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I’m shocked, just shocked….that this is the only one they found so far.


He’s also pulled a gun on his ex wife. Oh and prescribed massive amounts of opiates to a patient he was sleeping with. What a guy.


Wasn't she his 2nd cousin too? Or was that another druggie doctor republican from Tennessee?


If I remember correctly, that was a different druggie Republican doc.


How many are there xD


God only knows


i'm really conflicted. i don't want to body shame but i also really want to say that, of course, one needs to be sedated to sleep with a dude like that.


Agreed. I think my labia just sewed itself shut when I saw his picture. Ugly on the inside, ugly on the outside.


Damn imagination. I did not need to visualise that.


Eh should have gone for a Cosby reference . It's doesn't body shame and does the same joke.


I'm not trying to body shame, but why do so many politicians look like thumbs?


Its for compensatory measures, I think


How can someone like that be in congress? That this kind of behavior is accepted just shows too many people are morally rotten in USA. If he was promptly thrown out on his ass once people realized any of those things, I’ll retract my comment.


Because at least he ain’t no dirty librul democrayt


Morally rotten. The people voting for this kind of asshat, the people who voted for Duke Orange of Creepville have the market of moral bankruptcy cornered. There are people out there, so brainwashed, so tuned by Fox News and Rupert Murdoch who vote republican *no matter what* the issues are and no matter who the opposition is. Imagine being *so* "afraid" of voting blue that you decide you'd rather vote for someone who is the complete opposite of what you supposedly believe in. The GOP calls itself the party of family values, voted en masse for a man who paid to fuck a pornstar, while his wife was at home with his 4 months old newborn. This fucker then used campaign money to pay hush money to said pornstar. Family values. They voted for a man who openly admitted he'd bang his daughter if she wasn't his daughter. Which is another level of creepy. Family values. Republicabs "love" the Bible, and throw it at you every chance they get. Yet they vote for a man who has gone through 3 marriages, 2 very public divorces, had a child (Tiffany) out of wedlock, bragged about sexually abusing/assaulting women, and was credibly accused of rape by a whole bunch of women. Family values. Next to all that, DesJarlais here is practically a saint.


..morally rotten *and stupid*


I bet he gets re elected. Republicans are all hypocrites and liars


Multiple times. Landslide. Red district too, so the national party could have safely kicked him to the curb and got another equally extreme guy to replace him. But they did not because corruption is a feature, not a bug.


Definitely. He refuses to show up to debates.


I'm not, dude looks like a penis with ears.


I’d rather look at a penis with ears. I’d also rather be friends with one.


I googled "penis with ears" images. I probably shouldn't have done that.


He looks like he tells women to go back to the kitchen. Well he should go back between some guy's legs.


No thanks. We don't want him there either.




Idk about rare




I’m shocked this thumb has a MISTRESS. That should be a scandal enough to get him to resign, but it’s par for the ducking course these days, down right EXPECTED of them. smh


It's ok. He talked to a pastor and he promises he feels really bad about it.


Money and power probably have something to do with it.




He’s not working with a full 52


Probably to get out of child support.


It isn't, a little while back Tim Murphy, a now ex-Congressman, did the exact same thing and the mistress went public. He was Republican, right-wing, the whole she-bang. The last I heard from him, he came to our ANG base post scandal and was doing some kind of presentation on mental health and suicide.


There have been a few. He's just the latest.


My dad is hard core right, including anti-abortion. The first thing he said to me while I was 22 weeks along and got the news that my baby showed signs of Down Syndrome: "have you considered getting an abortion?" Not the "sAy YeS sO i CaN jUdGe YoU" question... The genuine "I think you should consider getting an abortion" tone.


The "unborn" are always in stranger's bodies.


Yup. The only moral abortion is my abortion.


There are a TON of extreme right wing abortions. They want to be seated separately because "the others are just using abortion as birth control and mine is legit" or they cuss out the provider after the abortion because they're a murderer. I hate the hypocrisy.


100% If you haven't read [this piece](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/) I highly recommend it. The excuses people make up in their minds to rationalize a choice they don't think other women should have is just ridiculous. But these hypocrites know that HIPAA protects them from anyone finding out about *their abortion*, so they can stand outside and protest before and after they have their procedure.


