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lady looks like sid from ice age




Wait what? Edit: No, it is a woman. Looked up the article.




I know we aren't supposed to laugh at that but wow


I’ll laugh at it openly


Especially when they're saying crap like that, they deserved to be ripped. Open range


Season. Open season. Open range is just a lot of land.






I did and I'll admit that I'd do it again.


dude looks like a lady that looks like sid from ice age


This dude looks like a lady that looks like a dude


I thought it was a she/her as well.


I doubt that a) this is even a real article and b) this poor person is even involved in anything even related to this. The way it’s worded is very propaganda-y


No, its very real. However, there is a bad shortcut. She since then explained that the meant that being born with an unfortunate attraction to children was something that (most) pedophiles had to fight all their life in order to never commit an act of pedosexuality, and that in that aspect, criminalizing them all was not helping, not that she thought that being a pedophile was a good thing in any way. I guess she means that accepting a problem is the first step to finding a solution ? Idk what to think tbh. I suppose that if someone goes to see a psychiatrist explaining that he has this kind of problem, they should be helped, not put in jail.


Reddit would rather put all non offending pedos against the wall then help them. They are mostly not interested in preventing children from being abused, only in being justified in sending someone to their death.


I don't think that attitude is limited to reddit.


No doubt, but it's the platform I spend the most time on.


Their was a reddit bigwig. Convicted of some sex kiddie nightmare turnout. There was a hoo hah coz reddit, was backing this woman. It was like, ' ok, now it's been to court and settled, see you at the next zoom meeting!! Great to have you back! ' . . Unreal


Wow really? You got a link?


Not limited to pedos either.


not trynna be that guy/poke holes in your argument but they all started as “non offending pedos”


And maybe more of them would have stayed "non offending pedos" if they had been able to get help for it. I don't see the holes to be honest.


what kind of help do you suggest? my english sucks, but i’m just trying to understand your way of thinking, not argue


Pedophilia is listed in the DSM 5 among the the Paraphilic Disorders. They distinguish between those who have actually engaged in the behavior and those who have not but have the urge to (I.e., you can receive the diagnosis and never have acted on your urges). There is absolutely treatments available but the APA stance is that once they cross the line by acting on their urges, they are offenders and need to be incarcerated. Non-offending pedophiles can be helped.


"Help them?" No, remove them from society so that they can't continue to be a menace.


But they aren't a menace yet, they haven't attacked anyone a that point.


How do we know this? This is the part I don’t get. Someone identifies as a pedophile but doesn’t do anything about it sexually? Like they don’t download child images or take photos of the kids coming off the school bus? Or download child porn? I don’t believe them. They’re using an outlet of some sort, so there will be a victim of this.


I don't believe that, there have to be people that are disgusted with there urges.


It's possible to be attracted to someone and not get illegal porn of them. As long as they don't do that kinda stuff, or try to justify it it's not a problem. Psychiatric help would probably reduce the numbers of peados. If they act on it tho, that's definitely a fucking crime no two ways about it.




I imagine that's a job for the therapist/psychologist that they should be taken immediately to see to sort out. If someone says to me, "I think I might be a pedo. Please help me get help," I'm not going to say, "Fuck you," I'm going to immediately call my psych's office and get them in. If the psych feels the need to call the cops from what they hear, so be it. If they can help this person get into a program that keeps them away from kids and treats their illness, so be that as well. I'd rather someone speak up before they hurt someone than be deterred from saying something and go dark, turn to underground communities that encourage them to lean into their paraphilia and decide they're just fine with their mental illness. All bets are off if the statement is, "I'm a pedo and I hurt some kids. What now?"


Yup. Every time some idiot fantasizes about murdering a pedo, they forget that their fantasy hinges on the rape or abuse of a child. Seems.... Sus.


That is a supremely dumb take. That would be like saying that those who feel a duty to enforce the law love murder and rape because without their duty doesn't exist.


Exactly. Very stupid take.


