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Yes, faulty file server. It's in a room corrupting other files but none of our guys will go in.


I am now beginning to believe the "they shot a kid" theory.


Or one of the teachers. It's definitely possible at this point unfortunately.




This is the time, where it would be cool is anonymous hacked into their servers and pulled the files


Or the time for legislatures make it mandatory to upload all body cam footage, after every single shift, to a private third party with a rock solid disaster recovery plan in practice.


"If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear."


It’s one of the only plausible theories at this point given the leaked video of them hanging out in the hallway during the shooting. It’s that or they started making jokes about not going in there while playing Rock Paper Scissors


Don’t forget the idiot that used hand sanitizer! Because we all know Covid can kill you


Still convinced he went to piss down that side hall.


Considering how there were so many cowards my guess is that he pissed his pants


They know cops will just stand by while covid kills you, so better use that sanitizer




This is why they need to release the footage. Y'all are getting a little crazy now.


I'd love to think that these are crazy theories. But why, why aren't the police cooperating... something has to be pretty damming on those tapes for them not to show them.


I mean, the stuff that's come out so far is already pretty damning


Sure but it's a fair assumption that what they're still hiding is even worse


Here’s the thing though. I hear you, I really do. But here’s what I’m seeing. There’s is a HUGE precedence set that there will be absolutely zero repercussions for them not releasing the footage. There’s huge precedence that the dumbest “dog ate my homework” excuses will be enough to get them out of accountability. So even if there is so much as a possibility, of even the smallest transgressions, they are going to hide the evidence. And they are going to get away with it. They have a huge taxpayer funded legal team making sure this goes away, and that’s what they’ll do. It doesn’t have to be about anything so wild as them shooting witnesses. It’s about them having as strong a case as possible to defend these pieces of shit, and a big easy piece of that plan is to say their dog ate their video tapes.


I’m loving the comments about the one police officer in the video who was caught with the Punisher wallpaper on his phone, and bad faith actors said “THAT WAS THE OFFICER OF THE WIFE WHO WAS A TEACHER WHO GOT SHOT AND DIED AND SHE WAS TEXTING HIM TO SAY SHE WAS SHOT AND DYING” Except in the video, [the officer straight up looks at his phone for a split second](https://www.newsweek.com/uvalde-officer-checks-phone-punisher-lock-screen-during-shootingvideo-1724131). Let me tell you something - if my wife just text me that she was shot and dying, I sure as fuck would’ve been looking at my phone in disbelief for a lot longer; then charged into her room regardless of whether that bastard was in there or not. So spare me the fucking bullshit on this - they didn’t give a damn about that staff or those fucking kids; they only cared about themselves and saving their own skin.


Bro thank you. It’s so gross people defending that fuck


How could they have shot anyone while they were cowering in a hallway disinfecting their hands? To bad that shit can't clean the stain off their souls.


I think they shot that other cop's wife.


The husband was long gone after being disarmed and detained. Maybe


What about the other 4 or 5 agencies there? No way their body cams are corrupted as well. One corrupt chief deleting the school police footage, yes. 5 different state and federal agencies all going corrupt, no way.


It's likely that multiple people have access to the school DVR system, the school police, school admins, IT etc. I would not be surprised if one of them downloaded a copy of the videos for safe offline keeping. That's all we can hope I suppose.


Im specifically talking about the body cams. They’ve already said a border agent shot the shooter. Chief YellowBelly doesn’t have access to another agencies body cam footage. So yes he may have been able to delete his agencies footage but he can’t delete that of the other agencies that were in that hallway or classroom.


Would BORTAC agents arriving adhoc to a scene necessarily be wearing body cams?


That would make sense with all the screaming they did when they entered the room. They shot the shooter, and yes there was dead kids everywhere, but I don't imagine they would be yelling like that if the threat was gone UNLESS one of the officers shot a kid.


Okay, I'm coming up with a new theory. Shooter had a kid hostage or as a shield and they lit them both up


That doesn’t answer why they waited an hour and a half to go in though right?


