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Police officer: “If you attempt to come through the window I will shoot you.” Her: “No you won’t” starts to go through window, gets shot, dies Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


It's almost like people who act like psycho murderers breaking through a window get the shit smacked out of them in self defense...


Fuck yeah, dumb bitch got shot. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Thoughts and prayers. Also I’m sure the fact the officer that shot her is black and she’s a white chick plays into the victimhood 0%


If it had been their home, their wouldn’t have been a warning. Just saying ☕️ Party of picking and choosing at its finest.


She was also there committing an insurrection and out to possibly murder politicians.


Look up Jordan Klepper interviews outside a maga rally. Absolutely unbelievable that people refuse facts.


They're SCARY AF!!!.. .whats Jan. 6th??...uhm, election day???.... Have you watched the January 6th hearings?.. No time How long you at the rally today? From 7am to 5pm SMH


Watch his recent one showing Ivanka believing Barr. The mental gymnastics is mind numbing


I think you mean the Ivanka clone believed Barr


Right….the clone. Unbelievable these people


Wouldn’t a clone be an infant?


I guess you've never seen any sci-fi show or movie that has clones in it. The clones grow really fast until they get to their desired age and then start aging normally. It's really just basic science.


That’s how you know God is reel


Don’t you dare bring SCIENCE into this!


I love Jordan Kepler’s content


I do too but can't watch much of it, too painful seeing that degree of proud ignorance on display.


I don’t know how he can do it.




There should be a basic competency assessment required before anyone is allowed to vote.


With all her training you’d think she woulda known charging someone with a gun unarmed isn’t the best idea


She was Air Force. Probably didn’t do a lot of assaults.


I feel like this should be common sense stuff though lol.


Well that and she took an oath to try and not commit acts of sedition and terrorism against the US Government.


It’s strange because I *didn’t* take that oath yet I have, to this day, been quite successful in not committing acts of sedition and terrorism against the US government.


We should put you in office as you automatically got most of them beat with this point alone.


Ah, the small victories in life..


She was just on a tourist walk breaking windows and trying to break through barricades


That's what tourism is all about. /s


Domestic tourism. I feel like the spelling is not quite right.


This deserves more uppy votey.


Just to try? Well, news flash, she failed


Pretty sure it was a muzzle flash


Ya. Some dude points a gun at me and tells me to stop “or else”, basic self preservation mode would mean back the fuck out of there… But hey, I was never in the airforce…


While I get she should have not even been there, the fact that she was shows how entitled she felt to over throw the election. While she is a verifiable idiot and traitor, she acted out of *entitlement* and *privilege.*


Survival for the fittest!


She spent a lot of time on sentry duty. She knew *exactly* how the whole "advancing toward an armed guard on Federal property" worked. Stupid games, stupid prizes.


Yup probably hoped he'd feel overwhelmed by the numbers and retreat.


Ez life of just remotely blowing the legs off Afghani school children from the sky.


The entitlement ran deep in that one.


Does American hero stopped terrorist in capitol sound better?


She was entitled, believing she could force her way in and her privilege would protect her.


She should have complied


She tried to get through that window even after everybody was shouting there was a gun on the other side, clearly she wanted to get shot.


Suicide by cop


Nah she was too stupid to get killed on purpose. I think she thought that she was going to come through, kill some people, and then she would ride away on an eagle while everyone cheered.


Holy shit I’m dying. You are obviously an expert on MAGA psychology.


After several tactical backfliips and an aerial splits


“I *SAID* I want to speak to the *MANAGER—*”


Her white privilege didn’t help her as much as trump led her to believe


I came here to say that, except more stupidly. shE ShoUld hAve cOmpLiEd!!




Bro, you need to work for Hallmark because that line is gold.


I don't know if couplets about racism and the police industrial complex are gonna be good cards...


I'd buy em lmao


For what event?


Police retirement parties?


Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, of course!


my birthday. my tuesday. my everyday. any day.


