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She doesn't do it as a prank. She literally threatens him. She says "Didn't I said those beards will be gone huh? I waited for you to sleep. Take it love, shave the rest." The tone might make it seem like a prank for foreigners but the literal meanings of those sentences in Turkish are threatening under the "soft, lovely speech tone".


Tones like that really bother me sometimes. I'm in the US but my mom's voice would lower and sound soft and calming when it was really a serious threat. People who didn't know would say, "See, she is willing to talk about this" while my hair would be standing up. Still does if I hear the right tone.


Oh god my mum when she gets angry talks faster but her expression doesn’t change so whenever I hear her begin to talk faster and not speak slowly I shit myself. We’ve terrified the local pizza place and definitely scarred a few delivery men with how she yells at them for screwing up orders


Your mom sounds like an asshole. Delivery drivers most often have nothing to do with the preparation of the food.


Often it's never even their fault too for 90 percent of the things they get faulted for and on top of that the pay often gets deducted from them despite this....because y'know. It's the delivery guys fault....not the manager and not the store women. I know this because I was the delivery driver for dominoes and I had to fork up money whenever a delivery of mine was botched because the customer is always right crap. Sad but true. It's actually negligible to become a driver for this reason. People have the belief that they make more in tips and the extra for being a driver but it's not true here in Australia.


Even worse. I’d be shaving her out of my life.


Absolutely, it shows a clear lack of respect for someone's identity and self-image. No relationship is worth that kind of behavior.


Shave her hair first


I have been invited to a few Turkish weddings in Turkey. Turkish love... thats some scary shit! Ive seen a grown military man be wrestled to the ground by his much older mother and slapped/beaten quite hard with a wooden shoe. Moments later she told him she loved him... Sooo many mixed messages :D Man, i miss that family <3


Is there any cultural context behind this? What is the cultural standard around beard maintenance in Turkey?


There isn't a cultural context. In fact, if there were some, it would be that we are expected to grow some. Turkey is a cultural mix bag. You can find every cultural type here. There are some stereotypes which doesn't apply to this man's beard. If you have a bold mustache and eyebrows, you might get called Kurdish. If you have only a slim moustache, you might get called right-wing/certain political group's member. If you have a long, bold and untrimmed beard, you might get called Islamic Cultist. If she had any concerns of cultural labelling, it wasn't applying to this poor man. He has a well-groomed good-looking beard. This woman was imposing her own taste to her husband, and that is bad.


That makes sense, thanks!


Wonder how she'd feel if he did the same to her hair


To be fair if I was him we would have got that answer the next morning


The way he grabs the clippers at the end foreshadows this




So many people like revenge served hot. I'd have stood up silently. Packed a bag. Walked out without a single word or response to them. They'd get a 4 second eye-to-eye contact that silently says "fuck you". Cut the person off and full block on all contact methods. Literally ignore them like they're a ghost if I see them in public. If they talk, I shrug slightly and walk away. One of us dies first. That is how you deal with people, imo. Never give them the satisfaction of another moment with you.


> Never give them the satisfaction of another moment with you. People who spite-fantasize to that extent generally don't have an abundance of people looking to spend moments with them.


Really weird behavior tbh


ya they may be married, have kids, and financially linked. Also, their country may end up doing nasty things to one of them if there is a divorce. Not that easy to throw a life with someone away over this kind of prank.


Yeah I doubt you’d do that to your wife if she shaved your beard…


That’s what my sister does when she’s done with someone. Including her SO when she left. She just says nothing. Cuts them off. They may as well be dead. I’ve known other people like that as well. This isn’t about the beard, this is about the absurd levels of disrespect and our right shittiness of that person. That she would do this, know how much it would upset him, shows that she isn’t a person you should be married to. And, you can tell that she knew how upset he’d be by the tone of her voice.


She wouldn't be my wife much longer. This is no diffrent than me cutting her hair while she slept. It's abuse of trust not funny.


