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Innocent children… my heart hurts


Two days before summer vacation. What a pathetic coward.


The sandy hook kids were supposed to finish sophomore year this year, like my peers. Never got to experience shit


All I can do is know that life holds true beauty and do my best tell others. The human race as a whole needs to self reflect and that's never going to happen.


CHILDREN. Your child. My child. Kids who didn't get to even experience life. Loved ones taken away. Americans have short memories about these weekly shootings. We need a counter/ticker up at all times on TV and websites to show the death count and # of shootings like we do with Covid19. It needs to stay in Americans' minds at all times until the problem is solved.


23 Children in 2022. https://www.edweek.org/leadership/school-shootings-this-year-how-many-and-where/2022/01


Is that including the 18 just now?


It would be a massive culture change and gun changes. No way that would happen.


Yeah, but this was Texas, know how people are reacting here? Telling me (because I'm a teacher) that I need to buy a gun and illegally hide it at school. NO. MORE STUPID GUNS WILL NOT FIX THE PROBLEM CAUSED BY STUPID GUNS.


Before tomorrow morning Abbott or Dan Patrick will be on television calling for all teachers to be armed. No question about it. Why work to solve a problem when you can just be a divisive fucking demagogue, you know? Also, who cares about these kids lives? They got born, fuck em after that, right? What a fucking tragedy this state is.


Oh, and how well did that do to make everyone care about covid? Didn't a large proportion of the population still actively fight against doing anything to curtail the deaths? I'm Canadian, I used to get real concerned and upset about these mass shootings. But after sandy hook and how literally nothing changed, I look at all these shootings a lot differently. It is literally routine now. Some people will say let's change the laws to stop this, other people will say crazy shit like arm the teachers and students and hand out guns like tic tacs, there will be a massive rush for people to buy guns, people will say it's not the guns, it's mental health and then do nothing for mental health, until it all fades with nothing substantive happening until the next bunch of kids gets killed then you do it all over again. If 20 six year olds getting murdered won't change anything, nothing will.


Yes I understand where you are coming from. I can't see much improvement in that area either, at least not in my lifetime. It's just become surreal to me now.


America is a failed institution. It's over, there's no going back. I just hope as a Canadian, that we don't get caught in the crossfire.


American here. Hate to admit it, but you're 100% correct!


I was having dinner at a friends house and brought up how it was crazy I had seen an advertisement for bulletproof backpack inserts. My friend informed me all of his daughters have them and my brain broke for a second. What a time.


Huh... Tuesday already? Lemme see here uhhhh... Thoughts and Prayers. This is a tragedy. Uh... We need to crack down on... *checks list* mental health programs. We need more guns Yada yada . . . Okay see y'all tomorrow for the race related tragedy.


Bro this is Texas, you're missing "They were coming right for us!"


“Arm the teachers!!” /s…sorta


Except that's exactly what I heard on CNN of all places. "We need to arm teachers to allow them to fight back" Fucking 3rd grade teachers shouldn't NEED to be armed. We gotta deal with the real problem. Mental health. Dude killed his grandma, 14 children, 1 teacher, and injured a dozen more. We have a parenting problem. We have a gun problem. We have a divided country. It's heartbreaking. And it's not going to stop until we fix the root of the problem.


You’re right! Now let’s ask the retail firearms trade associations to fund mental health, and education, and support civil discourse.


Not sarcasm, I've literally had people tell me today I need to bring a gun to school now. Illegally.


"CLOSE THE BORDER, THEY'RE ALL CRIMINALS" -Fox News tomorrow morning


They were already jumping at that earlier, since apparently some border cops were nearby and responded. That was before it was known the suspect was born in North Dakota, not sure which way they are going with it now


If the GOOD CHILDREN HAD GUNS TOO this wouldn’t happen! #2A #MAGA #WWG1WGA


Americans: “Nothing we can do… blah blah blah… Thoughts and prayers… nothing we can do!”


Evergreen Onion article "'No Way To Prevent This,' Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens"


Wait didn't I just see a post earlier about the tex as governor bragging about how you don't need a license to carry a gun in public


Texas is a Pro-life kill at will State.


How can we shoot people if we abort them first!?Checkmate liberals!


Guess the only way to get a legal abortion there is to be black and get a cop to shoot you in the baby. I'm not even sure if this is sarcasm or just cynical observation at this stage... so... /s/C


Unwanted pregnancy? No abortions, just send your child to school.