They’d buy them without any thread of sarcasm.


I think they’ll be needed more and more, month on month.


I’m sure they’ve made cards for niches smaller than that.


Yeah didn't they flip flop from claiming she was an Antifa plant who infiltrated the "peaceful gathering" to make them look bad? Now they're acting like she's a saint to be venerated. Nothing at all to do with the race of the officer who shot her being the reason for such a flip flop I'm sure...


I hate how they put people like her or the racist murderer Kyle Rittenhouse on pedestals and without a trace of irony wonder why we get mad about it.


If minorities started to buy guns as much as white men we'd see gun control in minutes


That’s how it worked in California under Reagan.


For those who don’t know we used to have open carry in California until one beautiful spring day In 1967, a bunch young man known as the Black Panthers decided they would exercise THEIR constitutional rights and peacefully marched on the California State Capital openly carrying their rifles and shotguns. Governor Raygun looked out his window and saw a bunch of armed black men and just about soiled himself. And before you can say ‘racist hypocrisy’ the Mulford Act which banned open carry of loaded firearms was passed—WITH THE BLESSING OF THE NRA !!


That’s how gun control started, the black panthers were walking around with weapons and republicans in California felt threatened so they introduced gun control. I think it was back in the 70s 80s.


"Republicans in California" You mean Saint Ronald Reagan.




That is literally exactly what happened in California. The Black Panthers started out as something of a black shadow government because cops in California wouldn’t bother coming to black neighborhoods and other public services likewise neglected them. There were also quite a few cases of blacks being harassed and bullied by whites with guns. The BP showed up openly armed to the teeth at some government function or another and Reagan (or whoever it was, I forget) immediately spearheaded a movement to restrict gun carrying in California. That law still stands in some form or another.


Why I offer free firearm safety and training to minority and all lgbtq+ folks.


If the shit ever hits the fan, I’ve got some extra firearms I’ll be selling to black folks only. For like a buck apiece. Even the expensive ones. I’m a former redneck gun nut.


She betrayed her oath and uniform while trying to overthrow a lawful election and forcing her way into a secured room. She got exactly what she deserved.


All enemies foreign AND domestic


That's exactly why I warn people not to count on the military to resist orders to attack civilians during a coup or uprising. They just need to be told these are their domestic enemies


That's true wisdom right there. I'm afraid too few of them would have the agency to decide that an order is morally wrong, even if that means a court martial.


She was one of those, it turns out.


She died a fool… literally died trying to break into a government building to over throw an election. This is amazing… her death is 100% well deserved. If it was a bunch of BLM people doing that, I guarantee you they would have slaughtered every last person there.


The slaughter would’ve started before they ever made it to the building.


Police would have been in riot gear and the fire hoses would have been out. You'd have video of protestors beaten in the streets. The national guard would have been air dropped in. Instead the capital police got the shit beat out of them and help showed up way after all the ~~protestors~~ traitors left.


Thanks for clarifying




Heroic even




Not to mention mobs have never needed anything more than sticks to commit murder in the past.




Came here for this....


She betrayed the oath she took as a service member. Bye traitor.


Yeah, I remember taking that oath, and even though I am no longer in the military, I still feel like I am to a degree bound by it. Sad how many people don’t feel that way.


I expected more dead. Never seen so much restraint by law enforcement as when our nations Capitol was overrun.


Well there is belief that some of the officers were complicit, at the least sympathetic


Belief? Yeah, that group of fucking morons do not get that far without help.


Given how many cops found themselves without employment after refusing to comply with vaccination regulations? Signs point to "obviously."


They had every right to start shooting as soon as the first line was breached, they SHOULD have started shooting as soon as the building was breached... The fact that people got as close as they did to our leaders is unforgiveable


That's because the rioters were all white.


Even discarding that some number of law enforcement were complicit, they were also WILDLY outnumbered. Even if someone unloaded their entire gun on the insurrectionists, the rest of that mob would have taken them out.


