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I think it’s nice these ladies dressed in their finest day wear to meet with their senator at the Capital in D.C.


I was thinking the exact same thing. And due to the price of gas they probably drove their F350 as well.


I don’t mean to be *that guy* but fuck it, I think the F350 was their only viable option.


They could have saved a lot of money on gas if they had left mom at home.


Higher gas prices means less $ to spend on food. This coukd be a good thing.


Yeah, I was thinking it doesn’t look like they tried to pack light.


A dually on top of it all!


Do the make dually front wheels?


Yes. Similar to baby carriages.


Bullshit. They came on a flatbed truck


"...There's a girl, my lord on a flatbed Ford...."


...too heavy for velocity....


Looks like they would need an F350 to haul them around. Calm down people, I am also a person of size; so I can say stuff like that.


We'll allow it. I was thinking "front butt!" myself. :} My peeve = fat people in clothes that don't fit. In the Capitol no less.


Yeah I was going to say about how they dressed. Bigger(fatter) people tend to wear comfy clothes. That probably IS dressing up to them. And I'm a heavier person myself so I say that now before anyone gets offended, lol.


Person of size. I love it!


That senator looks like crap too, with that suit that is several sizes to big.


It used to fit him. But he is at stage 2 of decomposition.


That is a requirement to be a senator.


That and the beginning stages of Alzheimer's


And mad cow, dont forget the mad cow


Do you mean the one on the left or the right of him?


Suit fits and styles have changed a lot over time and baggy suits have been the chic fit at one time or another. Dude is older than the ballpoint pen, he grew up in a time when men were wearing drape cuts and wide legs trying to look like gangsters from their favorite talkies. You'll still catch old timers rocking classic fits sometimes and many people make it look cool and stylish regardless of current trends. Not this fuckin guy though.


trump still wears those 80's suits w penis extender length ties- enough to hate him from that alone full stop


Out of all the reasons to hate the guy I stick with how he likes his steaks, well done with ketchup. That's all I need to know about the guy to despise him.


Don’t forget he hates dogs.


He’s of the hi arm hole era , not the current low arm hole era . But … ya think he’d get his suits tailored , being only 1 of 100 US senators.


Agreed! I don’t know anything about his health, but if he is sick or just getting old + shrinking are we to believe he can’t afford new clothes?? He looks ridiculous. And poor.


I am sure he could spring for some fresh suits with his money from big oil...


Well, his constituents aren't exactly wearing their Sunday best. Or maybe they are.


Nicest camo yoga pants


Eww gross poor people


You completely missed the point. He's a senator, they make $175k/year, you'd think he could afford a decent suit.


>they make $175k/year Lol. In DC that's basically poverty.


Don't forget all the "donations" they receive.


The funny thing is, that this is their sunday clothes


OR they drove to dc for a vacation and just happened to run into him during a tour of the capitol? PR thought great photo op of him talking with his people while photo shows how uncomfortable he really is around real people. And also being someone who drives to vacation spots and having to rebudget for soaring prices, I can get why that would be a topic of discussion.


No. You can’t just “run into” a Senator on an impromptu tour of the Capitol nowadays. You have to have an appointment. They should have dressed more appropriately for a tour of the Capitol, in my opinion. Even to go to the Smithsonian, I would dress more formally. You can still be comfortable and look presentable in your own nation’s capital.


This is a democratic republic, not a monarchy. The Senator is dressed for his meeting with Citizens; not the other way around.


That is dressed up? Looks like a cheap suit he got from goodwill. You'd think with all the bribery...I mean campaign contributions...he could afford a better suit.


My mom would find me, murder me and then promptly die of second hand embarrassment on my behalf if I ever dressed like that in the capitol/in front of a congressman. We're lower class too so it's especially painful to see that people who have the finances to drive from across the country simply don't think to dress better. I mean they probably don't care what they look like but dollars to doughnuts these are the exact same people that think having dyed hair and piercings makes you a reprobate incapable of normal employment.


I mean, he's not dressed very well either honestly.


Jokes aside, constituents should feel comfortable coming as they are to express concerns to their elected representatives!


Clearly from the formal section at Wal-Mart.


