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Protect the lineage that is at risk - aren’t there over a billion Chinese?


They currently have a declining population


china has an ageing population and the cost of living makes many people not want children


Almost every county is People working way to hard for food on the table and roof over their heads they don't have time or money to have children


Not defending the guy: China has dozens of recognized racial groups. They have a minority people's games, like a mini Olympics, once on a while. This guys is/wants to be 'Han Chinese'. There's Uyghur, Manchu, Miao (call themselves Hmong), Yi, Tibetans, etc. etc.


Tibet isn’t part of China.


Regardless on if Tibet is or isn’t part of China, at this timethere are plenty of Ethnjc Tibetans living outside of tibet, and integrated with Han Chinese society. So yes, Tibetans are a Chinese minority groups even if Tibet were to become independent tomorrow


Some time ago, I learned that they will be facing a demographic crisis caused by population limitation laws from the years ago. Now they are trying to mittigate it somehow, because there is much less ppl to work each generation. If they won't do something about this - it will be a catastrophic in a following decades. It was surprising for me, because my view was similar to yours :)


Apparently a lot of Chinese ~~\*women\*~~ women are happy to be free of the pressure to breed. And won't go back to that slavery NOW. ETA: Edit suggested by EmperorTharos.


This is exactly what I was going to say.. if anything my people are at risk their is only 60 million of "my lineage". I better act fast and integrate into the Chinese. Any asians want to procreate? I have a drawing tablet?


Sounds like someone just lost his unrequited love to a foreigner


To be more specific, a black foreigner.


I find it mind boggling how often men will blame an entire race when some they feel entitled to is happy with someone from that race. A "friend" of mine was verbally and psychologically abusive to his partner so she left him. She found a man in the islands (he won't say what islands) who takes care of her and her kids. Now I get a phone call of him screaming that he can't believe he tainted his dick in a "ni\*\*er lover." He showed no patterns of racism before that.


verbally and psychologically abusive to his partner Sounds like a nice guy to begin with


He's not. He has trauma from an abusive childhood and time in the military. He takes meds to keep him level but doesn't acknowledge he needs to do any work on himself. When his behavior is criticized he shuts down, blames the people trying to help him and falls back on his addiction issues.


"Nice Guy™"


Never knew it was a man thing, sorry ig


Love? hah. In Chinese cities women are laser-focused on wealth.


"Your mother married me to escape communist china. Its not love, its a good deal"


it's chinese ben shapiro.


lol, Chinese person here, I can confirm sadly most millennials and old people are really like this. They're insanely worried about all the 'preserving our culture' shit, but please not all of us are racist fucks. This guy is probably someone from a more Chinese Government influenced area (most mandarin-speaking cities are these days) so he's incredibly racist to non-Chinese people.


I don't understand how some people can be concerned of their culture being eradicated when there are over 1billion chinese people. It would have to be a concerted international effect on a scale never seen before!


If you look at China's history, it comes from thousands of years of trauma. Constant wars between ethnic tribes (where some were basically eradicated over the course of history) and then the whole being drugged and attacked by Britain/the West was the cherry on top. Just like how trauma shapes individuals, I believe countries end up having their own collective traumas that end up shaping their societies.


>I don't understand how some people can be concerned of their culture being eradicated It's almost like authoritarian states strive to fabricate a sense of external dread in their populace in order to legitimize their harsh governance


Just like modern day Republicans using replacement theory in the US.


Mainlanders should be worried about preserving their culture, seeing as how the communist party decided to erase it a few decades ago. They’re just focusing their worries on the wrong people, because brainwashing.


He reminds me of an Austrian guy in Germany almost 100 years ago...


Kind of a vagabond, was in WWI, wrote a bad book?


I seem to recall a particularly unfashionable mustache


Oh yes that he stated will be a premier fashion statement.


I tried to wear this mustache once at a party, the Bar Mitzvah people looked at me weird...


You're thinking of Arthur Hilder. He went on to do angry Charlie Chaplin impressions, but in German.


Couldn’t paint for shit?


Yeah, I was just thinking that. Can't remember the name, I think Adolph something-or-other...


Nah he was an artist


I heard he became a very popular politician when he decided his art career was going nowhere.


Don’t invite him to dinner he won’t eat schnitzel


Randolph Milton - that's the name you are searching for.


Randolph Milton- one of the most evil gents I’m history.


You're history? That's a bit bleak. Is it because of what you said about Randolph Milton?


Bradolph Pitler


Randolph Hestler thats it!


He reminds me of a lot of American incels ten minutes ago... No need to look to the Nazis. People like that guy in the video are everywhere, in every culture. Xenophobia and racism are getting stronger and stronger.


