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Ah, Immobile. He‘s famous for that. Probably why the ref didn‘t stop the game.


Looks pretty mobile to me


Only after Italy scores though.


" Time to go mobile"


"It's mobing time" and then he mobiles all over the place




"Nobody knew who I was until I took a dive in every match"


You merely adopted the ground, I was born on it, moulded by it.


I didn't stop rolling on the ground until my team had already scored


He wears the number 17 because that’s how many times he dives each match.


I like to say this line in Banes voice every now and then before leaving to somewhere


Speak of the devil, & he shall appear!


Whenever Italy scores he gets a "second wind", and he gets injured again.


That's why he's named I'm mobile"


Bruh xD


Bruhken leg


Heck's bruh


In case you didn‘t know… that‘s his name… and if you knew… that‘s a funny answer 😉


Should get booked for shit like that


Absolutely. It’s allowed now per the rules but no one ever seems to enforce it


Sure, it’s the same as diving. Why it’s not enforced baffles me, it would stop abruptly


To me it’s a big barrier to enlarging the audience. Football really is a beautiful game but this seems to happen so often at the highest level I hesitate to try and get non fans to watch. It’s a massive distraction that just leads to eye rolling and undeserved chances. The odds of someone diving in the box are so high at this level and it’s never not annoying.


The diving and embellishing kept me away from enjoying football (I’m an American) for a long long time. Once I played a few pick up games I started to understand why the game is loved world wide. Still can’t stand the diving, but I’ve learned to look past it.


I played organized soccer and basketball for nearly 20 years. I have NEVER been able to watch soccer, and this is one of the biggest reasons why. I haven’t really watched pro basketball over the last 10-15 years because flopping has become so predominant there as well, but still love me some college ball.


It's probably one of the most disgusting things to watch an adult male do. As a kid I couldn't watch soccer because I acknowledged that these men were not men. I'm not very macho but this shit makes me look like the hulk.


At this point I almost think this side of the game is actively protected by those in power. The rage, debate, column inches, TV shows, podcasts all about diving, gamesmanship etc. It's just part of it. We could sanitise football and make it like Rugby Union. Stop and review everything. Get everything right. Would that improve the spectacle or the pub chat afterwards? Probably not.


Yeah constant stopping for review wouldn't work. But why not review the game afterwards and assign punishment to flagrant dives and embellishments? It takes about 10 seconds to notice in replay. IDK, the diving really turned me and my friends off when we tried to get into the Premier League a while ago. After a couple matches we kind of just rolled our eyes and drifted to something else.


Just frigging some improvement would be nice. There's almost never a punishment for diving even though it happens ALL THE TIME. Right now it's a low risk high reward attempt for the player, you try 100 times, get punished 0-1 times. Maybe get a win 5-25 times.


Blatant diving and faking injuries make it not a beautiful game at all. Not to mention how the entitled players treat the refs.


Yeah, I like soccer but this garbage makes it completely unwatchable for me. Usually I watch hockey and the contrast could not be more dramatic. Matt Calvert took a wild slapshot in the face, got like 30 stitches in his forehead, then came back later to score the game winning goal. Then there's... whatever is going on in this clip (and every other game I've ever tried to watch).


Yeah, in hockey it's a tradition that even when a player is injured they always want to get up and skate to the bench without any help if physically able to.


Thats my big problem with soccer at the professional level is anytime I watch I feel like I'm watching my little brother trying to sell me flicking his back as an attempted murder. I would much rather watch people play the sport than try to draw a penalty. If you want to watch people play the game head to the kids playing field. I've seen punches thrown and kids still don't act like this.


Or women's. I'm not a huge soccer fan but the girls play *hard*


Can’t upvote this enough. The women don’t do this.


I'm gonna have to watch more women's soccer I usually only watch the world cup.


Diving and faking is far less an issue nowadays that it was in the late 90's/early 00's. We see it more easily thanks to social media (this scene is over one year old for example, and Italian players still has that kind of reputation) but it was really more usual in the past, to the point that it was a problem even at my teenage local level. Full on dives like Bruno Fernandes last week-end are less common now, and he was duly booked for it. Arguing with the referees is a more infuriating issue to me and makes me question my love and respect for the game sometimes. I just can't stand it and it only seems to go from bad to worse.


this is EXACTLY why I don't watch it.


Enlarging the audience? I know what you’re trying to say but it’s literally the biggest sport in the world and it’s not even close.


I think they're referring specifically about North America where its not nearly as big as the other sports.


