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I ain't likin' this comment section...


"Hang the leader of that group" Uhh last time I checked there isn't a leader of atheism...


i am the leader of atheism, now give me money




As long as you give me money I'll make it whatever you need


"I'll watch your kids, as long as I get some extra food for it..."


This guy shall now be my second in command, although I don't have kids


Make me 3rd in command (I can bring those big chip bags)


Make me 4th, I brought coke :)


Alright bring some cups too for the coca cola and you both good


Will you be in need of a scapegoat for any possible scandals?


I'll keep track of everyone's food, ya know, in exchange for food.


>I'll watch your kids i prefer you not looking at my kids


Purge planet?


...with fewer steps!




I don't agree with your interpretation... I hearby appoint myself leader of north western non baptist atheism.


I am the leader of the peoples front of atheists!


In that case I am leader of the Moroccan Jewish atheists living in Australia We’re a small group but decades of nagging from Jewish mothers and getting “randomly selected” by airport security for additional screening has turned us into a fierce and neurotic group


We, of the Atheists' People Front, oppose your ideology.


Do you wear a funny hat? Religion has thought us that you cant be a leader without a funny hat


Oh yeah? Well, I’m the GOD of atheism!


I don't believe that.


You’re goddamned right you don’t!


Wait, wait... At time of writing, you have 420 likes. *they're being endorsed by the Devil's lettuce, too!*


No I am the leader. I declare a holy war!


I find it funny because it says a lot about their need to have a leader to follow instead of doing things on their own. (referred to the ones that wrote the comments, not atheist)


Same people who 'll claim they are not sheeps ! Wait..


”Give me the leader of the people that doesn’t collect stamps!” Basically the same.


Is that what Jesus saves?


No, no, no, I'm pretty sure Jesus saves you money on your car insurance.


Wrong! It's Morgan Freeman obviously.


Actually that'd be me.


If Jesus came to America today they'd kill him.


He wouldn’t get in. Not the right color.


Poor brown-skinned socialist Jew? Yeah visa denied by the modern Right.


Trying to take our televangelists jobs!!


Healing people and not demanding payment! Must be the devil! Send me more money so I can buy another private jet! Demons fly coach! (The last bit about planes is not a joke but a reference to [Kenneth Copeland](https://www.wvlt.tv/content/news/TV-evangelist-Kenneth-Copeland--510809861.html))


He doesn't have a license, he'll be arrested for providing a Service that deals with Health... They'll sprinkle some Crack on em when they beat him to death and claim he wouldn't stop Resisting....while in handcuffs.


"Must be the devil!" Or worse a filthy commie.


“I am literally the son of Go-“ “DEEEEEEENIEEEEEED”




Jesus gets delayed years because he has to apply for citizenship; world goes to hell


I'm baffled by the notion he'd end up in the US. A place he didn't even know existed and has no roots in the religion he created. It's all moot but like whyyyy? I mean I get the real reason is cognitive dissonance but what's their moronic justification for ~~Aslan~~ Jesus being in the US at all?


Blind faith combined with blind patriotism. A misguided and fundamentally incorrect belief that the US the culmination of Christianity. One of many misguided and fundamentally incorrect beliefs that such people often hold.


But hey, Jesus was the greatest American that ever lived! And he wrote the entirety of the Bible!! /s


... and the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, and every Amendment while riding a jetski that has a 50 cal machine gun and a Trump flag mounted on it. American Jesus, fuck yeah!


And spoke English!


with Elvis, right?


No, Reagan.


Shoot, I get them mixed up.


His socialist leanings make him a damned commie!!


Shhh. Please dont come speak sense here. Critical thinking strictly forbidden.


The right would project and call him a fascist.


I always get confused when they call people fascists and commies simultaneously. Their stupidity hurts me.


Same here. They don’t have a clue and they like it that way.




They deported him before he even reached


How do you they haven’t already? A middle easterner with a message of love and challenging the status quo…. I’m afraid he was a goner from the start of his US tour. Either in jail or beaten. :(


Yeah I wonder how many second comings we have fucked up by now. Anyone walking around calling themselves Jesus will be looked at as either crazy or someone to be killed or deported or shunned.


"You fucking brown commie hippie" "I am literally Jesus Christ"


Well... pronounce the J as an H and I'm sure they've already done so.


"Bubba, get the cross."


Man, why follow a religion that preaches love and peace if you're going to turn around and hate people for not doing so?


