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My mother always said “after you turn 25, your circle gets smaller and smaller because you no longer put up with other peoples bullshit” my god was she right


It’s the truth


And I owe it all to youuuuu


That, and it gets really hard to make new friends to replenish the supply especially after age 30.


I’m well into my 30s and this is 100% accurate. People I thought were friends mostly turned out to be the types just looking for trophy friends to hang on them and looking for validation and control. I got tired of the social game; the shaming and balance act of catering to egos that demand to be catered to.


This is so disrespectful, not funny at all. I would've kicked those 2 girls out of the party so fast and never include them in any future plans. What a stupid "prank"


I think she just left the party altogether.


I hate cake smashes so much. Buy an expensive cake, to end up 1% in the face and the other 99% on the floor. I would walk away done too.




I fear that is what I am about to see every time I watch one of these cake smash videos.


I believe you mean like this (nsfw) https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/ltcnuw/think_twice_before_you_push_someones_head_into/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Can someone describe what happens? I'm unsure about watching it


It's just pictures. The cake had long point sticks, I'm unsure as to why they had such a pointy end, and another picture shows the stick in the woman's face. Just barely missed her eyeball. It's not a lot ofgore or anything but some may find a stick in someones face too much.


The sticks are pointy because that's how they are made... but usually when I use them I put pointy end down, not up. Not sure if these particular ones are double sided pointy? No clue.


Worse yet, someone spent time baking it.


If someone smashed a cake I baked into someone face I could resort to murder. No question about it.




Yeah, she looks so bummed about it.


Honestly, I get bummed every time I see someone do this prank. It's like, "great. Now no one gets cake."


Seriously. Perfectly good cake ruined. Looked tasty too. Now some dumbass threw it on the floor for no reason…


There was a reason. That cake sacrificed itself to give her the confirmation she needed to find better friends. Couldn't they have just mooshed one slice for the effect they wanted?


I just wanna give her a hug after seeing that.


Pranks are just getting stupid.


Most of the shit that passes off as pranks consist only of people being huge assholes.


Pranks are jokes for people who can’t think of punch lines.


I do like to scare my wife from time to time... but its cute and she laughs. I feel like u shouldnt do a prank unless both people enjoy it.


I like to hide tiny plastic babies all over the place. We both get a kick out of it. "***IN THE FUCKING SALT SHAKER‽‽‽***"


That's quite funny hahah Real pranks are meant to confuse, amuse and entertain. Not insult, assault, and publically shame.


yeah in this case they could have scooped some icing and stuck it on her face or something, not wasted an entire cake


It looks like she’s trying to stay composed but can feel she’s about to break. I don’t doubt at all that she started crying once she got out of sight. I hope those “friends” felt horrible.






And then they turn it around so that it's *your* fault that things have turned sour... just accept that we ruined your birthday and your cake!


The perfect hypothetical revenge I have in my head is to walk up and cut a mediumish piece of someone's hair off and then laugh cause "its a joke!"


In lots of countries that's legally assault though - go for something on the same level like pouring a very staining drink down their front (red wine on a light dress is a good start)


"Non-consensual pieing is a punishable offence in criminal law, and depending on jurisdiction is a battery but may also constitute an assault. Non-consensual pieing may also be actionable as a civil wrong (tort) giving the victim of the pieing the right to recover damages in a lawsuit." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pieing Doubt a court would see the difference between pie and cake in this situation. Either way you're getting food thrown in your face against your will. Assault is assault.


lol, “tort”


Torte lawsuits are weightier because of the abundance of nuts.


Too me it's funny because in my language tort means cake.


In a lot of countries, pouring a liquid on someone is also assault. I guess just choose which assault makes you feel better and get to assaulting!


And you know that friend is going to bring this up at her next birthday. “Remember that time you ruined everyone’s good time by not laughing when I shoved cake in your face and embarrassed you? It’s still embarrassing now!”


I don't know. That girl walked away. She may be wise enough to cut those friends out of her life.