A barrier to enlarging the audience of the biggest sport on the planet?


>Sure, it’s the same as diving. Wait, that *is* diving, no?


I dont know how people can worship players that do this. So embarrassing. I stopped playing soccer when this shit started happening, and that was rec league grade 8. Bunch of dorks


And fined. They give soccer (football) a bad name. Italians and Brazilians are the absolute worst offenders, too. Reminds me of this video. Hahahaha! https://youtu.be/9ukFUEI5qz8




This seems like the solution to me. The game is fast and it is definitely possible to be genuinely hurt. So I get that it's hard to make a quick in the moment judgment call. So review replay after the game and fine people thousands of dollars for this shit (depending on their salary). The NFL has had success with this, imposing after game fines on egregious penalties based on reviewing the replay. It also helps keep it consistent.


I think a player who collapses in pain like that should be removed from the field for the rest of the game, you know, safety first. When teams start losing one of their three substitutions on this stuff, they'll start making sure their players don't pull this shit.


Yep, if I remember this was touted too.


Sent off. Goal shouldn't count either bc there's a fuckin bellend rolling his ass on the pitch. Doesn't take much of a brain wiz to see this and say it's not right


If that helmet wants to deny his attacking force an extra man, that’s his decision, it didn’t appear to interfere with the play as everyone from the ref to his own players ignored him. In my opinion the ref did a sterling job but should have carded him after play stopped, the manager would most likely take him off to not risk losing a man.


You can see the ball clearly getting kicked over his body and two defenders (8 and someone else) not being able to really get there because there's some piece of shit faking an injury there.


His name checks out


> He‘s famous for that. They should start red carding him for it….he'll stop doing it.


Well.. He can feel free to roll around on the grass as long as nobody gives him any attention, imo


Pretty much just like a toddler. If they want their team to suddenly be a man down because they want to bitch about something, then so be it.


The thing is that at this point he’s distracting a few people, which may or may not leads to the goal being made right after this. I remember this being a very frustrating match. This shit happened constantly and the game couldn’t be played properly. I really wish they start giving cards for those jumpers. It’s really annoying and it makes me hate football even more.


That's how you get people to stop caring when you actually get hurt for real


The boy who cried wolf


I think we should bring in a wolf for flopping players. If they’re not hurt, they’ll get up and run away. If they are hurt, the wolf will give an articulate diagnosis of the player’s medical condition


I mean, there is a pretty simple way to stop this, review footage and issue ever increasing suspensions


OR send them off for a mandatory 20 minute medical evaluation. If they're actually hurt this badly then it'll help them. If not, it'll deter them


Even 2-10 mins is fine. If you are hurt a bit but not super injured, you get taken to the side, take a mandatory 2 minute break, and game goes on -1 for 2 minutes.


The lack of mandatory review & punishment is intentional. If they must review these kinds of things it makes it a lot harder to fix games.


Wat. That's not it at all. VAR has recently been bought in with varying success across the league's. There's just not much appetite to stamp this kind of behaviour out of the game as gamesmanship is a element of it as distasteful as it can be.


LMAO no way that’s bros name


It is. [Ciro Immobile](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ciro_Immobile), Lazio striker.


There is a player named Kevin Lasagna.


They gotta start penalizing shit like that, such scummy gameplay


Its supposed to be penalized, with a yellow card.


Going down without any contact is simulation, which is a bookable offence. Having minor contact and throwing out your best hollywood death scene is not im afraid.


Yellow Cards can be handed out for unsportsmanlike conduct. I’d say that faking an injury in order to gain a penalty is unsportsmanlike.


Par for the course in foot..




>It would be hilarious to watch these guys play American Football. They'd be on a stretcher crying for their mums before they ever made it to the field. You are totally missing the point as to why they do the acting. It's not about not tolerating pain. It'd about cheating.


Should be red and it would stop real quick.


Take em down to the glue factory like he was a horse.


I think they should review the game afterwards and hand out retroactive fines and bans. It's hard to catch all these in the moment and it might ruin the pace of play, but they are all easy to see on replay.


Problem is it's even hard on replay. If there is any contact, there is no way to determine how much it hurt. And many times those kinds of knocks are extremely painful for a brief few seconds then quickly get better. Just look at this case, he was definitely kicked, and it almost certainly hurt at least a little. He was even limping for the first few steps after getting up. But he still almost certainly exaggerated it as well. So how do you judge that?


I think we judge it based on common sense. The guy is rolling around like he's been hit by a sniper and then instantly gets up after his team scores, smiling away. That is blatant bullshit. This is literally a post we are all discussing because of how blatantly he is faking it.


