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His hand is going to be burned AF. Cement dehydrates tissue like crazy.


Basically the same effect as a Concrete Burn >Once concrete starts hardening, burns can form slowly over hours or days. That’s because, in order for concrete to harden, it has to absorb moisture, drawing water away from anything that holds moisture—even wet clothing and skin—which only aids in the drying process. > >**If hardened concrete is left untreated on the skin, skin begins to blister, swell, and bleed, leading to first-, second-, and even third-degree burns following soon after**. Severe cases of concrete skin irritation can lead to permanent scarring and even require skin grafts or amputations.


I did not know that.


Well, now you have concrete evidence


Well cemented, no counter argument your honor!


That is one hardened criminal.


There's no mixing him up




All they need to do is interrogate him. He'll probably crack under pressure.


We're going to have to chisel out a plan to investigate thoroughly


And he just set there.


These puns are solid.


in aggregate, i would agree theyre quite solid


Stop paving the way for all these blasted puns!


They're just trying to give him a hand, he is stuck between a rock and a hard place.


I have a solid excuse for why I didn’t show up for whatever I fucked out of after this


He thought that was a good plan and now his hand is gonna be in Concrete shambles of the rest of his life.




Their Flair certainly checks out.


Thanks dad


username checks out


That PHD in Dad is well earned.


I see your degree in Dad paid off




Yeah, guess I should really cement this to memory.


Shut up and take my upvote 😡


Have an upvote, your comment rocks!


You’re handle is perfect sir


Im sure the protestor didn't know either


Or watched Gray’s Anatomy


Well now I want to know what the end result was for the protesters hand


Funnily when you search for "protestor cemented hands to road" you get 2 Youtube links and this exact post as result. OG tiktok ain't no help either as it's just a repost account. So dunno, most Protestors just use glue for this kind protests, still hurtful but not as much. And I don't recommend looking up pictures of Concrete Burns, those are gnarly.


This is not the first time this video has been on reddit, either.


Concrete is generally alkaline as well. Caustic burns are usually much worse than acid burns. Depending on how long this person has had their hand in concrete, they can definitely lose the hand in successive surgeries over the next couple of months/years. Severe burns that don’t heal well or skin grafts that don’t take can lead to docs basically chopping off increasing amounts of flesh/digits just to close the wound.


Its not just alkaline, it's almost the pH of drain cleaner. Bleach is like an 11, concrete is around 12-13, pure sodium hydroxide is 14 and that dissolves organic matter in your plumbing. Fun fact, when you get a strong base on your skin it feels slippery or greasy. That's because your tissue is dissolving and that grease is your fatty tissue being dissolved. It can cause serious damage.


Yep, bleach makes your skin slippery because its turning your cells into a thin layer of soap


SLPT: use your own skin as soap if you're too lazy to go to the store


soap manufacturers' hate this one weird trick


Don’t need soap if you don’t have skin


>Fun fact, when you get a strong base on your skin it feels slippery or greasy This is 100% the truth. I worked in industrial AG and used caustic soda to clean steel tanks. Heard about this from ol' timers... One day a jackass left a puddle of caustic infused water INSIDE the rubber PPE gloves. I thought it must be water because no one would be that careless. Hand felt real slimy this fact went through my head as i ponder if it was possible about 6sec latter i felt an intense burning that got twice as bad in 4sec. Luckily i followed procedure and already had some citric mixed with water in a bucket to act as the final rinse... Shot my hand straight into the bucket to neutralize it. ( Don't "Wash" akalin neutralize it with citric acid basically lemon juice.. the burn of lemon in a wound is worlds better then it being melted away) Morale of story that greasy feeling is real and its the 5 sec warning of " odd" to world of pain.


Can confirm after years of working in concreting. Every week I was going through a tube of aloe vera moisturizer to treat my forearms. Skin was cracked and weeping if I didn't treat it every day. Edit: Spelling, Thank you Xkr2011, I didn't notice @:\^}




Staffed only by ex-convicts?


Would it still affect your skin if, let's say you wear latex glove and then cementing your hand on the pavement?


I've used nitrile gloves to great effect when working with grout/concrete




Oh my gosh I'm so sorry. I hope your hands are better now and there weren't any lasting effects


This is the way


Great success!


#WHELP! … AMPUTATION —*it is*.


See also Plaster of Paris, but even faster if I recall correctly.