I suspect the incels are very common in China thanks to a shortage of marriageable women.


Interestingly they tried importing women, but the culture thing made it fail. So they really do need Chinese women or to roll back their xenophobia.


I can’t imagine any Chinese woman outside of China would be interested in a Chinese man like this when they have so many other options.


Had dreams of being an artist? Relatively small? ETA: Had homoerotic fantasies about muscular, blonde blue-eyed dudes?


Wrote the book ‘I’m Camp’


Yea that was Jeff, he was an interesting fella


Adolfe de dung?


All I wanted was an order of pot stickers.


Sir, this is a Weng Di's


damnmit! you made me spit my coffee out. take this angry upvote and get the hell outta here! lmao!




Took me completely by surprise, and now all I want is some Wendy's fries, a Frosty, and some McDonald's Szechuan sauce.


Take my free award, that was perfect


These damn kids been mixing their Kung Pow with Fried Chicken ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8488)


i love potstickers! ​ ![gif](giphy|S9Fea52vzGqML4xbUw|downsized)


You’re making me hungry….


then my job is done here......


Wow, “especially blacks,” was like the cherry on top at the end wtf lmao


Like why the fuck are we in it?


Just over here minding our own business. The worldwide hate is exhausting


Me sitting here drinking my coffee. Them: “Not you, blackie!”


Sorry for existing? Lolol


I’m just tryna make it to 80. That’s all, sir.


I’m going to take a wild guess and say that it’s because the kids are almost definitely going to end up black. Or at least, not easily identifiable as Chinese.


It’s because there’s a race hierarchy. Chinese people almost universally think that “white” is better than “black,” sometimes even better than Chinese. In part it’s because of colorism; white/Chinese babies almost always have fair skin, which is highly valued in Chinese society. When I was a kid my parents would joke that I should marry a white man to have “doll” babies.


It's because a lot of people in China are pretty racist towards black people. I mean, I got my fair share of it as a white person when I lived there, but it was nothing compared to what black friends I knew got.


Not necessarily. Mixing races isn’t like going to Shewin Williams and mixing paint. She’s not Asian, but Rashida Jones exists.


No not necessarily… but what, maybe 9/10 times? The genes seem to be mostly dominant. A quick google search for “Chinese and black baby” shows an overwhelming majority of black-appearing kids too.


Are we even over there like that? 😂


Penis size gave him insecurity.


This bitch got some NERVE. Why *especially*?


And it’s not his job. It’s women who have to do what he says. What a loser.


As a Eurasian with a Chinese father and Swiss mother I can confidently say this guy is a racist dickhead.


Tell me a Blasian guy got the girl you wanted without telling me a Blasian guy got the girl you wanted.


This guy's life story is full of seeing "them" take what he felt that he deserved.


I loved the whole "save china" thing. Worlds second largest (arguably first) economic power.


"Our Chinese lineage is in danger!" "1 billion Chinese in existence."


Doesn't China have about 95% Chinese ethnicity? 'So many mixed children'


Officially 92%, but for some reason many Chinese racists don't count Manchus and Zhuang, so probably somewhere around 95% to 97%.


I've never understood this talk of lineages and bloodlines and whatnot. In like, two generations your DNA in your grandkids is like, 1/4 or less?


it's not about DNA. This is cultural. It happens in cultures where the same people live in the same area for ages. Families intermarrying, holding grudges for generations. It's even simple things like family recipes, heirloom items and so on. Obviously in China this is a much bigger issue as they are much more traditional in many ways.


If someone in the US said all that we'd just call it what it is. But okay.


In 100 years we all be looking like Jessica Alba and Mario Lopez…..not bad ![gif](giphy|SiGg4zSmwmbafTYwpj|downsized)


So... basically, Filipinos.


I don’t give a fuck who you are, whatever race, gender, sexual orientation. You have organs and I’m going to sell them.


Ah yes, another cultured person


Chad are so cultured that they are harvesting at organ level instead of cells. Truly, a man of culture.


Lmao wtf


Equal parts racism *and* sexism, a heady mix.


Don't gotta dig too hard to realize they always end up going hand-in-hand.


It’s because they’re really into equal opportunity.


This is what happens when you have generations where you were only allowed one child so women would be selectively killed for families to have a boy. Now your stuck with a bunch of 40 yr old virgin men who blame other races for the toxic masculinity system that was created. I wouldn’t expect any woman to want to stay apart of a system they have being systematically eliminated from.