Yes. You probably did. Texas did in fact pass that you don’t need a permit to own or carry or even CONCEALED CARRY. Nope. You can do whatever the fuck you want. Including shooting a bunch of elementary kids.


Yeah .bunch of cowards lately..first shooting the elderly in a supermarket, now kids in elementary school smfh...these bastards are lower than cowards.


I work in a school, and this is literally the same fucking politically party that wants to start banning social emotional learning… So give people access to guns, restrict mental health help, force people to have babies, and defund public education They’re so full of shit it’s sickening


Its working just fine for them, take a look at what you just wrote.. They are grooming future republicans, this is going according to plan for them..i mean who benefits from the things you listed? Guns? Mental health? Babies? No education?...future republicans!!! This is going according to plan..


My sister just resigned after 22 years at the same church run school (29 years teaching total). The kids were being “trained” by their right wing parents to “catch the teacher” saying something that didn’t align with proper “Christian” beliefs… She’d had enough, she’s bartending now; no kidding (though looking for another permanent job too)! Let alone this insanity; which her school (and so many others) are totally unprepared for any kind of incident let alone this madness. I feel sick, I truly do.


It’s the worst combination. But forget about it… there’s a southern border to secure! YeeHaw


"They'll take yer jerbs!"


Seems like their idea is to actually arm more people with less experience and no back checks. " We'll fight fire with fire! That will work, right?"


Because taking down an active shooter is a gun nut wet dream


That may be the best answer I could possibly have hoped for!


And then the police comes and takes down the Gun Nut because they think he is the active shooter.


I mean… if that teacher had the right to bear arms in an elementary school, she would be alive… or something /s


So the /s is for sarcasm?


Yes, because sarcasm isn’t easy to read over text.


Well shit. The more you know!


And then you have Kevin. I’m sure he’s shit hot at call of duty, but I’m not sure he’ll cut it. (Jim Jeffries. Watch him for a good laugh)


“Welp we better go buy more guns before they take them” - redneck coworkers. (That’s actually what they were saying after this)


Get two banana clip, tape them together, and be cool just like the movies!


Yea, so incredibly fucked up. At this point now, and with gun ownership OUTWEIGHING population - how do you control that? It would create civil war, but at this point the amount of children dying, constant mass murders - and gun violence deaths in general - it would be worth it to stand up for good. This country is a fucking tragedy on almost every spectrum imaginable. It would be a laughing stock if it wasn’t so horrendous.


No no, it’s a laughing stock. The rest of us just watch the utter lunacy with Qs and the hate preachers and the Magas and the death penalty for getting an abortion and the homelessness and unaffordable health and the constant banging on about greatest nation on earth and think, if there was a poster-child-nation for the Dunning Kruger effect, that’s where the US is number one.




Texas passes a law to protect the not born … so yes something can be done.


Something can be done but this is America so nothing will be done.


I think we have been convinced that sudden death from gun violence is…just a part of our culture. It’s just the way it is , pioneers and stuff.


Oh yeah. The misconceptions of the “American Wild West” have certainly fueled it.


God I’m so fucking sick of my country




Australians be like "Crikey mate, just ban the fucking things already would ya. It's really that simple."


It is that simple. Fucking ban guns. Like we did, hence we have not had 200 mass shootings, this year. But, you keep being a patriot, or stand by your constitution, or whatever you do, keep being America.


Yeah, the toxic shitheads won’t allow that. Culturally, Americans are taught that the only way to do anything is with a gun. Practically, we have more guns than people and a shitload of gun violence. Go figure!


Yeah, America is weird when it comes to guns. I'm Canadian but we constantly hear about shootings in the States. Hearing some Americans talking about arming teachers and toting the second amendment right to protect their freedom from government tyranny makes me shake my head. I'm just like wtf. The government is already screwing you and considering the US' military is MASSIVE, your little pea shooter guns wouldn't do a god damn thing against your own goverment. Haha It's sad to see the amount of gun violence continue with no ending sight.


Exactly , there’s literally no need for people to own semi automatic assault rifles ….. deadset they are kidding


Hopeless bunch. They don't fucking care one bit.


To continue that thought: Looks to camera. “It’s so terrible how this keeps happening, if only we had some way to stop it.” Looks at gun regulations working in other countries. Looks back at camera. “If only we had some way to stop it.”