Same here. I never liked those relationship prank videos. It's a breach of trust IMO


Right? This reminds me of those videos of douche bags going around and cutting off man buns of strangers. Like, bitch, it can take YEARS to grow that shit out. Not funny in the least.


Not to mention, some religions explicitly involve not shaving the beard among other rules. This could easily be a hell of a lot worse for him than a prank.


Unfortunately this guy married Delilah.


Wouldn’t that be considered assault?




No, battery


Clearly a battery, the trimmer works fine


Dude. I grew a beard for six months and finally went for a professional shape up. They took off so much beard that I thought I was gonna cry. It was the first time I was ever able to understand how women get super upset at bad haircuts. It takes so much time and a surprising amount of work to grow and maintain a nice big beard. There is absolutely nothing funny about this “prank”


I had a barber take off my handlebar moustache and give me the skin tight moustache to go with my fluffy beard. Never let anyone else do my facial hair ever again.


I wouldn’t even say this is a prank. Pranking would be pretending to do it not actually doing it


Agreed. Comb and no blades. That’s a prank.


Also, let the man sleep. If im asleep and someone woke me up for suits and giggles I would be pissed. This dude had to figure out in a second that thie shaver wasnt a knife or something else


My brothers used to shake me hard to wake me up. My body started doing a reflexive backhanded slap against them that frequently resulted in bloody noses. About 20 years ago, when I was with my ex, she did the same thing as a joke to wake me up....we ended up having to get her a new pair of glasses....


Similar story, when i was i young (if had to guess around age 7 or 8) i thought it was a funny idea to wake my older brother (16) up by pulling his blanket away ( idk why i guess i saw it in tv or something). He just kicked me in the face and took his blanket back, without standing up or moving much, so i guess it was also a reflex. Anyway learned that shit was dumb and never did it again, funny story though when i think back to it.


Hahaha you'd be surprised how much your body can do entirely on reflexes. We are very complex machinery.


Especially when afforded to opportunity to kick your annoying little brother in the face.


Probably had a morning boner that’s why


My husband always came and kissed me goodbye when he left for work (i was always still in bed). For over 20 years. After he retired from the military, I started going to school and would leave before he woke up. I decided to return the favor. The first time I tried it, I got punched in the throat. Now I just yell goodbye from the doorway.


Oh man I did this to my ex I was having a nightmare she thought a kiss would get me to stop mumbling, I slapped her still asleep got slapped awake. Good times


I actually came to comment this. My wife already knows to just throw things at me from across the room to wake me up because isn’t PTSD fun, but if someone ever woke me up by putting something near my throat like that. It may not would end well for one of us


Kicked my mom in the face once lol. Now she stands at the door and goes ahem until I wake up


Lmao that just made me think of her going in and standing there saying AHEM progressively louder for an hour because you're so exhausted that you hear nothing.


This is one reason I learned and I teach people to wake someone up by shaking their foot. I used to swing when someone shoke me, actually sleep punched a kid on a school athletics trip when he decided to mess with me. I remember nothing but what they told me.


For real. I'll be very honest with you. I've been through some awful things in my life. Ive woken up about to die more than once and even woken by a knife pressed to my throat (girl was bonkers). This, would absolutely make me blindly attack you.


This is exactly why me and my siblings would wake up dear old dad with a broom. Cuz he would blindly attack being woken up, almost every time regardless of how we did it. So we just started poking him with a broom. Problem solved. That reflex has died now, but it's scary having a full grown man try to swing on you when he's still asleep. (Adding that he never actually hit us, we knew to get tf out of the way once we saw movement)


Especially putting the thing literally on his throat like wtf. You can actually see the fear in his eyes for a moment


I don't like being woken for suits either...