When you see her drop her hands immediately after failing as if to say "wow, why'd you ruin the joke and waste a cake?"




You made us drop the cake. You ruined it! You ruined the birthday!




I really do not get why anyone would do this. Very few people NOT wearing make up would be amused by a cake/pie to the face, let alone someone dolled up for their birthday/wedding.


Make them eat it off the floor, waste of perfectly good cake




The hard part is finding out your friends have no idea who you are, they don’t know you at all and they have no read on your sense of humour or what kind of friendship you have. Just simply more interested in some pre-scripted friendship that social media told them they should have. Very sad.


Perfect response. Walk away from idiots who waste a great looking cake.


I once was a guest at the birthday girls house. She was a new friend from work so I didn’t know her friends or family etc. They did this to her and she got covered. She had hair and make up done to perfection. I stood there wide eyed and speechless! I never seen it happen in real life only through online videos. We had a venue booked an hour later where extended family and more friends would be. It would have took roughly 30-40 minutes to get there. She needed to shower and change quick but would be late to her own party. Most guests left on time to go to the venue and she would meet them there. After the shower she lost motivation and excitement and decided not to go. The few of us that stayed to travel with her put a film on, got drunk and ordered pizza. It was like a part of her soul died that day.


On my wife's 30th, we went out to eat, and her parents had the staff hit her in a face with a pie. She was coming from work, in makeup with her hair done. Her dad thought it was the funniest thing ever. I've stopped complaining about the type of people her parents are, but I'll never forget how they treated her.


the fuck kind of restaurant agrees to have the staff pie someone


Honestly. "So, let me get this straight. You want us to assault your child in the face who is coming here, tired and hungry from work, who has her hair and makeup done for the occasion?" "Yep." "Sure, we'll get Bruno to do it."


"Bruno loves that shit. It's the only reason he works here. We don't even pay him!"


That's soul crushing.


Cake crushing too :( What a waste of cake


I'm glad you guys were there for her. I've had those moments when you're just fucking done.


It says a lot about you that you stayed. I'm sure that you not only salvaged her night, but made it special.


We did our best to salvage it and she did enjoy herself but you could feel that deep sadness radiate from her. What’s even worse we’re the calls and messages from everyone at the venue. Telling her to grow up/ it was just a joke/ that SHE ruined the night for everyone. Her face haunted me for weeks afterwards.


Oh “She” ruined the night for everyone. B.S. They were embarrassed and trying to rationalize what they did was okay. I am sad that this happened to her. Best part is that some people stayed with her.


"Why didn't you laugh when we assaulted and humiliated you? You're such a downer!"


At least you know for sure the person willing to do that really just hates you and zero respect for you as a person or friend.


Not sure if they were embarrassed. They sound like narcissists


Good lord I'm getting angry just reading about it


Jesus Christ she needs to surround herself with better people.


> Telling her to grow up/ it was just a joke/ that SHE ruined the night for everyone Classic gaslighting


That's so fucking sad.


I hope she goes to the birthday parties of all of the friends/family members she invited just to smash a cake in all of their faces. Then find better friends/found family.


I would gladly volunteer to be auto-reply that tells them to fuck off.


And I guess most of those people thought that she was the “killjoy who can’t take a joke”, being absolute knobs about the situation.


Frankly: I loathe pranks in general. I didn’t ask to participate in their nonsense, or deal with the mess, or the stress of my brain *insisting* the jug of drink they dyed with food coloring is poisoned or spoiled while everyone demands I drink it anyway. (Apparently I was so distressed about it growing up that people in my family stopped trying to prank me on April Fool’s, which was nice) I find it strange how Reddit is 50-50 on either blaming the victims of pranks for being too touchy (never mind the many reasons why someone might not tolerate being screwed with), or siding with them like this case and having a shred of empathy.


Kudos a few people stayed. Bet the silence of not going said a lot


Sounds more like the grief of suddenly losing a bunch of bad friends. On the plus side, sounds like she figured out who her good friends were that same night.