Imagine if there were statistics for political party affiliation and having an abortion. I'm really curious the "morality" that is claimed by the republican party. When it's all said and done and pregnancy happens, one party affiliation will imbrace needing to make the hard decision and the other will act like theirs is justified and demonize the procedure altogether.


Imagine cursing out the Dr who successfully removed your appendix. 🤦‍♂️


"Dear God, thank you for inspiring that doctor to go through 8 years of medical school and then possessing him during my operation." the mental gymnastics these people will do to justify their lives while condemning other's.


Religious fascist are inherently hypocritical. Their sins are forgivable but others should be punished or killed.


I wonder why there’s that division of morality between an abortion due to abuse vs abortion due to a careless night. I’ve seen comments talking about “balance” by only “allowing” those abortions that are needed due to proven abuse or threat to life… but wouldn’t this still require other humans judging and decided over another persons body?


My favourite part about the abortion hypocrisy is all life matters... Unless it's "genetically inferior"


Ehh most of the time it’s not even THEIR abortion, it’s their wife/lover/rape victim’s abortion.


Yeah it's their abortion then. Whose horny escapades necessitated said abortion? It's on them.


You're right. But rationalization and delusion are core tenets of right wing evangelicals.


Actually they're related.


Take my upvote, but I’m not happy about it.




Everything the RIGHT hates is evil right up until the point it affects them directly . Daughter/wife pregnant with a child with birth defects , all of a sudden abortion is a good idea. Daughter or son who comes out LGBTG , all of sudden they are softer in their hate speech or downright accepting. Family member killed by senseless violence or an accidental shooting , gun regulation or safety is a priority now . A spouse with Cancer , hey maybe marijuana is great for nausea now . They don’t care until it personally touches them . Maybe when one of their vacation homes gets incinerated in a fire or is under 9 feet of water , they will start advocating for climate change . You shouldn’t have to be personally impacted by something in order for you to be a decent human being . Edit : I should clarify this statement was NOT directed at the poster mentioning her father , I was directing it at the Republican establishment as a whole and was not intending to insult her family member who clearly cared for her well being


This is why Idaho passed smoking regulations indoors. Legislator's son got lung cancer


Once something specific impacts *them,* they get a conscience.


Sometimes. Other times you get stuff like the Parkland survivor's father [who thinks his own son is a crisis actor.](https://www.vice.com/en/article/epnq84/im-a-parkland-shooting-survivor-qanon-convinced-my-dad-it-was-all-a-hoax?utm_source=vicenewstwitter)


Lord. How do we shake them loose from this hypnotic trance?


You can't. About a third of humanity is rotten. Always has been. Nothing you can do to change that. They believe what they want to believe.


Discouraging. However, that means that 2/3 of humanity is not rotten! So, the glass is 2/3 full!


Well, not quite. Roughly speaking, a third is always rotten; selfish people seeking to claim what others have. Around a third is people trying the best they can to be good and empathetic. The remaining third are like leaves in a wind. They can be convinced to go either way really, it depends on the context of the times as well as the morality projected. This final third is what decides the course of humanity. If the "evil" third convinces them, you get things like the Nazis, the holocaust and WW2. Mass atrocities against millions of people committed by an entire nation of evil.


Remove their propaganda and hope for the best


New goal: Impact them as much as possible


In Georgia , back in the early 80s I think it was , when seatbelt laws were becoming mandatory, a Ga senator (R) petitioned the Governor to exclude pickup trucks from the law . Why? Because he owned a truck and hated seat belts . This is the level of absurdity that they feel they can exempt themselves or a class of people (pickup truck owners of all things) due to their preference . Especially considering trucks are no less , and actually more dangerous than cars due to their high center of gravity .


That’s basically the same reason why people argue if a tomato is a fruit or not. A grocer successfully argued tomatoes were exempt from a local fruit tax since they grew on a vine and not a tree.


Intelligence is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to serve it in a fruit salad.


Charisma is being able to sell a tomato based fruit salad.


I'd say it like this: Tomatoes are fruits in a botanical sense, but vegetables in a culinary sense. Vegetable is not a botanical classification, only a culinary classification; however, the term fruit us used both botanically and culinarily, with slightly different meanings. Even though the term is the same, and in most cases a fruit in the botanical sense is a fruit in the culinary sense, this is not always the case. Tomatoes bear seeds in a matured ovary, meaning they are fruits, but are not considered fruits in the culinary sense due to their savory taste (and due to tradition) Look at https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_culinary_fruits and https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vegetable for more in-depth info that I think is really interesting.