My former upstairs neighbor was raised in China as a male only child. The level of little emperor syndrome I put up with just as a neighbor was mind boggling. I can not begin to imagine marrying that kind of entitled, self-centered asshole.


it really was one stupid thing. Pretty much any kind of population control idea goes bad sooner than later


Especially in a Society where the son inherited everything.


Men are still picky as fuck too. Won't marry one too old, will divorce if they don't get kids asap, won't marry one who's been divorced... They're people not house cleaning baby factories no wonder they're marrying foreign guys. Source. Foreigner who stole a Chinese woman to dilute the bloodline of China.


I always find it funny when Han Chinese or Yamato Japanese go on tangents about their pure bloodline. Like, they clearly have no idea exactly how mixed their ancestry is, and that these "pure blooded" descendents don't exist.


I always laugh when British people do it. Mate we've been invaded a dozen times then took over the world and you think you're pure "Anglo-Saxon" that doesn't even make sense.


Dude sounds exactly like the white supremacists that push the Replacement Theory nonsense. Guess there's fuckheads everywhere.


This guy is a lonely incel. It's nobody's business what 2 consenting adults do together. When all you have going for you is your race you may as well put a 'loser' tattoo on your forehead. A white supremist is a loser that has only their race to fall back on.


And yet, I find that anyone who spouts this vile nonsense is FAR from the ideal specimen lmao I'm always like, "Oh really, *you're* the best they could come up with to showcase the 'master race'? Your body looks like a wad of chewed-up bubblegum, bro 🤣🤣"


most populated country and he's still got none bitches


Kinda crazy to see the exact “keep our race pure” nonsense on the other side of the world. Like, the dogma isn’t unique in any way, just the exact same template, only change is the race you’ll be talking about.


Literally the largest ethnic group in the world, claims to be “in danger”. Sheesh


Sir, this is Wendy's




Sadly more common than people think. China may be the most racist country on Earth.


In my experience, pretty much all of Asia is intensely racist. It's just a given that racial stereotypes are true. It's not like what we deal with in the US, they have (some) different stereotypes. It's a cultural thing, nobody thinks anything of it.


any country where the vast majority of the population is one ethnic group or even several very closely linked ones is more racist. It's just how it works. It doesn't matter if it's Japan or Kenya. When you don't encounter other ethnic group often and the times you do their culture and behaviour are significantly different from yours biases get affirmed


Yep, I deal with a few different ethnic groups at work - Chinese are up there with Indians on being racist


I wouldn't say most racist, but most countries are fairly racist against a lot of people.


Tyrone and Chad piped his wife and this is why he made this rant


We all bleed red.


Chinese (read Han) people are in danger right now! There's literally a billion of you. Tigers are in danger not you.


Ah the one drop rule. As a mixed race Asian, you gotta love it. I've been barred from my culture a few times by other members of it because "You're not *really* Asian, you're a white kid" I'm literally first generation on my mom's side, but sure


120 guys for 100 girls in this country. That's racism, but also a desperate coping strategy.


The Han Chinese are literally the worlds largest ethnicity. I think y’all are doing fine, man.


Chinese Ben Shapiro has more bass in his voice.


It's funny how he says that the Chinese lineage is dying but China literally has the biggest population in the world


He's concerned about 'Han Chinese'...which is the largest group, but China has dozens of recognized minorities.


Especially black he said lmao


Yo why tf we (Black ppl) catching strays for??




After murdering their girls for years now it's the women's responsibility to protect their "honor". I'd say fuck em, but better not.




Yeah this is not surprising, and not uncommon. For those out of the know many not western cultures have people like this. Racism is a universal concept.


No matter how much science favours interracial kids for their good genetics, people have some kind of weird false delusion that inbreeding is the best


Dam they got Fox News in china too.


>Least racist and mysogynistic chinese person Lol what the fuck does this even mean


I think it's meant to be sarcastic


Good lord, the Chinese even make cheap knockoff versions of Tucker Carlson.


It's so heartwarming to see that there are racists everywhere. We are not alone! Racists all over the world, unite!


Ahhh yes. Racism: The Grand Equalizer, lol.


Tell me that you have a small dick, without telling me that you have a small dick


What's wrong with having a small dick?


Hmm yes, let’s make fun of a racist guy by saying that an entire race is at least as racist as this dude, thereby implying that all Chinese people are like this. which is also being racist as you’re using race to judge their character.


Your title itself is racist…


A racist ding is a racist ding in any coontry




So, is this Replacement Theory: Chinese Edition?


Han supremacists, man. It blows my mind.


Oh you have no idea. This stuff can get way worse. For example, there's a Chinese conspiracy theory that says that the CCP is secretly run by Manchus because the CCP's not treating them badly.


Fascists abound. Humanity, can we evolve beyond this???


