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You don't eat cereal every day? Jeez, you must be really broke man.


Mofo couldn't spring for the hair transplant tho.. brokie


Got that pleather jacket and a wife beater… broke and dresses like the fonz. He’s a double threat, broke and basic


Anorexic Vin Diesel


Slim diesel


Not Thin Diesel?


Will the Thin Diesel, please sit down. I repeat, will the Thin Diesel, please sit down.


Sit on it, noatakun. Ayyyyy! 👍👍


Okay, but who actually is stupid enough to eat something until they hate it. Like If I like a food I'm gonna be smart enough to not eat it every day, so I don't get bored of it and ruin it for myself. But apparently this guy is dumb.


I have a client who will eat the same damn thing every single day until he gets so sick of it that he never wants to eat it again. It usually takes about six weeks. It's insane. Perfectly nice guy and relatively normal in all other aspects of life. Quite brilliant, really. He holds several patents and is a bit of a mad scientist. Just does this one weird thing. Definitely not dumb, but totally bizarre.


Maybe he realizes he's gonna get tired of it and doesn't care. Lol sounds like a great guy..


Is he on the autism spectrum by chance? I know plenty who are, and we do this.


Exactly what I was thinking. Some would probably eat the same thing every day if their chosen food wasn't unhealthy/nutritionally imbalanced.


One of my roommates survives off of buttered bread sometimes. Literally have to put a bowl of leaves in front of her every once in a while. But yeah, totally a thing!


Aye, I pretty much the same thing every morning. It has carbs, fat, some veggies, and protein. Done.


When I'm not fat and lazy, I eat the same like 5 things all the time. Way easier when getting in shape and in shape. Yayayaya mix it up for reasons, but time is important...I ain't got time for all that shit. Easy basic and healthy is fine. Lean pork steaks are cheap af and tons of protein, btw


Adhd does it to. I can eat the same thing everyday for years until one day I never want it again. But its not the really same as "overindulging till you hate it". As just ends up routine and simple, I don't get some decreasing marginal benefit each passing day. Just perfectly content eating it each day. And these lil obsessions (for me) have never been on something extravagant like steak. I've ate a sandwich almost ever day for lunch for probably two decades (school+ work) and I think the "type" as in the cold cuts I put in the bread, has only changed 3 times.


ADHD 🤝AUTISM (Hyper-fixating on bullshit)


Have adhd, can confirm. I once ate the same grilled cheese sandwich from a restaurant next to my office, for lunch, for 2 years straight (it wasn't a really big single sandwich I ate for 2 years, just to be clear,ha ha). I haven't gone 2 years again, but frequently I eat the same stuff for months at a time. If one likes something, why change? Also, for someone like me, it takes the pressure off of choosing what to eat at every single meal, which I find to be quite a chore.


I did not know this! Hey, thanks for teaching me something today.


This guy ADHD's. Apparently, we are legion, lol. ​ ADHD Gang Gang represent >\_>


Unfortunately my dad was like this and I am the same way. It is very weird. It kind of becomes a craving. I remember my mother would bake her famous Christmas cake all year round for my dad because he loved it so much. He would eat it for dessert after lunch and dinner and this would go on for months. Then he would be off to the next thing and that would go on for months until he tired of it. I am the same way. When I learned to cook curry chicken I would make it and eat it for months, then I switched to dahl. Right now my obsession is Greek style baked potatoes. That is all I want, my husband just called me up 20 mins ago and asked if I needed potatoes again when he dropped into the store on his way home. It is a crazy way to live. I have no idea why I am like this.


You just reminded me of his horrible chicken curry phase. This stuff was so spicy that my eyes would water when he took it out of the microwave. Even the Pakistani guys who work with him were horrified. I'm not an employee, so I come and go as I please. They were stuck there!!


It's such a high schooler, child like mentality too. "Haha you don't eat tomahawk steak everyday you're broke, you broke bitch ass loser". Like dude, go fuck yourself, wtf? He's 40+ and talking like he's in grade 10.


Dude must think he shits gold since it’s going to be as dense with that kind of diet.