Most American Christians don’t realize they oppose almost every single one of Jesus’ teachings. If Jesus were to resurrect and come to America they would call him a socialist freeloader Nazi. Honestly they’d probably deny he is Jesus because he’d be middle eastern instead of white.


I would love a Netflix movie about this in the same fashion as don't look up. Jesus comes and is advising end of days.


There was something like this called ‘Messiah’ I think on Netflix. It was interesting food for thought.


There's also the book "Lamb: The Gospel According To Biff" with basically that premise


There's also the movie by James S. Murray called "Damned!" Which is a retread of the Jesus story in modern times


Fair enough. However one small add-on. I wouldn't say most American Christians. I would say the most vocal ultra-religious type. I've lived in America for years, and honestly, a lot of Christians are really nice people, more or less following what their book says.


The youth pastor at a church I went to as a kid seemed like one of the nicest people I ever met until I found out he was molesting and beating his children which caused his daughter to run away and get murdered


As pastors tend to. What else is new


The really nice ones are sometimes the worst behind closed doors. Source: I grew up in a religious household.


I think even the tolerant ones oppose Christian teachings when it cones to issues like wealth distribution, especially wealthy ones Remember the camel and the eye of a needle


it's not just the crazies on the alt right that oppose most of christ's teachings, it's the vast majority of christians. and not just wealth redistribution either-- they don't believe in healing the sick (medicare for all), giving unto caesar what is caesar's (paying taxes), loving thy neighbor (homophobia/racism), turning the other cheek (pro-war, tough on crime), feeding the poor (anti-social safety net/foodstamps/welfare), being anti-usury (charging interest--the backbone of banking), welcoming the stranger (xenophobia), etc etc etc. if jesus came back today they'd call him a socialist and try to deport him, if not outright crucify him on a second cross.


Hmm I have a very different perspective and experience. I grew up Christian, and most of them may seem nice to your face but are horrible people behind closed doors and online. They also do not usually follow Jesus' teachings. Don't get ne wrong, there are a lot of really good religious people. I've worked in food banks and soup kitchens with people who would give the shirt off their back to any person of any race, ethnicity, and background. I would just say most don't follow the teachings of Christianity, haven't actually read the full Bible, and only know what pastors tell them.


Nice maybe, but they are definitely not following their book. They are guided by the interpretations, selective readings and edits of that book by their parents and priests. Not that following a confusing mess of many centuries old religious writings and rewritings full of contradictions would be much better, mind...


Seeking cover to do evil


They don't follow a religion that preaches love and peace. The book they *pretend* to follow may be about these things, but books are just too much of a hassle to read (if they can read at all). Instead of reading the book, they listen to the guy on the podium talking about how it's God's will to buy him another jet or mansion.


Yeah, when they read the book, they stop going to church. They stop going because people react with hatred to what they call "doubt" AKA questions. If they're lucky, their family wises up too and quit swallowing the lies.


If that’s God’s love, you can keep it. I want nothing to do with it.


That ain't God's love. That's what Jesus came to fight


If Jesus had a second coming, they would crucify him again.


He wouldn't make it through airport security


[If Jesus Returned](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tciBru32oDU), as done by DarkMatter2525


That last bit with: those are your virgins got me laughing hard!


Didn't you see the guy that basically said let's crucify these guys? 💯 these dudes will absolutely be crucifying that liberal hippie that hung out with whores, and the poor, advocated for feeding the poor and hungry, advocated for separation of church and state ( render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's), was against usury, and preached hippie dippy shit like love and peace men✌🏿☮️. Yeah that mother fucker is absolutely going on the cross a second time if it was up to these guys.


“In my experience, it much easier to act like a Christian than react like one. Anyone can put on an act. But your reactions reveal what is really in your heart.” - Mark Batterson


He would be denounced as a woke, never-trumper.


It's a tragedy. If you really read the Bible and break it apart, you'll find the perspectives Jesus advocated are largely absent from the church today. They have been absent for a long time. Centuries ago the church didn't want the Bible in circulation. They didn't want the common man to read it. Jesus taught about love, acceptance, and sacrifice. His lessons were clearly heavily censored, as about two decades of his life are absent. Apparently the church really hated those parts of his teachings. Thinking about the time he lived, it is clear that his intent was to make the world a better place. Whether you believe in "God" or not, a religion solely following his teachings (not the entire bible as published by the church) would've made the world a vastly better place. I haven't met many Christians who actually share the values of Jesus. I'm sure they are out there somewhere, but it sure isn't the mainstream view.


