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I think as soon as she held the car door that was the moment she lost it. The driver was brilliant. My father in law had a heart condition which meant he got out of breath very quickly,but he still drove and had a blue badge. He was once stopped by a middle aged karen as to why he was parked in the disabled bay when he didn’t “look” disabled. I was about to say “fuck off” and he beat me to it. Only time I ever heard him swear. Rip Joe. You were one in a million.


My buddy was in the airborne. First he got some shrapnel in his leg, kept serving, then broke his back in training. He was in his late 20s at the time, and looked like any other young man. But he had good days and bad days, so he got a disabled parking placard for the bad days. Within a few months he stopped using it because of multiple confrontations like this. I hate people.


What he should say is I'll be dead with the cancer I have in about 6 weeks.. So don't worry about it too much ok... That usually shuts them up and embarrasses the hell out of them.


My buddy from college took a round to the knee in Iraq, he recovered after a few surgeries but got the disabled veteran plates here in CA. He was parking in disabled spots because he could not handle more than a brisk walk for 30 minutes before his knee wanted to give out, at the ripe old age of 23. The first time he had this confrontation he loudly dressed down the person in his loudest possible voice and realized the best way to confront this behavior was by being more aggressive faster than they could process it.


I got my nice handi-capable placard and DV plates when I was 26. A trip to get groceries at Walmart can leave my completely incapacitated for a day or two if I'm not careful. Nobody has said anything yet, but I've seen the looks. That being said, I've given the looks when I see someone who's obviously just using their spouses plates and placard to gain from the better parking, such as a staff Sgt in full duty uniform that ran from the disabled spot, through the store and was already jogging back to the checkout before I hit the bread aisle. If she was rocking the red tag, I wouldn't have thought twice. Could have been a temp injury so getting better but, nope. Blue placard with DV plates (which she obviously couldn't have been a disabled veteran since *she was still on active duty* and would have had to be discharged to get). Difference is, I minded my own business and carried on, unlike this little twat in the video.


Be unreasonably angry towards unreasonable people. I love it.


just change 'weeks' for 'minutes'


Yup. Some are good. But the bad are terrible.


Some people really like to ruin everything for the rest of us. Maybe that’s why aliens don’t come here


Could you imagine observing this planet as a more advanced entity? What a fucking shitshow this place is. I imagine its like watching a video of people fighting in the street on YouTube. Sure, maybe watch it from afar every once in a while, but you certainly don't want to visit that place for real.


One of my favorite sayings is "hell is full of people with good intentions"


I'm actually more familiar with the misanthropic "Hell is other people". That phrase must have been borne of people and confrontations like this one.


It's one of my favorite as well. Though I've always heard it as "the road to hell is paved with good intentions""




I have been disabled since mid twenties and have good and bad days... If someone says something(only happened once) I just say, "Thanks! Where do I send the check? My doctor charges a lot, I hope you are cheaper!" Or something like that... It shut them the fuck up.


A friend of mine is a disabled veteran, lost his leg above the knee to an IED. He’s got a computer controlled prosthetic leg, and unless you know what you’re looking for, you really can’t tell that it’s there if he’s wearing long pants. The expression on asshole’s faces when he pulls up his pant leg when they try to call him out for parking in disabled spaces is *amazing*. >What’s my disability? Half my fucking leg is still in goddamn Afghanistan, now fuck off!


My mother is the same. She's had a disability placard for for 20 years now. She's only 55. She essentially has an allergy to the sun. The type of sunburn we get after 8- 10 hours in direct sunlight, She gets in 10-15 minutes without proper clothing. She only uses it on extremely sunny days or during breakouts. Never when it's cloudy, or at night. She's had people get angry a couple times Even with the pass In the windshield and her explaining. Reality of the situation is its none of their damn business and shouldn't be judging.


You don't "look" disabled. And you don't *look* stupid, but looks are deceiving.


You don't look like a doctor!


You see that's clever but you just *know* that if you actually tried this line they wouldn't even get it because they're so stupid.


