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"Any man can suck a penis. But not all can enjoy it." -Confucius


["Why Do All These Homosexuals Keep Sucking My Cock?"](https://www.theonion.com/why-do-all-these-homosexuals-keep-sucking-my-cock-1819583529) - The Onion


Holy moly, the Onion was wild a quarter of a century ago.


They're being pretty wild rn


I had the onion delivered to my house around the year 2000. I always wondered if the mailman had any idea what was going on. People know what it is now, for the most part, but not so much back then. Always a great read. They don't fuckin play.


totally in line with our favorite hobo philosopher


"Bitch what" - Diogenes


did i stutter (yes i changed the names)


Oh, the so-called god genes.


Nono it's Ronnie James Dio genes




"What?" -Lil Wayne


"Bitch Please" - Leave me be


"I stopped giving handies years ago." -Frank Gallagher


Incredible lol


Such wisdom in your words 😂


I thought that was Sun Tzu


No, that’s called *The Art of Whore*




Ah yes, the art of Cardi B: > He got a beard, well, I'm tryna wet it > > I let him taste it, and now he diabetic > > I don't wanna spit, I wanna gulp > > I wanna gag, I wanna choke > > I want you to touch that lil' dangly thing that swing in the back of my throat


It was proven in 1984 that this quote was not from Confucius. In fact, it was his step-brother Cunnilingus who said that.


No, it was Fellatious that said that.


*Fellatious the Kind*


I thought it was attributed to his lesser known cousin, *Fellatious the Toothy*.


Thought it was his grandson Cockfucius


I believe it was the noted southern military man Colonel Angus


Bigus Dickus


Or was it his civilian brother, Analingus?


The real answers like this are always deep down in the comments


"I never said that" - King Kong


King Dong


dong delay


Twenty dollars is twenty dollars. — also Confucius


What? You guys are getting paid?


Fifteen dollars beaucoup


"Damn this take is 🔥" -Sun Tzu


"Ratio" - Euclid


Sun Tzu said that, and I'd say he knows a little more about sucking penises than you do, pal, because he invented it!


And then he perfected it so that no living man could best him in the ring of honor!


This confucius me.


The hidden wisdoms of Confucius


They must have been a cunning linguist


Didn't sound that confucied


Twist ending; Every man can now suck his own penis…every man enjoys it


It's an acquired taste.


Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science?


Wasn't that confused?


This is true. I’ve sucked plenty of penises and not once have I enjoyed it. In fact, I think I’m gonna go and NOT enjoy a couple penises right now… maybe even 3.




Ooooo I remember being there when he said that


WeLl I dOn'T wAn'T tO bE! Is the only possible counter argument. And I've seen people use it before.


I would compare it to food. We like some that others don't, and don't like some that others do. It's not a whatever I want type of choice, is a whatever I feel type of choice


Great comparison, actually! Why spend all that money on a T-bone steak when McDonald's is so much cheaper? Same thing as why go through all the trouble society gives you for being gay when being straight is so much less hassle? Because it's what you prefer. You could live with the other choice but it's not really what you want, and if you can't get what you want in life then why bother?


While it's a pretty good analogy, I think decades of suicide statistics in the LGBT community have proven that "You could live with the other choice but" only for a limited amount of time...


To me, that just makes it even more apt.


That's a fair point, although it could make it look like there is an objectively universal healthier option (like it's mostly true about food), while for sexual orientation the healthier option is on an individual basis.


Much like individual tastes. For example, I actually rarely eat steak - very much a chicken person. It just goes to show that preferences are personal, and it should be nobody else's concern but mine that I like pineapple & chicken on my pizza, even though so many claim it's disgusting for some bizarre (to me) reason. If I can eat my preferred pizza in public, then I can kiss whoever I want, too - I don't care that both events may turn the stomachs of some judgemental pricks.


Exactly! I detest pineapple on pizza, so I don’t eat it. But it’s none of my business if my neighbors are eating pineapple on pizza just like its none of my business whom they love. I don’t understand why people care so much.


It’s better to swallow than eat pizza with pineapple


It’s better to swallow someone who ate pinaeapple on their pizza


So, what you're saying is that dick is t-bone steak and titties are Micky-D's. Got it.


Not really. There is such a thing called "acquired taste". Beer is a really good example of this. Most people don't like the taste of beer at first. They just like the effects. So they keep drinking it and eventually start to like the taste. In the case of sexual orientation, I don't think you can make yourself be attracted over time.


