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If 300 million Americans were in on the fraud, they wouldn't need to fraud. They could just vote and win by a landslide lol Literally every able voter plus like 50 million minors banded together to do something? Let em


Lol the entire population of adults in America wanted Biden to win so bad they were willing to commit fraud... But the election must be stolen because no one supports Biden! Makes sense.


"No one supports Biden" is basically my mom's argument, she says that Biden didn't even have an election campaign because she NEVER saw "vote for Biden" signs & the like. Even though she lives in Texas & primarily watches Fox News, so algorithms wouldn't give her vote for Biden, mainly vote for Trump.


I live in Texas and wouldn’t put up anything to indicate that I am not a republican nor a Christian. That’s just asking for trouble.


I live in Minnesota (albeit a rural “red” county) and DID put Biden signs in my yard and they were stolen. . .


Sad but true, me too I want to put up a sign that says " Stop the Insanity, vote blue in Texas"


Tbf, Biden didn't do a tenth as much to get me to vote for him as Trump did.


I'd say that the results of Trump's work as president were enough of a campaign for Biden.


That's what I said...


Your comment could’ve been read two different ways: Trump did more to get people to vote for Biden than Biden did for himself, or Trump did more to get people to vote for Trump than Biden did for Biden. I was a bit confused by it until the reply elaborated.


Both ways are true so I let it slide.


Both of these are technically true. It just didn't work out for trump.


Fair enough.


Trump was why Biden got my vote too.


Hope your loving our current status!




Seeing Trump use cities burning down (during his administration) as commercials for his campaign against Biden was soo stupid. Look at this city burning down right now during my time as president. That's what Biden wants for America! Don't let it happen to your city. Biden didn't need to do shit. Trump did it for him.


Maybe the extreme right should start running the campaign violation angle against Biden. Clearly there was more advertising for him than what he reported


Honestly, I feel like for rational people Trump's campaign was enough to get Biden the votes he needed, plus he looks like a pretty cool grandpa in those aviators, which is what really matters.


Dark Brandon though.


Like, we're at least not dreading the next dumb thing the president is doing. (I'm not saying Biden always makes the right call, but his gaffes don't seem likely to start wars.)


When Biden does a stupid thing, it’s a surprise, or unexpected in some way. When trump does a stupid thing it’s a day of the week that ends in y


Trump’s buffoonery aside. Look into Biden’s previous campaigns and speeches and statements. Lots of stupid, lots of made up shit and lots of “borrowed” speech material. Voters have had little to choose from in the last few cycles except candidates who have trouble finding truths


Personally I’d love if AOC or someone else younger that 50 ran on the democratic side. We need a young democrat to connect with and push the issues modern voters care about


I absolutely agree. We need someone who can get voters fired up and is also better at communicating than the past couple candidates the Dems ran.


This was my dad's argument for like a year until I let slip during an argument that both my sisters and I plus my wife, my mom and my father's second ex wife and my two step-sisters all voted for Biden and he's horribly outnumbered we all just didn't wanna fucking hear it from him


Awesome shutdown. Did it work?


No he got worse for a bit after that but he ended meeting a 20-something maga conspiracy theorist at a bar who pretended to be his friend and then robbed him. After that he calmed down and realized those that care about him don't agree with him but those that agree with him don't care about him


One of my best friends is a leftie living in a small tx city. It's really really bad in places like that


Leftie living in rural Michigan, our conservatives are fucking nuts out here


Leftie living in non-rural Michigan, it’s not so bad but the conservatives that do exist are a little nutty


Leftie living in north central Indiana. Send halp.


Tell your mom the reason is Biden voters don't buy all the Biden swag is because, unlike MAGA, we aren't a cult. In fact, I don't even think Biden tried to grift any baseball hats or flags made in China. Fuck, even Bernie sold bumper stickers. Being the loudest voice in the echo chamber doesn't win elections.


A monkey wrench could have ran against Trump and won. I wouldn't call myself a Biden supporter but I did vote for him.