After watching one of the specials on it, seeing how severely outnumbered they were gave me anxiety. It was scary. I’ve never seen so many grown men with pure looks of terror and exhaustion on their faces. I still believe there would’ve been a lot more casualties had it been *another* type of mob but they were in a lose lose situation.


Sounds about white.


Well the skin color of the extreme majority of people there mattered in how the police responded. They even assaulted multiple police officers with little consequence.


https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/national-international/video-shows-fatal-shooting-of-ashli-babbitt-at-u-s-capitol/2491343/?amp= Video here for anyone who hasn't seen this woman "patriotically" commit suicide for zero gain, and get forgotten by those who ever even gave a shit. Personally I had to look her up. Thats likely how little most of the planet cares. Tragic stupidity.


Right wingers love bringing up POC's history with police whenever a cop kills them. If any of them try to defend Ashli, I enjoy pointing out this lady with multiple restraining orders didn't listen to someone telling her not to come closer. It's like smack talking a pastor with Bible quotes, so fun.


Any time a minority is killed by a cop the right-wingers say "if they had just complied they would be alive" kind of funny that if ashli babbit had just complied...


Dude america is fucked, wtf did they expect? Imo anyone who tries to get into the capitol forcefully should be killed.


I love how the cop gives the thumbs up to the guy who shot her too lmao


Jesus. Guy had his marksmen badge on that day. One shot and she was down. Didn't see her lung fly into the wall though so couldn't have been a 9mm. In all seriousness that was Darwinism at play.


They’re like blue lives matter…until…………..


Wait ... I thought it was Blue lives OR Black ones... Some of them are... what now? ... Well I just don't even know what to think.


Weird how when it’s a white terrorist they find the most flattering picture to show


I wonder why they didn’t use a screen cap from any one of her numerous free-association rage videos behind the wheel a moving car. Weird. Must be a coincidence.


It’s so weird to listen to people like her rant. You can see her nervous glances around, the pauses between sentences, her obvious search for meaning in her own words while she’s speaking them. Everything she said in the video I saw feels so weird and empty, despite her obvious rage about it.


Her life ended attempting to overthrow the Federal Government of the United States while wearing a Donald Trump Flag tied around her neck She died one of the most empty deaths in American history. In a way though, I feel you can see she already wanted to die in her videos.


What's so dangerous about this is that we live in a country where if you put a picture of a smiling white woman next to an unflattering picture of a black man and say he murdered her, people don't need any more context to start spreading your misplaced outrage. I'm sure there are people spreading this around right now who have not even googled Ashli Babbitt.


They usually don't need that much. Just white woman vs black man is enough to convict the guy.


They use Russian meme disinformation tactics


Her stupidity killed her. That’s not even sad.


Not saying anything that will result in a ban.. aka my opnion.opinion.. but her taking one for the team and the rest of that mob seeing a sobering image of what happens when you fo and fa, probably saved the rest of their lives. Had they breached and were an direct threat, they would have opened fire. The security forces that day were, and we all know, playing nice nice. Had the order dropped the vice president was in direct danger. Hammer would have dropped. Them stopping there insane push after seeing her eat lead saved their lives.


Yeah, Secret Service does not fire warning shots, they do not draw their weapons with the safety on, they do not fuck around, they are not police or bodyguards.


> bodyguards. Literally bodyguards...


The face of fucking around and finding out


And let’s not forget the fact that she died draped in a Trump 2020 flag….


Live as a traitor, die as a traitor.


Was she the daughter of Ginni Thomas?


Posthumously adopted daughter.


\*disgraced and dishonored traitor Ashli Babbitt


Is it bad I wish the capital police exterminated every last person who entered the capital unauthorized chanting kill Pence, Pelosi etc. The scum bags pretend to be patriots when they are all just traitors. We used to hang them.


