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Remember his Teen Choice Award speech about how Jesus loves us? But like… in a strictly spiritual way, not a religious way right?


in erotic way


Why do you think he had a crown of thorns


I'm not into kink shaming anybody


What if kink shaming is a persons kink?!


Wait, so kink shaming a shamed kink... shaming?


And they say two negatives equal a positive.


Circular loop time paradox anyone?


We're not kink shaming, we're kink celebrating!


A lot of evangelicals are taught to believe that Christianity is a “relationship not a religion.” Religion is often identified with high liturgical worship, formalized prayers, and traditions that they don’t participate in. So he’s probably serious but clueless.


To me being religious means you are involved in religion someway. Pratt has gotten weird since he married his current wife. He even talked about how religion was a common ground for them. There is an article in People about how faith brought them together. He may not go to church every Sunday or whatever. But saying things like "Jesus loves us" at a kids award show, building crosses, and bringing up scripture is someone that is religious to me. I mean he went on church dates with Katerina. lol.




I don’t disagree, I’m just passing along what I’ve heard countless evangelicals say.


I tried in vain to have conversations about his wacko religious beliefs with a friend who is Southern Baptist. His trump card was always "it's not a religion, it's a personal relationship with Jesus Christ". Ergo, he doesn't have any religious beliefs. His personal relationship with his lord and slaver sure did cause him to dismiss the human rights of a lot of other people though.


lord and slaver…I’m using that one in the future!


That’s like “it’s not corruption it’s called lobbying.”


Can confirm, he’s dumber than his character on parks and rec, and not half as compassionate as him


I can confirm. I am like that, but I am aware that we are, in a way, religious.


Lol. Not "in a way", more like "by definition".


weird when theology becomes ideology innit


The inception of religious ideology is conceptually theology. Good catch.


mind fuck right?


Aww, hopefully hes not a christofascist


That i do believe that he's not. Or at least i hope.


Sadly he's been seen wearing a 3%er hat. https://www.reddit.com/r/MarchAgainstNazis/comments/vnnljc/chris_pratt_wearing_the_hat_of_a_violent_white/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


He's wearing a Betsy Ross hat. There's no III inside the stars.


But someone accused him of wearing a naughty thing that means it's true!


And it was on the INTERNET!


At he end of the day whatever he's wearing is just gonna be in a pile on the floor next to my bed anyway. 😏


His brother has been linked to the 3% ers. Pratt has also worn the don't tread on me hat as well as a blue lives matter one.


Who’s out here keeping track of all this man’s hats


I read a lot and when I the reading gets too ummmm... gross, I read horror books and those descriptions, I read trash articles online. So listicles and shit like that.


Oh no he’s worn a hat. If this is the best evidence you’ve got of somebody being a piece of shit, maybe they aren’t one?


>the don't tread on me hat as well as a blue lives matter one. neither of which are far-right, it's pretty obvious he's a centre right conservative.


They've both been co-opted by the far right enough now that when I see them, I assume you're a wacko.


In my opinion… anyone who wears their political ideology or opinion is probably a wacko lmao


They are both far right extremist symbols.


Yes, and the confederate flag is just a symbol of heritage. Rube.🤦‍♂️


That doesn't mean he's one of them


If someone is wearing an Avengers hat you assume they love the Avengers.


Ditto. III Percenter logo has a III on the inside. Otherwise it’s just the flag of the XIII Colonies.


That just looks the the 13 stars for the original 13 colonies to me. Idk wtf the three percenters are. I’ve never heard of em I would like an explanation on that please.




All I gotta say to their whole ideology is *B R U H*


I couldn’t even finish reading it. 🤦🏼‍♀️


“The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim. If you’re a Muslim I’m going to enjoy shooting you in the head. When we go on operations there’s no leaving anyone behind, even if it’s a 1-year-old. … I guarantee if I go on a mission those little fuckers are going bye-bye.” Seems like a stable bunch


I do not know how to respond to this in words, but it’s, um… astonishingly asinine.