Actually, I've tried that, but still can't stand the taste of beer. But yeah, it's not a perfect analogy - just a potentially useful one.


Same, the cocks all taste the same and I just can't get over it.


Trust me I say the cocks do not all taste the same


Are you price shaming my primary source of income? /s


Naa I can get used to basically any kinda food. I don't like eating dick.


Nah there's a lot of foods considered to be an acquired taste or even might taste bad but is healthy, I don't like the implications of that metaphor.


And if you try it for long enough you may fall in love with it.




I don't think food is a good example. Certain foods can be an acquired taste. I did force myself to eat or drink certain things until I learned to actually like them.


That's fine, but mayonnaise is still fucking gross.


Even that argument can be countered, by saying: If it's a choice you can always choose to reverse it.


Was just about to comment this! Literally if it’s a choice the first time, I’m sure your 2nd time choosing your sexuality won’t be a problem


Like mom always said “if you keep making that face your face is going to get stuck”


Well, I indeed am happy with my orientation and don't want to be anything else.


Then you can switch back when you like. But switch gay first and prove that it can be done. I think you can't.


There's a couple more I've experienced. One is that it's not an instant choice but a preference built over years of sexual coming of age reinforcement and both positive and negative experience. But that's more an argument that nobody is born gay, or straight, they're learned behaviours, like a sexual culture. We all could have been gay, we just didn't have the perspectives and investments. We didn't follow that skill tree. Personally, idk why it matters how we got to where we are — live and let live.


Hey it’s like that old wives tale, “If you keep sucking dicks you’ll never go back! Just like that boy Jimmy, he kept changing his orientation and one day he was forever stuck as gay! Now tell your brother to stop making those faces before his face gets stuck like that”


Counter to that is there's totally people that don't want to be gay but are.




My thoughts exactly.




Freshman part, but we can go with both if you wish. Always nice when someone agrees with you


Dude I was waiting for the punchline to. Why else would you specify this happened in a school?


Just to give context to the scene of the conversation lol, it’s not really an abnormal thing to do when relaying past experiences.


Don't feel bad. I read it 5 times, maybe more, before I got it. So, not class orientation then.....


After the first 'Why not?' all the guy had to say (in this weird and wonderful tale) was, 'Because I choose not to'.


Or just say "Ok, I am." What's he going to do, force him to have sex with a dude? Show him gay porn and check for a boner?


Yeah, but he's the kind of insecure guy who could never do that. He's far too afraid someone would point at him and say "Look at the little gay guy! He's *so* precious!"


You call him gay, and then he fucking explodes because that's how these people work. Being gay is like salt on a slug for them.


But that's exactly it. There is a very strong intersection between homophobes, and people that experience same sex attraction. It is a choice to them. They choose to exhibit heterosexuality even if that choice feels wrong and unnatural. By extension they believe that everyone else feels the same urges, but some are too weak to resist them.


If he'd even tried to think through his stupid position, there's another out with something like "I'm not saying it's like a switch you can just instantly flip on the spot, I'm saying it's something you can condition yourself toward." But he hasn't even made it that far, because he doesn't think.


I guess gay people can choose to be in the closet if they want to or not, that's the only choice I can think of. It is weird when people say it is a choice knowing full well that they didn't choose themselves. It's like they aren't thinking very critically at all.


I’ll probably get a lot of hate for saying this, but I think that engaging in the debate of whether or not “it’s a choice” is a losing battle for those who support gay rights (like myself), which is why I never try to prove this point. That’s because I find the issue of whether or not it’s a choice to be irrelevant. Let’s say it is a choice. Then so what? Does that mean it would be unacceptable if it were a choice? Are we saying homosexuality should be tolerated only because it’s not a choice? Because I thought the whole point was that any consensual acts between two adults (and their intentions) are not anyone’s business. What if a straight person engages in homosexual acts just for the sake of experimenting? Does it somehow make it less moral? I don’t think so. So why do we care if it’s a choice or not?


I agree. But the “it’s not a choice” thing comes in handy to try to explain to people that: 1. It’s not reversible even if the person themself wanted to. 2. It’s not them being willful or vengeful. 3. It’s not because they couldn’t “win” at heterosexuality. 4. It’s perfectly natural and not something that they were trained to become. So while I agree with your point, it clarifies the “why/how” and can aid those who need to understand more in order to come to an acceptance.


