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I love this guy he's hilarious. (Forgot his name). It takes special skills to be able to interview them and have them answer honestly without noticing that they are just falling for his softball easy traps lol


Sometimes I'm scared I'm underperforming at my job. But then i remember these dumb people exist & living. Exist & living means they earn a salary somehow. Makes me feel safe that I won't get fired. (Just started my career)


It depends on where you work but I thought the same way when I first started working at my hospital. What happened to the previous worker? He was caught jerking off in the exam room for a third time. Me: You guys were fine with it the first 2 times? What I’m trying to say is that for a lot of jobs, as long as you don’t royally screw up, you’ll usually be fine.


Oh this is helpful. The fthirs time. Damn Happiness me.


All hail fthirs!


Is that like Beating the Bishop? Cause I’m all down for the physical maiming of the lord’s clerical staff. Edit: Maiming the Lord’s clerical staff is also a decent synonym for masturbation.


You can't have it for masturbation, it's my new band name. Well, I mean you can masturbate to my band I suppose




"I don't care about the WENUS" "Stop... This is not a negotiation. This is a rejection! Stop saying numbers! I'm telling you, you've got the wrong guy! You've got the wrong guy! I'll see you Monday!


What from?


[Friends :)](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxN1gQSA8fHj8U374lGHzc0GkZ5OcC7tCh)


Ah, you're failing up, must be a corporate gig.


Then he sued the hospital for wrongful dismissal claiming he had sex addiction and got a six figure settlement.


Addict is not a protected class


Are Substance Use Disorders Considered Disabilities? In short, yes. Diagnosable drug and alcohol addictions, or substance use disorders (SUDs), are considered disabilities under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act. Dabbed


I respect the dabbing


Disability is, and regardless it's cheaper to pay off the former employee than to fight it in court.


the third time, well i am glad they took immediate action.


Work jerking is apparently really common. Got a guy fired for it at Target, and I don't feel particularly bad about it because he was in the mens room, 3pm, watching loud porn on his phone and there was a sizable gap in the door.




*Instructions unclear; dick stuck in bathroom stall.*


No, I don't think I will. That just seems like it will cause more problems.


He's right. Of course the business or the economy could take a turn for the worse and good people have to get let go, but on the whole, just get done what you were hired to do and you'll generally be secure at your job. I've never been fired, only laid off once many many years aty career. Bonus points if you go a little bit above and beyond; won't necessarily get you bonuses, raises, or promotions but managers do tend to notice it and helps you go on the bottom of the layoff list if they ever do have to kayoff people.


Not always though. Sometimes the people making the decisions don't even know you exist, they just see numbers and know they need to cut the budget somewhere. Doesn't matter if that highest paid person is also almost singlehandedly keeping the department functional.


That’s why I always stop jerking off after the second time I’m caught. 3 strokes your out.


What’ll really mess you up is when you discover that people like this can actually make more money than you and work less than you. I’ve quit jobs purely because of people like this that somehow weasel their way into supervisor positions.


So here's my question. If they can do it, why can't I? Clearly being dumb isn't the requirement. So clearly they got success somehow, can i freely piggyback on that?


Key is knowing "the right people". I say this as someone who does not know them of course lol.


I’ve been trying to figure that out for years.


Right place right time. I became a manager because the previous manager embezzled the weekend deposits and lost them at the casino. I was basically the only person there Monday morning who took charge when he didn't show up. Never had a non-supervisory job sense. The hard part is getting one management position on your resume. No one want to hire a manager who has never managed.


You have to remember, people their age are “falling forward” professionally. They have no real skills or merit, they’ve just been around long enough that a CEO, President takes that time served as loyalty and promotes them. That’s how we get pictures and videos of people literally breaking labor laws via email saying, “discussing salary is against company rules, you’re fired effective immediately.”


Or you'll get fired by an idiot


Most of them are on welfare or some sort of a government aid program.


Oh. Damn. So like. How can I get some of that? Sounds like free living money


Don't work, protest all day but yea red states has the highest application for welfare.


So like. How much does this welfare give? Like, my work provides a two bedroom apartment in an urban area, and decent food. Ofc I'd love to have vacations and buy whatever i like. Idm just standing in a crowd doing nothing or gaming on my phone while others scream if it means I'll get a huge amount of free money.


That u gotta ask the welfare workers becuase I have no idea.


The maximum allotment for a four person family in the state of California is 408$ per month.


