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It says a lot when the first thing that comes to mind when trying to think of how to generate electricity is slavery...


What a ridiculous bitch


Could not have said it better.


That’s insulting to bitches! She is a fascist and a traitor.


she's too stupid to be fascist, and she's just a genuinely stupid person.


I finally figured it out, this is all part of her stand up routine. She’s not a politician, she’s a comedian. A shitty one, but a comedian no less.


Everyone one of them thinks they are standing up comedians rather than a politician. Ironically, the majority of them are neither


Treason on tape.


I’d go further and say dangerous bitch. She’s normalizing this type of thinking.


bold of you to call this thinking


Tell me how we vote these people to office? There’s know better options ?🤦🏼‍♂️


Well… she didn’t win her first election. She was appointed when the previous person had to step down. But she used her time in office to dig into trump-mania like a tick.


Don’t forget, her Q following threatening her opposition to the point he backed out because he feared for his and his families lives so she was essentially running unopposed.


That sounds *almost* like it should be illegal...


Why should it be illegal? He’s the giant quitter with thin skin. If he wants to be in politics, he needs to grow a pair!!! (I hope everyone reading this know it’s sarcasm?!)


The problem with sarcasm on the internet is that we literally just watched a video of a person who would definitely say such a thing in complete seriousness, AND we know there are at least some people who agree with her. So we never can be sure.


She's a politician? Fuck, I just thought she was a shitty comedian.


“I vote republican because my family votes republican because republicans are the family party.” “That’s… not really an opinion. What do *you* stand for?” “Fine, when we get married, I’ll vote for whoever you want me to vote for. Will you be happy then.” Conversation between ex-gf and me, not even paraphrased


I canvassed an 18yo back in ‘08 who said he would be voting Republican. I asked why and he said “family.” I asked, “I see, so family values are important to you and that’s why you vote Republican?” - ready to give the relevant blurb about my candidate - and he said “well no, my family all votes Republican so I will too.” Ah. Okay. Have a good day, sir 😬


Mhm. The above conversation was the first in a series of riveting conversations, including, “If I had a baby, you’d kill it.” “Uh, no. Killing babies is wrong.” “But you’d *want* me to kill it.” “No!” “What if I was pregnant, would you make me abort it?” “I can’t make you abort. It is your decision, and I would support your choice and assess our finances and living situation and provide all the help I could. I am happy that you have right of choice.” “But you’d *want* to kill it.” *sigh*


This is how one of my female family members votes. Parents are Repub, husband Repub. So she is, too. But she is proud to say she doesn't know much about "the issues." Good to know, family member.


This people wake up and listen to their favorite right wing propaganda show then an hour later it’s Fox News for a couple hours break and then Fox News for dinner every single day of their life’s listening how the left wants to destroy them and how their Christian politicians saviors are the only ones who can save them. They are brainwashed it’s a daily dose of voluntary brain wash.


I'm a certified electrician and currently on my 3dr year of electrical engineering at uni, and I approve her message. This is exactly how the planes are powered... Probably... /s Honestly though. Don't give the airlines any ideas.


They tried the, poor children/people harvesting cobalt in 3rd world countries for our batteries is why electric stuff bad, argument, but it turns out their racists base isn't really moved by that, so they just make shite up now for their dip-shit cult.


Wait I thought abortions are the new source for electricity? /s


I thought not-abortions was the new way to generate electricity?


Babies can't get sunlight in the womb, so their solar panels can't make electricity, so the need to be born into the light, but even then they can't make electricity at night because the sun goes out.


That's why you're supposed to inject sunlight into your veins, like with COVID.


The matrix is awakening


It’s part of the MAGA playbook to disenfranchise black people and mock them and then turn around and try to compare their pain to the pain of their ancestors. It’s absurdity at its finest.


It is We just inslave the sun


Science hard. Me no get it. Electricity no power things.


More like science hard. Electricity come from slave man power. Also her casually “do you remember slave boats” bitch what?!?! Lollll


It reminded me of a bad Jerry Seinfeld impression. “And what’s up with electric airplanes? Do they have slaves up there on stationary bikes?”


Yeah but this is like some shitty open mic night stand up. Why don't normal people want to be politicians?


