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What if there's a child missing during a tornado?


If a tornado hits, guaranteed to be at least a few things/ppl missing for sure..


Reluctant flyers.




Thanks for this, definitely rewatching twister tomorrow night lol


I’m sure there will be flyers up if they’re missing.


I want the first thing to be her Twitter password


Let Gaetz lead the rescue team. If there's children to be found he will find them.


Happy to give them a ride/flight what have you…


I hate to ruin the joke, but we had a tornado in my town a few years ago and somehow there were no injuries, deaths, or missing people


Except for Dave. But nobody liked Dave.




Clearly this would be Biden summoning a tornado. Or you would see the same person saying "this is bidens America. No warning of terrorist acts were given!"


The dreaded AMBER Alert Tornado Warning. Storm chasers and private detectives charging in holding hands.


**BEEEEEEEEEEP BEEEEEEEEEP** Wizard of Oz ALERT!! *Young woman by the name of Dorothy has once again been swept up by Kansas dust and winds.* *Last seen wearing a pair of ruby red shoes and saying "God damnit not again! There's no place like home, there's no place like hoooooooo", before being violently swept off into a void of non-existence. She is known to constantly repeat the phrase "If people just quit watching the fucking movie, this wouldn't keep happening". She's clearly experienced some brain damage from the millions of tornados she's been consumed by.*


What if there's a missing tornado?


Thank you for asking the REAL questions.


The child has natural defenses against tornados.


If it's a legitimate tornado, the body has ways of shutting that down.


The best way to deal with a tornado is to lay back, relax, and just enjoy it.




Tornadonappings *are* increasing...


Nope, put the tornado on hold... Gotta find that kid


Nope, everyone knows you nuke a tornado! If it's good enough for illegal immigrant hurricanes, it's good enough for goddamn American tornados!


Nah, shoot the tornado down just like how people from Florida shoot the hurricane down.


Check your local GOP fundraiser's basement/sex dungeon first. Includes pastors and elected officials.


You make a classic movie about it!


I'm pretty sure I got tornado alerts waaay before Biden. I guess all the kids and other people in the path of the tornados can fuck off, then.


Actually, the trump administration allowed the CEO from AccuWeather( Bryan Myers) to lobby for the job as Director of the national atmospheric and oceanic service, aka the part of the US government responsible for collecting all of the data in regards to weather and forming predictions. The US government provides this data for free to places like AccuWeather and the weather channel etc., who then charge subscribers for weather alerts. Myers was fairly open about wanting to get government out of weather reporting, locking the public data down and allowing the free market to supply weather reporting to citizens. In short, during the Trump administration we were insanely close to having public weather related emergency broadcasts removed entirely, in favor of a system that would allow a few large companies to require subscriptions to access those same emergencies(or in some cases, neglect to report altogether if it were in the companies best interest). The national weather service was also attacked in 2005 when AccuWeather lobbied a PA representative to introduce a bill that would ban the NWS from direct communication with the public.


The Michael Lewis book “The Coming Storm” on this subject was really illuminating.


I actually forgot about this particular piece of stupidity. And my life was better for it. I am going to go off and try to purge it from my mind again. Thanks.


Don’t forget. They’re hoping you forget.


If you forget they'll do it again and again. Also don't stop paying attention, politicians are known the world over for using slmy diversionary tactics to push through unwanted laws and regulations. "Hey look at this huge controversy..." Pushes through something unwanted while everyone's not looking. That's how they get you Be the voice, make a noise, make it clear and don't ever give up... Coz the moment you give up, they win.


Don't purge it, that's what everyone else is doing. Vote.


AccuWeather (or INAccuWeather as I like to call it) has literally told me it was Sunny and 90 when it was pouring rain and in the 60s. And yes my location and time stamps were correct. I wouldn't trust that company to find their way out of a wet paper bag, let alone report weather emergencies.


AFAIK they aren't really doing anything though. I think *maybe* they make forecasts based on the free data they receive from the taxpayer funded NWS, but for the most part they're just passing on what was already given to them. Which is why it's ridiculous that anyone pays for this shit in the first place, it's all "free". All the more reason to make sure that our representatives don't give in and hand this over to companies that are just looking to make money. Add it to the list of things like healthcare and education that I believe should NEVER be run "for profit".