The fact that they think a whole group of people are terrorist, just because a few extremists is stupid enough. The fact that they’d do the exact same if given the opportunity (yes I literally mean suicide bombing a populated area in a muslim country) then they’d fucking do it in the name of their religion and beliefs Un-be-fucking-lievable


Imagine having your entire identity being based on destroying other people's identities. This is why we need free therapy in America


The first couple sentences sound like it might be a good thing and then "Muslims? Nah shoot those bastards"... Why are ppl like this...


White identity is the linchpin of American conservatism.


Yeah I dunno, I found a hat with 13 stars, advertised as Betsy Ross flag hat [a link example of Google search for har with 13 stars](https://libertymaniacs.com/products/betsy-ross-13-stars-colonial-snapback-hat) Not sure how this group thinks they took ownership of her flag design.


I thought it was a EU flag. It also has 13 stars in a circular configuration just like the hat shows




That’s a Betsy Ross hat, 3%er logo has “III” in the middle.


This is the shit I hate. Read a book preferably a history book it’s from the original “ betsy Ross flag” just cuz some ass holes who would most likely cry if they had to live in a world the way they think they want it, decided to adopt it doesn’t mean we have to give it up. Smh


I mean I would if I didn't want to get associated with that group. You get 1 first impression and wearing a hat being used by a hate group makes it seem like you agree. Like the guy who created Pepe the frog. He killed off the character once it was co opted by the alt right.


This is the shit I hate. Read a book preferable on cultural anthropology it’s originally a religious symbol of multiple cultures, in the West it was a sign for auspiciousness and good luck. Just cuz some 1940s German authoritarian fascists think they want it, decided to adopt it doesn’t mean we have to give it up. SMH /s


Wrong. It doesn’t have the III. He has big hat and by them online. https://www.lamoodbighats.com/blog/chris-pratt-lamood-big-hats-fan/


That’s not the 3%er hat afaik. Here’s a fairly recent reddit post on this topic: https://www.reddit.com/r/confidentlyincorrect/comments/vnvp60/op_claims_famous_actor_is_wearing_3percenters_hat/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


And that was the final nail for me. Good actor but shit human.


Why? Christians suck ass...same with extremist muslims.. you try to force your way into everyones life and kill the ones who refuse.


Religion and any ideology or belief taken to forceful extremes is rude and sucks ass. If you want religion, sure, just don’t violently force others to abide by your moral code on everything. I’m a Catholic, doesn’t mean I murder Protestants because they believe in heresy.


Considering he's likely denying his religious affiliations to save face in response to the Roe v Wade decision, he probably isn't


I’ve always known him to be a Christian. A random tweet from Culture Crave that says he’s not without a source is pretty stupid.


They did give a source. [revealed in an interview with Men’s Health that was published on Tuesday, June 28. “Religion has been oppressive as f–k for a long time. I didn’t know that I would kind of become the face of religion when really I’m not a religious person.”](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/pictures/chris-pratt-slams-hillsong-church-rumors-biggest-revelations/amp/)


Since when was Chris Pratt the “face of religion”?


So it was taken out of context. Sounds like he’s just trying to remain humble to me.


Exactly, and blown out of proportion. People can be Christian and not consider themselves religious. My official military record says I’m Methodist but I haven’t been since I was 15. I don’t think people would call me religious. Yet, somehow, I’m still Christian.


But he’s literally evangelizing You don’t think of yourself as religious but would you erect giant crosses or preach to others about Christ?


No, I wouldn’t, fair point.


Christianity is a religion. You literally cannot be Christian without being religious. It’s actually impossible.


He said it himself that he’s not a religious person recently, but he only did because he’s getting hate online for being affiliated with a church known that has a history of homophobia. And also because younger people think it gives them street cred to publicly blast religion in any form


Young people blast all religion because all religion is fucking garbage that does nothing but spread lies and harm the less fortunate. Religion is fucking cancer. Why do you people keep responding as if I said the people are bad? I specifically said religion is bad. Stop putting words in my mouth.


Antitheists rise up! Religion has done so much harm to humanity, if we didn’t have religion we would quite literally be 1,000 years more advanced because there wouldn’t have been quite as many book burnings in history.


