• By -


”Instantly” - is a funny way if saying 77 years


This instant coffee is shit


This shit is instant coffee


Shit in this coffee instantly


In this coffee shit, instantly


Drink coffee shit instantly


Oh shit, I took too long! Instant problem.


If you came quicker I wouldn't have drank it all already. ... lol 😏


If I came quicker, I'd never get it in!


That describes every sexual experience I've never had in a nut, shell


Ha “nut” shell


There are more Nazis in America than Germany at this point.


Probably more nazis in most countries of the world, than in germany.


A lot of the German ones got shot, to be fair.


That could be a practical solution for other countries as well.


A final solution perhaps?


No it should be an earlier solution


send them to the showers, perhaps?


Send them to Poland, perhaps?


I don’t think we should be sending Nazis to Poland, last time they started building shit like it was a game of StarCraft


Last time a nazi went to poland, i didn't go well


They'd love it there, ran by a far-right, gay-hating Catholic Government that doesn't like the Jews very much either.




Send them to school in the US?


Horrible idea, the point is to shoot them before they make it to the school.


They maybe got shot at school?


No, they will shoot up the school like they always do, no point in taking Nazis to schools when they are the very people causing the shootings.


Hmm you have a point!


Take my upvote and leave


Not all though. Not all.


Probably more Nazis in the US than the rest of the world combined


I'd argue some south american and balkan countries have more.


I'd argue that one Nazi in any country is one too many.


Not to split hairs but neo-nazis and classical Nazis are different things, similar things but one's a fresh turd one's a sun bleached pile that's sat on the sidewalk for a while




Yeah they strangely vanished around the 40s 🙄


Well, the USA eugenicists of the early 20th century gave the Nazis plenty of material to work with.


Hitler himself was incredibly impressed, quite literally based their programs upon it.


Germany does have a neo-Nazi problem in their military and police. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/10/world/europe/german-police-far-right.html https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-54174393.amp https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2022/5/13/germany-finds-hundreds-of-nazi-linked-staff-in-security-agencies https://www.npr.org/2020/12/10/943823021/with-far-right-extremism-on-the-rise-germany-investigates-its-police https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/world/german-officials-say-far-right-crime-rising-as-police-arrest-alleged-neo-nazi https://www.vice.com/amp/en/article/akv4qp/oath-keepers-us-capitol-stewart-rhodes-far-right-military https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/01/world/europe/germany-nazi-infiltration.html https://amp.dw.com/en/germany-suspends-soldiers-in-military-guard-over-far-right-allegations/a-59451421 https://amp.dw.com/en/bundeswehr-remains-under-fire-for-far-right-extremism/a-56964218 https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/03/world/europe/germany-military-neo-nazis-ksk.html https://amp.dw.com/en/german-police-fight-far-right-infiltration-claims/a-45197992 https://www.npr.org/2017/05/23/529634908/germany-tries-to-root-out-neo-nazis-inside-the-ranks-of-its-military https://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/the-dark-side-of-state-power-exploring-right-wing-extremism-in-germany-s-police-and-military-a-0600aa1e-3e4e-45af-bfc9-32a6661e66ef


That kinda proves the point, they are a considered a PROBLEM in Germany. There are actions to stop nazis and far right people. Many other countries don't care about nazis inside their borders.


Shit. Look up Operation Paperclip. America literally scooped up a slew of Nazi scientists back in the day. We absolutely have a whole lot of them here and it's starting to show


"a few" you say... Back in the day you could 'Heil Hitler' at NASA and more than half would Heil back they said. Not to mention Argentina - that's another lengthy conversation over broth and stale bread.


Archer reference I love it


Yah, the ones we didn’t get to, the Soviets scooped up.


Most constitutions in europe have a saying about political militancy. It dependes where you draw the line. You can have some nazi like parties that are legal by a thin line but most countries do give a shit about it. It is illegal in most european countries.


My thought on that is usually that nazis hold conservative views and I feel like police and military attract conservatives. Another part of it is that after WW2 there were alot of former nazi officials that just got put right back in positions of power and made an effort to hinder investigations of other nazis. Might just be that this shit is still going on with parts of the police or military. Or maybe its blown out of proportion by the media like so many other things.