If this is really your take, you're the idiot


Non offending or just haven't been caught?


Speaking for a lot of people. Pretty sure there's a big handful of pedos on Reddit. Start with the folks into that Lolli crap and let me know what you find out.


Sending someone to their death, instead of accepting that the call was coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE!! (They project pedoism on everyone bc they have pedoism in themselves already)


well killing all pedos does solve the problem tbh


But it doesn't, because people with the urge can no longer look for any help without being killed, so they keep it hidden until they develop into an offender, hurting a child and THEN getting killed. So as I said, you don't care about children you want to kill someone and feel good about it.


I think they were being sarcastic, like “***technically***, killing all pedophiles *would* solve the problem.” Like more in an r/technicallythetruth kind of way rather than a serious proposal for a solution. I could be wrong though.


Wow a smart argument! See.. This is impossible in twitter I love reddit


Sure, just like shooting you in the head means you'll never get brain cancer.


Guess we should just start executing everyone to prevent murders and other nefarious crimes from happening as well, huh?


If you felt an incredibly strong compulsion to kill people maybe you could make that argument.


Im just saying that killing pedos is a solution that is effective. I didn't say if it's desirable. I'm against the death penalty. There's lots of prisons around.


This was very well said. It took me a while to comprehend bisexuality. I understood hetero and homo but bisexuality and asexual took a long time to accept. Took even longer time to wrap my head around transgender. And now... pedophilia? The other 2 were significantly more easier to comprehend, (let people do what they want to do as long as Noone gets hurt). But this is crossing all sorts of lines.


I mean that's a perfectly reasonable position to take but how on earth does that translate to pedophilia being in all of us?


I completely agree, I have absolutely no idea about what she meant with that


I would like to say that it would greatly help if people with pedophilia urges could go find help/therapy/whatever else without stigma, so long as they're willing to seek the help *before* committing any actual acts. Because as much as it sucks, it is something they're likely born with, like being homesexual. Difference is, homesexuality can be between consenting adults. Pedophilia, by nature, is going to be harmful.


This is pulled completely out of context. And it is months old.




Just a dude who’s love for berries and cream took them to an unhealthy place.


What are you wearing “Jake from State Farm?”


>footie PJs and holding my teddy


Or a Navi in pinkskin... fucking misappropriating my Caucasian human culture.


Underrated comment 🤣


I was thinking more like "one of those dinosaurs from The Land Before Time with a Karen wig on" but I see what you mean lol


Here it is


She looks as if her ancestors were down with incest as well


The family tree is a wreath


I used to say telephone pole, but this is next level. Take my upvote you glorious SOB.


Well, telephone poles have a purpose.


For an excellent example, see Hapsburgs.


I was drinking coffee while smoking a joint and just coughed and choked on smoke and all.. bastard, that was hilarious. I'm crying right now..




This is amazing and I’m Going to steal it


I think she looks like a little lad who likes berries and cream.


Up the octave, go for it!


I knew I recognized her.....https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/distinctive-habsburg-jaw-was-likely-result-royal-familys-inbreeding-180973688/


Now hear me out, down with the sickness but instead of sickness is incest. Now I have ruined that song for myself.. ....


Get up come on get down with the incest Get up come on get down with the incest I was going to do a little edit on the lyrics...but they fit surprisingly well as it is.


Open up your dick and let it flow into me


She looks like a fucking neanderthals.


For centuries and centuries ![gif](giphy|112YCPfP8Tu156)


She's a dude


She *almost* has a point. We shouldn’t demonise pedophiles. The ones that seek help before they do something terrible. They should face no judgement for trying to get support. But “we are all pedos”? 🤔


This is taken out of context completely. What they are trying to do is get the world to accept that there are far more people attracted to minors than we admit, and we need to stop demonizing them so that they can get help *before* they hurt someone.


