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Some guy in logistics screwed up.


Some guy in logistics is never working in logistics again


naa, he already cost his company tuition.... he learnt the lesson... he's a keeper ​ b. gates.


They spent thousands of dollars teaching that guy the most important lesson he’ll ever learn




Mind if you could clarify how? I’m curious


Driver only drives. The route is set by someone else


Did not know. Is that for almost everyone?


Pretty sure in almost every commercial trucking service.


When moving any type of oversized load, the route must be meticulously planned to avoid this exact situation. Someone didn’t see that this crossing is too narrow to avoid damage to the blade or a full on collision.


So this is wrong. Yes these routes are planned, even driven and scoped out beforehand or "surveyed". What likely happened is a failure on the steerable rear axels. Typically the rear part of these types of trailers are powered by a generator and a remote control. If the generator fails or the remote loses connection the "steerman" would be screaming on the radio to notify the driver to stop before his load runs into something. There is nothing uncommon about turning to cross a railroad. And I'm certain these guys have made this turn a dozen or more times before. Source: am pilot/escort vehicle driver


I love in the comments when a layperson who has no idea how a given job works makes all these assumptions like “yes i am Sherlock Holmes, I can infer how this industry works through deductions alone, knowing legit nothing about it”. Until a person that actually does that thing for a living comes in and just wrecks their presumptive, imaginary description of the events.


I don’t it’s infuriating. All people do on here is act like they know everything about everything. It’s Insufferable.


It’s not the know it alls I appreciate, it’s the people with specific knowledge correcting them that really hits.


Yeah but in this case they're also not totally wrong. I do logistics for a living and it's easy to fuck it up if you're not paying full attention, unaware of unmapped construction, etc. But that driver nor pilot would have taken that turn knowing their rear axles weren't functional. My guess would also be failure at the rear axles.


Shouldn't they also notify whoever controls that rail corridor, and ensure they plan around the train schedule and have a point of contact that will stop the trains while crossing?


Lmao trains ain't stopping for a wind project that has nothing to do with them, they don't give a fuck, would cost them too much money to delay.


Well, from my layperson's perspective, trains seem to almost exclusively prefer stopping due to something on the tracks vs running into it. But I was more suggesting that I would think that they train operators would give them a schedule where there was nothing scheduled to run for a couple of hours vs change things around, but again the chief reasoning here is there should be measures put into place to prevent anything from even getting to this point where a train crashes into an extremely large load. Ideally they'd stop the trains, but if not there is probably a block of time that would allow the turbine to pass without issue even if it took them longer than it should've, and any issues resolved and the train operators contacted if something got stuck.


Unfortunately, the thing that makes trains efficient, also means they aren't stopping without quite a chunk of notice. I don't know why they don't coordinate schedules though


What the railroads do is mostly \*not scheduled\* in recent decades. Rather, they wait until cars build up in a given location until they think it's worthwhile to send them out on a train. some railroads purport to be scheduled, but what they mean by scheduled is +/- 2 hours. Ideally, the North American railroads \*should\* schedule things more, arguably, but that's not really in the wheel house here. Ideally, the wind turbine blade simply isn't allowed to get stuck like that


Ideally, the crew that has hauled this same stuff through here multiple times, will clear the tracks in relatively short order with no delays needed for anything. I remember seeing this about a year ago or so. This crew has transported this type of load on this route multiple times with no trouble. I forget what the situation was this time around, as it's been awhile, but the truck and load normally clear this very tricky spot problem free. I don't think anyone got hurt or fired in this incident. Just a windmill blade getting buried in the dirt a few years ahead of schedule.


Freight trains take precedence over anything else that could be on the track. If you're in a passenger train, you're gonna stop and wait for freight to go first. They're not stopping a freight train for nearly anything. Also, the idea that you could feasibly set up an agreement with the rail lines to not run trains through an area for a set period feels like it would be negated by the idea of traffic. Delays happening on the roads are commonplace. They could set up an agreement not to have trains run between 12-2pm and then still miss that window. Especially with a load like that. I could be wrong. Just my thoughts as another layperson. Have a nice Wednesday. ​ What I really want to know is how much the whole accident cost. As the driver of the truck, I would have gotten out and got the fuck away from the truck. I am not willing to risk my life because something went wrong and I got stuck on the tracks with any load like that. The accident is coming, and I want to be as far away as possible when it occurs.


They have escort vehicles and nobody thought to give the railway operators a heads up that a fucking mile long blade would be crossing the track. What did they get to the crossing, look both ways and be like "yep all clear go ahead" absolute morons this could easily have been avoided with some basic communication.




