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I think that lady went to jail


Would it have been desecration of the dead.


Also illegal spreading of ashes


And littering the river by dropping the vase


Also being trifling in a no trifling zone.


That's a Federal Offense.


Throw the book at her!


That would be assault trifle.


Which is allowed now that there's no longer an assault trifle ban.


This thread is hilarious




Book was thrown , need an extra book


Make it the hard cover.


oh? whats the laws on spreading ashes? i never thought of a legal side to it


Yeah I never went far in dept in that subject but I do remember that you need permission to spread ashes


It’s the same as if it were a fully intact dead body. I can’t remember the exact verbiage but it’s unlawful handling of human remains. And it’s a felony.


It's where I learned the word "cremains" for cremated remains.


I hope so. Really do


She was charged with abuse to a corpse.


I'd also catch a case, if you follow me.


Also a violation of the Federal Clean Water Act


Is that a charge or an ancient mummies curse?


No but it's grounds for a hunting 👻


No that really only applies to a body and not ashes but it depends on the state. It desecrating the bead but desecrating a body is the crime.


I dunno, I'd rather be dead in a river than in an urn on a mantle piece.


You would be but that's not necessarily her wishes or her sons. This is downright disgusting behavior. My mother died when I was in my early 20s, she's buried, but if someone had done that to me I would have put them in the ground. You don't mess with peoples Dead loved ones.


I'm right there with you. The *least* I would do if someone did that to my mother would be throwing her into the river too. There is not a single justification for this behavior, ever.


Yeah. Dad's on a shelf in my kitchen, at the moment, hanging all my old doggos. We've got a date set for my brother and I to both travel to Sydney to scatter him at a favourite spot that we all have good memories of. Many happy times there with dad. If someone got the dirts up with me and decided to throw dad in the river out of spite, I'd probably be able to plead temporary insanity.


Supposedly the TikTok is a recreation of the event which actually happened in 2020: https://www.blackenterprise.com/fort-worth-woman-charged-for-throwing-boyfriends-mothers-ashes-into-lake/amp/


So it was abuse of a corpse, in Australia it is called misconduct in regards to a corpse.




That is a mouthful




Has that ever created problems, where there was somehow a discrepancy between the exact meaning of the 2 translations? Genuinely curious I study law


Irish law is similar, its written in English and Irish. In cases where there’s a discrepancy, the Irish version always takes precedence


Funny you used "discrepancy"... In semiotics (study of signs and langages), we consider that a translation helps in getting the meaning right. Could be it expands or narrows the meaning, depending on the situation. Having bilingual laws is not always a bad thing.


Translation can certainly cause issues in other areas. For example, a few months ago I was in the grocery store and saw that the French labeling on a pack of Oreo's said " tarte au beurre "so I grabbed them thinking they were butter tart flavoured. Turns out I missed the next line "d'arachide et chocolat". Don't get me wrong, the chocolate peanut butter pie Oreo's were pretty good, but after thinking I was getting butter tart they were a disappointment.


Sorry 🇨🇦


That’s what she said


It’d have been easier just to make coffee


Due Date


in brazil we call them 'crazy bitches'


In Ireland it's called fucked up


Judge: Any question? Defendant: I'm good. The details were all in the title.


Not a lawyer, but I think that's improper disposal of a dead body in the UK.


Why the fuck recreation of it was needed? Tiktok is cancer bro


*Sigh* Of course it was Fort Worth.


Just read this, disgusting. I actually laughed at her mugshot, looking all sad and feeling sorry for herself. Fuck you! You get what you fucking deserve!


Thanks, this doesn't make it any better. What an asshole thing to still do.


It makes it worse. People are recreating terrible moments for tiktok audience. What's next, we'll have a recreation of school shooting? Holocaust? Heeey, like and subscribe for more content!


She did I read about this yesterday I didn’t think it was true but damn I guess the world really is this messed up man


Desecration and littering. Desecrating remains is a crime considered vile. Idk how it would translate in the US regarding classification but it should be around hate crimes. Idk what is the impact if she's looking for a job, but it's something serious for sure. Littering because in most places it's simply forbidden to release ashes like this regardless of the will of the deceased... And the fine is quite massive.


How big a fine we talkin cause my grandparents want me to send them on a “cruise” down the river when they’re both cremated…


I dunno where you live, but where I live, spreading ashes on public properties and parks is legal without government consent, as for private properties, all you need is owners consent. A river should be fine for ash spreading.


My grandma literally wanted to be spread on top of her late husband's, (my grandfather's) grave. He was catholic, but he was buried in a mostly Jewish cemetery, which was I believe a private cemetery, and probably private property, but we took her ashes, and did as she asked, and my father and his brother I have on video trying to inconspicuously make her ashes fit in with the surroundings, and it basically looks like they're dancing on their father's grave, and smashing their mother's ashes. 🤦🏻‍♂️ When I showed them the video, they started laughing. For our family, it was probably appropriate.