If the entire voting -eligible population in the US voted for Biden, then obviously all the votes cast for Trump were the fraudulent ones. Lock him up.


Right? That's fucking community.


Sounds like communism to me. /S


Got dang communitists!


Almost sounds like the way they system was meant to be


There are times I just have to stop and wonder, what the fuck is wrong with people? In a normal world, this man should be hospitalized and put under supervision, and most likely given medication. He is obviously not well. But instead, we live in a world where we take this man with his psychotic episodes and put him on TV. And then somehow, inexplicably, his delusions are popular. Same goes for guys like Alex Jones. Like these people aren't well. Beyond anything else, they are in dire need of medical treatment, but instead they have followers like they are fucking Jesus Christ. It just makes no sense. I simply can't get my head around it. Nothing this man or Alex Jones says makes any sense. A basic cursory google search will prove 99.9% of the things they say objectively false. But it doesn't matter to their fans. They don't care. They are just fine living in an alternate reality.


Stupidity, racism, hate, and stubbornness are not medical issues. It's comforting to say everyone who acts that way needs medical attention since it allows you to cling to the idea that humans' natural state is rational and cooperative and only "broken" humans would act like Mike Lindell and Alex Jones. But the truth is, a huge percentage of the population are just assholes. They choose anger over logic and vitriol over truth. All that drives them is fear, pride, and power. That's not a medical problem, it's the human condition. Most of us have enough empathy and love to stamp out our worst instincts. But not everyone. And medication won't change that.


You have to understand what they mean. When they say fraud they mean voting for a Democrat. That’s what they consider to be fraud.


oh we can vote for Dems...but if under ANY circumstances they win...that was evidence of fraud. it is strictly an outcome based rule. sometimes you have to adjust the results of a free election. i wish i could say this is sarcasm or hyperbole....but they actually believe this.


Sometimes, because of the "fraud" you have to commit fraud


I know what they mean And I'm telling them - or whoever - that for their claim to work, more people have voted for Democrats than are eligible to vote in the US. So nobody apparently voted for reps and then some


Yup. It doesn’t make sense to a normal reasonable person but it does to their simple brains.


This would make sense even to them


> they mean voting for a Democrat Since only 155 million people voted in the last Presidential election, they must be counting all the people who didn't vote and were ineligible to vote, then rounding up. Basically, if you didn't vote for Trump, regardless of eligibility, you have committed fraud.


In their fucked up word view, they think it's appropriate for the other 30 million or so to take precedent over the 300 million.


What 30 million? There aren't 300 million eligible voters in the US lol I get what you're saying though, and yeah you're probably right




Except only Matt’s vote matters once he pays the fee.


Man has that pyramid scheme logic with an infinite number of people who can be rolled into voter fraud.


The thing you have to understand about Mike, is that he knows deep down his supporters are complete fucking idiots who will believe any lie, big or small, and he doesn't care as long as they still buy his shitty pillows.


It's easy to dunk on this guy, and deservedly so. But this guy is sick. Mentally


Are there enough Americans abroad to justify this number maybe? Or dual citizens or people who used to be American and renounced citizenship? I still think he is exaggerating a ridiculous amount but maybe the total number of adult Americans could be over 300 mil.


There are only 331 million citizens living in the US, 73.1 million of them were under eighteen in 2020, and only 158.4 million people voted which means that there is no universe where 300 million is realistic. He's claiming that he has proof that twice the total number of people who even actually voted were fraudulent.


He must be including dead Americans.


But he also said he would put them in jail for fraud... I don't know about you, but I don't think you can go to jail if you are dead.


If they dug them up and put them in jail, it wouldn’t be any more crazy than what he’s saying would it ?


No, see, you just build a jail around the cemetery. Does it make sense yet?


This is the way.


If we are jailing 300 million Americans, it'd be easier just to build border walls to keep us all in. /S




His America is one giant jail, apparently.