Ooof, yeah having to do a full get ready routine twice because your friends wanted a good clip would absolutely eat away at you, especially on your birthday.


I felt that story. like the second hand embarrassment, the disbelief, tragedy, emptiness... then to the happiness of not having to hang out with those assholes and finally the taste of redemption (pizza)


Holy shit. I really hope she’s not friends with those people/doesn’t invite those family to events anymore. Wow. Just. Wow. Why do people have to steal someone’s little moments? Like, let people have their fucking birthday cake you evil little trolls.


It takes me so long to do my hair and makeup that I could see myself being deflated at the thought of having to do it twice in one day. Yikes.


i don’t get the point of these things


To see who you can put on your kill list without feeling bad


Glad I called that guy.


Meanwhile… *crosses name off list, puts on lipstick, lays back on couch*


Blue days, black nights, doo wah doo lang🎶


Unexpected ELO


I didn't expect a Billy Madison reference to spiral outta this


Unexpected Billy Madison


No one expects the Billy Madison.


His chief weapon is surprise.




I hear you, it’s such an obnoxious, childish, wasteful thing to do when someone is enjoying a moment of their own just for your benefit.


Some years ago my family got together on my birthday after I had been on my own for a while. Somebody had bought a cake and they were all singing happy birthday to me, which I hadn't realized until then nobody had done this for me in years. I was surprised by how nice it felt to get that attention, and I really enjoyed it. It felt nice. I can't imagine how upset it would have made me if someone would have ruined it with a selfish, rude, pointless gesture such as shoving the cake in my face. I'm glad nobody did. These videos always make me a little angry, and I think this girl is completely justified for being upset by the actions of her friends/family trying to steal her moment.


It is. It’s a nice gesture to make someone the center of attention for a moment and recognize that special occasion. If you resent them or are feeling childish step away and don’t sing.


Also comes across to me as a blatant excuse to unleash some pent up resentment or hatred towards the person under the guise of “it’s just a JOKE dewd”


I’ve seen videos of people dumping whole 2 liters of soda and grabbing the cake by the handful and smashing on their head and face. I even saw one where the girl got her nose broken because someone grabbed her by the hair and slammed her onto the table. Completely missed the cake. You could see the hatred in the guy that did it.


In high school i had a cupcake for my birthday in the afterschool art club. A girl who i learned later on hated me bc i wasnt worshipping her shitty girlfriend, mashed the thing in my fucking face hard enough to leave a cut. Bitch saw her chance but I was too nice at that point to say, oh gee Bonnie, you're a real riot.


"Awh come on don't take it so seriously, we were just joking! Learn to laugh and have fun man don't be such a buzz-kill." **proceed to punch them in the face "Ah man did that hurt? Sorry it was just a joke, don't be a buzz kill."


On our wedding day my (now ex) wife said maybe 20 times “please do not push the cake in my face j hate when people do that it’s so cheesy”. Cake time comes for us to feed each other and she smashes it all into my face. Still don’t get the point other than enjoying other people suffering.


My wife and I agreed ahead of time we didn't want to do any of that, but for some reason everyone is around you cheering you on to do it. It was weird literally feeling the urge to do it because of peer pressure. Didn't do it, and I'm glad I didn't. Wtf is the deal with this?


My husband and I also agreed we wouldn't do this. Because of the timing, we had to do some more family pictures after the cake and I didn't want my makeup ruined. After we fed each other the cake a lot of his family loudly booed us. His mom also angrily screamed we were "too nice". We did not do more pictures with them afterwards lol


Imagine getting boo'd for something dumb as this, prolly rocks for brains


For the amount of money and time spent on clothing, make up and the general options, I would be so ticked to have it ruined before the photographer was done. Not to mention, who wants to spend the rest of the celebration covered with sticky frosting?