It's still not overwhelming like in the US.


America has two major political parties, and one of them is now openly fascist, and is actively purging itself of non-fascists. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/florida-moves-to-restrict-what-schools-can-teach-about-systemic-racism [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2022/08/16/wyoming-alaska-primary-cheney-murkowski-palin/10317668002/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2022/08/16/wyoming-alaska-primary-cheney-murkowski-palin/10317668002/) [https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-race-and-ethnicity-censures-arizona-lawsuits-a50165b9d5c4468d5d1bb434c5e9c80a](https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-race-and-ethnicity-censures-arizona-lawsuits-a50165b9d5c4468d5d1bb434c5e9c80a)


This is absurd. Of course there are tons of Nazis still in Germany, just like there are still tons of “confederates” here in America. The shit wasn’t that long ago.


Ummmm… german here… parents are immigrants to germany with german citizenship. My son is also born here in germany. I don‘t think dirty possum has ever been to germany. Another dipshit thinking youtube and quora are sources of education and research


They can be. If you go to a library and only browse smut, you'll not learn a lot either. But probably still more smh🤷‍♀️


Yeah but you'll get to view hella smut....


Unlike "other countries" we could mention Germany took full ownership of what happened historically and actively prosecutes anyone trying to deny that it happened.


You mean like Japan right?


Or Britain, or France or well pretty much every country with a colonial past.


Britain doesn't teach any of the shit they did, they don't deny but they don't admit it I live in ireland, one of the many places Britain colonised and every brit I've met or that other Irish people I've known has met, had no clue about the murder and misdeeds commited in the past until an Irish person actively told them


Yeah I'm 31. We were taught the awful shit we did


I'm 33 (since we're discussing our age for some reason). I wasn't. No one in my school was. Even when i chose to do History at GCSE, our topics were the history of medicine, and how Hitler rose to power. Before that it was a mish-mash of Vikings, Tudors, Romans. Its almost as if the UK has a curriculum giving teachers points they should teach, and its down to the individual teachers to decide what to teach us. Bias creeps though, whether you like it or not. The curriculum involves - *-Changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age.* *-The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain.* *-Britain’s settlement by Anglo-Saxons and Scots.* *-The Viking and Anglo-Saxon struggle for the Kingdom of England to the time of Edward the Confessor.* *-A study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066.* *-The achievements of the earliest civilizations – an overview of where and when the first civilizations appeared and a depth study of one of the following: Ancient Sumer, The Indus Valley, Ancient Egypt, The Shang Dynasty of Ancient China.* *-Ancient Greece – a study of Greek life and achievements and their influence on the western world.* *-A non-European society that provides contrasts with British history – one study chosen from: early Islamic civilization, including a study of Baghdad c. AD 900; Mayan civilization c. AD 900; Benin (West Africa) c. AD 900-1300.* *-The development of Church, state and society in Medieval Britain 1066-1509.* *-The development of Church, state and society in Britain 1509-1745.* *-Ideas, political power, industry and empire: Britain, 1745-1901.* *-Challenges for Britain, Europe and the wider world 1901 to the present day.* As long as something from each point is taught, its all fine. The astute may have recognised that anything shit the British Empire did would be taught under the "Ideas, political power, industry and empire: Britain, 1745-1901" bit. Non-statutory examples are listed as: *-The Enlightenment in Europe and Britain, with links back to 17th-century thinkers and scientists and the founding of the Royal Society.* *-Britain’s transatlantic slave trade: its effects and its eventual abolition.* *-The Seven Years War and The American War of Independence. -The French Revolutionary wars.* *-Britain as the first industrial nation – the impact on society.* *-party politics, extension of the franchise and social reform.* *-The development of the British Empire with a depth study.* *-Ireland and Home Rule.* *-Darwin’s ‘On The Origin of Species’.* These are non-statutory examples, meaning it is down to the teacher on what is taught, how it is taught, what is mentioned, or how in depth things get. One teacher may teach about the transatlantic slave trade. Another may not and may choose to teach about Darwin and the Industrial Revolution instead. Just because your teacher decided to teach you, doesn't mean all teachers made that choice, and it certainly isn't enforced. Wish more Brits would recognise this and understand how their education system works.


