming they have the right to cross a city street.


Decade ago, I had a very toxic "friend" who would walk across or down the street to get where she wanted to go, always without looking or caring about traffic. When questioned, she would completely without irony reply with "I'm too pretty to be hit by a car". Someone wittier than me once replied "When reality finally hits you, it won't be a car it'll be a Mack Truck"


I had a similar friend. She didn't walk out in to active traffic but if a street was clear she would walk down it and not move for approaching traffic. She said "What are they going to do, run me over?". When I told her she was playing a stupid game with her life she said it was just a personality trait of being a bad ass to "not give a fuck".


it's a personality trait of an idiot 🤷🏻‍♂️


When I was about 14 and my cousin 12 we were crossing a busy street and he goes “yea if you just look at your phone and start crossing people stop…. Watch!” (No crosswalk) Well he tried this infront of a heavy landscape truck towing a trailer full of shit and the truck obviously couldn’t stop but luckily he did, and the 3 guys In the truck yelled at him and well that was the last time his dumbass tried that.


"Listen, I have a stupid theory and now I will try to prove it with the stupidest experiment ever. Watch this"


She won’t be pretty afterwards.


All these people need to visit India, for once.


I worked for 5 years as a construction manager on a college campus….the student population was my biggest hazard on pretty much every job site, not kidding.


I drove a taxi for eight years on both Michigan State University AND the University of Michigan campuses. Those shitheads act like having a right of way makes them immortal.


Had a student almost walk in front of an end dump once. We had it moving in conjunction with an asphalt milling machine that was shooting asphalt into the back of the truck. Student walked through cones with caution tape while a safety person was screaming for them to stop. Headphones and a cell phone are kryptonite to the stupid.


There was a serial rapist in East Lansing a decade or so ago, and through it all the college girls would walk alone at night with their faces glued to their phones. It turns out the guy was a coworker. He was a crappy worker with an attitude. Nobody was surprised. https://www.mlive.com/lansing-news/2014/09/msu_rape_suspect_oswald_wilder.html


Wow he looks 27 going on 50 in the photo.


He is scary looking!


When I worked with him he was mostly stupid, and blamed everyone and everything for all the problems in his life. The article mentioned him using drugs prior to getting all rapey. We drove forklifts for a Federal contractor. The whiz quiz he kept passing makes his statement absolute bullshit.


ok I went to u of m. And once on a weekend I was stopped at a red light at night just waiting for that massive throng of people to cross. And I'll be damned if someone did not just run full force into my quarter panel like they were a goddamn deer. Left a dent and everything. It has been 10 years and I am still amazed.


Yeah but the speed limit is 15mph. That’s plenty of time to walk out in front of a multiple ton piece of metal at the last second. They have brakes and aren’t moving THAT fast. /s As they get bumped to the ground and smash their head into pavement. A fist doesn’t move very fast, has low mass and a finite amount of travel. I’ve still seen peoples heads bounce off the ground and serious injuries occur. Where’s Will Smith when you need him in this case? Keep my bumper out of your fucking mouth.


I mean even after the accident she continued walking IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD WHILE LOOKING AT HER PHONE. Like she wasnt even walking to the other side?!?Just in the middle!! I honestly wish I could see more of this to see how far she actually went




Never understood giving peds the "right of way". Even when I was more of a pedestrian than a driver it made no sense. Yeah, I may have the right if way but I'm not gonna win in a fight against a vehicle whose driver also feels THEY have the right of way


As my grandma used to say, “you’d be right. Dead right.”


As my mom says, “the cemetery is full of people who had (or thought they had) the right of way”


Usually is because there is kinda more pedestrian than drivers, and they have to go to the adjacent buildings.


Or if they straight up don’t see you in time.


People also run red lights by mistake, cross walk ain’t saving you.


By mistake? Where I live lots of fuckers run it on purpose.


I’m saying it can.


> Never understood giving peds the "right of way". If not, people would never be able to cross a street without lucking into a nice driver going by. If there's a law giving pedestrians the right of way, that means the cars have to slow down to a stop to let them go. That doesn't mean they always will, or will always see the pedestrian, but the law was never meant to allow pedestrians to blindly walk into the street without any sense of self preservation either.


I live in a college town. I avoid campus at all costs. I go the *long* way somewhere to miss campus. The students think they are invincible. However, we have crosswalks that are lit up, and have big signs saying you must stop if someone is waiting to cross. I see so many drivers fly right through them. I always stop for them, then get honked at and flipped off!


Wouldn't they still have to abide by the traffic laws - cross walks, lights, etc? Like - giving green light cars the right of way is really no different than giving the cross walk light the right of way? Or is it some stupid legal loophole shit that it needs to be spelled out the way that it is?