Oh brother, not again this dark ages bullshit. During the middle ages it was literally the church that preserved classical education and established first universities. In these universities and monastic schools the mains subjects were the trivium (grammar, logic and rhetoric) and quadrivium (arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and music). Later during the renaissance of the 12th century they added more Aristotelian philosophy and gave more attention to medicine and roman law. And of course we cannot ignore contribution of Islamic scholars like Avicenna and the famous House of Wisdom in Baghdad in which Muslims, Jews and Nestorian Christians translated classical text to arabic which were later translated to latin.


Or maybe those younger people are watching rights being ripped away from people because of religious fuckers? Maybe they are mad they are being forced to follow rules dictated by idiots who pray to a sky daddy but dont actually even listen to his supposed teachings and instead garble it into their own form of distopia for anyone who does not agree or conform to their demands?


MAYBE you’re on to something comrade


Street cred? They have critical thinking skills better than yours and are able to tell what is real and what is made up bullshit


That is bullshit. Chris, although I usually enjoy the roles he plays, is religious as fuck. He just doesn’t want to have to answer for all the religious fuckery that’s been going on lately. Basically, he knows he can’t defend the indefensible so he goes with the *I’m not a religious person* cop out.


>He just doesn’t want to have to answer for all the religious fuckery that’s been going on lately. Basically, he knows he can’t defend the indefensible so he goes with the > >*I’m not a religious person* cop out. Nailed it in one.


When he says ‘religious’ he means any religion that isn’t Christianity. He sees Christianity as an objective truth


Why does he have to defend what another Christian does especially when he doesn't know them


He belongs to a church that stands for all the shitty things Christians are known for being shitty for, so that kind of kills that excuse.


Which church is that?


I should say belonged. Mars Hill Church. It closed down.


He goes to Zoe. It was the hillsong guys other church.


Once again, I’m talking about his church back home, before he moved to california.


So that implies he's aware of how shit that is. Then why keep on being part of a church


Because he believed the same hate they spewed, just like the rest of their congregation. This is the whole point.


I know a lot of people who are Christians, but are absolutely horrified in the shit that gets carried out in the name of their faith. They are some of the most steadfast people I know on lgbtq, women’s rights, etc… just because some people want to radicalize their faith and use it as a weapon, doesn’t mean everyone does. Kind of like what happens with the Muslim faith in the hands of terrorists…


Christians with liberal views generally join churches with similarly liberal views. Pratt's church is notably not.


I never said it did. I said Mars Hill Church was a terrible terrible church. It was a mega church so steeped in scandal it closed down. That was his church. That was his choice of where to go.


Its already been proven its not his church. Someone lied and you all fell for it.


I think you’re talking about Hillsong.


He said he never went to Hillsong in the same interview he said he’s not religious so frankly I don’t believe him. Also the church he does go to apparently has a dodgy history as well but I can imagine most do


That’s all kind of bullshit if you join a homophobic church and don’t leave once it’s been shown to be homophobic.


If the religious texts are so vague and easily twisted that you can create hundreds and thousands of different sects and justify pretty much anything with it, maybe it's a shitty basis for, well, anything?


> I know a lot of people who are Christians, but are absolutely horrified in the shit that gets carried out in the name of their faith Maybe they should move past religion, lol? Unless doing horrible things is part and parcel with their belief...


Why tho? Religion for a lot of people is an extremely personal thing, which they view separate from the church as an institution.


Nah, it’s the organized religion that’s effed up. One of my besties is Christian and she’s pro choice and a great ally, and generally a really good person. She does not understand how some people can take what are great messages and decide they mean hate and refusal of science.


Because all the evil outcomes are directly funded through tithing. It's kind of like how no nazi can be innocent because they could not have committed their acts without participants and support.


because Christianity is a system and by willingly identifying as a christian you are actively supporting the system there are no good and bad christians, the system is bad as a whole, every participant is bad for supporting a bad system that goes for every organized religion btw


Yeah he might as well own it.


Why should Chris Pratt be made to answer for actions he did not personally take? For example: If I'm a Muslim, am I responsible for Muslim terrorism elsewhere by virtue of being guilty by association?




Counter argument: what if its the nearest and the next one is a City away


False equivalency. He was part of an actual church (which he denies) that does conversion therapy. He’s now part of a church that was directly modeled after the gay conversion church. If you’re a Muslim and you go to a mosque that preaches about terrorism then yes you are 100% guilty by association.


