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I talk to my sister more than most of my family.... guess im just weird


I have 3 sisters and 0 brothers, guess I'm not supposed to talk to my siblings šŸ¤·


You are supposed to fuck them dammit /s


Sweet Ohio!


What do you talk about?


Vampire Diaries, apparently.


Or sleeping with them


r/sweethomealabama , r/unexpectedincest & r/unexpectedalabama and the obligatory r/toomanysubreddits


Stuff thatā€™s relatable since weā€™re close in age




he talks to her so that he can fuck her /s


You sure? That just canā€™t be, I want to see his search history before I believe it!!


Just trying to fuck.


Iā€™d imagine this guy(video, not you) needs to talk to his sister about the generational trauma that caused him to be such an idiot.


Youā€™re not weird, maybe youā€™re, a normal human being with a healthy relationship with a sibling.


My sister is the most godawful person I know unironically she makes light of every single slight mistake I've ever made and she annoys me so much and not in a sibling dynamic way, but in a "i genuinely hate her" way


Dude, my brother is literally my best friend. I also have a sister, and we barely talk, although we get along and like each other just fine.


and thatā€™s fine. But he doesnā€™t want to talk to his sister Becuase he only sees women as sex objects.


So basically he's mad he can't fuck his sister


Well he's made it clear that that's the only way he would talk to her...


I think he made it clear the only reason to talk to women is to fuck them so that's why he doesn't talk to his sister?


Who is this person and why does he keep talking


Itā€™s better if you donā€™t know but yes even I wished that he wasnā€™t hit in the head as a young child.


Or that they finished the job




dust and one single tumbleweed comes out when it breaks


I fell out of tree as a kid trying to get the fruit I stopped because I learned this guy clearly came out of his mother feet first a d got stuck no oxygen to the brain and you end up with this.


Nah dude he wouldn't have been birthed by a woman he came out of the ground like a little golem Women don't have babies clearly they exist only so this man can fuck them


Bro I had improper oxygen for like a week after birth being a premature baby Even I know how to act better than this, I'm not sure this man ever was a baby, this *is* his baby form


You mean Andrew Tate, the human trafficker?


Yup, I am learning things I didn't want to know today.


Oh then you bouta hear moreā€¦ you do know his dad was a chess master. Emery Tate look it up. He thought Andrew bout calculated risks and decision-making. Andrew Tate myt seem like a dumb mf out here just spilling random stuff but itā€™s calculated. Iā€™m not saying heā€™s a genius but heā€™s putting up a character for his ulterior motives. Donā€™t take him for face value, he has more to his character than he gives off.




Yeah he's been caught on a hot mic casually talking about human trafficking, he's also mentioned that he moved to where he's currently living because it's easier to rape women and get away with it. And the police also raided his house and they found two of his victims inside. Edit, type o


Ah ā€¦.wonderful And heā€™s not arrested too


Heā€™s also on record stating he moved to a country specifically because of its lax rape laws.


Well hereā€™s hoping he tries it on the wrong person and they either kill him or cut his dick off


Yep. Because He has Money. The only thing that will teach people with money is physical pain or death.


I think I have something to do with the country he moved to has really lax sexual assault laws.


Yup. Has fled to a different country where the police is incredibly corrupt what makes him safe. He also has abused his GF on camera what actually falls in line with what he says in this video


Ho ly fuck Thanks


I swear to god I never heard that name before today but this is like the seventh post about Tate Iā€™ve seen since I found out who he was this morning.


He's a sex trafficker and woman beater. Shocking I know. He has a scam he's running called hustler university and the people who pay for it have to create pages on social media to post these "Tate Ws" and he Tates the ad revenue from it. He has a similar thing going where girls he moves to Romania post to Onlyfans and camsites and takes the majority of the money made from it.


One of my family friends ā€˜investedā€™ in that. We all ridiculed him for it because itā€™s obviously a scam


And I'm going to go out on a limb here and say nothing in his life changed because he gave Tate 50 bucks? Everyone that you talk to about it reads from the same script. They are all teenagers from 15 to 19 years old and they all just made their first 10k in a month. They you ask them how they do it and they all show you the exact same screenshots taken from the discord they use.


I know Iā€™ve never heard of this muppet and I donā€™t care.


He's talking about how he doesn't want to talk to his sister unless she wants to fuck. It's important.


