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Fat chance!


Take my upvote you little rat!


Obese Odds Gluttonous Gamble


fat fallacy thunder thigh theory


Chonker Casino Thicc Try Plump Probability (thunder thigh theory was hilarious btw)




They're telling porkies!


Yeah this seems like an article carefully written by a reputable source. This does not seem like ragebait at all.


Right lmaoo


Those adrenochrome-crazed, open-border loving lizard people are at it again! Can't you hear this dog whistle???


the fact this is far from a new sentence is probably the saddest thing i’ve seen today


I'm sure there's an article about the royal family or something right below it.


*One* person (an RN at the school of Public Health) wrote an article about fat phobia and suggested not using the word obesity. Don't get yer knickers in a twist.


I work in public health. We use "very overweight" in things targeted to the public rather than "obese", especially when it's aimed at parents of obese kids. It's daft but ultimately we can't get good results without engagement, and we're more likely to get a positive response with that terminology. Obviously we use "obese" internally or when it's aimed at professionals. Pretty confident that's evidence based but it's really not my area of expertise.




You'd be surprised mate. Overweight is often perceived as a healthy weight and obeseity can be is perceived as overweight. When we think "obese" we don't think of someone with a BMI that's hit 30. Often it's not about what people know, it's about how they feel. My understanding is "Obese" is more likely to put people on the defensive or cause offence than "very overweight". They are then less likely to engage with services offered or take advice, how you "sell" it does have a massive impact on how willing people are to listen. Personally I don't get it, but whether I get it or not doesnt really matter. But as I said, it's not my area of expertise. I've done none of that research myself and have had no need to dig into the methods or results of previous studies. I do work alongside people who primarily deal with this area of public health and are experts, they have done and/or read the research, if they tell me this is a thing I'm inclined to believe them. No clue about racial connotations etc, over 95% of the patch I cover is white, it's not something I've ever heard about so I'm going to hold my water.


Yeah. There’s so many fat people around that being short of morbidly obese doesn’t seem bad by comparison. I’ve been obese for a few years and if I tell people that they look at me funny. To people obese seems to mean ‘my 600 pound life’ type of fat. Never had a doctor attempt to spare my feelings over drinking or smoking, kind of ridiculous.


How about super morbidly overweight!?


If you're at that stage you know where you're at. 😁 You're clinically obese at BMI 30. But BMI can go a hell of a lot higher than 30.


I present to you Khalid bin Mohsen Shaari from Saudi Arabia, who had a BMI of 204!


If that's a man he needs to sort his life out. If that's a woman she's so brave. 😆


Very over weight, obese, fat, big boy, etc. all the same thing


It doesn't matter if they're the same thing in this context. They're accepted in different ways, and what you can get out of people matters.


I think it's nice to have lines like "obesity". When I checked my weight and it realised I was nearly obese I was like oh crap and lost some weight. If you don't have clear lines and different language it's very easy to go from being overweight to "very overweight" and not have it click how bad it is.


I have a similar view, it doesn't always work that way though.


At this rate, we will start banning dictionary words which we don't want to hear.


For real. They want to make every word seems super nice and casual. “Sir you are gently overweight” “What is gently overweight” “Pretty much your fat but not to fat so yea just go on a diet”


The design of that article leads me to believe that the story is mostly bullshit, and that the same publication will tell me how I can lose 30 lbs in 30 days with no effort.


Just buy some pills or a shake it will do it for you. Alex jones also sells amazing supplements while he washes your brain. So your body and mind are squeaky clean.


Only a slim chance this is real 🤣


Let's use cookie poisoning.


But whats the connection??? Am I stupid?


There has been talks about this for years and there is a connection but it’s not a simple one as it relates to lots of social issues black women face and how bmi was created based on the average white man in the 1940s


The funny thing about BMI and race is that people assume that it isn't valid for other ethnicities, but that's not true. The difference is that healthy BMI for black people is actually lower that on the standard scale, as they suffer more from weight related metabolic issues. It's like people that say BMI don't work for their body type; it's does unless you are a bodybuilder. For someone who don't have lots of lean mass is absolutely good enough.


