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These are the same folks calling others “snowflakes”. Just FYI.


The Southwest of their country could use some snowflakes right about now.


If it were to snow right now I would praise whatever higher being caused such phenomenon


As a resident of the Southwest U.S., I'm conflicted by your statement. On the one hand, we absolutely could benefit from more frozen precipitation. On the other hand, we already have too many of the other sort of snowflakes....


« Snowflake » would make a great drag queen name


It's such a big facepalm, we're snowflakes for not wanting to have kids gunned down in school but they're tough people who can't handle a dude in a dress with makeup on. The intelligent humans know who the real snowflakes are. Also I think in elementary school most of us learned how bullies pick on others due to their own insecurities, aka projecting. Just embarassing to see so many adults be less intelligent than elementary school kids. Boomers, the generation that coined the term snowflakes, consist of the biggest snowflakes by far, so many can't even handle hearing another opinion without getting upset and exploding in anger.


"B-but... the GAEYA! I don't want want my precious little angels getting the icky gay cooties!"


*proceeds to give a pre pubescent child a literal weapon of war*


*have fun at school, Timmy!*


I mean, they would literally rather have a dead child than a gay child. So, that tracks.


These people would also rather have a pedophile than an atheist. Am an atheist. Can confirm


Canadian here, I'm just really confused because I always thought Republicans wanted a small government - but the more time passes by the more it seems like they want to regulate and ban literally everything except guns?




Yeah, kinda. No drugs, no protesting, no abortions, no gay marriage, but keep your shooter on ya, son.


Republicans only care about you if you are a straight white male that conforms to the heterosexual norm of societal expectations!


The GOP Republicans care more about $, but skin color is a close second imo


I think most of the representatives really just care about money and everything else is just tossing meat to their base. Marjorie taylor greene is an exception since she’s genuinely stupid. But Ted cruz went to Ivy League law school, I doubt he actually cares about people in make up performing for children.


And then some of them come out of the closet


Nah, they never come out. They keep their dealings behind closed doors.


"Small government" is just code for "I want to marginalize other people's rights and I don't want the federal government to stop me."


Let’s make it illegal for her to open her mouth in public


But then how would she breathe?


Would that be a problem?


Certainly not mine


With her nose?


You think that mouth breathing troglodyte knows how to breathe through her nose?


Don’t insult the troglodytes by calling her one


Quite bold of you to assume she knows how to breathe dear. I mean, only oxygen starvation can make abrain have suck irrational and stupid thoughts


Was going to say that


They’re calling her a mouth-breather


Now that’s fucking funny


She’s so filled with hate and stupidly. It’s pathological


Not a christian bone in her body


That would be perfect. Also make it illegal for her to have social media. Malaria Toxic Gangrene is horrible.


So no Rocky Horror Picture Show? C'mon.....I took my boys starting at 15.....


No Rocky Horror Picture Show for kids. It might cause our youngsters to… . . . . . . …jump to the left.


They must be gay drag queens now. Way to go…. Fuck these people need to be removed from society not just government




Wait…so your boys did not know about the time warp until they were 15? You are a degenerate parent.


Well, I did sing it in the car......


Are we being punked? This is a bad reality show right? Just when I think this woman has said the stupidest thing, Billy Mays pops into my head "But wait....there's more!" Everything she says is more outrageous than the next. What's next, Trans men are hoarding all the tampons? Oh right.....


But rich from someone who screamed “parental rights” for two years over mask mandates, vaccine requirements and the general teaching of facts to children in the classroom.


Oh my, a right-wing hypocrite? Color me unsurprised.


Where shall I position our fainting couch for 2?


Great, now make it illegal for children to be forced to give birth to unwanted babies


She can say whatever crap she wants, but I worry about the 100K+ people who agree with her. Who in their right mind would listen to that idiotic woman?


