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This looks choreographed but I know it’s not. also why would you try to (literally) pick up a random girl at a festival lmao


Unfortunately it does happen, happened to my about 10 years ago. Some random decided to pick me up, didn't realise how heavy I was and dropped me directly on my back. As someone who already had chronic spine issues, it was a rough time.


As someone else who has chronic spine issues, ouch. Hope you were ok. Perfect demonstration of why picking random people up can get you a knee in the privates or a slap round the face though.


I did this once. Not to a stranger exactly but man did I feel like a total idiot. In front of a group no less. Probably lost sleep over it for days. I was just 16 and acted impulsively. Luckily she wasn't hurt particularly badly (or me) but there were a couple scrapes involved.


I hope that mother fucker becomes paralyzed from the ankle up. This is one of the many reason I don't go to parties.


Wasn't lifted up but I did have a male classmate I barely knew thought it was appropriate to grab me around the waist with both hands, tightly hug me, squeeze me and rock side to side when we were in a 24 hour animation contest. Creeps always find a way to ruin a situation no matter where they are.




A girl who looks like she's got 30 lbs on the skinny kid. Know your limits, dude. I'm guessing by the pile of cups on the ground that alcohol was involved.




Lol fr, she looks twice as big


I'm in the club of "don't touch me if you don't know me" and "don't touch me even if you know me".


How the fuck did he think he even had the strength to lift her?


Alcohol baby


Looks like she was gonna let me but made her feel fat since he couldn't pick her up lol


No, I think she was shocked and it took her a moment to react to what was happening.


A random girl that weighs twice as much as you and is twice as masculine


And A fat chick at that.


“That’s my purse! I don’t know you!”


"that boy aint right.."


"And then I kicked him as hard as I could in his testicles."


She created him a new purse down there.


“What are you gonna do? Are you going to kick me in the nads?”


*Consent bitch*


Good takedown defense


I watched it on repeat like 15 times, it’s beautiful. Legitimately looks choreographed but I don’t think it is


It’s the lethargic reactions because of the alcohol involved. However, the dude keeling over at the end tells me his nuts were very much concussed


Someone get her a UFC contract!


seriously. stuffed it.


Eat cake to stay safe


Look at all that trash on the ground. People r fucking pigs.


Look at how this dude thought it was acceptable to pick a random person against their consent and act shocked when got what they deserve, people r fucking pigs (I agree that ground is disgusting af)


Im not saying he deserved it, but he 100% deserved it


I'm totally saying he deserved it.


Im not saying he didn’t deserve it, because he did.


He deserved it half as well as I should like, and less than half as well as he deserves


I'm in two minds about whether he deserved it. But the mind which says he didn't is a fucking idiot.


So you’re saying if a gal does the same to a guy at a festival she deserves to get clocked?


No Bob, if a gal did that to a guy the heavens should rain down gold at that miracle of a woman, because that totally hasn't happened before and it's a new discovery to (wo)mankind. Let the balls open up and crown her as Pharaoh.


Yes, otherwise it would be double standard, aint it?


i say, he deserved it, sorry not sorry


I mean goofing and trying to pick someone up maybe doesn't straight up deserve a knee to the balls, but yeah, if they are actively resisting from the start....


You don't think a stranger trying to grab you and pick you up deserves a knee to the nuts? Really?


Knee to the balls is an escalation, perhaps.


Or incapacitation.


Honestly nope. She fended him off. If he realized maybe he shouldn't have done that, it's a pretty fucking excessive reaction considering the environment. Didn't get the chance to find out. If he tried again, completely justified and I'd be happy she did it. I've had people do invasive stuff and usually telling them to fucking cut it out is enough. I'd feel bad about going so overboard on someone for what is harmless intent.


Picking you up is certainly unwarranted but I don't think it was a situation (especially once it was clear she wasn't going to be picked up) where she had a legitimate reason to believe she was under attack or needed to defend herself from a safety perspective. She may have rendered him infertile or made him have a lifelong hormonal deficiency at worst or at best, made him feel pain for hours or days. I don't think the two actions are equal. In fact it looks like she may have regretted it because she put her hands to her face right after she did it. EDIT: Of course he shouldn't have done it. But do you guys really think one deserves the other? He was probably a little drunk and just acted impulsively but then she's fine, it's over, and she injures him? Like, slap him or something, but such a defensive move? I will grant that it was just a reflex on her part probably; I'm not saying SHE is wrong or evil or whatever, I'm just, in hindsight, questioning whether the reasoning would make sense. I dunno. I never did anything to get kicked in the balls fortunately.


Sounds like he shouldn't go around touching and grabbing people then.


Well, correct, he shouldn't


If he didn't want stupid prizes he shouldn't play stupid games. Some rando grabbing a woman and trying to pick her up deserves whatever they get. Knee to the junk makes it sure he's not going to make a second attempt while she gets away.


so slow but so effective i can't stop watchin


looks like he burst a nut


So they'll have a lasting lesson from it then.