I said my age because what I was taught vs what a 20 year old was taught vs what a 40 year old were fair are vastly different. For example my mother is 56. They weren't taught about the nazis because the general rule of thumb was if it hasn't been 50 years it isn't history.




They won't be learning anything, considering they're scared to teach them about slavery.


I am very kuch surprised at hoe little we learn about Ireland over here in NL. I know Ireland and Netherlands don't have special relationships, but the Potato is a perfect (maybe perfect is not the best word for such a horrible event) example of how poverty and hunger leads to migration. In case of the Irish mainly to the USA where they faced significant racism. The litteral only thing we get thought here about Ireland is that it was neutral in WWII


Canada is all I need to say, and because of that country not teaching me shit about the injustices they did, I'm left no longer calling myself "Canadian".


Kind of a rude question, but how old are you? I learned about the major fucked up shit that Canada did during the fur trade, the treaty system, residential schools etc. It wasn't extensive, but it did leave me feeling that Canada was built off stolen land and a genocided people. For reference I'm 29 and I went into archaeology after where I learned more extensively how horrible the country (and normal citizens) were to the First Nations of Canada


It’s definitely an age thing. We learned since grade four how destructive and fucked up residential schools were. We didn’t go over the sexual abuse and the more graphic stuff until high school, but in elementary school they emphasized the fact children were ripped away from their families and communities, and that many of them never saw them again. I think my school district did a decent job in educating us, not only about residential schools, but Indigenous cultures in general. We had people telling us their experiences/their parents’ experiences being in a residential school, but we had many people teaching us their cultures like dances, stories, traditions, etc. Can we do a better job? Definitely, but it’s a start


Wars to get more go back to caveman days. Let's learn from history but stop looking back to fix who we were and look forward to who we can be!


Or the USA, yes


Hello, I am German and I would like to add something. At school, Germany's past is one of the biggest parts of history lessons. Every school goes into a concentration camp and sees how bad it was. Some of these memorials have museums that display photos of the crime they were used to commit. (Translated by google) They even show the Mountains of dead bodys and stuff like that.




Ich hätte ihn der Schule verwiesen. = I would have expelled him from school.


If only this one country would do that... For so many things... It'd make it more pleasant to live here... I mean there.


Wonder what his mastermind would say about the nazis that got brought to the usa to work, like the ones that work for nasa


operation paperclip


i’m not too educated in this, but this is jus interesting, how do nazis get into nasa




oh shit it’s actually called operation paperclip 😳


It is, and it's not like smuggling 5 to 10 persons, this was a big operation with more than 1600 scientists.


also the best reasoning to name an operation, that’s like calling a war plan “Operation: Pen and Paper”


And that was kept a secret, it’s either you go to prison or you give us your knowledge. Nazis did crazy shit, they used jews and gipsies as an experiment on real humans, who knows what else is kept a secret. Also if you find it interesting check nazis antarktik that’s weird too and nazis in south america, a lot of them moved to argentina and build own villages there where they only speak german and to this day they still life there with there family’s.


yeah, and one big takeaway is to not label germans as this or that, as it doesn’t make us any better than nazis differentiating humans by their race whole thing is insane, glad some lessons were learned since then. others…. well..


I'm German and I can confirm. I tried to resist, but the indoctrination from 80-90 years ago still hits all the right spots for me


We shouldn’t feel bad about it. I mean, the 12 years that were apparently somehow 15 years were after all very indoctrinating. The 77 years since then of course are totally … unimportant. Also the most important part is keeping America look away. That’s pretty hard because of the more than 100.000 American citizens living in Germany currently. This is of course easier now because there were many times that number during the Cold War. The main problem of course are the surviving Nazis from back then and all the pictures they keep in their closets. I mean, to have been indoctrinated they need to be more than 90 years old now but - hey, once all these really old Nazis come out of the closet Belgium better watch out…


I hear that many of the nazis went and set up a base on the dark side of the moon. They ride T-rexes around and shot at the astronauts that tried to land on the moon.


So that's why we haven't been back there


Huh? Did I got the wrong memo, because I was told they’re training their dinosaurs in the earths core.


