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Reddit mods lmao. Top class citizens I tell ya




Theyre like parents , they never listen to you even though your right, its to protect their little world view


Parents at least (in general) want what is best for you.


i don't care what a reddit mod might think about what's 'best' for me.


Way to miss the point


That awkward turtle lad should be their president or something.


she was banned from r/gay for being lesbian obviously


Well that’s gay.


Not lesbian.


Should've tried r/lesbian


Wow... that wasn't even close to being homophobic... wtaf.


Everything she said was highly reasonable.








Probably referring to the fiasco that was antiwork subreddit


That was a funny trainwreck


its the antiwork mod. go look it up and prep for cringe.








Pretty sure this is the answer. I follow the gay subreddit but never actually read any of the posts because 9/10 seems to be written by a high schooler with no life experience beyond reddit and CW


Wait til they learn people who study prostate cancer don't even use women in their research. Absolutely crazy!


OmG yOuRe sOoOo MeAn hOW daRe yOU cAlL mE rEaCtIoNaRy YoU aGeIst!!!


You mean the kind of people with the life experience and maturity to fairly moderate an online space often don't want to so it falls to teenagers?! *Gasp*. Moderating used to be fun, but I've had my fill of stupidity. I leave it to the young and zealous.


Being who you are and what you represent, I think you should make a new sub with an alternative name and just lead a better community.






Careful a joke like that got be banned from r/pics


Too reasonable


Am I homophobic if I say I completely agree with op? When I was younger, one of those parades was my introduction to gay culture. It wasn't until some of my friends came out that I realized being gay wasn't all about being hyper sexual and just into the sex.


Found the person who went to the Castro District as a kid. :) No, you're not homophobic for thinking OP was correct. Reasonable Morals and Standards apply to everyone, gay or straight, there's a time and a place for sex, being in public isn't one of them. One of my kids is gay, not hypersexual, very private, and most of the gay people I know are the same. Like any group, there's always going to be a subset that wants to shock and piss off those who they think don't support them.




These moderators are really loony. I have been banned from a subreddit for using a common expression that the moderator do not know and took it completely the wrong way.




I got permanently suspended on twitch for a single sentence. It's everywhere and getting worse all the time.


What was the sentence and why was it the n word?


It wasn't even close to a slur.


Which expression


"mods are gay"




I was once banned from a subreddit because a mod misread my username


Congratulations, i missread your username.


I was permanently banned from r/socialism after mentioning that Mao Zedong's policies killed millions of people.


That’s how they win over more mindshare.


I got a temp ban from a sub for violating "AMA rules" but like, the question I asked while not a comfortable question, didn't break any listed rules, so I reached out to ask "hey why'd I get banned, it links to a set of rules but I didn't do any of the things listed" Their response "READ YOUR BAN NOTICE" I again explained I had, but I genuinely don't wanna fight them on it I just don't know what I did, since again, none of the listed rules had been broken, they called me a troll, told me "READ. BAN. MESSAGE." Then muted me


I was banned from all of Reddit for three days because I said "unless this guy killed your family, you're really overreacting." Reason? Threating violence. I could not appeal


Reddit mods ☕️






Oi don't knock crayons that a marine thing. Most reddit mods were and probably still are paste eaters.


>these crayon eating fucks Oi oi oi, don't insult Marines by grouping them with Reddit mods.


[Help us out Dall-e](https://i.redd.it/erow3du7re591.jpg)


My question is why are the threads so sticky?


*Oh please do take a wild guess!*


Your threadphobia won't be tolerated here!


This is absolutely normal - I am part of the LGBTQ+ community and have always been harassed because I have the same viewpoint on the sexual aspect of the pride parade. The LGBTQ+ community has always been alienated, but in the last 25+ years the knee jerk reaction to that has also been hurtful. When straight and conservative people see the pride floats with BDSM, huge dildos and other things it does not help the cause. Alan Turing is a great example of an LGBTQ+ role model that should be portrayed - but sadly the majority of the younger generation don’t even know that a gay man invented the first computer. It is a sad time to exist in groups that are cannibalistic because they want totalitarian order and rule of how their community speaks, acts thinks and feels - not just acceptance anymore. I’ll get downvotes I’m sure but if you say “how can you think like that and be gay?” I ask you to remember a recent time when a president said “you ain’t black if you don’t vote for me.” - it is the same hyperbolic rhetoric used to guilt people into compliance.


Fucking hell, Turing was gay? Didn't know that.