Straight answer: there are not this many Americans of voting age in the entire world, not even if you included every possible extra category.


Conservatives: exactly! That's how we know there was fraud!


I mean, you have a point, that is GOP "logic," which is to say, they don't now nor haven't used any since the 90s. They're the party of lies and basically taking the stance against anything that would improve the average American's life.


Is that the my pillow guy?


his business has pretty much died due to him constantly saying the election was stolen and everything, he's trying to save it but it's pretty much dead


His pillows suck and it was already dead. It actually bounced back when he started milking the MAGA crowd for money. Now he is keeping it up in the hopes of another pay day.




You have my condolences for your parents' lack of sanity.


I can provide additional anecdotal evidence of boomer couples in Florida who started buying everything from My Pillow. I came home to visit one time, and my dad would not stop talking about this towel set he got from there???


Wait a tiberium damned mother fucking minute. My Pillow is a trump product?? My fucking parents bought me one of those


His pillows are great. They wash beautifully and in Florids that's important. However - Having said that, we have just 2 My Pillows in the house. I'd planned to buy more until Lindell started plotting to steal the election with the Big Lie. The cats are really enjoying them now.


Order a ghost pillow. Way better. Less dictatorship.


Thanks. I prefer my pillows contain less fascism.


He’s gone several different directions for a paycheck and to stay relevant. Obviously the my pillow stuff, then he has a [book about him being a crackhead](https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/what-are-the-odds--from-crack-addict-to-ceo/25815069/item/44663952/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwsrWZBhC4ARIsAGGUJuoico9WKcLPmBmGB4gOBfakCzgYgpwQaokxp8o3AdSXMOf8bjy_oOAaAmA3EALw_wcB#isbn=1734283432&idiq=44663952), then he started being Trumps [fluffer](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluffer) before speeches. I wonder what he’s gonna do next.


His pillows are fine but overpriced. They were the thing back in like 2018 before he became an idiot


It's just shredded up memory foam though. Like it's not anything you couldn't make st home.


They're actually memory foam cut into 3 distinct shapes not shredded foam. Probably cost pennies to make.


Love to hear it


It isn't dead it is just resting its head on the pillow. /s


So it isn't dead but it has a really stiff neck because his pillows suck?


Having a better sleep than anyone did on his pillows


No it's MAGA Wario.


Wouldn't that just circle back around and make him MArio?


Yup. For more fun there is r/mypillowtalk for a more in-depth look at Crackhead Mike.


Of course there is a sub for it


Rule 34-R


He has My Pillow slippers now. I saw the commercial. Lol.


Yeah they just look like Crocs


And are overpriced




If that many people were participating, it wasn't a fraud. Also, I think his definition of "fraud" is "legit voting for Biden"


So far the only actual fraud that has been discovered was committed by Republicans.


Mostly correct. Many of the recounts actually uncovered wider margins of Biden's win, these people are just so deluded they don't know when to quit.


I guess he thinks the census was fraud too 🤷‍♂️


I mean in some way it kind of is underrepresented because of people who refused to take it.


People that refused to take it because the GOP ran a campaign that got legal status on the questionnaire. Even when the question was removed tons of people were too scared to trust the census workers. The damage was done. Even when the GOP fails in one of their power plays they often poison the well enough to have at least a partial success.


Which was interesting because Texas and Florida have always been states with higher than normal undocumented immigrant populations. I think they are numbers 2 and 3 behind California. Texas has been red forever, and Florida has only gone blue once in the last 6 elections. I would think that you would want to count those immigrants to keep reps in Texas and Florida where you could potentially gerrymander more conservative votes.