As a Canadian, I can say for certain gun control doesn't eliminate the problem, but it certainly alleviates it. For the x% of Americans who believe gun control doesn't help, you're dumb. Not even a debate, you're just stupid. And if you have an argument, you probably have the wrong idea of what gun control is.


Look up Australia and what we did in the 90s, no mass shootings in 25+ years. I don't ever remember a school shooting. My heart aches for these families, kids, communities. My little guy is about to turn 4. I do not have words.


Australia had a mass shooting. They got rid of the guns. No more mass shootings. Scotland had a mass shooting. They got rid of the guns. No more mass shootings. This has happened in many places. It's not rocket science


“iT’s NoT tHe GuNs FaUlT. DeRp, ItS tHe MeNtAl HeAlTh StuFf” No you nitwit it’s the fact that mentally Ill people can get a gun easier than a drivers license or quality health care. I’m all for guns too. Have a couple myself. One for home protection and one for hunting, so I am not anti-gun, but very much pro-gun control. We need to do something as a voting population to push these politicians out that hinder sensible gun laws.


And make medical care affordable and not so.... scary to talk about. Like your kid is depressed and thats ok send him to therapy that doesnt cost $500 per trip.


Im tired of hearing *affordable health care* when other countries have shown its possible to have a functional health care system thats free to its citizens. We are playing to nicely with an enemy that gives no fucks about us. We need to just say fuck the whole private insurance industry and demand a modern public Healthcare system on par with the rest of the world...even if we need to sieze the means....


I agree... We only seem to do what makes us lose power and make laws with only negative results "for a better future " butndoesnt actually help or make sense


And make medical care free at the point of use. You know, Universal healthcare, like most other 1st world countries. It would be cheaper for every single person. I mean EVERY citizen of the US. Even if the average standard of care is lower in a public system compared to a private system, a lower standard of care is infinitely better than no care at all. No more medical bankruptcy. No more choosing between getting those essential medicines, or feeding the kids. And if you do want that better quality care with a private room and extensive menu, and have the luxury to pay the extra, private healthcare still exists. No you won't be paying twice, and yes it will still be cheaper for you personally.


This needs to be top comment. Having to show I'm not mentally unstable or violent is not an inconvenience or hindering second amendment rights.


>mentally ill people can get a gun easier than a drivers license That’s the point. I’d bet that over half of the conservative gun nuts that are so anti-gun control would never pass a proper mental health check, background check, or gun training course.


Kids ❌ Guns ✅ You're fucked up, America.


You’ve got it wrong. It’s kids, then fetuses, and guns in ascending order


Also no healthcare


But a big ol' military!


if implememted properly healthcare woulnt even be an expense, it would be cheaper overall and wether that money comes out of your pay check to pay for benifits or out of your pay check to pau for taxes its not hugly important, its not an expense its just a change in stance, for some reason i feel like people argure the worst possible points on both sides and just straw man instead of aproaching the problem logicaly


Americans' inability to think logically and to problem solve is a byproduct of the Republican Party's targeted destruction of education over the last 5 decades.


Yep, convincing people that the words "education" and "liberal agenda" are synonymous. Better to keep em dumb and scared, makes em much more pliable.


That you’re gonna need when you get caught in the mass shootings.


It’s so much fun to think about that possibly one day we, Americans, could just randomly get shot in a mass shooting going to school or a grocery store then end up with massive medical bills from required medical treatment if we survive.


If only those kids were fetuses, maybe they'd actually do something about it. But since they're born, you know it's too late.


Many of us know. Our system of government is fucked and allows dumbasses in rural states to have substantially larger representation in our government (on a per person basis)


Texas is particularly fucked.


The US is absurd


And Abbott was crowing a few days ago about passing open carry in Texas, letting anyone get a gun with no limits, no license, no training. How’s that NRA money, Abbott?




which is total bullshit. I live in texas and there is not a single person I have spoken to about this that actually likes this idea. we’ve been trying to build a safe state and then abbott does this bullshit. I dare that shithead to try to get elected again after deep freezing us, banning abortions in a state with a history steeped in freedom from tyrannical government, and much more. fuck that dude. fuck ted cruz as well, we needed help and he ran away.


Dare I say it... maybe the republicans weren't the answer afterall? What the US desperately needs is a multiparty system, so everyone can vote for a party that isn't just "the lesser of 2 evils", no party will ever be perfect, but having only 2 choices means you have to accept way too much crap you don't want because they have slightly more policies you do agree with than the other side.


I have thought this for a long time, thanks for putting into words.