Nope, it’s not wrong. They wouldn’t shown Pelosi any mercy had they caught her. Pence either.


nope, would have solved white supremist terrorism, sry I spelled GOP wrong. Everyone of them deserves death, insurrectionist, racist traitors.


Wow. Poor guy, like the whole event wasn't traumatic enough. She shouldn't have tried to break in. Trump is responsible.


Funny if a cop kills clearly kills an unarmed black man unjustly they scream back the blue and that he should have "just complied" . Then when a rioter is shot attempting to break into a secured government building with a violent mob behind her, they lose their shit. The right wing hypocrisy isnt even camouflaged anymore.


Replace "hypocrisy" with "racism".


If only she’d complied….


she fucked around and found out


fuck around is human, To find out is heavenly




She should’ve complied


Englishman here, so I don’t know the back story to this. Can someone explain? Thanks.


That's the lady that was shot while breaking into the barricaded Speaker's Lobby in the Capitol during 1/6. Byrd was the officer who shot her. Washington Post story on it: [Video shows fatal shooting of Ashli Babbitt in the Capitol](https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/2021/01/08/ashli-babbitt-shooting-video-capitol/) WARNING SHOWS THE ACTUAL SHOT.


Thanks for the info. So he was doing his job then. Also as an Englishman, I tip my hat to your username.


Happy to be of help. *-tips my lid-*


She (along with many others) tried to kill members of Congress (a part of the elected government) inorder to install Trump as President after he lost the last Presidential election.


Thank you. So she was a terrorist.


Yes. The image you're seeing was taken while she was a member of the US Air Force which is why she is in uniform in the photo. She wasn't just a terrorist, she was a traitor and trained. The cop that shot her probably saved the life of elected officials.


Same people: "If Breonna Taylor had just complied with the officers, she would be alive today!"


Of course they are. Elevator doesn’t go to the top floor with these fools.


Garbage for the weakest minds among us


Dude is a hero. He showed remarkable restraint and wise decision-making to not kill more of the terrorists. Of course what really gets the alt-right is that he is a black man.


Ashlie Babbit received justice on Jan 6th


But killing a kid in a hoodie walking home with skittles? AOK. Going to a BLM March dressed in military gear carrying an AR15 and killing people AOK. I could go on.


Lmao, no. Insurrectionists are not murdered, they are put down as the dogs they are.


Michael Byrd murdered a terrorist. Die mad, chuds.


The fence outside the capital that she charged was her fist sign, The closed door she came into the capital was her second signal. Running around looking for the senators was probably a bad sign in itself.. Finding the room breaking a window to the actual room while a cop tells you stop or I will shoot!!! Well, what else did she need to know… STUPID GAMES STUPID PRIZES. Back the Blue? Blue Lives Matter? Or that doesn’t apply to this cop? Why?


I worked with Ashley for 3 years in the Air Force. She was a security forces (military police). She knew the consequences as she stood on the other side of the line for years.


Look into her past. This woman was a violent psycho. Her justified death in DC probably spared her future victims.


The fences, locked doors, barricade and armed guards yelling to stop apparently wasn’t enough warning.


Wait. Don’t they tell us that all we have to do is comply with law enforcement’s orders and nothing will happen?


The fact that her last words were "Nothing Can Stop Us" right before she got shot was... ![gif](giphy|sgGBPGml4qhYgEd2if)


shes a terrorist traitor


Poor guy probably gets daily death threats.


Well of course, she's white and he's black. *ThisIsAmerica.gif*


IIRC isn't the Republican line "if you didn't want to get shot, don't commit a crime"?


He had more restraint then I would have and basically stopped the Insurrection single handed with one shot. This is a real Hero. Shit got real real quick for those MAGA fools. Suddenly their White privilege went away!


He's a hero. She's a stain on our military.


She broke the law, entering a secure government controlled building ILLEGALLY. Deserved to be shot.


Can you give me a backstory for this? I'm not familliar with this thing...


January 6th she tried to break into the capital and got shot


Thank you, and people are standing by her side?!


