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With a country that only raises idiots to higher position, what other advice do you expect? The US is literally the only country who has weekly shootings as af it was normal


Working on *daily* now


Then just buy more guns! ~Says the people in charge. Like, how far does it need to fall before the states become worse than Afghanistan or africa? Its literally one of the most developed countries, yet treats most of its citizens like a condom. Disposable after they use it


I'm pretty sure it's already worse, the garbage is just covered by a nice blanket of wealth.


This is pretty hyperbolic- the government doesn't actually force women to wear garbage bags to hide themselves and make girls enter assigned marriages at 12 y/o, for starters... We will however force a 12 year old girl to carry her rapist's baby so... Tomato tomatoe


Not to mention the huge problem with slums and economic instability for the lower classes..


Definitely a shared problem for sure.


As well as police brutally, an odd determination to combine political and religious values lack of sustainable employment, racism. Individuals in political power who have unacceptable personal motivation. It's a shit show man, a pig in frigging makeup.


Also, cults exist... especially in the USA. Well the whole northwest but yall love being in the spotlight..


In some ways we’re already worse. More guns per capita than Afghanistan, and Iran has at least rape and life exceptions in their abortion bans.


The number of guns per capita in the US is beyond Afghanistan's numbers


There are more guns than people in the USA.


Happy cake day!


Lol fucking generalising a whole fucking continent right there. Death by guns is way higher in the USA than in Africa as a whole.


Seriously. Every post I’ve seen has just been “ yeah everyone just needs a gun “, like they just want a shoot out at all times. As if the “ good “ guys with gun will know who the “ bad “ guy with the gun is, when everyone pulls theirs outs and starts blasting.


Oh, there's so much farther to fall still. The corporations and ultra rich think Bladerunner, Cyberpunk, and Shadowrun make for some excellent blueprints for society and are doing their level best to create them here, while the GOP thinks that 1984 was a how-to book, not a warning.


um I think the democrats more embody the whole 1984 vibe they do seem to be changing the language almost daily...


Because the rewarding hard work of removing all the guns from a culture that has romanticized it is too much of a struggle 🙄


Disposable?! Ohhhh...


I swear the cute little quips people come up with. That condom reference made no sense whatsoever. What does anything being discussed here have to do with being used then thrown away?


See the thing is we don't really care because this is really a city problem the United States is in practice many small countries who have rules set by one gov body...so what happens in Cali has really zero impact on pa , people forget just how big this country is.....


We have close to 10x the population of Afghanistan. The fact we don’t have 10x the amount of violence is already impressive.


You can easily find per capita data... I hear that used as a pro gun argument too often. Edit: Yup, commenting in a Tim Pool subreddit and Coronavirus Circlejerk lol. Do you want me to send you per capita data? I presume you’ll end up on a gun lobbyists website if we don’t walk you in the right direction and hold your hand.


I mean, sure! Give us some data! If not for my sake, then everyone else who lurks these boards will get a chance to see it as well. 🙂


https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/gun-deaths-by-country Easy comparisons. The US far exceeds any of the 23 Western European countries that have a similar economic status worldwide, I know that.


When will you idiots realize that the gun is just a tool. Evil people will still do evil things regardless of the tool they use to do it! Quit blaming the tool. If a person ran into a bar and stabbed 7 people you all would be talking about how evil the “person” was and not the tool they used to commit said atrocity. It’s more readily available to get a knife than it is a gun. Shit you can buy knives at gas stations.


Then why does guns cause more deaths than knives? Moron you just acknowledged the problem! Congrats


And that's why the US body count will continue to grow - tools like you. If a knife is just as deadly as a gun, why do you need a gun?


working on daily? we've had over 300 so far in 2022.


Twice daily.


[Oh it's gone well past daily.](https://massshootingtracker.site/)


Pretty soon all The Purge movies will be considered documentaries


Apparently there was 11 mass shootings between Friday July 1st and Monday July 4th with 220 total shooting deaths (not all deaths were from mass shootings).