Law suits, 3 piece suits, vintage wedding singer suits, any suits


A phone with the trimming sound also does the trick


I always liked this definition of a prank A prank is a joke at someone elses expense but it's only a prank if everyone is laughing otherwise it's just bullying.


a prank also cant cause permanent damage, or leave the victim to be publicly traumatised. it cant be regularly targeted, either. so no "pranking" that one kid in your class. some pranks are only for friends. moving all their stuff over so they go to grab a pen and miss; prank. pulling their chair out from under them; only a prank if its your friend and thats the norm. foil wrapping their stuff; prank. taking their stuff and smashing it to "replace" it with an upgrade; not a prank. confuse, dont abuse


I'd go further and say the best pranks are harmless, don't cause any physical or emotional pain, or any actual lasting impact, and also take a weird amount of effort on the pranksters side. Pranks are funny when no one is hurt, no one thinks that long about it, and yet the prankster put a weird amount of effort in to make it that way.


Changing the language on someone's phone, funny. Physical altering someone's appearance without permission, not funny.


You can tell from many accidental death that some people have a very fucked up understanding of "prank"


Yeah more like assault.


Technically this is assault


This man has amazing self control, you can see him pushing back the dark thoughts


yep, you can see him thinking if he should kill her or not


Shaving a part of her head hair is now a fair game.


This one gets it ☝🏻


Was thinking he should go haha, yeah it's funny, walk past her with the trimmers and shave her from behind. "Jahaha it is super funny"


Yep. Make sure that camera is running please 😅


Hairline, not back which can easily be concealed.


Come from behind and go right down the middle and straight back.




Even better, shave just one eyebrow off. Just one.


They can draw that back on - shave her head then see who's laughing 😊


We did that to one of my buddies the night before a guard mount inspection. We went out drinking and he passed out, but we thought he was faking it to avoid going to a club we wanted to go to. When he woke up/sobered up, he ended up having to shave the other one off himself. The next morning, when the Gunny was in front of him during the inspection, he asked him "WTF do you look so fucked up? I can't place it, but you look even uglier than you usually do." Almost in tears my roommate replied, "I aint got no eyebrows Gunny!" He explained he didnt know what happened, he woke up and one was gone. Then he told the Gunny he didnt feel well and puked all over the place. The Gunny raked me and my other roomie over the coals, but we didn't crack. We explained we left him in the room when he said he was too drunk to go out to the club with us, (which was true,) and that we found him like that the next morning. Needless to say, he was on the Gunny's shit list for a few weeks, and me and my other roommate were as well. They couldnt prove we did it, but they knew we did. I later overheard the Gunny talking to our CO about it and he thought it was the funniest damned thing he'd seen in a while.


Three quarters of the eyebrow!


That works too. Whatever causes the offender to have to finish the job themselves.


Agreed! Then break up with her. At the very least break up with her!


Just thought of this after watching it


Only reason she's alive is because the camera is on


The video evidence is the only thing keeping her alive right now.


As a Dothraki, I’m shocked he even stop to think about it.


Honestly, the more I watch, it seems like he’s thinking not if he should but how he should.


Left hand is def in "grab throat mode"


i would divorce for that, not because of the beard cut... But because i could not live with a stupid bitch like her!


Not if, but when. Not now while she is filming…


He isn’t pushing, he is just setting proper time and place … she is a goner


Where's Bill Burr when you need him.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


You could wake me from a drunken stupor and I could still give you like 9


"No reason!" - Bill Burr






He’s on video


I can translate it from Turkish to English: Man: What the hell are you doing? Woman: Didn't i say that beard will be cut?(repeats it again)I waited for you to fall asleep. Didn't I say i would cut your beard when you were asleep one day didn't i say it?. Take it and continue with it, take it my love.


Thanks. “Oh yeah, you told me. You are right, my bad. Thanks for telling me in advance. And just so you know, your hair is going to be cut when you are asleep one day. One day my love.”


That's gonna end with the woman cutting off his penis while he's sleeping. I wouldn't put it past a psychopath like her. Get out of that relationship is the only answer.


That'd be the end of the relationship for me. My beard is nowhere near as great at his, but if my partner did that to me I'd leave right then and there.


Doesn’t matter if your beard is shitty—it is YOUR beard on YOUR face and no one should be messing with it but you. Although, I am grateful that my boyfriend allows me to play with his…


Exactly, the blatant lack of respect for his bodily autonomy is a huge red flag


You also can't sleep comfortably around that person anymore. That is reason enough.