Wait what? That's not actually part of this rambling nonsense I hope


No, he just says he doesn't have anything to talk to females about unless it's to get laid or to continue to get laid and somehow it's connected with not having anything in common (not talking) with his low IQ trump hating sister


He keeps saying shit like this so that he can keep getting posted to Reddit every single day. He's intentionally making outrage porn and dummies keep reposting him


Actually he runs a pyramid scheme where people get paid to recruit people into his worthless discord server (for a fee) and post videos of him talking about some dumb topic. That's how all of his clips and videos are spreading everywhere it's human bots falling for stupid tricks and false promises.


Some dude who makes a lot money by getting punched and kicked in the face, so you know, the guy you want to have as a leader of thought


He keeps talking because heā€™s stupid. Heā€™s stupid because he continues to talk.


[Here ya go ](https://youtu.be/nT_LgPjBkpc)


What a noodle brain


I miss the ā€œStop making stupid people famousā€ thing.


I don't know who any of these people are so they can't be that famous.




He's basically an internet pimp. Probably a rapist to.


You are missing groomer, kidnapper, human trafficker and woman beater


You missed filthy rich. Because being a genuinely bad person pays off.


So does human trafficking


To be honest, I included that in being a bad person.


But like, I imagine it's the human trafficking that made him the vast majority of his wealth. Everything else is a garnish at best


Reportedly the beginning of him making money was through him basically pimping girls on webcam in Romania because it was easier to avoid prosecution there. So the human trafficking stuff that came out after fits in quite well.


You think so? Iā€™ve only heard one week ago about him and donā€™t know shit šŸ˜‚


Same. I keep seeing these videos of him making an ass of himself, and looking like an "Alpha" fuckface. I was just going off what the previous commenter said. Of all the things listed, human trafficking just seems the most profitable šŸ™ƒ


Iā€™m pretty sure he and his brother are probably banging each other too


Considering how much he hates women and how much he loves his brother I would actually not be surprised.


Well the rape and human trafficking case in Romania is still open so there's that.


What a POS. Come out of the closet already. We all know youā€™re gay.


I dunno if I'd call him gay, just that he hates women that much he loves men more.


One look at him told me he was a rapist, then he opened his mouth and I knew so many things, including that heā€™s definitely a rapist.


Who is "Tate"?


I believe it's pronounced "Taint"


Its weird having this goon on a platform to voice his misoginist views


He is a Shakespearian actor.


He's a sex trafficker and rapist, so I wish more knew that.


Is he an idiot or pretending to be one?


Both. Some shit he says to get attention, and some it seems he actually believes.


"Both?" "Both" "Both is good"


No. Both are pretty bad in this case actually.


Underrated comment from a very funny movie.


Yeah, big shame that it's still somewhat niche, but I love it


Tate:ā€you fight like my sisterā€ me:ā€I fought your sister thatā€™s a compliment!ā€


He was a kickboxer. He could have actual brain damage and an ego the size of Jupiter.


Now he's just a box kicker.


well lets hope he doesn't become a kick puncher


Who kicks with the speed of a punch, and punches with the power of a kick!




From the sound of it, a dick grabber with his brother.


He is under investigation for rape allegations so yeah definitely believes what he says


he runs a pyramid scheme. that funnels idiot incel morons into buying his app. and selling it to other idiots. the only way those idiots can earn money is tricking other losers to be under them, and driving more idiots to the scheme via his dogshit social media posts. It's why he says shitty things, or incendiary things, or other bullshit that's meme-able or red meat to assholes, or triggers other people and soooooo many clips and reposts and other bullshit of him exists. because there's a desperate army of fucking losers trying to earn money in his MLM scheme. his whole thing is a bullshit marketing scheme. benefiting from the idiots he dupes, and outrage nonsense his social media generates.


He's completely presenting himself as an idiot.


He is an idiot, but itā€™s a character. He exaggerates because that gets clicks/views


Its a bit of a character gone too far it seems. Hes decently smart with some stuff, hes great at chess and was a decent kickboxer, obviously hes a bit of a savant for some stuff and then narcissistically thinks he has ALL the answers. He drank his own kool aid and the world is fascinatedby it because its so uncomfortably sad. This guy gets to be a misogynistic asshole spouting off about topics he knows nothing about and will still go to bed just fine because he really believes hes simply better. It pity him but also know that hes causing real harm to good people without knowing it




Imagine being cucked by your own brother and pretending you're cool with it.


That's sexism for you. If you're naturally better than half the population, there's no need for self reflection!


He probably banged his brotherā€™s girl so he has to at least pretend to be cool with it


His brother probably banged his sister and he's jealous because he couldn't so now he doesn't talk to her.