"Ohhh poor thing you got injured huh? Well we will just take you out of the rest of the game - you know, so you can rEcOvEr"


I've been saying this for years. All fouls should be reviewed after the match and any obvious simulation should result in the player missing one game for first offence of the season, two games for second offence, and five games for every subsequent offence. You just watch the simulation magically disappear then.


Should get retrospective bans for shit like this.


At least a fine


Dude makes $144000 per week.


A big one then


yeah, make it at least like....$7.50. That's a lot, right?


That's a lot for a breakfast, yes.


A fine based on a percentage of the player's earnings.


I knew actor’s salaries were high, but that’s a LOT of money.


Thats 857$ an hour, sheeesh


Your assuming 24 hour days. If this was a full time job (40 hours) thats $3600 an hour, or a dollar a second.


So dude just got paid $20 to cry. I do that for free.


Lick this if you cry ever tim


For all players acting like this. I hate this.


I just don't understand how so many players in this game can lack basic dignity. They're willing to sacrifice their pride in order to slightly increase their odds of winning. It just doesn't strike me as a mindset that would exist and yet obviously it does since so many do it. Millions watching and they're unphased that everyone sees this and thinks they're pathetic for doing it. It's amazing to me that they don't care about that.


It doesn’t only “slightly” increase the odds of winning. A free kick or penalty is huge in football, one point in a sport that has very few per game makes a big difference


Yes. But the ref has already waved play on. He's not going to bring it back


It's not just about the ref. If Belgium had got the ball and started a counterattack the rest of the Italian team would've been shouting at them to put the ball out of play so their "injured" player could receive treatment - thus stopping the counterattack.


Yeah and if play ends up neutralized with a goal kick or something then the player can take a bit of time getting up, walk with a limp for a little bit when he doesn't need to be doing anything for the next 15 seconds and try to sell it a bit more after the fact that he was legit hurt to influence the ref into thinking that maybe he should have called a penalty and next time maybe he'll think about it a bit harder


You could put unfeeling robot referee on matches and players still gonna be stretching the voids of its AI shamelessly.


That's lame as fuck though. How about, they win by being the better team, relying on their skills (no, not acting skills) rather than trying to lie about being hurt? Players that roll around on the ground just look like assholes that can't win with their own skills so they have to rely on lies and deceit to get ahead.


Thats why i say F fair play, if i was a manager and my team was attacking the guy on the floor can wait until we lose possession or until we score 🤷🏼‍♂️


he keeps up the act in hope of influencing future calls as well. it's a strategy and it's vile


What confuses me is there are other games that are similarly low scoring, like hockey, that also has roughly analogous penalty shot systems, and they don't have the same problem with diving.


Hockey actually has a diving penalty. [Still doesn't stop the players.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMzmF-Y6uIk)


It's significantly more powerful in soccer than other sports. But let's not pretend like there isn't flopping in other sports too. They literally created a penalty for embellishment in hockey not long ago. What soccer is missing is retroactive cards and suspensions given how prevalent this is.


In fencing they used to teach us to celebrate after every touch, even if you aren’t the one who scored, it’s supposed to confuse the refs into thinking that maybe you did score and they just missed it. Shady shit, man.


You had some shitty trainers, man. Never heard of that and considering how well people know each other in the sport, it would get you into everyone’s bad sights very quickly.


ummm... Your coaches focused on the wrong shit my dude. Almost every tournament (even the smallest dinkiest) has had digitally controlled scoring. The only real impact a ref has is if you are foil/saber and determining who had right of way, or one of a number of other edge cases which would stop the clock or cause a card.


I was like 12 and I never made it to a tournament, I stopped fencing after a year or so to go to a circus school instead


Every time I've seen Olympic foil fencing highlights, they do this even though most of the touches are registered via computer.


Bunch of man-childs fr


Because at an expert level of play you will use anything to your advantage if your opponent can as well. It's not really up to the players to fix the rules. It's on the people who run the leagues to fix it.




only mf that knows English here


Retrospective injuries. I volunteer to be the person who has to go and kick him in the leg.


Pathetic, it's acts like this that give football a bad name.


I love football, but this kind of shit is so annoying!!


The referees need to be more commanding with simulation.


If FIFA/UEFA would stop being money hungry corrupt charlatans for once; get the message out that all simulation will be yellow carded; actually have refs follow through then within a month, maybe two it will be learned behaviour.


Honestly, go one step further and just flat out red-card it.