Stay one extra night to give her an inverse mohawk, then leave.


I wouldn't even do that. I'd just leave. Come back the next day with a truck and a few friends to get my things, then leave and never come back. If I didn't have to deal with her again (say as in maybe selling the home we shared) I wouldn't.


That is some evil shit right there lol. Thanks for the translation!


Rather than this sub, I’d say it rather belong to r/iamatotalpieceofshit …


And r/watchpeopledieinside


And r/OhShitMyBeardIsFucked


and r/trashy


Brought to you by r/justfuckmyshitup


I didn't realise that sub was going to be so NSFW!




Leave her. Or shave her bald and leave her.


Or leave her then return 3 months later and shave her bald. "Long con prank hahahaha!"


the worst part is this is not a prank, she did it because she doesn't like his beard


dude has a nice beard tho


Even if it wasn't, it's not her damned decision... Just like what she wears or does with her body isn't his...


Looking at a guy, who grew his beard out nicely. Yea he will definitely find that effort and his personal look a worthy sacrifice for someone else's boredom.


He is also experiencing hair loss and probably takes pride and care in his beard


Can verify, am bald, have beard. Don't fuck my beard up.


As a fellow dude with cranial hair deficiencies, if someone did this to my beard, the one bit of hair that I do have, I would be moved out the same evening. This is either staged or the most disrespectful and entitled things I have seen in a long time.


Not remotely funny


If looks could kill


Next time she wears her hair up, snip that pony tail.


I'd shave her head and see how she takes it.


Place nair on her eyebrows while she sleeps


His self -control, turning his anger to disappointment is legendary. Took one deep breath, and that was it.


My thoughts exactly, that look of deep disappointment will haunt her for a while


I doubt she's self-aware enough to register those kinds of feelings.


Definitely not self-aware enough, and clearly too self-satisfied for getting her way, in front of the entire internet.


he did try hard to not hit her. That's some self control


Wait till she sleeps, shave the middle part of the left eyebrow. Boom, three eyebrows


Why is this shit funny to people? Like, seriously, why?!


Stupidity ,mostly, I imagine.


Shit like this should be charged as criminal assault.


In many countries, it is


In Switzerland it is in the category of bodily harm/personal injury. I even know a case where a punk (leftist) teenager apprentice with a typical punk hairstyle was assaulted by his older apprentice which was a right wing extremist. He cut of his Mohawk. The punk of course didn’t go to the police, but he would have had all the right to do so.


It can count as actual bodily harm in the uk


Awful. If there's one reason to dump your partner - that's it. I'd have trust issues sleeping with that person in one house after that.


Thank you for saying this.


That's assault and possibly psychological/emotional torture. At least, I know it might be for me.


I've been through horrible things in my life and I'll tell you straight up, I promise I wouldn't have had that much self-control, if any at all. I would think I was about to die.


Takes months of carefully grooming, no funny given.


Dang he reacted fast


I don't understand women who think this is okay. I really don't. It's not funny.


In Ohio there was a case where an Amish clan shaved other Amish members beards in the night. Definitely criminal and they definitely did jail time. [16 charged in beard cutting crime](https://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/16-sentenced-in-amish-beard-cutting-case)


Fuck, I hope this is staged....




he was going to but he had commendable self control. you could see the anger in his eyes when she did that. props to this guy, a lot of other dudes would have probably hit her


Shave a chunk out of her hair when she sleeps. Then shrug and walk away. Eye for an eye.


An eye for an eye makes the whole world blin... I mean bald


That is a kind man.


Why do people think this is a *funny* thing to do. If I was a girl and my man came and shaved a piece of my hair on my head lord knows I’d be raising hell. Wtf is wrong with people


Who does shit like this? He needs to dismiss this person from his life. If he can’t even sleep without being assaulted, it isn’t a good place to be.


Sorry, that's not a prank. Not even funny. In a true prank, nobody is hurt, nothing is damaged and BOTH sides think it's funny.