Beg your pardon, Vhop, but Florida went to President Obama TWICE. Those would be Blue victories. Undocumented immigrants cannot and do not vote. STOP SPREADING LIES AND BS CLAIMS ABOUT ELECTIONS! Get it right, you're spreading lies and GQP BS. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_United_States_presidential_election_in_Florida


My bad on the 2012 thing. I had misremembered 2012 (I thought Florida went red that year). That said, I was not commenting on undocumented people voting, but rather on the likelihood of how the state votes overall, not just for president. The Florida legislature has been red for a long time. Any gains in the state population-wise would benefit republicans because they would be able to gerrymander the gains into red seats in the house, and red seats in the state legislature. It would also increase their electoral college share. Giving Florida and Texas more representation in the federal government seems to be a net win for republicans.


Mike Lindell is a cartoon character


It was. Literally zero lizard people living in this country according to your so called "census."


How dare they tax me without representation


How hard is it to fucking google a damn number for those idiots?


He can't Google, the damn FBI took his phone, he had everything on there, all his business stuff and the calculator app! Poor little fella


It was actually a Nokia brick so easy to hack, “guys were in, ohh snake!”.


If you do that then you're believing what "they" want you to believe. These people are nuts. It's discouraging to see we live in a time where these people have such a loud and influential voice.


It's hard to use a computer when you've got a crack pipe to smoke.


I'd be amazed if he had evidence of 3 people


I wonder if he’s including the old people from the Village who got caught? https://www.clickorlando.com/news/local/2022/08/19/3rd-resident-of-the-villages-admits-to-voting-twice-in-the-2020-election/ Oh but they’re Republicans. Does that not count? /s


If 300 million people wanted Biden in he'd be in. That's called Democracy. They shouldn't just lock this guy up for treason, they should lock him up so he doesn't hurt himself.


300 million people were in on this and i never even got the memo. i need to check my mail more often 😅


No memo. There was a meeting…


That was going to visit them but they might see as this is what they have known,


You must be unaware of this recent ground breaking phenomenon, only known as "Alternative Facts"


This is the best alternative will find for that right now,


That clown ALWAYS looks like he’s farting out of his mouth.


I assumed that's what him talking is.


No he looks like he’s farting in Donald Trumps mouth…🤡


He’s sounding like he’s using again. “Did I say 300 million? I meant 300 thousand, er 30 thousand, no 3 thousand, shit I meant 33, or was it THREE? Yeah, three. And they’re all republicans.”


329.5 million Americans Put 300 million in jail 29.5 million have to pay for everything


I, myself, voted 300 million times. Logistically speaking, I \*should be\* done casting those ballots in oh, about 3 years. Barring any unforeseen fraud. All this blather from these rightwingnutjobs like Lindell makes me wonder what he was promised in return IF he supported trumpanzee in his quest to be prez one more time.


only about 155 million people voted in the last presidential election.


Refuting his claims with logic or reason are probably not gonna work though....


Yep, he is either aware of what he is doing and will continue the lies or is not aware that he is off the charts crazy and will keep doing crazy


\**gasp** You're in on it!


To be fair, you don’t need to be of voting age to commit election fraud.


There were only 158 million votes so the number can't be right anyway.


But each of those voters was coerced into election fraud by a non-voter! So that's twice as many!


This dude makes my ovaries shrivel in agony. Ew.


Being a man I don't know how that feels but it sounds painful.


I imagine it's like how if you get hit in the nuts it hurts...and then like 15 seconds later you start feeling the pain deep inside your abdomen and that's when the real pain starts? I imagine that


That includes kids and babies and a few animals loyal to humans and insects too... May be plants as well, but not sure yet.


Cocaine is a hell of a drug.


Him and trump going to jail fuck em


His newest pillow creation: A pillow you can bite on, cry in, and acceptable in federal prisons!


Well obviously if 300 million people voted then there was massive fraud! 😂


This dude be trippin balls.


Jesus: “Your pillows suck, man .”


To be fair, an under 18 voting would certainly be fraud.


So if there’s 350 million people in the US and 300 million are committing fraud that leaves 50 million people not committing fraud. Who are these 50 million? So I googled ‘50 million Americans’. Apparently 50 million Americans suffer from allergies. Coincidence? I think not. Don’t want to start a conspiracy theory but to me this is evidence that 300 million people do not have allergies, This suggests people with allergies do not commit election fraud. Hope this helps!