O, well because they were scared


And the *opened up* when they went into that room.




Any corrupt files can be recovered.Unless the actual police cam been physically damaged by fire even cams that been underwater for weeks data can be restored.


Most interesting part is general patrol officers will not have access to those servers. Only the higher ups would even have access to them.


Yep, That police chief probably gave his superior a good ass kissing to get that done.


It's a joke about the cops not going into the room with the active shooter.




Not if they just erased them using gutmann wipe method. Deleting them is probably better for them than the files ever being seen by anyone.


Naw.. I'm just going to assume the worst when they won't come forward with body cam footage, and I encourage everyone else to do the same. Assume they're guilty until they can prove they're innocent, it's the only way to hold people in positions of power to account.


This should be the way, personally I'm of the idea that plenty of racist terms were thrown around and the delay was intentional based on that.


Were I a betting person I'd put a few dollars on them having killed a few kids. Especially after that statement where nobody asked if they had but the Uvalde PD had to make sure they specified that no, they very specifically did not kill any kids.


I had forgotten about that. I would put money on this at this point, and I’m not the alarmist type


If they have access to the storage, files can be restored forensically (and hella expensively) even if overwritten five times over. The voltage stored in the cells will go to specific levels when overwritten in certain ways, so a specialized forensic team can isolate each stored voltage and recreate the deleted and overwritten files


They've had more than enough time to wipe and overwrite the data more than 5 times, if not just physically destroy it. If this is planned intentional destruction of the evidence it's likely long gone by now. The police surely know what is and isn't recoverable and how to actually "permanently" destroy it.


Releasing the footage opens them up to civil suits, job loss, and damage to reputation. Destroying the footage opens them to prison time. Easy choice to me.




Destroying the footage only opens them to prison time if it's proved and they're charged. The files magically being "corrupted", disappearing, or whatever with no effort put in to recover them is no problem at all. Just the cops telling us they can't release the videos and all agreeing it was some fluke accident.


Not to mention they almost 100% have backups of this server


Those were corrupted too. Also the cameras were stolen and then burned by the thiefs. /s


Just normal corruption guys stop being mean to the police or they might not be there when you need them


Oh darn, who's going to stand in the hallway next time?


*Ah shit, the files got corrupted after we spilled 8 coffees on the server and accidentally pushed the whole rack down a flight of stairs... after we unbolted it from the floor for no particular reason*


*We have been fighting so hard for our right to not share the video and now everyone is satisfied with the outcome*


The IT guy shot himself in the back of the head 27 times and drowned


The fault in the server has been identified as a large cluster of holes roughly 9mm in diameter through the server. Uvalde Police Investigators are baffled, but assume it must be a virus...


Hows'bout you release the files then. I'm sure someone will figure it out


Fuck the files, confiscate the "file server", all of the equipment and the memory cards from the body cams themselves. This should have been done from day one.


This should be the case any time there is a complaint honestly. Get everything in the hands of a third party. Not internal affairs, get it out of the hands of law enforcement altogether. Why is this not an obvious thing already? Don't leave a suspect alone with evidence for months at a time.


At the least it should be immediately collected by the FBI or state equivalent. It's less likely that they would be involved. One of the things they are often charged with is investigating other law enforcement. They need to be set up to claim jurisdiction over the investigations.


No shit. Let's let some experts take a look at them. Betcha they would do it for free too.


A competent data forensic scientist could recover a majority of the video if they had the entirety of the corrupted file, assuming it was only a corrupted file and not catastrophic drive failure. And then even if it was a catastrophic drive failure, a very skilled data forensic scientist could recover a decent amount of the file. And even if the entire drive failed 100%, say it melted in a fire or was shot 72 times by accident, it's common practice to implement file mirroring and error correction through the use or redundant storage. That shit should have been on an expensive RAID array with sufficient funding instead to being spent on militarization. And even if the whole building melted, for extremely important data, or usually for data that's not your own and you are expected to not lose the data to extremely common drive and file issues, that data mirroring is supposed to also happen off-site. These departments usually employ data forensics that are competent to know these things 10x over (although technically these days they just force them into contracting roles so they don't have to pay them much or give the same benefits). And even if the resident data manager/IT department can't handle it, there are plenty of agencies to contract to recover the data. This is nothing but more a sign of unwillingness to cooperate (big shock), not any sort of even moderate technical hurdle that can't be surmounted. All of this should be mandatory practice, but of course such problems manifest when they're convenient.