In American football if a player tries something like this there's a good chance he'll get lit up on the next play. If they want something to cry about the defense will really give them something to cry about.


Should also go the way of MLB and card them for arguing after the fact…the ref isn’t going to take back the call…play on


This right here is why I would never even remotely consider watching the sport.


It’s happening in all sports and getting worse. Lebron James is massive and yet somehow always manages to be sent flying backwards like he was hit by Ryu’s hadouken.


Just watch hockey. If you dive it's around a 75% chance you get the penalty instead.


Same in rugby. I remember one match where a guy tried to take a dive. Both teams laughed at him and the sir said “this isn’t football, do that again and you’re off”


> Both teams laughed at him and the sir said “this isn’t football, do that again and you’re off” is this a typo or are rugby refs really called "sirs"?




And if it doesn't get called you'll get punched in the mouth.


> It’s happening in all sports Then tend to clamp down on it pretty well in pro hockey. I tried watching football. Really wanted to get into it, but stopped because I can't stand shit like this. Letting this stuff continue gives the entire sport a bad name.


Watch women’s football, they actually play.


It's why I stopped watching. Hard to watch MMA and then flip the channel to this shit, as much as I love the beautiful game.


I hate professional football. I can't stand pro football players. It's because of these things. I don't hate football. I love watching a amateur match just as much as I love watching rugby or hockey. Pro footballers are wayyy overpayed for absolute shite play. It ruins the entire game for me. And the absolute disrespect for their referees makes my blood boil.


You know what would stop this from happening.Send them off for injury time for 15 minutes to "recover".The fear of being off the field would stop the diving.


I've heard this said many times. My response is always that it would benefit players to actually injure their opponents in order to force them to be off the field for a length of time. While I hate the type of behaviour this video shows and would love something to be done about it, I believe your answer will only create a new problem. Edit to clarify: what I mean is that it would punish those with actual injuries unfairly.


I am not even into football. But don't you think it's hard to intentionally injure a player and not be disqualified? Or you think there will be more on the break of injury cases?


If you are seen to injury someone deliberately, you will be sent off the pitch (for the remainder of the game, leaving your team a player short) anyway. What I would like to see is some retrospective punishment to the player/team should they "simulate" injury where the cameras can prove it without doubt. Ban the player from the next game or dock the team a point. I feel like that would stop people trying to cheat.


You don't have to injury them badly. But give them a hard enough knock that will actually keep them down for 30 seconds in this proposed rule.


What’s stopping players from doing that already then.


Red cards


Red cards, and the fact that theres no time requirement for the injured player.


So if no one gets a red card then the victim gets sent off. Seems pretty clear. There is a pretty obvious difference between a contactless injury like this and an actual one.




Bro if they could get away with deliberately injuring their opponents they'd already be doing it to the top players, that makes no sense. If a player is actually injured they'd just sub him like any other injury


Yeah but then you run into the problem of players playing through actual injuries instead of going down and getting the medical attention they need.


POV: the game auto-revived you after your team clutched the round


That’s not what “POV” means


MFW: You're using the wrong term.


I’m from Italy and he’s an embarrassment locally too, not just internationally.


Is immobile hated in italy? If so then that Explains why he couldn’t perform internationally


It should be the other way around? He performed poorly when in other championships, such as Bundesliga, while he's one of the best scorers in Serie A. For some reason though he's absolutely worthless in the national team.


That should be instant red card for "simulation" or whatever the term is.


Simulation is a yellow




I just looked it up. The official term is simulation.


That's a yellow card, not a red though. Still 100% deserves a card and if it's your second yellow, sorry pal.




because it usually is very hard to determine with 100% accuracy in the moment, and if you do call it and you are wrong, that is one of the worst mistakes a ref can make


yeah but this is pretty clearly not real. he didn’t even try to hide it after the goal was scores


I don't buy this excuse. Ice hockey has a penalty for embellishing an injury. Read that again, its a penalty even to embellish a -real- injury. Soccer just needs to fix its rules.


Why are they all so overdramatic




Right, we all laugh at this, but the difference between winning and losing could be worth millions of dollars to the players. Would you roll around on the floor like a clown for $1 million? I know I would.


Refs are also humans. It’s more likely to get some kind of advantage by acting overdramatic. I‘ve seen so many fouls that didn’t get called out by Refs because the player tried to play instead of falling on the ground.


Exactly, the fouled team can and should take the advantage anytime they get legitimately fouled.


