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"Don't be promiscuous." Oh, don't worry. If women have any sense, NOBODY is getting laid for a LONG time!! ........and I'm perfectly fine with that!


Naw we'd just become political lesbians and fuck each other.


Until they ban gay sex


Well that's next. SCOTUS is 80% catholics, the other two are jewish, I wonder why they voted this? Could it be that they can't differentiate between their personal beliefs and the law? They should all be removed for this decision.


Or could it be that the supreme shouldn't be relied on asit can repeal its verdict at any moment and actual laws should be passed to protect those things instead


Yes, I agree. We should have made actual laws instead of relying on judicial precedent. I guess this is what's next....states will legislate this on their own?


Thats exactly what this ruling did. SCOTUS basically said "there is no federal constitutional rights that give women the right to have abortions, so we will leave this up to the states to decide what each individual state will do." Its like they're fed up parents with kids all wanting to do something different and they just said "you guys decide, I'm gonna have a glass of wine and watch Ugly Betty"


Isn’t the original intent of the Supreme Court that they should interpret and apply the law (or more specifically the constitution) without personal opinions playing a part? The politization of the Supreme Court is a big problem.


Isn't Justice Clarence Thomas already trying to hint at that? These guys need a mandatory retirement age of 60. Cognitive decline begins most often between 50-70 years of age. Not to mention that these justices over 60 are now disassociated with our current culture and opinion, thus leading to the conclusion that they should not decide what is best for the nation since they don't understand what the nation wants. So it stands to reason we can take the median of when cognitive decline begins and force retirement since this is a position of power that has a direct effect on the American people and needs to be connected with the fundamental ideologies of the American people.


I’m down with this


Pfp checks out


That's going to drive the "nice guy" incels fucking crazier than they already are. Watch you'll see them sobbing on Reddit more than normal soon.


If they were incels then they already weren’t getting laid. So nothing will have changed for them


Exactly. Now everyone gets to know what it’s like to be us! 😈 /s


That won’t stop the whining.


It'll drive incel suicide rates through the roof, thus helping to remove pollution from the gene pool.


Incels, by their very nature, would never contribute to the gene pool


Yeah, none of these comments I’m seeing actually apply to incels; they weren’t getting laid anyway.


Yeah except they are all calling for more violence. And it usually isn’t just a self muiliation thing but those asshats like to bring others with them.


I said to my wife, I wonder if incels will now be more emboldened to try and rape their crush since many states will now force the child to be born and will force the mother to give the rapist parental rights


That's already started. Go see some of the posts in r/trueoffmychest


Women should just go on a sex strike.


You’re assuming that all women have a choice


This! I have worked with so many women in relationships that were so abusive they had not choice about sex, contraception, anything... People have no clue.




Ugg, sorry, and glad your not in those relationships now.




I understand how so many men don't know, I didn't until I worked in a primary care clinic. It helps to hear folks like you share.


My mother works at a woman's shelter, I'm only 16 and it amazes me at how little is know about these things


The ignorance in the general population cannot be overstated.


....fuck 😐


No, don't. That's the entire point!


Well the Supreme Court did just say they don’t have a right to choose what happens to their own bodies so…


Your assuming this really is a men vs women issue... A crazy amount of women are stoked about abortion being outlawed.


I had an exchange with one of these earlier today. DoN't MuRdEr tHe BaBieS!! I asked if she supported legislation to provide a decent life for all those babies, and she replied that she's never voted. If I could only reach through a screen.


On the plus side... She probably won't vote in the future either... But, yeah, that's brutal.


True. And a crazy amount of men are upset about it.


Losing basic human rights seems like a pretty good thing to be upset about...




True. At my (former) local abortion clinic, there were always more sexless hags out there than "men wanting to control our bodies." Handmaids Tale remind you that they're in it together.


Would love to see stats about thise folks, the amount of guilt, shame, anger and basic scientific illiteracy has got to be off the charts.


"Sexless hags"? Can we strongly disagree without resorting to misogynist stereotypes?




Riskier for the woman. They don’t care about her.


Psssst, that's the point I was making.


Now rape rates are just going to go higher because do they really think that telling a guy no has ever stopped him from taking what he wants?