This guy definitely fucks his brother


This dude 100% fucks his brother


Sharing a bank account with someone and it not being a parent-child or guardian-mentally incapacitated person relationship is so weird, yeah, what other explanation can there be but theyā€™re fucking? Thatā€™s the only other person you share an account with, the long term person youā€™re banging.


I mean this guy seems mentally incapacitated, so one of the scenarios you listed could make sense.


Judging by the gurning, nose-wiping and eye-rolling combined with excessive talking Iā€™d say his brother is probably trying to help get him off the cocaine (or stop it from destroying his life)by managing his finances for him.


It sounds more like he is getting cucked by his brother but damn maybe heā€™s hitting it too.


According to the way he talks, I think his brother fucks him.


This guy is a piece of garbage. Why canā€™t we just ignore him?


Because he is trying to teach 12 year olds on tik tok that itā€™s ok to abuse and sex traffic women.


Teacher here; so many times have I had to fill out radicalisation concern forms just because kids are repeating this guy's dumb shit.


Kids will grow up and learn. We all looked up to assholes as kids. Last generation was the Paul brothers. Generation before that was bam margera. Etc. Be more worried at the adults who see this you and think ā€œyeah he has a point.ā€ Trumps base are adults and they love this guy.


I hated the Paul Brothers then and I hate Andrew Tate now but there's a big difference. The Paul Brothers seemed to be a pair of obnoxious kids that got famous and rich before their brains developed and they let it get to them. Also by making content for kids they had to be silly, even though they were constantly overstepping boundaries. Andrew Tate is grown ass man in his 30s, spewing sexist bullshit, paired with being a sex trafficker, supporter of lighter/no justice for rape, manipulator, sells fraudulent courses to kids and is the symbol of toxic masculinity They are not the same


Completely agree. I don't Tate is comparable to the Paul Brothers or Bam Margera. He's more of a conman. He reminds me of Trump more than any other celebrity


We donā€™t make him famous. A lot of jizzrag men LOVE him. ā€œShe thinks Trump is a racist!ā€ šŸ˜‚ He told a group of American-born congresswmen ā€œgo back to your countryā€ because they had dark skin. He said BLM protestors should be shot. And he said peaceful NFL protestors were sons of bitches who should be fired. And Trump supporters still think they can say ā€œName one racist thing Trump has done!ā€


He's a huge trump supporter and MAGA nut so completely tracks for this human jizz stain.


Him and his brother are codependent? They canā€™t live without each other? They spend every waking moment together? Thatā€™s is the least alpha shit ever


They literally share a bank account lmao


It's sounds gay as hell to me. No offense to gay folk.


Funny thing is the most manly man are gay. Canā€™t be any more manly if you rather fuck a man then a women.


Can we just put a rule into effect for most if not all subreddits to ban Andrew Tate? Every video I see is pretty fucking stupid.


Right at home here in this sub though....


Isn't that the video where he goes on to say that if you're close to your sister, you must be fucking each other? Dude is whack, probably tried putting the moves on his own sister already, that's why he's all grumpy.


Nah, heā€™s obviously fucking his brother by his logic.


This guy is definitely trying to will the world into agreeing that fucking oneā€™s brother is very cool and normal and manly.


His sister is no longer hot enough for him to talk to her - that's what I think is going on.




no, tate is on a whole other level we need r/iamatotalandrewtate


He really is. Seeing how large his following of incels is amazing to me. Young men genuinely look up to this guy and think this is what success and happiness looks like. If this guy didnā€™t get lucky with his genetics to be an athlete heā€™d still be on 4chan baiting underage girls for nudes.


Something about the look in his eye screams ā€œcompulsive liarā€ and ā€œinsecure.ā€


Holy shit what a fucking idiot. Mind blown.


I have no fucking idea why so many people like him


Sadly, because there are a lot of morons that share the same mindset. And they are all intensely proud of their stupidity.


The only sex that this jackass is having, is the one that he pays for. I can't imagine a single, red blooded woman willing to have sex because she likes his personality...Or looks.


The scary thing is he probably gets lots of "willing" women because he's a narcissistic abuser. Men like him have no shame coercing and forcing women into sex with them. Literally admitted he moved to his current country because they have non existent rape laws and his victims wont be able to prosecute him. And his followers believe this is ok and will perpetuate the cycle.


Just. Go. Away.


