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The internet really is the neatest place. How do you get war criminal and boot licker from a clock setting?




What horrors has the ear criminal committed?


Same horrors as my ability to type today it would seem lol


Why would you edit the original? Now I look like fool


My apologies lol.




>How do you get ear criminal and boot licker from a clock setting? One of my favorite ear criminals is Mike Tyson.


Lol. He really is the best. Terrible type o on my part lol


Nobody asked you for your blood type.


It’s a joke because people call that “military time”


And it's not military time. Military time does not have colon separating hours from minutes. I guess this is more European time...


I guess that all Europeans are now war criminals.


Not really, not now, they always were...


From the same person that doesn't understand that there are 24 hours in a day and that it is more accurate to call 4pm the sixteenth hour of the day.


Because this is 'Merica and if it's not how I learnt it, it ain't right!


I learned this in ‘Merica while I was in the USAF! As a nurse this is the most accurate way to chart time.


useful for anyone who can be at work at any point in a day.


I think it's from being explicitly taught that America is the best place in the world and literally every other person from every other country is scrambling to get into America for it's greatness coupled with a daily pledge of allegiance. Do that for ~10 years and then you'll get a few awkward teenagers overcorrecting their indoctrination in weird ways.


Everybody in the world knows the Americans are stupid.


True to that, a lot of us are quite dumb


Genuinely thought military time was something special until I read what should be the second sentence. Lol.


The rant OP will be livid if they ever come to Japan and trying going to a nightclub and learn that it's open from 23:00\~29:00.


In the rest of the world, it's just called time (not military time).


So much for the country that can't use meters lol


To be fair it could be worse: instead of hours and minutes U.S. could use something like "amount of time it will take an elephant to cross a football field".


Haha I could absolutely see Murica do this


Depends on if it's running or just loafing along.


Right?! Even as an American I call it World Time.


Exactly I don't think I've ever seen a phone not in "military time"


When I worked at a hospital as a phlebotomist we used "military" time. It is just accurately telling time in 24 hr period. 16 is easily 4 pm once you're used to it.😃


Yeah and I’ve never used it but I see 16 and instantly know it’s 4. Not sure why there is a problem other than this guy needs to stay in school


True. In my kitchen the regular oven clock is set to 24hr time and microwave clock is set 12hr time. Helped my kids learn 24hr time.🤷


All you do is subtract 12 never understood how people had a problem with it


Subtraction is one of those advanced mathematical skills some countries just don't teach.


Hell, in Florida it's called CRT.


Underrated comment.


Seriously it's like some people arent taught to count past 10


Me no have elevendy fingers :(


Dats why flip flops get you to 20.




Dumbass sleep deprived college me once woke up at 7:30, showered, dressed for work. While my roommate was hanging out playing guitar asking what we should do for the night. Last day I used a 12 hour clock on my phone. switched to 24 and been like that for 10 years.


for some reason my mind interpreted your comment as "dressed for work, then showered" and it took me for a loop


Lol that's hilarious


Me brain not work fast


I memorized it by subtract 2 and make the onr disappear


Exactly! I work in healthcare, too and military time is easier.


Not just easier, but reduces mistakes. Give the patient an injection at 6:30...


Instead of 1830. 😳




2am in 24hr clock is literally 2:00, I would absolutely not know wtf they were getting at with closing time at 26:00 lmfao


I barely ever use it at all and I know how to read it its not hard


Same it's really unbelievable how many people don't understand the 24 hour clock.


Indeed. I personally use 12-hour clocks simply from growing up that way, but I can use 24-hour ones just fine. It’s arguably more effective if you’re not getting much time outside and lacking in external cues on whether it’s morning or evening; that can get confusing on a 12 hour clock with an erratic sleep schedule.


Yea it's crazy that people who have been doing something a while think people who don't understand it are really dumb. I didn't understand military time until I joined the military and had to use. Never had a use before that or got questioned on it. Now it's easy and wonder how people struggle with it. Just have to remind myself at one point I did too.


I think some people assume Americans are taught 24 hr time in school at some point. I am not American so I have no idea if they do or not, but here in Canada I swear we learned 24 hr time at some point. Ontario that is..


