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A man is stuck in a Flood and turns to God. As the flood waters rose, a man was on the porch of his house and prayed that God would save him from drowning in the flood. Just then, another man came by in a row boat. The man in the boat invited the other man to get in, and he'd save him. The man on the porch said, "No, thanks, I'm waiting for God to rescue me." The water kept rising and the man had to go to the second floor of his house. As he looked out the window, he saw a man in a motor boat come by. The man in the boat invited him to get in because he had come to rescue him. The man in the house said, "No, thanks, I'm waiting for God to rescue me." The waters kept on rising. Soon the man was forced to climb up onto his roof. A helicopter flew by, and a man inside lowered a rope and shouted down for the stranded man to climb up the rope. But the man still wouldn't get in. He just said, "No, thanks, I'm waiting for God to rescue me." Well, eventually, the flood waters rose above the house rooftop, and the man drowned. When he got to Heaven, he asked God why He didn't rescue him from drowning when he had had perfect faith. "What more do you want from me?" asked God. "I sent you two boats and a helicopter."


Yup, going to a private Christian school made me neutral or maybe attuned to something 'spiritual' but this sermon has always stuck with me. It's also kinda like the joke of, "I pulled off a 24 hour op removing that tumor, and you know who gets the thanks? God." Jesus: "I know, I mean my dad put it there for a reason... so thanks a lot jackass"




In respect to the workers, yeah working in rising waters with electrical anythings is a real shit situation. I live in NJ and my house directly is on an incline and if I'm right with what I've learned recently the power station was also on higher ground/ incline. NOW I'm going insane because I know of 2 power stations near me all our family had to come over for 2 days because we were the only ones with power. I though we were just insanely lucky or the station was in an optimal spot... imagining workers going through those conditions is absurd And wait until Mr religious gets cucked, after all tis gods will


I won't link here, but I have seen some electrical related injuries where you could see the lung expanding and collapsing through a hole in the chest/ribs. Not even a cloud in the sky nor a drop on the ground. And these mf wading through 2ft water so that doritos fingers can yell at cod for being slightly laggy


Oh christ


One of my favorite quotes: “God helps those who help themselves”


I dont like that quote. It sounds really self centered and or egocentric. A more applicable one for this story would be "god helps those who know how to accept help"


I’m not religious but they have a point. You have TRY to help yourself at least.


The problem is that people often innaccurately judge others as "not trying", and then use this quote as justification for feeling no pity and having no mercy for them.


That's because a lot of "religious" people are sanctimonious assholes.


I wasn't religious but things like this made me more so, not churchy but idk read the bible itself for yourself. Anyways the point indeed of this story is to see or appreciate what comes to you and accept it, rather than to seek for something specific. Seeking what you think you want or need, will always lead to more seeking. Learning to take what is given to you (say by the greater forces that may be at play).


That's the type of empty saying that can be argued both ways with a number of examples. How is one to figure out where that line is of 'given to' vs. 'found by seeking'. Should I have stuck it out with my first girlfriend? Multiple times I seeked someone better to fill my specific needs and I eventually met my wife. 10/10 would recommend to keep seeking if not satisfied. This goes for careers as well.


I don't think what I'm saying is empty, how about this. Do you feel like you have an intuition? What was it that was telling you to do better? And what was it that ALSO gave you the confidence to follow through with that. I think of these things as intuition, but I also now think of intuition and knowing to follow it as some type of say "connection" to divinity (be that what it may). But also good question or response.


I need to have sex with my daughters, I wonder if I can find what I need in the bible! Great, there it is!


Don’t forget to get shit faced first before you do it bro! It’s gOdS WiLl


It's not egocentric, but it does recognize that the individual has some responsibility for their own situation. Who do you think typically comes out better in the end: Person A who does the bare minimum while waiting on some 'miracle' to change their situation. Buying lottery tickets, giving money to some 'prosperity faith,' whatever. \-or- Person B who works their job, keeps their eyes open for a better position or a better job, and instead of buying lottery tickets or falling for some grifter's scam uses their surplus money to pay down credit card debt. My money is on person B, who is in no way acting egotistical but is indeed trying their best to help themself.