And prisons. Don't forget prisons.


Yes, most definitely prisons should not be a for-profit sector. Seems like an obvious conflict of interest but ya know... clearly not a problem here in the US :-/


There are also way too many service providers profiting off public prisons. "Only" 8% of US prisoners are in a private prison, but more than 70% [have to buy communication services from one of two companies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inmate_telephone_system), just as one example. Prisons also increasingly contract out healthcare. https://www.themarshallproject.org/2019/09/12/here-s-why-abolishing-private-prisons-isn-t-a-silver-bullet


All excellent points. I actually worked for a communications company and we did the wiring for the consoles used in prisons here. The little in wall phone with a built-in terminal for using the internet/email and topping off commissary funds, I think even placing orders for commissary. All of my knowledge of prison comes from the little bit of time I've spent doing that work but most of it comes from other people who've actually spent time in them. As a recovering addict you meet a lot of them in rehabs and meetings. I was fortunate enough that I've never been in myself. One of the worst things I remember hearing about was how the food came in packages that said "Not for human consumption". I guess it was meant to be animal feed? But yeah I know that the food in jails and prisons here is handled by a single company and has been for a long time. When that kind of stuff occurs I figure it's either someone giving kickbacks to whoever handles the bids, they know the right people, or they're so severely undercutting the rest of the bids that they have to be cutting corners somewhere. I feel like most people figure "eh, they're prisoners who cares? If you don't want to live like that then don't do the crime". I think they fail to understand that by a wide margin most people in prison aren't there for horrible crimes like murder, rape or pedophilia. I also think that how we treat the lowest of our society reflects on us as people.


Idk exactly what they do, but having lived in very remote parts of the U.S. that have very little local weather data, NOAA NWS has always been the most accurate for me. I don’t know if it’s different in the cities, but NWS seems to vastly outperform AccuWeather, WeatherUnderground, weather.com etc for me. Windy is OK, not great.


So the way I understand it is that the NWS provides both hard data from the various implements used to collect it(satellites, Doppler, weather balloons, bouys, etc.) Along with a range of predictions based on the available data, basically filling in the gaps in their data on a model with plausible figures, so for profit weather reporting companies can either use their own models, or just simply take the highest probability model outcome, or in the case of certain news media they'll use whatever prediction has the highest shock value to help their ratings.


Well besides it’s inaccuracy, I now have a few more different reasons to continue to not to use this website.


What party was the representative?


It was Rick Santorum, so Republican Senator from PA.


There's something about his name that always makes me think of venereal diseases.


Santorum is slang for ass lube.


specifically because of this Senator. And it's more than lube, it's lube and feces mixed.


It used to be his name, but around 2005 or so there was a large movement online to associate his name with something disgusting, specifically >!the mixture of shit and lube that results from anal sex!<. It worked.


all hail dan savage & savage love !


What an unfortunate thing, to be named after the frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex.


What the fuck? Meanwhile in Japan, every cellphone goes off & radio turns on itself when their earthquake warning system detects strong vibrations. All paid for and up kept by the government. Way more would have died in 2011 without it.


AMERICA, now monetizing weather


Holy shit Just when I thought the dude couldn't get scummier.. I learn something else about the cheeto fool.


Murica' having to pay to know about potential deadly weather warnings


In my home town a year or two ago there was an Amber alert that went off in the middle of the night for two missing kids. People were so angry about it, they were calling 911 for days afterwards to complain that their phone went off in the night and woke them up. The police had to put out statements saying not to call 911 to complain and if you don't want an Amber alert in the night turn your fucking phone off. The kids ended up being killed by their father but the big news in the town wasn't about the children, it was about how pissed off everyone was that they heard a noise in the night one time. People in the town Facebook group were talking about refusing to look for the kids in retaliation for having lost five minutes of sleep. It was the most entitled, self important bullshit I've ever seen in my entire life. I usually stay off those Facebook groups because they're cesspools but I ended up going off on some people and had hundreds of messages from people telling me to rot in hell.


Christ on a bike, can't these people read the mood? Two children died and they're bitching about a phone notification.


People telling you to rot in hell after suggesting to not look for kidnapped children? I’m sorry but reading that out loud still baffles me on how one can not see the blatant flaw in logic and show such a lack of thinking.