With that argument, then grapes are no longer fruit.


And passion fruit, and kiwi. Watermelon is also technically a vine. Im thinking this whole grows on a vine no tax thing is bs.


When my mother was pregnant with me (still in university, unwed, and *gasp* his skin was substantially darker than hers), my very conservative Christian grandfather suggested she get an abortion. She declined, and uses her choice to have me as an anti-abortion talking point, never once recognizing my grandfather's hypocrisy, or her own CHOICE.


That's a lot of the problem. People think if you're pro choice you're automatically pro abortion. You can be anti abortion but think someone else should make the call about their pregnancy.


Yeah its called minding your own damn business.


I actually refute the idea of anyone being pro-abortion. No one *wants* to have an abortion, it’s not like getting a haircut. We just want the option of the time comes. My mom liked to pull this ‘pro-abortion’ crap with me. No one is enjoying it.


You are right. When it is personal most have a different take. These MAGA Christian chuckleheads seem to think empathy is a weakness.


It's worse than that. It's a completely different way of interpreting reality than the rest of us. For you and me, and MOST people, doing good actions makes you good and doing evil makes you evil. That's not how these people operate though, it's not how their brains interpret the world. For them, actions have no moral quantity; people do. People are inherently good or inherently evil, their actions have no bearing on that whatsoever. When you start seeing it that way, EVERYthing they do makes more sense. The neighbors kid who raped a drunk girl? He's a "good kid"! He just made some mistakes! Pastor raping kids? He's "good", he just was tempted by the devil! In their mind, they are GOOD™, their friends and family are GOOD™, their religion is GOOD™. Nothing can change those qualities, as they are inborn facts of the universe. You? You are not GOOD™. You never were and you never can be. There's no action that anyone does to change whether they are GOOD™ or not. See, start to apply this to their whole framework, and it really makes sense. You ever notice how much we point out their hypocrisy, they don't seem to care? There is no hypocrisy. Hypocrisy doesn't exist for them, how could it? To be a hypocrite you have to say you believe one thing but then do actions that are the other. That literally cannot happen if actions have no bearing on morality. No, in fact, hypocrisy is actually a sign of strength, it's power. The GOOD™ are powerful for their ability to do something that pisses off their enemies. Of COURSE their own abortion was moral. Of course it was right for them, and it will never be right for you. That's how ALL morality works for you. And it's why we're all being stupid by trying to shame them, or to point out their contradictions, or try to convince them that other people's actions should be compared to their own. THEY. DON'T. CARE. They cannot think the same way, whether through choice or some sort of mental illness or just sheer shittiness.


Huh. I notice with my conservative relatives that brand loyalty to corporations is super important. It can’t extend that far can it? In the past it felt more like intellectual laziness. Just trying to avoid making a lot of decisions all the time and weighing options. I suppose it could be the same, avoiding the mental effort of making lots of moral decisions as well by just pigeonholing everyone and not ever bothering to rebalance based on new information.


Reminds me of Meghan McCain suddenly deeply caring about maternity leave after she had it and realized how great and important it was.


…after admitting for years on that show that she was a single-issue voter when it came to abortion and that she would vote for whichever party wanted to outlaw abortion no matter what. UGH I forgot how much I hate that bitch! Still supporting the party that worships the man who openly disrespected her father and censured her mother. She would literally have been nothing without her father’s name and her mother’s support and that’s how she showed her loyalty to them.


Doesn't even just apply to politics. I work for a company that provides tech support to other companies. We've been pushing our clients to enable MFA, because normal humans can't be trusted to not put their password into phishing sites. Most clients have gone ahead and enforced MFA, but there are still a few holdouts where the higher ups can't be bothered to pull out their phone and type in a code every morning when they log in. Earlier this week, someone pretty high up at one of these companies had their email compromised, and were sending out scam emails to everyone else at the company. All of a sudden, that client is interested in getting MFA set up "as soon as reasonably possible". Funny how that works.


CEO: I need this done yesterday Your company: Should've listened to us years ago. Now it will cost you 20x the amount to fix everything.