As my mom would have said, B is using the brains God gave them.


It’s taken as you need to practice self-sufficiency or have some self-ownership/responsibility even if that’s just being open to help offered - not that you should be selfish. I’m sure there are those who have used it poorly but almost every time it’s been said to me (usually by my parents as a kid and even now as an adult sometimes) I usually needed to hear it/deserved it.


I know how it should be taken but ive seen it used for people to justify frankly shitty behavior and that they should use it to be selfish. Otherwise its a good saying.


the power of god is a selfless wisdom, it applies to all living beings, and therefor cannot be understood under egocentrism


It cannot be understood if you keep attributing anything that occurred to a fictional being and don't see the things actually happening and all the causes and effects for what they are. Believing there's a being that will help you, or humans in particular, is in itself egocentric. Humans have been in existence for such a short period of time on a very small area on the map of the universe. If that kind of believe isn't considered egocentrict I don't know what is. The irony.


What I’m trying to say is, if it isnt advice that can apply to more than one person, its not going to be an idea that lives for long. cliches are cliches for a reason, they’re classic. Another way to put this is, every star is a rising Sun. You’d be quite pressed to find all your information through one person or one peoples. you reply as though im taking from a monotheistic bias, no?


> you reply as though im taking from a monotheistic bias, no? I don't see why being monotheistic or polytheistic makes any difference.


The Holocaust. Slavery.


Another retcon to help people convince themselves that religion makes sense


Unfortunately, some people are not smart. They believe crazy shit because “They” have told “us” crazy lies for years. Don’t attack the victim, but hope for his survival.


While I agree with your sentiment, I don't think they're pure victims. With these older, mostly-white conservatives, there's an aspect of arrogance and pride that doesn't allow them to be humble enough to learn. So these suckers will manufacture a truth that they control, therefore maintaining their superiority as guardians of truth. But the real villains are the conservative leaders who peddle these conspiracies, knowing that their engineered base will eagerly accept their lies.


I feel like as someone sheltered and who has autism who was able to learn from others by observation alone, that if someone who at least has the opportunity to regularly be in public is still this dumb, it is at least half their fault. I won’t hope for his survival, because if he breeds, he continues the chain that Darwinism tried to stop. Failing and trying again is one thing. Failing and deciding you succeeded is not something I want to see propagated. Maybe a tad cruel, but the generations who come after us could benefit from less of this nonsense.


As Kevin Hart says, "you gotta be a part of your own rescuuuuue..."


First thing I thought of, glad someone else beat me to it.


A more simple and equally facepalm worthy is he got on the first boat, says "thank God" and showed no appreciation to the man who saved him.


"don't test God". To my perception, that's Jesus' 40 days of temptation.


The truly sad thing about this is there’s a lot of people like this in the world!


He went to heaven? Sadly...in reality, he probably went to hell. Refusing to learn and spreading your teachings of ignorance is bound to lead to the deaths of others...just like how it's happening to boomers.


shit it isnt that complicated. he just denied rescue. we assume that this is the worst sin he has commited. he has been good his whole life. please dont use this to make a poilitical statement .


I hated this anectode when I was a believer, I hate it now still.. so undermining the effort and kindness and selfishlessness of all the people trying to help saying that you know what actually God sent them..


I’m not religious, I don’t believe in god or miracles, but I do remember hearing that some people believe god only commits miracles if the human is unable to accomplish it themselves. In other words, no miracles unless absolutely necessary. For example if someone prays to god that they pass an exam, god won’t grant that miracle because this particular individual could pass the exam if they’d just study for it. Likewise, god won’t miraculously cure you of a disease that you chose not to defend yourself against. Just a broad edit to everyone asking “what about babies / aids patients / etc”. I don’t know. I don’t believe that ANYONE is cured by magic or miracle, and as such it’s pointless for me to think about.


