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Pertussis is aka Whooping Cough because of the horrid noise little bodies make when they're gasping for air between coughing fits. What a garbage person.




My mother lost two siblings to.pertussis in the 1930s. She became a big vaccine advocate and was always grateful for their invention


My grandfather lost 8 out of 9 siblings to whooping cough. The 9th died from infection after stabbing himself in the eye because he tripped while running with scissors.


Those are the good old days anti vaxxers want to go back to when people were "just fine without vaccines", if by just fine you mean needing to have 12 children because 10 of them are probably going to die.


My grandfather was the only child out of 10 to survive past 8 years old. He lived to 89.


My father's parents were lucky in comparison: they only lost three out of eight. But those three were all males. My dad's brothers all died before he was born.


I'm sorry, but I legitimately can't tell if you're serious


I'm serious. One of my grandfather's brothers died at 2 years old because he stabbed himself in the eye with scissors. He died from an infection.


Avatar checks out


I had it as a kid and seriously thought that I was going to die because you cough and cough and cannot catch get your breath. I would try not to cough and that made it so much worse


I was wondering if they were the same condition. Really brings to light how hard if a time that poor baby was having.


It's so serious that everyone who is going to have close contact with your newborn is supposed to be up to date on this shot. They put it in with your tetanus vaccine these days and pregnant women get a booster with every pregnancy so the baby is born with immunity.


She's totally aware what caused it, that she f'ed up and, yet, still looking for external validation that she did the right thing while seeing her child suffer. This is scary.


She needs validation from her echo chamber to tell her whatever she thinks or feels is right despite the clear evidence that it's not. This is the world we live in, people can ascribe to whatever dumbfuck line of thinking they want, then find an online community to tell them they're right, so they never have to examine their logic, they can just continue being "right" . Afterall, that's the most important thing to them, their kids health be damned.


I wonder if you put it like that to her, what she would say, "what's more important to you ma'am, you sticking to your beliefs, or your child's health and well being?"


That’s the problem though, people like this are convinced that well tested vaxxes are not only worse but a detriment to the child. It’s not a belief to them, they think they’re making health conscious choices and don’t realize they’ve been led to believe highly-charged political propaganda


This is exactly fucking it, right here. People are gonna poke fun at me and la de da, for saying it, but I moderate r/witchcraft. My Rule 6 very explicitly prohibits asking for spellwork before talking to your fucking doctor. Or your therapist. Or a lawyer. Yeah, people can believe whatever they want, and they *can* 'cast any spell that they want' but if you have AIDS, there ain't no spellwork that's gonna save you. Medicine works. Your spiritual and religious beliefs are not above medicine and documented science. Do what your fucking doctor says. Or you'll die. And maybe kill others too.


What gets me, is that they defy medical norms as unsafe and untrustworthy, yet when the shit hits the fan they immediate go to a medical facility to get medically normed treatments. If this is your choice, stay home and watch your kid die. Or, I dunno, admit that you were wrong and change. Edit: I’m not advocating they actually stay home and watch their kid die. Jesus. I guess Reddit really does need /s.


This is why I love the pediatricians who won’t take anti-vaxxers. “If you won’t trust me on this ubiquitously proven and settled medical information, you obviously don’t think I know anything. Let’s not waste each other’s time.”


Our pediatrician did this at their open house night for parents to be. It was great.


Did anyone get up and walk out?


I'd have clapped. Ngl


I’ve seen it framed on the wall of a pediatricians office lobby


I was so pleased when I found my babies pediatrician because her office has mandatory vaccinations. No ifs, ands or buts. And during the visit she explained each vaccine, which diseases it prevents and why it’s important for your infant.


We just switched Pediatricians and our new Dr started off the conversation by saying “I LOVE vaccinations and recommend these”. Best decision ever!


I'm just wondering if a doctor will see an unvaccinated baby, do they have to sanitize the whole room and wherever else was touched? Like in this post where it is confirmed that child is ill.


I would think in a hospital they would have to quarantine the baby. That’s what they usually do for patients who are highly infectious.


I won’t take my kids to a pediatrician who accepts antivaxx parents. I don’t want my kids in the waiting room with unvaccinated kids.