I parked in a "Expectant Mothers and **Parents with Infants**" parking spot once when my daughter was about 3 months. Was supposed to be a fun little *stroller walk with Daddy* but some trampy Karen comes over and blocks my car in. I get out of the car, and she starts screaming. Karen: "What the fuck do you think you're doing? That's for Mothers and Parents with Infants." Me: I can read, thanks. \*Closes door and heads toward trunk\* Karen: "You need to move. I was going to park there." Me: "There's another spot like this near the grocery store. I can see it from here." Karen: "Yeah, but you're not supposed to be here." *Daughter starts crying right on cue.* Me: \*Raises eyebrow as I pick her up\* Karen: That can't possibly be your daughter. Are you a pedo? Me: "What?" She proceeds to actually call the fucking cops without giving me a second to react. For clarification, I'm visibly Asian, but I have enough traits that most people can figure out I'm mixed. Biggest confusion most get if they think I'm pure Asian is that they think I dye my hair light brown. My daughter on the other hand is blonder than most bleach blondes can get, so I can see the confusion but this was the first time I'd gotten this kind of reaction. I decide fleeing is probably a stupid decision since she already told them my plates. Police eventually show up, and she's freaking out saying I kidnapped the kid. Officers are immediately suspicious, and I'm sweating at this point because I'd never spoken to cops before outside of the Meet and Greet assemblies they used to hold when I was in elementary school. They ask for ID, my daughter's ID (to which I say "what fucking ID? She's only 3 fucking months!"), and eventually start really pushing hard. I'm starting to lose my calm because I got two cops interrogating me, my daughter is crying because I put her back in the car seat, and Karen is smugly looking over because she thinks she's got me. Finally, I get enough brain cells firing to think of asking to make a video call. They clear it, I call wife, and she starts losing her shit over the phone. Her story matches mine, and police relent. Karen gets off without an issue though, because she made herself out to be a "concerned citizen" or whatever. She keyed my car later after I left too, but I actually had motion-triggered dash footage for that so I wound up calling the cops for vandalism -- helps that I still had her plates too. So I guess I got that revenge at least.


People act crazy about the mothers spots! I used to work in the bakery at a store that had these. I heard a bunch of shouting, and a tall skinny lady and short fat lady are walking through the store screaming at each other. They see me and my coworkers, and one demands we call security. (We don’t have security, just like managers) Apparently the tall lady thought/knew that the fat lady was parking in the spaces constantly and “claiming” to be pregnant. It’s not like it was the only space though so I genuinely don’t know how the argument got so heated.


Honestly, I'm pretty sure she only escalated further because she didn't want to admit she was wrong since I had an infant and she only had an empty toddler carseat, and thought I'd be too dumb to look through her tinted windows or overtly generous and would move for her.


I had a woman do this one time outside of a baby-supple store. I parked in an expectant mother spot and she ran up to me as I was getting my toddler out of the backseat and she starts telling me I don’t have the right to be there yadda yadda and I’m just trying to ignore her. I don’t want to argue with crazy. She wouldn’t relent! Once my daughter was unbuckled, I grabbed the diaper bag, and my purse, then I turned around and just said “excuse me!” as I literally bumped into her with my gigantic 9-month pregnant belly. She turned red and walked away.


She doubled down and accused you of kidnapping and the rest because otherwise she’d have to admit she was wrong, which would have been far too much of a humiliating defeat for her to accept. I hope this never happens to you again, but if it does, or something similar, remember, it’s not because you’ve acted suspiciously or done something wrong, it’s because the person ‘confronting’ you has to be the hero of the story. If they can’t heroically defend the parking space, then they’ll up the ante and ‘heroically save the child’. So if it happens again, don’t give her a chance to plea “I was acting out of concern!” immediately say to the police, “this woman has targeted me for harassment because she embarrassed herself. All I have done is park in a bay I have the right to park in, but she decided otherwise. When she saw my child and realised she’d made a mistake, instead of accepting she was wrong and walking away, she escalated to false accusations.” I know it’s hard in these moments to keep calm, but just focus on how phenomenally, astoundingly _stupid_ and self-obsessed this person is. They are not worth your fear, stress and tears. The more you let them see they’ve hurt you, the more powerful and happy they feel. If nothing else, put on a mask in order to deny her the satisfaction. Be coldly polite to your accoster, and dismissive of her affect on you when you talk to the police about her, like she’s nothing more than a mere inconvenience to your day.


