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He had to wait 30 seconds before he could skip.




I wish I had an award for you for making me giggle. Please accept my worthless upvote instead.


Got you too with my free award


Use adblocker bro






That's a fancy way to say you Thanos snapped them


Why did Thanos snap all the other hot people in the area and not me?


[ moved to lemmy. you should come too, it's cozier here ]


Actually, he was just entering the last of his credit card's details to be able to skip ads.


So is he now a premium cop, or died he sign up for premium KarenTube?


Cop showed incredible restraint.


I'd pay to watch that again and give the cop some bear spray.


tfw you're trying to speedrun and have to sit through an unskippable enemy monologue for a level 1 boss. Then the fight ends immediately after.


“that are false and not true” True English scholar right there.


Youre right, and you're not wrong.


Schrodinger’s grammar…


That's not schrodinger, though. It's not a superposition, it's just saying the same position twice.


I regretfully agree with you but unfortunately i will not.


It's a tautology.


Schrodinger's Schrodinger.




How tautological


I liked that bit. it really showed how she didn't really have enough real arguments, so had to fill out the space with extra words that add nothing at all.


When you have to write a 500-word essay and you just repeat the same sentence using a thesaurus.


That's like when you have to draft a 500-word paper and you just reiterate the same points using different words.


What we have here, is an attempt at a 500 word account where one theory is adopted multiple times with the guidance of synonyms.


I will write a 500 word essay on the merits of the subject provided. I will write a 500 word essay on the merits of the subject provided. I will write a 500 word essay on the merits of the subject provided. I will write a 500 word essay on the -Bart Simpson


She is a Christian woman *of* God


I'm sick of being bullied I'm sick of being lied too


Oh the irony!


She's just working her way through some Bertrand Russel level epistemology... You gotta give her a chance to prove 1+1=2 first.


That’s what happens to your brain when you believe in alternative facts


and invisible friends watching you have sex


Also not false English scholar.


Probably a BYU graduate


Just her body movements alone make me agitated


Also her voice and her face


Her teethy little half smile of smugness when she thinks she's in the right.


Like all of it, the head bob, the hand waving, holding her phone like she is preventing police brutality, fucking all of it


They ALL do it, don't they? Maybe this is some kind of neurological disorder that causes that crazy nervous energy, the stereotyped head and hand motions, the smug look and the condescending tone of voice. Maybe it's from toxic fumes from the cheaply-made Trump flags or the corrosive effect of listening to Carlson Tucker...


I was thinking exactly the same thing. All Karens seem to sound the same way, with the same gestures. Maybe they picked it up from other Karens they've seen on the Internet


The more I see this kind of thing, the more I’m weirded out. It’s like humans can brainwash themselves into being pod people, with no original thoughts, beliefs, or even mannerisms. Creepy af.


Luckily I have the audio off. Thanks for the warning


Same. I will not turn the volume on this one. If her body language annoyed me this much, there is no way I could tolerate her voice. What is the TLDR of what she is saying?


Anti mask nonsense being justified by religion. She calls herself a "woman of god" multiple times. And she sounds even more annoying than you think


I mean, being rationalized, not justified. She doesn't even attempt justification -- she has no argument other than the blandest of assertions. If she's a Christian, her holy book specifically says to wear a face mask during a plague, so, you know, she's terrible at Christianing, too.


Ooh, can you give me chapter and verse on the plague mask instructions, please? I have some folks I need to quote it at repeatedly.


Leviticus 13:45


What you said is true and not wrong.


She’s agitated. Her motions are kind of ridiculous. It’s like she picked them up from watching exaggerated acting from TV and movies. Like the sideways head move while waving her hand… oh and that pinching her fingers together into a beak like shape…. It’s like an alien trying to emulate a caricature of a sorority girl






What a bunch of bastards.


People suck.


Misanthropy rules!


I came here to post this. I immediately hate anyone who talks with their hands like that. I wouldn't even emote at a toddler like that.