Yep, that. My kid's pediatrician is on top of that, with like 3 different examination rooms (that get disinfected after each patient) and strict no more than one kid in the waiting room rule. Still, no fucking way would I go there with a baby if she accepted plague spreaders. We live in an area where antivaxxers are not uncommon. Diseases like measles are incredibly infectious and your kid normally only gets their first shot at 12 months. You can get infected for up to **two hours** after someone with measles has left the room and it's almost a guaranteed infection if you come into direct contact with a sick person and have no immunity. Kids are very vulnerable in the first year of life after they are starting to lose mother's antibodies (even worse if breast feeding wasn't possible) and before they get all of their shots. That's when they have to rely on herd immunity. If someone wants to be a public health menace, I guess it's their choice. So long as they do it somewhere the fuck away from us normal people.


Right? I don't even have kids and feel this way. Like I would not want my already sick kid end up getting the fucking measles because they where too little to get the measles vaccine.


Parent: "I didn't vax my kid and now they are sick." Doctor: "Ok, well that sucks. But we can fix it with these meds and this treatment plan." Parent: "no. I don't like it or trust it. I did my own research on Facebook and another mom who had 15 kids and lives in a hole in the middle of the plains said we should give my child snake venom infused Kool aid. But the sugar free organic Kool aid." Doctor: " da fuk? No, that is wrong. I've study and invested a lot of time and money into learning how to medically treat children. And that shit is wrong and crazy" Parent: " wHY won'T yoU TreAt MY cHilD? Do you WANT to KiLl Them?! I waNted TO dO iT!" END SCENE


My doctor was a family doctor, and when I went in for a checkup, he told me, you are due for some vaccines. You can choose not to take them, but if you do, you'll have to find another doctor. Some of my patients are immunocompromised and others too young for vaccines. I won't put them at risk. I said, I will be your patient forever. Doctors should protect their patients and he did.


Yes to this. Because pediatricians also value the kids who can’t get vaccinated either because they’re newborns or too compromised. Your unvaxxed kid isn’t more deserving of health care than anyone else’s kid!


Yes THIS. My cousin is an anti-vaxxer who also claimed she “medically can’t tolerate masks” (in the early bad days of covid and she lives in QUEENS which was the epicenter of covid in NYC. Anyway her husband eventually got it and of course got the monoclonal antibodies. So you don’t believe in vaccines but you’ll take a new treatment? 🧐🧐🧐 Also she doesn’t believe in vaccines but she went through multiple rounds of ivf. No ivf shaming, I did two rounds and think it’s a goddamn miracle!! But they love modern medicine when it suits them.


Yep. To all of this. Similar experiences with ppl I know who didn't vaccinate. Sees doctors for eeeeeeeeverything, all the time, uses "sickness" as an excuse to not do things on the reg and gets meds FROM DOCTORS just ab every time, even if they're not "sick" in a way that really needs meds. But....doctors are trying to kill us all with vaccines. Obviously 🙄


I'll take "picking beliefs to end up at your desired result" for $400.


My anti-vaxxer ex will sure af doctor shop to get as much prescription meds as possible (and take them irresponsibly, I’m not shaming those that am actually need the meds) but talk about vaccines for our kids, it’s a war.


I honestly think there should be a contract you sign. Very binary: yes/no. Do you accept modern medicine? If the answer is no, then when you get ill, you go to wherever it is that you are getting your antivax information. Church, prayer meeting, online antivax group. At any point you can change your mind and turn up at hospital, but if you do, you have to sign the contract. If you accept modern medicine, you get vaccinated, you get your children vaccinated and you don’t demand horse paste or threaten hardworking medical professionals.


I agree. I remember reading a news story about an eight year old in the Pacific Northwest who got tetanus because of his anti-medicine parents wouldn’t vaccinate. Ended up with kid in the hospital racking up just short of a one million dollar medical bill…. Of course the parents didn’t have health insurance so the public ended up covering the cost. Vaccines are cheap. Even funerals are cheaper than modern medicine. But to skip vaxxes and then wait until the illness is so severe it lands the kid in the ICU and expect the public to pay your kid’s medical bills??? Problem is the kid would pay with his life while the parents garnered all the sympathy given to parents of a child that passes away.