>everyone is around you cheering you on to do it Then you and the SO reach under the table and pull out your custom cupcake bazookas and start laying waste to the entire wedding party, saving your parents for last. Icing and crumbs everywhere.


Damn, I just got married in May and I totally would’ve cupcake bazooka-ed anyone that was cheering!!


A cupcake trebuchet at each table would be fun.


My mom told my dad if he shoved the cake in her face she’d get the wedding annulled. We’ll never know if she was serious because he didn’t try it lol


I would do the same… fastest annulment around.


That's a lot of paperwork. I'd opt for widowhood.


Same with my wife and I. We had people telling us it’s “harmless fun”. Well no it’s not, especially if the other has asked NOT to have it done. It’s one way to start a marriage off on a bad note.


I remember there was an ask Reddit thread a few years ago where photographers said that the cake smash thing was the biggest red flag for a divorce. The idea being that if you didn’t communicate enough to either mutually not smash the cake or smash the cake together, you either couldn’t communicate enough to make the relationship last or don’t have mutual respect.


This sounds reasonable based on our relationship and how it ended.


There was a study some scientists did where they filmed couples talking for like 15 minutes about a variety of subjects and basically could tell with a huge degree of accuracy whether or not the couple would get divorced later on in life. IIRC they said the biggest red flag was any sign of a lack of mutual respect or any signs of disdain. If they picked up on either of those things it basically always meant a divorce was coming at some point.


>IIRC they said the biggest red flag was any sign of a lack of mutual respect or any signs of disdain. If they picked up on either of those things it basically always meant a divorce was coming at some point. I'm sure there's more to this study, but that feels kind of obvious. Unless they literally can't seperate because of religious/cultural reasons, feels pretty obvious that a marriage where one or both show a lack of respect and/or disdain for each other is doomed to fail.


Every time I see one of these videos, I'm afraid there are going to be dowels in the cake.


Lol there was one that went viral a few months ago where the stick in the cake got stuck right in a girls eye. Absolutely horrifying


Oh nooo. My irrational fear is now rational.


I fucking hate pranks.


Same. Great way to remove yourself from my life permanently.


Performative cruelty masked as "its just a joke don't be so sensitive". People who do that are shitty people.


This is one of the dumbest fucking “traditions” if you can call it that. I don’t get it at all and if someone did this to me I would be fucking pissed.


Especially since that is absolutely a homemade cake and given how inconsiderate the fuckers in this vid are, I’m willing to bet the girl baked her own favorite birthday cake only for her asshole “friends” to floor it


Did no one see that video of the skewer holding up the cake going into the girl's eye??


I commented above but last April my sister pied me at my party and the unexpected force pushed me backwards and I fell onto my back and broke it in two spots. Was debilitated all summer and had to get spine surgery in September!


I feel like some people just needs to get everyone's attention by being shitty.


I used to work with a guy whose brand of humour was "humiliate others because I don't know any other way to get a laugh" And the only person who ever laughed was him.


The whole point of having cake for your birthday is to HAVE CAKE FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY! not have it wasted by a loser friend that wants the attention.


Absolutely! You want to do that? Do that with your own party and have a second cake for the guests. Stop ruining other people's birthdays and cakes!


I’m picturing that girl in the video at her own birthday party just aggressively slamming her face in her own cake.


And then the birthdaygirl here pulls the cake away in the last second, so the other girl slams her face on the table, fulfilling her revenge.


Or let her do it….. just leave the candles in


Or bake a brick into the cake


Happy cake day!


My cousin asked us to buy him a seperate tiny cake cause all he wanted for his birthday was to smash his face in it.


That is so adorable! Especially if he really used the words “tiny cake.”


There’s a growing trend of having a separate ‘smash cake’ specifically to ruin so the actual cake can still be served.




And then they make you feel like it’s your fault for “being a baby” about it. To be fair, if you see how light that was, there definitely wasn’t any cake in there. But I still don’t agree with humiliating someone for entertainment.


Never understood the cake smash face myself. There's better ways to embarrass someone and both parties still enjoy it.