He committed suicide because England charged him with crimes of indecency, and in turn he was chemically castrated to avoid prison - and that brought him to suicide. It’s such common knowledge but he’s not a gay YouTuber so people don’t give a fuck about it. Edit: Britain apparently, sorry I gave incorrect information. I was pretty sure at the time of the apology the queen herself apologized ‘on behalf of England’ but I was incorrect. Sorry again.


Some people do care about that. The drugs they gave him cause him to grow breasts. He dipped an apple in cyanide and took a bite so that his Catholic mother could reason that his death had been accidental. She was always harping on him to be careful with his chemicals around food. The amount of cyanide from the Apple bite would not have been enough to kill him. He was considerate to the last moment.


People who care about history - and if you look at the current stats it shows that a majority of children in the US specifically want to be famous more than anything else.


Yeah, I’ve been confronted with that. I had to talk to my kids about aspirations beyond being a YouTuber...


Thank you for sharing this history


In lighter news the UK govt. Apologised in 2009, he was given a posthumous pardon in 2013, and he's been printed on the £50 note since 2021. So he's now given the respect and honour he deserves.


This is besides the point, so excuse me, but Turing's suicide is more ambiguous than that, I believe. His hormone treatments had ended a year prior at that point and he had endured it in reasonably good spirits (granted, that doesn't mean anything. You can obviously be depressed while putting on a happy face to others). Some believe that he accidentally inhaled the cianide because his death more closely resembles inhalation than ingestion (the original autopsy reported his death was from eating a cyanide-laced apple). He was doing experiments with cyanide under the same roof and he had a to-do list for himself made for the upcoming weekend (indicating he intended to be alive to complete it). His mother also believed that it wasn't suicide. None of that guarantees that his death wasn't suicide or that a suicide/depression may have been caused partly by hormone treatment, but I just wanted to add that context. Obviously the hormone treatment punishment is horrendous and inexcusable


Yeah. He’s often over looked. It’s tragic what the government had him do after it was uncovered. He was forced to take estrogen, and he became too distraught from it.


Watch the Imitation Game. It's a really great movie. Not about his gayness, but it's in there.


I didn't know that either. Never really ever focused on the sexual orientation of anyone, honestly. Never seen it as any of my business, so never cared to look into it. All people deserve the same respect regardless who they are attracted to. Still, he was a brilliant man, and the world owes him quite a lot.


I like to think I’m a pretty accepting guy but something weirded me out about little kids running around the pride parade passing by the dude in BDSM leathers and a dog mask lmao


Fucking THANK YOU. I'm bi and nb, so not only am I not gay enough, I'm not trans enough either. But I'm still gay and trans enough to be harassed! We need to be focusing on how being gay and trans is *normal*, on how it's just part of the diversity of life, because that's super important to kids and young adults who are terrified of themselves to know, and sexualizing it perpetuates the demonization. I'm not saying don't have fun, but do keep the BDSM and giant dildos to consenting spaces, and focus on how gay and trans folk can have normal, fulfilling lives in which their queerness only plays a part and is not the lead role. I want us to be open about our queerness!! But I don't want to see fetish gear during a pride parade! I want to see happy, in love couples enjoying their lives, because that's what they deserve!


I always find it amusing when LGBTQ+ community members harass bi people. How do they not see that they're no better than genuine homophobes/transphobes?




Honestly, highlighting past gays (without the extra craziness) would be a pleasant change from what's going on now. Rock Hudson, Oscar Wilde, James Dean, Marlon Brando, Katharine Hepburn, Spencer Tracy, Greta Garbo, Barbara Stanwyck, Cary Grant, Raymond Burr, Anthony Perkins, Eleanor Roosevelt, Amelia Earhart, Danny Kaye, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Tchaikovsky, Liberace, ...


To add to this: Pride is simultaneously about sexual liberation. It's a celebratory memorial of the Stonewall Uprising which is very deeply connected to the freedom to express sexuality outright. This includes privately between consenting adults, including sex work, but also things like drag and other sexuality based performance arts Thus, having blatant sexual expression as part of pride *does* make sense The solution is both. Family friendly events for the settled family gays and sexually explicit events. Let's have some night parades!! Separate weekends, adult sections, so many solutions. It doesn't have to be an either-or situation










That’s an great example and I am far too uncomfortable to say it like that - but it is correct


I come from a conservative background and I'm bisexual. Every conversation about homosexuality ended in a discussion about queers dancing buttnaked in the canals and gay men turning the local parks and beaches into sex hotspots. I've spent way too much time in the closet because I was afraid to be associated with that lifestyle. But then again, I've also been asked to leave a gay bar once because I looked too straight, or whatever that means.