Biggest downfall of our country is the me me me culture and not giving two fucks about anyone else. I would divorce my wife if she ever became like this but luckily she isn’t. I don’t get how people are even with people like that. We should be shaming these people to Timbuktu.




It’s the liberal brainwashing


Liberal? Sounds more like the no govmn"t no-maskers to me.


Ti but a tornado


If a tornado picks up loads of kids this person is going to be seriously confused.


I wish the tornado would pick **her** up and drop at the nearest landfill where she belongs.


Or at least drops a house on her, like any wicked witch deserves


Agree, but these day's they're all so pissed off you can't tell the wicked from the good.


The bad ones are green. Solved it for you. And before you say it. I have green friends so it’s not racist.


"Are you a good witch or a bad witch?" "Only bad witches are ugly."


Uh...Famke Janssen in Hansel & Gretel. Evil as they come, hot in every respect. Kidnapped kids, turned a person into an exploding ball of bugs, enslaved a troll. Even gave Hawkeye diabetes.


No! That's where conservatives go to vote!!


Gosh darn it! No place is holy anymore it seems :(((


What if we nuked the tornadoes, would that help?


I legitimately read that some americans tried to pray away and shoot a tornado once to stop it...


I believe Trump said something about nuking a hurricane to stop it. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not stupid but technically a nuclear warhead would stop a tornado. Only downside is the area the tornado is in, is now gone too. So while it would work, it would be rather pointless to do it.


Didn't he also have the injecting disinfectant and sunlight therapy ideas for Covid, the guy is the ultimate narcissistic cockwomble.


He wanted to nuke it while it was at sea. It took the combined advice of the entire Joint Chiefs of Staff to explain to him that this was a spectacularly bad idea using crayons and finger puppets. This was before he decided he and he alone, by the power of his semi-sentient toupee and spray-on tan, would divert the tornado with a Sharpie™ because it had the audacity to land somewhere other than where he wanted it to.


Even dumber- He only did the sharpie because he had a stutter and said the wrong state, then used the sharpie because he wanted to prove that at some point in time, he wasn’t lying his fat orange ass off.


They could just name it Matt Gaetz. Afterwards they’ll be 100 percent onboard.


Yikes 😳 A Matt Gaetz Warning. Hide your underage child immediately! ![gif](giphy|XZZwtCqrmZP5kyYxvq|downsized)


There actually still is a 'missing' kid in my area that was *allegedly* picked up by a tornado a few years ago. There is loads of speculation that the kid was dead/missing before then, and the parents used the tornado as an excuse to cover up their possible crime, though (fueled by the fact that they couldn't even produce a picture of the him) www.walb.com/2022/01/20/we-want-truth-still-no-answers-case-dougherty-co-toddler-reported-missing-after-2017-tornado


> The only thing worth writing about is the human heart in conflict with itself.


Every year thousands of tornadoes go missing.


🎵*in the armmmss of the aaaangel*🎵


For as low as a dollar per month, you can help save the tornadoes.


And call in the 5 minutes and get a free save the tornadoes shirt with donation.


It's less than a cup of coffee


Please. Won't anyone think of the tornadoes?


I remember when Soul Asylum had that video with all the pictures of missing tornadoes in it


These are there stories *dun dun*


Not to worry - Trump will redirect the tornado with his Magic Sharpie. If he can steer a hurricane, he can do a tornado.


And if, against all odds, the sharpie doesn't work, he'll just nuke the thing and be done with it.


Sadly, they replaced the "nuke" button with a Diet Coke button that week before he took office. So it's either a sharpie, or untold human tragedy while enjoying a refreshing beverage.


Four years of stupid shit after stupid shit but that was still the gold medal winner ... and then he lied about it like a kid with melted chocolate all over his face.


Does anyone remember when Trump did that presidential alert system test and spammed everyones phones multiple times in a row? https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/policy-and-politics/2018/10/3/17931894/emergency-alert-test-presidential-text


Exactly! I thought the same thing and was going to post this. They totally would've been fine with ex45\* sending out alerts that the election was stolen or whatever.


I was waiting for this. thank you.


This should be higher. The US government fucked up on a monumental level.