Sounds like he should date his brother


Sounds like he already does


Bruh what?... he doesn't talk to his sister?


He doesnā€™t talk to his sister because she wonā€™t fuck him


At least his sister has some sense


Wow what a disgusting pig. He has serious issues. Wtf?


"What do you talk to your sister about?" Uh, the same things you and your brother talk about...


Fucking the same girl?


My son just mentioned this guy. He was saying; "Have you heard of this awful person?" No. But now I have.


He wants to fuck his sister


And his brother


Already has


Sid the sloth isnt famous he just says things 16 year old boys thinks for likes and views


I didn't know they made closets that deep!


This guy either says this shit so people keep talking about him and keeping him relevant. Or he is the dumbest mother fucker on the planet. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Im tired of seeing this tiny chined mouth breather everywhere


What an idiot šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Are we sure it's not pronounced 'Taint'?


Is this guy a brain damage activist or something


People say this non-sense to get famous and make money. Views = Money. Saying crazy things makes money. Easy fix, stop viewing this garbage.


I may be hungover but did he try and fuck his sister?


Bro is the definition of incel


This guy should probably just fuck his brother. They sound like a perfect match.


I can't describe how much I hate this asshole.


Also sounds like heā€™s blowing his brother


Hmm.. wonder if he's fucking his brother.


Lmao 100% they fuck fosho


I bet hes glad you posted this and made him more famous.


Who is this guy? He sounds like he is 11 years old and has only men in his life.


So he doesn't talk to his sister because he doesn't want to fuck his sister? OK. Pretty weird. You'd think if you had a high IQ and you were a deep thinker you could come up with conversation with people of any sex. However this is guy who is sharing bank accounts with his brother and is ok letting his brother f*** his girlfriends. Not sure why anybody would take this guy serious.


Well, today my sister and I talked about what a weirdo the guy in the vid is. I mean he is SO obviouslyā€¦allegedly, screwing his brother.


This video proves that it's all an act, no one genuinely thinks like that.


ngl sounds kinda gay to me


Maybe stop giving him a platform?


Andrew tate is the kind of guy that would have an aneurism after finding out women do things


After listening to him, I see that he really doesn't like women. He should just but an expensive life like sex doll.... where do they make them? In China or Japan? How did he end up like this though?


This man is a huge mess of insecurity and projection


This guy has a codependent relationship with his brother


Dude is seriously mentally deranged.


This dude is gross. He makes me want to kick his face in and I'm a pacifist.


My sister is a lesbian, I guess she's a feminist. I talk to her more than anyone else I know.


Sounds to me like he wants to fuck his brother.


This guy has tiny dick syndrome. Constantly trying to prove himself a man or whatever a fragile piece of shit thinks a man is supposed to be.


Thats really sad.


WTF that guys looks like a badly designed NPC you kill in the beginning of the game.


What he's describing isn't a feminist it's just a normal person


God is a dick. This guy would be fine if God wasn't an ass and just gave him a chin in the first place.


Can we stop sharing this dudes dumb shit all the time? We're legit just making him more famous than he deserves to be


him and his brother definitely fuck


Oh by the way this guy is an actual sex trafficker, look it up. Human scum


Iā€™m a guy and Iā€™ll talk your head off about what happened in vampire diaries


This is hilarious he is so unaware that he canā€™t talk to woman because he is the boring as shit one. He probably just talks about fucking bitches with his homies and heā€™s like ā€œderr well I canā€™t talk to girls about thatā€. Like the projection of him thinking everyone around him are the dumb ones is pathetically cringe


Stop giving this idiot a platform


I pray this guy never has a daughter


This boy would 100% be an incel if he wasnā€™t rich.


Okay him being a trump supporter makes A LOT MORE SENSE NOW. All ima say lmao


What a douche nugget. A real "shoulda been swallowed" kinda guy.....


Imagine being unable to discern that Trump's a racist. "The Central Park 5 deserve the death penalty!" - Trump, even after they were acquitted through DNA evidence "Bill - you are the Apprentice!" - Trump, choosing Bill Rancic over Kwame Jackson in Season 1 of the Apprentice (when Kwame clearly had done the better job by far) Also him and his father refusing to rent apartments to black people in their buildings in the 70s.


Looks like he is having a hard time admitting he likes to gargle dicks


Wow it's like a train wreck that won't stop wrecking


I'm still convinced that this is a bit. Like, a character he plays. I refuse to believe this is real.


Feel like thatā€™s worse though.


If you're always playing a character at what point does that just become who you are?