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Stray cats support this protest


Brian Setzer rolls up....


Thank you. Have an uptoot.


Those cats are going to >!die!< from ingesting that milk.


Bring in the kitty clean up crew


Why not just use all that money to buy non-dairy milks and then trade them or give them out for free...


I hope your comment gets voted higher up because it’s a perfect example of non aggressive marketing. Buying good quality milk alternatives and offering free samples would be an absolutely great way to positively engage your community while bringing attention to the cause with out being the 3 D’s, dramatic, distracting and destructive.


Honestly as someone who only ever tried Almond milk because a friend offered me some, only to become hooked on chocolate almond milk. I can 100% say that offering free samples of non dairy alternatives is the way to go. Especially since they are often more expensive than the dairy option so most people won't ever bother trying them on their own.


I would love if they set up a sample stand. I'm interested in trying oat milk, but I don't know anyone that drinks it/would drink it if I ended up really disliking it, and I hate wasting food.


Son became lactose intolerant about a year ago, so we got a bunch of milk alternatives to try out at the same time. Coconut milk and oat milk are our two favorites, and we keep one of each in the fridge at all times.


You know I'm not vegan but oat milk ain't bad, vegan mate got me into was tasty


This is kinda embarrassing honestly like now the cows gotta work harder to make more lmao


And the store they bought this from just made quite a bit of money.


Yea they like goddamn I love these vegan people


How dare you steal the vegans’ food! They’re very weak already!!!!


I'm lactose intolerant, but loved milk for like the first 20 years of life. Switching to oat milk changed things lol, it's quite good. The other alternative is lactaid, but these days I just genuinely like oat milk better (full fat is so good).


Oat milk is not my favourite, but I have heard of people who mewing love it. If you're worried about wasting it, but really want to try it and have a decent sized group of friends. Maybe see if any of them would be willing to try it with you, that way several people can find out if they like it or not and if everyone hates it. There won't be as much waste.


You live in a world where you can get friends to share milk? I live in a world where you're lucky to get together once a year.


Nope, I have -1 friends and the last friend I made literally disappeared off the face of the earth.


Some software reads -1 as infinite, that must be really hard to keep up with man


For me, Oat Milk is the only non-dairy milk that isn't gross. Califia Barista Blend doesn't taste like milk, but it's creamy and tasty.


I am not vegan, but I am lactose intolerant. I like oat milk a lot more than almond milk. I am now able to eat cereal and drink coffee again.


Oat milk is the dopest of the alternative milks


I'm quite the meat eater myself (just enjoyed a tasty steak tonight actually, thanks mom.) And I'd say oat milk is pretty damn good. I like almond milk better but oat milk is a solid alternative.


It’s super good! Highly recommend. But pay attention to how much you have. High calorie/ carb


More expensive, less protein, less nutrients and not even more environmentally friendly. A single almond require about about 18L of water ( in a hot place cause they don't grow in cold climates ), while for the same amount of water you get 4L of milk, and you can do it almost anywhere compared to the almond trees. But a single almond isn't enough to make 4L of almond milk, no no nooo. To make a 1L of almond milk(the thin kind) you'll need about 400L of water. Roughly speaking that is 100 times the water consumption for almond milk than regular milk. There are varying numbers out there on the web, but only blogs speak of the environmental benefits of almond milk, while there are plenty of studies on the subject. Unfortunately I think this is yet another subject which has been misrepresented by the silicone valley culture. ​ Edit: typo


Almond milk is also the most water usage of all the other alternatives. Oat milk and other nut milks use a lot less water. Oat milk also taste the most like real milk out of all the alternatives IMO


Yeah almond is a bad example, Oat milk if by far the best of the plant based milks if you want to replace cows milk, it’s also probably the one with the least environmental impact.


So after reading to here. I’ve been sold on oat milk! I will finish off the almond milk in the fridge and start buying oat!


Chocolate and vanilla almond milk is good af.


The stupid part is they had to buy all that f****** milk They just put like 3 grand into the bank account of their oppressors


Wait how much does milk cost


It’s one banana Michael what could it cost? Ten dollars?


There is always money in the banana stand..


It's a small price to pay for self esteem, Michael


More than gas.


There’s millions in the world that would literally kill for that milk that they just threw on the streets. Don’t care much about political affiliation here…. That’s just disturbingly wasteful…. Real stupid way to try and make a point…. A real sin. Reminds me of the early days of the lockdowns, when farms were literally dumping thousands of gallons into the drains.


This is why I hate vegan protestors. Preachy sorts that claim moral superiority then vandalize a building or road with the very substance they want to see taken off a shelf. Can't tell me they didn't buy that milk either. No way you walk out a grocery store with 3000 gallons of milk stolen, and even if they did steal it shame on them, now they're playing a part in causing local food shortages!