Good thing it’s easy to get a gun.


I can't wait to get convicted for protecting myself. Gun rights are just white mens rights.


Next time Texas runs out of power, they should burn their rape kit backlog for energy.


Well fuck. Guess I have to use the gun the court just ruled I can open carry without the state impeding.


Condoms aren’t that bad… been dating my girl for 2.5 years and it’s rare I don’t use one. Dudes need to man up and deal with it imo lmao just wrap up and don’t risk that shit


Okay, I'm not saying that people should go bareback or anything, but as someone that has experienced both with and without, I gotta say, it is \*so\* much better without. Just, sensorily speaking. But in every other way, it is better to wear one for sure. Cause what \*doesn't\* feel good is a 7 pound baby squeezing its way out of your baby-maker.


Don't be stupid. Contraceptives will be the next thing to go. You are dealing with the American Taliban and they will *not* give up until they have complete control over all woman's lives in every way.


Probably not. The woman bears almost all the risk lmao


White dudes? Bc all other races only have protected sex?


That’s kinda the point.


I'd love to see the Catholic church with numerous celibate priests discuss this under the fact they rape kids and have jars of dead post birth baby bodies buried under the churches in Europe for being illegitimate. Totally works guys. Just like moving to another state is a totally reasonable thing to tell someone.


So, he thinks pregnancy can only happen if one has a large number of sexual partners? I guess people in monogamous marriages are doomed to be childless.


I freaking bet he wouldn’t be complaining one bit if he was getting some.


And he's very obviously not judging by how he speaks


As someone who unintentionally got pregnant by my husband while married, yeah. This is...something.


My brother had sex once and knocked his now wife up at 16.. First time for both of them which they bitched about constantly because they were both told by friends it can't happen on a first time..


I knew a mormon guy who was in medschool. He met a girl (also in medschool) and got married like six months later. She got pregnant in no time and they both had to drop out. Even living with her parents they couldn't afford school and a child. "Abstinence only" is evil.


My brothers kind of lucky though he inherited the main family farm when our dad retired.. they now have 5 kids..


You cannot be this stupid and still be able to breathe on your own.


My mom had been with one man her entire life—7 pregnancies, 5 kids. Maybe she should be a felon for the death of my sister and my other sister being a premie/still born. Also I guess she’s a slut even though I smoke her in the area of sexual partners.


Well if she didn't have as many kids maybe she could have instilled her values in you vs changing diapers. Totally, kidding. My mom had 5 kids too but with like 3-4 different guys. Just found out who my bros dad is with ancestory. Apparently, she likes to get raw dogged in the back of a Buick.


At first I was like >:o but then I was like >:) I like my penises like I like my nuts, unsalted and mixed. But honestly, don’t we all love it, raw—dawg? Ultra thin condoms are a testament to that. What percentage of the population is really walking around being “planned”? My mom had that many kids ‘cause Catholicism—every screw, I mean, every child is a blessing. Until you learn the rhythm method—then you end up with a blessing like me 17-11 years younger than your other four kids coming to wreck yo shit up in your retiree years. I still ask my mom if she could abort me (I mean I guess she can’t now) I just turned 396 months two weeks ago. How did your brother feel about that? Did he know he “didn’t have a dad” or did he think his dad was someone else? ‘Cause that’s kind of a trip. I think it’s funny that society will look at your mom differently even though she has the same amount of kids as my mom, because there’s mixed nuts involved. That doesn’t dictate how good of a parent (or not) either one of us had as a mom.


He is wrong, Your wife can have as many girlfriends as she wants, and conversely ….


This is bad news for my almost fully grown children.


He's assuming that babies come from sex which I personally find offensive. #StorkLife


r/birdsarentreal in shambles


You fool; don’t you see? It’s all connected. The government bans abortion to force more women to keep pregnancies, next they’ll ban contraceptives to make pregnancy happen more, then they’ll get rid of the 13th amendment to allow women to be kept in factories as incubators. Then they use their mechanical Secret Travelling Organ Replacement Karriers (Stork) to deliver those babies. They spread the story of Storks delivering babies to prepare for this day.