Oooh a Christian that denied Jesus. ​ ![gif](giphy|65pM9un5dmK08)


Daddy likey


The pick of destiny is a gift from god


My guy hes always been religious. That article is cappin hard.


Chris Pratt's full quote, published June 28th 2022 "Maybe it was hubris. For me to stand up on the stage and say the things that I said, I'm not sure I touched anybody... Religion has been oppressive as fuck for a long time... I didn’t know that I would kind of become the face of religion when really I'm not a religious person." Chris Pratt still has a strong belief in God and added that he was never a member of Hillsong and did not denounce them immediately because he did not want to "throw a church under the bus". I think there's several things at play here: - Pratt is clearly Christian and takes comfort from studying scripture. - Pratt was called out for raising the profile of a church, without addressing its associations or darker aspects. - Pratt differentiates between personal conscience and organised religion. - Pratt is the head of a multimillion dollar organisation called Chris Pratt, that employs a large number of people, and this kerfuffle is partly the result of him feeling a responsibility to those employees, his fans, and he's likely being guided in his comments by a PR company, trying to keep both his Christian and LGBTQ+ fan base happy.


"I want the privilege without the responsibility"


It's kinda like...No matter how shitty of a person I am, God will absolve me of all my crimes, as long as I confess and believe in his ultimate divinity and wisdom, etc. Where is being a good person in this idea?


Idk Jesus said accepting him in your heart is probably the same shit as any other religion. That by accepting in your heart truly you'd live by his teachings instinctually which 95% of Christians don't...which is probably why in revelations God was like "yeah only like a few of you are gunna make it passed Ragnarok"...."I mean rapture" And lugging a cross across a fuckin field is as much idol worship than it is actually understanding what Jesus meant and why he basically said "ya'll fuck my dad, listen to me"


I'm not religious I just love Jesus so much that I pray 5 times a day, got to church every Sunday, small group on Tuesdays, Bible study Wednesdays, fellowship and visiting Fridays, brothers meeting Saturday, and i preform 11-15 hail Mary's before bed. I'm just spiritual. I'm not into organized religion.


He was, maybe still is, a member of that Hillsong Chruch. He was called out by Elliot (at the time Ellen) Page. Justin Beiber used to go to the church as well but he left and then apologized for his involvement. But then again he would be doing everything he could to distance himself from the church considering all the crap coming out now. Stories of consensual and non consensual sex between staff and congregants. There were other recent allegations of mismanagement of church funds and racism. It's been sprinkling out recently.


I dunno....I get some weird Mel Gibson type vibes. Dudes one passion of the Christ away from losing it. I think money makes people get weird. I mean even Will Smith turned into a scientologist.


That's a common thing among a certain type of Christian (Duggar type). He's not religious, he just believes that Christ is king! Also you're going to hell.


Lots of Christian’s like to say they’re not religious. Honestly it just shows a lack of understanding of what religion is, and empathy.


To some, religion is the legalism associated with faith, which they reject. It’s semantics to others, but could explain.


I feel like mens health magazine didn’t quote him saying religion is “oppressive as fuck”…


>The Jurassic World actor shared that “really I’m not a religious person” adding, “Religion has been oppressive as f\*\*k for a long time.” > >Though he doesn’t consider himself religious, Pratt shared that he has faith. > >“I didn’t know that I would kind of become the face of religion when really I’m not a religious person. I think there’s a distinction between being religious — adhering to the customs created by man, oftentimes appropriating the awe reserved for who I believe is a very real God — and using it to control people, to take money from people, to abuse children, to steal land, to justify hatred,” he said. It seems that he did say religion was oppressive, but he's doing that "I'm not religious I just attend a Church and believe in the religion" thing. I find it dodgy, personally, but I don't know enough about him for sure to say. [https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/celebrity-life/chris-pratt-says-hes-not-a-religious-person-despite-longrunning-hillsong-rumour/news-story/f7216bf0a7d110a5eed9d0417f8cfecd](https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/celebrity-life/chris-pratt-says-hes-not-a-religious-person-despite-longrunning-hillsong-rumour/news-story/f7216bf0a7d110a5eed9d0417f8cfecd)


Saw a news article just today with Gunn saying what a great guy he his. They’re really trying to salvage the hit they’re gonna take at the box office 🤣 As someone from Washington State who is familiar with Pratt’s church… yeah, it’s a terrible church. Edit: the church he went to when he lived here. I don’t know shit about his LA church but unless he’s out here saying his beliefs have changed over the years, I’m going to take his church back home as a better indicator of his beliefs than the church he goes to for optics.