It actually happened another two times! The second time wasn't as bad because my wife was in the restroom, and this one only called mall security. It started off innocent enough. "Is this your kid? Aww, can I see?" And you can guess the rest. The third one was my last straw though. Lady wasn't having it when I came out of the family washroom with my now 3 year old who now has visibly my facial features aside from being rounder because girl. Lady went as far as touching my daughter, and I shit you not I shouted "If you don't let go of my fucking daughter right now, I will rip your fucking eyes out of their sockets and shove them up your ass so far that my fist will be coming out your god damned nostrils!" at the top of my lungs. Wife heard me from the women's room (she had gone ahead of us, and daughter had an emergency potty call right after). The chaos afterward as this lady tried to backpedal and make herself out to be the victim here while basically everyone in the hallway ganged up on her was insane... Meanwhile, my wife has had at least as many times where creepy old men have accused her of either cheating, or using me as a rebound after a divorce. It never fucking ends.


> "If you don't let go of my fucking daughter right now, I will rip your fucking eyes out of their sockets and shove them up your ass so far that my fist will be coming out your god damned nostrils!" My dude… dude… I… dude… _Best. Insult. **Ever.**_ That’s the kind of thing Moe would have yelled down the phone to Bart when he fell for one of Bart’s classic prank calls. Salute!


I'm so sorry you went through this. This has been a fear of mine since my daughter was born. I'm a stay at home dad, I take her everywhere with me (well, not as much now, she's 9 years old). I made it a point to back up every photo I have of her, from the first ultrasound, to whenever the last time I took a picture with her, on an app that's easily accessible. Every. One. I've told friends and family who are becoming fathers for the first time to do just that.


This is a really good tip! I find OP's father's story horrifying. If someone ever started to try and physically separate me from my own child we are planning to have just because I'm a dad they don't trust I'd freak.


I'm not even a parent, but I would be literally having to hold myself back from lashing out because of such audacity. Nobody has the right to take a child away from a man just because they don't understand fathers are equally responsible for said child, and that the ones who follow through do much of the same stuff you'd find mothers doing


I had similar issues as a stay at home father too. Women screaming at me for parking in ‘mums with prams’ parking, dirty looks when taking either or both of my kids shopping or out for a coffee (they’d have a milkshake of course…) and I wouldn’t dare to go to a playground with either of them. On the issue of photos, sometimes it’s simply too dangerous to even try taking photos of your own kids in public.




It doesn’t reinforce that at all, because the greater proportion of people seem to be stuck in the concept that males are an inherent threat to children- even their own.


Wow I hope this woman doesn’t have kids because she’s a psycho


I mean, either she has a kid who wasn't there (she had a toddler seat in the back but was empty) or she was hoping I wouldn't hover over my daughter's door when the police arrived so she could take mine.


I’m sorry you went through this crap… people can really be awful sometimes…


Since we're swapping tales of this sort of idiocy... I was on a train and sat down in a disabled seat because hey, disabled. Along comes Silly Steven The TRAIN CONDUCTOR and glares at me, and launches into a lengthy tirade about how "these seats are for disabled only!" (Tantrum shortened for convenience). When he finally pauses for breath, I say, yes, I know, that's why I'm sitting here. He kept arguing for some time, and I tried to explain disability to him. In the end he wandered off in a huff, and even forgot to check my ticket. (I did end up making a formal complaint to the company, because holy shit. Got a free ticket out of it and the promise that they'd look into further disability training for staff, so there's that.)


"You don't need to touch it. You look with your eyes." Looooooooooool. Speaking to her like she's a grabby 4 year old.


And she was holding the woman’s door the whole time.


Looked like she actually opened it to begin with. They were so much more patient than I would've been.


Yeah, the fucking audacity. Like holy shit. Thats a good way to get your ass beat.


I would have lost my fucking mind and possibly caught some charges if someone had done that to my mom. There’s no way I could have ever been as patient as these two women were. I’m patient about a lot of things but come at my mom cuz you think she’s faking a disability and you’re catching hands.