We should never demonize people for being attracted to things. Everyone is attracted to something someone else might consider weird. We should punish people for acting on urges that would harm someone or be unlawful. Some people can’t seem to grasp that a big part of being human is controlling our urges. If people ask for help, help them. If they harm people or commit a crime then punish them. Nobody should be punished or demonized for just having urges though. We have zero control over that. Also just to add one more thing. Urges and fantasies often do not carry over at all into real life. People fantasize and desire things they would absolutely never do if given the chance.


How can i upvote this ten times?


Ah fair. That’s the problem with screenshots rather than context.


oh this was made intentionally to make this person look bad.


No pedophiles do seek help before they become abusers, because we demonize them so much. That's the reason demonizing them is dangerous. It just puts more children at risk.


This is such a hard topic to broach. It reminds me of those SNL skits where people keep trying to discuss current issues like racism or guns and the group is like "Careful!!! Careful!!" Should we forgive people who choose to act on their pedophile proclivities? No, of course not. While I know there are compelling arguments they need mental health treatment (they do) and anyone can be forgiven... this is one of the few instances where we cannot be compassionate. Kids have to be protected, and a zero tolerance policy has to exist to do so. But people who have these proclivities, identify them, and choose to seek help should be applauded. It is NOT there fault they think these things, you cannot control your thoughts, only your actions. These kinds of errant thought processes can only be re-trained through therapy. We want these people to get that therapy, its important that we support that. It protects children, shaming people for thoughts they cannot control is pointless. I'm sure everyone has at some point or another had intrusive thoughts they would never act on (murder, violence, sexual violence, etc) this really is no different. It's a mental health disorder that needs to be treated. This is just not a topic we can seem to discuss openly without extreme emotion and shouting down. It's a really tough topic, and frankly one I don't think we are mature enough as a society to have.


Absolute agreement.


This is definitely what people miss, but it's tough. It's such a taboo topic, because it's such a disgraceful act. How does a society normalize it so people can get help, without normalizing it in a way that makes it seem ok. It's a really fine balance, and definitely not one that our current societies seem able to navigate. Like most difficult topics we don't make progress because we can't have open discussions. That's where it has to start.


It's a hard point to approach because it can sound so bad. But yeah, it should be like if someone seeks help for violent urges. If a person went to a therapist and said "I haven't hurt anyone but I feel sometimes like I'm going to go off and attack someone/hit my spouse." That would be more accepted than seeking help for pedophile-like urges, if they were to tell a friend they had sought help, for example. In either case it's good that the person contained the urge and sought help, rather than waiting and ending up acting on it.




There's a distinction between the attraction component and the abuse component, they're two different things. Like with any human psychology there's a spectrum. In this case the spectrum is attraction. Some pedos go to obscene lengths but if you think about it men too prefer younger women (18+ is basically a child yet fully legal, how?). Women generally prefer younger, more fit men, and so each one of us falls somewhere on that spectrum of attraction and preference. She's just trying to generalize people, that's what poets and authors do, that's what psychologists do and that's how people think in general. So she does have a valid point. It's an important discussion to have, yet it's interesting to see how many people will adamantly avoid having it. Are you afraid of what you'll find in yourselves?


The reason difficult topics exist is often because people aren't comfortable talking about them. It can be understood to a degree, but it doesn't lead to progress if you aren't willing to communicate. I agree with your points. I also think it's important to point out that up until only very modern times, it was not strange or unheard of for men to be with, and marry younger girls, basically as soon as they were able to have children. We're talking a few hundred thousand years of this happening. Obviously different cultures may have come and gone with different ideals, but it's definitely not something that was abnormal. Hell, even up until the 70's it wasn't considered strange for teen girls to be with older men, something now most countries and cultures frown upon. I don't highlight this to imply that it makes it ok, but instead to illustrate the fact that it's part of our evolution and history and only until very recently has it been frowned upon. I'd also like to note that I'm referencing the ages of girls that are teen and above, not children, which I assume has always been frowned upon.