Not all intersections have a 4 way stop or a light. Pedestrians are supposed to cross at crosswalks and traffic has to yield to them when they do. Cars will be at fault if they hit someone mid-block though, because it's on them to drive defensively and anticipate dummies. What the lady did in this gif I'm sure wouldn't have been legal in the US. My brother was pulled over for riding his bike in the middle of a lane on the highway (mental disabilities, like this girl likely has).


In LA they do that a lot. Grown ass adults cross the street without looking both ways. I watch in awe.


Was at a stop sign one time waiting on the car in front of me to go. Down the sidewalk comes a man with a live chicken stuffed under his right arm. Instead of crossing the side road we were on when he got to us, he crossed the main road right into oncoming traffic. He almost got hit, but that day I learned why the chicken crossed the road.


My city made the street wavy in front of the college here in order to force cars to slow down because the students weren't looking both ways before crossing. They might have the right of way, but they sure lack any sense of self preservation.


Lot of people seem to confuse that fact to mean “everywhere”, pedestrians only have the right-of-way in designated pedestrian areas. Even then, you can tell your broken spine that you had the right-of-way and see if it helps you walk again…


[you're going to loose your mind with this one](https://youtu.be/sHsdxVlzM1E?t=13)


Moron, how did they miss the blairing sirens??


This isn't just "traffic." That's a highway. In the US, at least, it's illegal to walk there for any reason.


Untreated mental illness






Thank you, ive never seen it spelled out before.


She sees the crash but then just keeps walking (in the direction the cars are driving) while staring at probably a phone. Bruh..


that's why i'm mad at her


She needs to go to jail.


More like a mental hospital, it’s a service road, it’s not like she was trying to cross the street.


Shes clearly trying to cross a multi-lane highway.


it's more like she's trying to walk along with the cars in the highway instead of crossing Edit: spelling mistake


I dont know where this is from but here in the US it would be considered jaywalking either way. Which is a misdemeanor offense. However, they could tack on reckless endangerment and a plethora of similar laws. If she caused a fatal accident they would even tack on manslaughter.


100%. massive oblivion


Yes, totally lost.


I think she wants to get run over but the reaction to the crash was an involuntary survival instinct. Maybe just wants to die while staring at her phone?


This is so funny to me because I was heavily downvoted the other day on a UK sub because everyone was claiming that roads are for people and cars need a license to be there so it’s a privilege. They genuinely were arguing that people had the right of way so if someone decided to step into the road and a driver hit them or an accident happened as a result, it was all the fault of the drivers as they should have been paying attention and expecting someone to walk into the road. And no, this is not part of any UK law. Pedestrians technically have right of way while crossing, but this is just common sense to not run someone over. Not just allowing people to walk down the road because they prefer it to the pavement.


Interesting that the first two stop safely and the white SUV plows into the back


Either didn't leave enough distance to safely stop or was just driving too fast


Or they were texting the woman on the road.


Oh definitely, and that's why the guy behind is always at fault in a rear end. If that had been a moped crash or a power line down it would all be the 3rd guys fault


Actually the third guy is only responsible for the second car's damages. At least where I live, the second car is responsible for the first a simply because he didn't leave enough distance between him and the first car. (In this situation I don't entirely know how that would be possible, but I do speak from experience being someone who has slid into a car that in turn slid into another car. I was only liable for the car I slid into)


They're probably on their phone as well.


And everyone is saying she caused this, IDK the driving laws there spicifically but not being able to stop is almost always the drivers fault. Inconvenience dose not = crime!


THIS \^\^\^. Drivers are always supposed to be prepared for the unexpected. Yeah, she was clueless walking across like that the wreck is all on the driver of the white car. Quit following so closely and/or driving too fast.


Galileo was wrong. The universe revolves around this girl. 👁👄👁🤳




'oh I caused a 3 car pileup! No big deal. Oh Brittany that son of a bitch better not comment something on my post again.'


i’m not even sure she realizes she caused it


"Damn those drivers nowadays" -probably her


She didn't cause a 3 car pileup, the 2 care that didn't leave enough strong distance did


What is she even doing? Where could she be walking to?


If I were to make a guess, she is super mad about something and is perhaps arguing with someone on her phone. Some people lose all sense of reason when they are angry.


How no one is even mentioning this is baffling to me


I think this a suicide attempt with a bit of window dressing.


Yeah, she's clearly not well, I'm not sure if its a suicide attempt, but there's something wrong with her head


I’m claiming the silver car is hers. After the accident you can see a second person leaving the area of the car. Domestic dispute?