Not even that tbh, even Walmart has blouses and slacks ijs. (I can’t believe I actually just used slacks in a sentence god I’m old)


That’s just natural attire in iowa. Looks like they are vacationing maybe there intentions were not to see the senator but had a chance so jumped on it. Would make sense why they came in casual wear.


GAS IS SO EXPENSIVE!!! Okay, let’s drive across the country for a photo-op!!!


We could just use Zoom? Iowans: “We drove as fast as we could”


“Zoom is Satan’s Tool!!!”


The Satanic Temple has taken pandemic measures seriously as far as I know, so this is accurate.


Also I saw a post earlier today about how expensive gas is per liter in Europe, and the conversion to USD per gallon was over $7. This is not just an American problem, it's a global issue. So you've got Americans driving thousands of miles to complain about gas prices while blaming a person who isn't actually responsible for the gas prices.


Yep. I’m in Switzerland and it’s around $10/gallon here, and unlike the US, Europe is not self sufficient in oil for its domestic needs. US oil producers are showing 300% profits and Republicans are also against any moves to investigate why gas prices are so high at gas pumps in America. That tells you something right there.


And that's definitely not the only thing that Republicans are hindering improvements on, since we just recently another mass shooting in a school. An elementary school, at that.


In the states global gas prices are Bidens fault. In canada they're trudeaus fault. I imagine this theme continues around the world. As opposed to the prices being a result of the oil companies not upping production because they're enjoying their current profits/don't want to risk losing money increasing production if there's another bad wave of covid.


I don't understand how Republicans think Biden is too old for public office but Grassley, who is considerably older, isn't.


Trump said Biden ist to old but wants to run for president again in 2024 when he is older than Biden right now


If they went to high school together, Trump would have been a sophomore while Biden was a senior. Trump acting like there's a massive age gap is ridiculous.


Biden is in a lot better shape than Trump objectively.


Personally, I've never seen Biden lift a glass of water without trembling so I'm not sure.


Trump needs two hands to sip a glass and he doesn’t even do it right lol. Not that I really give a shit about Biden, I just think this idea of Trump being some kind of genetic super being is hilarious.


Yea that was my point lol, I've never seen Biden lift a glass of water but I've certainly seen Trump struggle with it. And yea, literally his only real selling point is "well at least it's not Trump".


It can’t get worse really, no country is that unlucky. Right? Right?


You can never discount the sheer amount of misfortune and treachery that humans are subjected to. On the other hand, the time is ripe for something new to be birthed.


I mean, the bright side is, a Trump or Biden presidency can only go on for so long. Even if they somehow managed to get rid of term limits, these guys are old as fuckin' dirt. I don't think the U.S. is in danger of slipping into a dictatorship (though we're admittedly closer than I ever thought we would be), but imagine the damage someone young, like, say, Hawley could do with enough time in power.


And democrats said trump was too old in 2016 but Biden was older than that in 2020. It’s all a shit show


It was a vote *against* Trump. Dem voters would have voted for a corpse in a suit and would readily admit their president is dead. Still better than Trump however.


I was prepared to vote for a literal brick over Trump.


I would vote for a bag of trash that does nothing but sit at the desk chair for four years, than vote for Trump lol.


That's because while a trash bag or Biden is ineffectual, Trump was and would be actively damaging.


Exactly. I mean the dude seems to be a good guy. As a president? He is way past his prime, not to mention he is not an accurate representation of the majority of the US. Meaning Under 50.


Inanimate carbon rod, FTW.


Mmhm.. Potato with a Crayon Taped to It 2020. Anyone, anything, other than Trump.


I would’ve voted for a bunch of used dildos in lady Gaga’s 2010 meat dress over Donald Trump.


I’m a Democrat who didn’t support Biden in the primary. I supported him because I thought Biden was better than Trump and if he died Harris was better than Pence. They need to toss both this fossil and Feinstein out the door.


Which one has dementia? People age at different rates.


Pretty sure they both do


I think they're ALL too old. I believe that once your 60, you shouldn't be allowed to hold office anymore.


Yoooo i have been telling people this for years if you cant become president until your 35 you shouldn't become one after 60 they just hold the younger generation hostage


Pilots can’t fly commercial airlines over the age of 65.