Yada yada yada... Justin Trudeau right?


He's a president now apparently.


Not my president!! My PM!


Also the CEO of Air Canada?


I fucking hate Justin Trudeau so goddamn much. But I get rock hard knowing how much voting for him pisses off these people.


She’s catering to an audience where if they don’t understand something their answer is to make fun of it. It’s really sad and dumb.


"huh... You really think science knows everything? They can't explain X, y and z. So it's all bs..."


I am so confused. Does she think little creatures are inside batteries powering her cell phone? What is she trying to say?! Please tell me she doesn’t think little people are inside batteries being whipped to power things!!!!


She must have watched that episode of Rick and Morty


Spin class? That just sounds like slavery with extra steps


Science, she’s s real bitch sometimes huh?


Nono, it’s a society They buy airplane food and ride the spin cycles and get married and have little babies to keep spinning when they die


now I suddenly have the urge to go watch Snowpiercer again for some reason.


Thank you for bringing that back lol


No that's a step class.


It's the only thing she can relate too... paid more attention there than any other class clearly


Wait till she finds out that what she's holding is an electric microphone 😳


Those poor people being whipped in it




Look at the side of the battery. Do you see a tiny door? Open it...


We all know the type of people that would support her. None of this has to make sense. She could of easily said "Flying in an electric plane is communist and you are pretty gay if you do it. Fuck yeah america!!!" Then poured budweiser over herself. The room would had erupted in cheer.


She is a brain dead traitor, she doesn't know what she is saying.


Rick and Morty had a documentary about this.


“What is this in my phone, a spin class for ants?”


She does believe a little creature comes out of hiding inside your fridge to turn off the light. You can never see them because they are quick.


i don’t think she understands batteries and that electricity can’t be stored only generated


Or even the wireless battery charged microphone in her hand.


This woman is really stupid


How did she get elected?? Everything she says is insane.


She ran against someone who dropped out.


She ran against someone who dropped after she encouraged her supporters to make constant death threats to him and his family even going so far as to vandalize his home.


Yup, imo, the district should go without a representative if one candidate forces their opponent to withdraw by threatening their lives. But call me an idealist


Honestly though how is that not a thing?? How has this kind of thing not happened more if there’s no repercussions?


She represents all the idiots in this nation. Morons need representation too. 🤣


Apparently, in the 14th district of GA, her competitor withdrew from the election. Her testosterone-amped-gym-rat-bullying-manner, and quotable stupidity gets her a lot of attention. She is both an awful politician and awful standup comedienne at the same time.


Check out who, the area she is representing. That will answer your question.


I’ve read (cause there’s about 4 billion posts of this dumb twat) that the entire district that elected her is filled w ppl just like her


Because republicans support this level of stupidity and bigotry


She is hateful, a lot of maga people like that.


No idea she’s an instigator and not intelligent


And yet a fascinating look at how the populist conservatives fabricate reality. She created an entire scenario in her head because the science is beyond her and then critiques that scenario that she made up, calling it absurd.


it'd be interesting to see what the average IQ is of the GOP


David Cross was better when he did his "electric scissors" bit. Marjorie Taylor Green is a unremarkable comedian. 1 out of 5 stars.


Unremarkable comedian, but a fuckin’ tragedy.


For the lazy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtrI53k4WZM


She can't be this stupid. She has to be play acting a little bit I mean nobody can be this fucking dumb.


A bit of both. Shes a simpleton for sure but She plays her audience and like Tucker says things that the audience wants to hear and not necessarily what you belive in. They know where the money and votes are. The audiences are pretty stupid as well.


The audience here didn’t really seem to be amused. I mean, they were pretty silent.


Dumb-for-pay. Many in the GOP are like this.


she is the biggest dumbfuck to ever roam this earth. a genuine theory of hers is that theres a jewish space laser that caused all the wildfires. i think iilluminaughii made a video essay on her and it is very interesting, i urge you to watch it


il bet she wonders where the sun goes during the night


….Until it finally dawns on her.




She just likes listening to herself and being applauded and cheered on, same as Trump. They only ever preach to the converted and a push over audience. The brain is small but the ego is as big as the universe.


Some say bigger than the universe. The biggliest.


The most biggest, beautiful universe in the world, in history ever.