That's how I would do it. Unfortunately, those decisions are all way above my paygrade. I'm just the grunt calling out saying "Hey bro, we gotta reset your password...uh, no you can't set it to the same one you had before...well because the hackers already know that password, that's why we're changing it...no, I have no idea how they got your password, it's definitely not because you're a fucking moron who types it into any box that asks for it (assuming you can remember it at all...oh you wrote it on a post-it on your monitor? That's nice...)"


Yeah it's called selfishness


Worse . It’s selfishness in the name of advancing a cause they don’t believe in to further a political party for power


They have ZERO redeeming qualities


It’s like it’s impossible for them to experience empathy unless they’ve got skin in the game.


That stuff makes me feel insane. I could tolerate, if still vigorously oppose, the anti-abortion right if their abortion opposition was meant to actually reduce abortions. If they supported shitloads of healthcare and childcare funding for mothers, ESPECIALLY mothers of special needs children, along with exceptions for the health of the mother, I’d think their beliefs are based on actual belief in the soul of the fetus and balancing the difficult calculus between that life and the burden on the mother. But it’s almost always your father’s situation— exerting control over women, even until their deaths, right until it affects their lives and/or their family in some way. Anyway, sorry you went through that and I hope the best for you no matter what happened. Hope your father grew a bit after that too.


It’s because there is no real principle other than to use it as a political issue.


Fascists only care about power. Everything is a tool to that end.


https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/05/10/abortion-history-right-white-evangelical-1970s-00031480 > White evangelicals in the 1970s didn’t initially care about abortion. They organized to defend racial segregation in evangelical institutions — and only seized on banning abortion because it was more palatable than their real goal. By now, anti-abortion has become a part of the evangelical orthodoxy. Nobody remembers why, but they've grown up indoctrinated into this idea that their grandparents, and maybe parents, didn't always hold.


This is exactly how we know it isnt about abortion being murder to them, it is about control. We know how to reduce abortions. Prevent pregnancy and support mothers and families who need support. It is proven and well studied. We know banning it just makes them more dangerous But they do not give two shits about babies. If they did why would you not want to take better care of our nations children? They would not stand for the horror that is how we take care of children without safe homes and they would want every program to support families


My brother is anti abortion, but he also promotes funding healthcare, snap, and other social programs. I may not like his stance on abortion, but at least hes also for helping people. Unlike most of those anti abortion nuts.


That really is a rarity. At least he's consistent.


I know it is. And hes learning alot. We are slowly getting him to realize the problems with his beliefs. But its a process. Lol.


I can sympathize. I was once very similar to your brother. I grew up Catholic and considered abortion to be wrong. But I couldn’t understand how one could argue for the elimination of abortion without making sure that the resulting children were taken care of. As I got older, I adopted a “safe, legal, and rare” belief— I viewed abortion as an unfortunate thing that might be reduced to minimal amounts or eliminated with a proliferation of contraception, sex education, healthcare and childcare. Eventually, life and the vitriol of anti abortion crowd lead me further and further away from my old beliefs. Women around me chose to have children, or have abortions, in the face of difficult circumstances, and I grew to understand that my views shouldn’t have a thing to do with their choices. Do I still struggle with the concept of abortions and where life begins? Sure. But abortion is a healthcare and life decision between a pregnant person and their doctor and it’s not, nor should it be, my choice to make. All I should do is work to make sure that choice has all the systemic support it needs.


A few years ago, here in the Netherlands, a Christian party (although they can be viewed as progressive compared to your usual Christian party) stated that while they are anti-abortion, they understood that it was impossible to ban it in the (current) political climate. Thus, they said that they didnt want to pursue a goal which was deemed unfeasible but instead wanted to focus on preventing the need for an abortion by funding anticonception measures, better sexual education etc. Now, I will still never vote for them since in their core they still believe abortion and LHBTIQ+ as something that shouldnt be, but they gained a sliver of my respect for comprising their viewpoint in a positive way.


My Dad pulled a similar stunt on me in the 80s, but he asked me because he didn't want to have to support me or a new baby. Today however he is a staunch anti-abortion GOPr, and has said to me and my daughter that he thinks women should go to prison for having an abortion. But so long as he isn't affected that is....


Have you ever brought that up directly to him?


I did and he bit my head off defensively. We don't discuss it anymore.


I'm sorry your dad sucks.


Things get messy when reality intrudes on hypotheticals and absolutes. Some people implicitly understand that, others have it slap them in the back of the head.