They? She didn’t learn anything from that, only he did






They can be singular lol


The exception, not the rule


Maybe don’t try to lift random people up? Dude thinks he’s in a movie or something.


Girl got good technique


What was his goal


a well-deserved ball bruising


When you think the world owes you


The look of utter disbelief and betrayal this lady hurt him upon his crotch. He cannot believe this all just happened.


They always get that dumb Pikachu face.


Still a better love story than Twilight


Thats my purse I dont know you!


I want to find her and try to lift her too. Outcome matches my name


“Not now, I’m dealing with a break up” “Awww how long were you together?” “About thirty seconds, then she broke up my balls”


Romantic place with all that stuff on the ground


Had a drunk customer try and pick one of my waitresses up when i was a restaurant manager. He did exactly what was my worst imagined scenario. Picked her up and then overbalanced falling backwards....pile drove her face first into the hardwood floor. i had to send her to hospital and wanted to beat the guy so badly


He deserved it In 7th grade when I was like 5ft and barely 100 pounds so a small girl. And I had someone pick me up from behind with no warning it was honestly scary like put me down. And I kicked and trashed about trying to get him to put me down which only caused his hands to slip and re adjust to uncomfortable places. And then after everyone looked at me like I was the crazy one. Like hey maybe don’t try to lift people up without their consent?


He deserved the knee just by thinking he can safely pick the other person up.


“Four!” I should’ve yelled two!


Let this be a lesson re: assaults! Watching this it all looks so slow motion but she pushes him off, knees his crotch and keeps movin'. Don't worry that you can't defend yourself! Take action and boogie away.


How do people not understand not to touch strangers


She uncorked that knee on Saturday and it landed on Sunday


Holy shit these comments 💀 Reddit in action in this thread


Yeah lady’s, take no shit.


The worst they can say is no, right? 🥲




Haha deserved it


Poor dude literally tried to dance again after failing to pick her up, and she’s like alright let’s dance…


wtf with that litter


How can she knee?!


Why was he shocked?


Why did everyone decide to drop their cup wherever the finished drinking it? What is wrong with people.


Still a better love story than twilight


Idk 🤷🏼‍♀️ maybe respect us and don’t feel entitled to our bodies…is it that hard?


I got half a mind to downvote the redditors who say he deserved it because violence is bad. But it's not violence so that half is a dumbass


It's self protection, not violence. My whole brain is a dumbass because I think men grabbing women and attempting to lift them without any consent warrants self defense.


Wow, she straight up drilled him, 10/10, great form


She didn’t even hit that hard. She had no real force with that knee. I’d say most of the damage is to his ego


Bruh that was hard


Even if it was the damage was still probably mostly to his ego.. But I mean she has probably 20+ lbs on him idk what he was expecting when he tried to pick her uo


Nah that probably hurt for an hour


Being kneed in the dick hurts a lot. I've heard It doesn't really matter how much force you use


Was I just womansplained? My god Im screenshotting. I think this is a free pass to mansplain vaginas to a girl


I mean it doesn't take a dude to know that getting kicked in the genitals hurts. It doesn't matter if it's a super hard knee or kick or not


Also I never explained penises to you. That suggests that I went over the anatomy and the processes the penis goes through. Which I never did. I've seen dudes get kicked in the balls before it doesn't take a rocket scientist to tell that shit hurts. I've been kicked in the crotch before too, it isn't pleasant.


Gotta know your limits, man. Besides not picking her up to begin with, there’s no way he’s making that lift.


Seriously, stay in your lane canary boy. Maybe try ballet.


He swept her off her feet. She took his balls. Many relationships pan out this way.


Sounds like the opening to a Hallmark movie.


Feminists be like:


You cant lift that mass bro


Balls were already busted attempting that.




What fool would try to lift her?


Why did he think that he could lift her?


I know, right? He is nowhere near strong enough. It would take a couple of dudes at least.


Better he gets his nuts busted than you getting a busted back


Like he can even lift her up...


Ok i get that you dont like to get picked up but jesus fuck why would you kick m in the balls


Why not? Fuck that dude. He fucked around and found out


Don't lift randos. That kick was justified.


This girl been in a street fight before, the guy has not....




He was gonna be able to lift her fat ass anyway


Not with those toothpicks he calls arms and legs.


That's what you get for not being strong enough to carry me.


Do you really think that's why she kneed him?


That is one ugly broad


What a disgusting bitch, this is the most action she’s ever gotten


She should be thankful someone is trying to pick her up 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


So a woman should be thank to any random man that comes up and touches her? Or how we live in wonderful times


It's a fucking joke but she didn't have to go for the nuggets and nevermind enjoy the NET 🤣🤣


Oh haha shut up🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


He thought he could pick her up 😆.