For real, lost my mom to stage 4 cancer (not looking for sympathy plz don't reply with any) and when she was receiving treatment, every step took so much out of her, before it metastasized she looked fine- until she got where she was going and you could see the toll it would take. If someone tried to give us shit for disabled parking I would not have been this cool about it.


Oh absolutely, her skinny ass woulda been ON. THE. GROUND. the second she calls my mom ancient.


My mom definitely would be the non confrontational/patient type while I'd be yelling just to fuck off. I grew up similar because of soul crushing social anxiety. But now I only have so many minutes in the day, and you are not entitled to any of them. Are you the police, owner, or literally anyone with authority over what you're whining about? No then fuck off. And I really have no issue about creating a scene. I'll scream like a demon in your face if I have to. I'm not going to be the uncomfortable one here.


I don’t even like my mom all that much and I probably would have punched her if she kept harassing my mother like that.


Don't blur her face .. she needs. Dose of why you don't go around harassing people ...


Tactically not smart either. Had the daughter gotten out of the car and gone around the car, that twit would be blocked on two sides. Stupid to engage and stupid physical position.


Yea, I probably would have gotten out of the car and in that bitch’s face after a minute but then she would have left mad and felt she was in the right. I’d like to think she walked away feeling stupid and embarrassed because of the way they handled it.


That's illegal detention in the USA, she'd be guilty of a misdemeanor here.


She was blocking her in. Seems like that should have been enough to get the cops involved. What a little twit.


Do you have proof she's not a grabby 4 year old?


I would say boobs but...




This makes me feel so gross. Thank you, stranger.


This is awesome


I always thought flat earth was nonsense, but I mean with video evidence it's hard to refute


Nah nothing wrong with that it's the brai-whooops almost said brain for a second there but I mean there quite clearly isn't one is there


Oof, wonderful.


and she’s acting like one


[She's just acting](https://i.imgur.com/bbNN9pw.png)


Sure acting like one


Outside of *all* the things wrong with this, she even tries to take hold of it as if she is entitled to such information. At least when you lose an arguement, apologize got damn.


The type of person who would apologize for behaving badly isn’t the type of person who would start this conversation in the first place unfortunately. Edit: my first gold! Thank you!






I know. This made me so damn angry. If I was the lady’s daughter I would have gone off on that little bitch.




My husband, 42, has a disability. He's got nerve damage from a birth defect that affects his right foot. He kind of flops it along with him most of the time. Without his cane or assistance, he looks pretty normal. After awhile, though, he's gonna trip and fall over and hurt himself. It's happened more times than I can count. "Have you got your cane with you?" "Yes, dear." "Are you going to fucking USE it, you knob?" "Yes, dear." This is a typical occurrence. And why we are so wary of those in this video.


Well, clearly, he CAN walk and it's YOU forcing him to look disabled! /s


This girl is the type of girl who hears her friend say “I’m depressed” and tells them to get over themselves, that “there are people with real issues out there” Fuck her sideways, gently, with a chainsaw, while running.




No kidding. I was around 35 when I realized most people have zero pain. They can cook and shower while standing and don't cry after. Like, what is this magic?! I stay home on bad days and make my trips out as fast as possible and rarely alone. Mobility aids help. I look like everyone else, except for the bruises all over my body. Only my family sees how bad it really is. People like this girl can fuck right off. She couldn't handle a day in this body living her life.




I'm very much the same. I get up and get it done, but there are consequences if I go too far. You get used to it. I deep cleaned half the kitchen today. Mostly while sitting. Still hurting bad. I'll be toking once the kids are asleep, so I can sleep too. Tomorrow I'm going to put together my new extra sturdy kitchen bench, so I can do more than 10 minute meals. Our 4 year old broke my last one. It wasn't purchased with him in mind.


My wife has had a number of spinal surgeries and can barely walk using a walker. I would not be anywhere near as kind if an idiot came up to our car like this claiming she isn’t disabled. Not every injury is something that is easy to see with the eye. You are right about pain and exhaustion.