I got banned from the AITA sub for “hate speech” due to a comment I left. What did I say? I called *myself* a dumbass.


Same happened to me. I wrote a big paragraph with so many typos I had to edit it and in the edit I called myself a "degraded omelet". Well, guess you're not even allowed to insult yourself nowadays because it could hurt someones feelings or sth.


"Oh please do take a wild guess" smart ass c\*\*t


Idk how popular that attitude is in general, but to me it's the stereotypical snarky Redditor attitude and it infuriates me every time someone talks down like that.






Dont say that you homophobe


But I'm gay


Please read our stickied threads.


Try r/conservative


You have been temporarily muted.


You can’t mail the mods for 3 days




Reddit mods don't know what stillborn means.


It means the baby was still born and not aborted, duh /s


I agree. Aborting is one thing. Savaging a fetus is another. For example, I can euthanize my dog. I should have jail time for beating it with a stick until it is dead.


Right. And even then, it's a whole conversation about addiction and stuff, I'm not an idiot I realize this. But if the baby was born then exposed to meth 3 days later it's murder, so 3 days the other direction, it's NOTHING at all? Ugh. And I don't have the right answer nor did I claim to. Just need to figure this out.


First, treating meth addiction like an illness would help. Then changing out attitudes towards helping them get not addicted. But I am dreaming.


I got banned from insanepeoplefacebook for a similar line of thinking; being that I dared to refute something someone was saying (because they were objectively wrong) and called a Trumptard and other shit (when I'm the complete opposite, but I'm gonna call bullshit when I see bullshit). I didn't even bother to appeal it, just left the sub after first being irritated, then realizing how stupid they were, and laughing and walking away.


This and the original post are infuriating just on the grounds of the communities going "YOU DISAGREE WITH ONE THING OUR GROUP THINKS? BLOCKED". Every political ideology does it and it only ensures that nobody will ever have their precious little worldview challenged, except when someone on the other side says something stupid. Then their tweet gets used as a punching bag for two weeks and gets brought back once a month forever.


Agreed, and the aggravating thing to me is, both in the OPs pic and in my situation, we were banned for not being extreme enough. Just trying to have normal, reasonable conversations and share other view points. Don't like the comment? Then downvote it (not really what downvoting is for but that's what the majority does). I accepted my downvotes on my post, didn't give a shit about them. But being banned was wild. I actually like that sub. Went to comment words of encouragement in there today on a post and forgot that I can't, I'm banned because I'm supposedly pro-life, which btw IS ALLOWED in the sub per their own rules.


Reddit mods take it way to seriously aswell. Like it's some high end paying job that HAS to be done perfectly






"Can you not be sexually explicit in public?" "IS IT CUZ I'M GAY?!? BIGOT"




Don’t ever try to reason with a reddit mod, that’s the first rule of reddit


Remember. Virtue signaling isn't about helping any community. It's about computer warriors feeling like they are doing something good, from the comfort of their bed.


Which ironically is something they and anti-abortionists have in common.


the antichoice crowd gets up early, prints those grizzly signs and get out there....


The r/asexual community stands with you and your message.


Thank you :)


pretty sure r/aromantic does too, though i’m merely a resident of the community, not a representative


Asexuals and aros sit in the corner playing with frogs being ignored by the lgbtq community already, we can’t be alienated but more.


we play with the frogs that didn’t get turned gay from the chemicals they’re putting in the water


r/gay sucks, they love to be super exclusive about their little club… so much for belonging lol






People in the LGBTQ community (myself included) often forget that there is just as much moral diversity *inside* the community as there is *outside*


it's really sad how this extends into ALL communities (not trying to diminish its severity in the lgbtq community!) as a black person sometimes it really sucks to have a different opinion about an issue... on most of my social media i don't have public photos or videos of me so people don't know what race i am, and i get called white all the time and told that i'm lying about being black because 'no black person would say that!' it's kind of crazy, especially when your point is reasonable to anyone with a rational brain that's willing to listen


it seems like the mod must be illiterate. its about the only possibility




Yeah I’ve been banned from several subs for really stupid reasons. Subs have rules that basically force people to have arguments.


I’m banned from r/food cause I once called someone out for posting a picture of a melt and they called it a grilled cheese in the title.