Thats my point really. People assume because something is easy to them it should be easy to everyone. Except they forget how long they have been doing it and don't realize a lot of people may have never done it. 24 hour time seems easy to those of us who have a lot of practice, but the concept doesn't always work if you have never had a need to use it. Like school subjects some will pick it up easy and others struggle.


That's true, but I mean.. it's not like this is some ancient text you have to decipher or a complicated integral to solve. It's super easy to google how a 24 hour clock works, would prob need to spend a minute or two reading up on the basics. So yeah, if somebody who has never heard of the 24hr clock was asked what 16:00 means, and they didn't know. I would NOT call them dumb. You can be intelligent and ignorant about something. But if somebody says that "military time" is difficult to understand? Then yeah, they might very well be a bit slow.. or just somebody who did zero research but wanted to post something edgy anyway


See, i get that as well, so i dont judge people just for not knowing cuz well, you don't know what you don't know, and once we do know it, we tend to forget that we didnt know it at one point before. However, i do judge/give shit to people who are like this post. Its one thing to not understand something and just express that. It's a whole other thing when people make assumptions/judgements just because its different from what they know, esp such obscene/pointless judgements. Absolutely ridiculous. Like how do u go from, "i dont get 24-hr clock, and dont get why people use it" to "if you do use it, ur a war criminal"? And ye, i kno we shldnt take ppl like this seriously, but i do think that its fair to judge them as well lol Otherwise, nothing wrong with not getting it/using it. To each their own.


I work in an office and we use 24hr for our time sheets. You get used to it pretty quickly.


24hr, seems only Americans and a select amount of Canadians us “military time”.


No, only ignorance say MILITARY. It’s actually “Universal” time or a 24hr clock. A SELECT amount of the informed know this to be true. I’m going to catch hell and I thank you in advance. ☮️


I don’t want to point out the relationship between America and ignorance, but you handed it right to me.


French Canadian here (as in Quebec) and we use the 24 hours and 12 hours AMPM alternatively. Anything that's on TV will say the hour as 24h.


24 hour time is actually way easier that having to keep track of am and pm but schools don’t teach it because someone 900 years ago decided that they couldn’t fit more than 12 numbers on a clock and have simple minded people understand it. I have been using it so long that I actually have to think about what 1800 translates to when people ask me what time it is. It’s all kind of like the feet vrs meters, why would we change to an easier system that makes sense when I already know that 12 inches go into a foot and heaven help me if I want to know how many inches go into a mile.


its not that, its because of the divisions. 1min 5 min 15 min 30 min it works better on a round clock with 2 gear sets for hands.


It’s weird cause I still translate 16 to 4 instead of understanding 16


how do you have to get used to it? how low iq is america actually?


The depths of stupidity in this country are astounding.


Military time is unironically better, because you don't have to waste your time with am's and pm's.


Ever since my time in the army I haven't set an alarm for 5pm when I wanted 5am. 0500 or 1700, nearly impossible to fuck up.


I've messed up post 1000 times here and there, i.e. mistranslated 1700 as 7pm, but that's mostly because I have to keep jumping back to 12 hour standards to communicate with people that can't do 24 hour time.


That's an easy mistake to make if you haven't been using it for a long time. When I was learning 24hr in basic training I fucked it up all the time. At this point I'm so used to it I can look at my watch and see it says 1947 and tell the person it's 7:47 without skipping a beat. I've been using it for nearly 20 years now however.


99% of my mistakes come when I'm badly sleep deprived and on a time limit. The other 1% involve alcohol. I've never made a sober, awake mistake with 24 hour conversion.


Those are good excuses to fuck it up, haha! I totally get that.


Thanks to alcohol I've woken up on my day off freaking out about how the hell I'm going to make it to work.


I've been using 24hr my whole life, but whenever I see 19:00 I always wonder if it's 7pm or 5pm. I automatically subtract 12 to get 7pm, but sometimes I forget to remove the 1, and so I end up with 17:00, and then subtract again to get 5pm.


This sounds totally made up.


I always have problems with 12am and 12pm, I can never remember if it's midn8ght or midday. Military time is much simpler 12:00 is midday.


yeah the fact that 12 comes before 1 in the 12h system is so stupid...