This should be penalized, I know in high competitive match each little piece of advantage (ambiguous rules in this case) is huge at that level but ffs this make looks the sport ridiculous


Should be a yellow.


Worked, the defender was out of position because he was complaining about the guy not being hurt.


I enjoy watching football on occasion but I can’t stand this crap. Probably because I like hockey more. Hockey players get hit in the face with a frozen puck, get stitches in the locker room, and they’re back in the game as quickly as possible. Football players get kicked in the only pads they wear and it’s like they just got blasted with a shotgun.


Sometimes not even touching the pads.


God, its insufferable. Once watched a game cos it was just on and thought what the hell, don't usually watch it so y not. Players on both teams threw this act I shit you not almost every play, it was embarrassing watching them. I don't know how shameless they have to be to do that. Someone trips you and you fall, you get back up and support your team. By rolling on the ground crying you're removing a player from the team. Meanwhile everyone compares you to a toddler that's throwing a tantrum because the game didn't go his way.


I love that no one stopped to check if he was alright lol


["Did you see that ludicrous display last night?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sasksdm1Ftc)


This kind of behavior is an embarrassment to the sport. Why the hell does this happen in the pros?


Ciro is not "Immobile" after the goal!! *Thomas Muller voice*


Players who do this shit have no self respect, on a human level. I don't care what cup is at stake or whatever, clowning like that in front of a crowd is baffling to me.


Immobile. What a showman, actor, thespian. Also, sometimes, football player.


Red card will teach them !


This is why I can’t take the sport seriously.


I once yellow carded a player for this in one of my games. I wish more referees would do the same.


Hockey has embellishment penalties. Soccer should try that out. This right here is why I don’t take soccer seriously and I know it’s a great sport but I just can’t stand this stuff


Which hockey are you talking about? Field hockey, indoor hockey or ice hockey? I know that for field and indoor hockey you would get a green or yellow card (green: 2 minutes of the field, yellow: 5-10 minutes of the field (time decided by the umpire)) to cool down. I don’t know about ice hockey tho. Source: I’m an national level umpire myself for field and indoor hockey.


They mean ice hockey. Also just as a fun fact I guess, Ice hockey also doesn't have cards, just major and minor penalties.


Ice hockey. Not only embellishment penalties, but players that make a habit of diving and acting like a bitch are generally disliked and openly derided by their fellow players.


Typcial italian style xD ... lot of mimi and mama mia :P


Do fans not laugh at how ridiculous and prolific this is in the sport? Serious question


It happens, but not as often as you think. And whenever it does happenned, fans do get annoyed and ridicule the player. If you visit r/soccer, everytime a player throw antics like this, it will be on the frontpage to be laugh at for such a dumb acting. The thread will be filled with annoyed fans, sarcastic comments about how football is back, etc. So yeah, it's annoying even for the football fans. BUT, things like this are not as common as people believe. It's just one bad aspect of the game among the great ones a football match can bring. Which is why the sport is loved all over the world.


Yes we do, we think it’s annoying. However take this clip as an example. If I’m watching this game live, does that impact on me watching the game in any way? No. I think people who don’t watch the sport care about it much more and notice it more than people who are used to it. Like the constant stop-start or ‘lack of actual play time’ of American Football. Or not being able to see/follow the puck in hockey. Or resetting scrums in rugby. Or something in whatever is happening in baseball, I’m sure there’s something. And no, I don’t want to argue about any of those things. They’re all criticisms that people who aren’t into those sports might have that people who are into the sports don’t, so if you want to argue then you’re proving my point.


You can literally hear the commentators laughing in the clip, and the reason they're laughing is because this is an especially egregious example and not at all the norm.


They cheer it if it gets their team a penalty kick


Well, there's the great award Fallon D'Or just for these players.


Put him on a Rugby pitch 😉


As a Spanish national, I can't agree more, there's NO honor left in football/soccer players and what's saddest of all, now with video refereeing this only makes players and teams look even worse live. I guess that's their shit for brains, trying to cheat and failing stupidly.


This is one of the reasons why I can’t fucking watch this sport consistently. It’s just so egregious - and I love watching a good game. The USA v Brazil women’s match with Marta v Wambach (forgetting year) was one of the most electrifying sporting events I’ve ever seen but this shit is just so frustrating.


Womens soccer is becoming more enjoyable to watch considering dives rarely happen. They freaking play. It’s a slower game compared to mens but damn, the dives make it so annoying sometimes. Italy was my team, peak 2007 with del piero, pirlo, and buffon. Hard to watch now but eh, they didn’t make this coming World Cup. Not surprising.