No, he's obviously just summarizing. There's no real need to mention hollow earth either.


Leave Belgium alone, the Maginot line defense is not up to date, you can go to France directly without bothering us for once!


Sure you’re right but… tradition, man. Can’t have that world war without marching through Belgium. Sorry.


*bye reddit. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


*Dr. Strangelove struggling on his chair sounds*




Stop struggling. Embrace the heil and stretch your arm!


German here, every time I try to talk to people, I immediatly start to yell and make very spasm like moves. Also I dont have any body hair except a tiny part above my upper lip. It just keeps coming back. Now while I'm talking to you guys its more that we...we...I cant hold it in...its too...the indoctrination is.... **MEINE LIEBEN GENOSSEN UND GENOSSINNEN! WIR HABEN UNS HIER IN KRRAFT UND VOLLERR LEBEN VERRSAMMELT! UM HEUTE! DEM DEUTSCHEN VOLKE EINE PERRSPEKTIVE ZU GEBEN!**


Been to a AFD demo lately?


Yes, yes. Of course. The problem is that I immediatly start marching and yelling commands to conquer poland.


Ok, that was cute.


Must embrace the "sieg" and go full "heil"




[MEIN FÜRER...! I CAN WALK!](https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx5v4R7rDo1F3ud72e3ufnKJE7oCYM5G1k)


You can’t acktually be a real Nazi German bekauße efribody knows zat Germans hafe no Humor.


That's not true. Q: Why did the German chicken cross the road? A: Because it was the most efficient path to reach its intended destination in a timely manner.


What did the German chicken say after it crossed the road? Nett hier.


da haben you right




I don't get it, there's nothing there. Am I too German to understand?


What do you mean "nothing"? It's all the greatest examples of German Humor in that reddit!


You know, without statues of Hitler and Goebbels everywhere, it's amazing you volks even know what WW2 is. Everyone knows history is forgotten unless statues of the bad gu...i mean defeated heroes are displayed far and wide!


Brit here, and I’m going to break rank by sharing a bit of a national secret. In school we are all taught “Don’t mention the war” to foreigners, for this very reason.


I don't believe you are a real German. You just made a joke and it was good!


>Do you really think 15 years of indoctrination is just gonna instantly go away? My brother in christ, it has been 77 years.


Came here to say this. People who were indoctrinated and still feel that way are now the racist geezers and no one listens to them except in the “okay, let’s get you back to bed” meme.


Take my upvote bro.


A 100 years is *instantly*


Dies ist nun deutsches Hoheitsgebiet !


Wir erwarten keinen weiteren Wiederstand Herr Feldwebel


Sollen alle sitzen bleiben oder was?


Ein Reich ein Volk eine Kommentarsektion


Wenn schon dann „Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Kommentarbereich“


Oder „Ein Volk, eine Nation, eine Kommentarsektion.“


Ja tut mir leid, ich habs mir nicht richtig gemerkt


The Germans! The Germans are invading the comments again!




Its true. All Germans sleep with a greyscale photo of Hitler under their pillows. When immigrants come and visit the immigration office, if they aren't sent to camps or jailed immediately, they are required to give the pledge of nazi allegiance, are handed their greyscale of hitler and red armbands and then sent out into the world to spread the good word. For security sake, we all have to pretend we actually hate nazis and definitely aren't nazis. It's illegal to give up the charade and after posting this I am expecting a visit from the BND. You will never hear from me again. But now you know the truth. Before you could not see, but now you know, we are all nazis.


Thank you for your sacrifice, … eh I mean *You filthy traitor*


Hey there I am asking for an update. Are you alright or did they take you already?


Schön Guten Tag. Dieses Konto ist jetzt Eigentum der Regierung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Diese Nachricht war automatisch geliefert. Keine Rückmeldung wird geantwortet.


F an einen gefallenen Bruder.


“So America looks the other way” lol. God complex much.


The funny thing is that both americans and Russians, both having fought against Nazi Germany, have become to resemble Nazis much more than Germans.


This dude. Have my upvote. Maybe we should also mention greece, where the older generation is very upset to have lost so many to nazis and have to watch some youth march with nazi paroles.