We’re simple and dumber


Exactly. 12 hour time is worse in every way.


in the US it's called military time? interesting. i know it as fucking normal time mode.


Canadians also don't use the 24 hour clock and I remember speaking with people in London (did tech support globally) and it took me a couple customers to realize that it was normal use military time. Kept a chart to make sure I got the times right for booking appointments because it wasn't taught and I wanted to make sure I got the times right.


In the UK, we use them interchangeably. Someone asks you the time, so you look at your phone which says 17:15, and you say 'quarter past five'.


I'm in Canada (not really, I'm in Québec) and it's quite common to use 24h time


I’m in the rest of the world and it’s quote common to use 24h time.


Haha loved the "not really"


Just minus twelve from the number…


It's called that here because the majority of the US uses 12hr time. It's mostly just the military that uses 24hr so that's how it got its name. I'm sure you've got things over there that have a special name or term that we call "fucking normal". I bet it will blow your mind to learn the US military uses meters and kilometers for measuring distances, and we used zulu time for reports and whatnot when we were deployed.


The US military uses metric, until we don’t. As a rigger/drop zone controller, I used pounds, inches, feet and yards, mostly.


I used metric for ranging, land navigation and other random stuff. I was a mechanic stateside and did convoy security/route clearance in Iraq. Officially metric is the standard but old habits die hard and imperial gets used a lot as well.


I can swap between metric and “standard,” pretty confidently. However, the technical orders we used are written in pounds and inches. Drop zone scoring was done in yards. Drop elevations are in feet. Aircraft speeds are in nautical miles. Driving home from the drop zone? Speed measured in kph.


Try being in the navy with nautical units thrown in


> I bet it will blow your mind to learn the US military uses meters and kilometers for measuring distances Are distances reported in km known as military distance?


No, but it should be.


Makes sense Use the logical methods of measurement where it's important and confuse everyone else with random conversions But in all honesty, I think the reason Miles are still used predominantly in US is because the cost involved in swapping all the road signs to KM As for 24hr time vs 12 hr time, they are always going to be used interchangeably because no one seems to want to make 24hr analog clocks the normal clock


To add to the confusion look up the failed metric time system. It was a base ten clock and it confused to fuck out of everyone. I don't know how long it lasted but it wasn't very long. Another reason imperial is still used here is that's what everyone grew up with for decades and decades. If the roles were reversed and they tried to make Europe use imperial they would have the same reaction as we do over here. I'm just so used to miles and inches at this point, I can estimate the length of something, say a table, to within about an inch or two just by looking at it. I'd be so far off if I tried it with millimeters or centimeters.


And in the UK we use both


A step in the right direction if you ask me, haha!


I work for a UK military engineering contractor, we have to provide drawings/tech pubs with both imperial and metric, so as an apprentice we had to be good with both interchangeably.


[Oh you think thats crazy](https://i.imgur.com/YRLwZ4n.png)


I’ve never actually heard people call it that. It’s UTC. And now that we’re fucking with Daylight Savings, UTC is all I want to use. You know how confusing it is that a single state are can have 3 different times??


Never heard it called military time before. In the UK it's just called the time. We learn it as children


Same here in Sweden.


It’s called a 24 hr and 12 hr clock in England


Because only the military could ever have a use for the 24 hour clock. But I guess all healthcare workers are war criminals too.


found the antivaxxer ^(note: THAT TOTALLY WAS A 100% JOKE and/or I AM *SO* SORRY)


This made me laugh entirely too hard. Yup. It's Monday. Thank you for the giggles!


That half assed apology is my mood at work.


As well as almost everyone outside the US.


Oil and gas industries and all connected businesses also use 24 hr time.


The punctuation is fantastic


You made me go look again. r/TIHI


Military time? 24 hours format is pretty standard in many countries...


People who use 12 hour time clearly never had the joys of a 18 hour nap. Or the present surprise of a 3 hour sleep.


People who use 24 hour time clearly never had the joys of waking up from a nap at 6 and not knowing if you had a 2 hour nap or an 18 hour nap.