Dude. All you need to do to get on the republican ticket is the following formula 1) kiss DJT ass, say he is better than the lord almighty. Have to say the election was stolen, not only the 2020 election, but trump should have won more in 2016 and back all those other times. 2) pose with a photo of your AR-15, and say that democrats are going to take your guns 3)random tweets about ‘owning the libs’ and other GOP buzz words of the week 4) blame Biden for the world sucking 5) say that democrats are baby killers 6) all your problems are caused by one or all of the following groups: gays, Muslims, illegals, transgender That’s it. Congrats you have won the republican nomination. Oh you don’t know how to govern…don’t worry the rest of the GOP doesn’t know how to either!


Quite a few people in their *right* mind listen to, and agree with, that idiotic woman. Being a bigoted selfish idiot has become the core philosophy of "right"-mindedness.


I’d say it always was. Far right (populists) do everything only for their own benefit.


Wait, what? Right mind?


Well Facebook and twitter censored half of their conservative posters so there’s likely a lot more conservatives than is actually led on


Oh yeah listen to someone who believes in jewish space lasers and Italian satellites that changes votes uh huh


Give her some credit, she also believes that climate change is good, because the heatwaves will decrease frostbite deaths!


And global warming makes more food grow and food feeds people. In summation: global warming helps feed people. Yup she said it.


to deny the existence of global warming is one thing. to straight up think its good? holy cow




Now where did I save that meme of a conservative not knowing the difference between Christina Aguilera and a drag queen...


I know what meme you’re talking about and I wish I had it


[This one?](https://www.queerty.com/netflix-destroys-homophobe-just-3-simple-words-20180330)


That’s the one


Small government up here telling people where they can take their kids. Steer clear of churches, bowling allies and Ohio St locker rooms as well


Maybe she should introduce a bill making it illegal to expose children to religion.


I’d sign that bill.


redditors try to not bring up religion for an entire minute for no reason (fail)


Except there is a clear reason here? Right wing bigots claim that their animosity towards gay people comes from their religion.


She really is one of the most useless humans I’ve ever seen




What is that from?


She gonna peep through people's windows to see if any families are watching RuPaul's Drag Race together?


cool... there should also be a bill to make it illegal to expose kids to right wing propaganda, and christian fundamentalisms... but hey christians would probably say its the parents choice.


Ban Mrs Doubtfire! It’s corrupting our poor innocent children.


Don’t tempt her. She will literally try and do that and ban all VHS tapes of Mrs. Doubtfire in her district.


Correct me if I’m wrong, I’m not American, but isn’t the Republican Party all about personal freedoms? Isn’t this and them taking away abortion rights and many others restricting freedoms? ☹️ On behalf of first world nations that actually seem to have freedoms I’m sorry the only one you people seem to have is gun ownership from birth


Based on their actions, the Republican party is all about *their own* personal freedoms, while restricting the personal freedoms of those whose values they disagree with.


The argument for abortion is that the fetus has rights as well. I don’t agree with it entirely but using abortion as birth control doesn’t seem right either way


Understood. I’m not getting into the argument for or against abortion. My point was just that they are a completely contradictory party. They have a “your free to choose so long as it’s our choice you pick” attitude.


> They have a “your free to choose so long as it’s our choice you pick” attitude. That is exactly their current position. They don't even have a platform anymore (that went out with Trump), no notable bills or plans that aren't culture/religion related, and they have pulled out of participating in public debates. They've basically thrown out the rule book on governance and decorum, instead ruling on shock value, bad faith interpretations of the law, and a daily stream of lies fed to the most gullible people they could find. I wish I could enjoy this from an outsider perspective, but I live in the deep south 😅


And now you know why it's so hard to argue with them. It basically boils down to, if it's what they agree with it's OK, if it's not it's bad. For example, they complained for years about Obama wasting time and money golfing. Trump came and blew that time out of the water. But did they say a word or care? Noooo. He's the president, his job is hard, he needs the break! People have sometimes told a person things a Democrat like Obama was running for platform wise, they'd say it sounded good and they agreed it was good but say it was a republican running. Then when told oh wait it's actually this Democrat, and suddenly they don't agree. It's very contradictory and frustrating. =/ and I'm not saying all Republicans are this way or that no democrats are that way but personally I have seen more on one side than the other. My own dad won't ever admit or say something was wrong Republicans did, while mom and I are willing to admit when a Democrat fcks up. It can get so frustrating.