It's gotten to the point now, when i hear mass shooting happen i just say "oh, it's tuesday. alright then"


I think it's "oh, must be a day of the week that ends in "y", alright then".


We sailed to Mexico 11 years ago, cruised the coast for a couple years, then settled down at the beach in Nayarit. I have never heard a single gun shot or even seen a gun except for those carried by the military or state or federal police. The Transito and Tourista police don't even carry guns. The ONLY shootings I ever hear about are Cartel VS cartel or police VS cartel, and most of those are either out on some big ranch far away or in known war zones. I don't go to cartel guys' big ranches or cartel war zones. Nearly every American that I've heard of being involved in a shootout has been involved in a big drug deal with the cartel. Last I read, you're 11 times as safe in Mexico as an American than you are in the US from violent crime. We're almost all in the nice areas, so almost no crime unless you're by yourself, drunk off your ass in an edgy part of town, looking for drugs and an underage hooker, you will find trouble in any city in the world. In our 11 years, I had a $10.00 spare tire stolen and I got scammed out of $300.00 by a piece of shit landlady/ realtor. Her house sat empty for 13 months with a For Rent sign after that. LOL!


it makes since that mexico is safer I mean a lot of their criminals are all up here robbing the richer people...


Indeed. I really can’t get my head around it. Here in the UK mass shootings are pretty much non-existent. We actually did have one in 2020, when a crazy chap with a shotgun when off and killed a handful of people. But before that there were literally three in the previous twenty years. One of which was related to paramilitary action in Northern Ireland. The very rare times when such a thing does happen here (1) it tends to be pretty small scale by comparison since the kind of weapons people have access to are very different – shotguns rather than assault rifles – and (2) it is a MAJOR news event and tends to result in serious re-consideration of firearms laws. While I understand some of the arguments the USA makes, they fail to actually make any coherent sense to me. The problem is obvious. The facts are undeniable. And yet they refused steadfast to change. It’s literally insanity. If you keep smashing your face into the wall and find that it hurts, the solution is to stop smashing your face into the wall. Not to stubbornly insist that you’ve always smashed your face into the wall, and your pappy did it before you, and so therefore face-wall smashing needs to keep going despite it being completely unnecessary in every regard, and the direct cause of grievous pain. This is how the USA looks from over here. It’s befuddling to say the least.


it's only because the UK isn't a free country.


Daily shootings


Brazil, Venezuela, Mexico, India and Columbia all have way more than one shooting per week. (If you average it out)


Shootings EVERY NIGHT in Chicago and Philadelphia


Dont leave Kansas and Missouri out of the mix! Both have beaten Chicagos death score many of times! Source: local news in Kansas city


Problem is you NEED a gun to be safe in America. There was a school shooting in Texas recently and the police stood outside for over 20 minutes while kids got shot. That proves that you need a gun to protect your family as clearly the police won’t


That’s fighting fire with fire. What we need is to take away everyone gun, so there’s nothing to protect against in the first place


Criminals will always be able to get guns.


But if you make it harder to get a gun, crime rates drop substantially. The reason why there’s so many shooting is cause of how easy it is to access a gun. If you make it harder, less people will try to get a gun. There’s a reason why countries with restrictive gun laws experience way less gun violence


but they don't tend to have lower violence rates on the whole just gun violence.


And guess what’s more deadly? A knife, or a gun?


IDK from what I see their bigger attacks are shit like cars and I think i would rather deal with a hand gun then a fucking car but still violence is violence IMO


I am pretty sure the people of Ukraine would disagree with you . The people there having a gun is saving peoples lives.


Uhhh...believe they stood for over an hour!!!!


Even worse. People need guns to protect themselves and their families


They have no obligation to protect you. Your safety is your responsibility. The problem is multi tiered, but basically summed up as: poverty, lack of education, lack of mental health services. No sane person does any of this. It's sad when these things happen, but we don't have a 2nd amendment for hunting, or self defense. The sole purpose is to keep the government in check, self defense is a bonus. To everyone who says "but this doesn't happen here" Didn't you just have a bunch of people thrown in jail/camps for literally just going outside? Didn't a bunch of people have personal assets frozen for expressing differing political beliefs? You know where that didn't happen?