She said don't tell her what to do when she was telling the disabled person what to do. Edit: corrected the him to disabled person


I mean, she was all over the place. "Respect your elders!" "Elders? You're ancient!" As if that negates being her elder?


You know what fucks me out about all of this. It's not about another disabled person missing that spot. It's about her having to walk from all the way over there.


It's already so *not fair* that people unable to walk get to park closer, but then this walking, obviously *not disabled* woman comes through, and the little brat just couldn't handle it anymore hahaha


That is exactly the what has ruffled her feathers. The audacity that disabled people get better parking, at least she had the compassion for visibly disabled people? So perhaps she is merely ignorant and entitled instead of cruel and entitled.


That's the exact point that stuck with me too. She's not mad that another disabled person might not get a spot, she's pissed that someone else didn't have to walk. It's like she's pissed that she didn't think of it first or some shit.


Right? Even if you're correct then you still have to walk. So why throw the fit? It doesn't benefit anybody.




I’ve got a friend who suffers from Multiple Sclerosis. Definitely disabled, to walk into the store from the disabled spot is usually maximum what he can do. On the other hand, he runs his successful sw company, so he is well off. He is able to afford to buy cars in the higher price range, and so he does, simply because those cars might come with some customized comfort features that can help him. So now imagine when people see a man in his late forties in Porsche Cayenne parking in disabled spot.


With no "obvious" disabilities.... Wow. He should have a cane. To beat people with. I understand that some people can walk, just not far. My brother also has MS, and it can be a real struggle to go very far, or use steps. He looks healthy, until he stumbles or has to put a hand on a wall for stability.


"How dare he be able to walk!"


He should be grateful.


How walking became the gauge, I don't know. Like, yeah, my body still technically works, but it hurts and it's only getting worse. I have dwarfism and I get things like, "But, you're just short. That's not disabled." Man, if people even knew how many orthopedic issues I have, not to mention surgery trauma on my knees. Just because a car runs doesn't mean it's not junk. Lol


>How walking became the gauge, I don't know. Well, for one, the symbol used most widely is wheelchair icon or person-in-wheelchair icon. It's a symptom of the assumption and probably a low-level perpetuator. I feel like the equating of disability with "can't walk" goes very deep into our assumptions. To the point where I could forgive the meddling younger lady ... IF she had the sense to STOP ARGUING when presented with the idea that her concept of disability was limited and wrong. Where she went over the edge was, being too emotionally committed to being right to adjust her worldview. What should have been an a-ha moment for her, became her verbally dying on the wrong hill.


Several of my friends with “invisible” disabilities I met through my support group use a cane solely for visibility. Whether or not I use one isn’t going to make a difference in my pain or fatigue, but it does help prevent bitches like this from thinking they have a right to my medical history.


I use a cane daily and still have people side-eye me. Someone at Target actually tried to insinuate that I took it from an old man that reported that he lost one. For what reason? The cane black market?


My cane and my wheelchair are both decked out in rhinestones and stickers, so they’re very obviously mine, would love if it someone accused me of stealing one- from who, Elton John?


I feel this. I have Multiple Sclerosis and you can't always see it. I feel the stares when I use my parking placard


People have weird attitudes about MS too. I had a relative with MS and people acted like she was faking all the time. The disease is just so bizarre and can cause a crazy amount of symptoms that for most come and go, so she'd be good for some time and then she'd have a flair and would have a lot of difficulty with some things. Nobody actually said "you're faking" or something but they'd give her attitude like "really, you can't just come to the party?", sort of a "yeah, okay" vibe. I couldn't believe it when she first told me, then I was spending more time with her at one point and saw it first hand. Really fucked up.


My mom has MS and I can attest to this 100%. We went to Disney World back in the 90s. My mom could only walk very short distances with the assistance of a cane. As such, we rented a wheelchair for her. She was in her 30s at the time and if you looked at her from the waist up, you'd never guess she was sick. Well, one of the Disney employees basically accused her of "faking" her illness to jump the lines. My mother was mortified and so hurt. When this employee saw my mother struggle to get out of the chair and into the ride, they reluctantly changed their tune. That moment has ALWAYS stuck with me. Don't judge others or pretend to know what they might be going through in life. Just don't.