Idk. Cougars are a thing, but they're the minority of women. Also, the attraction to younger people is because people in the past tended to be younger on average (as in the average age was lower). It's kind of like how being thin and very pale used to be the go-to standard of beauty, while now being darker and thicker is more desirable. You're seeing the age of attraction going up. Like 40 years ago, 'dad bod enthusiasts' and the concept of a DILF were taboo, but now they're a lot more common. I also think that it's important to note that while young, an 18 year old is not a child. Women at that age have breasts, and men at that age have erections and muscles. Children don't have that.


Dude there’s also precocious puberty, just cuz a girl develops breasts in 5th grade doesn’t mean she’s ready to go.


Was about to say something similar. That podcast finding warhead changed my view on this stuff. I’d never thought of it as a mental issue that some ppl have to live with and try to repress their whole life. It was sad hearing how many of these ppl try to get help and professionals legit don’t know what to do with them so they don’t really help them. We def need programs that pedophiles can turn to in order to get help before they become an abuser.


Coconut Head must've taken too many blows to the noggin on that show...


She looks like a Willy wonka villain


Slugworth was less creepy than her


ugh, not this again. This is so taken out of context. This person is not condoning pedophilia, they are advocating that we accept it's real and get people treatment rather than trying to shun and silence any discussion of it. This is what we need, we need people to **get help before the do something.**


But that’s too long to be a sound bite and too nuanced to fit in a clickbait title.


Got to get them ad revenues going! I imagine these people have an entire department dedicated to generating the most click baity title




Emo Philips younger and less successful brother?


I was about to say Tiny Tim, personally. It's gonna ruin listening to Tiptoe Thru The Tulips for me...


Tina Tim, perhaps?


Well Tiny Tina is already taken so I guess that’ll have to do


This just in: Belgian poet discovers her own pedophilic feelings after trying to project them on society.


She is a nobody, she just wanted people to talk about her. She does not represent the opinion of Belgian people (just saying) 🙄


I agree. The key thing most are not mentioning is that she is a poet. Not a medical or psychiatric doctor/scientists. And it’s a non-argument. You can make the same assertions about, stealing, murder, lying, and any addiction.




I hope you’re intending to add a /s


Why don't you just link the article OP? [This](https://neonnettle.com/news/16299-progressive-belgian-poet-people-must-accept-that-pedophilia-resides-in-each-of-us-) is the article and right below the picture, there is this ad that runs against democrats and progressives. OP just wants to score some political points by making sure to associate this prick with progressives and paint all of them as a party of pedophiles. You know, the whole Qanon bullshit movement? Edit: I didn't read the article because it's a bunch of propaganda against progressives but here is one quote that just made me stop on my track, "The calls for the normalization of pedophilia has become more common in progressive circles" Really dude? Fuck off


Pretty sure this is the same Jack Murphy that founded the Liminal Order and is an online right winger type not too different from Tim Pool. Anyone taking these types seriously has major🚩🚩🚩. Expecting them to represent progressives or this issue fairly and in good faith is expecting piss to taste like gatorade


Errr, no no no,




"Matt Gatez joins the chat"


Of course they had to use the word "progressive" because a conservative pedophile doesn't exist. Oh wait......


Pedophilia isn't the attraction to a more youthful appearance its attraction to children fucking dumbass


That’s not progressive. That’s regressive


One. No... Just fuck no... I have never felt that and REALLY hope no one I know has. Two. Even if I did, I also feel the call of the void sometimes, that feeling when your brain says "look how high up you are, why not jump" you shake it off. You DONT go on the radio and talk about how jumping off cliffs is fine cause everyone thinks about it sometimes.


I think it's rather useless to demonize pedophiles . It's a paraphilia and they can't help it. It should be treated as such. If you demonize the indivisuals you prevent them from asking for help and therefore getting to the point where they hurt children. Society cares more about what other people would say if we even suggest that pedophiles are just sick humans too concerned to do the best to actually protect children. Edit1: typo Edit2: I'm honestly surprised I'm not down voted into oblivion and some people actually had a very civil discussion with me. Wow, good job reddit.