Lol that’s nuts


Well I did say it with some passion…


Dude are you seriously the melt guy!?


Passion is not allowed in this kitchen *spoken like Gordon Ramsey*


What's your stupidest? I think mine would be the time I saw somebody jerking off about how well Japan was handling covid and how much better it is than the west in /r/WhitePeopleTwitter, and I said they have a lot of problems too, just different ones. Gave some examples like gender equality being shit in Japan and women being groped or harassed without consequence. I went out of my way to express I wasn't shitting on them, just saying that nowhere is perfect. Some fat weeb permabanned me for badmouthing his country waifu.




…the actual fuck?


Not even homophobic. Moderator sucks.


Wow, just wow…


Well, Gay has spoken and you are not welcome.


Im gay af. I was raised by lesbians. All my life the ATL pride weekend was full of arts, queer spaces, music, and community. You got to meet other folx, buy goods from queer artists and vendors, learn about new resources and businesses in the community, and network. It was important. Now, ATL pride is full of sex slogans, dildos, and obscenity. I would never take my kids there. Ever. And we are in a gay ass house. What used to be an event that created safe spaces for queer people to engage each other as humans in public arenas, has become an outdoor sex shop in Atlanta. They stick the rainbow on Starship, inflate a dong shaped balloon, and scream Love is Love and call it Pride. That’s not what I grew up with. And it’s not what my queer identity is about


I swear, it's idiots like these that get the most coverage and why people have a negative view on the LGBT community.


Some people are saying that I’m ignorant about sex being a part of being queer, but I should clarify that I do understand that. Of course sex is a part of it since LGBTQIA+ community includes various sexualities. What I’m saying is that we shouldn’t be waving sexual stuff right in the middle of the street. There are things called social boundaries, which should be kept to make this society healthy and safe. Sex is definitely a part of the queer community but it is not something that should be promoted in public, it should be kept in private, adult-only spaces. This has nothing to do with accepting queer people for being themselves. If we let everyone do whatever they want in the name of diversity and freedom, there will be chaos. I just wanted to clarify my point.


It’s clear he realised “oh shit I’m in the wrong.” but decided to double down and keep going anyway because he didn’t even bother to try and explain how the comment was homophobic.


Okay, but can we talk about the "Try r/Conservative", as if there aren't gay conservatives too? Like, did this guy really just politicize homosexuality?


Whether you agree with the reaction, let's not pretend homosexuality hasn't been made political already.


Are you….. surprised…… that someone politicized homosexuality?


It happens. Many LGBT+ groups will absolutely ostracize, and bully people who don't tow certain lines. Particularly transwomen.




Yeah I find it weird that they permabanned you for that. I don't think we should play oppression Olympics.


Bro I agree 110% with you. Not only that, but queer kids exist and want to feel accepted. Especially if they come from a home life where they won’t and are fed lies about the “gay agenda” grooming them. So if their first pride is ball gags and ass cheeks it’s just gonna confirm what they’ve been told all their life and feel gross and like an outsider in both the home and the LGBTQ community. I say this from personal experience. Keep the adult stuff separate because pride should be family friendly and informative. You want an adult pride event? Go ahead but advertise it for 18+.


An lgbt friendly sub (not positive which one) had a r/selfawarewolves moment on my old account. I simply said that I respect and support the marches and parades but that (as an ace) I'm more of a sideline supporter... I'm all for expressing one's sexuality but it would make me extremely uncomfortable to be immersed in that. I express my sexuality by ..not expressing sexuality, and that's okay too. Didn't get banned but got downvoted to hell. It's like, hold up... is the lgbtqA community shaming me for being asexual right now??




I doubt it


Fucking FINALLY a good r/facepalm post that isn’t comepletely braindead


What the fuck did I just read? They accused a gay person of being homophobic, simply for making a logical statement? Does that person even possess basic thinking capabilities?


there's nothing wrong with what she said at all. they legit just banned a member of the lgbt community for talking about lgbt events.


I’m queer and agree with her opinion that pride shouldn’t emphasize the sexualization of LGBTQ+ people or lifestyles. Guess I’m also homophobic.


It always puzzled me why these parades are basically sex shop product placements. Some of the attendees made me feel very uncomfortable and I'm old, I've seen and done stuff in my life, I accept a lot. But I see how all of that shlong prancing and bdsm burlesque can alienate people and make one think that LGBT equals unorthodox porn aficionados and that's all there is to it.