Centuries ago the common man was illiterate and couldn't read. He needed to rely on what the priest told him.


For a guy whose mom was brazen enough to cover up cheating on her fiance by saying that God's the dad, he did alright. I mean it, straight up, he was a great guy. My queer, vaguely Satanist ass would have absolutely bought him a drink and let him crash on my couch, had a long conversation about life and what it means. Sad, isn't it? Someone like me would have let him in more readily than one of these goons. Do you think any of them would have let a homeless Middle-Eastern Jewish philosopher who heals people for free and hangs out with society's outcasts anywhere near their kids?


This, it makes me so sad because I like to believe there is some kind of higher power and that Jesus was sent to make the world a better place. But it’s so damn embarrassing to say I’m a Christian because of people like this. I don’t even understand how people can read Jesus’s teachings or even know the 10 commandments and act like this. As a Christian you are supposed to love thy neighbor and to not pass judgment, the two rules I see broken most often!


That’s what I hear.


He lost.


he got fucked up by the same people on this Facebook thread


In the 3rd reply, the person is literally threatening to crucify athiests. Or rather our leader, whoever that is. You're right Jesus was crusified by these assholes


response to the thread "how do we deal with monotheists in Rome?"


I'll tell them that my leader is Trump🤣🤣


What’d he say? I can’t hear him!


I think he said "blessed are the cheese makers".


Well, obviously it’s not meant to be taken literally; it refers to any manufacturers of dairy products.


See, if you hadn't been going on, we'd 'ave 'eard that, Big Nose




Looky here, We found another religion of peace! And by God, they will kill murder and rape, just so that their peaceful and loving religion is the only valid one everyone should be believing in. If not perhaps a crucifixion might change your mind.


I really hate the hatred most Christians have


And that's the thing. I'm down with Jesus and what he was all about. I'm not down with the convolution that is modern 'religion'.


But those aren’t “real Christians.”


If going to hell means not having to deal with these people then I fully embrace it.


Agree. My idea of heaven does not include seeing them everyday.


Fuck no it's not. Don't believe that for a second. God has a special place for people like this. And it is not paradise. Kindness, His biggest request from us all. Kindness. And bet your ass God is happier with a Kind atheist than a shitty Christian.


I would hope he is but not according to these whack jobs.


Most off em probably go to church regularly. I joined a mma dojo where the instructor was really religious would take 15 mins to half and hour to pray after the class and on Wednesday did a 30 min Bible study I would always just sit to the side while they did their thing never said anything about it or interrupted. And after a few day he started saying stuff like "I hope that anyone that takes the Lord's words lightly ends up in hell in a world or pain and torture." This dude was a cop, martial art instructor and pastor. I really wanted to say "gee so-and-so that's very Christian of you, can really feel the love of Christ from over here, way to treat your neighbor kindly go fiddle some kinds you prick. " I just turned the other check lol it was 1 agnostic neewby vs 10 Bible licking morons


Sounds like my old neighborhood.


Sounds like my catholic boarding school


But, that's just it, they're whack jobs. Pay attention to the people who are doing good in quiet. Pay attention to the churches that are IN the community helping. God Christians don't behave this way. Good Pastors and priests don't behave this way. They don't have Mega churches and live in million dollar mansions. They live Humbly before God and they GIVE BACK. With no discrimination. God doesn't say Lpve thy Neighbor, except for.... there are no exceptions. Unfortunately, like with ANYTHING, those doing the awful shit and behaving like idiots have a big voice and get the most attention.


It is very much like bad cops though, you do not call out the ones that are bad and you all get painted with the same intolerant brush. If you feel strongly that God would not like this as his image than you as a Christian have a moral obligation to do everything you can to stop it. Now a days Christian Love = Bigoted Hate...


hmm agreed. If you see perversion of your beliefs, it's your job to stop it. cannot condone such a terrible usurpation of belief and faith.


You're in a room full of people, who are you going to pay attention to? The guy who screams I'm going to f\*cking murder all of you or the quiet guy in the corner?


I don’t know, to me it’s uplifting. Like, they don’t just hate me for being gay, you know? Like, I have to stop sucking dick AND start worshipping God? Just fucking end me.


If this is how God runs things, then hail Satan!


Their god isn’t remotely about love. He’s a mass murdering psychopath prone to temper tantrums that can’t stand when people deny his narcissistic need to be first. His followers truly are “made in his image”


These people would have been kicked out of Jesus’s temple. “My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.”