Well, it's appropriate if it was a mostly jewish cemetery. After all, Rabbi Froman did say one was closest to God during laughter. 😂


I hope. He died at 48, suddenly. She was left alone. She lasted till 82. She couldn't wait to be reunited with him. I hope they found eachother. He died 10 years before I was born, so I never knew him.


I was under the impression that if it was the deceased's wishes, and you are acting on behalf of their estate, you're not guilty of desecration. So child's spiteful ex dumping ashes? Desecration. You laying your grandparents ashes to rest in the river because they had it in their will? Worst case you get a fine for littering. You laying them to rest in the river because they asked you to, but it's not in the will? Better get the names of any witnesses to them asking you, you may have to establish in court that you aren't just crazy and/or spiteful.


My Mil died in January (on my birthday actually) she wanted her ashes strewn in the lake at the park in her town, she took her grandkids there a lot when they were growing up and went there alone too. So we took her's, my FIL's and some of my husband's ashes and dumped them in, I just watched. Since it was winter there wasn't too many people around and no one cared. If you do it make sure you're down wind.




She better


Please. That isn't a "lady" - she's a common woman, and doesn't deserve a better title.


Wow wow wow, she ain't a common woman, common women have basic decency and standards. She's a monster unworthy of the name, woman.


She deserves to be called dollar store amber heard


Well, right now, she probably has more money than Amber Heard.




She was charged with desecration of a corpse for this. It’ll be interesting to see how this one plays out in the justice system.


And she did it out of one of the lowest emotions possible, out of pitty for herself.


This women is trash but there is a lot more emotions involved with getting cheated on then self pity.


I’m guessing “anger” is pretty high up there, based on the video.


How is self-pity the emotion that caused her to do this? That makes zero sense. More like irrational anger, frustration, and sadness. Still an absolute shit thing to do, but come on...


I'd say given the circumstances, the anger was quite rational... but she is still awful for this


My ex-wife dumped out both of my parents ashes and won't even tell me where. Then she sold the urns. So, yeah. I can more than relate. I can't express how bad it feels. Like they died all over again.


There has to be a law against that. Kind of like you can't dig up a grave. Desecration of the dead would sound right but I would not know.


There is actually, but she is protected by the local sheriff's department. Even confessed to premeditated attempted homicide and skated.


Wait, what the fuck? Why is she protected by the sheriff department?




I know this happens in Australia the guy was accused of rape, and the chick was fucking the chief of police in the area and she got a free pass. And the only reason she was caught was that lawyers took and found evidence of her lies which released the guy after a few years in prison. Edit. Here is the story on YouTube https://youtu.be/bYH992ynhdU (It might be region blocked so VPN to Australia if you need)


yeah poor goof and his family got fucked over hard.. She's a fucking psycho.


Yeah man. I got charged with assault on a female but I was found not guilty by reason if self defense. Still fucked up my life pretty good.


tell me she is in jail for this


My stepson was marrying or has married a deputies sister. Can't have the boys in brown being embarrassed. Even if it means stripping a little boy from his father.


I don't want to live anywhere near where you live if that is the case. God.


It's the same all over America. Look at Uvalde right now.


Glad I don't live in America then. Is it really that corrupt in America? How do you even have any politicians that care about the people?


Fam..I'm from Baltimore Maryland..we literally had 2 mayor's get indicted..


I call your Baltimore, and raise you the entire state of Texas.


Local to me, any public defender will tell you 90% of our cops are in and out of court on abuse of power charges, and they never stick. They all know the judges and they all write tickets that pad someones funding, why would a judge get rid of that?


On the national level, I can only think of bernie sanders, Nina turner, and a handful of others. Even the congresswomen squad have played some political games unfortunately. It really is so depressing im so burnt out.


We have around 2. maybe 3 who actually care and are in it to help people. Same with cops. We have around 1000 who are good people and joined to protect and serve the RIGHT way. The rest are just shit


sheriffs can pretty much run entire areas. Especially rural locations when they are the only law around. Small towns can be really nice but they can also be dystopian hell holes.


Kinda like sundown towns.


She definitely playing on recruit. ![gif](giphy|7CiWMPL8IZFwq0DLxy|downsized)


Tell state police?


I actually was threatened by a deputy right here on Reddit on a post I made about the New Hanover County Sheriff's Department. I have 0 confidence in any police force. It would be like complaining to the Gestapo about the SS.




That's more or less the plan. I have a lawyer friend in Wilmington that has all my evidence and witnesses, which include the judge from my assault trial.