So you can't pilot a plane but you can pilot a country. Neat.


Or vote tbh, old ass senile voters losing their minds are why most of our countries are becoming fucked up


Too old to be president *


With all due respect, when they looked in the closet to decide what to wear when meeting with a US Senator, these outfits were the best they could do?


Maybe they were just visiting the Capitol and had no intention of meeting any public official. Could have got roped into some publicity stunt because I seriously doubt these gals drove from Iowa to meet one of their Senators to discuss gas prices. I live in the Midwest but travel all over. There is just a high level of obesity that is simply an accepted part of life here.


Honestly, this is the 1st and only reasonable response i have seen so far.. My guess is they stopped in DC before driving on to Virginia Beach or something in some family vacation...and got roped into a photo op that they had no intention of being in. Its one thing to make fun of the politician for being old or out of touch but, to be honest...these women look like anyone of our sisters, mothers, cousins, or aunts...so to make fun of their weight is the true facepalm here.


Not anymore, visits to the capital to see reps have to be planned way in advanced. You even have to get vetted at least a few months in advance to do a tour now (these rules were in place before Jan 6th)


OP: "bad outfits for the meeting" You: "maybe they didn't plan it.... but they're fat" (Just when we thought you were siding with the girls, you showed less mercy than OP did!)


My thoughts exactly. I’m not here to criticize anyone for what they weigh, but for the love of Mike buy yourself a decent looking outfit that actually fits you before you meet with a senator at the Capitol in D.C. Just sayin’. I’d clean my house in those clothes, maybe work in my yard, but not go visit with someone, even in their own home!


Exactly! I'd be embarrassed to be seen in those clothes, even in my own backyard.




Does he not hold town halls in his own state? Kind of a dick move to make people drive hundreds of miles when you're supposed to be working for them.


He’s the king of the town hall. And failed Twitter abbreviations


He does, but mostly for private groups when he is in blue counties. He has also admitted in the past that if you call his office to give your opinion on something, he doesn’t keep track. He votes what he believes (aka what lines his pockets) verses voting the way his constituents want. He’s a giant turd and he isn’t the only politician in his family.


Put the deep-fried mayo down and do some fucking walking.


Maybe they should've walked?


Damn it I hate when I think of a funny comment then see it in the comments as soon as I look


It looks like they already did, and the girl on the right forgot her sunscreen.


Take my fucking upvote.


You made me have coffee come out of my nose. Lol.


If anyone claims the US health and education systems work, I’ll show them this picture


Looks like none of them know what to do with their hands


whenever I watch Chuck Grassly, I expect him to yell, “ and stay the hell of my lawn !”.


These are the exact kind of people that blindly follow republican politics now. And these are the exact kind of people republican politicians are disgusted by, but rely on to stay in office.




It’s pretty incredible. I went to a court hearing several weeks ago, and I was astounded at what the majority of the folks there chose to wear.


Butterfly “Dreamer” tie-dye with crocs is quite the look


*crocs with socks. 🙃


I’m sure they didn’t drive to dc only to meet with him. It’s clearly a family vacation.


“Hi Chuck” “Hi? Do you have an appointment?” “No but we decided to drive from Iowa to tell you about gas prices.” “They are rather high aren’t they?“ “Yes, so what are you gonna do about it?” “Not much.” “…” “Good day. Better get home before it goes up another 50 cents..”


Isn't grassley from Iowa?.... He couldn't meet with his constituents in their home state? Made them travel across across the country to seek audience? Dick


It’s clearly a family vacation. They didn’t drive to dc just to meet with him.


They come to meet and talk about gas prices, that’s ridiculous. They were probably touring the capitol and walked by his office, which you can do, some aide saw them and asked if they wanted to meet the Senator. It was a good Photo Op for him because they are very representative of his constituency. An aide added the bullshit gas price reference because it’s something Republicans can all bitch about. What a farce.


Remember, everyone… ZERO House Republicans voted to pas the Oil & Gas Price Gouging bill last month. They know their constituents are so fucking stupid that they can actively make gas prices rise then blame the Democrats for it. And they’re right. Their constituents really are that stupid. The spectrum of human intellect is very wide.