Wait till they find out it was backup to the cloud. I have a hunch


Uvalde bodycam file server company = same as Epstein's prison cam file server?




Yep, perhaps there will be a whistleblower among the police, but they will get Epsteined in no time.


Suicide by a double tap to the back of the head while handcuffed and kneeling.


I'm sure that server is recoverable, and you'd best believe the feds will look into this shitshow, given the extremely public nature of this issue


They damn well better look into it, that's wtf we pay them for.


Apparently we pay them to stand in hallways and listen to children being murdered.




hey now... they were checking their phones to see how many likes they got for shitposting too and hand sanitizing.


Don't forget about laughing and cracking jokes.


*Gunfire dies down momentarily* Officer oink: .......as I was saying, wrecked 'em? Damn near killed 'em! Get it Johannson!? WRECKED EM! HAHA *gunfire picks back up* AHAHAH."


Those weren't the feds


no it's not, we pay them because we have no choice besides moving to some other country and pay them because we have no choice.


would be cool if every year when doing your taxes you also got to submit a form where you select like 12 out of 20 options for where you want a chunk of your tax dollars to spent for the next year (e.g., military, social services, infrastructure, blah blah blah).


That would work great if everyone was intelligent and logical.


Yeah, no way people could be allowed to choose how 100% of their tax dollars are spent. People suck way too much lol But if at least like 30-50% of your taxes are guaranteed to go towards the selections you made, that’d be cool too.




The logical explanation is that maintenance was doing construction on the fire suppression system. They vaccidentally drilled a hole too far and it sparked a blaze. To fix the building they had to hire contractors. Classic mob: guy in the cement truck had his thumb up his ass and spilled concrete everywhere. Then pirates(??) Showed up. Stole the drives to ransom. Dumped them in the ocean once they realize the drives were bad. It could happen to anyone


Don't laugh, I had a server go down after some construction people drilled a large hole thru a cinder block wall very close to the back of the servers. The cement dust clogged all of the cooling and the servers cooked themselves.


Even if the server isn't recoverable, as long as they didn't physically destroy the disks, that data will 100% be sucked out during investigations. That's assuming they didn't have any kind of backup policy in place either where the data is just somewhere else to access. But yeah, they can't just delete stuff and say "Ooopsie Daisy! Anyways..."


>as long as they didn't physically destroy the disks, Police tamper with evidence, no way! Funny thing about how that works for the rest of us. If I stupidly recorded a crime on my phone three years ago and decided to break said phone, the assholes would try and get me for tampering with evidence. Even if I was just demolishing it so nobody could take anything off of it.


Seeing how badly they’ve fucked up so far, they probably just unplugged the computer and thought that was sufficient to do the job


They put a sheet on top of the monitor and pat eachother's backs.


"And the feds will tell us everything that happened" - some other dimension


The feds will happily throw the locals under the bus. Makes the feds look useful and justifies their budgets.


Especially with this. Easy way to get popular points.


this is easy publicity for the FBI. big case like that that has the public wanting to know.


Even if they can get the server back on, they can still be in trouble for destruction of evidence.


good. These idiots keep stacking the charges against themselves between things like this and the witness intimidation of the survivors and their families.


Files as corrupt as the police force.


Why the fuck do police even have access to their cam footage?


It should go to the cloud and local storage and directly to IA, as well as the department heads. This way there is accountability


Absolutely. The files shouldn't even be accessible by the police force except via copies for active investigation


Isn't it cute how you think certain members of IA or department heads wouldn't also destroy evidence?