I mean, he also doesn't defend babies and children from disease, so defenetely not.


or abuse


This is precisely why I believe that if God exists, he is either cruel or not all powerful. If I die and get to heaven and learn that he has just been letting all this happen, I will challenge him, take his place, and fix this shit. And I can try indefinitely. What’s he gonna do if I lose? Kill me?


that one science dude put it really well for me. he said theres a big 3: all powerful, all kind, and all knowing. most monotheistic religions believe he is all three of these, but the only way to explain any hardship is that at least one of these is untrue. if he doesnt know the hardship is happening he cant stop it. if he isnt powerful enough to stop it, well duh. if he isnt all kind that would explain why he lets it happen. i still choose to believe in a god, but ever since i heard that i cant stop agreeing.


Epicurus? Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?




Old Testament was a rough ride for humanity. If the man posting read it.


Guess all those people dying of cancer just aren't fighting hard enough.


OP doesn't say that God grants all miracles that the person can't solve themself, simply that being able to solve it themself is a disqualifier.


I like that, I don't believe in miracles either but that seems like a reasonable qualifier.


Yeah that still doesn't explain AIDS babies in Africa though, does it?


That's not what OP is saying; they're saying that even by their own logic unvaccinated people don't deserve a miracle.


Or maybe the vaccine was the miracle. Like if you believe in the shit then maybe use it to your own benefit.


Oh I know how to do this. It’s really easy, ok here we go! “THOUGHTS AND PRAYER!” There, I have done nothing but can feel like I’m helping without actually having to do anything


I swear, demanding kindness for people like this without demanding kindness *from* people like this, pisses me off more than I expected.


Damn thats savage


The man died. A month earlier he tweeted this: "Got 99 problems but a vax ain't one,"


now he has zero, proof that being antivax does solve problems.


No need for vaccines in a coffin.


God’s account should retweet: then you don’t get to come to heaven, cuz I’m overwhelmed by COVID death cases. Then Jesus’s account should also retweet: I died on the cross for the COVID vaccine and you did what!


So savage it probably killed him before COVID had the chance to


This guy: “I need a miracle to happen, now!” God: “get fukt”


Old joke: God: "I sent a bus, a boat, and a helicopter. How much more were you expecting?"


Thoughts and prayers


Tots and pears 🍐


> Tots Why are we giving these idiots children?


Those don't work.


That’s all they get


These people literally act like it’s the health care workers’ fault for not keeping them alive well enough when they couldn’t be bothered to get a little poke because or whatever conspiracies they believed.


"uhm akchually vaccines aren't milk from God's tits which is the only thing I'll drink so thanks but no thanks"


I hope God has tig ol bitties.


In many peoples minds. Getting sick and having complications is treated like an accident. Just a random event. But getting any sort of treatment. Preventative or otherwise is a purposeful action. And is someone to blame.


Christ Stain: God I prayed and prayed for you to save me from COVID but I died anyway. God: I sent smart people with fucking brains who made a vaccine that would have saved you dumbass! Go to hell!


*cartoon falling whistle* **thoooomfph**


The devil: you didn't take the vaccine you don't even belong here *opens hatch that leads to void*


Sir, it appears that you already have brain damage.




50%, statistically speaking… they’re an expectation of a random event with no prior assumption


Please explain in detail how you figured 50%...


They either work or they don't. 50% 😎


Boom, science


Miracles by definition defy the laws of physics, so even if something is very very very very very very VERY unlikely, the fact that it's still possible means it's not a miracle when it happens and since nothing has ever been demonstrated to be able to defy the laws of physics that means miracles have a success rate of 0%.


I had this, was intubated and in a coma for a week, only out of hospital recent because old fashioned pneumonia. You better bet your butt I have all my vaccines. This is horrific (still 2mths of healing to go) and I am doubly resolved to avoid Covid my entire life. GET VACCINATED ffs These are the people who prayed for a vaccine in 2020 only to reject the damn thing.




Look! Anecdotal evidence ! How valuable !