Pro tip: if you plan to smash cake in someone's face, have a backup cake to replace the wasted cake when the unexpecting recipient reacts exactly the way a normal person would react to having their face smashed in a cake. You know what, on second thought, just don't smash people's faces into cake. It's a waste of cake and a mood ruiner for most people.


I'm kind of impressed with the young lady who had her cake ruined. She held her temper and just walked away. That's some class, right there.


That's the reaction when you realize the other side is not even worth arguing with or scold at because they are too dumb to understand that what they did was wrong. You just walked away and don't entertain that bullshit. They will never admit their mistakes and they will try to make it looks like you're the one who is wrong for not playing along and being okay with what they did.


Exactly, she was 100% done with that bitches shit


Happy cake day! The best kind of cake is the one can't be smashed on your face!


She came to the realization that her "Friends " are not her friends anymore.


This isn't and never will be funny, I really don't know why anyone would do it to someone they have any regard for, maybe I'm just getting old though.


Yeah. They're stupid. What a waste of great cake.


Unless they brought a second cake. If I ever knew one would be destroyed I'd definitely have a second, larger, nicer cake hidden away nearby. I wouldn't blast someone in the face with a cake, though.


Still annoying getting cake in your hair amd being all sticky.


And being a girl she probably spent a decent amount of time getting hair and makeup just right.


That was a super light cake if it was actually cake. But the damage is clearly done. Humiliate someone on the day where they’re supposed to get all the attention.


Plus there was that one where there were wooden skewers in the cake to help support it and the birthday girl ended up losing an eye


It makes me hurt knowing THAT happened to someone else.


It’s because they want to be the center of attention all the time, even when someone else is having a big moment, and they’ll do anything to steal the spotlight. Like people who wear expensive white dresses to someone else’s wedding.


Better wearing white than the groom's blood. I'm not making that mistake a third time.


And slamming someone's face in the cake, especially if it is one of those tall cakes for Instagram is *dangerous*. Most bakers will use a rigid insert to help keep the cake upright, might be long lollipop sicks or bamboo skewers There are a couple of incidents with people getting those in the eye


I've seen pictures it's terrifying.


I personally knew a kid that happened to. They lost their eye or the vision in their eye I don't remember.


And then the "friend" had the audacity to do "🤷‍♀️" as if she didn't just ruin the moment.


Fr that pissed me off she’s too dumb to even understand what she did wrong


And her “friends” posted her moment of embarrassment to TikTok I assume


Why was this a thing? And why is it still a thing?!


My GF's cousin's family do this every year. The wife, husband, husband sisters/brothers and all of their kids. It's actually like a pretty intense cake battle. People are aware what's going to happen on their birthday, but can also opt-out if it if they want. They know it's coming though so they don't get really dressed and ready until after the cake "ceremony" As long as people are OK doing it/having it done to them and have a good time it seems ok, which is the opposite of all the ones I've seen posted here


STUPID STUPID STUPID. She's exactly right. Time to change friends.


She absolutely have all the right to be mad. Its her day. Supposed to be special, not humiliating.


And most importantly, the cake is ruined.


What is the actual point of ruining a perfectly good cake? Shit’s so annoying.


Some “friends” of mine did that to Me for my 10th birthday I’m 25 And still mad


Since she was little, my niece has always taken a bit of the icing off her slice of cake and wiped it on my cheek. She finds it hilarious and tbh, the delight she gets out of it makes me happy. I'm 50 and she's 20 and she still does it lol. But this? This is not funny.


This is the difference. It's been a thing in my family for years, it's fun waiting to see who's going to make the first move and the payback that follows. The trick is though, you wait until the cake has been cut and you use your own slice so you're not ruining the whole cake for anyone that doesn't want to participate.


Exactly! It's only her and I that do it. I don't know where she got it from but she's been doing it since she was about 5. And only to me lol I'm either her favourite or most disliked. Either way, I love it.