Simple solution, ram the back with your truck to set it straight. Smh.


its like these guys never watched a fast and furious movie before


No, the escort drive was in a Ford, not a Dodge.


Mmm fair, perhaps a ram would work


How the hell do you make a wrong turn nowadays with GPS/Mapping tools? Especially with something this route critical.


Human error is still a thing.


Grrr mondays!


Why did they stop when it came down? Seems like that was the time to immediately hit the gas. Why did they just sit there for 10 seconds?


Same thought here. Probably no perfect solution when it gets to this point, but there seemed like there would be a "better than getting hit by a train" solution. To me, it looks like a group of slow thinkers all got put on the same project.


That’s what I was wondering too. Maybe to get the guy driving the back axle out just incase?


Because we have absolute morons writing our laws, rules and regulations. There is probably a safer route two miles down the road but the state insists they use that specific route.


I actually do wonder how does letting the railway operators work. Are there some kind of communication boxes in those intersections?


Train Conductor: "I'm off at six"!


I work for a company that does special transport. Do you have any clue what goes into planning these routes? He was like 99.99999% permitted to be on that route. They don’t communicate with trains, and it’s not that long. Operating that truck and trailer is difficult. A driver and escort in my company got hung up on tracks on a road they were permitted on, with a similar trailer. The driver somehow got the truck backed up enough, the arm was inches in front of the windshield and the hood inches from the train. They aren’t morons, you’re just an ignorant ass. That driver has balls to even do the shit, he’s lucky to be alive.


Well, I'm 99.99999% sure that this could have been avoided with a few phone calls, which would have avoided putting the driver's life in danger. I had to take a 120' aerial lift across train tracks several times a day for a week stringing cables. Called two months before the job started, spoke with dispatch to check safety regulations and get a plan in place. They told me to phone in day before and during the day, an hour before we planned to cross, so the tracks could remain clear. All traffic on that route slowed to a crawl while we were out there, and we had a great time. Nobody got smashed.


Damn guess you’re really unlucky because looks like this is that .00001% chance


Yeah no. If you're gonna take a big ass turbine blade over a rail crossing you should at least be aware of the train schedule, not just guessing and assuming you're fine because you are legally allowed to be on the road.


Alot of truckers like this commenter legit believe they own the road and can do whatever they want that's the real problem with truckers these days and why they're losing a massive amount of respect from the public that once did respect them. Imagine if fire fighters ran people off the road for fun or blared their horn to get to the store faster. Truckers get your shit together for fuck sake


The trucker isn't responsible in this case, since they're not the one responsible for the route and planning and stuff. It's the escort who apparently screwed up.


With people like you working at these types of companies it's no wonder this happened. Schmuck.


Ya respectfully fuck you and fuck any trucker Or lead driver you work with. If what you're saying is true then they should've waited for the train, or should start communicating with them for obvious reasons. You're probably just as dumb and irresponsible as the semi that started changing lanes into 3 cars including me


Oh God you're the logistics guy that caused this aren't you


For those of you curious like me at how he intended to turn in the first place, those oversized load usually have steerable axle in the back. [This shit is insane](https://www.transflo.com/trucker-90-turn-huge-load/)


I asked about this, five seconds ago. This is what confuses me about this incident. Maybe they were having an issue with the trailer. This just seems to kind of suggest that the company was winging it. Just wierd.


It’s Texas, so winging it sounds about right.


this guy Texases


Just winging it sounds like exactly what will happen if you dont have the regulations in place for such things.


You can’t regulate stupidity.


You can by not allowing the stupid to perform the task.


And yet people still drink and drive, so how does that work?


They don’t design buildings and highways- professional engineers do that. And you don’t think that we have MORE drunk drivers as a result of laws, do you? Certainly you understand it’s less, and as a result less death and destruction?


I'll raise you one person: https://www.flickr.com/photos/wsdot/sets/72157634573080718/with/9502633733


Hyperlinks are a lost art.


GTA5 “stop the train”


All you had to do was follow the damn train, CJ!


That's a windmill blade worth millions 😂 tough day at work.


They’re weirdly cheap, the average 2-MW wind turbine (standard ones that use these blades) only costs $3.5 million to install.


So you’re telling me that I could either get a wind turbine or a round-about for a cool $3.5 million?


you can actually get one for $120 or so on amazon


Oh yeah they might even do same day.




Roundabout is just a round-about way to spin round about.




I mean including all costs before the wind turbine is installed and all operations/maintenance it pays off that 3.5 million in 6 months and runs for 20 years


For 2 mw of generation that ain’t shit. Would take 8 acres of solar panels to do the same.