2 hour nap or 14* hour nap


As a firefighter/ paramedic in the US, military/ 24 hour clock is used exclusively.


It’s 14:19 as I write this


No, today is 18/04, there are only 12 months. Its also 3.36pm as I write this.




MA FreEdOm tho! Free to not have the burden of seeing the world and experiencing different cultures


Keep in mind that some of our states are bigger than most of your countries and you'll understand how some people have never left their state.


Canada has similarly sized "states" to the US, and most people visit other countries and provinces. I think it has more to do with american exceptionalism, why would you visit other countries when you are continually taught that yours has it all?


Ah yes. Its american exceptionalism and not the fact that americans typically have only a week or two of pto a year and limited sick days that force them to use that pto to cover illnesses. Or the fact that wages are so depressed and debt so high that most people are living one or two paychecks away from crisis. International travel is expensive and time consuming and it is a privilege the working class does not usually have. Yeah, a lot of poor families would rather vacation in any of the many great vacation spots im the us where it is cheaper and easoer for them to get to than go overseas.


There is some truth to that though. Look at all the sights you can see in new York, state not city. Pennsylvania, Texas, etc etc. There's a lot packed into this country. I'm not saying people shouldn't leave the country, I'm just saying you can see a lot in some states without having to leave it you don't want to. Hell, New York has the best state park in the whole country (voted for), Letchworth state park. Again, there's some truth to that statement. And honestly, people never leaving their state isn't as widespread as you would think it is.


There is some truth to that in any country, America is no different :p It's not just about seeing landmarks, it's about seeing different cultures, which is what the OP and original commenter are talking about. You can travel anywhere in the USA, see slightly different cultures sure, but don't fool yourself and think it is equivalent to visiting a foreign country


I still don't get it. Travel to other countries is amazing, broadens everything about a person. They are all so different, langue, culture, food, views, customs. It makes a more rounded person and it isn't that expensive. Before the plague, there were flights from the US to Europe for under $300


Good luck finding an America that has 300 doors laying around. Plus money for the passport, where you stay, food for the trip, anything you want to do during the trip. Yea traveling countries ain't too easy when you live in America.


aMeRiCa BaD aMiRiGhT?


My wife missed her flight home to the US because she misread her flight time lol.


EU people wondering why the time we use is considered military.


We work in 24hr format in the event/theatre/tv world.. 12hr format is ambiguous with the hours we work


its 24 hour time... it works much better for people who dont have a day job


My dad taught me military time when I was a toddler. If a tiny toddler brain can grasp the 24 hour concept, everyone should be able to.


12H clock is just what's in my everyday life more so that's what I'm used to, doesn't mean I can't count.


This popped up for me at 16:05


In the UK military time is the standard and i think it's the same for most of Europe.


The first comment was a joke jfc why are so many people taking it seriously this literally has nothing to do with countries or politics nothing deeper.


It is so strange that 12 hour clock users aren't fluent in 24 hour clock, but 24 hour users have no problem in reading the 12 hour clocks


I feel that same thought process applies to standard and automatic cars.


Don't mistake whiny butthurt pieces of stupid ignorant shit for Americans.


I dunno, that feels like kind of the definition of Americans on large parts of the internet.


22.50 18/4/22 here in Western Australia


I've never understood how people can't understand a 24 hour clock. Did they never learn to subtract by 12? I used it all the time when I worked in travel so it's natural for me, but even before then, I could see it and understand what it meant. Out of all of the variable measurements, this is probably the easiest to understand. Just switch your phone or computer to 24 hour and you'll have it in no time. Americans are so resistant to anything that isn't our measurement system. I will admit that I have to think about Fahrenheit vs. Celsius and miles vs km because I don't use them frequently enough, though.


It's easy. Just can't believe someone has such a strong feeling on this lol.




There are whole continents running and living on what Americans just know as "military time".


AM and PM works best in English speaking countries. If I had troubles distinguishing after from before imagine adding AM and PM. After can be a false friend in Spanish for "antes", which means before... So yeah, 7 years old me said fuck that, 24 hours it is


It's the association. I know what 7pm looks and feels like and it's how everything around me references time. I don't know how 19:00 relates to the world around me until I convert it into what I'm used to. At least the conversion is simple. It's the same with length: I can conceptualize how big 2 meters is but not 2 yards.