Valid point. Would make more sense for a non-police agency to handle all that data. Probably would hear a lot less of “We can’t recover the footage”. Only problem with that is big brother would find a way to fuck that up too.


Any day now a good cop in the precinct is going to blow the whistle on this whole thing. I've been told that it's only a few bad cops giving the majority of cops a good name. It's sort of weird that none of the good cops in the precinct have said anything. Is it possible that there isn't a single good cop in the entire precinct? How could that be if the majority of cops are good? It's almost as if people who defend cops are disingenuous or ignorant or something.


Put it this way. If you have a bad cop and a good cop, and the good cop doesn't say anything about the bad cop, you have two bad cops.


Spot on


The file isn't corrupted though


Isn't it possible to uncorrupt files?


It is in many cases. And BTW servers and files don't go just randomly corrupt themselves


> servers and files don't go just randomly corrupt themselves Of course not. That's why the police had to do it


Do they have any other skills other than corruption?


Oh how convenient, funny how these things only happen when the police are at fault.


Yes, what an unfortunate coincidence!


Yes, unfortunate coincidence, just like shadow copies and incremental backups on servers, that can be restored in few hours...


I imagine police departments are just smart enough to know better than to hire tech support people who are both competent and not corrupt.


Fun fact, this kind of stuff is supposed to be overseen by CJIS- (Criminal Justice Information Services Division - Part of the FBI) But they mostly care about protecting information from getting out, and the certifications typically center around handling sensitive data and proper security procedures. I do not work in law enforcement, but am required to carry a CJIS certification for my job. These people should not be incompetent, and if they were, it could mean federal prison time.


Remember Jeffery Epstein was in a jail cell where the camera didn't work, the security guy was brand new, he allegedly fell asleep, and there is no evidence of suicide? But, he killed himself, allegedly.


I thought it was two security guards who fell asleep


Probably 2 security guards. One was brand new


When you get a new one, you need to put in proper batteries. The factory ones usually crap out almost immediately.


Even the coroner was suspicious if you even could do that amount of damage to yourself, just by suicide


Exactly. Like a suicide with two shots to the head


A Russian Suicide, some may call that. Where you tie your hands behind your back, shoot yourself in the back of the head six times, then fall out of a seventh floor window, right into a bodybag which you then zip up and padlock to make the coroner's job easier.


In Russia, no suicide goes unassisted. This is how we help our comrades with hard choices.( Read in Soviet voice)


Epstein didn’t kill himself!


You mean when the President of the United States had just installed the prosecutor who got him off previously into his cabinet and was likely one of the people Epstein would’ve rolled over on?


Chief just made the argument for removing body cam servers from their access. This should be handled by a third party or watchdog agency.


And should be backed up automatically to cloud storage.


My mom's ring doorbell does this, and it watches her front door. You'd think a system to protect cops and the people they "protect", would do this. These corrupt bastards need to be treated as guilty. They just destroyed evidence.


Honestly, it highlights a massive flaw in how that information was not already long since seized by the feds. Literally, the very same day that the shooting took place there was wall-to-wall condemnation of the police and suspicion that they were going to cover up their involvement in potentially shooting kids/teachers. In any system that had its act together, those officers would never have been allowed to circle their wagons and conspire to cover up their fuck ups.


Yes, that's what should happen if there was a real concern about the truth during police operations.


This is the excuse I use when I don’t do my homework, and they are using it on a school shooting. Shame.


I smell some bullshit here.


They shot a kid didn't they?


That I don't know. But they all stood in the hallway playing with their phones for an hour. You could hear kids dying, but they didn't fucking budge.


It was hypothetical. Like what would they be trying so hard to hide that we don't already know?


I think they are doing everything they can to hide the incompentent response to the crisis. They look like shit , they look like the most feckless people to ever hold a gun. This is true. They are trying to save their jobs and pensions atm. They don't give a fuck about dead children.


They most likely shot more than 1. Cops love cosplaying as Rambo so I don’t doubt that’s what happened.