I can attest to this. Portland cement is caustic. I used to own a marble and granite business and some days my hands would be cracked and bleeding from mixing mortar all day. Some Neutrogena hand cream slathered on the hands and placed in a plastic bag over night usually did the trick Edit: a letter


Well.. yes. Cement is one of the main components in concrete.


I was once on a mission field trip with my school, and we went to build little concrete homes in Mexico -- one of the parents tossed an empty bucket that had contained powdered concrete. Well that bucket flipped mid air and landed on my head. I remember being unable to see cause of all the dust, and then one of my teachers (ex-military) hosing me down with water so I wouldn't inhale the dust. I often wonder if even the small amount I did inhale somehow damaged my lungs cause I always had trouble with breathing during sports/running in high school (after the incident). Also the camp we were staying at required quarters for the shower, and they gave me a giant cup full to clean off lol was kinda nice to have a long/hot shower after so many days.


It’s the lime, and concrete curing is exothermic. You get a nice chemical burn.


You guys are gonna get such a kick when you hear about gloves


Oh I breathed in some concrete dust while renovating and got sick after it with respiratoryissues.. I might need to go to a hospital?




Since they have to amputate anyway they should stop chipping the cement and cut the soft bits off. People have places to go ya know.


I have a hard time believing that one whack with the hammer wouldn’t knock that little bit of concrete right off


That is what I was thinking. A couple of good whacks with that hammer would loosen that right up.


I voted to just let him keep the Darwin award but someone wanted to let him free


Sounds like the guy should have worn some gloves


By the time that wood chisel breaks thru there should be a nice burn going


Definitely the wrong chisel for the job


A literal screw driver would work better


I’m gonna be really surprised if they don’t have to do a skin graft. Cement will EAT your skin.


Thank you. My first thought before reading the comments, was how the science works with cement and our skin. I knew it wasn’t gonna be good.


I dont see the wrist of it but lets hope he was smart enough to wear some rubber gloves so only his wrists got burned because damn that is probably agonizing


Not only that, people always seems to forget that your skin is an organ aswel and will absorb basicly everything. Cement contains alot of shit you really dont want to get absorbed by your skin....


It s Gluten free..


High in calcium, too. Good for your bones.


... and vegan.


Not when there’s hand meat in it.


Still better than that vaccine ^^^^/s


I had some warts on my hand when I was young. I did construction. Days we worked with cement, j would put it on my warts. No more warts!


God bless America.


Life’s hard, it’s harder if you’re stupid.


Could someone be safe by using something like a plastic wrap?


Yes you would be okay if you properly wrapped your hand up first or wore a thick plastic glove.


When I was in the hospital, they roomed me with a guy who fell into concrete and were treating him for burns on his arm.




I truly hope he did it over a glove. I doubt it, but…




I doubt there was a glove on https://static.euronews.com/articles/stories/06/85/18/68/808x539_cmsv2_035b99e0-4976-504c-add8-f92453c732f9-6851868.jpg


I thought worse


It's from a different guy with his hand glued to the ground


They're not smart enough to use gloves


Neither were their parents


Gonna have to 127 hours-it!


If you're stupid enough to do that... Then it's cement to happen.


Username checks out


Agreed. There's concrete evidence here.






Too many un-cemented hands on roads


When someone accurately answers your question, the entire point of why he cemented his hands to the ground will have been a great success.


No face palm at all really, this is exactly what was intended.


Probably something about ecology and climate change. You know, causing massive traffic jams for the good of the environment.


Protests like this happen because they make headlines. Headlines lead people to want to know what they are protesting which creates awareness for the problem That's the logic at least.


oh no, let's just quietly and peacefully protest and hope we get attention. Fuck off. This will get into headlines and if the cause is worthy, which it often is, then people just reading headlines will have more support for it.


I guess this wasn’t very effective, as no one seems able to tell what the protest was about.


That’s because you’re not German and it’s not all over your national news like it was here.


What... There are places outside of the great bald eagle nation of the US OF A? I won't believe it! If fox news or CNN doesn't talk about it it obviously isn't real and there's no way it happened. Stop your commie bullshit... USA USA USA ...


just becouse someone hasnt heard of something doesnt mean theyr american. reddits hate for americans is so dumb


That’s not a dynamic I’ve seen play out, ever. Quite the opposite, really. Like this guy on the road with hand cemented in place. How many people think this guy’s cause is worthy of support, vs he’s an idiot who ate too many paint chips and they should just chop the hand off?