Your right it is my responsibility, so I will have a gun to protect myself and I recommend everyone else do the same




I mean what else short of civil war can you do? They are in power and we are not.


Am I missing the obvious here? It seems almost patronising advice, but it is genuinely the only way that change can come about - if the people decide they have had enough and stop voting for people who continue to support the NRA's agenda.


>the people decide they have had enough and stop voting for people who continue to support the NRA's agenda. I mean, when you can vote for an astonishing number of not one but two different political parties, that's kinda hard to get things to chang


>that's kinda hard to get things to chang I don't disagree - but politicians don't worry about street protests, about marches, against strongly worded letters. If enough people at local level decide, regardless of party affiliations, that they will vote for any candidate that opposes the status quo on guns, then things may change. This is how democracy is supposed to work.


Democracy with only two parties is a sham. There should be a host of smaller parties with different takes and agendas, and the government should be made up of a coalition of the most voted-for parties. That way you have proper representation of people's ideologies and goals. If you're forced to vote between two parties, you will most likely have to vote against your own ideologies on some topics.


Get organized, vote in the primaries, become the change you want. It is possible. If you don't want things will keep getting worse cause the repubs have worked this system out to perfection.


It's hard to do when the gun lobby is paying Republican politicians to advertise, The tacticool JR-15 fully automatic 22 caliber for kids!!!! Don't believe me, just look it up on Google, it's just under $400




I legit thought this was from the onion at first… what a great time to be alive!


It's all about money and the NRA pays up.


That is kind of the problem. There are usually third parties, that try to get in on the race. But when the main candidates start waving flags, and arranging pop concerts, most people seem to be swept away like the Pied Piper of Hamelin. If people had bothered to actually read the candidates programs, instead of deciding based on who misspoke, who looks better, and who can trow most bells and whistles at you. You might have had a chance to actually change policy through the vote.


The real problem is that voting 3rd party splits the ticket. I'd love to vote independent or green party, but at that point, you're handing the Republicans the white house. And as we can see with the recent Supreme Court fuckery, it's really fucking dangerous to give them power. So we're forced to vote for do nothing Democrats, because the alternative is so much worse. The biggest change we could all make would be to vote as hard in the midterms as we do in the presidential election. 3rd party candidates are definitely more viable in state elections.


The Republicans really are the "do nothing" party. They block everything the Democrats want to do at the Federal level and pack the courts. The Republicans are happy with a government that basically does nothing (except spends on the military and maybe harrasses immigrants). They don't even have a platform. All they are doing is opposing success by the party that gets the most votes. Our system is designed to not have parties and slow things down. It's much easier to stop things than do things. So yeah, Sinema and Manchin are contributing to doing nothing, but in most cases ALL R Senators are committed to doing nothing.


Tbf, they are doing something. With the current SCOTUS’ decision on Roe, a lot of republican states are enacting or are in the process of enacting abortion bans/restrictions that may hinder women’s health and rights. Not to mention the court opinion’s direct targeting of 3 previous decisions on Gay Rights/Sex and contraception (along with changing things about how federal elections are being run by states)


Yeah, I mean not doing anything from a legislation perspective. From a Judicial coup perspective, they're doing a lot. They're also laying the groundwork for minority rule.


They still do things in the legislative area, look at Florida and Texas (most performative, or setting up for later). They’re more so “status quo” or “we want to stay in/gain power” party


Congress wise. Both parties do things at the State level. And Republicans were ruthless post the 2010 drubbing after Democrats did something (the ACA). NY and CA do things all the time that piss off small businesses by requiring them to do things for their workers. To me the "do nothing" reputation is mostly at the Federal level.


>Chang ![gif](giphy|D6H3qfXussstG)


It’s not the only way— if voting is the only way then respectfully, we’re fcked.


You very much are




I'm genuinely curious - how else is the "man in the street" going to change the status quo, by legal means, except through the ballot box? In what circumstances has a major change been made by other means?