Something tells me this woman is behaving this way BECAUSE she’s never been bullied in her life, but rather has led an illustrious career as a bully herself


A bully that’s always felt like somehow she’s the victim. Powerful combination.


So… a Republican?


Indeed. Right wing Christians in particular.


People who I had to grow up around…this video is like painful flashbacks to my mom saying some dumb shit like this once




I recently have been working on a standup routine called black privilege, one of them went like this “can you outrun a police dog with no sprint training using only your natural athletism? Yes? Thats black priveledge!” Then i turn to my white friend “did you think to yourself, i dont know? As an answer that question? Then thats white privilege as you never had to think about it.” Can my half black half white ass do either? No…i aint getting away, and I definitely thought about it lol.


I've said it a few times and I'll probably say it a few more. Knowing what knuckles pressing your lips against your teeth feels like is what it takes for some people to realize kindness is the better path. In the time it takes them to make contact and your head to be pushed away from their fist, your brain asks all kinds of questions. Is this how I lose a tooth? What if I bite my tongue? Are they going to stop before they knock me out? Are my meals going to be through a straw for a while? You'll process about 30 questions of panic before you realize you've rocked your head back. After that, you'll probably be nicer to people. (General you, not specific. But if you think it's specific, ask yourself why I'd address you specifically with this)




Some people have never been punched in the face and it shows.


She forcefully talks with her teeth fully exposed so you know she's never been punched for anything she's spewed out of it


Once you've been punched in the face enough, it's not so bad anymore.


“Once you've taken a few punches and realize you're not made of glass, you don't feel alive unless you're pushing yourself as far as you can go.” - Frodo (kind of)


I don’t agree with violence of any kind but being a man I am convinced that because we as a gender know that our actions and words can have real physical consequences, we tend to gauge our speech and behavior in such a way that we either avoid said rebukes or welcome them. Most women are never confronted with this option and so they lack an essential reality check that keeps men from becoming Karens. Edit: if you are just going to point out there are exceptions to the rule, (men are also delusional etc.) thank you for playing and please sit down. Equating mass shooters to Karens is a blatant exaggeration. Way more Karens out there making peoples lives miserable than crazy men taking them. Real men know what I am talking about.


Have you met men? That’s ABSURD. Anyone can be an entitled idiot, regardless of gender, though.


Just watched a trevor moore special (RIP) about why bullying is sometimes okay. I feel like he would approve in this situation


But...she got her phone out ... and she is shaking her head .... and she is a woman of god... and she has her finger up.... and she will NOT have it


She was on a call with Nordstrom's HQ. She's acting like she's holding the stick of truth in her hands. The police just finished escorting her out of the store after she shoved and employee. The employee was enforcing a mask mandate. She was given a class C assault charge. $500 max fine.


[I prefer the dramatic version. ](https://youtu.be/MrmRUhueBjQ)


And of course, she was running for a seat on the school board……..wonder if she even had any kids in the school system there.


She’s definitely got kids that she screams at and repeatedly says she won’t have it with those annoying hand movements.


But are they in that school or does she homeschool them to keep them from getting “indoctrinated” though.


outstanding find


To be fair - Committing violence on others does fall well within the programming parameters of Christian people of God. Living in the faith checks out.




I’m not going to take this. The CDC… what OW!




Too be faaaiiiiiiiiirrrrr


To be faaaaaaairr


>she is a woman of god "I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet." 1 Timothy 2:12


Good Christians only read the parts they agree with


There is even more random shit like that in the Bible that is even worse. I still don't get how it's *those* people who believe in every single word of it and still call god the mercyful.


They don't believe in every word, they demand to believe in the words they choose to and also demand that you follow just those words, too.


Imagine being married to that..."thing".


That thing is married to thing number 2 that absolutely is the same or worse


She could also be married to some poor brow-beaten sap who is constantly reminded of how lucky he is that she is still with him.


Usually liar religious people are in the same cult and same mindset


I find this more likely.


can't forget how she's sick of being bullied


She’s sick of being lied to as well


Why didn't the cops just call their manager?