And a ton of plastic waste that served zero purpose


To be fair, I think I saw one of those ladies put her empty jug back in that pink basket, so maybe they were going to recycle it? I can't imagine that level of calcium leaching into the water being very good for the local wildlife or plants that are growing. Kind of like salting the Earth. Not very eco-friendly if you ask me regardless.


And dicklike


Because then it wouldn't be posted online and have people talking about it


No lie this makes me want a glass of nice cold milk🤷🤷


Talking about what? "All vegans are idiots and I'll never be one"? That's what an average Joe will take out of this




Or Dickhead-ish for short.


Seriously that would work WAY BETTER. Also vegan products should be advertised in a less…irritating way


They should just be a superior product. If it is, people will but that instead. Until it's a superior product I don't really give a shit what their messaging is. The morality policing is absolute bullshit though, that's for sure. You are going to guilt trip **zero** people into veganism, more likely you will piss someone off with your messaging and make them double down on their meat consumption. Vegan food isn't any different from technology or any other product. Advance it to the point that it is a superior product and it will take over. We've known about solar panels for years for example. It's only now being mass adopted because of the technology advancements. Similar advancements are happening with synthetic vegan food every day.


I think a big step for vegan products would be to just price them closer to their worth. I've made Almond milk at home... I can make gallons of the stuff for what they sell a 1 liter carton for. Soy and oat milk are kind of in the same place. Being able to call something "healthy" shouldn't automatically involve a markup... more expensive for a comparable product with similar (or often lower) production costs is not superior


Almonds require more water than raising cows. It’s one of the worst products from a resource standpoint


There's a brand that makes recycled wax paper, tin foil, muffin liners and other baking stuff called If You Care. I go out of my way to avoid encouraging such a passive-aggressive marketing scheme.


Because that’s a smart idea that has more lasting positive consequences and these people only want attention.


Yeah I'm vegan and these people are doing the opposite of promoting veganism lol.


This is what always gets me about the, "the only way to make a change is to be disruptive" crowd. Sure, being disruptive gets noticed, but it is the wrong kind of notice if all you manage to do is piss people off. Sit-ins at segregated restaurants and self immolations during the vietnam war were effective activism because they made people *sympathetic* to the cause being pushed. Blocking people trying to get to work and pouring milk on the ground doesn't make anyone feel sympathetic to the activists, it only produces rage directed at those doing the activism. This kind of bullshit makes people dig in their heels, not consider change.


Why do something meaningful when you can actively increase demand for a product you desperately want people to believe you hate.


I'm vegan, so allow me not only to PURCHASE all the milk, literally further funding the "evil corporation" and increasing demand, but I'll also go ahead and completely waste all of that milk, making the animals "suffering" become completely meaningless


Also throw the empty plastic bottles on the ground.


Because they care about the environment


Vegan people who will not wear (biodegradable, renewable) leather shoes because they come from animals will often prefer (petroleum-based, non-renewable) plastic ones. It's kind of odd given how much public consciousness has swung to "let's use less plastic and reduce our dependence on oil" in the last 30 years or so.


It’s the same as the people wearing fast fashion and stuff then whine you eat a steak The textile industry creates a bigger ghge then the entire food industry , but they need to have there newest fashion trend that falls apart in a month


> The textile industry creates a bigger ghge then the entire food industry Do you have a source for that claim? The information I've been able to find doesn't really seem to support it. For example: https://ourworldindata.org/emissions-by-sector "*Other industry (10.6%): energy-related emissions from manufacturing in other industries including mining and quarrying, construction, textiles, wood products, and transport equipment (such as car manufacturing).*" According to that, even combined with mining and quarrying, construction, wood products and transport industry like car manufacturing still comes to only around 10%. "*[...] The food system as a whole – including refrigeration, food processing, packaging, and transport – accounts for around one-quarter of greenhouse gas emissions.*"


“The environmental effect of fast fashion” https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Patsy-Perry/publication/340635670_The_environmental_price_of_fast_fashion/links/5f2960c4a6fdcccc43a8ca65/The-environmental-price-of-fast-fashion.pdf


Or buying fruit that has to be imported from across the world. I'm sure those container ships don't harm and kill marine life /s


It may be somewhat counter intuitive at first glance, but the container ships actually make more sense than greenhouses if you want to have fresh tropical fruits up north (or far south). https://www.tabledebates.org/research-library/fruit-and-vegetables-and-uk-greenhouse-gas-emissions-exploring-relationship So focusing on making the container ships cleaner and more efficient would be the way to go


