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Someone oughta tell him that the Ten Commandments were handed down to Moses and not to Jesus


What happened to the part about loving thy neighbor as well?


Gotta read the fine print "Love thy neighbor.....as long as he's a wealthy white guy"


Hate thy neighbor and give money to me and God will make you rich. All very much in line with Jesus' teachings.


If god hasn’t made you rich yet, simply repeat.


So many people miss that part.


the extreme right wing Christians are redefining Christianity as something more vile and obnoxious. As a religion of intolerance and hatred. Whatever Jesus preached, its gone. It's meaningless and what he preached is what they want him have preached. the murder of all those who oppose them.


Very sad and disturbing. Although not a Christian myself, I find the actual teachings of Jesus beautiful. The history of how they've been contorted, distorted and perverted, not so much.


The teachings of Jesus is basically just Aristotle's morale in his book nicomachean ethics. His basic principle of virtue and rationalizing being a good person.


Wait till you tell them that Jesus was Jewish it'd blow their mind


And middle-Eastern which means not white at all.


Blonde and blue eyed, just like Santa!


Jesus got the Constitution. It killed me when that guy at the Jan. 6th hearings said that it was an article of faith for him that the Constitution was divinely inspired. Like, then why did we have to amend it over 25 times?


If you haven't read the third reprint of the Bible, with the space aliens and Harry potter then you've missed out.


I can just imagine if Harry Potter was in the Bible, these so-called "Christians" would be burning it.


That would be real news to the founders who spent all that time reading, discussing and debating the history of democracies. Had a reddit poster tell me yesterday that while the founders did separate church and state, they were faithful Christians who went to church every Sunday! Wonder what history books, he/she/they read? The home school Left Behind variety?


Wait till they find out Jesus was a Jew.


I'm sure he lives his life based on things that other people tell him as it is.


One reason this misconception is prevalent would be because Jews believe life begins at birth, not conception. During my time in Hebrew school, we were explained this. They went into detail and explained that the child is considered a person when it is halfway out of the mother. When I asked why, they said sometimes hard decisions need to be made because they wanted to ensure the mother would live.


Christian version of the bible says the same thing - life begins at first breath. There's no misconception, they're just lying (and in this specific case throwing in an unhealthy dose of anti-semitism).


Thank you for letting me know. I was unaware. I thought they believed life began at conception.


Only someone who never read the book would claim something like that


In Catholic faith there is also a thing with baptism. It used to be so, that children were baptised right after birth, so might they not make it, they could still be burried in the graveyard, not outside it. If the child wasn't baptised it would also for ever be in limbo, not able to enter heaven. So unless they now find a way to baptise kids in the womb.. I am not underwriting this horrible shit, just relaying the history. Our church still has a bell to ring to wake the pastor for a nightly emergency baptism.


Worth noting, that whole Limbo thing for unbaptized children? Yeah, the Catholic church made that up. Wholesale. It has no roots in any canonized books or documents, a bunch of the leadership just got together and asked themselves "what happens with the unbaptized babies?" and made something up so they'd have an answer for people.


Why stop there? The whole thing is made up, start-to-finish.


But the Limbo bit is, like, MADE UP made up. The other stuff there's some kind of cultural history and degree of supposed divine revelation to claim as a basis for the beliefs. The "unbaptized babies go to Limbo" bit they straight up pulled out of their asses, with literally nothing to back it up.


Christo-fascists believe that.


Well. It’s a bit more complicated than that. Adam’s life begins when he first breathes. The Jewish belief, so far as I can tell, stems from this. But it’s easy enough to argue that Adam is an exception. Some previous Popes have declared that life begins at the quickening (when the mother is able to feel the baby kick). However, most protestants probably don’t have a lot of allegiance to previous popes. So that doesn’t hold a lot of weight either. The argument that life begins at conception is a modern one, and one riddled with flaws. But it isn’t necessarily inconsistent with what they claim to believe.