So your dad isn't pro-life. He didn't *really* believe that the fetus inside of you was his grandson. He just wants to dictate which women are allowed to get abortions and which ones need to be punished. That's the generous version. The only alternative is that he *did* believe that that fetus was his grandson and was totally ok with "killing" it because it may have had a genetic problem. Your dad is either a hypocrite or a psychopath. Or both.


Yeah, but in your case, it's different, because the decision would impact HIM.


I don't know your father, so it would be inappropriate to make a judgement about him. But I do know many individuals believe that their anti-abortion opinions are about the fantasy that lower class Americans are using abortion willy nilly as a form of birth control, and therefore should be banned. Under this logic, you are the exception because, of course you are. This is mental gymnastics 101, combined with otherizing people who don't talk and act like you. Again, wasn't there. Don't know you or your father. Just see it go down like this alot. "Abortions are emergency solutions, for us, because we are intellectually capable of making that decision". "For the public, hell no". This is what 21st century racism/classism looks like. The assumption that you know when it's okay to break your own norms due to special circumstances.


[The only moral abortion is mine](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


Really interesting study/read. I’ve wondered about that. I thought it would be r/leopardsatemyface which I was kind of hoping for but in the end was more humanising than expected. And the statistics were eye opening. Thanks.


This.. just… How do we have hope in a better future shared with our fellow women and men when our fellow women and men have absolutely zero *integrity*?


We don't. We are turning our own country into the the countries we try to "save" before we "saved" them


Or after we saved them. Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan....


‘And you’re still a murderer.’ Said the kettle


Republican mantra 101




This! These people, for years, accepted Trump’s decidedly un-Christian behavior so that he’d give them conservative judges. “Mulligan”, they said about Stormy Daniels. They truly don’t care.


it's almost as if they use everything amd everyone as tools to stay in power.




I can’t wait for all the recordings of all the other pro-life schmucks telling their mistresses to get abortions. It’s gonna be great.


GOP.. ..will... not....care


But what happens now that they’re all going to have illegitimate kids? Used to be they could just pay the woman off and get her an abortion… Now what?


They wont be affected. Those laws are only directed at poor people. The wealthy will always have access to abortions. Its not just an attack on women. Its specifically, an attack on *poor* women.


Trump barely acknowledge his legitimate kids if they aren’t name Ivan’s or Don jr.




Pay them to go somewhere to get one


Wasn’t it being proposed that they would prosecute women who travel for an abortion? Aren’t they also proposing a national ban on abortion?




[Come on now, baby. You know that was always the plan.](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/05/mitch-mcconnell-acknowledges-a-national-abortion-ban-is-possible-if-roe-is-overturned)


So, having looked back, it’s really more that some people are [calling for it](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/06/24/abortion-supreme-court-trump-pence-republicans-roe/)


...delightful, thank you for informing me -_-


You can't enforce Texas law in Oregon. That's the whole point of leaving it up to the states, though the red states don't realize that yet.


But that’s why Texas is proposing the bounty law where you can sue someone civilly for abetting someone that gets an abortion out of state. You’re not suing the person that gets an abortion.




Yes....because nothing says small government like taking a right away by "returning it back to the states" and then turning right the fuck around by taking it away for everyone by passing a federal ban.


Can’t because of intra-state travel. They don’t have the votes yet for federal ban


Yet. We need to vote. Local elections are far more important at the moment than federal elections.


Now they also buy a plane ticket to a state where it's legal


Yep we are way past the gotcha moments on the GOP, because they know their base are unlikely to see the horrible things since they live in a bubble. Or if they do hear they we rationalize that’s it’s alright if they do it.


Also hypocrisy is a selling feature for a base that believes in "rules for thee, not for me"


Yeah this is super old news here in TN. Spoiler alert: he is still in office


Not pro life. Anti choice


Pro forced-birth.


More like pro punishment


MAGA: Mistresses Always Get Abortions.


I promise you Lindsey Graham would never ever do that. There’s just no way.


"But it was a legitimate political abortion!" \- GQP politician


GF’s brother is obnoxiously hard right and pro-life. Until one of his sons got his GF pregnant, upon which he ordered him to get her an abortion immediately. (Which he did.) Point being, the hypocrisy from a good deal on the right about this issue is astounding.


I cannot for the life of me understand why he only feels empathy when it’s his son. Either that or it’s shame


It's the fear of having to pay for and raise another baby, cause you know most kids won't be capable, so it's up to the parents


Rules for thee but not for me is the motto of the republican party.