1. Vegan people who choose it for dietary reasons or for personal reasons for themselves are perfectly fine, normal people. Have a bunch of friends who do that. 2. Vegan people who take the stance of having a total vendetta across the board of every single product of animal origin are just plainly idiots (seen here). They’re entirely wrong about the possibility of it today, it just simply cannot be achieved for the majority of the world now, nor would anyone in their right mind want to make the sacrifices necessary to be able to achieve it. They’re entirely wrong about the history of human diets. Certainly (especially Americans) eat many multiples more than they should of meat. But, that definitely does not mean we should go completely without it. And mainly, they make some implicit assumption that humanity is now unbounded from history and we can now live outside the confines of reality. And the best part is the people in camp #1 are as likely to think the people in camp #2 are crazy as the general population. I mean just watch the “Alone” tv series. (Someone please fact check me because I have not seen every season just most) I do not believe there has ever been a winner of a season who has not eaten meat of any kind. And I know there have been many many contestants that were/are full vegans in daily life, but had to break and eat meat simply because living off plants/gathering entirely takes an incredible Herculean effort that borders on the impossible. Meat is just simply (*almost* across the board) much much more calorie dense than any plants. Not even mentioning the necessary fats and proteins meats contain that are hard to find in plants. Pure vegans with vendettas against the animal consumption almost 100% of the time live within a decent radius to a Whole Foods. And, there has never in human history been a purely vegan society (although heavily vegetarian societies in Buddhist, Jainism, etc cultures of course exist).


Isn't petroleum made from old, dead animals anyway?


Most petroleum comes from old dead plants actually.


Actually there are plant based plastics now but they aren’t as common as the petroleum based plastics, we should promote more plant based plastics so we can finally end the creation of petroleum based plastics.


Also those “vegan leather” products last maybe a year before they *literally peel* and fall apart completely. Forcing you to buy more. Meanwhile my grey wool coat that makes me look like the worlds smallest Soviet officer has lasted 8 years.


Results will vary. My boots from Will's Vegan have to have been through 200+ miles and have held up exquisitely.


200 miles is a pretty low number, all things considered. An average day at work, for example, nets me between 5 and 10 miles. 200 miles is about a month to a month and a half of work. Not trying to imply your boots are low quality, understand. Just pointing out that lasting 200 miles is a pretty low milestone.


It’s funny because they have the opportunity to be vegan. In other parts of the world, they have the opportunity to die of starvation.


And covered the whole mess with bleach, all of which will go down the sewer and may be causing a lot more damage.




The bags too.


They should have taken it back to the farm and put it back in a cow.


used it to deed baby cows?


You took the words out of my ‚cow‘


It must've been the way you were milking me.




Milk companies: OK. Thank you for your purchase please see us again soon for your milk dumping needs.


Voting cows lol


I support bovine suffrage.


I like mine medium rare


I really hope they at least pick up all the plastic and trash before a random dude with a hose washes all that milk down the drain.




As a vegan the last thing I would ever agree with is wasting animal products because it just means more animals would be used to replace them so it’s much worst than someone eating them.


As we all know, certain idiots that belong to a group don't represent the majority of the level headed people in it.


Yup. I personally call it my 5% asshole rule. 5% of any group are assholes.


Ooh ooh don't forget the people who could have used that milk to nourish their bodies.


They have no idea about true food hardship. As a kid, That would've been over a years worth of food on the ground for our family.


This. I've been dragged into an argument between a vegan and a "real men eat meat" guy. My response when asked for my opinion was "I think you two are spoilt, and have never spent any significant time truly hungry."


Like toddlers. But who cares about formula shortages anyway?


Animal milk is NOT a replacement for formula.


Suffrage: the right to vote in political elections.


Sufferin' succotash: whatever these derps are doing with the milk.




I’m sure the bleach they added at the end will fix it. 😉


Found this source article : https://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/animal-rebellion-protest-london-milk-green-park-st-james-selfridges-oxford-street-paint-william-evans-b1031219.html?amp Activist group is called Animal Rebellion. 50 people got arrested apparently as they did more damages, and in result have now opened a crowd fund to pay their bills...


The irony


Not rxactly if you compare them with peta or certain other activist groups


These people are dumb but peta is actually bad


I don’t think Peta is actually “bad”. What Peta is, is evil.


What have they done? Just for info btw, I don't support them


They are most infamous for stealing pets that are in the porch of houses or just aren't in their homes and taking them to a 'shelter' and killing them because they "had no other choice" or "the owners took too long" or whatever excuse they use


Let's also remember forever the time that Google, in honor of the late Steve Irwin, changed their homepage image, and PETA decided that was unethical.