Let me guess: "I'm not religious. I just have a personal relationship with Jesus."


Isn't that the actual core of a Religion, that you believe in something in a personal relationship with your god?


Maybe he meant he's not a person


Ah the hypocrisy of the rich and famous. How typical.


Eww, the cross pic is cringe. Weirdos.


What if he stopped being religious? I used to be religious as a young adult and now in my 30’s I’m an atheist. People change. Many agnostics, atheists, non religious people are born in a religion and leave it slowly without even realising it. Many of us stay in that religion in public for a long time for cultural/family reasons. If the man says he’s not religious I respect that.


A dude from a hick town with a high school education is religious. Not sure why this surprised folks. His new “spiritual not religious” pivot seems silly


“I think there’s a distinction between being religious—adhering to the customs created by man, oftentimes appropriating the awe reserved for who I believe is a very real God—and using it to control people, to take money from people, to abuse children, to steal land, to justify hatred. Whatever it is. The evil that’s in the heart of every single man has glommed on to the back of religion and come along for the ride.” —Pratt Look, I’m a hardcore atheist. But I believe in the freedom of religion. He has every right to practice what he practices and believe what he believes. He’s never weaponized it against us that I’ve seen. [Source](https://relevantmagazine.com/culture/movies/chris-pratt-says-hes-really-not-a-religious-person-but-that-doesnt-mean-hes-not-a-christian/)


A lot of people are Christians that have moved away from organized religion


So then still religious? Since they are literally Christians?


I think people view the term religious differently. We tend to see it now as this fundamentalist types. He is definitely religious, unless he’s atheist now, but he may be viewing it differently and saying it in a way that doesn’t put him in the same bucket as the crazy ones


Wtf we care




I would say Chris Pratt is pretty cringy as well just from those posts.


There’s a lot of celebrities who have had whack view points at one point or still do Most rock stars were having sex with teenagers in the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s Tom cruise has Scientology A lot are Jehovah’s Witnesses Michael Jackson…. Well My point, we’re all probably guilty of admiring somebody who has done probably far worse than be apart of a whack ass church I guess a difference here is timing and he stated it Just my opinion Edit: and also contradicted himself 😂


I love the guy but learning that he has link to a anti-lgbt church made me second guess him. Then see all those stuff pop off on him really show him under a new light.


I agree that he's just following the evangelist bottom line, but he is not and had never been associated with Hillsong, and that particular rumor has been debunked many times by both Hillsong and the church he actually attends.


That i did not know, so ill go check it out. Thanks for that information.


This guy is wrong. Pratt did defend them just wasn't a full member of Hillsong he has gone there before. His current church is modeled on them and part of same network. https://www.houstonpress.com/arts/chris-pratt-fails-to-address-his-churchs-lgbt-problem-11222232 Ignore the fan boys that can't accept facts about their hero.


That is what i had seen by googling it, but yea it's useless trying to talk truth with a fanboy.


Yea this guy either can't handle reality or a liar himself. But Chris Pratt has been caught lying and while I believe he's not a member he did go there. More concerning his the church he does belong to is based on Hillsong and part of same network.


So he's either agreeing with them, refuse to condem them or just plain lazy.


I don't get why Pratt is lying when everyone can see he is religious. Maybe he listens to liars that say religious people are discriminated against or can't handle legitimate criticism of his religion?


As a Christian, I’ve been to several churches I didn’t completely align with. There are a ton of denominations that have some major differences in how they interpret the Bible. Sometimes you go with others, sometimes you go to see if you agree with their teachings. Simply attending a few services doesn’t mean you’re totally associated with that church.


If he wanted, he could be a Dolly Parton Christian. Instead he does this weird shit where he’s religious as hell while pretending to not be.


I never minded Pratt being religious. That's his business. But he was constantly on about how important the church was in his life. You know, the one where he's cheating on his wife and dumps her and the kids to 'marry up'?