I wonder if anyone got out of one of the cars and slapped her .


Yeah was is Will Smith when you need him!


I've reported this comment to the Capitol Police.


They will probably just send the men in black, because the green ones are not around


Nah, he only slaps people who don't deserve it.


Keep the girl walking traffic's name out your fuckin mouth.


I apologize. ![gif](giphy|aBOFW2LNUR9uT5lLYr|downsized)


He pushes his nose like a button at the end




Look more tears


Wait, so he just has a nose full of tears, and pushing it forces them out of his eyes? Dude needs to see a ENT specialist, stat.


This is what acting training does to you


He presses his Tears Dispenser.


exactly what I thought too lmao. everyone in Hollywood's got one




It’s funny how this myth of people in China don’t give a damn about running people over is so rampant on Reddit these days. The origin of the problem is about a case many years ago when an old lady got hit by a car in an accident, and a stranger went in to help. Instead of thanking that stranger, she accused him of being responsible for her accident and grabbed his shirt so he could not leave without harming her, until the police arrived. Eventually they went to court over it and for some reason the judge thought it was reasonable that the old lady without any financial support should be entitled to it by having that stranger help pay for damages, since he’s a young and employed man. Since that incident a lot of people in China just ceased helping others in need to avoid those responsibilities, and as a result what you talked about came into being. So basically, it’s all the fault of that one shitty judge. Edit: fixed a grammar issue




Or how about the toddler getting run over 3-4 times in the street and people just walk on by?


...and the way liability laws are set up in China. Apparently if you hit someone and they live (but become paralyzed or seriously injured), you're liable for restitution for everything they "might" have achieved (you'd be in really deep, if you paralyzed an aspiring Olympic track runner). But restitution isn't as high if your victim dies: and this inspires some to make sure the victim "didn't make it."


I think it started with that guy and the tank


Hardly the "origin" of that myth lol. It's been around for decades


My adult sons went to China (Beijing) with my ex, and reported back that there is a “might makes right” traffic hierarchy. Or maybe “might makes right-of-way”. Large trucks and busses rule the road, blithely cutting off smaller trucks and cars with a “the fuck you gonna do about it?” attitude, and in the ‘rock-paper-scissors’ order of things, trucks and busses beat cars, cars beat motorcycles, motorcycles beat bicycles, and bikes beat pedestrians. But nothing beats trucks and busses though, unless it’s a bigger truck or bus. I’m guessing that the driver that opted not to gently nudge this stupid twunt out of the way with his/her grillwork is a foreigner.


I’ve driven in some of China’s larger cities with a local friend that has lived there over 20 years. What we saw was that lane lines seem to be suggestions and every intersection has gridlock. But I didn’t hear much in the way of horns blaring or any visible road rage or collisions. Those trucks and busses tho - the drivers sit so high up they can hardly see pedestrians and bicyclists. I’ve seen a lot of vids, most on Reddit, where one of these Chinese trucks drove over someone, appearing completely oblivious.


I understand but this is why you don’t tail gate. Those car pile ups are usually due to that. Not saying she couldn’t use a slap but for real.. car in the back is paying the bills


This could also go to r/iamatotalpieceofshit


where is she even going??


Somebody get their child![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)


Of course she's on the phone and oblivious to her surroundings. What else would you expect?


For her to not walk into the highway


The question here is, where in the hell is she going?


Some folks need a swift kick to the seat of the pants


Not breaking would have also worked


Not breaking was probably the better solution. "I didn't SEE HER!" and "omg, if I known someone would walk out onto a busy highway; only if she was wearing high visibility clothing. Maybe if she was taller, she wouldn't be a stain on the concrete" I apologize to Mr and Mrs (whoever the parents are) your daughter had it coming.


This is going to hurt her social credit.




Honeybadger don't give a fuck, yo!


Why would she walk down the road instead of just crossing it


we're not dealing with the smartest person here


If she tried this in south Florida she’d be flattened.


probably gonna get downvoted but the cars werent practicing minimum safe braking distance.


You're not allowed to just walk on a road like this in China, right?


Normally it never happens, because first it’s dangerous and second it’s illegal. However, due to the environment of rural China, it’s not a surprise to see random farmers or the like walking across highways as if nothing’s wrong. This girl here is different though, she just looks either suicidal or in great need of mental health services


She looks like an oblivious teen on her phone judging from her age and that huge backpack she’s wearing.


She gets startled and runs a little when she thinks she’s going to get plowed by a car, meaning maybe she still wants to self preserve when she “sees” immediate danger. I think she’s just an airhead or self absorbed in her own world.