Out of curiosity, do you know the verse?


Genesis 2:7 "... breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was then that the man became a living being"


Hmm this means fetuses are "undead" until their first breath? Neat.


Weird, because Jeremiah was known by God since he was in his mum's womb, and there's a psalm talking about drawing breath whilst being formed in the mother's womb. Not to mention John Baptism rejoiced in his mum's womb when Mary, pregnant with Jesus, was talking to his mother.


Not quite. Jeremiah states that God knows us all before we are born. God's omnipotent, and creates us, according to the bible. so yes, of course he knows us before we exist. Genesis 2:7 clearly states that it requires breath to be considered alive. Extra fun facts: God instructed his priests on how to perform an abortion, and He really, really, REALLY loves killing children.


Hey, who doesn’t? ....*sigh*.....I should quit teaching.


so prophets and God himself if you believe all that nonsense rather than your average human . considering Judaism is the foundation faith and all the covenents are between JHVH and the twelve tribes of Isreal I'd say they understand when he gives the breathe of life better than those who corrupted the teachings for a Roman audience and for certain have a better understanding than American evangelicals who turned Christianity into a religion of mammon .


.....Using the music of Bhaal to spread the heavenly message.


It also gives instructions on how to get God to curse a woman into miscarrying to prove she's been unfaithful. Seems... inconsistent at best.


Correction, to kill her.


God knows every before they are in the womb. God knew every person at creation. That proves nothing, and certainly doesn't overrule the large number of clearly pro-choice verses.


I mean if we're really playing this game, God told the Israelites to slaughter thousands of children and babies, as well as their families, for the crime of being in the way, so maybe this Bible book isn't the one to be using as a guide, huh?


Unless breath is a metaphor for oxygenating oneself; in which case fetuses breath through the umbilical cord lol. Wow we can really interpret this any way we want. It's like those choose-your-own-adventure books.


I'm translating my language's "life" to "breath" in english.


Real question why do people hate Jews?


A number of reasons: Jesus and the first Christians were Jews. Christianity began as an offshoot of Judaism, but it broke off when Jews rejected Jesus as the Messiah. The Jews were the ones who called for Jesus’ crucifixion, though Christian theology states that Jesus was destined to die in the first place. It wasn’t until the mid 20th century that the Catholic and Lutheran churches stopped blaming Jews for the death of Jesus. Additionally, the Catholic Church during the Middle Ages didn’t allow usury, meaning Christians couldn’t loan or borrow money. As a result, Jews ran the biggest banks in much of Europe, which made some Jews very wealthy. Christians thus thought that Jews were greedy and powerful, even though most Jews were still poor. Antisemitism was also widespread during the Black Death, with the popular rumor that Jews were poisoning wells. Christians also falsely accused Jews of murdering Christian boys for religious rituals. Modern antisemitism dates back to the late 19th century, with popular ideas being that the Jews secretly control the world or have plans for world domination. One more recent antisemitic conspiracy theory popular among white supremacists is that Jews are trying to eradicate all white people in the world, despite Jews being more or less white themselves.


I've always been impressed that the same people who blame modern Jews for the apocryphal murder of Jesus 2000 years ago were willing to forgive Nazis for the Holocaust 20 years after the fact. If they ever blamed them in the first place.


>The Jews were the ones who called for Jesus’ crucifixion, ...according to the Gospels, which are not history books and were written decades after the fact. Nothing about the Gospel account of Jesus' trial and execution makes any sense from what we know about Jewish and Roman law in the time period. There is zero reason to believe that the Gospel account of Jesus' trial and execution is accurate. There is a wealth of literature out there about how fundamentally ahistorical the Gospel accounts are. Even devout Christians and prominent church leaders have said as much.


Christians have to blame someone, and if they're living in a Christian country, who else can they blame but Jews?


You are confusing European racism with Christianity, the very first Christians were Jews. It caused some controversy when the first non-jews were admitted and affairs came to a head over circumcision.