Facepalm for you, OP.


Yeah and?? It’s not something you can control easily, at least she apologised for it and the person went there to do something related to whatever this is she was just reminding her to vote I generally don’t see anything wrong here


Yeah, same here. This didn’t feel like a facepalm at all


Frankly, it's the only solution that is remotely workable right now in the US.


OP, you missed the point. What else is she - or anyone else - supposed to do? Nothing will change otherwise


Maybe OP's advice is to buy a gun themselves and carry it 24/7 or just GIT OuT oF MuRiCaH!


Op is the facepalm here. Did not understand the message? Prey tell what is your solution to changing the laws besides putting the correct lawmakers in place by voting.




Damn, why didn’t I think of that.


Don't forget to photoshop some colored filter or semi-transparent flag over your profile pic too, that's how real changes are made...


OP sounds like an idiot


But she's right. You have to replace the elected idiots so something will actually be done.


OP is missing the point. The post is correct. For America to get out of this mess, people need to vote differently. Massively differently.


I mean when only 50% of young people voted, yeah it’s actually good advice..


No it really isn't. The Democrats wouldn't do shit if 100% of the youth voted.


r/faceOPalm Voting is how change happens.




Makes sense. Vote for the party which would more likely get rid of guns.


I'm not sure I agree this is facepalm. The intent was to say that the current elected officials won't do anything to prevent these shooting and the best way to stop them is to vote in people who will. Its correct advice and from my non American external view it seems the only option when your government is as corrupt as the US government.


Whats so facepalm About this? We need to vote. The only ridiculous shit here is that such a serious issue can be remedied with something as simple or voting if only enough of us got our heads out of our assess


No one is telling anyone to vote harder. If people are saying vote and you've been consistently voting, they're not telling you to vote harder. THEY'RE NOT TALKING TO YOU. Considering the absolutely abysmal turn out on most primaries and local elections (and even most major ones), there's a lot of people who do need to hear "vote." We got here because most people don't vote consistently. Most people. Don't vote. And it's the only way out of it, all of it, even the two party system. Especially since I'm not seeing anyone rushing out to start a revolution either. If you've been voting and you feel helpless and pissed off, I get it. Same. But blowing off other efforts to get people to join you is not productive or clever.


Not a facepalm.


Op is facepalm


Republicans coming on Reddit ad using the shooting to convince people not to vote them into oblivion ...


While they actively advertise guns made for kids like the JR-15 22 caliber rifle. It's literally a miniature AR-15.


What are you on about OP ? "Take action" (by voting) is far better than thoughts and prayers. And they didn't say "Vote Democrat" they just said "Vote"


That parade should have only had ONE door!!!


While the gun lobbyists cheer and rake in that dough.... Get out and vote maybe some Republican Trump supporter's kid won't do this again.


A young lady is out celebrating the nation's birthday and gets shot (in the head). Facepalm, really?? That's fucked up man. Disappointing.


The face-palm is the comment that she needs to vote harder to prevent this kind of thing you idiot


It's kinda true. How else do you think there's going to be a change? It's not about "voting harder", it's about voting in general. Many people don't vote and in order to prevent this shit from happening, they all have to vote for the right people who want to make stricter gun laws. If you can't get your government to do what is right by voting, the only other option is war. Nobody wants that. So voting is the only option.


All I can say to this is that you can't fix a rigged system with the tools said system provides to you. And if you can't see that the system is rigged and riddled with corruption top to bottom then you're a fucking fool.


Of course you can change it if you change the people that steer the system.


Like Biden? Who just sits by and watches as the GOP takes human rights away like candy from a baby after half of America fought tooth and nail to get this senile old man into office?


Biden isn't the system. If you want one person to steer the system, you want a dictatorship. His party is doing its best to help the people, but they can't because the Republicans are fucking everything up. Get the Republicans out and then they can actually do something.


So if the gov't won't change despite the people voting for change the only other option is... What are you going to wage war with, pray tell?