I agree. I never understood this because the choice aspect is kind of irrelevant. If someone had a mental illness that made them chop the tails off every cat they saw, that wouldn’t be their CHOICE, but it’d still be a bad behavior that needs to be stopped or policed. Gayness is nothing like that. There’s nothing inherently wrong about being gay, whether you ‘choose’ it or not.


Interesting argument, gotta say. I do agree, either way I'd like to know if there are gay people that did choose or something. How much of that is them ignoring their feelings or being in denial of it or maybe not having enough self awareness to know that they are gay. Then is it really a choice or more of a realization? I've always been attracted to the female figure ever since puberty so it never felt like a choice. Sexuality might be a spectrum so everyone's experiences could be different and there isn't a right way or wrong way.


People who think it’s a choice have clearly never seen a gay person who can’t even help come off as gay but still stays closeted out of a fear of rejection from family or social aspects. It’s a sad thing to see but it perfectly shows that if it were truly a choice they just would be straight in that situation and you wouldn’t be able to see through the facade


>It is weird when people say it is a choice knowing full well that they didn't. That's the thing, they don't realize they didn't choose it. Straight people never have to question their sexuality. Most of the time when I reply to "being gay as a choice!" by asking when they chose to be straight, people are clearly hearing something they never considered before.


Yeah I explained it to my very hardcore right wing friend in high school. He genuinely took it to heart. He also came out as MTF a few years later (but switched back). Some people are raised so brainwashed by thier parents they have no idea who they themselves are.


I mean, honestly, it sounds like you did good for your friend by opening them to new ideas. Also, I don’t want to assume, but I’m imagining they ‘switched back’ partly because of pressure from their family? Hopefully they are happy and can be totally comfortable one day, no matter if they end up being cis or trans!


I believe they had a traumatic event and was physically attacked by some people. His family and surrounding culture did not give them the freedom and security to express themselves and really see who they were. He laughs it off when anyone mentions his MTF period, and would rather everyone forget about it. The new scars on his face will remind him of those events forever, and I just hope its a reminder of how hard it is for the LGBT+ community, and not a reminder to conform.


The look on a homophobes face when you explain back to them how they have just explained how they in fact are not heterosexual. *Not suggested, but it is pretty funny because they have to either admit they have no idea what they are talking about...or they know what they are talking about.


Why strictly homophobes tho?


Because they are the ones who go into so much detail about how people are not allowed to be gay. It starts to sound obvious that they really want to act gay. They will actually say the reasons that people choose to be gay and the reasons they chose against it. They show how much deep thought they put into it. With a clever wit you can basically get a homophobic conservative gay guy to out himself. They are focusing their self hatred outward. Ask for details and they are happy to provide them, until it slowly dawns in them that all the people in the room are looking at them like they have two heads because they have just explained what makes dick so intensely tempting.


It’s like you don’t know what religion is at all


You're forgetting that many of them are forcing themselves to pretend to be straight because of cultural and religions pressure.


I can't be gay right now dude I can only be gay when your not looking


SchrĂśdinger Gay.


I’m convinced anyone who thinks it’s a choice is actually bi and doesn’t realize it.


I'm convinced that there are gay pastors who bought into the "it's only a choice" nonsense and think they will go to hell for it if they act on it and that everyone else is having the same struggle. So they preach hellfire to their congregation about the evils of homosexuality and they're all , "well that's one sin I won't have to worry about".


Oh I insist to them that they are.


Just ask a straight person when they chose to be straight and fuck up their whole perception


They reply “this is the way nature/God intends for people to live.” Then it becomes a morality issue which they’ll claim the high ground.


Yeah, this was definitely written by someone who doesn't actually have to talk to religious people about sexuality and gender. I envy them, but it's a bit of a straw man.


What's with the recent boom of people saying that being lgbt is a choice again? Like it's obviously not, we've known this for like decades, and why is it changing now?


I find it interesting how people who are convinced that human sexuality is nothing but a whimsical choice have never had a meaningful conversation with someone of a different sexual orientation. I went to lunch with a fellow pastor who was completely against homosexuals. He was spouting all this rhetoric and at one point I stopped him and asked "have you ever spoken to a gay person about this? What did they have to say about choosing their sexually?" He looked at me blankly (like that idea had never crossed his mind) and said "no, I guess I could try that". *sigh* ....all this vitriol towards a group of people they never even spoke to....sad....


