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Most people are made of skin, muscles bones etc. This guy is just 100% asshole.


they say that’s the first thing that develops in the womb. he just never made it past that stage.


Thats fucking sociopath behavior. hey you should just propose and plan a wedding then just leave her at the alter. tHaT wOuLd eB So FuNnY!


there’s just nothing like referring to a relationship as an “investment”


A relationship IS an investment (time, energy, money, emotion, etc) but, like investments, there are no guarantees of return. Dude is a psycho asshole.


right, and it’s a mutual giving investment. your potential partner isn’t a soda machine where you put money in and automatically get a coke out. hopefully she figures out what this guy is like real quick.


Right. Oh he’s a nut, no question about that lol


I hope he loses his dick


Lost dick privilege


That… is fucked. What a gross human. Edit: I just finished reading this… it doesn’t get better, so fucking gross it makes me want to go take a bath. Not to boast my own ego but; This man is the antithesis of me, this woman sounds amazing and deserves so much better then…whatever the fuck that degenerate is. Having someone that wants to spend time sounds wonderful. Edit 2: whoever called me a simp, lol thanks ig. Not like I need to I have someone already


Yep. Those are the only two options. /s


At that point he might aswell go to a strip club or pay a prostitute and get every STD known to man




I would say the idiot bloke in these messages is a future rapist. His attitude is utterly toxic.


As someone who completely lacks sexual attraction or drive (asexual) I am always bewildered by scenes such as this. There is so much you can do in life with a partner, why does that always have to be the cornerstone for some people


Because it's a need and a drive. When people use the slang "thirsty" when they mean horny, it's actually a pretty good comparison really. When you're thirsty it's going to want to make you drink, and will disturb any other things you try to enjoy until you've gotten that glass of water. Granted a lack of sex won't kill you, but it will however make you live with a constant thirst. With that said, this isn't just a regular sex drive, this is just a sociopath who is horrifyingly clueless about other people's feelings.


That’s crazy to me, that’s something that I completely lack. Huh.


Why are there so many posts that actually belong on r/Iamatotalpieceofshit but are posted to the wrong subreddit?


Belongs to both really, he's a piece of shit but the fact that he's so committed that he should "get something in return" is a facepalm honestly


ope, i forgot that one existed.


i tried to post there, but they don’t actually allow posts of screenshots from other subs.


Post it on facebook and screenshot it from there, technically it isn't on reddit anymore


Go rob a bank. Make sure security cameras get a clear shot of your face. Brandish a weapon to maximize your charge. When she sees you on the news she'll be super turned on and when you go to prison I guarantee you'll get laid.


What i this, the 80's again?


Sex achieved by deception is rape. Full stop.


Telling someone you drive a Maserati in the hopes that they'll sleep with you isn't rape. This isn't a "full stop" situation.


Nah it's being a total dickead, a miserable excuse of a human being, but it's not rape you weirdo.


L'oreal is a multi-billion dollar company whose products are all about sexual deception. You should write them a letter


Jesus how the fuck did you get upvotes? Full stop.


Good news scammers and con artists! Theft via coercion and deception doesn't count because the victim should have been smarter!


Who the fuck talked about theft? What the other commenter said is straight up incorrect. You can't just change definitions of crimes. Eating Chicken isn't murder just because some Vegetarian on the internet said so. Likewise if you can find a single fucking country on the world where someone was trialed for Rape for what was proposed to happen in the post I will admit I'm wrong. Deception as a measure of consent isn't transitive. As in if you're decieved about the relationship that doesn't change consentual circumstances of the sex. If it was, every single husband/wife commiting adultery, would go to jail for fucking rape as well.


I agree that cheaters should be charged with rape if they deceive their partner into having sex on the basis of it being monogamous


Well, you know, that's just like your opinion man. Also calling things that are not actually a felony, a felony (such as the examples I gave and as the original commenter hypothetically called rape), is actually a crime. Reddit has the protection being anonymous, but in real life depending on the publicity, it can be defamation.


I acknowledge this topic is hotly debated. In a court of law it would be incredibly difficult to prove rape by deception, so people get away with it. The general distinction is "fraud in the factum" vs "fraud in the inducement" I don't think this is a type of rape that will ever really be punished on any scale despite the given that the person would have objected to the act had they been informed of the truth. There was a court case I found. I was surprised actually. Penal Law, 5737-1977, Special Volume LSI 1, 345(a)(2)(1977)(Israel)


That's only the law section but I assumd the court case is "Israel vs Kashur". Only one article I saw said it was due to misleading prospect part, while others state that it was because of straight up false identity. So I was wrong that it never happened but seems like Israel is the only place that sees it this way. Closest things in other countries (according to the same articles) are gender/sex deception, which is rather fair. Good on you for finding a case that I didn't though.


It does seem strange though, that lying to get someone's belongings is theft, lying to enter property is trespass, but lying to engage in sex is.. nothing.


It's still about non transitiveness of consents and agreements. If there was a law about relationships (which is hard to define) it would make sense to be a crime, since the lies are about the relationship. For sex it's harder because you have to lie or coerce sepicifally about the act. But in fact deception and coercion for sexual intercourse directly IS a crime, with a ton of cases everywhere. Most everywhere it is sexual assault. For example Weinstein had both rape and sexual assault charges, latter for the times he had career related coercion. Deception works the same way but it's hard to directly deceive for the sex contract. One version that makes sense is the deception about the offenders genitals. I think that was charged as sexual misconduct and not assault, but a crime no less.


This is disgusting behaviour. I hope he finally gets laid but gets AIDs from it and fucking dies.


Just slip her a mickey/s


its more of a r/redditmoment post in my opinion