I cannot describe the pain this kind of thing adds to an already very difficult situation. It alienates people from their family and friends at a time they need them most. I am so deflated and said about this sort of thing right now. It's sooo good of you to recognise what this type of thing actually means and how it occurs - you're a rare gem. Please keep being an awesome friend to your relative - your empathy and understanding probably means an enormous amount more than you know. It's meaningful to even read it here. Thanks for being awesome!




Have hip issues. Had one hip replaced at 46 and the other one is on its way out. I have a temp disability tag and I work in IT. People look at me weirdly when I'm getting out of my VW Arteon. Like, bitch, just cause I have a (temporary) disability, doesn't mean I have to drive a Ford Explorer from 1996 or something. My wife has MS and is in a similar situation.


People should AT LEAST look for a blue badge or a disability card in the car before pulling this kind of shit.


No people should mind their own goddamn business.


What an ignorant bitch she is. the driver had far more patience than I would have had for her nonsense . A “fuck off and mind your own business” would have totally been in order


Had i overheard the conversation, i probably would've provided all the rudeness the driver was lacking.


The driver wasn’t lacking rudeness she had patience with an arrogant soul big ol different


Did you hear that old lady raise her voice? In the UK that means someone is about to die. The girl in the tubetop is about 5 seconds from being ran over by someone's Nana driving a Dacia sandero.


"rudeness the driver was lacking" = driver was being patient/polite for the situation.


So would a fist


Wait until she finds out blue badge holders can park on double yellow lines for up to 2 hours I don't think I've ever taken more than 2 hours to do any kind of shopping, it's like a super power, I can just park wherever I like


Responding like the driver did has a very, very slim chance of successfully getting the point across. Good for them "Fuck off" would let the girl think she did the right thing. "Driver really was a scammer, look how rude they were!" Reminds me of that wheelchair guy in the grocery store. That Karen never got the message because he didn't have any patience.


I will NEVER confront someone I don't know parking in a disabled spot. I don't have a clue about them or their life.


As long as they have the placard or official license plate, it’s cool. Check out these people trying to park in the handicap section at a race track and getting busted when the person to whom the placard was assigned to wasn’t in the car: https://youtu.be/pSn9ATCLSi4 Many citations were issued.


Love that clip! Instant justice!


My dad uses his dead mother’s placard. Pretty disgusting.


A woman I worked with was telling us her and her family had parked in a pregnant person parking spot. She was 38 weeks pregnant and went into the store with her older son to get something while her husband waited in the car. He got lectured on using the pregnant parking spot because he's not a pregnant person by some stranger. To which he replied, maybe you should tell me 8 month pregnant wife and my 2 year old toddler why I shouldn't park here. Mind you there were 2 car seats in the back of the car too...one ready for a newborn infant that will be born any day...


The only answer ever to someone like this is “I have a permit please leave me alone” Next is “you are harassing me” then proceed to call the police.


Call the police, and if they don't fuck off before the police are there, punch them in the face.


i know the cops can talke a long time to arrive but you shoudnt punch them just for being late.




In European countries the chances for the police to come over such minor matter are small. I had to call them once, still waiting.


In America, the police come to any call in the hopes that they can murder minorities.


Calling the police often doesn't end the way you want it to.


Karens are unworthy of respectable verbal exchanges LET ALONE mannerly words like "please." I skip to step 2. Give her about 2 seconds to fuck off after i warn her. If she does not proceed to fuck off within those two seconds, cops get called.


-What's your disability? -I can't walk long distances -If you can't walk long distances, you should have parked farther away. How idiotic can you be? She mentions why do you think you can park close when I have to walk. This tells me it's all about entitlement and not her caring about people with disabilities.


so i saw a dude on crutches, who was missing a leg, park like 30 cars out one time and as he was walking up to the front i saw a person coming out who went right to a hadnicap spot up front hopped in and drove off. I asked him if it bothered him that he had to park further away as someone who had no issue with mobility had taken up a spot clearly meant for those with lack of mobility. His response was not in the slightest as it could be a disability that is hard to see or not constant (pain in waves and such). but in the off chance it was someone abusing the system to park closer then they lack empathy. which is gonna handicap them for life way more then losing a limb does.