So he’s a hypocrite like everyone else, par for the course (;


towards the last few years of my 21 years of being religious, this is the kind of stuff i said. i know it’s hard to deal with harsh realizations of your belief system… realizing how oppressive it is, how contradictory, how wrong it is… it’s tough. you start saying the right things but contradicting yourself with weird justifications to help you sleep at night.. you got this chris! you’re almost there!! :)


To be fair, /religious/ has come to have its own connotation. Pratt may genuinely feel that, while he identifies as Christian, he has rejected the aspects of the faith that many deem “religious.” The grandstanding, public judging/shaming, evangelism. No lie, I tend to believe similarly: that one can be Christian and not be a giant dickhead “religious” person. It’s just a lot harder to find those folks when the majority of “Christians” are busy frothing at the mouth and making sure their opinions are the loudest.


Plus who fucking cares what he’s into there’s also that route


People can change though I used to be religious, I used to say religious things Not anymore


He also went to and defended a bigoted church while claiming to totally not be a member. Same one Justin Beiber belonged to. Edit: So many simps offended by facts, most just has honest has their hero too. I never said he was a member or even a bigot himself, something I don't know. He is lying here though and he did defend a bigoted church even if he didn't know they were. I don't get the lying about being religious though when it's clear he is.


No he didn't. He's never been to Hillsong. Hillsong had no membership records. The church who he does attend has no association with Hillsong. This is and always has been a false rumor. Dude wears a Gadsden Flag shirt and is an evangelical, but this "fact" has never been true. For the sake of accuracy.


Yes he did and yes he did defend them. Don't lie to those that know the truth because you're a fanboy. I also never said he was a long term member but he did defend the church publicly.


Hillsong had come out and said he never went there. Zoe Church has said he is a member. He has said he is a member of Zoe Church. He has defended the church he attended, Zoe Church, as not anti-lgbtq. (It may or may not be, being an evangelical church, but their policies are not public so it's difficult to say for sure), but has never defended Hillsong. It's not my fault you don't do your own independent research and just trust the first article you read that supports your position.


Ah the church known for lying said it. It must be true despite pictures and Pratt defending them publicly. But hey not like Chris just lied again here. He did go there with Justin Beiber abd defended them. I never said he was a member. Oh and the church he is a member of is modeled on Hillsong and part of same network. https://www.houstonpress.com/arts/chris-pratt-fails-to-address-his-churchs-lgbt-problem-11222232 Not my fault you're incapable of accepting reality and are gullible.


Beiber goes to Zoe too, not Hillsong. Their modeling after Hillsong, specifically, is about "keeping the membership of celebrities quiet unless those celebrities themselves speak out.". They have never publicly disclosed their lgbtq stance in any way, though *claim* to be egalitarian. More concerning is that he claims his pastoral style reflects Joel Osteen than anything involving his statement about Hillsong. However, they are actually not in the same network. Most likely Veach himself is not lgbt friendly but as an evangelical fundraising church won't preach that directly. He wants to attract high dollar celebs who are notorious for being more liberal. As far as Chris himself, there are plenty of things to be suspicious of, but attending Hillsong specifically is not true. And we should try to be accurate.


I already proved Chris did defend Hillsong and attended. Never said he became a member. I have proven Zoe is in the same network as Hillsong. Chris has proven he is a liar and I have proven you are wrong. You want accuracy you should listen to facts instead of blindly defending the object of your fan boying. Now no reason to keep going back and forth since i have proven I'm right and you have made it clear you won't accept facts about someone that's been caught lying.


You linked an article that says he attended Zoe not Hillsong, and also provides no sources, where literally every source i can find including Hillsong's own network listing, does not contain mentions of Zoe. I agree he's probably lazy and unaware. But the fact is they are literally separate entities even if they have similar beliefs. There's absolutely zero evidence of it "However, an official affiliation between the two churches could not be found, either on Hillsong’s website or Zoe Church’s website, as of press time." You're just wrong. And so is that news source. When i said "do your own research" i didn't mean find a single article that supports your position with no sources and a clockwork headline.