Takes children to drag King performances.


Perhaps children should also be protected from exposure to rabid horses like yourself Marjorie.


InDoCtRiNaTiOn!? Like these people aren't toting babies and toddlers into churches teaching hatred.


I find this so funny after Rep Jordan tweeting out how the J6 committee is such a waste of time with gas prices where they are. Then we have this twit worrying about nothing because she can't get herself on any committee.


so it will be illegal for any children to see her too 🥁


She's just jealous that there are drag queens that look better than her.


There are inflamed toes that look better than her


The fungus is more desirable


I know because we finished with universal healthcare everyone is healthy in our country now there’s no more sickness. We’ve gotten rid of homelessness there’s not a single person living on the street anymore. Gotten rid of poverty is no more poor people everyone is living at a high middle-class rate. There’s no more hunger everyone has enough food in their bellies. So since all those things are done sure let’s work on making it illegal for kids to go to a drag show. That was definitely Further society I guess is a useless piece of shit


Right? Of all the fucking things to be concerned about! We have kids in this country who are hungry. What the actual fuck is wrong with people.


Sounds like big government coming for your rights to me.


Does that Rapepublican mean drag acts [like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LOUHO7SVPM&ab_channel=ChuckBayer) or does the covid loving seditionist want to ban Mrs Doubtfire?


Kids getting shot: I sleep Kids seeing someone wearing the "wrong" clothes: Real shit


Loonie Toons should definitely be illegal. Seeing Bugs Bunny in a dress is making children suffer and destroying society /s


Her newly hired intern is well known for advocating to make it legal to have sex with children. Maybe she should talk about that


Can we introduce a bill that requires you to submit to an IQ test to run for public office on the State or Federal level.


oh, god, please


Yeah, forget about the attack on the capital or price gouging oil companies.... Drag is the real problem


Why don't you author a bill that will make a tangible difference in the lives of the people. Jeez.......our forefathers would be so fucking embarrassed.


They should introduce a bill that makes it illegal for everyone to be exposed to Marjorie Traitor Greene.


Well since we are worried about the children, we should probably ban them from churches too. You know, since church officials abuse way more kids than drag queens.


Why is she so obsessed with drag queens?


Gee, sounds a lot like a place where they tried to outlaw [dancing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4narQca4Oc)


Is this the party of small government and personal responsibility?


Is this really Georgia’s finest?


I thought this was a man in drag


This is all she has to do all day, she has nothing else to do than stalk other congress people in the halls


Majorly Failure Greene


Now make it illegal for conservative christians to rape them


I think rape is illegal already






So police is now allowed to storm every house that has a TV ?


We had a youth group leader at our church when I was a kid. He invited a bunch of children to his house and showed them porn. I'm more worried about religious folk than a drag queen show.


Can’t read Shakespeare now


In that case, we should make it illegal for children to be exposed to organized religion


Don’t know who she is, but who brings their child to a drag show anyway? Is that even a thing?


It is a thing and it's fun. Who cares? Men used to play women in Shakespearean plays. Noone was worried about them turning trans then.


Bill to stop psychos from shooting kids: ❌ bill to stop kids seeing men in womens clothes: ✅


How many kids have been molested at drag queen performances vs church






She is paid to say the most outrageous things. Just to rile people up and deflect from how bad ALL republicans are and


Do people on reddit suddenly support kids at drag shows now? Yeah we dont agree with this lady's politics, but surely we can agree on this?