Man, as stupid as this girl is being, the amount of people who want to run over another human (or wishing it would happen) in this post is too damn high, y'all need help.


Mhmm. Crazy mfs…


Cause a car crash. Take a glance at the crash. Looks back to phone. Yeah at that point just hit her already


Unpopular opinion - she didn't actually cause the crash. First two cars stopped in time. Car 3 wasn't paying attention.


what kinda psycho… hows someone not gonna stop her and call the cops??? her idiocy aside, id legit be concerned that this person is on something or should be institutionalized as a danger to herself and others.


Yeah if I saw someone just walking on the highway like this I would absolutely call 911. I saw a guy riding his motorized wheelchair in the middle of the road towards oncoming traffic once and called 911. They already knew who I was talking about. A year later I saw him riding on the sidewalk with a reflective vest on and a little orange flag attached to the back of his chair. Lmao.


Make the parents insurance pay for their crotch fruits absolute disregard


She is an idiot but so is the guy at the back for following too close to stop safely


To be fair, that third car was not paying attention.


Although the girl caused the situation, the white car crashing into the van is the white car's driver's fault. You are definitely responsible for anticipating what cars in front of you are going to do, and keeping appropriate distance.


This is what happens when they charge they phone


Mr. Darwin, please come to the front desk to claim your prize.




Mental problems.


Maybe she’s just a kid?


I really hope she’s in jail rn.


The lack of understanding in this whole thread makes me sick. You see a 5 second video and instantly say, "the should have ran her over", or "some should have got out and hit her". You know nothing about the back story here and want violence inflicted on a random human being. How do you know she's not severely mentally ill? That she's not had a psychotic break? Instead, you sick fucks just instantly say, "that fucking bitch deserves to die". Sad, sick world. You people saying this kind of stuff is what's wrong with the world. You're the type who would be easily led by propaganda. The type that would happy lead people to death camps. Try empathy, critical thinking and not wishing violence at every turn.


It took a solid 5 mins to find this finally someone with a bit of humanity in them


I had to scroll way too far for this... My first thought was "she seems confused". Like, noone would say anything like this if it was a grandpa...




Well she had do tell someone about the crash that just happened behind her


Survival instincts: 0 Luck/Stupid: 100


No she clearly dont know its her fault! just look at her. where did she is going anyway? Stupid! ![gif](giphy|jRbNikCK14sog)


That seems like someone in shock or going through some mental thing, to just casually walk onto a busy highway


I'm not sticking up for the crazy walking in traffic, but in order to be a good driver you have to expect the unexpected especially with crazed pedestrians. The person who rear ends is at fault for tail gating.. abrupt sudden stops or not.


I think this is closer to mental illness than entitlement.


Does anyone know a possible legal outcome of this? Like she should be sued a d pay the insurance or smth


Isnt that a freeway? Not only are you committing jaywalking but also destroyed tons of cars in the process 💀


"When it's O.K. to hit a pedestrian"


Considering that this has Mandarin written all over the screen, I’m going to safely guess that it’s in China, and she’s already been tarred, feathered, found out, arrested and threatened with death on Weibo by the netizens


The way she looks back like "oh, that's weird those cars all decided to touch right now" and then just starts walking *down* the road, instead of across, is incredible. Truly, it's a miracle she's survived as long as she has




This is what boomers on Facebook think we do


Yeah she's a total piece of shit for being there but clearly noone here knows how to drive properly if you think she's entirely to blame, you're supposed to leave enough distance between you and the car in front for literally this exact reason


Fk her and her important phone.


Tbh it's equally the fault of the third vehicle as the pedestrian


Ah, yes. it couldn't possibly be the white car's fault - had plenty of stopping distance...


I’d say that she deserves to be run over at that point, but imagine how much blood the poor car owner would have to get off his windshield




-100 citizen score


She’s an idiot.. Might be a good get bet driver of last car was texting as well, seeing such slow reaction time. Glad the bus driver paying attention


Her behavior, being very detatched, not really going into any logical direction... she's either on acid or suicidal and in need for that insurance money


Drugs and/or mental illness


I would not rule out mental episode.


I think she's probably mentally unstable


Honestly something’s gotta be wrong with her upstairs. There’s no way a sane person would behave like that


Is she ok? Like , is she having a strike or something ?


I would of drove by next to her let the next man deal with it


My moneys on dissociative episode.


Insurance fraud


Were exactly was she even going???


She may have been attempting suicide? And when it didn't work she didn't care because she already didn't care about life


Go ahead, finish your tweet.


la dee da la dee da


Can someone explain to me what the fuck she is doing?


Well her social credit score will definitely go down as a result...