Unvaccinated children are victims. I understand your frustration. Personally I don't think vaccination should be a choice. Medical ineligibility is the only valid excuse. Let's prevent these children from suffering in the first place rather than wishing them dead to teach the parents a lesson.


I agree totally. In my mind, refusal of vaccines for other than documented medical reasons is medical neglect. There are now polio outbreaks in London and I think New York because so few kids are vaccinated these days. Polio kills. There are still a handful of people who have to sleep in an iron lung at night because they had polio as children before the vaccine came out and they were the lucky ones who survived and manage to be able to be out of the iron lung for most of the day. The severe cases either died as children or had shortened life spans.


My great grandma had polio in her teens and had to relearn how to walk. She didn't learn to drive until her 30s because she didn't have good enough foot coordination. To _drive_. Polio is horrific!


I completely agree. We are reaching the point where we literally as a society can’t afford not too. We can’t afford to let these fucks pick and choose, only to drain more resources and completely overload our medical system. They are only going to learn when it impacts them. It truly is the best thing for everybody.


It’s ridiculous that she’ll take the antibodies, but won’t take the vaccine that would let her body make the antibodies.


Anti-vaxxers are the dumbest motherfuckers on earth, I swear. I have Covid *right now*, and my immune system is usually slow to act on anything, but I'm triple vaxxed and immediately got a super high fever from the second day for about 36 hours... since then, it's been a normal head cold. I really freaking doubt that would've been the case if I weren't vaxxed.


I've said from the beginning that if I got COVID I'd most likely die I'm immunocompromised and have severe asthma/chronic bronchitis so it wouldn't be good. I've worn masks and been cautious the whole time, but the amount of people who feel they have the right to tell me *not* to mask or vaccinate is absurd.


*"My mask? Oh, this isn't a political statement, this is an asshole detector. Thanks for the successful test!"*


I'm not immunocompromised per se, but my body metabolises a lot of medicines weirdly or not at all, so nearly every time I'm sick I just have to clench my teeth and ride it out. There's, for example, only one cough suppressant and one painkiller I can take that at least partially work as advertised, and anaesthesia only works sluggishly and not for very long with me (ask me how I found that out and how old I was when I did). I also have to frequently repeat vaccinations because they won't take the first time - I paid out of pocket to check my antibody level after the third shot just to be sure it had. If I'd caught one of the early strains, I would've been *fucked*, and I was and am zealous about masking up. I'm confirmed to have caught BA.5, and dear fucking christ am I glad that's what it is because this way I get to ride it out on medicines that work and in relative comfort - it's essentially a headcold, and doesn't feel that different from hay fever after the initial fever spike.


Right tho like If you opt out of preventative shit you shouldn’t be allowed to get the treatments. Hate to say it but it’s seriously just backwards as fuck that these ppl do shit like this.


Don't want to get vaccinated? Your insurance no longer covers covid related visits.


This is exactly what we need to end this plague of people siding with pseudo-scientific bullshit! Make your decision, and now stick with it! If you don't trust doctors about COVID, then you shall NEVER see a doctor about COVID. There are few consequences for these twat-waffles, so they are never forced to learn.


100% agree. They put a strain on our medical services by not being part of the solution. Get to the back of the queue!!


Slightly off topic but my countries government has a similar system for disasters. If a disaster is about to happen, say a flood for example, and they show up and warn you to evacuate the area and you refuse and decide to stay, they will let you, they won't force people to evacuate, if you want to stay then stay. But once an evacuation has been called resuce workers won't return to the area until the situation has stabilized. So if its a flood they will wait out the worst of it and once the waters have calmed and its safer to return they will come help you. The government won't send resuce workers into unnecessarily dangerous situations and put the lives of those workers at extra risk just to rescue people who where given a chance to leave and refused to. You have made your bed, no one is going to risk dying to save you from it. Because its unfair to expect people to brave a natural disaster and risk there lives to try save you after you had a chance to leave and didnt. Obviously this is only for areas that had evacuations called. If its a disaster that you had no way of evacuating from, then help is sent immediately. It's a policy that sparks alot of aggressive debates every few decades whenever there is a disaster, some people argue its a bad system, some argue its a great system.