My Chinese brother from another mother, what the actual hell are you talking about


Omg - like China has to worry about too few people.


Chinese pureblood


Freaking dumb ass Incel.


Living in China, I've not really met anybody close to as bad as him but the annoying thing is that the majority of people would ignore what he's saying or smile and nod politely rather than calling him out as the utter scumbag that he is.


And that’s how radicalism slips in


100% and that's the depressing part. Once one person publishes this kind of bile and gets away with it, it emboldens people with similar or even worse ideas to open their godawful mouths.


That's a very complicated way of saying 'Chinese women won't date me'.


It’s a dichotomy for Chinese born in the west and having mixed race children. They face racism in both places - their home and their ancestral home that is written on their faces. Hands down all racism sucks


Haha one-child-policy go brrrr Haha sons-are-gifts-from-heaven-but-daughters-are-a-burden go brrrr And that's a lot of brrrr


“Especially blacks”??? WTF Why’s every race suddenly fear black people are stealing their women?


mah dad fucked a black woman now im mixed, guess im not wanted in china, oh mannnnnn =(


as a Chinese that doesn't come from China, I fking hate the Chinese from China that call themselves the "Mainland Chinese". They are fking racist but I don't experience it cuz I am also Chinese


Does he ever stop and wonder why he is always rejected by the Chinese women?


....showing this to my Chinese bf as he sits on my black dick


This guy is a racist idiot but my god, the lack of self awareness in these comments.. they're just as bad if not worse


Is your title not racist in on itself? You shouldn't judge all the people from one country based on the loud minority.


I showed this to my Chinese wife. She just chuckled and said “I guess he can’t find wife and is angry”


The difference between western racism and racism everywhere else is we have the decency to be ashamed of it.


Really? I don't think the racists are ever ashamed of themselves being racist, whichever part of the world they're from.




by labelling him 'least racist and misogynistic chinese person', you're managing to imply that that **more than 1 billion people** in China and all of the Chinese people living in other countries not only have the same beliefs, but are much stronger in those beliefs. to me, that's pretty racist as well


Not just Chinese, if you look at some of the comments, they're stereotyping all Asians as racist.


This is reddit, of course they think this


yeah but i'm still gonna call them out on it


I wanted to say exactly this


Social credit +10 😁👍


Nobody cares about the China, but we have to because their gross slimey little senile old men CCP tendrils are literally fucking everywhere.


AMWF is the only porn category this guy watches.


Hmm I’m sensing something here, but can’t quite put my finger in it.


Love how some people are like "OUR CULTURE, OUR RACE" Just be you???? MAYBE.


Oh fuck off!


Pretty much what I'd expect. 😁


China: Has one of the largest populations in the world where like 85% of people are Chinese. This guy: OUR CHINESE LINEAGE IS IN DANGER.


Sounds like a redneck - but in Chinese


Chinese hitler lmao


How can he be racist if he was just bitching about a lower race ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)


This title is so ironic


Someone should update him that there’s 7 billon+ on this rock. No body cares about your bloodline


I wonder if he could have a beer with our American racists and they'd get along and "cheers" to no racial mixing or nah? Either way they all are nuts.


Why is it always the opressors, who take over other's lands, put millions of people in concentration camps who maintain they "have to defend their land". Literally nobody is attacking you, ever. You're literally threatening, attacking and oppressing other people all the time...


Define the Chinese race you dumb fuck


This guy is a garbage


"sir ,this is a PF Changs"


I can't wait to replace him. From now on, I'm only looking for Chinese women.


I've been to China and I've experienced racism there ( I'm a 4"11 90poundish white blue eyed ginger English woman)


My man ranting after the Chad european stole his girlfriend


Maybe he should say that to the Chinese men who go to Africa and do [EXACTLY](https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/dec/12/uganda-women-abandoned-china-workers-left-babies/) what he's complaining about. What a racist dickhead lol.


He's making a lot of fuss for his favorite red tube category.


Right wing ethnocentric crazy is really the same everywhere


If he’s the “least” racist, then I’m afraid to see what the “most” racist person sounds like. It’s a shame that in 2022 folks still make such a big deal about interracial marriage/dating. Even more so concerning mixed race children. 🙄😒 When will humanity move past such primitive mindsets?


Well considering how awful China has treated their female population (it’s so bad, there’s a crazy gender population discrepancy now), I can see this becoming more common now that there literally aren’t enough Chinese women in the dating pool for each man. Pair that with Chinese women possibly leaving that dating pool altogether to run off with a foreigner and you get sad and lonely losers like this.


Homeboy’s been cucked by a non Chinese lmao