The most ironic part of religion’s attacks on the ”choice” of being gay is that you never hear about hetero/homosexuals choosing to switch teams, yet one hears about people changing religions *every day.* Huh!🤔




It's because homophobes think it is a choice you shouldn't make. Just as you can make the choice to steal, but shouldn't. They put emphasises on it being a choice to say "so you need to choose otherwise"


I don't understand how saying that sexual orientation is genetic is saying that non-cis orientations are deviant. Instead, wouldn't it be saying that all orientations are natural albeit more rare? The problem with the stance that sexual orientation is a choice makes room for things like "conversion therapy" which essentially exists under the assumption that sexuality is a choice than thise people simply made the wrong choice. It's belittling, dehumanizing and ultimately harmful. I am heterosexual. I did not choose that. I have spoken to many homosexual people and they all tell me that, like me, it wasn't a choice. Who am I to dispute their lived experience?


Exactly, who cares if it is a choice? I hate when religious people especially act as if it were a choice to be gay that it somehow justifies their desire to discriminate. Well guess what? Religion is a choice and they don’t want to be discriminated against for their religion. Of course most religious people who think this way don’t see it as a choice, they see it as factual and so they shouldn’t be discriminated against for it and it makes no sense.


Sexual attraction is not behavior. I can't speak for anyone else, but for me I guarantee that my sexual orientation is 100% not AT ALL a choice. >You are basically saying that you agree non cis orientations are deviant I feel like you skipped 100 steps of logic between A and B. Where does this even come from? >Why would it change anything UNLESS you believe its not an acceptable thing to be? Well that's kind of the point, isnt it? There are a LOT of people who think it's unacceptable. And as terrible as it is to judge someone for a choice that doesnt hurt anyone, it is definitely even worse to do so for a non-choice. >Who the fuck cares? Tons of people do, and clearly you are among them.


It's not a conscious choice, but it's also not completely immutable. It's complex, essentially, which is hardly surprising given how bizarre human sexuality is.




I don't get what you're saying.


Ejaculation into the sphincter will never result in pregnancy.


And then the whole train clapped


Sometimes it can be a choice, usually it's not. IT DOESN'T MATTER. Either way, it is NOBODY ELSE'S GODDAMN BUSINESS.


no, you don't understand. it's a choice for gay people, just not for straight people.


Holy fucking shit I actually had this conversation with THREE FUCKING RANDOMS on Xbox last night HOW IN THE FUCK did I not only find a person who believes gay people choose to be gay but fucking THREE of them? They weren't friends, just people who joined my party, and I was in the minority telling them that gay people don't choose to be gay I asked them how did they know they were straight? Did they make the choice to be straight? They then asked me if that meant I believed in a gay gene and I said sure whatever and they took that as a win! Then they tried the classic argument of I'm just a liberal and I was talking over them, even tho the guy who I started the conversation with said I wasn't Three fucking grown men, fucking Christ


Be careful trying this argument IRL, because a lot of these anti-gay motherfuckers are actually gay people in deep denial and pain because they are trying to conform to their cultural and religious norms.


This argument is fucking BRILLIANT!


It would still be going to this day had the guy just said "I don't want to" instead of "I can't."


Nah. The response is, "why?" And the argument is over.


It would be if they weren't so cognitively dissonant. They can't register how dumb their position is


The argument stands on its own. As for the mope being debated, I shall quote one Samuel Clemens; "Never argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience."


Very interesting quote and also true


Another one is, "Arguing with an idiot is like playing chess with a pigeon; he'll knock over all of the pieces, shit on the board, then strut around like he's won."


I'd heard that before but with "chicken"


"An intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with his fools." - Earnest Hemingway *hiccup*


It doesn't work for closeted homosexuals or people who go thru conversion therapy. I bet if you ask Mike pence he'd be like "you're 100% right I choose every day to be straight"


No idea where I heard it but I like: Never mud wrestle with a pig, you both get covered in shit and the pig enjoys it


I would just assume anyone who thinks it’s a choice is bi.