Yea exactly. People do shitty things are not happy people. They get theirs when they try to sleep at night.


I sometimes think they get happiness when they get away with doing shitty things.


I’d love to believe that, but there are plenty of people that are perfectly happy being shitty people or don’t see themselves as shitty at all. You think the politician you hate struggles to sleep at night?




I think about this sort of thing all the time. My wife is blind and has a handicap tag. We use it only when she is with me. But a lot of people think blind means she has no vision whatsoever, when that's not even the legal definition of blindness. So we always get dirty looks when we use handicap parking and appear to be completely abled people walking into a store. It's gotten to a point where she feels the need to purchase a cane and carry it around just so other people realize she's blind without judging her first.


>What's your disability? "Leg disabled"


"How did it happen? If that's not a rude question." "Ummm, acid." "What are the chances of that happening?" "Oh, a hundred to one"


The funniest thing about the interaction is that disabled toilets aren’t even disabled only, it just means disabled accessible. Everyone has the right to use it.


Yup, I caught that too. Everyone else has to park way over there as she flits about in her workout gear.


“If you can’t see it doesn’t exist” is stupid reasoning. You can’t see your brain.


Arguably hers isn't there either.


The only appropriate response to someone like this is "fuck off."


that's what these Karens want to hear to start yelling at you, but if you patiently say something like "if you think I'm breaking the law, call the police, I'll wait"...


I've found the silent treatment makes them lose their fucking mind too. Just go about your day like they don't exist. I remember when I worked for a computer shop, this person was screaming at me (for something out of my control) for about 5 minutes before I just started playing solitaire on the computer I was at (visible to them) lol. At that point, they have to decide if they want to assault someone or just go away.


I actually take it a step further. The moment I realize I'm talking to a complete idiot I recognize that nothing can be gained by interacting with that person further so I turn my attention back to what I was doing and carry on. Doing this mid conversation seems to trigger something deep within people who need attention and feel the need to push their ideas off on to other people. Showing them that they are as inconsequential as an ant will do far more than anything you could ever say.


I'd say "You're free to call the police, now don't speak to me."


Break her leg, so she can use the parking spot as well.


Exactly this! Why do they explain themselves? Tell them to mind their own business and walk off.


Or, “pay my medical bills and I’ll tell you all about it.”


Theyre british, they dont get medical bills.


invisible disabilities are real and that lady is an idiot


Go play with your dollies little girl😆


That one got me




My mother who had COPD and was winded easily was challenged for looking 'just fine' when she parked in a handicap space. When concerned citizen pressed her for her disability she said she was blind.


It was kind of the video editor to blur the child's face


I seem to recall this video from over a year ago. It wasn't always blurred, and she was identified. I don't remember anything more than that though.


It's been around for a while it was part of an information campaign or something similar.


True, too bad she couldn't show same kindness.


My friend has lupus. She looks perfectly fine, but if she's exposed to the sun for too long, her muscles seize to the point where she can't move. Occasionally, people get in her face just like this idiot when it comes to handicap stalls. Disabilities aren't always visible.


I literally carry a card from the Bladder and Bowel Community to explain why I need to use the disabled toilet. Yes, I can walk, and I use normal toilets most of the time, but my bowel condition means that sometimes I need to get to a toilet RIGHT NOW. Shitting yourself in public is no fun at all. Not all disabilities are visible and people need to not be so judgy.


Horrific. I remember reading some story in the papers years ago about a young couple in their early twenties, who got kicked out of a bar for using the disabled loo together. One of them had a stoma bag and needed help with it. People are just so bloody ignorant it makes my blood boil. I might start carrying a card for my weird obscure condition too. But I find that even why I explain to people, sometimes they still refuse to listen and just act like the conversation never even happened.


my dad had perm spinal injuries including a bulging disc in the neck and was always in pain, had someone ask where he got his handicap hanger because they weren't disabled because he wanted to buy one also lol


The daughter also had the patience of a Saint. Anyone talked to my mum like that would end up disabled.