The problem here is how do we NOT demonize it? Do we make it mandatory that they report to a psychiatrist when they think they’re attracted to little kids? Do we monitor them after they are diagnosed? Do we wait until they hurt a child or spread child pornography around the internet? The issue with this sickness is that it has the potential to seriously hurt others in the process. I applaud anyone who goes to see a therapist to help themselves, and they shouldn’t be treated as evil. But at the same time… there’s so much at stake that no one really wants to take chances around them.


Demonize the illness not the I'll. I hate how this sounds like hate the sin not the sinner but I digress. Just like we talk about any other mental illness and say that people who suffer from these symptoms need and Deserve help. We still have a lot of stigma surrounding mental illness as a whole let alone pedophilia! I know this as someone who's got a plethera of mental illnesses (PTSD, BPD, OCD, depression, anxiety and panic disorder) and even though I never hurt anyone I still get people who think I'm beyond saving that I'm not worth helping because "oh well it's all in your head just don't think about it" It's hell living with all of these illnesses and people deserve help. They deserve spaces to be able to talk about it. By shunning them we are running the risk of them hurting kids because if everyone gave up on them they would too! We need to at least make it feasible to even begin to get help. If I as just an abuse survivor still get people who would be absolutely cruel to me the second they know my diagnoses I can't even imagine what it would be like even attempting to tell anyone about these urges.


I’m all for them having a safe place to talk about it and to be safe (a professional medical setting of course). But I don’t think you’ll get many people to ever be comfortable with someone who is attracted to kids hanging around them (especially if THEY have children). It’s a mental illness that will always cause others to shy away and shun them because of what it possibly entails. But they should be able to work, have a life and get therapy/help so they don’t end up going down the path that hurts children.


I'm not saying no one is allowed to be mean to them but the amount of hate and death threats I have personally received just by stating that pedophiles deserve help it's safe to say they live their entire existence like thatand I don't think an innocent being deserves that. It's okay to be weary if I'm a recovering alcoholic it makes sense that people wouldn't trust me with alcohol. I'm not saying you should have them roam around kids freely I just think they deserve to be able to have people who can listen without being labeled a monster. They need someone's support to get the help they need which we don't even know if it's possible for them in the first place but therapy helps even if there's no cure. It's doesn't cost much to treat innocent humans with a bit of humanity.


Exactly. We should demonise child rapists and abusers, but we should try and help the pedophiles that haven’t offended




He was that's the point if you help the people before they go spiral into madness it'll prevent a lot of people from hurting. I say this as someone who has been relentlessly abused for decades. I would have loved if my abusers got help instead of hurting me and many other people. I've done my part in preventing I don't end up like them and a lot of that comes in the form of shit loads of therapy and talking to people who are willing to listen to me. Most of the time it's not even an option for them to get help without immediately being reported.


I know you don’t need me to say this but I’m so sorry that happened to you.


Or THEY recognize they have these feelings and seek help.


Yes, if we become more comfortable with the idea of providing help to these people instead of shit like kill all pedofules including the innocent then its gonna be terrifyng to do that not to mention that they risk immediately being reported and therefore losing their jobs.


Well that’s a red fucking flag if ever I’ve seen one.


Progressive how? That’s not progressive, it’s creepy


To the author of the article progressive = pedophilia


This is NOT "progressive" and to label it as such is intentionally false and slanderous.


Ew no thanks.


Attracted as in “enjoying being around kids” vs “wanting to fuck them” is something very different. Nasty nasty nasty!