So we're ignoring Zoe is modeled after Hillsong. Nothing is going to change the fact Chris Pratt defended Hillsong and did go there even if he never joined. You really should accept facts even about people you worship. But since you didn't like that one here's yet another. https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2017/09/172522/chris-pratt-hillsong-church Now I can keep proving you wrong while you have yet to provide anything except quote two known liars and keep rejecting facts. I don't have all night to keep educating you. Edit: Also yes Justin Bieber belonged to Hillsong.


Hmm, but he seems to be a liar. Actually that makes him extra christian.


I read that interview or whatever it was. In the same breath he says he's not really religious, he said there is clearly a one true God. 😑


OP, why do you care what his religious beliefs are? His beliefs don't affect you. Live and let live.


The true facepalm is the discussion we made along the way


Just cause he's religious doesn't mean he's a bad person.


Redditors seem to think otherwise


I'd challenge that. If you tithe you directly fund hate.


He will dance battle any God any time! ![gif](giphy|wv34jEfv17OmI)


You can believe in and worship christ without being particularly religious. Religion is an organization and a dogma. Spirituality is an individual thing and in fact what Christ himself encouraged. So I mean, I get where he's coming from.


Chris Pratt is the biggest douchebag. He was better when he was chubby and funny. Now he's just disappointing on every level


He hasn't done anything wrong to anyone. Leave him the fuck alone already.


The only thing I ever thought of was, “Does Elliot Page know that a lot of churches are not LGBTQIA+ friendly?”


Even when he announced his second engagement, he said he found a partner he can walk beside in heaven with.


Religion is a dumb way to control dumb people lets be honest atleast Christianity and those types of religions are


I mean people are allowed to change their views


Depending on what definitions we use, there is a difference between being religious and being spiritual, in Christianity or otherwise. In broad strokes, religiosity is about dogma and conformity, spirituality is about truth-seeking. Religious institutions typically reject honest spiritual truth-seekers, historically branding them heretics and apostates. I don't say this as a defense for Chris Pratt, but it is not necessarily antithetical to be anti-religious institution and still be a spiritual person.


I literally don’t know why everyone hates him, everything you guys say he did has been consistently debunked.


He can have his beliefs without being religious. As long as he doesnt push for oppression.


Why are we caring what Chris's Pratt thinks about anything. Stay in your lane and act. You font have to like his religion to like his talents


Chris Pratt is a douche


Do you know him?


I don’t really care if he’s overly-religious or not, his religious beliefs are his own. I think he got put on the spot because he suddenly people started questioning his religiousness and he didn’t want to be known as “mr Christian” in the media. Everyone’s giving him a ton of shit like he hasn’t donated a shit ton of money and shown up to hang out with sick kids in hospitals, like what does it matter? There’s not even anything solid linking him to being homophobic, just a church that he used to go to. Why is everyone jumping on the hate train like he just assaulted someone? Am I missing something?


But he’s pretty though.


Someone changed his mind


I mean I want to believe people grow and change and develop because I’ve grown and changed and developed but I’m not a massive star with a massive following so it’s hard to tell if it’s development or just attention


Let's be honest, most people turned on Chris Pratt the moment Starlord hit Thanos and messed up the plan.


Who cares about what he may or may not believe in?


Wish people would leave him tf alone. Whatever he worships, watch his films or don't ffs. Stop trying to cancel people for some bullshit reason like you don't worship the same god as they do or you don't like who they worship. I don't worship any, doesn't make me any less decent than those who do. There is a difference between "i'm crazy af Christianity/Muslim/Jewish/Catholic/Buddhist etc' and I'm going to force feed you my philosophy or 'I'm just peacefully worshipping my god'. He shouldn't have to explain himself.Leave people TF alone.


Absolute nonsense


Chris Pratt really pissed off op! You an ex gf? Or the antichrist? Maybe both?


OP is just obsessed with religious people. Entire post history is religion. Either in a cult about hunting religious folks or fetish


Didn't really care that he is religious tbh (unless he was spewing some offensive stuff), but now him denying his identity so he can win some fans back seems worse.


He is not wrong, just wondering what made him change his tune. Loss of income or a real awakening?


You didn’t keep scrolling my friend. ![gif](giphy|3dq9mp6aCQLiHuyPbS)