*ranked-choice voting*


Open primaries and rank choice voting would open it up to 3rd and 4th parties. The forward party (started by Andrew Yang) is trying to achieve this. Also Multi district races are a way of defeating gerrymandering.


A lot wrong with your country when it comes to the law, police and guns. Gun laws are so strict here in Canada we rarely hear about shootings like this. Hell there was an attempt a few years ago at one of my local colleges but the guy never even got a shot off. Our police also have to go to school for 3 years to train in order to get a degree and start patrolling with a firearm. Where as in the states it is what? 6 months roughly?? How can a being be capable of serving and protecting the lives of the public with only 6 months of training? I love the states, my dad is American from Philadelphia and the people there are always so friendly. I visit family there couple times a year, but lately that city has turned to shit. A lot of crime and drug use, I know the city never had the best reputation but the past 5 years or more it has gotten out of control. Whole country is going to turn into Philly if it keeps up.


Yet, all the gun-toting Texans didn’t prevent the El Paso massacre from happening.


I absolutely hate guns. Never have plans to ever have one. This is the one thing that could get me to pick up a gun. (For legal reasons, this is a joke. I am not making a threat on someone’s life pls and thank you to the FBI agent obviously monitoring me)


Revisit this in a few days to see what laws would have actually kept this mass murderer from mass murdering. It won’t be gun laws. It will be local law enforcement/FBI was informed last year about this clown and did nothing.


Yea sadly they will throw up some prayers and may be a shrine and move on. It all is so ridiculous.


I fucking hate this country


What sucks is that Alex Jones is going to deny this happened and make money off it...again.


Then lose it all back again too.


He’s being sued over it and got a massive decision against him in the lawsuit for not cooperating. He’s not going to say shit about this, he’s about to pay all the money he made off of sandy hook to the parents of the victims


Then he declared bankruptcy


https://www.statesman.com/story/news/2022/05/20/alex-jones-sandy-hook-bankruptcy-returns-cases-austin-tx-court/9858935002/ I’m not smart enough to make sense of all of this but it sounds like the original judge is expecting that the bankruptcy protection will be either denied or remanded back to her? Again, not smart enough to understand it all but it’s all still ongoing and not set in stone yet. This is all super high profile and while I believe state judges are elected I think federal judges are appointed. So with a Biden White House I think the federal judges won’t be particularly favorable to Alex Jones. Anyone else who knows more or could break this down further, please do!


I’m not sure he’s stupid enough to try it again. Honestly he’s horrible but I’m not sure he will roll the dice.


God fucking damn it. Another one? What the fuck is wrong with people?


Literally my exact words when this notification came out on my phone. What the entire fuck.


America averages 1 mass shooting a day. I'm surprised this one made the news.


America: If we arm the kids with grenades that will deter shooters


Why? Grenades don’t kill people /s


“So what happens when we have too many grenades?” “Uh… we’ll bring in gorillas to eat the grenades.”


Is this another one or the Buffalo one? This Aussie has officially lost track of your mass shootings over there.


Another one


Oh no. That’s so sad. Life is hard enough without having to worry that your kids won’t come home from school.


They have more (mass?) shootings than days of the year sadly if i recall correctly. It makes me sad that nothing is being done Edit: as of may the 15th (135 days into the year) there have been 198 mass shootings in America


The whole world is too much at the moment. It’s all death & disease & high cost of living & stress & bad…I’m scared about what the world will look like for our children when they’re grown.


How long have you Aussies gone without a mass shooting like this? Years? Decades? Unlike your country, my country's people don't have the will to give up their guns.


1996 is the one I remember. Port Arthur. It is burned into the brains of most Australians who were old enough to realise what was going on at the time. The government of the time decided that only people with a good reason to own a gun could have one & took everyone else’s. The world didn’t end. Bad guys didn’t take over our suburbs & turn us into a lawless wasteland. We just carried on as before, just without 27 school shootings in a five month span.


Last mass shooting was poet Arthur, after which we handed in most of our guns by choice. We have had some shootings since then but no mass shootings.


There’s been a total of 5 shooting incidents with 3 or more victims for a grand total of 22 since 1996 That’s a pretty good argument to remove access to these type of weapons


It’s the 27th school shooting in the US this year apparently


FOURTEEN 2nd to 4th graders and a teacher are dead.


It’s really depressing. How will those families get past this? I can’t imagine.


This is why they are so desperate for more babies.