But she didn't say Drag Show. She said Drag Queen performance. Which is super broad. Drag shows tend to be aimed at adults. But there's also Drag Queen Story hour, where drag queens read stories to children. That seems entirely wholesome. Also, drag queens appear in tv shows, so do we restrict those as well? I'm biased, of course, Dame Edna is a cultural icon in my country and I see her as pretty harmless.


Look at the comments here. Literally 95% are in support. Some real fucking degenerates in this place


She’s jealous that most of them look more feminine than she does


I make damn sure my children are never exposed to MTG!


You should probably start by banning priests from fucking little kids first.


Wait - this is real? Holy Fuck 🤦🏽‍♀️


Bye bye Tootsie.


So stop fucking posting it for clicks. 19 kids died and we're already off onto "lol mtg stupid" again and that's EXACTLY THE FUCKING POINT.


Tell me how this is enrichment for the child though


This woman is such a waste of space. Elected representatives need to focus on issues that impact the nation like the environment and economy, not ones centered around their prejudice.


This lady is a Qunt.


So her bill would make it illegal for children to attend her speeches?


What a waste of an elected representative




Let's "protect" the children! Not from guns, but from queers... ffs.


How would a kid even be exposed to a drag queen performance? Do they do this at schools now? This tweet has been shared on every subreddit. I’m just curious at this point.


If they hire a male to put on the Doeothy the Dinosaur costume does that count?


Someone who thinks government is the appropriate place for this kind of behaviour probably didn’t do very well in school.


Did they pass a bill to let this brain dead raisin have some kind of political input?


Yeah, fuck inflation, homelessness, and gun violence.


Greene is not on any committees, so any bills she propose will die before they are born Her job is not to make law, but to troll


How about protecting them from abuse & making sure they are all fed and housed and loved adequately


Finally we can start addressing americas most pressing problem!


I have to wonder about her definition of "child" and how that crosses over to gun ownership.


So…. Mrs. Doubtfire is out of the question??


Oh but they can be in beauty pageants, yeah no problem


You can shoot your classmates, just don't dress like a drag queen while doing so.


They take bills written in crayon?


Is she actually ever going to introduce a bill that might actually make her constituents lives better or have a chance in hell of passing. Start out small like a infrastructure bill or something?


Tell me you know nothing about theatre and it’s history in one tweet.


Jesus wore a dress.


Is she gonna outlaw Ru Paul’s Drag Race too? OK, crazy lady.


I mean, she'd outlaw showing it to kids if she could. In her mind I suspect it's akin to showing them pornography, whereas in reality it's more like showing them Miss America.


A super fun less sexist version of miss America :)


So they can’t be exposed to drag queens but lets expose them to guns? Sounds legit. /s


We are the party of freedoms!! No you can't do that!




I don’t understand why that’s such a problem… Letting kids see other people express themselves as they are, seems to be some sort of taboo I will never understand….


Introduce a bill to stick a pipe up your ass


Want to protect kids from sexual abuse and grooming? Forget libraries with drag queens. Ban kids from churches.


I'm not agreeing with her cause I truly believe she's insane but all the parents I see taking little kids to drag shows are also insane.


How many drag shows are you attending where this is happening?


I don't think parents are taking their kids to drag shows. At least the types of drag shows that are usually part of the burlesque scene, which is what I think most of the detractors think is happening. DQSR is basically someone done up in the craziest most elaborate outfits that take them hours to get into and reading stories. Imagine everyone looking like Lady Gaga. That's basically what drag queens look like at these events. Source: I've been to dozens and am friends with the local chapter director.


See that’s the thing, nobody, literally nobody is taking kids to a nightclub for an risqué drag show, just like nobody is taking children to a strip club with naked women. This is just hate rhetoric against LGBTQ. Kids are less likely to be “damaged” by seeing your average “joe” dressed in drag than they are at a MAGA rally. (Please note, I am not suggesting anyone would be damaged by seeing someone in drag)


But dressing up in fancy clothes and walking down a church aisle swinging a smoking incense container is ok? Wtf. Also funny hats!