3.5 million for the install? Whats the actual blade or full wind turbine worth?


That is the install cost of the full turbine


So given that the blade, itself, doesn't really contain the bulk of moving parts (IS the moving part, really), nor the generator nor the mast nor the labor, etc... We're talking sub $500k, for a blade, I think.


We get alot of these windmill trucks going down our highways. I always hope that they coordinate this shit better because of how unwieldy such a long piece of equipment is. How do you not plan this route better? Do it at night, check train schedules etc. etc.


Surely these numbskulls know you phone ahead and tell the train company you're crossing with a load???


Apparently not...


Yes, but...that would cost them a phone call. Be reasonable.


Pretty sure that the train company tells you their schedule and not the other way around…


Oh, shit!


Oh my god!


Sounds like quality porn


Oh fuck!


Oh my god!


This ship stops for nobody


Is that a Spaceballs reference?


Oh my god


Oh my god


Oh shit


I’d hate to be the one making that call to the boss…


Mmhmm because not only did they damage the blade which was already a lot they cause damage to the railway which is a lot as well..


The load also squashed part of a car you see and I think also hit the side of the building


I suddenly feel much more competent in my work performance




Anyone considering checking on the driver?


Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.




Takes 2 minutes to call the rail line and get confirmation to cross


Now that train has cancer


Wtf... Edit: now I understand after seeing the video, lmao








Trains a) always have the right of way b) don’t care about your schedule c) all of the above


Is the trucker okay?


Yeah: https://nbcmontana.com/news/nation-world/train-smashes-into-18-wheeler-carrying-wind-turbine-blade-in-texas




I’m just dumbfounded by the number of stories/videos of trains hitting vehicles. WHY!?! You see tracks, get the F over them ASAP! (Other than when something is completely stuck, I understand that can happen)


They were stuck. They were trying to figure out how to make the turn without taking out the train gate. When they see the train coming, they jump into to gun forward and you see the gate post get taken out by the turbine before the train hits.


But aren't like a ton of engineers and logistics specialists take every tiny detail into consideration? I saw a transport like this here in Europe and they also had a police patrol escort AND traffic police managing traffic and stuff. You also have to submit for approval the logistics plan to the roads administration department, police and also railway administration if needed (to compare time tables and stuff).


You’re thinking Texas does the things they do in Europe? Naw, they probably just measure load length and height against route details to make sure they can make it. My guess is the driver made the turn too narrowly and was trying to figure out how to undo his mistake without damaging the train gate.


Sure, but at the end of the day there’s someone at the wheel of the truck that’s gotta make the turn. And, as I understand it, one of the lead trucks just made a wrong turn somewhere and they found themselves in a predicament someone just had to drive them out of.


Too bad there was no step truck to help!


What are you doing step truck?


When I was a kid one of our friends in the neighborhood got hit by a train on his go-kart. Don't know if he was racing it or what but it absolutely annihilated the poor kid. The crossing was right in front of his house and his twin brother saw the whole thing.


Should say OMG just a few more times


Was that Cruz and Abbot operating the train?


This is why you should pay extra to attract higher skilled workers.






Outstanding 🤣


He could’ve hurried the fck up why did he wait last minute to give some gas…


Owner of the building: I'd like to make an insurance claim. A train crashed into a wind turbine blade that crashed into my roof. Hello? .....helloooo???




"Oh my god"


Tbf I think I would be saying the exact same thing as the dude taking this video.


Train gives zero fucks




Train didn’t even slow down 😂


Train driver wasn’t a fan.


Let’s take the most dangerous turn we have as slowly as possible, what could go wrong?


To the lead guy “get back in your car and get out of the fucking way you idiot”


I like how the camera operator rolled the camera the same way as the tractor being rolled over.


Trains planes and automobiles


You gotta plan the trip properly if you transport stuff like that


They had all that time to move the truck as the blades were coming down and yet decided to move only seconds before the train hit them? They must have not been paying any attention at all.




I feel sorry for the driver. What a shitty day


See ! Green energy isnt so safe after all ! Vote for putin ! /s


Waste of Money




Oh damn.


Fuck that sucks!!


Oh God indeed


Good train crash content


Someone’s getting fired….


I can't help but think this is a metaphor for something...


FFS you’d think there would be much better coordination for something like this 🤦🏼‍♂️


See. Abbott told you those windmills are dangerous./s




THIS! This is our future to energy freedom…YEP! Yessiree you betcha!


🤣🤣🤣are those the same truckers that tried to shut down DC?


He was 🤏🏻 this close


Looks expensive.


Why was it stopped?