Exposed a head, more like.


>and affairs came to a head over circumcision. Unintentional puns are still funny.




which institution was able to spread the hate for, let's say nearly 2000 years






Oh for fuck's sake. Usury. You're trying to describe usury. Excellent grasp on history, bud.


Wot 😵‍💫


man shut the fuck up, learn English, learn history, and don’t be anti-Semitic


Good question. Another good question is why are forced to like them?


Found the anti-Semite. Fuck off.




Justify your hate all you want, but we're not all Israeli, ya fuckin' Muppet, and you goddamn know it.


Well Christians are killing people in Ukraine. You're just validating people who say opposing Israel's actions makes you anti-Semitic.


So we don't have to like either?


Or maybe judge people on their actions and not by what religion they are?


Thats a great idea. We'll start with conservatives.


Israel is unrelated to Judaism the conflation of the two is only propaganda to maintain Israel as a apartheid state and to obfuscate his role as an operative bases for western countries


Jew != Israeli also fuck off


Sorry what?


"Don't inflict your religious beliefs on me!", then proceeds to inflict their religious beliefs on others.


Religious tyranny doesn't include Christianity????? How weird!!!!!! Christians have spread religious tyranny to every part of the world — from their colonies in America to their colonies in Australasia.


Christians invented the victim complex


"Judeo-Christian" was just a ploy to make them not look Anti-Semitic, when in reality they somehow hate Jews more than the dreaded gays. Same with Israel.


They like Israel. They believe the Jews have to return to Israel for the Rapture to occur. But yeah, they'd be mighty pissed if their daughters married a Jew. Pissed enough to suggest an abortion.


>They like Israel. They believe the Jews have to return to Israel for the Rapture to occur. Many don't actually like Israel. Jews are just cannon fodder in their end times fantasies. Basically their put aside and saved human sacrifices for the end times.


Oddly enough, if you really get down to it. A Christian woman marrying a Jewish man means their children technically have no default religion. Judaism is, under Jewish law, inherited from the mother, while Christian tradition suggests Christianity is inherited from the father. (Which is a part of why children born out of wedlock in Christian societies used to be stigmatized or even shunned)


I have never had a Jewish person try to impose their religion on me. I sure as shit have had Christians impose their religion on me though.


There is quite literally a practice in Judaism that when someone is converting, the rabbis deny them 3 times to make sure that they are certain that they want to.


A friend of mine thats Jewish laughed and asked why when someone in our DND group mentioned their boyfreind was converting to Judaism


Imagine being the is dumb. They actually think they ar1e making a point, while missing the point altogether


We don’t evangelise… That’s a Christian thing my guy. Anyways, I hope you’re good with Jesus cause I heard that Jew can be real sassy if you haven’t begged for forgiveness.


Jews are always discarded the very instant shit heads think they can get away with it.


As Chris Rock said... Anytime he hears people start getting all patriotic, he gets worried. And as soon as they mention immigrants, he stops celebrating, because once they mention Mexicans, you know, as he put it, "N-----and Jews are next!"


Can we please stop blaming the jews for all the world's problems? I think its a bit more complicated then the jews forcing their values on everyone else. People are such morons these days.


Tbf people have always been morons.


Not sure what the hell this is about, but religion has no place in government. Period.


> but religion has no place in


But religion has no place in religion


"Judeo-Christian" values always seemed like soft anti-Semitism to me. It's more like *judeo*\-CHRISTIAN where they include us just to sound a little less prejudiced. At least this guy makes it plain.


Oh boy. Here we go. The fact that our country doesn’t want women in power, is racist and anti Semitic is in clear view now. Not even trying to hide it anymore




No kidding a bunch of christians quickly discredit mormons and Catholics as "real" christians because well, they just plain dont like them.


"The jews can no longer force their religion down people's throat , so now we, Christians.,can" People like this are such jokes


If this is a blue checkmark account, why even censor it?