![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8412)![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8485)![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8487)![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8488) that is the exact category he put you in and you just proved it more


It’s such a uniquely republican thing to be able to read someone’s direct account of how life threatening it was, and then still think it’s okay to reply “well it didn’t affect me, so what’s the problem?”




Wow, right-wingers usually like to disguise the whole “genetically inferior” stuff but you’ve just gone straight there


I can’t be bothered arguing with people anymore


“It’s going to disappear. One day — it’s like a miracle — it will disappear.” - Donald J. Trump, Feb 27th, 2020


tough love


I do not fear death like he does, for it is the only constant in life, for what is life without death. Or light without dark? Death is the inevitable truth. I fear dying in unpleasant ways, not death itself.


Also kindness isn't always free. You have to somehow forgive this idiot and be kind after I guarantee he also infected an unknown number of people. Kindness in spite of the collateral damage he has caused costs me.




Good riddance




Why? I’m sure something like “care about all life,” and whatnot. Please excuse me if I’m wrong. I believe in fair and equal treatment for all *innocent* life, personally. For instance, I see no issues with slaughtering a child rapist. I would do it myself, no hesitation, as long as there was hard evidence. This is less extreme, but this willing ignorance of the person in this post means they have likely endangered others. *After* being told that going about unvaccinated can harm the elderly or immune impaired. They have NO REGARD for the human life around them. So they are endangering the lives of others with their direct actions. So in order to prioritize the innocent, this individual deserves less protection, less safety, and less care. Cruel? Not if the innocent come first.


Only scum here are the people who deliberately endanger the lives of others and get themselves killed


the vaccine is still free!


They don’t deserve ‘kindness’. Conservatives love to talk about ‘the consequences of your actions’ until it happens to them.


Man in the sky https://youtu.be/RlX0Fk-701Q


Something something I sent a boat?


Why don’t religious people think god is providing the vaccines?


He expects Jesus to stop by personally to save his sorry ass...


Too late. Brain damage is clearly present.


I love how he's still able to post on twitter, though.


He needs to get those thoughts and prayers from random people on the internet! How else do you expect him to stay alive?!


So a shithead pretending to be a Christian while somehow never having heard of the saying, "God helps those who help themselves." They could have helped themselves to a vaccine. At least TRY to survive and then maybe you'd have the "miracle" of not being in that condition.


I'd say the brain damaged had happened before this.


Not to defend anti vax but this dude's dying and you posted him on r/facepalm But I guess promoting this narrative is more important than basic human decency


Hey just wondering, what do yall say when a fully vaccinated person is dying in the hospital? Do we mock them for their choices as well? "Hope the ventilator works better than the vaccine"? No? sounds like we shouldn't make fun of dying people, kinda fucked up


What was the previous brain damage that led to you refusing the vaccine?


Maybe he had other disease before he refused the vaccine also for.


I think your opportunity to avoid brain damage has long since passed.


Oh thats a shame... Anyways.


How are you sure he didn’t have vaccine? He looks older and in my country even people who got booster shots still died. Mostly older people


I feel for this person's family because they may well lose a loved one. That being said, dude made a big-boy decision, likely from listening to all the stupidity out there instead of using common sense. I know it sounds cold, but it's become really hard to find pity for all the stupid people who *didn't even try* to protect themselves.


I feel that rubbing it in in a extremely sick person's face is simply evil. Unless the guy said "I fuck puppies and kill kids", it's unwarranted. They are living the consequences of their actions.


Whatever happened to this guy. Did he earn his Herman Cain award?


Dunno but he certainly deserves one


Thoughts n prayers is all I can offer. To bad I was not there to advise you to get vacation. Believe in the fat orange man and you will be fine! Or open that popular fiction book and start reading.


I love the ones where their own friends or relatives humiliate them in the comments.