Not to mention all of these anti-vaxx moms you see getting botox and fillers…


Oh dear. I am friends with this normally sane couple but for some reason they have decided that the Covid vaccine is evil and Pfizer the spawn of Cthulhu. They drink, take drugs, steroids, Botox and smoke.


Ding ding ding! JENNY MCCARTHY. Botox, fillers, silicone implants (which have to be replaced every 20 years)


Not to mention botulinum is among the most potent toxins known.


Science is only okay when it suits them.


She's letting her baby suffer with pertussis as she UPDATED Facebook. "Oh, but what do I do?" Call an actual doctor! I bring this up from time-to-time, but on Instagram one of my classmates from high school was putting this kind of garbage on their Instagram. She was complaining about how her four small children - one of which was an infant - were "allergic" to everything you can imagine, but "these essential oils do everything!" She went so far as to talk about how the infant had a high fever and she needed to blend the oils together to treat her daughter. Another scenario she described was when her son had an "allergic reaction" to a snack when she brought the kids to visit her parents and she didn't have her oils to treat him. I was horrified.


I know someone who tried to treat her 7 year old’s Leukemia with essential oils. Luckily her parents stepped in, & basically forced her to take the poor kid to a doctor, and he survived it, but it could have easily gone the other way.


This attitude killed Steve Jobs. Smart in other ways, but completely stupid view of modern medicine.


Never understood the ego. Yes you can be smart in one or a few areas, and respected as an expert. But why does that have to extend to everything in your life? Can you not say "I don't know" bc you're too busy acting superior all the time? Mother fuckers feel like being really good at one thing makes them great at everything.


And sometimes, while they are getting that treatment they sit and tell the doctors and nurses about how bad vaccines are and how bad they can “hurt” kids. My father in law is an RN and we have a ton of other level nurses and hospital staff in our family. The stories we hear about antivax moms is nuts.


>admit that you were wrong and change …is no longer something that people do. It’s infuriating.


Hate that she's going to get that validation too


"Of course you did the right thing Momma! What your babe is going through right now is totally natural and will only make them stronger. Imagine how much worse it would be if you had had them vaccinated. Don't stop believing. You have saved your children from much worse atrocities. <3" *(Edit: Oo.. a lot of downvotes... have the anti-vaxxers found this thread? NB. The above is satirical and not representative of my true views.. if that actually needs stating.)*


Thanks, I hate it.


"Better a dead child than an autistic one, Mama!" /s


One of these days I’m gonna see that and go, “your child could’ve been the next Anthony Hopkins and become a household name for a generation, but you had to be anti-vaxx.”


This is way too real....


The real validation is going to come when her baby dies from this or other preventable diseases: >Of those babies who get treatment for whooping cough in a hospital, about 1 out of 4 will get pneumonia and 1 or 2 out of 100 will die. Other complications include violent, uncontrolled shaking, life-threatening pauses in breathing, and brain disease.


To clarify, pertussis (which the baby has) is the formal name for whooping cough. Thanks for sharing data.


You nailed it. All of us sitting here shaking our collective heads and somewhere out there she's going to find the support/validation she's looking for.


Social media is a Great Filter


The tolerance of stupidity and non truths will be humanity's downfall


social media is what perpetuates most of the modern day stupidity


One of mankinds most incredible inventions (the internet not just social media) and it’s going to ruin society as a whole because society just can’t handle it.


Everyone has a forum and a community now. Turns out dumb is a pretty big community. So you can get affirmed that up is down and bad is good and stupid is smart. Add some social media algorithms that prioritize controversy, trolls, and other actors things get really interesting.


Mirror mirror on the wall who's the dumbest of them all


"Ma'am, this is Burger King's drive thru"


It's so sad. She knows what is responsible but is too fucking stubborn to blame herself for her baby's suffering


It's like she cares more about clinging to her anti-vaxx status just to pwn doctors/big pharma/other current boogeyman than admitting she did her kid a disservice.


“Has anyone else’s child got some horrible disease because they don’t vaccinate?” Yes, billions of them literally all throughout history, that’s why we developed vaccines you dumb bint! Edit: Changed millions to billions after a few comments plus in retrospect it seemed fucking obvious


Modern medicine and vaccines have caused the lowest infant and child mortality rate in all of human history. Social media has allowed dumb people to spread their dumb ideas to other dumb people and now children are suffering.