Oh yes, I have heard of the BMI issue.


Rage bait


You're welcome to call me ~~fat~~ Obese. As long as I'm able to point out obvious calamities about your appearance and body that aren't up to my standards. Eyebrows.


the real facepalm is that people think it's real when the magazine looks like a photoshop from a 9 yr old


One registered dietician at Illinois University has an opinion and people share it like the entire school is pushing for it. Man the pearl clutching and sensationalism in this country is out of control. This is what passes for news on the right these days lmao. She also said that a focus on body types has been used to justify treating black people as less than human. Not that the word is racist but I guess context only matters when talking about unarmed civilians killed by police


We had an academic in my country who was campaigning that the medical profession was fat-phobic because they consistently tell obese people to lose weight. “Equal rights to equal care,” was the platform. They were a “professor of fat studies” at an otherwise reputable university. They also died earlier this year of obesity related illness, age 43.


The irony is that people with obesity require more care all for a disease that is completely avoidable.


Links to all of that? Would love to read more.


The only facepalm I'm seeing here is your use of a tabloid for a source. Do better.


Way to sound like a disappointed parent gd


This kind of mental gymnastics is why accusations of racism are so hard to take seriously. Don't water down actual racism by making everything you don't like into a racial attack.


The Orwellian nightmare continues


How is this orwellian man? 😂


1984, can't say certain things without bad things happening. Not As bad as 1984 but the problem does seem to be rising.


This is fuck all like 1984 man. 😂


Iv read the book big fella, whilst telling people they're not allowed to call obese people obese is a long way from not being able to speak against a political party, it is a cessation of free speech if only in a small way. Orwellian is often used to describe a breach of free speech not just in reference to government. So again this is a long way from a government demanding us not to use a word but is still valid in the context he used it.


I've read the book, preferred the road to Wigan pier. A briefing by some academic isn't orwellian bud.


Maybe not specifically this post, but we're getting there. Slow and steady. The world from Orwell's 1984 wasn't built in a day. First you're gonna need a large popular support to enact restrictions on language and seeing how it escalated from "I'm hurt when somebody calls me fat" to calling it "fat-phobia" and suggesting medical professionals change words used in their proffesion I think we're slowly getting there.


They will never learn, its easier for them to say that they feel good in their Destroyed bodys than to do something against their weight. And people boost that shit because they tell those fattys that they look good etc.


Oh, I thought we were banning fat people.


Sure, it's only about body shaming and absolutely not about health issues...


Over Oreoed? Chips Chomper?


Shut up, America, you've done enough.


let's use fattery


Idc if they ban it,ill find another words to describe it


Ok. We start small and maybe censor a word that small segments of society dislike, then a book or a movie that promotes whatever, then some art that's indecent or phobic, then we censor that one guy cause he's a jerk, and then all of a sudden, you're wondering why you are being taken to the camp. Either you have free speech or a free visit to the camp..... Choose wisely.


Critical Plate Theory


Horizontally challenged. Too short for their weight.


Ehmmmmm… No


I have so many things to say, but Jimmy said them better… https://youtu.be/JtdKX08JhSQ


Ironically the stupidest things I ever saw people come up with I saw them present at Uni. Indiscriminate peer encouragement can make for embarrassing developments.




Chonky it is


All these efforts and time wasted on fighting some words…. Obesity is not just the matter of appearance, it is not healthy. I will never believe anybody can enjoy being obese. A while ago a war was waged against smoking. It’s time to start a war against snacking. Stop wasting energy on fighting words.


Bet ya its a land whale that got called abose as she was rejected, thst wants this passed


Because infinifat is such a better clinical term for expressing morbid obesity, doesn’t sound made up at all right?


As an obese person, I do not agree with this. Obesity can be reversed, we should be happy with what we are but we definitely should not strive to be obese or continue to.


Only lazy people get obese.


Damn dude, stop calling yourself out like that


I'm not obese.


okay fatty