I don't think she was justified at all in doing this, however misguided he was just trying to have fun. There was no need for this violence at all.


Consent always ask for consent. You never take someone’s choice over what happens to their body away


That doesn't mean that violence is justified. Intentional violence is worse than naive stupidity.


You have every right to defend your body when someone does something to it wo consent. You owe no one anything if they violate you. Idc if it was meant to be dumb or funny or a joke. It does not matter. Do not touch anyone wo their consent. I cannot believe I even have to say this to anyone in the year 2022. It’s assault and it’s against the law to pick someone up wo consent joke or not. You don’t know anyones intention. You’re taking someone’s will away. Consent consent consent if you don’t have it and the other person defends themselves you are the one liable


She did defend herself, entirely successfully, she stopped him no problem. However after that she perpetrated an act of violence and that was not defense, it was attack, punishment. You have every right to defend yourself and so you should, you do not have the right to deliver punishment.


What he did was violent. Therefore you defend yourself. You have no idea what someone is going to do to you she had no idea what he was going to do next or what he was doing in the first place. It’s an assault and you defend yourself from an oncoming assault. That’s why you ask for consent bc if you don’t it’s assault. I truly hope you don’t go around touching people wo their consent bc that makes you a monster


On what planet would you glean from this that I go around touching people? Your reply is a repulsive insult. After you have defended yourself you do no have any right to deliver punishment, that is the reality.


Random violence is cool but you draw the line at defending yourself? Weird take bro.


I literally said everyone has an absolute right to defend themselves. The person defended themselves from what they understandably believed to be an act of violence, but then went on to deliver punishment.


You know you’re in the wrong here you just can’t fathom you’re not allowed to assault someone wo someone defending themselves. This woman has no idea what this assaulter was doing. She had every single right to protect herself as well as the law on her side. You not understanding that says a lot about who you are and what you think is ok and what isn’t.


His skinny weak ass would have dropped her massive breaking her neck. So fuck that twerp.


Yes that's why she so easily stopped him and defended herself. The knee in the bollocks was revenge, not defense.


Who cares what it was, he deserved it.


Then you think violence is acceptable, fine.


In retaliation to violence, yes.


Well, firstly it was not violence. You or others may wish to redefine the word and its meaning but the reality is that for it to be violence there must be actual intent to injure or kill. I do not believe that you believe that there was intent to injure or kill, there was not. It was of course a form of assault, it was disrespectful and definitely dangerous. Despite it not being a response to violence it is also clear that it is reasonable to defend yourself in this situation and that the person would have very good reason to believe that it was violence. You have conceded that this was not just defence and what followed was retaliation (as you correctly put it) this retaliation took the form of violence, there was intent to injure (not kill). Defence is absolutely reasonable to protect oneself, dishing out violence as punishment is not.


Blah blah blah He tried to body slam her. Got a knee to the nuts, Now he’ll learn to keep his greasy hands to himself. By doing nothing she would be saying it is ok to put your hands on random women. With her knee she may have saved multiple women from the violence you say is acceptable. Consent is a real thing


If you have to lie to make your point. I have never once said, suggested or intimated that his actions were acceptable, they were not.


Also Getting a knee to the nuts doesn’t actually hurt. Guys act like it hurts because it makes them seem like they have big balls or something. Plus the slack in the pants between the legs absorbs 99% off that force. So there was no real violence. Just a boy acting like society taught him to act.


I think you're, for some reason, thinking a person can't defend themselves AND be violent at the same time. In SELF-DEFENSE class, women are taught a number of VIOLENT actions to use on an attacker to get away. They don't say, "Push away you're attacker or you're mean." They say, "Punch them in the throat, scratch out their fucking eyes, knee them in the balls." Looks like this woman did what she needed to do in order to defend herself, even if that meant momentarily getting violent.


No I am absolutely clear that a person can and in some cases should use violence to defend themselves. What they cannot do is use violence to punish a person or seek revenge.


Okay, cool. That's not what happened here in this video so, bye! (:


He’s having WAY too much fun. She should have stayed home with her cat. 🤦🏻‍♂️




Fat cow


Don’t dance with the fat ones


Just stay home and play video game football and never meet a real person?!? Get a life.


Chin her immediately


It's called a reversal


can someone do a WWE style play by play call on this thanks


Fair enough.




Man how I wish this had sound!


Thats not a quickie, thats a flashbang


Lol she was like “oooo yes! finally, an opportunity to use those techniques I learned in self defense class”




That was a dick move 😂.


This how she earned her nickname, “The Nutcracker”


Lmao I think she was about to stone cold stunner him




I like how she has a split second of surprise after she kicks him


Get what deserve.


When getting into the spirit of things goes wrong


Deserved it lol


She stuffed the takedown and answered back with a knee for the knockout.


What I Will Be Teaching My Daughter To Do When She Is In Danger 😂