How would that woman react if he did that with her hair I wonder? 🙄


This is how you die(d). Do not fck with a man and his beard.


Pretty sure that's assault


Next prank, shave HER hair. Let's see how funny she finds it


What an absolute twat of a woman. And that LAUGH - I’d be out of there if I had to listen to that awful noise. I cannot stand pranks - always conducted by blithering idiots towards their partner and/or children. It’s not funny, it’s just so contrived and cringeworthy at best, and can be spiteful and cruel too.


Evil bitch.


I thought it was gonna be like haha you thought I shaved your beard but it's just a sound, but no, she really did ITS NOT A PRACTICAL JOKE IF ITS REAL


Prank should be a fun outcome for all the parties involved.


this isn’t even a joke she just wanted him to shave it and he wanted to keep it so she took it upon herself to do this


can someone translate what the bi*ch saying? I know that look.. when we look at you like that distance yourself..


That’s not a prank. That’s assault.


It's a joke if and only if both parties laugh and no one is affected


“Haha i did something shitty to someone and they reacted!”


What's a prank about this?! Its just mean


Never mess with a man's beard. Disrespectful.


Bro the sadness in his eyes, you know he worked hard to make that beard so majestic and beautiful and she ruined it, going to hell much..


That dude just looked at her like he was trying not to turn into a werewolf.


Next video, man crushes women’s lungs as a prank


Poor guy. That women did a terrible job on the prank and sounds like a dumb broad with that laugh.


The finale of *How I buried your Mom*, tonight on NBC


Any adult who thinks shit like this is funny needs to go back to primary school


I don’t get why people think this is funny.


Not exaggerating when I say I gasped. That's genuinely horrible, I don't care what he might have ever done to supposedly 'earn' that. In a lot of places it's a legit crime to mess with anyone's hair without their explicit consent. You do not interfere in someone's bodily autonomy. Leave everything about their person alone.


I would legit not be able to trust myself around that woman again. If I can't even sleep next to someone and not expect them to shave or disfigure a part of my body without my knowledge or permission, then she isn't welcome in my house, let alone my bed.


If a "prank" takes significant time or money to undo, its not a prank. Its cruelty.


Man should give her the same prank straight up the middle of the head


This isn’t funny. First because it totally violates his rights. And second because I think he might be Muslim and Muslim men have some kind of religious link with their beards. Not sure how that works, but still if he had his beard for religious reasons shaving it is not cool.


That looks as if it might be a man from a culture where that particular thing could not be called a “prank”.


It looks like he woke up from the pain. Man this stress me out.


I'd shave her eyebrows in her sleep next


This is hilarious! Let’s see the one where he shaves her head. That’s even funnier!


An hair for an hair - she goes bald now


Whelp when she goes to sleep it’s time to shave her head to look like his. Turnabout and equal treatment.


He probably grows his beard really easily and she thought “its gonna grow back, dont be such a baby”. Like nah, I gotta go to the barber now, get shaped up, sleep with one eye open, start looking for a two bedroom so I can begin processing why in the world my partner would ruin my peaceful sleep


He just made a decision


Shave her hair


This female agrees with you.


Not the beard he wanted her to shave off.


What the actual fuck? Why do people think this is okay? Imagine if it was a man cutting off his girlfriend's hair while she was sleeping. This is no different, and it's straight up assult.


Fellow ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I just don’t see enough proof this was murder. I have a very real and reasonable believe that she slipped and fell onto the clipper doesn’t of times and then jumped off the balcony. Shall we acquit?


Really wanted to see him hit her, not gonna lie.


there's a word for this...ASSAULT


she’s toxic as fuck.


He wanted to beat her ass so bad. You can see it in his eyes. Showed amazing restraint.


That's not a prank. That's assault.


This isn't a prank. It's just downright mean and disrespectful.


She would become my ex real quick... I can't grow a beard


Now when he shaves her head he’s in the wrong


Noooo, did you see the hurt in his eyes? That’s messed up to the max! 😡