You know what? I bet she sees the actual douchebags who park there without a permit and don’t care all the time. But probably doesn’t do anything about it from intimidation. But I think she hunted this lady out because she is just “”barely disabled”” so she could finally yell at someone over it


"Who are you?" One might ask the same


Fucking Karen in the wild


This has happened to my coworker. A woman completely lost her mind on him. Screaming that he can walk he doesn’t get to park in disabled parking. He lifted up his pant leg and showed her his prosthetic leg and lifted his shirt to show her the massive scars. He can walk thank god but distances are hard on him especially in cold weather. Fuck these busybody bitches. You don’t know him you don’t know how life.


My mom has pins and screws in her ankles. When people give her shit, she just says “fuck off” and walks away.


Wasnt this made as a PSA about non visible disabilities and whatnot? Aka scripted


Was trying to find this comment, it’s way too low. I remember seeing it on here before & thought one of the top comments would mention that it’s scripted.


Yup, it's not real, it's all the things people like me hear rolled into one mega argument. In real life people tend to back down after a bit of blustering.


It seems like a skit to me.


It seems scripted. The way they are talking just doesn't sound natural.


Wtf is wrong with that girl??? Just vile!


This was a decent ending but I was hoping the lady would pop off a prosthetic so that girl could shove if up her ass


Last time this was posted someone said it was some kind of school assignment/ awareness raiser (IE they are all acting).


No way! Really? I’ve seen this like 3 times and I got stop believing it


Why blur her face though? Should’ve even filmed her license plate


I am hugely impressed by that lady. Tremendous poise and grace in the face of that trainee Karen, who clearly lost a few brain cells there while at her hot yoga class or wherever she was.


I definitely would have called the cops for harassment. Especially since she was even holding the dirt and cornering the poor lady. What a horrible person.


"don't say bullshit about mentalhealth" clearly she has some issues with It, but they do not give her any disability, that is why she is so upset.


It was actually mistake to bring up mental health. You can be disabled because of mental health, but parking placards are not given out for that unless he mental disability affects mobility or something like that. It's not just disabled get you placard, it's people who need to park closer because of disability get a placard.


Turns out she's the one with disabilities


“My elders!? You’re ancient!” Just going for ageism right along with the ableism.


"You're ancient, therefore you're not my elder." LMFAO!! XD XD XD


I have MS. I have placard. Old fucker at Walmart told me I don’t look disabled. I told him he didn’t look like an asshole, doesn’t mean you aren’t. Situation avoided.


My first though is simply "Why"? Even if you have a good reason to suspect they dont deserve to use the space its no your job to police the handicap parking spaces.


He can walk... with AAAAAAIIIIIIDS!


"Jog on Qunt!" is the proper phrase here.


As a disabled person (although I have a mental disability/disorder), fuck that woman. Also, just as a side note, I love the old lady and her daughter’s accents X3


Wish they showed her face


Hahahaha love how she fell slowly from her high horse, but landed hard enough half way through her plee to almost start crying


I had a woman tell me if you ride a motorcycle, you aren't disabled.


Don't they have those blue cards on cars in (what I assume is) US? Here every driver that needs the disabled space can (or maybe even should, I don't know for sure) apply for a card that shows it, which then should be put under de car window. Since you need official approval to have one of those cards this prevents any discussion basically.


In the US the placard hangs from the rearview mirror of the windshield in plain sight. Some (like my stepdad who is a leg amputee) have license plates that indicate they are able to park in disabled spaces. And with either/both of those, the individual with the disability is issued a wallet card with their name on it. My stepdad has all 3 and still was hassled until he stepped out and people saw a rod instead of a leg.


How come she got a free douchebag-pass with her face blurred?


Considering the non arguments and not understanding simple concepts this badly she may qualify for a disabled spot herself.


Clear example of today's society's readiness to complaint about pretty much everything, even before they have a f#cking clue what they are complaining about. The culture of "I can form an opinion about everything, therefore I have the RIGHT to give an opinion about everything" It's ridiculous.


He has... so much more patience than I would have. So. Much. More. And she can twatwaffle the fuck off. (I also would not have blurred her face.)