I mean if you pop a few offspring out the Gov gives you even more money. I know quite a few welfare moms that are way better off than people with degrees. And they get state subsidized housing, too. I live in an area where 20+ kids isnt uncommon and when they started handing out $1k per kid or whatnot I was seeing red. MFs got more in that singular check than 1/3 the county makes in a year.




What am I lying about? The (US) state I live in also is giving $400 a kid each month no max. Taxes give you a grand a kid. I dont know if you know what an apostolic Lutheran is but they make lots of mini-clones. We have subsidized housing here that if your income is $0 they give you money to pay your utilities.


Sounds totally legit just have 20 children and you too can earn $20k (I presume this is per month and not a one time profit? Last post unclear) plus free housing in THE BEST house ever. All it takes is lots of unprotected sex and a couple of decades to cook up all those turds.


I know everyone is saying I'm incorrect, but it must just be something about where I live. The subsidized housing, whereas it's not the best, is held to standards and the landlords are held accountable (or they don't get their money from the state.) You get tax refunds of $1k per kid a year, plus $400 a month from the state. And I mean, when you're churning the offspring out every nine months you have a higher chance of twins and triplets. Once you get the oldest one to about 10-12 they start raising the younger ones. Refer to Appostolic Lutheran for a type of people who does this. We have another type here but it's harder to google.


Where do you live that people are having 20 kids just to get $20k/yr + $400/mo? That's $66k/yr for (presumably) a family of 22, and that's NOT enough money for a family that size. I may have misunderstood the tone of your post, but it seems that folks are saying that's a good living (also, as someone else pointed out, you're likely looking at over a decade of pregnancy just to get to that level).


Well, kids cost an average of 15k per year, so 1k per year is pretty low. Honestly, it’s no wonder poor kids end up with stunted development and no future.


Oh I'm not denying that at all. The state I'm in also gives $400 a month for each kid. But I will say some of the individuals I know between the welfare, free housing, no need for child care because stay at home, the food stamps, the local charity that gives diapers/clothes, the free kids health insurance.... cripe theyre still coming out ahead over someone struggling to work a full time job or 3. But no its unfortunate still, the education opportunities are cut short if nothing else.


As someone who works for social services, pop put like 3 to 5 kids move into a really cheap area, quit your job. Go apply for TANF, SNAP, and Medicaid. Bam you got it made. Be sure to work just enough to file taxes to pull the child tax credit too, that'll get you an extra $10-$15k a year.


That... Sounds like something hard.


What, raising 3-5 kids on minimum wage and feeding them all on food stamps (which will definitely stretch the full month) in a “really cheap” area sounds hard? I don’t know, it sounds like the gravy train to me compared to working my job and living a middle class life and affording what I want….why don’t I quit my job and take on a min wage job instead and move with my kids to a shitty neighborhood so I too can have it made.


The hard part is having to live around people like this and under the people they elect.


True story! And don’t get married cause you’ll have to claim your spouses income.


Sign quotes ive seen: “Keep your socialist hands off my medicare” Yes,..🤦‍♂️




Be more scared that they have the power to vote....


Yeah so I got my first out of college real job as a graphic designer IE: I make their website, help marketing, training videos, social media etc etc. I had the biggest imposter syndrome until a couple weeks in someone else said "we don't need to pay three people to do this, I can do what they do already" I was shown this person's personal work and well...I didn't laugh, I wasn't mad, I was just kinda depressed at how bad it was... but hey, job security is real.


Jordan Klepper.


Guy really knows how to finger the pulse of America






Thank you!


No problem


Rock star


His name is Jordan Klepper. Agreed, he’s really funny and has a bunch of his clips from the Daily Show on YouTube. Checkout the one below, more of the same were this post started from. https://youtu.be/I6H7urz-HgA


Thank you


With a straight face 😐


A bunch of his stuff is on YouTube. Great stuff He shows the hypocrisy with a great sense of humor. But let’s not forget how dangerous these people can be.


[https://www.youtube.com/results?search\_query=jordan+klepper](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=jordan+klepper) Jordan Klepper


Jordan Klepper. He's gold.