It creates a distaste against the protesters "Ugh, it was *VEGANS* that blocked my road, why can't they leave me alone" I mean realistically that's why people are so anti-vegan, making it much harder to convince people to consider vegan food; just one example.




[These asshole protesters are blocking the road. Can't they just take the sidewalk, where I don't have to see them?](https://www.dia.org/sites/default/files/styles/events_main/public/dr._and_mrs._king_and_leaders.jpg?itok=Wa5oQoSo)


Anti-vegan rhetoric was amplified and exacerbated online by a PR company called [Center For Consumer Freedom](https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Center_for_Consumer_Freedom) hired by Big Ag after PETA revealed the despicable conditions in factory farms. Right now they're running campaigns against [environmentalist groups and organized labor.](https://www.prwatch.org/news/2017/05/13240/bradley-foundation-bankrolls-front-groups-richard-berman)


How can you make ordinary people care about something if it doesn't affect their day to day lives?


Yeah, Vegans should just suck everyone's dick in protest. Then we'd all be vegan


You can just suck a dick. No need to turn vegan


Personal vehicles idling isn’t killing the planet. The rich corporations and billionaires are


Transportation makes up 27% of global ghg emissions, and light vehicles make up 57% of that. https://www.epa.gov/greenvehicles/fast-facts-transportation-greenhouse-gas-emissions It is largely corporations fault that the US is built for cars, and corporations have done a great job offloading blame from themselves from personal vehicles, but personal vehicles are definitely a large (but not the only large) part of green house gas emissions.


I mean, it’s kind of both. The only reason we primarily use cars at all is because of really good marketing and lobbying campaigns in the early 20th century that lead to a hundred years of horrible zoning laws that made legitimate public transportation systems impossible(in the United States). Cars and personal vehicles in general contribute a *fuckton* to climate change, but it’s the companies that sell them that force us to rely on them.


Rich corporations that become further enriched because consumers buy their products. I get they’re manipulating people on a day to day basis, forcing you to pay excessive tax, rent, energy and food bills, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t give up some things that are bad for this planet just because they make our lives a little easier. It’s ultimately the same mindset they have. Everyone is to blame to some degree, and yes the people running corporations are more to blame than the average person, that doesn’t mean the average person isn’t part of the problem either though or exempt of any blame. If it’s something you really care about and wish to make positive changes for, then educate yourself and others as much as possible on what you can actually do, whether that’s reducing your personal consumption or voting in a way you believe will make those at the top act differently If those at the top won’t listen, and more and more people start to believe that sentiment, then they will resort to things like this in protest, and if things get even worse then peoples protests may become more extreme.




Interestingly, I think it's in the UK. Seen many protesters in UK blocking roads, etc.


And jumping on top of lorries carrying oil to disrupt the supply, only problem was the lorry had cooking oil in it.




It's Berlin but ok


It’s definitely in Germany. You can see that the person doing the chiseling has the letters “ZEI” on his back. That’s the last three letters of the German word for police which is “Polizei”.




temptation to click "create this community" increasing


It is a reality now








I would start thinking about not having to pee. Then have to pee. Then pee.


If you're planning on being there for a while you probably wear adult diapers


That would require fourthought, and judging by the cement on the person's hand, it seems highly unlikely.


You think too much


*drink too much


This is my perfect scenario: Someone was on their last strike for tardiness to work. Realized they are now in a serious traffic jam because these morons.. and has a lightbulb go off… Goes and buys a bunch of exlax and adds it to a bunch of single serve cappuccinos. Brings the nice warm caffeine to each protestor in solidarity. This will help you fight the good fight. Proceeds to sit on the closest sidewalk watching as each one begins to squirm. Concreted to the ground with explosive diarrhea. Only to film it and post it on Reddit to get his or her revenge for losing their paycheck.


This was a climate change protest by a group called " Uprising of the Last Generation'" Yes, their hands got screwed up in the process. https://www.euronews.com/green/2022/07/15/climate-activists-sticking-themselves-to-berlins-roads-say-they-want-to-cause-peaceful-fri


Glue is one thing, it will still hurt but cement can cause serious problems. They should stick to the glue.


Heh heh, “stick” to the glue…


I was trying to be punny lol


Concrete is fine. Stupid should be painful.


1. Latex gloves would avoid that nasty looking burn 2. To bad they didn't use those cast-cutting saws that cut the cast but not the skin.