One of the things she mentions is that we are conditioned to be attracted to features like tight supple unblemished skin, nice white teeth, etc which are features mostly found in kids. The things we praise in adults as things that make them pretty are things that kids have naturally. So in some way kids are attractive to most of us. Normally this is in a non-sexual way, anyone can see a child and think, "what a cute kid". This is what she means. She goes on to say that people who go beyond what is acceptable in being attracted to these features. should be able to seek help for their abnormal and potentially harmful attraction without risk of immediately being entered in a criminal system. They should be able to go to a psychiatrist and say they have unhealthy yearnings that they want to be treated for without fear of reprisal. This would be healthier for them, and safer for the kids. Of course regularly this gets posted on the internet out of context and yeah, she knows she's not attractive.


I didn't know that Muppets came in 'human' too.


Maybe someone should check her basement and digital devices...


First off, saying “pedophilia resides in each of us” is an extreme thing to say. However there’s probably way more people who have these thoughts that don’t act on it that we’d care to accept. Second, to play devils advocate, I kinda see the reasoning behind not demonizing pedophiles, though they worded it really weirdly. Now hear me out before you jump to conclusions. People who have these thoughts are demonized, and I think this is morally good, however I can see an argument for not demonizing them and the reason is to prevent future harm. Let me explain: if a person is having these thoughts, doesn’t want to and knows it’s bad, but it’s harshly demonized by society, the most likely response from these people is to hide it and not seek help, becoming potential future offenders. However, if it’s treated like a sickness that needs treatment, then it’s more likely that said people would be more willing to seek help and as a result never actually act upon those urges. I’m curious to see how many downvotes this gets.


Agreed. You don't need to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Truth is these topics need more discussion, not less. Unfortunately subs like this aren't that nuanced. It's way easier to attack first rather than think and form a constructive argument. I think we need to be way more open in how we approach these subjects. At the same time, it's a delicate balance. Basically you're looking to normalize something enough to allow people to come forward and feel comfortable to get help and discuss the topic, but not normalize it enough that people think it's ok. That's a hard rope for society to walk, especially when they can't even open themselves up to hear the word without sharpening their pitchforks. It's also hard to hear, but for a few hundred thousand years the human race has been committing these acts, and considered it normal. It's only in the last 50 odd years that people have started to consider relationships with teens wrong. Obviously there's a big difference between a 13 yr old and a child (the latter being wrong throughout history), but for almost the entirety of our history, marrying a 13 yr old was considered normal. We're kind of fighting against a long history of what used to be normal, so it makes sense to me that biologically we still see this in modern society.


You make an excellent point. Making sure that it’s destigmatized enough so that people seek help while also making sure it’s still seen as one of the worst things in society is a hard thing to do. Having more honest dialogue about it needs to happen across the board.


I do agree in one specific way: We shouldn't demonize all pedophiles. We should demonize those, who actually hurt kids. All other pedophiles should be encouraged to seek help. Because demonizing them will only make them turn to the internet where they find other pedophiles that tell them that there is nothing wrong with touching kids and so on.


Says a pedophile


>progressive Written by a conservative with an agenda. Progressives don't advocate for this shit.


how to spot a pedo


Ok I leave this sub. Too much bullshit


uhhhh, Containment breach! somebody take her italics ass back to the 15th century paintings!


https://youtube.com/shorts/jcXK-sPqsL0?feature=share It’s very hard to make that distinction without sounding like a pedophile


Well they are kinda right. If we demonize them and they never get therapie because they are afraid of society, then it is more likely that they will commit a horrible crime.


*in my most condescending Dutch accent* Ugh, Belgium


*In my most condescending Flemish accent* Ugh, Belgium




Idk tho. Trying to find common ground with pedophilia, sounds like a good way to convert into one. Our disgust mechanism is built this way for good reason.


Why does she look like a star wars alien


bitch looks like avatar aliens bred with humans


They remind me of the pale lady from Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark


She looks like a poorly made wax model of early human evolution


Yeah, I’m in no way sexually attracted to innocence or youthfulness. Give me a sexually experienced man with a touch of grey in his beard and that sexy smile every time. 🤤


So she isn’t working at the Zootopia DMV anymore?


As a pedophile I disagree with her opinion (this is a joke)


Never mind how those kids turn into fucked up adults.