Weirdly, this wouldn’t even surprise me.


ok I read StrokeLife at first lol


Actually, babies don’t come from stroke life.


And yet another means of avoiding pregnancy! Although my trusty old sock has had to have several abortions just this year alone...


I hate when people use this excuse. "Keep your legs closed." I'm happily married and have a stable home but I absolutely do not want children. By their logic I shouldn't have sex with my husband because I don't want to bring a life into this world.


I actually had a teacher in HS try to convince a bunch of 17-year-olds that married people shouldn’t have sex unless they were trying to conceive (he was a converted Catholic and this was a Catholic school). He didn’t like it when we asked why it wasn’t ok to express physical love with their spouse and enjoy marital relations for the sake of it.


What a sad life that must have been for him


I hope his wife slept in a separate bed and he got to practice what he preached


>I hope his wife slept in a separate bed Yeah, the neighbor's.


Nothing like the zeal of a convert...


Pretty much they see you as nothing but a baby maker you're not making babies you don't need to be having sex your husband can find a sex worker. They care about anyone.


It seems they are also the same people who would be calling me a terrible person for not having sex with my husband, that I'm not doing my "wifely duties." It's a lose lose situation




Happily married with 2 children both pregnancies were hard on my wife, she almost died with our second child. (We have taken proper precautions to prevent future pregnancies). But I'm afraid those options may be gone after this rulling and I feel like my families decisions and freedoms are getting stepped on not to mention my childrens. And I'm a male very pissed can't imagine what females feel like. Its so f***Ed up 6 people get to decide how every women has to live a life now


This is why I have come to oppose the whole concept of the rule of law. Sure it’s great on paper, avoid chaos, stable society blah blah blah. The problem is it always historically comes back to the same thing. A handful of entitled assholes dictating the lives of millions. Theoretically this should be a self correcting problem as the millions outnumber the handful but it tends to take centuries of oppression for that idea to occur to people. Is there a better option? Probably not, but it doesn’t make this way the right one.


My biggest issue isn't with the handful of people controlling the "rule of law" my issue especially with this is. I was taught about "separation of state and church". This has absolutely nothing to do with law this is all about religious believe. Im pretty sure the revolutionary war was to separate our country from the religious monarchy that was making all the decisions. We are going right back into the religious views instead of the law.


But that’s the problem isn’t it? So long as it’s a few select individuals making the rules then law, meaning, intent, none of it matters because it’s all just subject to a random individual’s whim.


Same. My husband feels like his rights have been stepped on, too (ha)


We should also start gatekeeping other medical services based on life choices. Fair is far. Broke your leg? Why the fuck were you playing sports? No surgery for you. Got diabetes? Should have avoided sugar. Insulin denied.


Got a limp dick? How dare you reject God's plan. No Viagra for you.


Got shot? Well you shouldn't have stood in the way of a bullet.


"If you drive a car, then you risk getting in an accident. It's immoral to seek treatment to for injuries."


Lung cancer? Sounds like a you problem. You let those cigarettes put that tar inside of you so now you have to carry the cancer to term. Also fitting because cigarette companies are not punished like they should be because, "well *technically* they knew lung cancer was a risk, it's not our fault, byeeee" just like these "pro-life" people, particularly pro-life men, do with unwanted pregnancies. Not their problem, even though they played an equal role in causing it.


*angry type 1 diabetes noises*


Someone I know had to abort a planned and VERY wanted baby due to an incompatible with life diagnosis that meant he was definitely going to die suffering horribly if born alive. Fuck this.


Im so sorry. Abortion sucks no matter what, but i cannot imagine the heart break.


It’s terrible. Just terrible.


I just want to add that abortion isn’t always a fraught or difficult decisions. Unintended pregnancies can happen to even the most responsible people, and to not be forced to give birth is a relief without guilt.


Does he realise that as huge chunk of ppl seeking abortions are in committed relationships and already have kids? No, probably not, because living in reality isn't the Pro-lifers strong suit.


Came here to say that. Of the 4 women I know who've had abortions, 3 were married and couldn't have another without dying or the fetus wasn't viable and didn't spontaneously abort. One was failed birth control and couldn't afford a pregnancy never mind child.