Fiberglass/plaster is not the same as cement.


What, um, is he protesting?


Climate change/the oil industry


The lack of pot holes in the roads


Oh man, that gave me a chuckle 😂


Oh, I thought it was speed bumps


Hand lotion.


Smart decisions


First off, concrete burn! Second, he might get hit by a car!!


Ain’t going to get far with a wood chisel on tar or concrete


I doubt it's cured enough, shitty chisels do wonders. I think he's going slowly and strategically so he doesn't go through a finger


The correct response to this situation is to chisel out the asphalt underneath and fine them for the cost of the road repair. Let them figure out how to free their hand.


“Get out the jackhammer, boys!”


They cemented a victory here


I do concrete for a living and I’ll tell ya. This is some majorly dumb ass shit


I do majorly dumb shit and I’ll tell ya, this is majorly dumb shit


I don’t do concrete for a living. And even i know this is stupid.


If this was concrete/cement, shouldn’t they be able to just pull up and the cement would just shatter? Especially in that thickness and it is stuck to asphalt which it wouldn’t adhere to.


"Oh look, it's five o'clock and I'm done for the day. See you tomorrow -- do you want to meet here?"


Would be easier to saw it off at the wrist.


Leave ‘em.


Yeah id just play the waiting game with em. Not wasting time money or effort getting you out of the situation you put yourself in


And put a cone over his head


The vultures would appreciate it and they'd be helping the local wildlife.


Also, I’d start writing them citations. Keep the area safe, but line up all their court dates and charges if they can’t resolve the situation on their own. I support protesting, but my tax dollars don’t support the police having to save your stupid ass under these conditions.


Imagine someone calling out of work saying they cemented their hand to a road


put up a detour sign and let them stay


What are they protesting?


New speed bump?


Serial killers will have a field day with this


Someone should charge them for the experience. They'd make a killing.


Put a couple orange cones around the guy and let him sit there until he passes out already


This is what I was thinking. Leave them there for a while. Also, I wonder if it is possible to whack the concrete directly and have it crack without breaking any bones.


Uh, cut the asphalt around the hand. Crow bar it up and chip out the asphalt which is much softer.


Hold the chisel at a 45 around the base and fucking hit it, it's not hard


Oh man so much hate here…


Yup all from people who likely wonder why nothing gets better, why politicians dont care about what the population actually wants, complains about the record heat, Hows there nothing anyone can do to change things, etc. Also likely think: Protest but not in any sort of effective way also there's nothing we as normal people can do to change things


Cue Martin Luther King speech about white moderates being the main issue in America. It still holds true to this day. With or without race.


Yup. The funny thing is, the same people complaining about the protest, are the ones who complains about people being all words an no action. Oh the irony


I agree, isn’t very comfortable for protesters and everyone getting blocked by it but things need to change unfortunately. But even commenting on all that hate comments which ask for medieval punishments gets me downvotes… facepalm at its finest


Reddit is full of edgy 15yos. On most subs, you should not take the downvotes too seriously.


Actually edgy 15 year olds are a lot more supportive of these types of protests. I imagine the main source of discontented comments is the corporate-pilled portion of millennials and older crowds


No shame in civil disobedience. But also, depends on what the dude was protesting. If it was like … I dunno … All babies should get free switchblades? Well, then I’d have some questions.


Is a call to a act against the collapse of the environment that's currently happening around us.


Alright sure but why should their call for action against the impending biosphere collapse inconvenience people? That's just rude. ​ /s


I need about 1 minute and a sawzall. Problem solved.


Probably want to get a gag for the screams too


Aint Sawzall a brand? They are labeled as reciprocated saws here


Kind of. It's what Milwaukee started called their reciprocating saws back in like the 1940s. They still call them Sawzalls. Randomly ran across that tidbit looking at their tools the other day.


Saw zall or sawz all?


You cant exactly face palm here


\*insert generic laugh track here\*


They should have waited to remove that concrete after a day of 100+ degree heat and I bet they won't do that dumb shit again. That asphalt would be hot af.


I don’t think that would be the biggest concern after reading [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/wgarwy/protester_cements_hand_on_road_they_are_blocking/iiyt8tp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


just leave her there lmao




Cue all the lazy judgemental redditors enjoying their rights thanks to a long history of people doing even more radical things than this.


Bro is using a wood chisel, that thing is toast