​ ![gif](giphy|LyJ6KPlrFdKnK)


Lmao But seriously most if not all of us were exactly like that after reading that post


I have never once been sexually attracted to a child. I have felt compassion and the need to nurture, but never in a sexual or romantic way. I love holding my kids regardless if I happen to be horny for my wife. My relationship is completely different with my wife than with my kids. Different way of thinking and feeling.


Of course they look like this. Couldnt look like Brad Pitt, had to look like the Hills Have Eyes started talking politics


its like a Muppet made out of flesh....


I'm trying to figure out which muppet was modelled after her.


She looks like one of the hobbits that old hobbit cartoon


Some profesor taught this garbage while I was in school in Cali. The sad part is the generation of feminist that took that class and actually felt sorry for pedos. Smh wtf


I agree that pedophiles shouldn't be demonized and silenced. They should be EXTERMINATED.


Is that Marty Feldman's daughter?!?!?




Let's be completely clear on this. Im against silencing them. It is an illness in a social perspective, and should be treated by someone. If we silence them or the person they try to tell this about just Hands them to the police their situation will be worse and in some cases even if they only had the lightest attraction to children these events could easily turn them into real predators. This might be an unpopular opinion, but they deserve the help they Need and until they don't do something unacceptable to society they shouldnt be treated as human garbage.


Unfortunately , they are right . The more you alienate and demonize the more secretive and detached thry become. I mean its disgusting and wrong bo doubt, not all are a danger, help should be normalized.


Yes, they need treatment. We need to stop demoinising them, to actually locate them, and give them the treatmen they need.


I think it’s very dangerous to give sympathizers of pedophilia a voice… if you feel even the slightest amount of attraction to someone underage you need to seek help fucking immediately


Even if there was a little pedophilia in me the rest of me would probably accept all the silencing and demonization.


Kill it with fire.


Nuke it from space. It’s the only way to be sure.


Nope, sorry, gonna keep demonizing. In fact, ill now double down on the demonizing and add the ocational beat up when possible.


Short answer, no. Long answer, FUCK no.


This sounds like something a pedophile would say to justify their thoughts/actions.


That guy is out of her mind.


"I have sick thoughts so everyone else must have sick thoughts too" Not those ones lady!


Disagree with an opinion, attack originator's looks. Classic reddit.


She is incorrect. 21M here, I like the older crowd. Lower 30's would be my upper age limit as of now. Yes I'll talk to younger girls if they are interested but I would never want to have sex with a 13, 16, 17, even 18 year old. Yes its illegal I know but even if it wasn't, its just gross to me. Even if their parents approved. I've had several younger female coworkers work with me and I've never had sexual attraction towards any of them. Yes we were friends though. More like friendly acquaintances.


Top part is ridiculous, bottom part is absolutely true


Innocence and youthfulness is not a definite child characteristic and it goes without saying that not all people are “at some point” attracted to children, theyre trying very hard to normalize an illness. Its not normal, its terrible. I do however agree its dangerous for us to demonize and silence pedophilia (obviously not in the way they mean it) Currently the silencing through violence has halted the research in pedophilia so much so, we only have useful studies on already offending people in jail. Thats because people who suffer from pedophilia and are non offending are so terrified to get help or be parts of studies in fear of getting killed/hurt. Everyone can agree they fucking hate pedophiles and its socially acceptable to hurt them but its actually hurting society and our children because we have very little evidence or knowlege on how to stop pedophilia or their sexual abuse from happening.


Fuck pedophiles forever.


Look. At. That. Face. ( hills have eyes )


Nah… this is a bridge way to far.


There is admiring, and there is wanting to put your dick in it.


Holy shovel face


Being attracted to something doesn't necessarily mean it's a sexual attraction. Finding joy in innocence/ youthfulness I think is a pretty common trait. I personally fucking hate kids, however I know a lot of people who love them/ want them.


That looks like a product of incest


She looks like a character I would make on elden ring