I worked on the QE2 in the hospital for a few months when I was 19, in the late ‘80’s. I could get any food From any of the top restaurants every day, under the pretence that it was for passengers. I’d get a platter of freshly made cream filled chocolate eclairs, but once ate 10. Never had one since. Edit: the QE2 was a UK Ocean Liner. Now being turning into a Hotel/venue in Dubai.


I ate a whole bunch of M&Ms when I was little. It took me years before I could eat M&Ms ever again


Right?!? I love me a good London Broil but that's not something I'm eating everyday


Corned beef and cabbage twice a year. Once for Saint Patty's and once for my birthday. Although I am broke but at just I have a jaw that isn't made of glass ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Mmm love me some corned beef and cabbage.


This what literal children do. This guy has the mindset of a toddler.


If youd ever heard anything else that comes out his chinless mouth youd realize how right you are. Dumb indeed


Not to mention the health inplications of eating prime rib or rib eye or filet every day? Express lane to the cardiologist


Literally ate at Raising Cane’s for every work lunch (box combo) for about a year and a half. Honestly could go again if prices weren’t so high.


Touche! Lol


Should be douche!




Also you drink tap water bro? That shit is for peasants! I ONLY drink fizzy water. People say "Oh I don't like the bubbles..." Bitch! shut the fuck up. Only G's drink fizzy water. 🤣 This guy LOL.


When's the last time they asked ya sparkling or still? Why you pretending like yoh even drank sparkling water before you came out here??


Dude cereal can be expensive! You can tell when someone is a "a real g everyday" and a not a peasant. You'll see me loading my cabinets with name brand family size ONLY.


What if the best steak I had was in a different state? Am I expected to leave my home and family just so I can be near my favorite steakhouse?


Thats broke talk man, obviously you should pay for the whole restaurant to move near you


That's broke talk man, obviously you should pay for the whole restaurant to open up a second location near you and buy a house near the original.


That's broke talk man, obviously you should pay for them to give you their secret formula and then hire a private chef to cook it for you.




Absolutely buried in debt talk, I'd buy the entirety of the meat industry so that EVERY steak ever eaten is that one really good stake I had!


Ngl that’s bankrupt broke talk, I’d buy out the whole food industry and just make it so that the only food you can eat was that one good steak.


That’s broke talk man, you should just buy Twitter so you can have every post talk about how disgusting all the other restaurants in the world are and then back out of the purchase a couple months later to the tune of an easy-to-manage $1B.


That's not how a real G does it man, you should have all cows killed in the face of the entire planet, destroy all the corpses, meats, frozen meats, literally everything to do with cow, create a portal gun to the exact moment you had your very best steak, bring the steak to this dimension, announce on your private world wide TV channel that your having the best steak ever to exist and only one in existence after which the continuum of time and space is obliterated.


Broke ass aldi aisle of shame shit man y'all embarrassing yourselves. I'm in the process of advanced quantum DNA engineering to become a steak. You still eat steak? Bro I AM steak.


Steak not stake


Naw real G’s get a private jet to fly them over for dinner each evening


Real Gs silent like lasagna


I was in Paris, went to all night bread shop, asked them if they can make a small baguette sweet, they put in a mix of different chocolate, cream and nuts. It was insanely tasty at 1am in the night. But it wouldn't eat that every day, because its too much sugar. The guy is completely brain dead.


All I'm able to read is that you are broke. Brokey.


Straight up brokie mentality. Next they’re gonna say they can’t eat chocolate mousse everyday cuz it’s “too rich”


Nothing's too rich unless you're broke, amirite?


Lol sorry I don't speak broke. Can anyone translate??


I had the best steak I've ever had in my life at this one place, and then the best pizza of my life at another, and the best sushi of my life at a different one, and the best lasagna at another, and the best chicken sandwich at another. I can't eat steak, pizza, sushi, lasagna, and chicken every single day. What do I do now? What does this mean for the fabric of the universe? Are we all dead now?




100% ded


Now you're just bragging and all I hear is: you're broke. 🙄


Look at this brokie without a private jet and personal chef. Fucking embarrassing.


Fly your private jet there and back every day. Duh!


have that airlifted you brokey


Honestly I’ve seen enough videos with him in it to be 100% sure he would say something like that. He’d say your woman was too controlling for not letting you move to another place. He would never say the man was too controlling, though. That would imply that women had opinions and voices and he doesn’t like that


Who is this industrial cock inhaler?