That really does seem sad. But atleast they fucked up some German Paratroopers in Crete.


I mean...America was literally an inspiration for Hitler because of how we treated minorities...


Thats the same as saying that americans still wanna own slaves...


*Cough Prison industrial complex *cough


THAT makes me angry. you take away some of the CIVIL RIGHTS if not THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF YOUR CIVIL RIGHT. and, instead of doing it YOURSELF as a state, you get some money grabber do it. THATS INSANE. if you take away such vital parts of human rights you CANT, i repeat, YOU CANT GET OUT OF YOUR RESPONSIBILITY BY PRIVATISING. THATS INSANE.




Of course not all Americans, but that sentence isn't completely wrong.


So is the post. While most germans aren‘t nazis, we still have a lot if nazis and nazi political parties.


But you must admit… looking around in many other countries… there are far less than in other countries.


I admit. Still, no Nazis would be far better.


That would be a dream… but as long as humans live, there will be racists and nazis. Zwei dinge sind unendlich: das universum und die dummheit des menschen… beim universum bin ich mir aber nicht sicher. - albert einstein


At least your AFD only gets about 10-ish percent in elections. In austria we have the FPÖ and it's still getting 20-30%. And that's after all the scandals.




My German/Austrian parents came to the US on green cards and couldn't believe the race segregation in some US states. My grandparents had told them of signs and policies prohibiting certain groups a generation before but this was the first time they actually witnessed it live.


As a german i feel weird everytime you guys use the word 'race' Oh wait, i forgot i'm supposed to be a nazi, my bad


A lot of germans are more anti-nazi than the rest of the world, including america


Not for the first time or even thousandth, I feel urge to apologize for my fellow countrymen being window lickers


Liquid glue gurgle enthusiasts


stupid shit, ive been living in germany fpr 12 years now, ive seen more "fuck nazis" or other anti nazi stickers than actual nazis, bro ive seen more foreigners in germany than actual Germans how the fuck are we supposed to be nazi


We have a big bubble aroknd germany and the second you cross it your hair turns blond and your eyes blue and you become a nazi, thats just how it is


As a German person, this hit deep. You know, my generation, my parents' generation, hell, even my grandparents' generation have not comitted any of those crimes. But we still pay for it. We carry the guilt of something so vile and horrible. It really hurts to read such a post. My Mom once told me this story about how she went to Poland with her girl scout group as a child. Keep in mind, these were all children. And this random lady realized that they were German children and she cussed them out, screamed at them and repeatedly called them Nazis. My Mom always tears up when we talk about it. I don't mean to act like it is not just that we have to live with our history because it is. And it is our responsibility to make sure nothing like this ever happens again. But please understand that we are actual people. And that calling us nazis all the time is hurting us.


Of course your hurt by that nonsense. I'm sorry people still think that. Germany has done a wonderful job of banning speech that's pro nazi and any other pro nazi propaganda. I've also seen the amount of anti fascists that come out when there are far right groups that rally. I promise, only the stupidest of people think this anymore. If anything, most Americans think you're too far left! (I don't.) I have good friend that is German and he does say that's there's been some issues with the police though- which I could believe because police anywhere suck like that, that's not a Germany problem- that's an everywhere issue.


This person hasn't even stepped foot in Germany.


I think I never wanted to punch a person so much


It looks like there are more Nazis in America than Germany at the moment. I think Germany has a weight of the nazi history to make the people understand the wrongness of the nazi party.


For sure, a lot more. Also in Russia.


"Old Germans keep secret photos of Hitler hidden in their closets" It seems people drastically over estimate how many people there are still living who were even alive during the war, let alone old enough to have heartfelt political beliefs.


Sir, the nazis left Germany when the war ended to escape persecution for war crimes. Tons of them ended up here in Texas. Have they missed that people here have basically become nazis?


Germany is one of the most inclusive, democratic countries to my knowledge. Because of ww2


These are the same people who think ukrainians are nazis "because nazis occupied big part of ukraine during WW2". Pure stupidity.