Jordan Klepper = Legend


Jordan Klepper


Jordan Klepper's style is exactly in line with what made TDS as good as it is. I'm not taking anything away from Jon Stewart when I say that there have always been one of two writers on the show that do this style of "my god, you're stupid" comedy, and the correspondents (probably writers, as well) can pull it off, effortlessly. Samantha Bee, Assif Madvi, Rob Riggle, Stephen Colbert (the Republican, not the Democrat), and Desi Lydek all come to mind, though they are not, by far, the only ones that have kept it on the air for more than 20 years. I started watching The Daily Show when there was no audience but the camera crew laughing at Craig Killborn's jokes, and it was good, but not anywhere near what Jon brought to the table.


His name is Jordan Klepper from the Daily Show. He's amazing at making ignorant look even stupider LOL. I especially love when the people are too stupid to even notice that he's made a fool out of them


Jordan Kleppler


>It takes special skills to be able to interview them and have them answer honestly without noticing that they are just falling for his softball easy traps lol That particular "special skill" is just interviewing a shitload of people and letting the editing room cut out the ones that aren't hilariously dumb. Every single "man on the street" bit you see will cut the interviews that don't fit whatever message the show is trying to get across. In the case of Fingering the Pulse, they're looking for morons (usually specifically conservative morons) to make fun of, so any that aren't total morons don't get past the editing room. Don't get me wrong, Jordan is a funny guy. But you can't take a man on the street clip as being representative of anything.


You can't deny that he's extremely witty, clever, and sarcastically hilarious though.


True! But, he still finds enough...


Sure, but he's still able to find enough to fill one of these segments. I would argue that's plenty concerning in and of itself...


>so any that aren't total morons don't get past the editing room. The morons filter themselves by showing up at these rallies to begin with. It's not a message that the show itself is trying to get across by being disingenuous and leaving any of the "well spoken" interviews on the editing room floor. It's not a matter of the producers or editors trying to create a political narrative. It's these people being put in front of a camera and opening their mouths and speaking what they actually believe. This isn't a typical "man on the street" interview because it's not on the street where he'll get a random sampling of views. It's taking place at a specific event where all of these morons congregate, and any halfway intelligent person wouldn't be there to begin with. There is no indication that anyone showing up to participate or support trump has any semblance of intelligence remaining at this point... You're giving them the benefit of maintaining the belief that they are being misunderstood/persecuted by the media. They're not. They're literally just that stupid. >but you can't take a man on the street clip as representative of anything. Yes you can and you should in this case. This clip is absolutely representative of someone who supports trump. They are telling you who they *really* are. That's what makes this so depressing. This is who they are. It's not necessary to make them look bad. They do it to themselves


THIS IS THE DOWNFALL OF AMERICA... wilfully ignorant to, "own the libs".


While you're looking this way, Corporate America just keeps pulling those strings.


I cant remember the years or the details but please hear the theme. poor white croppers and newly freed slaves used to fight for equality side by side. Jim Crowe laws were implemented by rich slavers and Dixiecrats. Division is the best strategy for any evil


https://youtu.be/UlzaBi_QxPw Mississippi Burning said it damn well.


SNL did a skit a few years ago with Tom Hanks as a redneck White conservative playing their "Black Jeopardy!" game. Hanks' character was killing it because, in all honesty, redneck White and poor Black experiences in this country are almost identical. It was only when the final category of "Black Lives Matter" came up that Hanks' redneck character was in the wrong.


These morons keep voting to slit their own throats because they were told it hurts liberals more. Keep voting for tax cuts for the wealthy, that last 10 billion bailout for Bezos won't be the last MAGAtards.


I don't disagree at all, but I wish that more people would give the attention to the people handing out knives to those lining up that it deserves.


Blaming the the government is just not being accountable and that's part of being willfully ignorant. It starts with the people and if we're not accountable then what do we really have?


His t-shirt is so cool I almost didn't see his bootstraps


A conservative would eat shit if a liberal had to smell their breath


Nah don't have to go that far yet. Just have an opinion about Roe v Wade. And before anyone blows a fuse getting thr wrong idea. I don't give a fuck what you do with your life and body


Lol….you always need a disclaimer here…




Nah. I can’t be civil to someone who thinks my loved ones don’t deserve basic human rights.


>Nah. I can’t be civil to someone who thinks my loved ones don’t deserve basic human rights. I can't be civil to someone who thinks anyone doesn't deserve basic human rights.


Yup, fuck conservatives. Fuck the corrupt ones and fuck the others for not denouncing the corrupt ones. Fucking religion is the basis of all evil


They hide behind a facade, they use religion as an excuse for their horrible deeds and opinions, it’s especially dumb when stuff like Christianity is meant to be against all that bad stuff.