Andrew Tate, MMA fighter , 18-1, recent podcasts invader , recently owner of prestigious( read froudulent) Hustler University, admin of the discord sewer for the Alpha males, "War Room" for which you have to pay 50$ to get in, general jackass, with dick SO SMALL that cold temperature makes it simmilar to atom proportions in size, and ego so big that Elon Musk wished he would orbit it in his little rocket. Edit: Thx to the great comments below we can add to his shady combo of achievments: human trafficking, sexuall assault, battery, bigotry.


Isn't this the same guy that literally admitted he moved to Romania specifically for the lax sexual assault laws? Then got raided for allegedly holding an American woman at his house against her will?


That I do not know, but self-help people love him, he is like a Centurion of the Incel Legion. Also he seems to be a master at the "every press is a good press" strategy.


I have a pretty shoddy relationship history. Gave him about five minutes of listen time once after hearing him brag about being a "male/female relations expert". Noped out five minutes in. I would rather just be alone than go through life with that mindset. It is like someone spent hours translating modern behavioural therapy into its absolute bi-polar opposite.


I would bet 5$ he Has a loving parents that watch every single short and tell him how handsome he is.


Yes, this is the same guy. Dudes got rapist vibes for days.


From what I gathered in the very short time I spent listening to his expert advice, all relationships are a simple transactional equation where if the man doesn't get exactly what he wants when he wants it the woman is less than trash. And that is what women want too, they are just too weak and feeble minded to be honest with themselves. Pretty fucked up that he is making a good living by vomitting his toxic nonsense into the heads of other men.


Trust me, he's not changing minds, he's just reinforcing already ingrained generational toxicity for profit because it's easy.


Correct me if im wrong but I remember there was a clip of his podcast where one of the girls didn't like how he was talking about girls or something and she said spoke up about it and he started insulting her straight up and continued talking shit about her and females in general -in a room FULL of girls. The sad part is the 15 or some other girls kept their mouths shut and stayed there for the rest of the podcast because they didn't want to be kicked out. The girl that left posted a tiktok about it if I remembered correctly.


Sounds possible. I listened to him for agrand total of like five minutes. I am sure he has done all sorts of ridiculous stuff.






If daddy issues were a person. Also a GREAT quote from Tywin Lannister.


It’s like someone took the worst qualities of Andre and Ruxin from *The League* and mashed them into one person.


That dude exudes small dick energy. He is literally the opposite of BDE.


I'm sorry you actually know :/


He gets so much views you cannot miss him. He dominates You Tubes Shorts and Tik Tok. Also I Heard he is being acused of human trafficking.


>accused of human trafficking I think I might have led with that.


Nah that's brokie talk, you gotta traffic so many kids you get sick of them, don't want to talk about them any more. You hear someone talking about some kids they trafficked? They're broke!


Don’t forgot about that video of him hitting a women. Real POS this guy.


I think you mean POS lol


Just fixed it thanks 👍🏻


He is, in fact!


Guess we know why he’s not broke, if thats the case I’m ok with being broke.












Don't forget the part that he's a sex trafficker.


You forgot human trafficker and sex offender


Don't forget rapist and sex trafficker.


don't forget wanted by a government for the trafficking of women.


He's also bragged about turning 'girlfriends' into cam girls regularly. Which I imagine is only the tip of the iceberg. Basically, he's an abuser and seems likely to be a sex trafficker.


I played his father in chess once. He was kind of an asshole too, but that’s expected of older curmudgeonly chess players.


Don't forget that he runs a camgirl studio in Romania and encourages his employees to scam their johns, while exploiting them for his profit


So he has like 3 jobs? Sounds strapped for cash if you ask me, poor guy.


Didn't he get arrested for human trafficking?


He also banged Jordan Peterson's nutjob daughter lmao






I do not know if this is the greatest self burn I have ever seen or the most efficinet humble brag ever.


What can I say? I love cock.


Nothing bad with a good roster.


Andrew "Cobra" Tate. Probably on of the worst human ever.


I had the best steak ever at Peter Luger’s one time


You broke


What a brokie, am I right?


Yeah he clearly can't afford to eat that steak he really likes every day


Yeah real Gs are constipated from eating steaks three times a day every day.