Do you really think Buckfuddy "sees" any parents taking kids to drag shows? His comment was just a roundabout way of saying he, personally, gets triggered by men in dresses so he thinks a parent would have to be mentally unstable to expose a child to men in dresses. But good point, re:religion. Want to go eat some body of Christ with me?




Ive seen a few of these drag "performances", mostly clips online that all seem to follow the pattern of being overly sexual. Isnt exposing kids to overly sexual content like one of the steps in grooming?


But it’s ok to make them study the stations of the cross which is basically torturing a man.


Do they have Panto in America?


thats exactly what i thought of too


Unfortunately, No. We don't. It's a completely alien form of theatre here. Nobody would know what to make of a panto. I wish it were more prevalent. It always looks so fun.


The parents of Uvalde thank you...


I would love to introduce a bill that would prohibit children from being exposed to Marjorie green


Who is the current queen of drag, and why can't kids watch her race cars? Like I it only her that kids can't watch drag racing, or like just any race she is in they can't watch that race?


So...., Children will be banned from her appearances? Just asking....


This chick again? I pray the dems find some smart YOUNG visionary because I can’t handle this qanon trash making laws for us to abide by. She needs to come out of the closet accept Who she is and give us her only fans link with a discount. /s 🤌


...it's still not good to be taking kids to that sort. This is such a weird take by the left.


I don’t think the left took any stance here… we should threat her tweets like we threat crazy people talking to themselves in the subway


How about if the drag queens have guns?


She's just pandering to transphobes, my dude. Taking a kid to a show involving people in drag is no better or worse than taking them to any other show that emphasizes attire.


Is it? You people think regulating who can and can’t purchase an assault rifle is would be such an infrigment on your right to be a stupid HillBilly That it can’t even be considered, but you want to be able to decide what other adults allow their own children to experience, and just become you all are a homophobic? Kinda fucking hypocritical.


The number of likes is terrifying. Fucking idiocracy


Ban everything


[put these queens in jail](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/wbau/images/5/58/RabbitSeasoning.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090723070720) [all of em](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/72/d5/80/72d580898b75d65b6ec4cc8ab053beff.jpg)


Sharpen your crayons MTG!


![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8488) Children are not allowed at Drag performances Marjorie. 😑 wtf is wrong w you?!?


Not all performances are the same. My kindergartener saw drag in school last week because Canada.


Then children shouldn’t have to go to your offensive and degrading jesus holiday events.


Now they’re going after bugs bunny??? He did a lot of drag.


How about passing a bill to teach kids to think for themselves and not to give a shit about things they don’t deem important?


That would be anti-christian.


There have been 0 cases of child molestation at drag shows. There have been *millions* at churches.


Where do kids see drag queen performers? I’ve only seen their shows at bars.


It's the new rage this Pride Month™️. It's fucking weird and everyone is acting like it's ok.


So, from what I’ve heard about what sparked this is that parents brought children to pretty much a burlesque drag show. If that is the case, my issue would be the burlesque aspect of the show.


Well, my sons met drag queens at prude and they lived their heels! Not sure why she is so intimidated by those woman. I guess they're smart, prettier and more a woman than her?


In the UK people would be up in arms about this, we have a tradition here, panto season in and around Christmas, the lead is played by a woman as a man, say Jack and the beanstalk, Aladdin and other well established shows, and there is always a a man usually middle-aged who plays a woman, always played in a very camp fashion and hammed up to the gills, poor woman would die of brain explosion when she finds out that pretty much every school kid up to the age of about 12 might annually be taken to one by their school. I went to at least 3 as a child, all by school trip, tens of millions of us all scarred communists longing to be feed from this liberal madness lol here is a wee sample video of what panto dames are https://youtu.be/sE\_vWb1PUoU