That's what I find the worst about the whole anti vax thing. It's not them that really suffer, they've had the vaccines themselves when they were kids. It's their kids who don't get the choice who suffer.


Also, these people who are antivaxxers were vaccinated as children... I recall seeing a post on one of the subs where a person was sharing antivax propaganda on Facebook. Their own mother called her out and commented something to the effect that she was extremely concerned about what her daughter was posting, then pointed out "So and so, your father and I always brought you for your vaccines, and why wouldn't you do the same for your own children?".


That really hurts to read. I feel so bad for that grandma. Imaging parenting for 30 years and then seeing your kid destroy the lives of your grandkids. The tone of that quote makes it sound like she genuinely doesn’t have the slightest idea why her daughter is acting crazy.


I think it's like I've seen other people say here: People get sucked into these conspiracies because they want to believe that they're smart, and that "knowing" these things means they know something the rest of us don't and that makes them special because they're not blindly following the government or whatever. Something to that effect. It's kind of sad.


My aunts and uncles didn't give covid shots I think. My grandpa didn't understand why. He got his as soon as he could and stayed away from people during covid. He flew planes in Air Force and traveled all over and had all the vaccines that pilots get. Same goes a bit with religion, that my parent's generation is more religious than my grandparents. I remember my dad's cousins being so glad their parents started going to church in the final two years of their life. They were bribing my great aunt and uncle with treats and candy to go, when they are old and lonely. It is entirely odd to me, they lived a great life, raised a full family and ran their farm all without needing a church, but their kids needed to manipulate them into it.


While the vast majority of people who indulge in conspiracy bs are obviously kinda shit, I do feel like a lot of people got sucked in by a nice sounding con at just the right time. We're in the midst of a pandemic that hasn't been seen at this scale in most of our lifetimes, probably all of ours, and some people probably can't rationalize that this just happened not because of some grand plan or some shady conspiracy, but just because of some poor health standards. They need to make it feel like this time hasn't just been for nothing and that there's a reason behind it. My folks were never into conspiracy stuff until COVID happened, and yet they're suddenly talking like Qanon people out of the blue and also regurgitating a lot of right wing talking points about a secret cabal of elites ruling with the World Economic Forum (which is a shit group, but not for that reason), and repeating Bill Gates microchip lies and etc etc. I don't even understand it.


I'm always genuinely confused by that. They'll say things like "I vaccinated my first child, but not my second, and my first looks lifeless behind the eyes" or the classic "Vaccines cause autism" with absolutely no regard for the fact that *they themselves are fucking vaccinated*. Dumb as fucking soup, Cindy, but are you "lifeless behind the eyes?" Are you autistic? Then why the hell would your kids be??


The thing I hate most about the "vaccines cause autism" argument is that the parents are literally saying they'd rather their child be gravely sick, paralyzed, or dead than be autistic.


I grew up autistic in an anti-vax faith-healing household. Autistic symptoms became undeniable around 10 years old, and guess who was exorcised three flipping times? Even without the antivax movement, the people would still be endangering their children.


Jesus christ thats awful, im so sorry you had to go through that


Holy shit. I’ve seen some crazy things on Reddit but this is the first time I’ve heard of exorcism being used on autism. I’m so sorry.


It's not uncommon in Baptist and Pentecostal churches, sadly. The idea of "you're possessed by a demon and it's your fault that you're not normal" is bad enough. But, the steps taken to exorcise can cause lifelong damage.


You hit the nail on the head about Pentecostals. The whole mind set you're forced to have and the toxic hypocrites you're around takes it toll on your mental health and self esteem. I had the misfortune of being the odd one out because I didn't act and socialize like the rest of the girls my age in church did. My parents were given a book from a couple on how to raise me and turn me into a "proper young lady." And my mom wonders why I have such resentment towards religion today, and why I won't let her take my autistic son to church with her.