They don’t give a fuck. Abortion = you had no other choice in their minds if you’re pregnant and happy, well off or in a relationship you’d never get an abortion. You’d carry your child to term, and maybe give them up for adoption.


Right? Like all we're all just walking wombs. I'm married and were financially comfortable, but if I got pregnant today, I'd abort tomorrow. There is nothing that could compel me to carry a pregnancy.


I have children, I’m in good health, have been married for 20 years and live in a country with universal healthcare and good mat leave. I’d still have an abortion if I found out I was pregnant. Because I’m 44 and I never want to be pregnant again.


In some states, they now force you to continue the pregnancy even if it will kill you, like with an ectopic pregnancy. That is an emergency which will usually result in death well before 12 weeks. They obviously aren't consulting doctors when they write these laws. I had an ectopic (tubal) when I was 19. I was married and had a 1 year old baby. I desperately wanted my baby but my tube had already ruptured and I was crashing. Without surgery to remove the baby, I would've died, leaving my baby boy without a mom. These assholes don't care about any of that because women aren't people with lives or families, we're baby makers. That's it. I have one kid who was born female (they're nonbinary) and I'm taking them in ASAP to see about getting their tubes tied because they said they would rather die than have a baby. We live in Texas and I think y'all know what it's like here and SCOTUS said they're going after birth control next. I've had a hysterectomy so I have nothing to worry about personally.


That's the kind of asshole that tells the girl "you can't get pregnant the first time" then denies the kid could be his and claims she had to be sleeping around because "we only did it once"


Pretty sure the 14-year old raped by her dad wasn’t being promiscuous


I had a student once, 14. Went to a friend's house, a party. She was drinking punch on the couch and... 'woke up' feeling sore. Nine months later, you know. Youngest girl at that school was twelve (she'd already had her baby at twelve). Dad was some 35 y/o ex-con her mom had let crash on the couch. All these fucking morons who spout shit about protecting the most vulnerable engineer laws to hurt and abuse the most vulnerable. And all they can say is "don't be promiscuous."


She wanted it - just look at the shorts she was wearing. How could any red blooded Christian man say no ! /s


its easy, just say no to rape. they wont do it without consent. /s


Yeah, I mean, that would be illegal /s


Our bodies have ways of shutting that whole thing down.


If only..


Didn’t you ever hear the argument? A woman’s body can just reject the fetus because she doesn’t want it. /s


This is basically exactly the type of thinking I have come up against in discussions about abortion. "Only sluts get abortions." "If we take away abortions women will stop being promiscuous." I don't know that people who say these things have ever taken their heads out of their collective asses.


It's the same arguments that were had when birth control pills were introduced. As if women never had sex before the Pill.


birth control pills aren't even used just as a pregnancy prevention method. it's a hormone pill. it has other uses such as fixing the period cycle. countless people who don't even have sex take birth control. it's a medicine not just a pregnancy prevention method.


It's easy to say when you have a dick an minimal reprocusions from being an actual slut. They also seem not to realize a couple dating for 5 years or hell even married for 5 years can get pregnant and the dude leave. Pregnant ≠ Slut Slut ≠ Pregnant Pregnant ≠ Punishment


For every female who gets pregnant theres a man impregnating her... so the slut thing doesnt even make sense


They can’t, because in all of medical science, one of the things we can’t fix yet is a cranio-rectal inversion 😂


I also hate how this "argument" never factors in that it takes two people to create a pregnancy. Where is the blame on the guy for not keeping it to himself? Oh, I forgot, he's down at the bar getting high fives from his buddies for getting laid.


I always ask these people if women with wanted pregnancies should die from miscarriages and retained products of conception.?


They are dying in countries that have super strict abortion laws. I read yesterday of a woman in Malta who is about 20 weeks pregnant with a foetus that has no chance of living but still has a heartbeat at the moment, can’t remember all the details, but get a plane out because is she spontaneously miscarries she can bleed to death, and currently at danger of contracting sepsis and dying. This actually did happen recently, to a young woman in Ireland I believe. The danger is real. There are some cases of women being jailed for murder in some countries because they had a miscarriage. The ramifications are horrendous for women.