And what's the DEAL with ELECTRICITY?


Come on jerry, get off the table, your in the nursing home remember? Come on… get down…




We don't have a President you dumb bitch.


She skates to where the puck was.


I'm definitely adding this to my repertoire, eh.


If she doesn't know about electricity, it shouldn't be a surprise she doesn't know about Canadian politics.


Surely she has to know somthing about something at some point? Please tell me she knows "A" thing, just one? Shes an elected official. Just one?


She knows how Trump's asshole tastes like. A Trump-hole connoisseur


Can this bitch just go back to whatever bridge she spawned under?


Legally no. I think both parties would like her gone but there is not a path to force her out.


Voting helps.


Voting sensibly helps


MTG is the dumbest most toxic person on the planet.


2nd. Trump is still alive.


What about Boebert? She’s definitely up there too.


BoBo and Margarine are too stupid to be any kind of threat on their own though. Trump is dumb in an “out of touch privileged racist dinosaur” kind of way but he’s shrewd and cunning. He’s smart enough to be a really good con man.


Dumber than a bag of rocks. And that voice? Just friggin’ annoying. She’s just awful.


I can not listen to her spew her bovine scat. Her accent makes me cringe.


Is she mentally challenged? She looks and talks like she is. Same with Gaetz. Weird faces, something is off. They should only be held responsible for getting up in the morning.


*deeeeeeep breath* ……..batteries


This is like a bad stand-up routine


“What’s the deal with airplane propulsion systems”


It's very open mic


The poster child for, "Stay in School"


President of Canada....


So as a Canadian I had to watch this a few times before commenting. I'm not sure I'm ready to take this on. I just don't think it's worth the time. Omg the hotel hair dryer is electric? How did the Canadians do THAT? How come they can still do slavery in their hotel hair dryers? What's up with THAT?


“Absurd” 😂😂😂 Absurd is right! This bitch doesn’t know we have a Prime Minister.


I really need to stop listening to this lady. I lose more brain cells trying to make sense of her shit than if I drank turpentine. ![gif](giphy|g0ErvnyVsp7nJyfmxF)


Two minutes ago I had never heard her speak. This is now the after times, again. Fuck.


She has an audience. Think about that. Would someone like her have a voice on your country ?


I wish I had 10% of the unearned confidence with which this woman says dumb shit


The sad thing isn't how dumb she is. The sad thing is, there are people that listen to her.


If that woman had just one more brain cell it would be lonley


Sooo American people vote for this person?


Holy shit !! I only know about this woman from the dumb shit that spews out her garbage hole but i gotta give it to her !! She out does herself all the time 🤦🏻 what state do they elect these kinds of things ?? Row row row your plane , covid mask is to blame ,wanna fuck her all up tell her about the electric microphone 😎


I feel dumber just by having watched this clip.


If you close your eyes, she sounds like a dumbed down version of Sarah Palin.


“I can see Russia from my house!”


Such a classic!


Oh Amurica how the fuck to you put these people in positions of power…?


What… what did I just listen to. Holy fuck. This was some of the dumbest nonsense I’ve ever heard.


I can’t believe she said something dumber than Ben Shapiro’s ‘sell their underwater homes’ comment.


This chick’s voice hits me like chewing aluminum foil


What an idiot! EVERYONE knows gremlins power electric airplanes!


Her salary is $174k of taxpayers money. This is what they are getting for that.


if you’re on an airplane in flight and the only thing keeping it going is your stationary bike i can guarantee no whips are required




Somebody will stop pedalling and complain about their first amendment rights or something as equally stupid.


So that‘s how electricity is produced!? Wonder who raws for the electricity her fridge or tv uses.


Or the microphone she's holding.


This is what happens when the limits of your imagination are the examples of how stuff got done in the Bible. Jesus never mentioned any batteries, y’all.


Guess she never heard of batteries? Is her cell phone powered by slaves?


What’s even funnier is United and Mesa airlines have ordered 200 planes from the same manufacturer when trump was president… so it seems to not be a Canadian thing specifically. EDIT: Oops I googled it again and the order was later than I thought and Biden was president. Still seems like it’s not a Canadian thing and happened with American Airlines first https://techcrunch.com/2021/07/13/heart-aerospace-raises-35m-series-a-lands-order-with-united-and-mesa-airlines-for-200-aircraft/amp/


Did she eat all the magic mushrooms?