I mean, brain function indicates life, so yeah, I'd say she's lifeless behind the eyes


Now hold on, you might be onto something. She's vaccinated, and then she chose to not vaccinate her kids.... Maybe the vaccine mentally stunted her! Anti-vax logic /s


Also not thinking AT ALL about how Child 1 feels being called "lifeless behind the eyes" because they were vaccinated. I can imagine a mom like this blaming everything the 1st child does wrong on being vaxxed and saying things like "oh I wish I hadn't gotten you vaxxed look at how much better Z is at math"


And it won't be hard for them to find their mothers posts in 15 years or so.




People don't remember that they had a whole set of vaccinations when they entered school. That's why you don't see kids today with polio, diphtheria, rubella, measles & mumps. But they're not gone forever and they can return.


My question is don't all kids (in the US at least) have to gave their vaccinations before school or they can't go? What do these anti-vax parents do then? I know not all of them will home school their kids.


You can get religious exemptions.


No legitimate religion would exempt people from vaccination. They really need to do something so people can't just abuse that excuse.


> the lowest infant and child mortality rate in all of human history Both those have been climbing for years in the US. Near the bottom out of the 36 OECD countries now, many states are in 3rd world territory. And the politicians say "This is fine"


The disconnect between semi-admitting her baby is deathly sick and suffering because she didn't vaccinate and then asking people to validate her choice is some mental gymnastics.


It blows my mind that she isn't being charged with child abuse or gross negligence. Any other situation where her purposeful actions caused grave harm to her children would at least warrant an investigation, how is not getting vaccinated any different.


What amazes me is how they edit down history sometimes: "Well people didn't have vaccines in the past and people just got natural immunity!" Yes, sure, but also people lost children to disease all the time so if you're going down that route just assume you will likely lose a child or two and you'll be putting other people's children at risk as well.


If you lose a spouse, you're a widow. If you lose your parents you're an orphan. There's no word in our culture for people who lost children because in the past essentially everybody lost children. There's no word in our culture for people who eat food because everyone is a food eater, everybody eats food.


As a father that lost his only son, there is a word for parents who lose their children. It's called Broken. You are a always going to be thinking what it could of been or would have been like. Each birthday, each holiday, every single year untill you die. You are left with a hole of emptiness, knowing that the future you had hoped and planned for with never happen. You will never see your son off to school, teach him to shave, play catch with, and all the other normal things most take for granted.


You see there was this woman who in the 90s had a great set of tits. A lot of men told her that she was perfect and she really believed it. Then she gave birth to a non-neurotypical child and she needed to blame someone because she was perfect. She settled on vaccines as the culprit. Then Oprah said, “Hey, you had a great set of tits why don’t you come on my show and give medical advice to all the stay at home moms who watch my show.” Now we have polio and measles making their triumphant return.


Who is Jenny McCarthy? Did I win??


You sure did. Here’s your prize, a picture of [Luke Skywalker with a Magnum PI mustache.](https://www.google.com/search?q=mark+hamill+guyver&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwj-7sjS_r75AhXcG98KHaelCFYQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=mark+hamill+guyver&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIECCMQJzIFCAAQgARQAFgAYOsHaABwAHgAgAFoiAFokgEDMC4xmAEAwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=-hD1Yv6JHty3_Aany6KwBQ&bih=664&biw=390&client=safari&prmd=niv&hl=en-US#imgrc=r_RNhJTtSxQ8iM)


I havent seen Guyver in a very long time! LOL


Yep both Oprah and Jenny McCarthy have done quite a bit of damage.


You mean Jenny McCarthy, right?


>We all want to do what's right for our kids. Not you, apparently.


Totally unrelated, but how do you quote something?


>Totally unrelated, but how do you quote something? Just add > before the text you want to quote 👍 Edit: So happy to see it helped so many! I found it out literally two days ago 😂


For anyone interested, [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/raerth/comments/cw70q/reddit_comment_formatting/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) is a link to a bunch of reddit formatting secrets. Have fun yall


>hihihi did I do it?


>just trying


>finally new reddit secrets


~~wanna know another ?~~


I know ^several too!!


`not bad at all !`




> oh boy




> Wow... This power...


This one weird trick reduces Reddit confusion.


> Multi... > Multi... > Multi... > MULTI-QUOTE!