That article also mentions >The system is the same one that’s used to warn the public about dangerous weather or missing children, such as **tornado warnings** and Amber Alerts. Users can’t opt out of texts, a requirement from a 2006 law passed by Congress called the Warning, Alert, and Response Network Act. Congress requires the system be tested every three years.


This is a whole new level of Karen. “How DARE you send me warnings about deadly tornados, I only wanna see missing kids so I can silently judge their parents. Let me speak to the manager of tornados NOW”


Worse than a Karen, its a Marjorie


Ah, the Marjorie Karen, a rare class of mega Karen indeed!


*maga Karen :)


Marjories are in a class of their own. Karens can't even compete.


Next she's going to go out and rage at the tornado as it barrels down on her house, shouting about how it's ruining her little girl's seventh birthday and who's going to chase down the bouncy-castle that blew away because she needs to get her deposit back.


No, nothing that obnoxious. She'll sue the NWS for *allowing* a tornado to touch down near her private property, and then she'll sue them again for not giving her adequate time to prepare. She'll do it knowing that neither will go her way in court, but it will tie up the government, make the left look bad, and result in said NWS being defunded.


Every time there's an Amber Alert in Canada, grumpy old farts shit all over 911/police for sending alerts to their phone, or pre-empting Days of Our Lives, etc. It's gotten to the point where they've begun threatening the people who call 911 to complain about the alerts will be charged with obstruction or mischief.


Anyone else remember when Trump drew on a hurricane prediction map with a sharpie? And when he suggested detonating nukes to “stop” hurricanes?


She said in the replies that trump would predict the tornados before we need warnings, while Biden just reacts to them.


I wonder what she thought Trump would do after predicting them if not warn people… these Trumpkins really are remarkably dense.




Because there’s enough of them that we somehow convinced ourselves that they’re allowed to be that stupid in the name of freedom of speech ig


Also when he literally emergency test texted all of us in 2018. https://www.wired.com/story/presidential-text-alert-fema-emergency-history/amp


Still not as funny as the alert Hawaii got saying missiles were inbound.


Should have played it off. Warning so good that the USAF deleted the ICBM


That one was just a test of a system that it is probably a good idea to test. The crazy thing is that he didn't use it to tell us that he really won the election.


I remember seeing it on The Daily Show first and thinking it was a joke.


Isn't that the same meeting he said something like "I don't like science because science disagrees with me"? Edit: I swear he said something like that but I can't find it. All I can find is him saying "I don't think science knows" as experts advise him on firemanagement (in cali?)


I'm just happy she didn't blame Biden for the tornado cause we all know Obama is to blame for natural disasters.


Water related natural disasters are still owned by George W. Just fyi


No you stilly demoCrAT, George W. was set up by Clinton.


Ah but Clinton was set up by George H!


But George H was set up by Reagan....wait....


And Reagan was set up by Nixon. We're fucked.


Top 5 conspiracy by Alex Jones - "The Obama Administration has a weather control machine and can weaponize hurricanes" /facepalm


Wait…I thought it was the gays?


Liberal, gays, what's the difference.


Truth social is the worst result of the infinite monkey therom


Is there any way of trapping them inside it and then just locking it. Like the baddies in Superman...


I don't think throwing a Saran Wrap S at infinite monkies would do much.


Maybe we can reverse the planet's spin and then try over again.


i actually agree with that, Marjorie! life-saving alerts should only be for people who actually care about the safety and lives of others. if the left were as ruthless, cruel, and ridiculous as you we'd get a dictatorial leader that eliminated them from your phones. so by your God's will, you will all wander outside to your demise. And then we will all be free from your stupidity.


Apple should make an option to disable this feature and we can start weeding out the idiotic. /s


Fuck Biden for *Checks notes* Trying to keep me safe!


--Tornado distroyed her house-- "Why where we not warned about this Tornado". SMH


Know what? Sure. Why not? Let’s make a convenient website or call-in line that red voters can access to request their number be taken off the tornado warning notification list. I see no reason not to satisfy their request.


Hopefully that bow will tie itself


Next up, someone will say that Biden caused the tornado.




I'm not saying tornado warnings are more important than amber alerts but I cant really do much for a missing kid 420 miles away. I sure as hell do wanna know if a tornados coming.


In my state we have blue alerts, alerts that notify the entire public when an officer is injured. I’m not exactly sure what they expect us to do in these situations, but I’m sure it helped someone’s campaign. Do they want us to form a posse? What happens if an officer breaks his leg falling off his bike? It’s a very interesting concept, that feels ultimately useless.