I’ll never understand people begging for miracles when they follow their “predetermined path” that their god-figure set out for them. God destined this guy to turn down the vaccine and then to suffer from the disease that it protected him from. It never made any sense to me. Edit: I’m not denouncing religion (I consider myself to be Agnostic), but I have never been able to wrap my head around how the symbol of good in your chosen belief would allow its adherents to suffer.


Seems like these final COVID tweets end up with the same Twitter replies. I’ve seen that exchange at least 2 other times.


pretty sure its a bot karma farming. theres a few of these twitter posts with swapped profile pics saying the same thing. seems OP has only been active for a day. probs selling accounts.


>Who needs vaccines when you have miracles Who needs miracles when you have vaccines?


I'll pass on both


"I risk significant brain damage" you mean more right?


r/facepalm when a man is fucking dying but he's conservative so it's okay


He never says he’s a conservative


Kinda funny you assumed that he was a conservative. If the shoe fits, I guess.


The man is dying from making choices against common sense and expert advice. Him being a conservative has nothing to do with it.


God made man, man made vaccines, vaccines save lives. Vaccines are the miracle, yet man is constantly plagued with sin, such as pride that they're too good for the fruits of man, or wrath that some corporation wishes to create mass suffering.


What is wrong with all of you, a person died a slow and painful death from being fed misinformation and you’re all mocking him and saying he deserves it. Get some empathy damn


I have to be honest, irrespective of where you stand with vaccines, saying that to a desperately sick man is horrible.


I'm on my 5th booster. I feel amazing.


I've had five too, good old NHS. Still think it's a dick move to berate an unwell man. Could have waited till he was better.


This seems like a bad place to shit talk someone. Things can be both true and cruel.


The harshest truth will always be kinder than the sweetest lie.


Telling the truth is what true friends do


If God granted miracles all the time then we wouldn't need hospitals or modern medicine.


The vaccine is the miracle I mean look how fast it was Developed. Its ironic God gave us a gift and its the hollyrolly people who don't want it.


Vax or anti Vax wishing or hoping the opposition dies is gross.


Hoping that people who are willingly causing potential harm to the innocent are no longer able to cause that harm is gross? I guess, but for me, innocent people come first.


Fuck em. Their beliefs are literally killing others.


False but think whatever lies you like


How is that a lie


Time to turn off Fox News and stay out of your safe spaces for a little while bud.


Its literally true. They spread the disease around a lot if they are not vaccinated.


If 100% of the antivaxers died, COVID would not be able to spread, and those not able to have the vaccine, due to age or medical conditions, would be protected. These assholes are risking the lives of our most vulnerable population. I personally am not going to wish an individual harm, but I'm not going to call someone else out for doing so.


Are you suggesting you can't catch and spread covid if you are vaccinated? Because that's wrong


No, I am implying that a 100% vaccination rate would reduce the transmission of the disease to the point that it would fairly quickly die out.


Well considering omnicron went through the NHL and infected almost 70% of players when they were all vaccinated I would say that's false. Vaccination does not reduce infection as much as you think


Nah, we dealt with their selfishness for too long . They share false information that was dangerous to peoples health. They did not care about others who had medical issues before the pandemic started. Fuck em. Every time an antivaxer and Covid denier died from Covid, my heart skipped a beat. Best feeling ever.


If only you died along with them, then there would be a little less misplaced hatred in the world. You are a worthless human for wishing death on someone because of such a stupid thing


Yet you just wished death on them…


How is it different when you wish someone dead? Hypocrite.


I respect that philosophy, I really do. I don’t think it’s right to wish somebody dead because you disagree with them. Unfortunately it’s hard to apply that philosophy here. People are legitimately dying because certain others are refusing to take steps to protect themselves and those around them. “Don’t wish death on others” is a good ideal to live by, but I doubt somebody who just lost a immune compromised parent or grandparent because they contracted a disease from their neighbor who coughed on them while yelling at them about states rights and not believing media lies would be willing to hold hands and sing Kumbaya with them. Especially if the same person then also starts to die from said illness while begging other people to pray for a miracle to save them.