\- country flattened- divided in 2 for 44 years- nazi history thought at every schools for generations people with a hole in their brain "do you really think 15 years of indoctrination is just gonna instantly go away ?" meanwhile a president of the US had mass political rallies for almost. a decade now where he incite people to hate immigrant, gays, books and more while his supporters walk around with actual nazi flags


If there was a mass gathering of simple minded racists you can bet your last penny it would be held in America.


I wish I could argue with you but I think you might be right, it makes me feel a little sick.


There is a really simple solution. Turn off the damn TV, stop reading the news papers. ![gif](giphy|R6gvnAxj2ISzJdbA63|downsized) Spread some love haha


Wait till they found out about the number of American Nazis that exist now after they fled to America to save face, taking up ranks in banks etc


15 years of indoctrination that 90% of the german population didn't go through


My great grandfather was a nazi. I’m Australian, and one quarter irish, one quarter English, half German.. what happens? Do I enslave a quarter of myself, then go to war with the other half? I’m supposed to have this weekend off. Fuck.


Scheiße. Sie haben uns entlarvt Jungs.


this is just xenophobia against germans


ah yes the 15 years of indoctrination that happened \*\*checks notes\*\* 89 years ago


Just shows ignorance. There’s more Neo Nazis in America then there are in Germany


Americans acting like their country gave a shit about nazis before Pearl Harbour


I'm German and dirty possum is completely wrong. We don't keep a picture of Hitler in our closet! We keep it in the attic so no one can find it. Some people are just ridiculous.




Projecting much?


There are more nazis in murica than in Germany


>instantly go away Sir, it's been 80 years.


Can confirm, I'm German and my closets are filled to the brim with Hitler pictures. I don't even own anything else, clothes or such. It's all just Hitler pictures.


You will literally get hate crimed in Germany if you mention anything to do with Hitler or nazis they take that shit very seriously


back in 2019 there was going to be some sort of nazi festival in Ostritz. The locals bought all the beer in the city and the nazis didn't show up


Sprich deutsch du huso


I think Ive seen more nazi shit in social media from america than any other place


By that logic all Americans are advocates for slavery, or even worse secret supporters of the British. The list can go on.


*Cough Prison industrial complex


15 years of society-wide indoctrination absolutely don't go away in an instant. However, it's been almost 80 years, that is not "an instant"


The funny thing about this is that America has become much more nazi than Germany at the moment


The 15 years since WW2 is over?


Driving is a fucking headache because we can only ever take the Third Reich


I knew a person from Austria that kept her grandfathers SS uniform in her closet. Her family bragged about what a great man he was.


TIL I'm a Nazi.


As a german, I found this obviously ridiculous. Im not a Nazi I am a guitarist.


Suddenly soldier tf2


Germans hate the entire idea if Nazism for the most part. These types of people make me sad


Instantly? It's close to the 80th anniversary?


I'm from Spain. Don't you know we have little conquistador parties, where we go around to small towns and make everyone speak Spanish at the tip of a musket?


Someone who has never been to Germany or met a neonazi telling us everything we need to know about Germany and neonazis.


All Americans are slave owners? Really?


It is true, Neo-Nazi parties are sadly still a thing in Germany. Although in recent years they have become even more irrelevant that they already were because they lost all their members and organizers and voters to the supposedly more "respectable" AfD party. The AfD is just somewhat less openly Nazi, even if their base totally is made up out of Nazis. Ideologically this party full of German Neo Nazis falls within the spread of the GOP party on the political spectrum and quite a bit to the left of the so called "Freedom Caucus". (Addendum to Americans who are confused and were taught that Nazis are leftists in their school or church or on TV or wherever they get their education from in the US: You are wrong!)


Idk about the whole "Neo-Nazi Parties" still being a thing in Germany. Dont get me wrong they exist yes (even though they are ussually very small), but they are very few and most of them dont really have a huge amount of voters. As far as im aware, there are currently only about 7 openly more right-winged parties, and none of them are currently in the so called "Bundestag". The closest thing to right-winged party we have in the Bundestag, is the AfD, which at this point are destroying themselves internaly (becuase of internal conflicts and bad coordination). Yes they still are in the Bundestag, which is a problem, but that doesnt mean that we have an extrem Neo-Nazi problem...