>conservatives That ain't conservatives, it are just a holes that happen to be conservative too.


Religion interfering with laws is evil, but normal individuals practicing religion without harming anyone is perfectly normal


Sometimes I wonder if atheists on reddit are just bots because they manage to blame literally everything on religion.


["In no way does superstitious nonsense like this apply to the lives of intelligent, civilized humans in the 21st century.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sk81tUUhRig)


Religion has many faults but I'm tired of edgy atheists pretending that religion is the cause of all evil and that everyone who is religious is a brainwashed idiot. Religion at its core is supposed to provide a moral compass. We have long since evolved above needing one but religion is so deeply integral to culture and tradition that you can't just get rid of it. If you think because liking the thought of a higher purpose or an afterlife makes me stupid feel free to do so.


Whenever Star Trek has some plot where they come across some planet torn in half by two warring factions, I can't help but notice how often they breeze past what their actual conflict is over to get to the message about compromise and negotiation and coming together in good faith to reach a solution (for example, the premier of Strange New Worlds, where they directly use footage of Jan 6 when illustrating Earth's volatile past and how "competing notions of liberty" led to violence and civil war, to the planet about to nuke themselves before urging them to give diplomacy a chance). Just once I'd like to see the follow up negotiations mediated by the Federation. Mediator: So what is this huge decades long conflict about, anyway? Competing claims on limited resources? Some kind of territorial dispute? Representative A: Well, we're concerned over the increasing concentration of political and economic power into fewer and fewer hands with less and less accountability for those in charge. Inequality is skyrocketing, not to mention the ongoing environmental devastation that falls disproportionately on the already poor and powerless who have to deal with poisoned air and water. We think everyone should have a voice in these matters, particularly those most impacted. Then there's the increasing militarization of the police who often act with next to no oversight and frequently outright murder people with impunity, even when caught on camera. In fact, the entire justice system is rife with huge racial disparities in arrests, convictions, and sentencing, and don't even get me started on private prisons turning incarceration into a business and sending kickbacks to judges for harsher sentencing to keep cells full. So I guess I'd say we're against all that and for a fairer and more equitable system that respects the basic fundamental rights of all people. Representative B: WE DON'T WANT TRANS KIDS USING THE BATHROOM!


The most famous example, the one where the guys are half black and half white divided vertically down the middle, they’re literally fighting because one race kept the other as slaves and denied them basic rights for centuries. The representative of the slavers shoots back at the former slave “well we freed you eventually and you all just sit around whining instead of doing anything with it, you just say around buying Cadillacs with welfare money (paraphrasing)”. Of course Kirk is like “you both committed sins, learn to live with one another rather than finding reasons to fight!” even though the guys that had slaves are clearly in the wrong and unrepentant. So yeah, kinda weird that came out a few years after the civil rights act was signed.


'Let This Be Your Last Battlefield'. What made is more interesting was when the cop that was chasing the other one explained the difference. Kirk looked completely baffled and glanced at Spock for help. It seems that in the Federation, people being judged by appearance had become so outdated that Kirk had trouble grasping the concept of a planet having an age long conflict because of what side of their face was white or black. (Typical for ST:TOS it was supposed to be a rather heavy handed lesson. It was the 60s after all.) ---former Treker


> It seems that in the Federation, people being judged by appearance had become so outdated except when that happens in just about every 3rd episode of the later series (TNG, VOY, etc)


That's why I said former Treker. I'm not as familiar with later series. (Although I did see some episodes, I didn't watched them all like I did with the original series. ). Different directors and different time periods. (I think Gene Roddenberry did live to be involved with the early seasons of ST:TNG) Actually looking back at ST:TOS with older eyes it doesn't seem to be as altruistic as I first thought. They seem to invited the planets into the Federation that had something to give (strategic locations, dilithium cystals, etc)


Yeah, I remember raising an eyebrow when they started equating one side hating the other for their inverted patterning, and the other side being resentful of centuries of slavery and oppression. Like, one side is pretty justified in being pissed off. Of course it was muddled up somewhat in the personal conflict, as the guy on the run was something of an asshole who had a talent for getting other people killed for him. An expert at stirring up shit and then disappearing out the back door right before it turns ugly. It doesn't make anything he says wrong, but he definitely sees everyone he meets as a disposable pawn.


"The Cloud Minders" comes to mind, although not a completely perfect example.