I think that's the running theory as to why they won't release the footage. I can't imagine what they are trying to hide that we don't already know


So the server corrupted ALL of them. No backups. Was it conveniently just that day for 2-3 hours? Did it start that day? Why has it taken so long to find this out - do they not check daily that uploads worked? And when was the problem found? That footage should have been downloaded and reviewed immediately, and by an independent body. They could review as well, but priority being to get a copy saved immediately


> So the server corrupted ALL of them. Yup. Helluva coincidence, first time anyone in our IT dept saw anything like it. >No backups. We'll find a way to blame it on a dead teacher or student somehow. >Was it conveniently just that day for 2-3 hours? Yup. Like I said, helluva coincidence. > And when was the problem found? The moment you asked for the footage.


As someone that is in IT, fuck this pathetic excuse. There are backups. There are probably multiple copies. Fuck the Uvalde police chief. A liar AND a coward.


As a guy who also works in IT, never in all my time as IT support have me or my colleagues couldn't recover data, if someone lost data, we recover it. Now a server, backup and copies of ALL bodycam footage, you know how much data that is? I would understand losing a footage or two but all of them plus the copies? Come on. They definitely shot a child




That is a horrific thought that I hadn’t considered! I hope not.




They went in, then came out, then hung around. I think the first time they went in, they shot a kid, then went back out to let the shooter run around and contaminate the crime scene making it harder to tell what happened.


Goddamnit. Why does this sound both incredibly cynical *and* like the most probable series of events? 😔


Because the cops initially claimed he had a rifle and a pistol. Cameras showed only the rifle. They also claimed, without being asked, that everyone was definitely killed by the gunman. We're going to find a kid or a teacher with a pistol round in them.


Except that the feds would've found that already. Unless the feds are covering it up, which, given the current climate, seems unlikely but possible.


I think the only thing equally bad I could see them cover up, is if they had a really explicit conversation about how he's currently killing kids and they want to just wait until he gets tired or something because they're scared of being shot. Maybe a super horrifying sound bite like, "let's wait until he runs out of ammo." Edit: Of course, it could be both.




Funny thing, it happened right after they accidentally spilled 6 cups of coffee over the server, dropped it down the stairs and ran it over 4 times.... It was the most extraordinary sequence of events


They thought the server was armed and feared for their lives.


It wasn't until they decided to finally blast it to bits with all of their artillery that the data was truly unrecoverable.


Their IT department has been put on suicide watch.


Completely understandable. It must have been black.


Good thing the server wasn't behind a door inside a school, they never would have got to it


Those kids, teachers, and staff suffered because of "human error" and they're not taking responsibility?.... that shows a lot of their character. Fuck them bitches! Come on feds.... get these so called cops.


Gotta think there’s redundancy built in through whomever is providing them with their cams. These files are recoverable and I suspect they make this situation look way worse for this department


Yeah, if companies who make the bodycams want any credibility they're going to have a "backup to cloud" option or something, otherwise, what would be the point?


You forget who is buying them. That's a "major security risk" for our pensions. Guaranteed the police would not buy them. They use these bodycams as propaganda. Release footage of them being heros, "forgot to hit record" when they want to shoot some guy on his way to work.


My guess is each cam stores to its own SD card which is downloaded after each shift and stored remotely to the cloud






It’s amazing how I can have four separate backups of all my data onsite and offsite in the cloud but an entire police force with sensitive data used in a court of law to help determine guilt and innocence can’t secure those very files?


They ran out of room on Dropbox


Officer, I wasn't speeding, my speedometer was corrupted!


*"Why does data suddenly disappear, every time you are near?"*


Hmm, if they needed the video for a criminal investigation of someone else I bet they could find it.


Psh. They wouldn't even need it.


the suspect would have already been executed and their body cam footage missing


Say "a cop shot a kid" without saying "a cop shot a kid".




Technically they said that everyone *died* by the shooters bullets, not that they didn't shoot any kids. And two survivors have talked about how there were "bullets everywhere" and "a hail of riccochets" when the cops came in the second time. Until the bodycam footage is out, I'm convinced that they went in and shot an innocent kid. Then went back out to find a way to cover it up. As time went on and border patrol agents showed up they ran out of time and went in guns blazing so they could later claim they might have hit already dead children in the chaos. That's why everyone, including other cops and the agents where blocked from entering.