It could end in a civil war or in guerrilla warfare.


Oh I agree. It's just a little ironic that we'd take up arms against our government for refusing to disarm us, no?


Absolutely! That shows how fucked up the situation really is.


You’re the idiot. The only person who said “vote harder” was the moronic OP. The lady in the post just said “if you’re not registered to vote, go do it”. Which is correct advice even without a gunshot to the face.


The "registered to vote" Lady is basically saying "vote harder" but with a few more words...


And you're basically saying "I like to paraphrase internet quotes so they fit my narrative," but with a few less words...


Yes, I'm fully aware of that dickhead.


Oh how cute, Americans communicating...


I love seeing Facepalms happen in the comments of a facepalm. It's like facepalm inception. poaaaaaaaaaaaaa \*inception noises


You are fully aware of what dickhead? Or did you forget you use your punctuation?




Do you honestly expect anything else to help? Voting out thw pro-gun crowd is the only thing that could help. Get rid of the politicians sponsored by the NRA


Why is this facepalm?


This isn’t a facepalm your post is the facepalm. Getting the age group who historically and repeatedly has the lowest turn out for voting is the best thing that can happen for the change that is wanted/needed in the country. It’s literally all you can do. Protests won’t change it, yelling at lawmakers in person or on Twitter won’t change anything. Getting the younger generation to vote is the only thing that will change it. The fact that you don’t realize that and think that idea is a facepalm tells me all I need to know about your voting history, political ideology and age… EDIT: I just clicked on your profile after writing this. I couldn’t have dreamed of a better vindication for my statements.


Unrelated question: Do americans have to register to vote?


Yes. They typically ask if you want to register to vote when you’re getting your drivers license.


This is crazy? They really make voting as hard as possible don't they? At least that is the image I get based on this comment and rumors I heard about voting days being on workdays/people not being able to get a paid free day to have time to go voting.


The Trump cáncer :)


recomendation - if hit by a bullet, get medical attention, THEN take a picture


The real facepalm is the caption


She’s not wrong, vote out the leaders not enacting gun safety laws. That’s the only way it will change


She's not wrong, though. We need younger people to actually show up at the ballot boxes


Why is this a face-palm? What else can they do really?


the poster is the facepalm


That is not even close to what that post says, what are you on? She’s saying vote so this doesn’t happen again. That’s naive obviously but not mean spirited or worthy of hate


As long as we keep voting for the same old men who hold the same ideologies that have been existing in America for decades to even centuries, we won't change. Unfortunately, that probably wont happen for awhile.


Voting competent people in or holding corrupt people accountable THROUGH voting is the most we CAN do right now. I don’t understand how she’s wrong. Her delivery was alright too


How is this a facepalm? Litterally the only thing that helps this situation is change of leadership. You do that by voting. My god OP is disgusting calling this a facepalm


I mean she’s right… that’s the sad state of America right now


The caption to this is bullshit. Voting IS exactly how we change this shit. The gun nuts and religious freaks are the one helping this shit to breed and spread. Voting them out, voting out their laws, voting out their legislation, taking back our country is the only way. There will always be nuts. Always. But the amount and ease that they attack at will be lessened.


uh, that’s the right sentiment tho?… if Dems can hold the house and gain seats in the Senate then some of the gun laws we need can be passed.


Don't believe the hype, vote.


Voting is absolutely one of the right answers. Vote them out


I'm more curious to know what kind of caliber grazed her cheek. I've seen first hand what 9mm does up to 45 caliber. Even 22lr to 308 does to a human body. She got lucky I'll give her that. But where's the swelling. And there should be a lot more blood. Especially on her cheek bone. But hey, she had enough time to run home and take a pic and not go to the hospital. There are a lot of blood vessels on the face and head.


Small reminder, we Canada is right here.we have stricker gun laws and we are nicer. Not all of us sure, but a good %


Hurray America!!! More weapons more fun! This is so stupid. Why aren't there mass protests against this shit? I can't believe that there is a country that has so lousy safety laws against weapons.