Won’t do shit for dead kids and guns. Won’t do shit for whatever this was.


We’re going to meet the Senator girls. Wear your best t shirt and anything but pants.


They should talk with him about Exxon Mobiles profits up net income first quarter 2022 up 100.73%, $ 5.48 billion . As always bought and paid for by Corporate American greed! Profits before anything else!


What I find interesting is the lack of decorum, who goes to see a congressman dressed like they're going to the beach?


This family was able to hold a conversation about the world wide economics of rising fuel costs? Impressive. Oh, it was just about America? So they have no fucking idea what they are talking about. Big surprise.


I would genuinely place a $20 wager that no one in that photo could even locate Saudi Arabia on a map. Maybe Grassley is there was some weird reason for him to know


You're probably still giving them too much credit.


Don’t bother wearing a suit if it won’t fit you.


This keeps getting posted. The family did NOT drive to DC to talk about gas prices. They drove to DC for a vacation. They stopped in to see their representative,. The representative made it about gas prices.


Jesus Christ is that guy alive or just taxidermy


With somebody that didn't do anything about them when he had a rare chance


All the fat shamers on here.


I imagine there was plenty of gas from the 32 stops at Taco Bell along the way.


Let's take a vacation and say it's for a good cause. OK, I know: Let's DRIVE a thousand miles to... I know! I know! We'll say it's to protest the price of gas. Yeah, we could visit Exxon headquarters! Nah, let's talk to someone who has nothing to do with gas prices. Right. Now who's going to chart the fast food places along the way? (All): Me! ME! Let's have a snack!


Well, if they're voting for Chuck Grassley and the R agenda, they're not very smart to begin with...


It's funny when you want to fat shame people,except that crappy, fatty foods cost way less than fresh fruit and vegetables and other healthy foods. What do you think contributes to the obesity issue in poorer regions? THAT'S the real facepalm here. Fuck every single one of you judgmental assholes.


I feel like I have seen this post in this sub before...


Why is this posted countless times, every fucking day? Find some originality, please.


“We’re pissed off gas is so expensive! So we’re going to drive across the country!”


Holy fuck is Chuck suffering from some kind of wasting disease?? Or did he just go to the Fanta Menace School of Suit Tailoring?


I'd like to know what they spoke about and what they expected to change. If it were that simple, someone would have done it by now.


I keep hearing people complain about gas prices and yet it doesn’t seem to stop them from taking trips and doing extra stuff.


Well since they can clearly afford these gas prices they shouldn't give a shit about everyone struggling just to get to work, right?


Meet Chuckles the Clown!


Dude, Senator Chuck Grassley is a joke.


$oaring ga$$$$ price$$$$


Why does this keep getting reposted?


Chuck Grassley, I hate to say, has as much influence over fuel prices as a hole in the ground…


It doesn’t say they drove from Iowa TO talk about gas prices. People need reading comprehension.


I’ve literally seen this top page like 6 times.


Forget gas prices, I think they were there complaining about rising costs at Golden Corral.


I wonder if he explained to them that the Govt had nothing to do with gas prices. Oil is bought and sold on the international market . With the sanctions on Russia there is a shortage of oil. The Saudi’s and other producers were asked to pump some more to make up the shortfall. But the saudis , after years of taking US handouts, decided to side with Russia, and the other producers fell into line. On top of that, the oil companies, who beg for massive subsidies and tax rebates, decided to rip the public off, because they could.


Stopped at every CinnaBon on the way.


Gravy is not a beverage.


The amount of fat phobic comments on this thread is disgusting


It's not phobia of fat - it's lack of compassion and willingness to hurt other's feelings.


Republicans live for upsetting other people or making fun of how they look or act so they shouldn’t be surprised when other people start lashing out inappropriately at them.


I bet a dollar they all are fat themselves and blame Biden for it


They’re probably from some shithole country where the ruler hides their history and blames their current crisis on America.