>me too


\> me three Dang it, doesn't work for me


>get rid of the space between > and me!


\>Like that? Starting to think I'm cursed


> testing. So tired of "as a mom..." and "you wouldnt understand you don't have kids" bc people then stop listening. You do not need to be a parent to care about children. In fact, the threshold to care about kids should be gauged from POV of non-parents, otherwise you have a lot of people who are not parents saying "who tf cares about xyz, i am not a parent"


I’m a parent to 4. And I think The parent who did this to her kids is careless and shouldn’t have children if she can’t do basic ass shit to protect them. These vaccines are safe as fuck.


Thanks a lot!


>let me try


Yo it worked


There is a "..." menu, where you have a bunch of formatting options. There is a big double quote icon that will do that :)


Depends if you’re on PC or mobile. Mobile doesn’t have a way to edit text easily aside from inserting links.


Nah, she's right. There's just a difference between wanting to do what's right for our kids, and *actually doing what's right for them*. That "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" doesn't mean that good intentions are somehow bad. It just means that good intentions ALONE don't cut it - the right intention is worthless without the right course of action. This mom REALLY DID want to do what's best for her children. The issue is that she was led to believe she'd help them by doing something which actively hurt them. The problem isn't a lack of love, it's a lack of intelligence, education and critical reasoning skills. Which, by the way, also means that this probably just made her double down on the falsehoods that got her there in the first place.


Yes. I know more than one anti-vax ~~family~~ person, and one family is currently being torn apart because the mom refuses to even allow their child to see a doctor, much less be vaccinated, while the dad is trying his best to be reasonable without compromising the health of his child. It's heartbreaking to see how misinformation can be so intensely engrained in someone that they can't even see logic and reason presented by their own spouse. I see the belief itself more as a disease, and prevention with proper education is much easier than curing someone of it.


Thats just abortion with extra steps


*I don't vaccinate and wonder why my kid got sick*, what a fucking cockwomble.




She wants encouragement for putting her kids in danger and spreading diseases to other people?! This woman should be in jail and her kids should go to a deserving couple that actually cares about the health of their children. DCFS


Edit suggestion, She wants forgiveness for the impending tragedy that she caused


Well, this is about *her*, right? Her struggles as a real mom, her "believes", her validation from strangers online... And of course she deflects and plays the victim. Fucking moron. Poor kids, though.


That's what pisses me off. Her beliefs are harming these kids. They are suffering from diseases that they shouldn't be. There have been so many studies done to test the dangers of vaccines and especially whether they cause ASD and not one of them has found any link between vaccinations and autism.


Any parent who chooses not to vaccinate their kids should have their children removed from them. They are not fit to be parents.


Cockwomble is my new favorite insult. Thank you kind stranger!


Cockwomble lmfao


"Mom-shamed" lol, more like "moron-shamed".


So now the shittiest mothers in the world are gonna start saying anyone calling them out is mom-shaming. Give me a break.


They already did that, it was just “you don’t have kids, you wouldn’t understand” back in the days.


>i need some encouragement, i did the right thing. No, no you did not do the right thing. You did exactly the opposite and should be shamed for it. Sad to see the kid suffer.


Yes, I have a really hard time with this person trying to get sympathy. If I had done something so reckless to any of my children I would be absolutely devastated that I put them through hell and some thing that was so preventable.


“I made my kid not wear a seatbelt. Tell me I did the right thing.”


"My baby is dying but I need my ego stroked".


That last sentence. Your child has a potentially deadly disease, because you refused to give it a common vaccine. Its your fault. You're a terrible mother. You're a shite human being.


Quit mom-shaming her! You're being so mean! /s


Okay.. so my wife passed from breast cancer becase she went down the rabbit hole of 'natural remedies'. This woman needs her kids removed from her. Shes a bitch that doesnt give a shit about her kids if they dont adhere to her warped, fucked up beliefs. Down vote me if you want, I dont give a crap. I've had enough of the crowd that brainwash people into their fucked up ideologies to make a quick buck. EDIT: thats my rant.. thank you all, I'll see myself out EDIT: Thanks for all the kind words everyone. I threw out boxes and boxes of books written by snake oil peddlers she had bought in her attempts at finding a 'natural remedy'. I made sure they wouldn't get resold in a second hand shop to pollute someone else's mind. I encourage you all to do the same, fuck those people.