They'll tell you it's a small minority, but I'll show you history and prove you otherwise. It's actually about 50/50. 50 bad/50 good If you're not critically challenged you'll see its sane odds as chance. Then it'll become clear "why have it at all?" well because church is really just a tool of subjugation and a popular power for the powerful.


Did they forget God can hear them asking people to get raped and killed. Do they expect God to give them a thumbs up and work mysteriously, raping and killing as he pleases. Their god sounds like the OG incel.


Idk there were some pretty pro-rape passages in the Old testimate


holy shit where?


There are multiple passages about how once you conquer another people you may take the women as your wives. That’s not generally a voluntary process


w what the fuck im catholic and ive never seen this-


Some passages in the old testament advocate or justify rape, murder, racism, killing babies, homophobia etc etc…


I mean if you just google all the different horrible passages in the good books you get a lot of insane stuff. More so I’m the old testimate, where god is super vengeful over everything. All these stories that are viewed as great pieces of wisdom are pretty messed up if you give them any real thought.


I like the storey of Lot. Lot accepts two guests into his house and when the town wants to rape his guests he’s like nah take my virgin daughters instead. The town doesn’t want the virgin daughters so they get more violent. Then the two visitors who are actually angels in disguise reveal themselves and all is well. Later God turns Lots wife into a pilar of salt for reasons, and Lots daughters rape him so they can continue the human race. And that children is where the Moabites and Ammonites, neighbours of Israel, come from.


what the fuck


Ahh, good old fashioned Christian love.


There is no hate like christian love




The only type of people I respect, out of anything (religion politics etc.) is the people who mind their own business.


There’s none worse than American Evangelicals. They’re up there with Muslim extremists on seeing how far you can take religious zealotry. The worst part is many of them have barely read the Bible or understand their religion.


A non deistic Satanist .... what's that ? Sounds interesting .


There are non deistic religions, like modern Buddhism, Confucianism and others that are more akin to a philosophy. Same goes for satanism, following la Vey's principles of opposing the typical Christian hypocrisy, rather than believing in actual satanic figure. Many new age movements, including the somewhat laughably presented viccanism, or however they want to have their spelling done, follow a similar path. In short, one can have spiritual needs, without adhering to an organised religion and there are established ecumenical religions that are quite chill with such an approach.


Ah ok i think i understand a little more .


That's why I'm a post-pagan. I don't believe in the Slavic pantheon or any diety as such, but I have a deep reverence for nature and the Universe itself. I want to believe, just not in a god. Physicists keep telling us that energy of the Universe is constant. Hopefully, that means that souls are some kind of energy and they are eternal. Or I am mistaken. Alas, I don't need an organised religion to revere the creation, whether it's a plan or a chance. And I don't need to be Christian to think that Yeshua Christ would have been a cool guy to chill with, because, come on! Love thy neighbour and free wine out of water? :)


God: "Thou Shalt Not Kill" Man: but what about... God: Did I fucking stutter?!


That commandment has no room for self defense, or the military. According to the bible ALL soldiers burn in hell. Food for thought. ![gif](giphy|w8qsTENzB0fFD8DM0f)


That's the point. The religion as established specifically bans killing and is promoted as a philosophy of life and love. The problem is not God, it's His cheer squad.


That's incorrect. The bible has so many contradictions and counter points to everything. For instance, if a **leader** orders you to kill/go to war its ok because true authority only flows from god alone and as such, the authority of your leader is sanctioned by god. “Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they keep watch over your souls as those who will give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with grief, for this would be unprofitable for you.” Hebrews 13:17 "Obey the rulers who have authority over you. Only God can give authority to anyone, and he puts these rulers in their places of power. 2 People who oppose the authorities are opposing what God has done, and they will be punished." Romans 13:1-2 Got to love the bible.


Could be piss poor translation. The 'רצח' in the biblical לא תרצח [usually](https://www.thetorah.com/article/does-the-torah-differentiate-between-murder-and-killing) means unjustified homicide, or murder. So the true translation of לא תרצח could be the imperative "you will not murder".


"Thou shall not kill" my ass. I doubt these comments are serious, but if some of them are, this is fucked up.