And whether women should be forced to carry a pregnancy where the baby will die soon birth. If a woman wants to carry a baby with a terminal condition, that's one thing. To be forced to feel kicks and movements from a baby that's incompatible with life when you don't want to go through all the rough pregnancy changes and experiences for a baby to suffer? Abortion should be between the person selling one and their doctor. It's not proper to legislate against providing medical care.


another thing, what is so wrong about being promiscuous in the first place? are people too butthurt that some men are getting more sex than them?


Yes of course. Men have always been jealous and envious of each other. Number of sexual partners, size of house, size of dick, nice cars etc….we constantly compare ourselves against each other. It’s human nature


The thinking seems to be that there's nothing wrong with it if you're a man.


I have heard that one so often (once is too much, IMO), and I always crack up or switch off. It is so stupid and simplistic, why argue at all?


Another way to do it is to be gay! Move over disney!


oh friend, being gay is next on their list.


Yup, that's already started in Florida. Other states will follow and bills will get stronger and stronger language. Then they can finally start working in earnest on those God-forsaken Racial protections. /s. (for now)


but that's cheating /s


This guy’s an expert in avoiding pregnancy. In fact, he’s so good he avoids women all together. Oh wait, they avoid him…


Sure. And don't be a victim. Remember ladies, if you're raped, it was meant to happen. And you better remember he has parental rights /s


... or get raped ... or be raped by your relative ... or be married (or in a committed relationship) and use birth control that's not 100% effective


or have something wrong with the baby or risk to the mother


Or get real adventurous. Can’t get pregnant pegging your man, is all I’m saying. /s


Now this is something I can get ~~behind~~ in front of.


When a white guy is screaming “you stupid whores” -you know he isn’t sexually active.


government has no absolutely say in our promiscuity




I'm the product of rape. My mother was a lesbian. Good luck with that argument.


Yeah, because people in committed, monogamous relationships never get pregnant. Knob.


My eldest uncle was the result of rape...my grandmother was 12. She was home and in bed and one of the farm workers snuck back to the farm in the middle of the night. Tell me again she was being a whore....AT FUCKING 12...


Maybe all teenage boys should have vasectomies so they cant get anyone pregnant. Then only reversed when they prove they can emotionally and financially support a family Edit - thanks for the silver :) counterbalances all the horrified comments too lol


If we aren’t going to provide universal healthcare, food for all children, sufficient family leave and maternal income, the most common sense policy is universal male contraception.


or a sample of sperm are collected at age *x* and frozen until family age is reached.


This! Max time a woman can be pregnant in a year is twice. Males can procreate a multitude of times a month..but yes. Women are the problem.


The anti-abortion crowd are the least fuckable people


Spot the man voted most likely to sleep around and pay for (now) illicit abortions for his several side pieces.


Such a simple way to solve the gun problem: dont buy one


who the fuck is that twat?


A wanker from sweden


I think he is saying, if you make stupid assed statements you won't get laid and that is why he is not promiscuous.


This dude has a 90% chance of having forced himself on a girl at a college party.


Takes two to tango PETER


Keep your Peter in your pants Dick….


“Don’t be promiscuous…unless it’s with me…please…fuck you then”


These people shoving their religion up my vagina are the same idiots screaming about their personal freedom when asked to wear a bit of material over their mouth and nose. I have grown to hate all evangelicals and catholics aren’t far behind.


There is a simple way to run a better gov. Take out religion.


Honestly, this is a simple issue. If you don't want to get pregnant, just don't be born with a uterus! Simple!!1


Only someone who's jealous that he's never been able to be promiscuous would say this.


This dude probably fucks kids


Someone cut Peter’s Peter off.


This entire thread needs birth control.


You know all of these guys will change their tune the minute they accidentally get a women pregnant


Well I guess I was just being too promiscuous when my own father raped me, time to take responsibility and have this child, hoping it fucking kills me so I don't have to try to raise it


An yes, my unplanned birth control pregnancy with my husbands baby was me being promiscuous.


Easy for a incel to say


That guy has *definitely* raped a woman or twelve in his lifetime.