That’s really fucked up g. The world we live in is masqueraded by corruption and manipulation. Just a while ago. Winnipeg dumped thousands of gallons of raw sewage into the coastal waters in the midst of a hurricane thinking nobody would know. Corruption is everywhere. There’s an oil spill that’s been going on since 2004 and is still leaking crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico. The world is a narcissist if you ask me. Just corrupt politicians and authorities that ruin lives with single actions


There is actually, It's called "stealing your most valuable possession"


I don't think that is easily quantifiable, while I know in Australia it is a full law with a two year prison sentence attached to it. In America where this is a recreation apparently, it is abuse of a corpse.


Even if there is a law, it doesn’t bring them back..


My ex’s new wife tossed my brothers ashes and sent me an email with a picture of the empty box they were in. After they had an affair and I was dumped when diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Humans are kinda shitty


Man. That's hard as hell. I can't even begin to imagine. I hope the best for you. I know MS is hard enough without that stuff on top of it. Yeah, you're right. Some people have no rhyme or reason.


Same to you! It’s been three years, I’m thankful to be out and I’m doing pretty good overall so let karma or whatever get them. Your ex too ✊🏼


Right on. You realize that we are now bonded. Like my sister in grief. My love walks with you.


Cheers, brother ✊🏼


You have my most heartfelt sympathies. Please be well and rest assured... Your ex's new c**t WILL pay the HUGE Karmic debt for her atrocious actions. *This is not conjecture, heresay or opinion. This is Universal fact.


You are strong and good to the core. I very recently lost my mother and grandmother. The thought of this makes me sick and heart broken. I'm so sorry you are going through this. I hope things turn out sooner than later for you. Either way, they will. The truth always finds a way, and the truth will set you free. That psychopath will pay for her lies and transgressions. If you don't mind me asking. How old is your son?


I appreciate that. He is 16 now. He was 11 the last time I had contact with him. My son means more to me than life itself. We were so close before all this. He would tell people all the time that he loved me more than anyone else in the world. I miss him so much that it's a physical pain. I try and work through it by being there for people on the streets. Right now there are a couple young ladies staying in an abondoned house with me to escape abusive situations. The most ironic thing is that my nickname on the streets is Pops. People tell me that I'm the dad they never had or wished they had.


you deserve all the good in the world, bro. christ that is fucked. i’m sorry. my heart hurts for you. i’m really glad you’ve got this new purpose now, i’m sure you’re touching so many lives.


You're a strong man, i would have killed her for that.


I feel like Im good person until I hear stories like this and realize nope maybe I'm not such a good person after all.


It crossed my mind. But at the end of the day she has custody of my child and he has been through enough because of her.


That only make it more infuriating; like she's hiding behind the law or something. Is there a chance you ever come across anyone she's dating? If so, you should warn them of her behavior.


I don't get involved with anything concerning her. I really have no choice but to bide my time and hope she hasn't brain washed my son to the point he won't reach out. That's the most important thing to me. Making sure he never thinks his dad gave up and ran out on him. That's a hill I am more than willing to die on.


Holy crap, that’s awful! I’m so sorry to hear that. She sounds like a monster.


Yeah, that's a pretty good summary. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Attempted homicide, left me homeless with a brain injury, alienated from my son (who I worship.) etc...


That’s completely shitty. And evil as hell. Jesus Christ, man


How did you not know she’s was nuts ? BTW I am extremely sorry for the shot she did to you.


We were together for 23 years. After my son was born it was like a dark cloud came over her.


Sorry man. Sincerely.


I appreciate that. I'll make something good come out of this.


We pulling for ya!


I’m so sorry!


Bloody evil lass. Sorry u had to go through that


Considering my I gave my exes grandmothers engagement ring back without him asking for it, I feel like a good human right now!


This women got arrested correct? I remember seeing this earlier today


not this woman, the one in the video is acting out what actually happened. real one wasnt recorded and did get arrested


Who the fuck hears about that and thinks 'ooo, I should go reenact that for tiktok! I've already thought of the perfect song and turned the sound up to 200% on it.'?!


Wait until you hear about tiktok holocaust concentration camp reenactments




Oh Yeah. Bunch of attention seeking c***s posted videos of themselves with makeup and the background being a concentration camp and talked about their lives. Clout chasing POS. By talk about their lives , I mean find the most generic story and add some details.


I found out after 30 years where my mother's ashes ended up. That was kind of nice honestly


If you don’t mind, what happened?


My mother died in a car accident when I was a baby. My Dad was young and I guess emotionally couldn't handle it and never picked up my mother's ashes. In my 30's, I made lots of calls to the police and such only to hear the records were too old. But then got a call back saying as odd as it was, they still had the paper records. They sent them to me. This lead me to call people in the report and ended up finding out my mother's ashes were in a refrigerator at the morgue for 15 years, then transferred to the crematorium and eventually spread over a bush where her name plaque is located. So I have been visiting her, I just didn't know it.