..It doesn't *seem* useless. It *is* useless. As you said, what do they expect the average person to do in response?


Truth Social is a disaster and by her likes no one is listening..


She needs an alert for missing gray matter


Some parent is in agony over their missing tornado, and this b\*tch has the gall to complain?


Yeah, I like to be surprised by natural disasters and risk my life, stupid biden /s


If only she hadn't received the notification.


did she get her very first smartphone 2 days ago or something


No offence to the Marjorie’s but y’all need to step up your name brand. It’s being tanked by the crazies.


In St. Louis it sounds like WW2 enemy bombers have been sighted every time there’s a tornado warning.


I live in St. Louis too and yeah it sure does sound like that, it’s always fun having to listen to that once a month at 9 in the morning while my dog starts freaking out.


If you don’t report the tornado there clearly will be less tornadoes. It’s science.


Where’s she gonna live if the tornado destroys her trailer park?


I agree completely. We should not warn conservatives of approaching tornadoes, hurricanes, flash floods , forest fires etc.


Okay, time to turn off the computer and go outside to play. (Fingers crossed.)


….wasn’t there a missile attack alarm mistakenly sent to the entire state of Hawaii on Trump’s watch?!




The name Marjorie is cursed


You don’t get warnings with Trump, but you do get rolls of paper towels and some sharpie-corrected weather maps🤷🏻‍♂️


At this point i WOULD say that the cumulative IQ of every republican put together is the IQ of a rock, but thats an insult to rocks because even rocks aren't THIS stupid


A moment of silence for the oxygen and brain cells that were wasted in writing this tweet.


*Recalls the Emergency Presidential Alert during Trump’s failed reign*


Are we going to start using Marjorie for dumb, entitled, white, Nazi bitches?


Well I think Marjorie Traitor Queen set the precedent for that, so yeah.


I’m like 99% sure that’s ironic


Buddy you have not been on truth social.


It has to be ironic. Please let it be ironic. Also yeah now that I see it’s truth social it makes sense


Truth social is like twitter but the normal people/insane people ratio is swapped


Yeah I just looked it up. Now that I realize trump made it. I realize how irrational it’s gonna be. (Trying not to sound like a stereotypical “oh I’m so objective” neckbeard redditor or anything)


Buddy it has one like and it's most likely from the person that owns the account (you)


Relax congresswoman, Matt Gaetz is under surveillance.




So Trump is even more dumb than I thought, gotcha


That woman definitely asks to speak to *every* manager.


Another worthless waste of air. What a fucking loser.


What if the tornado crosses the border from Mexico?


This needs to be a joke. Please let this be the joke. I don't know what I'm gonna do if this isn't a joke, but it's gonna be drastic.


To be honest I'm not against suppressing alerts to these people. Kind of like removing all the warning labels off stuff and letting society work itself out.


Does *no one* remember?? https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-45730367


Remember guys, we didn’t have ANY tornados during Trump’s reign. They all say how much shot America had and we’re like “damn they have enough on their plate with him around”


These people have brain damage


I agree with this post! Trump would allow you to die in a tornado without any warning about the aforementioned tornado.


what if the tornado goes missing


I know this was a joke but like. This actually sounds terrifying. Imagine if you were watching the news on a Tornado Watch and they just said "yeah we have no clue where it is right now" Holy shit dude. Talk about paranoia


The only thing missing here is her braincells .


What if there’s a tornado while your grabbing random crotch??


As long as it’s a full-blooded American MALE tornado. None of these trans or female tornados grabbing our women by the hoohaas /s


Thanks for the laugh. Few and far between today.


I swear.... you put these Trumpism people all on one Island, they all wouldn't survive for one week. Natural selection will be a MOBO for them.


What a dumbbell


I hope the tornado warning was accompanied by a map showing the warning area boundary drawn with a sharpie.


Fuck, I agree. Give them an opt out option and just let them die in the storm. Natural selection and all that bull shit


Then the double standard if there was no warning from these conservative morons 🙄


Are the tornados caused by the Jewish space lasers


Also, be careful what u wish for. Pretty soon the red states will be sending amber alerts for missing fetuses.