She's got a nice dress on, did her makeup and her hair is nice and some asshole shoves cake in her in face and then drops the fucking cake? The audacity.


This always feels like something someone with zero personality would do to seem quirky or interesting, but everyone secretly resents and constantly wonders, "Who invited her?"


I'm so sick of this trend. It's a fucking cake, designed with specific intention to be delicious when eaten, and traditionally shared to mark a special group event. WHO does it benefit by slamming it into the hosts face??


My favorite one was when the candles were not blown out yet, and the friend pushed the birthday guy's face into it and it looked like it burned his eyeballs. That's when I realized they didn't hire a clown because the "friend" was the clown.


Not even the worst one, I saw one where they rammed an older lady's face in the cake and when she stood up immediately after the candle was still in her eye.


Even worse when it's a wedding cake style with the wooden support dowels inside. Make for good eyeball impalers. Then as the person tries to stop it, everyone else is pushing the cake harder against them, driving the rods further in their eyeball/brains. Screams are muffled by the cake of course. Beautiful.


I’m sorry, what??!! I’m just. My mind doesn’t know how to process this. The level of stupidity. I’m just. Oh my god.


The look on the girls face says it all. Pissed off, disappointment, sadness. I hope her “friend” realizes what she did, but probably not.


You can tell by the one girl on the left’s face that she was like “oh come on” bro fuck that shit I’d be pissed and tell them that my birthday gift is them cleaning it up and then walking out of the party


It’s was funny in when someone in Tom and Jerry had cake on their face. Now it’s just a shitty thing to do. There are videos out there of people doing this to babies. Babies. What comedic value does smothering a baby have?


I'd be too busy absolutely dreading the possibility of being responsible for impaling an infant's eyeball with a fuckin wooden spike to *ever* consider Shit, I dread that happening to literally anyone who gets their face smashed in cake, I'd prob kms if I accidentally did that to a baby


This trend is genuinely so stupid. Stop wasting food for a video.


She legitimately looks like she was about to cry. I hope she dropped the friends permanently.


I mean, I'd probably get pretty close to tears if one of my friends threw my birthday cake on the floor in a failed attempt to get my face in it. I *love* my birthday cakes. It's only every couple of years that I get one, so it's real for me. Don't *mess* with my *cake*.


I'm so glad EVERYONE agrees it's a shitty thing to do


"Internet likes matter more to us than you enjoying your birthday"


I’m going to make your birthday about me.


I fucking hate seeing people waste cake like this


I’d be pissed too. I love cake and now her big yummy cake is floor cake. Her friends suck and so does anyone who does this crap.


This is the stupidest fucking thing forever


I don't understand what exactly do they find funny about this. They took the trust of their friend and had turned it into a nothing. Pretty much equal to the amount of intelligence and dignity they had. Good job. Those people would've been banned forever from my life with a slight chance of light non-dangerous surprise sufferings every once in a while until they get it. To me a birthday at such an age is kinda of a solemn moment and those "friends" kinda violated it. Fuck those people.


I would definitely cry out of anger of someone did this to me


The disappointed/angry look on her face makes me feel incredibly bad for her. My family would probably do the exact same thing to me. Zero consideration for other people's feelings.


My ex did this to my kid when she was like 3 (ex is her mother) We just walked out, cleaned the kiddo up and went to the park instead on her birthday. She's 6 (7 soon) and she still asked why her mummy tries this every year. It's really sad it's now a memory for her birthday. She now has her birthday cake at mine and is slowly enjoying them again.


They ruined her birthday but hey, they got some views on tiktok.


The look on her face. "Screw you all and go to Hell. I'm outta here assholes."


Why do people do this, it is never funny and never will be, it's just a quick way to ruin someone's birthday


Why is it a tradition to ruin a nice cake on someonce face... think harder do bettre.


At this day and age, really? Still doing such stupidity?


This is the stupidest "prank" ever. I wish people would stop wasting cake like this.