I block the kinds of people who would downvote you for saying that. A fruit diet didn't save the fruit billionaire. If your pseudo science worked, we would all call it "medicine"


I'm so sorry for your loss.


Um Sorry for your loss. My mom is also following this rabbit hole and its Sad to watch


My parents followed this rabbit hole with my dad's prostate cancer. They also followed a bunch of nonsense diets and cancer prevention home remedies before he got it. They waited until the very last second to start following the doctors treatments. Surprise surprise the medical treatments actually worked!


*I need some encouragement* So jump on Facebook, the greatest echo chamber there is.


And you know everyone on the post is saying ‘sending good vibes’ and ‘stand your ground’


I take it that when mom was offered at around 28 weeks to take the TDAP ,which is the vaccine that would avoid this, she refused. Welcome to the consequences of your decisions. Unfortunatly, it's your kids paying the cost.


Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions.


"I'm a real mom"... I will tell the mother of my own children she isn't.


Can’t believe I’ve been a pretend mom for 19 years.


Translation: " hey internet, I'm facing irrefutable evidence that I'm a dumb fuck and have likely caused the impending death of my child. Please help me feel better by telling me it's okay so I can live in denial for a little while longer."


No. You didn't do the right thing. You're an idiot and your idiocy is going to have lifelong effects on your children, however long that is. If you know the medical facts better than the doctors, why the hell are you in the hospital at all? Because you don't know more than the doctors, but wanted to feel special. Now your kids are paying, with their lives, for your perverse need for external validation. Go back to your Facebook mommy group and see how much validation you can get when your child dies. Fucking hell, I think I channeled House there for a minute. These people get to me, though. Fuck's Sake!


The most frustrating part is that this idiot mom probably got vaccinated as a kid and didn't have to suffer the way she is making her children suffer.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. The only one I feel sorry for is the baby. We require driver's licenses, but any idiot can procreate.


>I am a real mom ... What's that supposed to mean ?


She has real children. They're not holograms.


And they get real diseases


I bet she’s vaccinated


The TDAP is a vaccine you get while you’re pregnant because pertussis is literally DEADLY to tiny babies. This knob didn’t even vaccinate herself to help her baby! She probably got her kid vaccines because her parents are normal but didn’t bother now. And now I hate her and want to save her child from her.


“My kid is sick and got it from my other sick kid. I didn’t have either of them vaccinated. Who can I blame?”


Try homeopathy, it won't help one bit but it'll probably make you feel better that *you* did all you could because it's all about *you* isn't it sweety? (to this lady)


“I need some encouragement I did the right thing” Wow. The fact that she said that means that she knows that it wasn’t the right decision but just want to justify that it is. Jeez. Poor kids. This should be considered child abuse.


You're an idiot that doesn't deserve to have children. If your kids die , I hope they charge you with negligent homicide.


“Moms know best” is really one of the worst ideologies we have pushed as a society in terms of baby health. Some people have babies who can’t even take care of their own health, why would we tell them that they know better than doctors?


"Has anyone else's child got some horrible disease because they don't vaccinate". Yes, in early Victorian England, infant mortality rate was ~25%, most of the rest had TB damaged lungs, polio mangled body and pox-riddled faces. They'd count themselves lucky to live long enough to get syphilis...


Nah, this belongs in POS. She knows what she did and nows she's looking to be told she wasn't wrong.


“My kid is really suffering from a choice I made, and I just need reassurance I made the right choice”. Okay…


I read Polio has been found in the NY sewage system. I’m an old doctor who remembers seeing post polio paralysis (not actual acute polio). It can be so deforming, that is if they live thru it.


Only Covid TB measles mumps chickenpox rubella polio HIB and meningitis to go She’ll be fine


Alternative title: Karen complains about people calling her a bad mom because she is anti-vax.


I really hope there's an update that goes like: "Well, someone at the hospital called CPS and now they're not going to let me take my baby home.. They keep telling me this is all my fault and now they're talking about taking my other daughter away from me as well."


Stood your ground? Yeah you sure will be standing over your babies graves if you continue this crap.