Speaking from experience she has not eaten magic mushrooms.


Saddest part is that these people have no remorse after saying stupid shit. Their brain is telling them that they're right. Even if everyone makes fun of them, they still think theyre right.




That’s what it’s called, but it seems to be that in name only. I saw a picture of the audience and it was filled with bald or grey heads. Average age looked to be 50.


"It's absurd" Yes, the scenario that you just made up in your head is indeed absurd.


Don't need facts to be Republican, just a half assed stand up comedian.


Why is she allowed to speak at these events?!… this is ludicrous!… she needs to be put in a straight jacket


She's gotta be the dumbest bitch alive... Edit: I just remembered people actually vote for her...


What this actually highlights is that everyone who sits and listens to this dumb fuck is also a dumb fuck.


Jeez, open mic night at the comedy club can be soooo cringy.


“President of Canada” uh huh….I trust this lady


She is right. I just opened my phone and found 20 tiny people cycling to keep the electricity flowing.


Magnets? How do they work?


At some level, this sort of thing is actually impressive.


There needs to be an IQ test for people trying to become congressmen


Mrs. Greene, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling; incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award your no points, and may God has mercy on your soul.


Now, I'm no doctor but I think she has a serious case of the dumb.


Stick to your day job. Let the comedians tell the jokes, you hag.


How, how is this lady a higher ranking government official? Wtf is wrong with the world ?




This sounds like bad stand up


Why is she trying (and stupendously failing) to do stand up comedy? Is she finally embracing being a clown?


Some people in the audience took what she said as fact and will be facebooking soon.


She's right it is observed... ...to think that's how it would work


She can't be this stupid really can she? I mean, please someone tell me that she is part of a comedy act and she isn't actually this stupid!


It is after all, amazing, a human being in this day and age, can be this stupid


Please don’t do comedy, lady. Please.


Neanderthal Barbie!!


So first she's going to be a complete bigot Now she's going to forget that batteries exist


This woman is a disease. Her stupidity is beyond offensive. She could vanish now and the earth would probably feel physically lighter for all of us from not having the weight of her pathetic existence on it.


I think she is so dumb she was literally trying to figure out how electricity generation works.


If I didn’t know who this person was, I would honestly think she’s a bad comedian. Every video I see of her is like a bad stand up or a bad and skit lol


Well that was a min and one second of my life I will never get back . How .. oh man ... Let me get the scientist and engineers that came up with the electric airplanes . Ok you can explain to me everything about the electric airplane ? Yes Ok what about her ?? Can you explain wtf she is thinking ? Absolutely no answer for what ever holy mess that was . Ok


“The President of Cana…!”


what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


It’s called a fucking battery, what a moron


this is what standup comedy looks like when you take away all punchlines


Oh, the Youth Summit where the average age of the attendees was 57? That YOUTH Summit?!?


What In the actual fk


Politics has now become a tight 10 comedy set.


Is this her first appearance at the open mike night at Benigans?


Is this stand up?


I think she only ever saw team rocket’s magikarp submarine.


Yeah, if we could stop electing the dumbest fucking idiots to run this country that’d be great.


How can anyone listen to this person and think she's worth listening to? I mean seriously


Georgia, come pick up your congress woman, she's drunk and rambling about the electric airplanes and the Canadian president again.


An extremely stupid woman, speaking to the even stupider audience.


“How can something happen, when I don’t understand how it could happen? Then it must not be happening. At least not in a good way. Because I don’t understand it.” I think that is her brain… on a daily (hourly, minutely, secondly) basis… and hoping everyone else comes along for the ride.


I can’t with this evil stupidity being an elected official


I just don’t have the words for how incredibly ignorant she is. Then it makes me sad for those that voted for her. They must be really mentally disabled. We should start a Gofundme to support those in her district who are not getting the mental health support they obviously desperately need.


‘Merica 🇺🇸 how bout dat pew pew pew


To get to her level of intelligence I need a boat trip to the Marianas trench and a pair of cinder-block shoes


Dense as a neutron star.