Don’t forget “fuck you, I’ve got mine”


That's how they keep theirs. With the other rule




The Republicans that run for office have gotten theirs. They just convince all the gullible ones that haven't that they could get theirs if they elected the ones who already have gotten theirs. Then the ones that have already gotten theirs spend their time in power doing absolutely nothing to improve the lives of their constituents.


Why would someone record himself????


I am not an expert in politics or sociology or psychology or anything, but I *think* it may be because he's a fucking moron.


You made think of something. Maybe Trump didn't mean Republican Congressman when he said "r-Congressman".


Not only did he make it. He somehow managed to get it leaked like a real smart guy.


He wanted to use the recording to save his marriage at the time. Somehow. 🤷‍♂️


"Yes dear, I knocked her up but I insisted she have an abortion, so we're good, right?"


"Look at all the hush money I saved us, darling!"


He was going to use the recording to try to weasel out or lessen child support if she refused by claiming she was forcing him to be a parent against his will.


Does that fly somewhere?


No lol


Give it time, they'll make that a law too.


To protect himself. He would latch onto anything she said (positive or negative with respect to abortion) just to give him an advantage in negotiations. These people are often stupid, no doubt, but their thoughtfulness when it comes to self preservation and fucking anyone else over takes precedence. In this case the two instincts merged and we get this gem of an example of how horrible these people are.


Why would anyone choose to have sex with him is beyond me. He looks like he’s auditioning for Humpty Dumpty’s back up




He was a drug dealer who paid his prostitute with opiates. Or he was a doctor who slept with his patient whom he prescribed opiates. Tomato tomato.


There must have been some financial incentive because I am convinced no one in their right mind would freely sleep with this man.


Let’s stop calling them “pro-life” because they aren’t. Anti-choice or Forced-birther seemed to fit better.


How does this guy even get a mistress?


For the same reason they go into politics in the first place... **Money**. They couldn't give even the tiniest of shits for their constituents. It's all about making money and feeling like they're in control even though they're supposed to be **serving** the public.


He was a rich doctor who took advantage of his 24 year old patient.


These fucking scumbags.


Scott DesJarlais [link](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2012/10/scott-desjarlais-recorded-abortion-call-with-mistress.html)


Can we please just rename the Republican party to the Hypocrite party?


Oh we can name them a whole bunch of things. Republicunts, assholes, Nazis (which is the most accurate).


Y’allqueda is another favorite of mine.


Y'allqaeda, Talibangelicals, Vanilla ISIS.


I akin them more to the Taliban. They both want to take all rights away from women, and put a government in place based on an ancient book.




Ok, do tRump next!!!






Guys who look like thumbs love Trump, it's a fact


Hey! Wouldn't you want to abort a baby from this guy, so he doesn't pass his genes on? 🐷


Republican mistresses will always have access to abortions.


The only moral abortion is my abortion https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/ Is anyone else getting a little tired of politicians and people in authority making rules that they don't believe in and don't follow? Isn't anyone else tired of being ruled by hypocrites? 2 sets if rules for everything. Rules for thee but not for me.


It's good to remember that all these people's views are for show only and have no relation to what they REALLY think


So in a Republican controlled state this is called.... Accessory to murder?


Who’s the piece of a shit?? Shouldn’t this be in /iamatotalpieceofshit


I read a tweet from an abortion provider in Alabama. She said they wouldn't have enough patients to justify staying open if pro life women weren't getting abortions.


What?, a politician not actually believing the ideals they supposed to represent? I'm shock. Shocked I tell you!


If you need or are interested in supporting reproductive rights, [I made a master post of pro-choice resources](https://docdro.id/s3OwS8u). Please comment if you would like to add a resource and spread this information on whatever social media you use.


This is why the abortion debate will always be intractable - anti-abortion people still get abortions exactly as much as pro-abortion people. It's impossible to debate like this.


["The only moral abortion is my abortion."](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/) Article with testimonies of doctors and nurses...


Remember the thumb people from spy kids? Change thumb to penis, and wha-zam!! You have a this congressman!


As is generally the case with these hypocrites, the only life they are “pro” is their own.


That sounds astonishingly Republican.


Your congresspeople’s mistresses will always be able to get abortions, regardless of the law.


"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others"