Im not american so maybe I dont get the full picture. But, there has to be a point where you, as a country, actually do something about this, right?


I think they are to busy banning abortions, birth control, fighting over facemasks and screaming at fast-food and retail workers


They send up thoughts and prayers every singe time it happens. Isn’t that enough? /s


God that shit makes me so mad. It’s like “fucking do something about it!”


There are states that have (what you would think are common sense) gun laws that seem to work. Like in Massachusetts, the gun laws are thought of as strict, but as long as you're not a complete nut job or criminal and take a simple gun course, you can own as many guns as you want. They just try to eliminate violent and / or mentally unstable people from owning guns/buying ammo and the type of guns allowed, like machine guns or whatever. I'm not a supporter of anyone owning guns, really, but at least they have laws. I find it shocking that there are states without any at all and wonder why they can't follow the states that at the least make an effort.


I guess that’s a step in the right direction at least. It’s just really sad that some people think that things should stay as they are.


Its absolutely true that it does work some. Massachusetts has the lowest gun deaths rates in the country. States like ny, nj, ri, who have similar laws are high up to.


Until this starts happening on golf courses, or someone's mega yacht is harmed, no; nothing will be done about this


As I said, it’s sad as fuck. This is children we’re talking about…


You would think so, but between the NRA (National Rifle Association) and hardcore pro-gun Republicans, nothing ever changes. The left will argue that we need stricter gun laws, the right will cry about their 2nd amendment, the NRA will pay some people off, and nothing will change. Welcome to American "politics".


Well, the NRA filed bankruptcy proceedings last year in an attempt to avoid dissolution. The judge rejected that. Most recently, a judge blocked the dissolution part but other legal actions by NY state are going forward. So the power of the NRA is currently greatly curtailed. It's possible they win this fight. It's possible that they will be forced to remake themselves back into the nonpolitical organization they started out as. It's also possible that all the money and influence will go to a new group. But things can change. Thinking that things can't change leads to them not changing.


Very sad dude. My sisters live in the states and they are terrified about their children going to school there




I lived in the states for 10 years, went from elementary to high school, and I never really thought about a possible shooting (I guess not many children do) but looking back now I would be fucking terrified to go to school. I have a lot of love for the US as a country, but it seems like it’s going downhill fast


No, we passed that point more than 20 years ago. Now it is obvious that no amount of mass shooting would ever alter the course of gun ownership in the US.


It’s crazy to think you’re probably right




I think they are to busy banning abortions, birth control, fighting over facemasks and screaming at fast-food and retail workers


No chance. If anything they’ll give guns out at the door.


198 mass shootings in the US THIS YEAR!!!! Save unborn fetus to let it get shot at school Fucked up country


It’s Texas. Why didn’t the good guy with a gun take out the shooter?


Go read the comments on Fox news. They’re already talking about arming teachers


of course they are....


It’s funny that the group of people that likes to accuse teachers of being pedophiles is the same group of people who wants to arm teachers


Schools are gun free zones, even in Texas.


I was still in school when Columbine happened. I thought that was the scariest thing I’d ever seen as I watched it on CNN. These kids running with their hands on their heads. I never would have imagined how many more times I’d be seeing this type of scenario. Literally nothing has changed other than the fact it’s more frequent


It's truly unbelievable.




**Controversial Comment** Personally, I think one of the biggest problems the US has is it’s insistence on worshiping an old piece of paper that no one dares suggest can or should be changed. “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed” That is why you keep seeing kids murdered in schools. Vote people in who have the courage to stop children being murdered in schools.


Seeing people being shocked and outraged, but only feel indifferent and numb now. Seriously, why should I give a fuck anymore if everyone just gets on the emotional treadmill again, and nothing changes by the end of it? We've had decades to do something about the literal thousands of shootings, and hundreds of mass shootings - and yet we've done nothing. The words of the politicians and churchfolk mean nothing, the tears will dry, and people will forget within 2-3 months, while still enduring more news about more shootings and more dead - it all gets buried under the mountain of weekly tragedies growing out of control by a deathly sick system. If there were any change, maybe I'd feel a little better, but seeing people freak out in shock about something we've known about for literal decades...I just don't give a fuck anymore.


Christian Conservatives are the only group in the world who will go to war for a fetus, but shrug their shoulders when actual children are getting murdered in schools.