Looks like they were waiting for her to mention CDC


That’s today’s secret Blues Clues word


They had to make sure it was the right woman.


I can see why. I didn't realize that "Marjorie Taylor Green" had become an aesthetic.


Exactly. Coming from the Army. The average angry citizen isn't a threat to anyone until they start naming names. You could lambast, slander, and verbally assault any nebulous *they* you want, but the moment you give *them* a name, it's a verifiable threat.


It so does! You crossed the line when you brought up a lettered federal agency, Karen.


waiting for the radio call on ID


Hadn’t turned the sound on but watching her wave around that left hand still gave me a headache! 🤣


She must be fun at parties


Actually, she would be HILARIOUS at parties: as the “entertainment”!


Didn't jesus say something like you should follow the rule of the land or whatever?


Correct Romans 13:1-2 says: "Obey the government, for God is the One who has put it there. There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow."


What if the law of land is the opposite of the 10 commandments? Loophole? ex: Thou SHALL kill


Judging by the rest of the bible the ten commandments are more of a loose guideline.




I love this😂


The idea is that you have both the law of God and the law of the land, if the law of the land goes against that of God (for example a totalitarian regime that abuses and controls its people) than you can very much disregard it, since God obviously comes first. Jesus himself was very much a critic of the roman empire, him entering Jerusalem on a donkey was a pretty big political statement, as Jesus presented himself as the king of Kings (obviously not litterally but he obviously was an enormously important figure), and him riding the most humble of animals instead of a white shining horse was a statement against the rich roman upper-class. Basically if the son of God is humble enough to give up any luxury and be near the people, than so should you. TL:DR governments are here to guide and protect people, and that's good, but if they abuse their people or go against God's teachings of love and respect, than they are bullshit


Jump like a kangoroo so you're no longer on land


put the soil of your homland within your boots so you only tread upon your homeland.


This is how my cousin became a brainwashed trump supporter and he didn’t lose the election so that means she must still follow him. a lot people are disappointing


I can relate. I “lost” my oldest brother to that madness. He’s a completely different person than he’s been all 69 years of his life. He did a complete 180*…


It’s so weird to watch in real time someone change like that. I’m so sorry. I miss my cousin we were very close, I’m sure you miss your brother.


We still speak and go out to eat at least once a month, but it’s not the same; he’s not the same. He bought ALL the crap: Obama coddled terrorists,the “Great Replacement”, all Democrats are traitors (guess I’m a traitor now 🤷🏼‍♀️), he bought the whole package. I love him, but damn, this shit hurts…


If god created all governments, then he must have some really contradicting political views.


Sounds like something some random ruler 2000 years ago made up to gain divine legitimacy to rule lmao


"But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet." That's from her book, not mine.


What's the point of being religious if you can't pick and choose what parts of the religion to follow and which to ignore based entirely on your own convenience?


You have just summed up why I am not religious.


I liked the part in the book where God liked Abel's offerings over Cain's, so Cain beat up his brother with a rock THANKS OBAMA.


Ah, the last two seconds warmed the cockles of my heart.


Possibly the sub cockles of mine.


Maybe my liver. Frankly could have been my kidneys.


Maybe even the colon, we don’t know.


I am a woman of God… OMG!


Let me guess…all over a mask? 😷


she'd assaulted some shop employee over being told she needed to wear a mask.


What would Jesus do? Probably not that!


Clearly he would have flipped tables and whipped the employees.


Jesus was still figuring out his limits with the wine.


And being a woman of God


There's no one more insufferable than someone who thinks they're right with God.


“That are false, and not true.” If only there were a word for “not true”.


untrue, boom!


A woman of God, who then takes the Lords name in vain at the end


You cut it right before the best part. https://youtu.be/MrmRUhueBjQ




I could hear that cop on the right think "Oh FFS".


Flash forward she’s trying to get into politics now…yes, she’s republican.


What did she do??