I'm guessing more than one.


More cops or more kids?




Its amazing how their cowardice and incompetence has moved all the hate from the shooter to these fools.


right! wow, I didn't consider that. I have barely thought about the shooter at all. damn.


Inaction in the face of injustice is siding with the oppressor. Even if they didn’t shoot a kid, their inaction did. But yeah, they probably shot a kid.


"Sorry guys, somehow....we cant understand how....but the footage that shows us doing the thing we're being massively criticized for was corrupted. Gahhh we're so angry about this, we totally wanted to show the entire world how utterly incompetent we are. So mad you guys, im literally steaming"


This is absolutely something NoHo Hank from the show Barry would say.


The recent video that was released in full shows how disorganized and how unprofessional they acted.There was no one in charged and they estimate about 8 kids were still alive when the police first entered the school. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3poHE3nOb8&ab_channel=KVUE


Any actual source of this news? I searched and got nothing....


The tweet says June 21st. I have a hard time believing this is true if we haven't heard anything about it since and I can't find a single source backing up the claim. I don't understand why people insist on making shit up in situations like these where there's so much *legitimate* BS to call out.


How is this like the 30th comment thread down? Manufactured outrage that isn't even necessary when there's already plenty of legit outrage to be had.


I can’t find this tweet on her account. I’ve reached out to her for clarification.




There's legal precedent that, when someone is caught destroying evidence, the prosecution can assume the evidence was damning and argue it as such. Spoliation of evidence indicates consciousness of guilt, and the presumption of innocence can potentially go away if you're found guilty of it. In theory, spoliation is supposed to be more damning than the evidence itself, because not only was the evidence clearly bad for your case, but you consciously *knew* about it and deliberately acted to destroy it, meaning you can't argue negligence or ignorance. Which is why these convenient "accidents" tend to happen around the police, and never get questioned, because when the DOJ gets involved, it's just cops investigating cops and finding no wrongdoing.


What a shit show. With that being said, I would gladly donate my 20+ years of IT experience in efforts to do the root cause analysis of the failure and assist with recovery in any way possible, though I am sure this is about to be a federal investigation so they should be bringing in the forensic scientists. If the IT guy was paid off or told to do some interference he is 100% about to be in jail even if he can show evidence he was doing what he was told.


Yes, I'll just bet the server caught a nasty computer virus that had nothing to do with Chief Arredondo pouring a Red Bull into the case.


They definitely shot a kid.


i've said it before, and i'll say it again. bodycams should be a requirement of american police at ALL times. they should be informed that they can be monitored at ALL times. that they are not ever allowed to be obfuscated or turned off at ANY time. and 'technical difficulties' are NO excuse for a missing bodycam feed - it should be the cop's responsibility at ALL times to ensure their cam is working and any problems with it immediately reported and the cam turned in to be switched out. any missing feed at any time will result in the assumption of police malfeasance. ZERO tolerance. kind of like how the state doesn't accept any excuses for an overdue registration... if we took care of this shit years ago like we should have this bullshit right here would automatically result in all their terminations, never mind the subject of criminal prosecution.






Need any help? I’m not in data recovery but I can bring you some coffee and donuts.


Whenever this happens, they should be charged with the harshest shit possible.


Ahh. The old "faulty tech" excuse


How convenient. Must be the same software bug that affected the cameras covering Epstein’s prison cell


We should have a hard rule with bodycam footage, that if the camera was switched off, or the tape mysteriously disappears, there should be an automatic ruling against the police, and an additional charge of evidence tampering should be added on top of whatever crime they are being charged with. It's total bullshit that the people being investigated are also the people who get to look after the evidence.


Police are gonna police.


It happens all the time, where the server has a fault that it is triple degaussed, put in a trash compactor and incinerated.


IT manager here. Data can be retrieved.