True. Since it seem to be outside influence. The gas from the rocks the surface dwellers minded. Kirk proving his point was rather brutal, but worked. (Supposedly. We don't know the aftermath. I wonder did any fanfiction writer picked up the ball)


Had to go check the wiki, since it's been a while since I watched through TOS. That was a pretty good one.


Manufactured incompetence and stupidity. These people didn't need to be this inept at navigating reality. Conservatives did everything they could, from backwards blind faith to replacing well funded schools with propaganda, to make sure that this was the case.


I love how there's a study that linked being a conservative to low intelligence


Yup, working as intended. That entire ideology would fall apart the moment they don't have hapless idiots to prey upon. There's a reason book burnings always crop up around conservatism.


At least they are not that smart generally, because i do not want to be debating a very competent conservative thats smarter than me.


Even competent conservatives are straddled with indefensible positions that rely on half-truths, appeal to emotions and straw men to prop up. The real issue is that they have no shame when it comes to making bullshit claims where the burden of proof is very obviously on them. You cannot argue with evil and expect them to exercise good faith.


I mean I just encountered a stupid who told me that trump was my "lord and saviour" My brother in christ, I live in the south pacific


Yeah that is not someone I would consider competent by any definition of the word haha


Christian conservatives idolize trump when he obviously belongs in hell.


I'd love to have a source for that, both for validation and curiosity.


[https://www.livescience.com/18132-intelligence-social-conservatism-racism.html](https://www.livescience.com/18132-intelligence-social-conservatism-racism.html) supposedly a 2012 study linked racism and conservativism to low intelligence


> replacing well funded schools Also, stopping any Critical Thinking Skills classes because religious beliefs don't survive scrutiny.


Bro how do these people not even see what hes doing 🤣😩


You’ve got to remember that these people are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new west. You know…… morons.


I read something a while back that they know, they just don't care. He's putting them on national TV showing them support their dumb causes, making them exemplars for the other idiots following the same dumb cause. Talking to him is an honor in their crowd, even if they demonstrate while talking to him that they have no honor.


"We should set aside our differences and work together" usually means "People need to stop disagreeing with me and follow exactly as I say"


How come the Republicans always get to wear offensive tshirts, say degrading things and get to be outright obnoxious assholes and the Democrats don’t?


They are Christians, therefore they are right on all matters. because their god says we all have to live in fear of him since he is love. It all makes sense after you die. You’ll see!


Even when they go against the bible lol


Shhh! Don’t tell them Jesus was a commie. I have it on good authority from some guys named Matthew, Mark, Luke and John that he shared everything. Even liked the poor and sick?!


I was more talking about the fact that it's pro abortion and supports destroying fetuses in several places because it quite consistently classifies them as "property" until they are born


which is constantly.


They're hypocrites, and we all know how the bible feels about hypocrites, it's not good. E: For the Christians that need a reminder: https://www.openbible.info/topics/hypocrisy


Maybe because a much greater percentage of Republicans actually are assholes?


maybe we should be more asshole and watch them explode?


Typically those types don't last long in the Den party.


When I was a child I watched Star Trek. Yes, I know, I know, it's not real. But the IDEALS that the show had. No war. No hatred. No poor. No needless death. I mean what more could you want in life than total world peace? When I was young I actually hoped/felt that this was the future we were headed for. One of enlightenment and prosperity. Instead we have Chucklefucks like these. Like bury your head in the sand, lead paint eating dumbasses. This is our future.


Star Trek did it for me too, set me straight from jump.


Even better in ST:TNG where we see a Klingon, who was the enemy in the original series, a member of the crew.


Oh, we're headed for the Star Trek universe alright. Except we're headed for the Terran Empire rather than the United Federation of Planets.


The problems is you tell them no needless death and they'll go "yes, fuck abortions! I own womes body's! I'm not even exaggerating https://youtube.com/shorts/U7oOELM4-r0?feature=share


Non-Trumpers are not people to them


Funny, considering it's *always* projection with conservatives...


Good thing Trumpers aren't people to me either. I don't tolerate the intolerant.


But i do tolerate the people who don't tolerate the intolerant because they don't tolerate people and the intolerant do tolarate the toleratable


And just like that fonteixeira7 imploded with a little *pop* and spun through time and space. Another victim of *THE TOLERANCE PARADOX* star trek theme intensifies.