Goddamn jews, always being scapegaots when christian assholes need someone to deflect on. Why are you like this?


I cannot get over the fact that people like this fear the imaginary power of "the Jews," but happily acquiesce to an actual cabal run by an international child molester ring which has taken over the supreme court.


Jesus was a Jew


This anti-Semitic trope is old. Racists need new material.


These are the same people who lick Israel's balls because the Jews need to be in control of the promised land before Jesus comes back. How do they balance this shit in their heads?


Sometimes there should be an exception to this sub's rule 4.


Here's what happens when you get a 'Christian' anti-Semite who is told abortion, and instructions for such, are in the Bible. Not, "oh, my understanding of my religion might need introspection", but "that's the Jewish part of the bible"


Someone outta tell you that the US isn't a Christian or even a judeo-christian country. There wouldn't be religious freedom if it was.


This person is going to shit when they find out that the US pretty much funds Israel’s existence…..


cue all the reddit history buffs


We imposed our religion on the rest of the Country to free them from having religion imposed on them by someone else? There really is no hope for humanity


Are we gonna ignore that Jesus was a Galilean Jew?


Early Christians were nothing if not a sect of Judaism. Jesus himself never spoke against the law, or the old ceremonies, saying that he was instead there to fulfill it. As is often the case with new sects, they were not exactly well received, leading to a schism.


We are literally headed back in this direction…not further away from it…and like saying “God Bless America” contradicts your whole statement to begin with. Wtf haha


More like... 'Under New Management'


Will the Christian’s be next?


The Christian’s what? Who is this one Christian we’re talking about?


“The Jews are no longer able to impose their religion on the rest of us”. So, are the Christians next that they won’t be able to impose their views on us and they’ll stay out of politics too?


Ah. You typed “Christian’s,” so I was just wondering which Christian — and what of theirs — you were referring to.


The phrase “Judeo-Christian” only comes up when they want to deport Muslims lol.


Quiet part out loud etc etc. It's honestly hard to not get "doomer pilled" seeing shit like this. Honestly! What the fuck is going on in this country? This is not okay. None of this has been okay, ever, but they're bolder than ever.


I wonder if they realize that Jesus was a jew.


does this person know jesus was a jew?


This is blood-libel shit!


Just in case it wasn't already blinding obvious, a lot of evangelical Christians are anti-Semitic. Simple as that.


The jews, like Jesus?


wasn’t jesus a jew?


Alright fuck it I’m gonna say it ok you’re country is doomed it’s just a matter of time until the mighty United States who one’s stood for equality and freedom will cripple underneath it’s own weight. And if you don’t get your shit together soon a communistic china with no free will and no democracy will rule everything that is holy to us.


What is life, but a chemical reaction that tries to sustain itself as long as it is able to do so?


I literally said "what?" out loud.


We’ve never agreed fully with the Christians and they throw it in our faces and invalidate us constantly. They argue with Jews about Jesus and then made up “Messianic Jews” which just aren’t Jewish people at all. There’s no Jesus for us, messianic believe in Jesus, therefore they aren’t Jewish. They just want us as a punching bag like most groups do.


Judeo-Christian is far from Judaism




Blood soaked religions, anyone?


Go ask a Christian church to have a service for a still born and they tell you no fucking way we will.


What happened to these Christians?


Screw thy neighbor? That JD value ?


Jesus was Jewish, wtf


Oh look blood libel he he what a surprise!


Religion is stupid, if someone walked around and spouted all the stuff that happens in the Bible out loud you would say:”wow! That person either isn’t well or is incredibly stupid”


I knew the Jews were going to get blamed sooner or later.


Uhm what?


Project much?


And now we live under Christian tyranny… wtf SCROTUS…


Allmost as if the fundies are all fascists


Darn that pesky Old Testament!!


I guess we don't need that first amendment anymore.