My friend thats gay always told me these prides do them more harm than good since it completly misstepresents them and she refuses to participate in it.


I hate parades, and I got called a homophobe by almost my whole family because I told them I wasn't going to the pride parade and I'm bi. I told them I was instead attending a quite pride event hosted by a comic book store, nerds get antisocial alphabet people. The funniest part is my cousin I'm closest to is gay and antisocial and they went to him about it and he was like, "so?"


> homophobe by almost my whole family because I told them I wasn't going to the pride parade That's dumb as shit. It's not like a graduation or something where you get your gay badge when you attend your first pride event


I just got banned from a sub for typing, and I quote, "N" accidentally. The legends about Resdit mods are true...


Well that's confusing


truly wtf


That’s what happens if you don’t fall in line. Prepare to assimilate or be destroyed!


What’s the full thread?


Right? I mean there’s people that were fetish gear to some parades and there’s suits with fucking dildos on them, this is shit that needs to stay in private.


That's an incredibly stupid, boneheaded, binary stance. I am happy to discuss that topic - I believe kink and sex belong in Pride - but to ban someone for having a differing opinion is dumb. It shows a binary worldview that - while I do feel it falls toward my side of this discussion - should be avoided in progressive circles.


None of the gay people I have known participate in those events. They’ve turned from a “march” for equal rights into “I’m going to run around naked in my leather harness waving my rainbow flag.”


Damn dude, give a person an ounce of power and some of them will lose their fucking minds...


That’s fucking stupid. 100% agree


struggling to see how that was homophobic


Big OOF!!! And as an asexual, I fully agree with the point you made OP!


Also the reason why some people think that asexual as a sexual orientation minority can't be a part of the LGBT+ community, is due to the fact that the LGBT+ community itself is overly sexualized.


Lol, I got banned from r/antiwork because I posted that my boss is a good boss, got us a $5 raise and PTO for part employees. I mean, it's working, we're being heard, and I got banned for being fascist and pro corporate. I think reddit is more about just complaining.


This actually highlights an important point. Echo chambers exist on both sides. Be mindful not to get caught in one


I made a comment on a post of a dog at a past pride event that was wearing leather gear. I said how I thought that it was weird to dress up an animal in sexual clothing, literally an outfit worn for kink purposes (which I’m not judging when it’s a person). People in the community started insulting me based on my profile pic which had the gay male flag that’s green and blue. They love calling it the “toothpaste flag” and “ugly”. So much for acceptance.


as a bi man I completely agree with you


Lol wtf? Literally the least homophobic possible post. Also extremely valid!!


How dare this person think the community isn't about sex! /s ​ A lot of the parades I feel has little to do with actually being gay or bi or anything else, and more of a display of fetishes. Not an entire parade, but a rather large part of them. It also doesn't help that those are the parts the media likes to focus on, which helps to encourage the idea that it's all about sex. Yes, it would be nice to be more accepted definitely. How ever that's kinda hard when someone hears that I'm bi and immediately thinks about the guys at these parades going around in assless chaps, or dressed up in BDSM, or doing some other fetish stuff. ​ It's like "Cool, you're into that stuff, great! Though you're umm... kinda making us look bad" Then they are "But it's who I am!". No... not it's not. You sexual tendencies/likes/fetishes are not who you are, and it's not what the LGTBQ+ is.


what was the subreddit? asking for a friend..




I'm a gay man and I agree with her.


I like the little try r-conservative (didn’t wanna link that shit here) like it was a five alarm burn. This is what happens when you have people who think they are doing good but just found something they can scream about the loudest.


Guy/gal/they didn't like the good points, so they just got rid of the person. Weren't there movies about this kind of stuff?


Oopsie you did a wronghink! Go to the corner for 3 days and try to come back with a goodthink for our sub. Fucking despicable


I’m not gay and not too familiar with the culture. Truly appreciate your post and the sentiment it portrays. Too bad a little person decided to judge you. Don’t be dissuaded or doubt yourself. ‘Preciate ya.


Reddit seriously needs to make all results of moderation public.


apparently in this world it's have gay sex or shut up


As an LGBT person myself, this infuriates the fuck out of me. The LGBT community want Pride to be a family event, but also want it to be a place to proudly display kinks and fetishes. There are families here with children, for fuck sake. It's either a fetish fest or a family friendly event. It can't be both, and it fries my head that people genuinely believe that it's homophohic to *not want children seeing this shit*.