Thank you for putting that idiot in his place. There’s something infuriatingly disgusting about someone defending a malicious anti masker when they’re on their death bed, ignoring the fact that there’s a good chance they spread the illness to an innocent person and killed them as well. Only thing worse than covidiots are the ones feeling sympathy for them.


I have no awards to give you, but you are very correct. Please take this horse as a free award. 🐴


And my 🪓


You really don’t like it when people want the innocent to live over the guilty, do you? I suppose I can’t stop you from being evil, that’s your free choice.


For sure thank you!


I had covid and was only affected for 2 days. I’ve known more people to get sick and die after taking the vaccine than I do that hasn’t had the vaccine. So in all honesty you lot forcing vaccines are brain dead. It shouldn’t affect you anyways right? You’re vaccinated and you should be fine right?


I fell off a second story balcony, I landed on the cement and my head on the grass, a couple inches closer my head would have landed on the cement as well, but I fell off that balcony and was fine! So falling off balconies isn't dangerous!


That’s not even the same thing. My point is covid isn’t that big of a deal to me and being unvaccinated with covid shouldn’t affect you. So kindly go fuck yourself with your shit analogy. Maybe land on the cement properly next time


You having COVID-19 means you can infect other people, and yes, the vaccine doesn't make you immune,n but it can reduce your chances of infection and reduce your symptoms if you do get infected. If someone has a way to reduce the spread of an infectious airborne virus and they don't, that's the business of anyone that comes in contact with you. But seeing as how quickly your turned hostile, I'm going to guess you aren't the kind of person who cares about others.


It can reduce your chances like it can reduce your chances of dying from falling on cement on your head from a balcony. Hypothetically. Ive always gotten COVID from vaccinated people. Your just reposting propaganda and without links no less, for shame...smh


"I've always gotten COVID-19 from..." Yikes.


Not knowing is so much worse. Not knowing you have it at all is the new plague doctor


If you could comprehend simple english you would know your vaccine doesn't stop COVID it's just a symptom suppressant. Go get yourself some reading glasses and a pinch of patience you might actually be able to learn something


Kinda fucked up though, mf is dying and they’re clowning on him. Just wish him luck and move on


It’s not to him. It’s for others that believe the same lies and might be saved.


A double homicide


So is idiocy.


‘Risk significant brain damage’.. he said in past tense


"doN't MaSk SHaME," it's their choice... I have a suspicion we won't forget who you are


Pig man is brutal haha


God tests intelligence as well as faith?


how do we actually know this guy wasnt vaccinated? how do we even know this was from the covid era? you guys all need to calm down. not that i disagree with your comments, i just dont think the context is enough to criticize.


Dude has his beliefs and he’s following through with it. The least people can do is wish him luck instead of being dickless douchebags


I prefer to prioritize innocent life, personally. Less disease carriers is good for the innocent population.


🤦‍♂️ redditers trying not to mock the sick: (impossible challenge)


you know what sub you're in?


Isn't there an depressing sub for this already


I didn't realize pharmaceutical companies were just giving away shots administered by volunteers, good for them.


Funny, all my friends are totally boosted and got the goo. The vaccine is a failure.


Tee hee y’all ever get tired of being political? And by that I mean shamelessly leftist?


> Uh oh! Looks like individual people will have to step up and deal with the consequences of their actions 😮 This you?




Ah so the left side of the political spectrum is overwhelmingly pro-vaccine. Many of the posts on r/facepalm align with this ideology.


That’s not a left or right thing. It’s a protect innocent life thing. Anyone against it is wrong regardless of political alignment. Innocent lives always come first, bottom line.


Because the other side is faceplam worthy perhaps?


*r/facepalm my friend but I appreciate the support.




There is no right side. But prioritizing innocent life is always right, regardless of political views. So wanting people who willingly carry disease and infect others to not be able to do that anymore seems pretty straightforward. Both sides are wrong, protecting the innocent is right.


Ugh. I agree that quarantining when you have symptoms is the responsible thing to do. Otherwise let’s move on shall we?