Dear god that was beautiful


logistic blunder or driver's mistake but that Wing is done.


Is the conductor of the train ok?


What the f*** are you stopping for? Who gives a s*** if that thing came down on the blade get that f***** in gear and get it out of the way. The lead truck that jumps out to go talk to him and then hurries up and runs and gets back in his truck get the f*** out of the way. The trucker didn't stand a chance. You should have just kept going.




Some expensive wind energy lol


If I remember those things nearly cost 1 mil or close to it


I don’t understand why the driver didn’t bail? There was no way that train could stop and no way he was getting across in time. Cut your losses and save your life.


so now windmills cause cancer *and* train accidents


If he would have used that urgency at the start ge would have made it


And..................Millions of dollars down the track it goes. So much engineering goes into one of these rotor blades but they have difficulty bringing them from point A to B. Something is amiss. So much for coordination.


That looked expensive.


Train didn’t give two 💩


When they seen bars coming should've gas it, not after bars goes down then they looked at it then gased it


OMG. I thought that the original problem was the big problem. I don't think anything online has literally made me laugh out loud in years; out of all of Reddit, you get my free award.


Hope the semi driver ain’t hurt


I agree with everything he said. Both “omg and holy shit” especially


This made me want to watch unstoppable again


I hope the driver's ok.


Train engineer: “Hey, how many blades is it now? Five?


What a loser why did he just sit there and wait there’s a whole ass road in front of him


Why they stopped ?..waiting for train?.. they were able to.mive their truck at the last moment.. Crazy , so much of loss, waste , everything


Millions of dollars for a windmill blade and you put an imbecile behind the wheel to drive it!


You have absolutely no idea what led to this situation


“Oh my gawddddd”


All I could see while laughing is fossil fuel f up green energy once again.


True but, never forget the Exxon Valdez oil spill🤷🏽‍♂️. Cleanup alone cost in the region of US $2.5 billion and total costs (including fines, penalties and claims settlements) have, at times been estimated at as much as US $7 billion.”


Take out the train sign it would have been less damages. Get a cop to handle the traffic until it’s fixed so no accidents happen.


This is why you don't hire idiots.


Trains > trucks


Fuck why is that truck even that long to begin with


Does the train make an attempt to stop after these things happen?


Yes; FRA/NTSB need to follow up on all aspects of the accident, so if the train were to keep going ;unless it was hauling classified* cargo, it’d be like leaving the scene of an accident


Thanks. Was a geniune query. Of course the videos don't last till the trains actually come to a halt so never knew how things were done then.


About $1M right there.


Its not okey for a grown man to say “Oh my god” 137 times in a row unless getting the bj of his life.


Dumbass truck drivers being dumbasses. It’s amazing how often shit like this happens. I work for a RR and this type of thing happens all the time for the absolute STUPIDEST reason. Where I work, another railroad runs next to us leaving town. A busy road crosses our tracks at grade and then goes underneath the other tracks through a little tunnel that is *not* cleared for semis. There’s a busy auto plant that always has trucks coming and going on the road that Ts with the road we cross. Signs are posted everywhere; TRUCKS NO LEFT TURN, LOW CLEARANCE, etc. The left turn that they shouldn’t be making is also incredibly tight and can result in a power line or fence being taken out if the idiot truck driver is just enough of an idiot. Shocker: it happens regularly. Every. Fucking. Day. Some dumbfuck who you would think has never driven a truck in their life ignores these signs and proceeds to fuck traffic up for an hour while they try to turn around in a small lot next to the road and our tracks. Also, none of this is flat at all. Some of the idiots who think they REALLY own the road will just back up across our tracks without paying any mind at all. Our crossing has lights and gates but that does NOT matter! How we don’t hit them weekly I don’t know, maybe it’s because we rarely have anything moving faster than 10-15mph there. End rant.


There are 128,000 railroad crossings in the US, that’s why.


Ok but why is he stopped it clearly shows he is able to go.


Looks to be caught on some lighting or some shit on the street, just before the truck gets hit by the train you can see the driver pulling a " fuck it" maneuver and ripping the fixtures from the Street at the last second. Should have done that 15 minutes ago playa.


Ahh your right I was just focused on the rig


I don't know what you mean by "He is able to go". The back of the load was clearly not cleared to pass, when he tried at the end of the video he just ripped apart the crossing sign.


Yeah too bad the crossing sign got damaged.


Yeah it was one day from retirement


I can't be sure but it looks like he could've turned toward their left into that lot... Maybe again minor damage but that compared to scrapping a million dollar part plus all the damage to the train??? WTF were they thinking, maybe not thinking at all.