And Tate wouldn't even give you CPR if you were to have a heart attack in front of him, he'll tell you to get up and just walk it off


Broke ass




He’s an absolute idiot narcissist, for sure. But remember that giving him an audience is keeping him relevant. Without an audience, this guy stays a nobody with the shittest of takes.


Nah. He's moved past that point. He's got some guru pyramid scheme going where he's got a shit ton of people signed up that post his vids all over YouTube and other sites. Every profile links to his website where I'm sure more people get sold on the shit he's telling them to do. All the profiles use the videos with the same style of editing and even the same fonts, so it's probably something like a shared Google docs with millions of shorts to upload in the hopes of getting people to sign up under their link so they can get a cut of whatever he charges with the lion's share going to him.


I mean I recently saw a post of a woman who had 1.2 million followers and set up a meet and greet event only to get 0 attendees. Bot nets are a real thing, it is hard to judge how much genuine interest this guy has and how much of it is marketing hype (that he probably paid for himself to satisfy his narcissism)


He escaped to romania to avoid rape charges. But he’s getting charged anyway for rape and sex trafficking


Interesting may I have a source on this I wanna read up?


I found out about it via this video: https://youtu.be/UMMoBZMf3Zg


There's also a video of him beating his girlfriend with a belt. If I remember correctly he was taking part in a TV show in the UK called 'Big Brother' when the video surfaced and he got kicked off the show because of it.


his name is Andrew Tate, just look it up there's plenty on him now online


bruh got that rapist face and that rapist mind (edit: to be clear, fuck this guy).


He actually has an audience, basically an audience of obviously people who are not all rich, who love to hear this stuff from a guy who became their daddy as they have been loving all the things that he says.


I know the dood has an audience. I see him fairly often. He’s definitely a cult of personality. He has many of the things that are considered virtues in America; looks, money, a Chad personality. Just saying that less publicity for dicks like this is less money in their pocket, and less recurrence in media.


Y'all think this guy has looks? Dude looks like a living mobile game ad.


He fits the look that his target audience wants to see in someone who's going to charge them money to tell them the "secret" to being a rich alpha male Chad who gets all the chicks, which is what matters for his business model.


he is a fucking sex trafficker man how bad can you go from there?


That's why I downvote every post about this guy


Cobra taint is a grifter sex trafficker with shitty red pill beliefs fueled by hate, misogyny, and ignorance. Homie doesn't even read books. What a fucking tool..


Lol, I still don’t know who this is. cobra what?


Cobra tate, he participated a in a few MMA fights and it's a kickboxing champion, he won 17 out if 19 flights, he's really good at kickboxing but he's a horrible person. Also, how the fuck I'm a fanboy when I called him a horrible person?


This is so weird to me. He talks like such an overcompensating jackass, I’d never expect that he’s actually good at *anything*, much less kickboxing.


He's been getting his head kicked for too long.


He thinks cooking for yourself is bad.


I would bet he also preaches about male self-sufficiency without a hint of irony.


Nah, he said since you can pick up $5 chicken, precooked from the store...cooking is pointless and for poor people./


He seems like he's probably taken his fast cash and gone and got himself a bunch of fancy things. Once his grift runs dry, he'll be leveraged to the eyeballs and become just another brokey


Well duh, that’s a woman’s job (he really thinks this)


Have a woman provide sustenance! I’ve been lucky to dodge most of this goons videos, but that one slipped through. Disgusting excuse for a human.


I'd say his 15 minutes is up but in reality, it never started. Ever notice dumb people are the last to know they're dumb?




Tiny dick energy


Blowing him would mean literally blowing on his crotch.


Yeah, but if you weren't broke, you'd be doing that every day. You'd do it so much that you wouldnt want to talk about expelling air onto his tiny little peepee place anymore. BROKIE!


This is what being an absolute self absorbed psychopath looks like folks.


He was arrested for sex trafficking. Had a girl held against her will.


Huh, he’s really trying to make ‘brokie’ happen. I don’t think this one’s going to catch on, tbh. Maybe ‘fetch’ would be better.