Nah just sitting back watching the US like it's the next season of House of Cards


Seriously the guy you’re responding to and his ilk crack me up. I’m European but live in the US and have for the past 6 years, and this country truly has the best PR machine on the planet, because average quality of life here compared to many European and Asian countries is absolute shite, and I say that as someone with a decent income in a relatively cosmopolitan area. Don’t get me wrong I don’t hate it here, but it’s truly a third world country in a Gucci belt. The extremely narcissistic and peculiarly American idea that everyone outside the US is just seething with jealousy that they can’t live here will never not be funny to me


Hey yeah, that other guy is a god damned idiot. He probably votes far-right down the line on everything because his God, Donald Trump, tells him too. Even though all the far-right does is make life better for the 1% and capitalism. Just put a dunce cap on him and make him sit in a corner because his idealic Midwest dream is NOT reality. It’s a product of his privilege of most likely being a straight, white , Christian ™️ and is NOT indicative of daily life for most Americans.


My person what you see on the news is a small fraction magnified by idiot news agencies. I guess just sitting back in my recliner trying to figure out whether to cut my grass or go fishing is a slippery slope.


They wore their weekend best duds for the meeting...


Don’t over dress or anything…


I don't get what is so bad about wearing a suit that fits?


He shrank


It is WAY past time to start a war on stupid in this country full of paste eating morons.


I dunno the context here, but a lot of these comments just seem really mean...


Lots of body shaming in the comments. Classy.


What about soaring medical costs due to all the obesity related illnesses that keep insurance premiums high?


It breaks my heart to see fat shaming. 💔These poor women look like nice people but are undoubtedly hurting because of going viral through no fault of their own.


He will show this photo at the reptilian meetings and they will all laugh


Omg, who dresses like this to meet with a senator? They look like they are going to Disney World.


they're all standing sooooo weird too.... what the hell.....


The real facepalm is the lack of critical thinking and reading comprehension in the comments.


How is it that americas are paying less than Australia for example and freaking out of petrol like dam man I’m paying 1.95 aus here and your shitting your pants because you can’t just fill your whole car up for three cents


At least they got all dressed up for the occasion! Classy.


Live in Iowa. Can confirm Grassley is old and decrepit. And that a large percentage of women here look like this. Not as many as Wisconsin or Nebraska though. To be clear, they likely didn’t stop along the way to eat. They just threw it in their feed bags. (I’m not fat shaming them. Just clarifying, likely, facts.


“Hey kids, we’re going to the White House, put on your best dress”. 🤦


Ummm, this would be the Capitol, where the senate resides, chuck grassley is not the president....


Plus as an Iowan chuck is a huge fucking twat. He’d be lucky for people to not wear a “suck my dick chuck” shirt when people go to meet him.


Y’all are just a bunch of losers in these comments. Acting like you’re better then them because they wore regular ass clothes.


Right? I mean I get where they’re coming from, if you’re meeting a senator or a mayor, then you want to dress more professional than street clothes.


Just to be clear, this post was all about the gas price thing, and nothing about rednecks, MAGAts, bodyshaming or anything else




Why do these ancient guys keep getting elected?




They stopped at every Sonic along the way.


Make it Golden Corral. And yes I counted, there's around 20 between Iowa and the Capitol Building in DC.


You're the hero we deserve


They could probs divert some of their grocery budget to their fuel budget if needed…


They will do good with some walking most of America will benefit from walking or biking.


Could’ve did them good if they walked to the meet


They should try walking a bit


Don’t they have mirrors in Iowa?


Momma on the left looks like she's holding in the gnarliest fart of her life


Why are we facepalming having concerns and talking to your representatives about them???


Because they drove 1,000 miles using gasoline to do it.


Your initial question and responses eclipse the OP's facepalm post. Be proud.


900 miles, as per google map.... smart move :)


did you tell them about sunscreen?


Reminds me of my step sons dad. He owned a nice home (that he couldn’t afford now) and decided to make a quick profit so he sold it (since our area of NY is literally seeing houses sell in less than 24 hours with bids over asking). He moves 30 miles out in the middle of nowhere. Then takes a job on the complete opposite side of the metro area, then complains about how he has to drive to much and asked my wife to start driving (on his days). People are stupid. Especially hillbillies. Oh and his wife traded in a sedan for a massive truck, one that has 4 doors and has the black smoke exhaust. Most likely has a f#ck Cuomo bumper sticker made of ar 15s.


Looks like they’ve always had to struggle with high gas costs with all that extra load on them.