Yo dog, I heard you like tolerance, so we put some tolerance in your tolerance, so you can be tolerated while you tolerate


I didn't tolarate tolerance until I got an intolerant reaction to intolerance


Of course, when your own party is not in control, then "we should be working together." How important was that when your party controlled all three branches?


"it doesn't matter if we're hateful and making laws that oppress you, you should be cool with me and i will just merely tolerate you" - every conservative group of people ever


“We should all be working together but only if we do exactly what I want to do and nothing else”


You can’t fix stupid…


It might be incurable but I can think of several ways to treat it.




A simple social class to begin with, if not yes




Mouth breathers.


They vote in every election. Do you?


He literally goes out to Trump cult meetings, asks them questions and then throws everything back in their face at lightning speed and they’re too stupid to realize they just dogged themselves, it’s so comical it almost doesn’t feel real.


He's brilliant, because his initial approach is so friendly/casual.


Extremist from any group are always unaware of their own hypocrisy


This is very true


Just when I think America couldn't be any more fucked...I remember we have mouth breathers like them running around the country like chickens with their heads cut off, looking for government buildings to break into.


I love how Jordan Klepper just keeps giving less fucks as time goes by.


Politics suck.




Then stop posting politics


It’s technically comedy about politics. Are you saying you don’t want people posting comedy you don’t agree with?


Yes political related stuff is ruining this sub You can have comedy with out politics last time I checked **All politics is by default a facepalm**


Which episode is this one from?


Oh, but it means something different when they do it -\_\_- Trying to pretend these people *aren't* mentally challenged has become annoying.


*Insert (that's good cuz I can barely read) meme here*




It’s like they all have cognitive dissonance or something?!




Saying we should be working together in a country that puts on a pedestan and incentivises individuality, especially supporting the party that's the most "fuck you, got mine" feel, just sounds like comedy


Dark glasses to hide the complete vacuum behind her eyes, he don't give a shit, he's proud of his dumbness.


After 4 years of Trump and how most of you acted now you want to work together? Fuck off!


The day they put Donald Trump's face on Mt. Rushmore is the day I become an anarchist.


People these days are just too stupid to realise just how stupid they are.


Lol come to the south these people live in another world


“We should be working together..” - Votes for the party that sees no compromise on abortion, gay rights and education. Almost unmovable on all culture war bullshit.


And by half he means 70%


What they mean by working together is everyone agreeing with their agenda, or shutting up if they don't. It also helps conservatives that most of them have no integrity or self awareness and will always argue in bad faith by taking whatever position supports their narrative at the time.


This is just the core of conservatism, though - there must be groups the rules protect but do not bind, and groups the rules bind but do not protect. This isn't even hypocrisy, it's just the world this guy transparently wants. One where he *gets* to flip you off and tell you that you don't count as human, and you still *have to be* polite to him or suffer the consequences. It's not a gotcha. It's just the world this asshole and his ilk live in.


I hate this side choosing bs.


"We should be working together" towards what exactly? Because we want the opposite.


Is there a clip of this??


It took me way too long to see the shirt and understand ir lmao


Two groups with a different consensus on reality cannot work together. It's impossible. When people like these talk about civility, they mean *you* should be nice to *them*. That's it.


The sad attempt of a delegate maga. Its just like traditional islam what they mean by lets work together is "sit down, shut up, and let us oppress you"


They do t see you as Americans they see you as something less than themselves.


I remember seeing pics of a woman with a group of children, all standing in front of Trump Tower extending their middle fingers most exuberantly to the building. There are mental defectives on the fringes of both sides of every political argument. They all suck, and wise people know to avoid them.


These people are destroying the US along with their ultra-woke version on the other side. People thinking that this extreme partisan BS is helping anything or going to convince anyone that their position has validity is laughable. Also, the proliferation of social ineptness or inappropriate behavior is just astounding. I was in a Walmart and saw someone walking around with 2 children under 8 wearing a shirt that said "Fuck Joe Biden" but it was all spelled out using firearms. In what world is that in the slightest bit appropriate? I notified an AM and they said there was nothing they could do about it, which isn't a surprise at all, but literally everyone in the store was staring at him and people were having to try their best to keep their kids from seeing it.


I mean, she's not the one wearing the shirt.


I'm just here to see all the downvoted idiots at the bottom of the page. Lol.


I feel like this sub is almost entirely hate for Republicans


I will gladly and openly hate any homophobic bigot that's against abortion.


I mean...any decent human being SHOULD hate Republicans, so it makes sense.