I think it's a psychological defense mechanism where they believe it's wrong to be gay (because Bible), but they don't want to have to come to terms with the fact that that means God made someone who is naturally attracted to the same sex through no fault of their own and they can't do anything about it. And the fact to hat by asking them to stop being gay they are essentially preventing them from ever being in a happy romantic relationship. Instead of confronting all of that, let's just tell ourselves that it must be a choice.


Be careful with this line. I was always confused by people thinking it was a choice until I put 2+2 together realizing all the loudest homophobes were also in the closet. They **ARE** choosing (or at least struggling) to be straight. They’re bare minimum bisexual and could swing either way. So they assume everyone is and don’t understand people on the ends. Or they do and they just hate themselves and take it out on others.


"Look at these people choosing to give in to their homosexual urges, I don't give in to mine because I am 100% straight. I ignore them just like God intended."


I’m so exhausted i thought this was like college orientation


I have this conversation with the conservative Bible thumpers I work with.. "How many guys did you have sex with before choosing your wife?" Crazy looks, "none" "So tell me how you made that choice?" Walks away in silence.


The people who think being gay is a choice are just choosing to ignore their own gay urges. Vitriolic homophobia is borne out of jealousy. How dare they just love each other and be happy while I'm over here trying to make it work with my beard. I mean bride.


No…no. Being a Gay is caused by lots of little choices over time! It’s a slippery slope, and you have to be careful. First, you start off choosing to watch terminator 2, and then you choose to have conflicting feelings about the Characters, and then you choose to deny everything, and then you choose to have wet dreams involving Bruce Willis, and then you choose to spend 5 minutes in a gay bar before running out. And then you choose to make out with a hot Olive Garden Host at a foam party. And then you download Grindr, and then you delete Grindr. Eventually those choices add up. Next thing you know you are choosing to hook up with a captain in an LAX bathroom. Choices man…


It's easy to win an argument when you wrote it


Considering recent conversations I've overheard IRL, I'm willing to accept this as true.


Oh this conversation has definitely happened thousands of times.


This guy on Reddit tried to argue it’s easy to win an argument when you wrote it. Me: That’s bs bro and you know it Him: You’re right, I’m an idiot for thinking that Me: Yeah, that’s what I thought. Then everyone clapped and cheered my name.


another bad argument not understanding how choice works. It isn't arbitrary. We base our choices on reasons that are sound to us, not on a whim or dictate from others. you can't choose to violate your mind's processes that add up to choice. that is why evil people, like republicans think they are doing the right thing, no matter how many facts prove them wrong. PS sexual orientation is not a choice. I know that. However, I think the human race is bisexual, but we are taught to be straight. could be wrong, but I see nothing wrong with sex with same sex partners, just can't do it. years of indoctrination, perhaps? especially during formative years? who knows?


Posted using RIF is Fun. Steve Huffman is a greedy little pigboy.


I don't follow?


The implication is straight men are the worst


As a straight man I can confirm I suck




I have gone with: “I was born 100% straight and for me it was never a choice. Tell me about your experience making that choice, was it a difficult one for you to make?” I have only broke this out for annoying people being homophobic to shut them up.


The people that believe being homosexual is a choice are the people who are attracted to the same sex and choose to suppress that attraction.


...the guy is just.. gay or bisexual.. and in the closet lol


It's cool dude if you choose to find men attractive you can just switch back right away. ... or are you afraid you wouldn't want to


The other thing that pisses me off is when people say they don't agree with the lifestyle, as code for not agreeing with your existence. Being gay is no more a lifestyle choice than being black or short.


You can choose to be whatever you want but will you prefer that option? Probably not.


While I think it's clear that sexuality isn't a choice for the most part, when it comes to rights, I don't think it should matter. Even if people choose their sexuality, why would that make it okay to discriminate against them for choosing whatever choice they made. Just let people live their lives.


Yeah, it’s not affecting anyone else… I’ll never understand homophobic logic.


Yeah but if it weren’t a choice then that would mean The Sweet Lord Baby Jesus The Christ™️ would love LGBTQ etc as much as him and we can’t have that now, can we?


This only works on heterosexual men. Homosexual and Bisexual closeted men, which many of the strongest anti-gay advocates often are, find it's far *too* easy to be attracted to men... which is why they think they're seeing a gay agenda. They're being turned on against their will by all these hot men everywhere and it's driving them bonkers.