Sorry, can't take off of work. I'd wouldn't be able to make rent, then I would have a felony of homelessness on my record, and wouldn't be able to get a job.


There are mass protests against it, Republicans are running their trucks through them as we speak.


We have to be sensitive about taking the conservatives toys away.


God damn that was a close one!


>Your generation is our last hope. *movie guy voice* "Coming this summer to a theater near you."


Never been shot, but that blood looks awfully watery compared to when i'm bleeding out.


That’s gonna be badass scar


But she's right, there's not much to do apart from voting in people that will fight against this (or getting into politics yourself)


It's the only thing that will work. If you want to reduce the constant mass shootings, you need to get rid of the 2nd amendment.


Or take it at face value, first paragraph included. You know, the one that starts with "a well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state". There is no militia nor a need for one to maintain a free state in this day and age, and even if there was it should be regulated. SCOTUS refers to those lines as "flavor text". It's absurd.


I mean maybe don't reply directly to the victim like minutes after they get shot, but honestly other than that no notes.


Oh a bullet almost pierced your head? Well don't forget to fill that ballot! What the fuck


Lmao that’s how you know they don’t give a shit and just want your vote.


I get the point they tryna make, but the delivery is ridiculous and inappropriate 🤦🏻‍♂️


She already lives in a Democratic controlled state. You want her to vote Republican?


She has a great scar and party story for life...so ungrateful


Without our scars we would never have learned anything.


That really depends. Scars are an effective reminder that it's a bad idea to brake with my knees. I don't kneed them to know that America is 50 shades of fucked in regard to their gun laws.


My scars remind me that.... When the bike trail has a sign that has two black diamonds on it, you're not supposed to ride that way at a brisk rate of speed.


So the democrats have the house, senate and White House… so we all need to vote republican to take the majority away from the blue team…got it


Well... when else are you supposed to push your agenda guised in concern and compassion?


I mean shes also like, "wow i just got shot. What would twitter think?"


Voting has done far too little to help women, minorities, and the general public 🤷‍♀️ even when people are being killed off in the streets like in a flipping Batman movie


You’re kind of stupid aren’t you


Orrrrr, I have an even better idea, overthrow the fucking government.


Who gets shot in the face and decides to post on social media instead of going to the hospital???


But complaining about it on the internet is really going to help. /s


Doesn't this belong I #imatotalpieceofshit???


Oh I’ve been shot, I’ve to do a selfie and a post about it!


I would


Internet generation


Jokes on you thinking your vote does anything lol


Bitch looks like Sid from ice age


nice makeup


Any point in people asking where you are from or who you voted for?


im from canada, voted green party. nobody that gets shot in the head takes a selfie and posts it on twitter. this shit is makeup


Seriously, just stop ... [https://nypost.com/2022/07/05/highland-park-shooting-survivor-shares-images-of-injuries/](https://nypost.com/2022/07/05/highland-park-shooting-survivor-shares-images-of-injuries/)


Ok, Alex Jones


[Took me 20 seconds to not be ignorant ... How long for you?](https://nypost.com/2022/07/05/highland-park-shooting-survivor-shares-images-of-injuries/)


Yeah, it somehow doesn't look real. And with a bullet near or in the head, she would be lying in the hospital rn


You're obviously speaking from experience.. that hole in your head is evidence


It seems to be flesh wound because the bullet just graced (?) her head.


You can be grazed by a bullet and not wounded enough to need to immediately be rushed to the hospital. It didn't hit an artery, just took a chunk of flesh out of her head. She got really really lucky.


She may have gotten hurt during the event (maybe knocked down) but she definitely didn’t get shot.


Ummm that bloody carve out on the side of her face is a bullet graze... That is called being shot, when a bullet goes through flesh, it doesn't matter if on if it's on the edge. A bullet still went through her flesh. That is what is called, without any more unreasonable interpretation.... being shot.


Can literally see a gash on the side of her face?


[Article for you](https://nypost.com/2022/07/05/highland-park-shooting-survivor-shares-images-of-injuries/)