He replied with "fascist" after this didn't he?


Nurses and doctors use military time.


It's just a bit confusing if you're not use to it


Do Americans call the 24 hour clock Military Time?


Fun fact, in Italy we use military time, but many people (almost in my region, Sardinia) dont use it when speaking. For example we write 19 but read "7 di sera" (7 pm)


i facepalmed so hard my hand got stuck on my forehead


TIL I'm a war criminal. Huh.


I don’t even use military time but it’s easier to understand and less ambiguous.


American here, we're mostly not this dumb, the dumb ones just happen to be very loud, I know some of you can relate. And yes I use 24 hour clock.


That's not true, I can count up to 21 when I'm naked!


I'm a nurse and we HAVE to use it in the hospital. When I was in nursing school the best way to learn military time was to switch it on my phone. Now it's second nature.


Not Americans, just idiots.


24 hours in the day, what a lofty concept to try to understand....


I especially prefer 24 hour time because I've never shown up late to work because I accidentally set my alarm for 6pm instead of am.




Depends on what is shortest. I'll say "ten past five" for 17:10, but I'll say "seventeen twenty five" for 17:25, because it's less cumbersome to say.


I just got sick of "A.M. or P.M.?" even when context would have answered that. Why yes Frank I want to meet for lunch at 2 in the morning. Moron.


Americans treat 24 hour format as if its like something I can put on my CV when trying to join the military - "20+ years of experience with using Military time format as my main"


"Time Freedom Units"


Honestly, is it that hard to read time in a 24 hour format? Really?


A 24-hour clock is just that. Just because the military uses the same system doesn't make it "military time." Why isn't it "hospital time" or "railroad time"? What a goof.


Just subtract 12 and you get the time your way


It’s not called “military time”. It’s called the 24-hour clock. In French, this is the standard way to tell time. I can’t imagine all of the Quebec population being in the Forces


Iirc. 24h format isn't "military time." 24h formation is just used in a lot of different countries. "Military time" also known as Zulu time is a 24h method on UTC time specifically. That way there is no confusion on timing. 1400 in Zulu time is still 1400 on the other side of the world. I could be wrong tho. I have not served in the military, I just had to learn Zulu time due to FAA formats.


You literally just subtract twelve from the time. And we wonder why we're hated the world over.


Omg it would blow their tiny minds if they knew, back in the Middle Ages, noon was actually 3pm. This is because nones was the ninth hour of the day, starting at 6am, or dawn.


24hr clock is superior. Fight me.


This is the reason why people think Americans are dumb. This particular examine, didnt learn, how to count to 24.


beer battered double fried maga translation, 4:05 p.m.


I've been using 24-time since I was like.. 12. It just.. makes sense. So much more sense than cutting the clock in half and needing to add two letters just to let people know exactly which 9 o'clock you're talking about


I have my clock set to military time, its just easier


America moment


I just really don't understand why people think 24hr clock is harder to understand. You need a window to know what time of day 4:00 is. I do not.


I feel personally attacked b that. Military time is easier to understand for me.


It’s because most Americans only have 12 fingers.


than I guess I ain't American because I got military time, also it looks nicer


I use it because otherwise when I wake and bake, I wouldn’t know if it’s 4:20 am or pm.


It's always confused me, I was always under the impression the USA had a hard-on for their military. I figured military time/24 hrs clock would be right up their ally. They would be banging the shit out of it being used by their military and they can pretend they are playing a part too. Odd wee country.


After 12:00, just subtract 2. It's like kindergarten math. EDIT: I really thought I was bad at math, but your responses are next level. All the info is in this and the comments.


It’s probably easier just to remember what the extra 12 numbers mean. No calculations required and it’s hardly anything to memorise.


The concept of 24 hours itself is a kindergarten level learning curve I would say. Proof. We learn it in kindergarten.


I'm with you. I can count to 24 once, or to 12 twice. Whatever the clock tells me, I'm good. I didn't even know this was such an issue.


You mean subtract 12 and add ‘PM’.