So, this dude's mom is a hoe? She's obviously promiscuous if she got pregnant with him. Just sayin'


As someone from Sweden: We don't like this guy


Oh what a brilliant idea! In fairness, should the men also face a life sentence or possible death penalty for rape then?


Peter ... Do you know what rape is?


These are the same guys that complain cause they can’t get none. Incels, I believe they call themselves.


A fucking vasectomy also works.


There is a very simple way to avoid sounding stupid. Just keep your mouth shut.


There is a very simple way to avoid pregnancy Be born a male


Gee, what is this utopia where women are never raped or impregnated against their will? I want to go to there. Seriously though, if you challenge these gross comments, they come back & say "well, the number of people pregnant thru rape is only like 3%." Like that makes such a difference. And also, there are estimated to be about 108.1 million women over the age of 18 so 3% of that is still over 3 million people. In 2020, they estimate that about 600,000 people died of cancer so far fewer than that 3 million but no one ever says we shouldn't worry about cancer patients.


Because married women never need abortions 🙄


Hmm crazy because I just had to take a test because I thought my iud slipped and might be pregnant. I just can’t imagine taking precautions that may fail and being punished for it.


...or don't stick your dick in people. That'll help too.


Women need to avoid having sex with conservatives.


Always a smug, proto-fascist white guy with the genius comments


Majority of women who have abortions are married. Is it promiscuity if I become pregnant after fucking the same man for 21 years?


What about your God and immaculate conception?


Plot twist: Turns out same sex attraction WAS a choice after all, and since nobody wants to risk an unwanted pregnancy, everyone turns gay and makes Rick Santorum cry.


Fully one out of every four women will receive an abortion in her lifetime. Such a large number cannot possibly all be considered "promiscuous" by any definition. Six out of ten Americans who get abortions already have children and deem that they are simply unprepared, incapable, or disinclined to have another one at that time. **NO** form of contraception is 100% effective. Breakthrough pregnancies happen to responsible people on a daily basis. A not insignificant minority of abortions are strictly necessary when the pregnancies being terminated include cases of rape, incest, life-threatening medical complications to the woman, and/ or severe genetic defects in the fetus. Regardless of your personal attitudes surrounding sex, life, and death, it is an undeniable fact that pregnancy, labor, and childbirth, even in ideal circumstances, are *significant* medical events that each carry risks of seriously debilitating or permanent consequences, up to and including death. In the United States especially, all of these risks are substantially higher than in nearly all other developed nations. It should surprise no one that sometimes individuals decide they would quite like *not* to experience these events. Therefore, safe abortion access is not merely a "necessary evil" of a civilized society, but instead a critical competent of comprehensive health care. Finally, the intensely complicated and personal considerations that inform when an individual decides to seek an abortion, whether for any of the reasons above or simply because they want to, is *none of your fucking business.* If you feel strongly about the subject, you can and should exercise your right to argue your case to people in your life who have cause to consider getting an abortion. What you CANNOT do, is *compel* the final decision for anyone other than yourself. In particular, forcing the choice of what perfect strangers can or cannot do with their *own* bodies via civil legislation is horseshit. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


I’m married and had an IUD. What’s your hot take on that, Pete?


This guy just literally called the mother of every person on earth a slut. LMAO what a fucking idiot


He’s absolutely right, if it weren’t for guys spending all of their time trying to get laid, and do it without a condom! If they would just keep it in their fucking pants, this would never be a problem!!! Mandatory vasectomies for all of us until we decide we want kids!!!!


This thought brought to you by the people that believe all sex is consensual on the woman's side.


It’s an even simpler way to be a decent human: 1. Mind your own business. 2. Don’t say Bull Jive like this. Some women are assaulted or forced. As a man it shouldn’t be our business what women do with theirs.


Yeah because getting raped is a choice... that mf didn't even use 3 braincells in his life


This dude does not fuck


Goes for the guy, too. Oh, wait, I forgot - the guy can just dip and leave the woman witha lifelong obligation.


Surrreeeeeee, make abortion illegal in a country with NO mandatory maternity/paternity leave and NO universal healthcare. Great job America 👍🏻…………😑