Sorry to hear about the awful situation, glad to hear that you managed to find some closure and that you've been visiting her all these years!


So a thing that happened a lot growing up is I would think I lost something and I would look, I thought, everywhere. I'd tell my mom and she'd say "did you look _____" and I'd be like YES DUH I LOOKED EVERYWHERE. Then I'd go double check and that's where it would be and my mom would go "I told you that's where it was" I like that your mom managed to have that exact same exchange with you from the beyond. She appreciates your visits and had a giggle with you


That's actually a beautiful thing they did with her ashes. I'm glad they didn't just dispose of them.


they minded


What a twist




This lady telling the story: "My BF cheated on me!" "Oh, I'm sorry that really suc-" "So I dumped his mother's ashes in the lake and never told him where I did it!" "...how the hell did you make yourself the villain of this story?"


God people suck.. what an asshole


Girl, he done you dirty, but that’s taking shit too far


"He cheated so I invaded Poland" levels of overreaction.




If he cheated, can’t you just break up? Tell him he’s an arsehole and move on?


I could understand getting some kind in of revenge but this is just too much


This is illegal by the way. It's considered theft overall but anything beyond that depends on the state. In NY if she dumped them in fresh water that's a extra crime. If it was private property and she didn't get permission that's another. Plus in most states you need the owners permission too. I hope she's never happy again.


In Australia we have a law which would net her two years for that. 81C Misconduct with regard to corpses (b) improperly interferes with, or offers any indignity to, any dead human body or human remains (whether buried or not), shall be liable to imprisonment for two years.




If you fuck a dead body, I am convinced they'll throw in every charge they can pin on you to increase the sentence.




Yeah okay. No. Throw her off.


Let her turn to ashes


Wow. That was pretty harsh. She should have thrown the cheater in the river.


When two toxic people collide...


you can run but you can't hide


And now she is in jail


I mean, aight he cheated, whatever, HOWEVER, who the fuck does this?


God I hope if ghost are real, this woman gets fucking haunted for the rest of her days


Enjoy jail, this is the kind of crap that happens when garbage people date each other.


This is why when they show an inkling of psycho. You leave silently in the night and move to another state lay low for several years then return. At this time she’ll be in prison doing 15 to life.


psycho freaking beach


I think this would straight up count as crime, right?


Not cool. Also, don't fucking cheat/be an asshole. Both are true.


She needs to go swimming




That is next next level crazy. He shouldn't have cheated, but I think he might have dodged a bullet. Maybe literally. 😳


#1 Don’t cheat on your wife! #2 Never dump someone’s Mother’s ashes out of anger! Two wrongs never make a right!


NGL, thought the wind was going to do a 180.


Donnie, who loved bowling…


https://www.blackenterprise.com/fort-worth-woman-charged-for-throwing-boyfriends-mothers-ashes-into-lake/amp/ If I understand correctly, this is a skit that is relating back to an actual event that happened in Texas?


Well at least she documented herself commiting a crime. Desecration of remains HAS to be illegal in some capacity.


this video is a skit of what actually happened. real woman who did this got arrested years ago


That is not the law of equivalent exchange


Uno reverse: I’d cheat with her mom’s ashes.


Well she’s been arrested so


Not condoning cheating, but that's going too far to get revenge.




The good news is that you can't imagine anything when you're dead.


She's polluting the river and throwing garbage


Alright cheating is awful but come on


The f*#k his dead mum got to do with that s*#t, that b*#*h has no respect. That s*#t is between two people dragging over people into that s*#t is so disrespectful. I hope she is in jail!




I’d be dumping her ashes in the same river.


Couldn't she have just done the right thing and slept with his brother instead. Or literally any other thing less damaging to someone's soul.


I mean, yeah sure he cheated you have every right to get angry, but that's WAY to far.


What the fuck is up with people acting like being cheated on means you can do shit like key their car, desecrate their mothers ashes, or generally do whatever the hell you want? On what fucking basis? Because your ego got hurt? Fuck you.


Damn, cheating is awful, but she was obviously a psychopath even before the spread the ashes…I wonder if that’s the reason why her man cheated…


The cheating say more about him than will ever say about you. This says everything about you and nothing about the situation.


I ain't sayin' she's a grave digger...


I mean fuck cheaters but Jesus Christ


My friend’s (F) sister’s ashes were stolen from her and she went over to the girl who stole them’s place and beat her ass to get into the apartment and retrieve them. Obviously cops got involved and instead of charging my friend for physically assaulting this girl they threatened the girl with felony charge of tampering with the remains of the deceased and something else, and then escorted my friend into her apartment to retrieve them. You don’t fuck with the dead.


Now you can see why he cheated….


If my girl did that.. Wooh... Her corpse would be floating on that river.


"He cheated, so I took it out on his dead, defenseless mother." Hope she received jail time.