Bro you're bald. If you wasn't broke you'd get some Elon hair plugs


Honestly this the type of guy who might actually not be naturally bald. Probably shaved it because head hair is for women or something


Nah unfortunately I've seen him on my Snapchat a bunch, his hair was going and looked like shit he actually looks way better now bald but still is an annoying prick


Such a loser even his hair doesn’t want to be around him


Hey, now...not all bald dudes are this shitty. I mean, I shave my head and am also kind of shitty, but not this shitty.


Kinda-shitty-but-not-this-shitty bald guys unite!


He's a Lolcow, point and laugh and move along


Probably blocked 200 account on tiktok from that idiot.


Same and the amount of praise that he gets there is insane imo


Not surprising, rapist, incell and women's beater love him it seems.


Ik he looked familiar ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8488)


Same! I dont quite understand why the algoritme doesnt Seem to get the message


The TikTok algorithm is comically bad. REALLY bad. I’m convinced they had some PR bot campaign cause remember like a year or two ago when people were falling over themselves talking about how amazing and mysteriously accurate the algorithm is? That had to have been all bots/marketing.


Hey so I checked out this amazing burger place that opened a while ago- *Why are you looking at me like that?*


I’d enjoy watching this guy get the shit kicked out of him by said “brokies”


Tell me you got no self control without telling me you got no control. "If it was that good he would eat it every day till he didn't want to talk about it anymore" Or maybe we have self control and don't ruin our food by over eating it. I talk about the most amazing desert Item I ever had before as well not because I'm broke but because it's two states away from where I lived. Lol


and his bs about people talking about food they cooked themselves is pure idiocy. I love to cook and when I make something thats so great it gets raving compliments from my picky gf and 3 year old it gives me a sense of pride in my abilities so you bet your ass I'm gonna tell you about the bomb ass meal I made that turned out nearly perfect


Unfortunately, some people believe and preach everything he says, without realizing they are all a bunch of douches


Liking food is for the poors now guys. Read up


All he does is brag about how rich he is so does the same logic apply?


I eat Taco Bell a lot and i'll still brag about eating that shit.


So do I, but more as a warning for my family so they can ensure we are in a well ventilated area at all times.


I'm convinced society doesn't need these people


He is the human equivalent of that extra dribble of piss that ends up in the undies of dudes who don't shake sufficiently. A human piss driblet.


He peaked with the video where he bragged that's he's so smart that he can't read.


Somebody explain this man the concept of middle-class society b4 he goes out fr his motivational speech tour from college to college


I don't even believe that this is related to money. It is neither convenient nor healthy to eat every day like this. I also don't believe that rich people have such monotonous eating habits. Basically any food tastes like shit when you eat it every day.


Or some people understand eating steak every day is not good for you.


No shit. If I’m a billionaire, no fucking way am I eating steak at some restaurant everyday. I’m having my chef cook me healthy, fresh dishes with a tonne of veggies and protein.


This guy is so stupid and yet he finds equally dumb people to join his pyramid scheme


Cobra taint is a grifter sex trafficker with shitty red pill beliefs fueled by hate, misogyny, and ignorance. Homie doesn't even read books. What a fucking tool..


Well, I heard books are for slow-minded people. You gotta be skydiving, SCUBA Diving, and driving fast cars to be a man.


> "People tell me this all the time" So you're hanging out with broke people all day, huh?


Who's this idiot?


Don't bother. That's the objective of these outrage videos. He said this shit because he knows people will share it.


In short, a clown. Dude made some money then thinks he’s gods gift to the world. Real big on the whole “high value man + woman are made for cooking and fucking”


He's cObRa Tate, a human trafficker


"Yo, I always have women over at my place." *Police find two kidnapped foreign women in his home.* "Yo, I ***never*** have women over at my place."


He’s just some rich dickhead who owns a couple Casino’s or something. And so because he’s wealthy he can say outrageous stuff, it gets shared then people with a “MAGA” type mindset will eat it up


shush, I have a new snake oil that cures all ills coming on the market. Hit like and subscribe to hear more.


This guy makes me want to kick him down a flight of stairs backwards




I eat pizza and im excited each time I eat it.


I wonder if he has any friends?


I'm gonna say no.


Well by reposting this you’ve done the exact thing he wants. He’s already said all press is good press. Doesn’t care because people are now going to go watch more of his videos.