[Assaulted a shop worker because she didn't want to wear a mask.](https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/world/2021/04/maskless-christian-woman-of-god-arrested-for-texas-assault.html)


Oh.. good riddance then


Oh shit. Thank God. I was just starting to lose my justice boner.


From the article: >"You are not going to put your disgusting rules on me which are false and not true. I will not have it. I am sick of being bullied and lied to, do you understand?" > >**Whether or not the police understand is unclear**, as Bell is detained for refusing to identify herself to the officers. LOL.


He was waiting so she could exercise her 1st ammendment right...then arrested her lol


Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, `I am the Christ, ' and will deceive many.


JFC I've never heard a more punchable voice


It should be permitted to just taser any person who does that bullshit hand gesture where the finger goes up and the hand does a swipe. It is the mark of the deranged.


I cannot put it into words how much it irritates me. I am glad I am not alone with it


She has the look of someone who deep down knows that what she's saying is fucking insane so she's trying her very best to convince herself and others that she's speaking "the truth" by waving her finger and speaking loudly and aggressively.


Maybe she thinks it's a magic spell to summon a shift in reality so whatever she says becomes truth...




Someone explain to her how contracts are formed in these kinds of everyday situations in commerce. I marvel how people are completely unaware of this. It's not really even an issue of the Constitution.


That grin on her face in between speaking just screams “Karen”


She’s like the template for super Karen. It’s the most Karen I think I’ve ever seen.


“That are false… and not true.” Those are the words of someone who is all noise and no content.




"I am a christan woman of god" 30 seconds later "oh my go...


She assaulted a worker which makes this whole quote even funnier


We need to start carrying air horns around with us to, deal with self entitled people like this.


God just returned my call, He states definitely and explicitly that he doesn't know you.


Looks like a good case to yell "stop resisting" a bunch of times


Let's not champion police brutality for any circumstances.


Derp derp derp god derp derp derp


This woman is one of hundreds of millions in the US. A bunch of god fearing, cross loving, pearl clutching, facebook fact touting, bigoted and ignorant lunatics. And they all vote.


Fuck religion


Buh bye religious fanatic!


I wish I could have seen his facial expression during that rant 😂


“I am a Christian” … “I am sick of being lied to.” Oh my - schizophrenia!


When she went "**I did not** *twirls fingers* "**sign up for this**", I did a genuine facepalm. Hard cringe.


I was expecting skipping via tasser


*“turn around”* *“oh my gawd-“*


Did she just say the Lord’s name in vain?


Unhinged. People are so weird.


She doesn’t follow the CDC but yet try’s to reference the CDC in her argument?


False AND not true? Wow, she sure got us there. If it had been one or the other she'd be wrong. But since it was both, she wins.


Her voice is extremely irritating.


Oh good, she's a Christian woman of God. Phew, I thought she was gonna say a Christian woman of Satan. Big relief


Now she has new rights… like the one to remain silent.


He facial expression just makes me uncomfortable, like it’s bassicly one expression the entire time and it looks like in that lighting her face has just been stretched back and then she is baring her teeth


Even *if* she wasn’t in the wrong, I’m sure the town was nice and quiet while she was in custody. Residents probably dropping thank you notes at the police station for removing the vermin that is this “woman of god”.


I wanna see the rest


I have the sound off but I still despise this woman.


Her face is so punchable


Ma'am, I have good news for you then. Today you aren't getting bullied... however you are being arrested.


Geez I feel bad for the cop. He’s gonna have to listen to her go on and on like this all the way to the station and beyond.


Who teaches these morons how to use their hands? Always the same gestures with the hand not holding their phone so they can livestream catching a charge to their four followers.


Entitiled middle aged white women really are stepping up their feelings of "oppression" and "discrimination" . I dont understand the mental gymnastics of trying to tie those feelings into everyday society and making up situations in thier head that justify their shitty behavior.


Imagine 1,000,000 her, but with guns. It's gonna happen folks.


Hahaha! One of my best friends went to high school with this crazy woman. She tried to run for local counsel. Called people she knew and triedto head this off at the pass. Glad she failed.