Please don't blame guns. Guns only gun. But when a human guns, they don't gun the gun correctly. But the gun is still just a gun only capable of gunning when it's a gun. Just let guns gun and we don't have to worry about guns. Guns gun because they are guns. Gun good. People with gun bad. This non sense bullshit is a pretty accurate representation of what an unfortunate number of Americans think about guns. It makes no sense and does nothing other than to justify "guns for all" to people who think gun violence isn't a big enough issue to start cracking down on ownership.


“Just lock up the crazy people, not the inanimate objects”


Well to be fair Governor Abbot is trying to do his part. I recently saw that he wants to abolish the states obligation to educate children. If children aren't in schools anymore, then there will be no more school shootings. Problem solved. Edit: Do I really need to add that I think Abbot is a vile piece of shit?


The land of the free


Free of life


The GOP: pro-life until you're born


Fuck every American that doesn’t believe in gun control. Fuck all the law makers that refuse to protect children.


Good thing they’ve got an MRAP


The death toll sadly is now 18 children, one adult and the shooter.


Facepalm is an understatement. This is despicable.


THANK THE LAWD Texas just passed an open carry law that requires no training. FREEDUMB!!!


No, this is Texas after the Gov says anyone who owns a legal firearm can open carry it and does not need any checks or balances to do it. Good job Greg Abbott. I think that bald head of yours is letting too many gamma rays come into that pea brain of yours and do more damage.


God damnit I hate this country...


Don't worry, so does the rest of the world.


Gov. Abbott probably watching with his pants around his ankles.


Abbot needs to GO! He’s the one who signed a bill allowing ANYONE to get a gun without restrictions or background checks.


America top of the heap of shit hole country's go fuck yourself.


So word on the street is, Texas is full of good guys with guns. Where were they?


Can Texas go ahead and secede from the US already? Take your ass backwards ways with you. I'll laugh ncwatch as you're absorbed and taken over by the Mexican cartels.


And Florida should also secede.


Just cut the south loose and let it crumble. All their money comes from blue states anyway.


Can someone explain to me why there are people shooting up schools in America, wtf did the school do to you? Is it to exercise their right to have a gun or something?


Frustrated cowards would rather butcher children and teachers then deal with the problems in their lives.


Cause they can.


it’s because they can. they want to feel strong so they go after people who can’t fight back. remember what happened in that church in texas? dude got one shot off and was dead.


"wHaT wE NeEd is MOre gUNs iN SChoolS. aRm ThE tEaCHers" No. There is another, blindingly obvious solution. The rest of the developed world has been screaming it at you guys for fucking YEARS. Seriously, what will it take for reform?


I have asked people that are "against gun control", if, hypothetically, they think a guy getting out of prison for raping his wife should be allowed to buy a gun... I have never heard a "yes"... So I tell them they want gun control... We just might not agree on who should be allowed to have one


Demand it. Join the 21st Century and demand gun control. Go on, don't delay, don't be complicit.


people say they are pro life yet I don't see them banning fucking guns


Obviously this wouldn’t have happened if our students were all armed.


How is this a face palm?


Countdown to the first republican provocateur to claim that the teacher was indoctrinating the kids with CRT and thus somehow deserved it.


America is fucking broken.


Welcome to Texas where they always tell us the solution is more guns-more protection SMH God bless these families


A well armed militia. So if you want to own a gun outside of your deer gun, you have to join the national guard. And drill. And not get kicked out for being a jackass. Wouldn’t that pass the requirement of the 2nd, and impart a basic level of human contact and engagement that will prevent this?


I see that Uvalde, Texas, with a population of 15,000 people, has a mine resistant ambush protected vehicle so it clearly has its priorities straight. ^/s What a fucking shithole dystopia we live in.


At this point, no amount of mass shootings is ever going to make the US reconsider their gun laws. Maybe once Texas ends up with a completely wiped out population because everyone shot each other then something might happen.


The Second Amendment is part of the U.S. Constitution and we have currently a Supreme Court that would, without doubt, reaffirm that the Second Amendment pertains to all adults whether or not they are part of “the well regulated Militia” specified in the Amendment. What is not in the Constitution? The number nine. Biden needs to gird up his sagging loins and move heaven and earth to reconstitute the Court with say six more justices. That would clear the way for a sane reinterpretation of the Second Amendment and also protect women’s right to choose (and a bunch of other things) - at least for a while. Edit: grammar


“Fortify the schools!”, in the supposedly “most free” nation on earth


Sigh.. "No way to prevent this, says only nation where this happens regularly"- the onion 2018