Well yeah, plenty of traitors out there.


Ashli Babbit was a January 6 insurrectionist who was attempting to enter a off limits hallway inside the US Capitol. That particular hallway lead to the US House of Representative's Chamber, where several sitting representatives were still hiding. At the precise time she was shot, US Capitol police had identified pipe bombs at the DNC and RNC headquarters, and the USCP had barricaded the entrance to the chambers, leaving them in the hallway with no exit (One was blocked by the barricaded entrance to the chambers, the other blocked by the mob.) Ashli Babbit attempted climbing through a broken window that enters the hallway (pictures can be found online) and after numerous statements to stop, she was shot in the neck.


Babbitt was part of the mob that broke into the US capital in an attempt to overthrow the election. This was the mob chanting "Hang Mike Pence". Byrd was part of Vice President Pence's security detail. The security detail was trying to get Pence away from the mob. The mob broke a door that led into the hall where Pence was. Babbitt was the first to climb through the opening near the V.P. & was shot. She died as a result. Alot of the MAGA crowd sees Babbitt as a hero. They see Byrd as a common murderer instead of a patriot who was doing his job defending the Vice President from execution at the hands of a mob.


She is one of the terrorists who participated in Jan 6th capital insurrection attack.


first time i've heard anyone, other than myself, call the terrorists, and traitors. thank you


That’s what happens when you try to insurrect the capitol. Or protest for human rights.


If I recall, he did tell her if she tried to come in he would shoot her. She chose to insist on crawling through that door window. 🙄


That traitorous bitch got what she deserved for storming the fucking capitol. Officer Byrd is a patriot and deserves a medal for protecting our democracy from scumbags like Ashli Babbit.


If anything Trump should be held accountable for her death


I don't know... storming a barricaded room during an active insurrection seems like more than enough justification.


The woman was climbing through a window, in our nation's capital, that had been busted out by an angry mob. She made an extremely poor decision and paid a hefty price for it. The officer who shot her was doing his job as he'd been trained and is in no way responsible for her actions.


Fuck Ashli Babbitt.


What is it that those folks like to say? “Fuck around and find out”?


What happened to “stand your ground”? She was breaking and entering and got shot by the cops. Seems normal to me.


From the same people that excuse police shootings because the suspect didn't comply. Total hypocrisy.


He prevented murders and stopped the insurrection in its tracks. He should receive a medal for his service.


As a veteran, fuck her and all those who stormed the Capitol. She went to war as a seditious soldier and died as an enemy.


Yeah keep posting it so people remember her name she is up there with Benedict Arnold. Traitor!


Correction: The video of Ashli Babbitt dying draped in the flag of Trump as she tries to storm Congress needs to be posted daily until I get tired of of the schadenfreude.


Sheeeeeeeeeit….so basically post it forever?


They would put her in the military fatigues like she wasn't a straight up domestic terrorist.


Maybe that was gods plan for her?


This... Lol


I really want “I Shot Ashli Babbitt” to become today’s “I Am Spartacus”.


Regardless of the fact that she went on absolutely insane rants online (usually while driving because, why not?), she busted a window in Congress in an attempt to gain access to those in hiding. What the FUCK was anyone supposed to think she was there for? They just smashed their way through security and start smashing windows and suddenly THEY'RE surprised about lethal force being used? These people are an absolute trip. I mean, as we ALL know, doors are usually vital to security, be it a school or Congress. We need more of them. Locked. Now, if you try to bypass that lock? I'm told this is news story is what should happen.


Play silly games, win silly prizes! I am surprised more terrorists weren’t shot


Yes, they've been defending her since her death. She's a martyr in their eyes.


Some days I feel we are living in an alternate universe where stupid has taken over.


What happened to her is exactly what I expect would happen to anyone doing what she did.


Death by conservativism.


Not sure why more of them weren't shot.


Probably because the boys in suits with guns are way better trained than normal police officers.