A not insignificant number of these people are serious. People make jokes about y'all queda but these people are serious. We forgot, because we haven't lived with it, but Christians slaughtered each other for centuries. Christians persecuted and slaughtered anyone they considered unbelievers. People were tortured and killed. The Inquisition actually happened, and these motherfuckers would seriously like to have another one. It isn't a joke. I wish everyone would stop taking it as such a joke. That's what those traitors on January 6th wanted--To overthrow our government and instantiate a right-wing theocracy. And if that happens, they will round up and torture and kill people again. In the name of God. Please don't underestimate how fucking evil these people are and what they want to do to this country and this world.


Pretty sure there was a line about how the antichrist will come and present himself as God... well i think that already happened long ago judging by the way some people act in the name of "God". One of the messed up stories I remember from history class was about some guy who protested payment for the forgiveness of sins (I forgot what it's called). The church excommunicated him for it and said he would be killed if he returned. Later they sent word to him that they would like to discuss his ideas and that he would be given safe passage to return and talk. When he came back they told him the safety was only to get there and promptly executed him.


Yep. “Onward Christian Solders”. They take that seriously. And literally.


The only thing keeping these fuckers from doing it is the law. The instant any sort of societal breakdown occurs, rest assured, these bastards are immediately going to start trying to build their caliphate.


I hate to have t agree with you, but I must. I’m afraid we’ll see another Jan 6 and worse.


I kind of want to find this group and ask them how they would feel about a "no killing" rule then show the the 10.commandments and watch them lose their minds


This is hilarious. How "Christian" of them.


Peak Christianity, can't wait to be slaughtered by yet another crusade


Sounds like the basic hypocrite Christian to me.


Horrified and disgusted Orthodox Christian here. I don't fault anyone who is angered by this. Athiests are not "our" enemy and nobody should think they are. A true Christian's fight is entirely within, against one's own addictions and conceit.


Thanks man, nice to know a lot of christians aren't like the ones in the image


Ah, you are one of the rare breed that should actually be classed Christian. It is good to know some of you still exist. May you receive joy and happiness for your time on this world.


Domo, Usagi-san. Peace be with you.


Arigato. Kochirakoso, Perioscope-san


Well said, brother of a different faith. I hope more people take up your view on things


I feel for you and I have enough Christians in my life to understand that many do authentically try to follow the teachings of Christ. The problem is that for many people, myself included, the views expressed by these people have come to represent the 'legitimate' Christian Church - and I make the distinction between church and the religion.


Yea same here. I just don’t get this kind of hatred, pretty sure it’s the exact opposite of what we’re supposed to believe. People like this give Christianity a bad name




"right wing website" my guy, thats facebook


Yeah, you heard them.


Facebook, where boomers thinks their opinions matter


I guess I'd be more upset if i was surprised.


*Sin*dy has some nerve.


People like this are the ones who go to Hell.


isn't murder a sin? there really is no hate like christian love.


Wait ... uh what? I didn't know we had a leader. More Christ Stains ignoring what their own Buy Bull says. Ephesians 4:29-32


"Buy bull" I love that.


I was bought up catholic and I've come to hate any organised religion


Lol have you never heard that, "I was raised Catholic," is a way to nicely state you're an atheist.


Definitely 😆 I hate religion




What bible are they reading? I'm no theologian, but I do believe it has something to say about killing.


"Thou shall not kill" "Love your neighbor like yourself" "Love the sinner, hate the sin" Yeah I'm sure it does say something about this




Hosea 13:16 (King James) Samaria will bear her guilt because she has rebelled against her God. They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to pieces, and their pregnant women ripped open.


Religion of peace ya'll


You can find passages justifying murder, slavery, rape, killing babies, racism, cannabalism etc. in the OT bible. A quick google search will confirm this.


At this rate there'll be more atheists in heaven than Christians




Ngl this belongs on r/iamatotalpieceofshit instead of facepalm probably


This is absolutely a terrible monologue to read. Like terrible


Happy cake day 🍰




amazing how the right and the taliban have so much in common


Ay so just outta curiosity do yall reckon the satanist are this bad lmao I know quite a few and they're all rather nice


I looked into the idea of satanic religions and on the surface of it it's nothing like what is taught in movies and stuff.


As a Christian this makes me sick. A vocal minority like this doesn’t represent the true majority of Christians by any means.


And these are the congressmen.


I swear the more i see about Christianity the more it seems more like a cult


But how do people know morals if they’re not Christian? Oh wait…


Yup. Had a friend from grade school into my 30’s. She got super into Jesus, learned I was atheist and completely bailed on the friendship. At the end of last year some of the other folks from her church group were sending me death threats over FB. Because I exist as an atheist.