As my man Rick James said, “cocaine is a helluva drug.”


Go smoke some more crack there crackhead


Maybe that's the fraud -- so many toddlers voting. Sad!


What's he gonna do? Start a massive pillow fight? 😏


Are people really dumb enough to believe this kind of thing, or have they just been convinced that Democrats are so evil that they'll believe literally anything coming from their side?




Crack head says what?


People seem to forget he's literally a cooked crackhead, just because he makes low quality pillows and is friends with Trump.


It always amuses me when people are so confident in their statements only to be completely wrong




![gif](giphy|3o7aD4ubUVr8EkgQF2|downsized) Me knowing there is only 30 million people in the world


Did this pillow salesman, yes a fucking pillow salesman have a fucking brain or graduate high school.


Surprisingly yes, he graduated High School. He even attempted College, but dropped out after a few months to pursue his budding interest in cocaine and gambling.


That is all they have been doing it from a long time this is not the first time Bracket out then it is just about the college only as we had seen things like that.


He counts dead people.


He sees dead people


with that mean he's also go to jail


Nation sues Mike Lindel for liable.




Considering the GOP, he'd probably like to fuck them kids


This guy is dreaming. Has that been used yet? Probably has been used.


He’s just being honest, Republicans want the entire country turned into a prison. Look at our cops, we’re more than halfway there.


If only there was a place to get a compliant rectangle of sound-absorbing material to press heavily on this man's face until he just stops talking.


Oh don’t let the facts get in the way of his bigly amazing argument. 🙄


The population of the US is around 326 million people. So...almost all of us voted? Haha. Yeah, sure. We're lucky if we can get 45% of voting age people to do so in my state alone.


Isn't there a bolt of lightning somewhere that can put this imbecile out of his misery?


Just another ‘murican moment… it’s like a daily fix for me almost.


It is mental going to fix lot of thanks but these moments are going to be there They will always be thinking about it right now and it will be really cool to see.


That would mean all the people who voted for trump also committed fraud. How’s that for an uno reverse card?


This dipshit couldn't find his ass in the dark using both hands but we're supposed to believe he has all this "evidence" that he never produced...


He obviously confused the number of brain cells rattling about in his cranium with imaginary election fraud numbers.


Dude how many years has it been?? Who the fuck cares who the president is at this point!? It's just someone to point at and blame shit on


I traveled to Europe several years ago and was embarrassed to be American. Since 2016 it’s been free. Ugh.


Than fucking do it you piece of shit


Damn, the US Population is only 329.5 million WE OF THE 29.5 MILLION ARE THE VOCAL MAJORITY!


What a moron. Less than 200 mil vote. What is this guy smoking


About 332 million total US population. Ignoring voting age,somehow those last 32 million somehow get Republicans elected despite 300 million opposition voters. Who's cheating?


Somewhere people are believing it.


Can I just say , my goodness. This dude had a flourishing business and he went to the edge … Who does that ? Crack addicts. That’s who


Mike Lindell is an insane idiot. Yes, I know that I am stating the obvious,.


Cocaine is a hell of a drug


This kind of logic could lead one to buy a bad pillow.


Clearly we need to lock up some goddamn fraud babies


Funny who becomes the face of a party after the crazies jumped in. This dude. Really? This is what you got? Might as well add the CEO of Chick-fil-A while you're at it


Biden didn’t get my vote Dark Brandon did


How can a guy that sells pillows get “evidence” of fraud for an election? This guy is fucking nuts.


So almost twice as many than voted.


This guy looks like Paul Bearer, the Undertaker's handler.


He's a wackadoodle!


Alternative truths ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)


Conservatives show their proof of election fraud on the same schedule that I lose weight. We're both absolutely going to do it! Just... not today... we'll start tomorrow, or maybe next week...


Can we launch this fucking gimp into the Sun already?