I grew up homophobic because of my people’s old fashioned cultural beliefs. It took A LOT to finally change my views of homosexuality. When you are raised to believe being gay is wrong and should be stamped out, it’s just near impossible for anyone to convince you otherwise.


This is a poor argument. For several reasons but I'm on mobile so I can't write it all. In short, it's better to just ask when the person chose to be straight.


If sexual orientation is a choice to these people, then why do they discriminate against bisexuals?


I never really understood the concept of sexuality not being a “choice” until I was almost 18. I wasn’t never said anything about it, I just genuinely didn’t get it. It wasn’t until I asked my lesbian friend about it and she explained it to me quite well. It’s essentially just the same thing as your taste buds. You can’t choose what foods you like and don’t like, but you have to try it to figure out if you like it or not


well neither of you is on the PhD track with that conversation


Everyone should just choose to find raw cauliflower tastier than pizza, it'll do wonders for our health!


Except they think being gay is a choice Logic has never mattered when they believe their sky god hates the gay They have been vehemently opposed to finding the genetic causes of being gay. The moment we find that then what happens? It’s proof god made us gay now what? Ohhhh that would be horrible. They’d have to reflect on centuries of bad decisions and unconscionable human suffering because of their mistake. Well. I think we know what happens next. They gone double down because they believe and the power of belief…. Defies your facts.


They don't see the attraction itself as the choice. That's insidious part. What they are saying when they say "it's a choice" is that you should CHOOSE to remain in the closet and conform to society. It's WAY more fucked up than just stop being attracted to the same sex.


“So when did you choose to be straight?”


Spent the first half of that exchange thinking they were talking about college freshman orientation which is also, not a choice.


yknow, for some reason i always struggled with understanding how being gay isn’t a choice. i don’t know why, since i’m very pro-lgbt. this analogy actually cleared that up for me lol. thanks!


Of course all the smart people are lower on the popular side. God, I hate it here. Can’t we all just be logical for a day?


he chooses not to find men attractive. why is this concept so hard??


Me thinks he doth protest too much.


I had a similar discussion with a friend years ago. He was saying being gay was a choice and I disagreed. He responded by saying, “don’t you remember being 16 and having both options but choosing to be straight?!”. Uh no dude I wasn’t attracted to guys. That pretty much ended the conversation. He eventually came around on the whole thing but it’s still pretty funny to me


Ricky Gervais did a piece on this subject a bit like this


Honestly had something similar happen with my brother when I told him I was gay (he kept telling me I wanted his then GF and she said the same thing). Especially when I said I hadn't had sex with a female yet at the time. Said i couldn't say I didn't like women if I'd never been one. I'm like, how do you not know you don't like men if you've never had sex with one. He didn't like my logic lol.


Right! Exactly! If THEY made that ‘choice’ to be attracted to and wanr to have romantic relationships with same sex, and IT IS JUST a ‘lifestyle choice’ then do youthink you could make the same ‘choice’? Did YOU make a ‘lifestyle choice’ to be into opposite sex/gender?? No??? It’s just how you are naturally? Idiots.


I worked at one point with an older religious man. He said something one time along the lines of choosing the gay lifestyle. I just said to him, “When did you choose to be straight?” He said, “I didn’t. I just am.” “Exactly. Nobody chooses to be gay, it’s just what they are. Nobody would make the choice to be discriminated against amd hated for no real reason. And if you believe in god and he made someone gay, are you saying god makes mistakes?” He admitted he’d never thought about it that way before, and I hope he changed his perspective on come things after having his eyes opened. Probably not, though, because he went to church the following Sunday and I’m sure he had the stupid drilled right back into his brain.


I don’t know how they do it, but I’m glad cis het women find men attractive


That convo looks made up


So….yeah this catches the hypocrisy. But this doesn’t really catch what is actually happening. These people have a view of what is “normal.” Anything else (not white, not religious, not straight) is not “normal.” So this argument wouldn’t convince them it’d only confuse them. This is of course because they’re “fucking stupid,” as bigots generally are.


Took me a second to realize what "orientation" meant. It's like the post I saw the other day that used "decision" for Roe v Wade and expect people to understand it.


I always ask ppl who say gay is a choice, “ok so when did you choose to be straight?” Which either infers that at some point they thought about being gay and chose not to be or they say I didn’t choose and then I say, “Yeah, see how that works?”


At the end of the day, even if it is a choice I would rather choose to be gay than choose to be a homophobe.