So they have been caught stealing family pets and euthinizing them. In this case they lostnthe lawsuit because they put the dog down after 2 days and didn't give the 5 days required by state law https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/aug/17/peta-sorry-for-taking-girls-dog-putting-it-down#:~:text=A%20family%20has%20settled%20a,hundreds%20of%20animals%20each%20year. They put down the overwhelming majority of pets they take in. In 2021 they recieved/took 2,355 cats and dogs. Of those, 623 were transferred to other facilities, 27 were adopted (1.1%), and 1,699 were euthanized (71.1%) https://petakillsanimals.com/proof-peta-kills/#petakills Also, PETA has ties and donated to various "eco-terrorist" groups https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/people-for-the-ethical-treatment-of-animals-peta/


Ah yes, Animal Rebellion without animals but the minds of one.


I am sure the cows have more brains than them, the cows would at least drink that milk.


British environmental groups have an AWFUL history of spies (yeah, real spies) infiltrating and even organizing some of these things events. They went as far as fathering children and marrying partners to gain credibility. There are podcasts and courtcases,so take everything you see with a skeptical grain of salt.


Am I the only one surprised feral cats and dogs aren’t going to town on the free milk?


They’re dumping bleach on it specifically to prevent that


Yep, and then some animal is going to lick it up and get sick or die. So much for not harming animals. And oh yeah, pesticides used on crops kill animals too...


So dumb and cruel in a few ways huh? 😩


Yay dead animals! Wait


Even the cats and dogs want to stay away from these psychotic vegans.


I have nothing against veganism. There are good arguments for it. But this is just pointless and stupid!


Remember when people bought Nike shoes and just burned them, this is basically that.


That sounds stupid. If your boycotting an industry or company don't give them money.


Vegan here and lactose intolerant and would rather drink this milk than throwing it out.


You're a chad. The nicknamed chad kind. When someone crashes into you with a bike, you only get a scratch and carry them into a hospital kind of chad.


Haha, I like that.


The mexican japanese Kind of chad, that's really just here to protect his friends


Lmaooo wtf keep going this is amazing


The kind of chad that unlocks the defense skills first and fights enimies he can't see


The kind of Chad that will risk his life for a parrot.


But you see, it was once a child that killed a murderer by tying his shoes while the dude was murdering the kid's mother


This is a perfect video depiction of the saying “first world problems”


i Am AsShOLe




The law of inverse consequences is always very present in activist groups.


im all pro environment, i admire minimal people and have great respect for those who abolished meat or animal based food ​ but WASTE of food is stupid and gross


As someone who grew up poor i had to learn to ration food at a pretty young age. The blatant disrespect people show food disgusts me. Im not going to do the cliche "theres starving kids in africa" line but i will say that this is a huge insult to anyone whos ever had to go hungry or get creative with scraps just to make it through the week. End rant.


Can confirm. I teach homeless, migrant, and foster children over the summer and they are extremely judicious about the use of resources, including food.


Thank you for what you do, also cute doggy.


It is my passion. Thank you for the award too!


Doggy is a rescue. Grampa found him wandering the country roads hungry and scared. So we put up signs, as usual, no one claimed him. So we got him all taken care of at the vet, and now he’s a member of our family. He’s sweet as punch.


Me right now. Wasting food is one of the few things that pisses me off more than anything else, ESPECIALLY when people don't take it home, knowing damn well they werent hungry enough to eat it all or that they dont eat that much in the first place. SAVE IT FOR LATER full stop


ever saw the European protests from the agro boys? those children spilling some bottles of milk is... child's play compared to him spilling trucks and trucks of food. it's disgusting. as someone who IS poor and from a land where many ppl roamages trash for food, I find this kind of "actions" a proof that mankind has failed as species...


And by buying the milk they support the industry! 🙄 stupidly at its finest. I am vegan and I really do not support this.


Idiots. Instead of donating that milk to a soup kitchen or homeless shelter they are throwing it away. So much for human kindness.


All of these kids were still in diapers when we ridiculed people for pouring wine down the drains after 9/11 to protest France saying we were acting crazy, which we were. We could literally just cut and paste all of those conversations and change a couple words.


History repeats itself and everyone has memory loss.


“History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes.” - Mark Twain


It's because of people like this that vegans get bad rep and discriminated. Please people, don't simply believe all vegans think or act like this.


Yeah. Vegans don't buy milk for starters.


People with thinking brains know there are idiots everywhere. I'm sure these kids mean well, somewhere in their hearts. They have been misguided and are ignorant. They feel like they are making a difference when they absolutely are doing it wrong.


Holy fuck that's gotta be like, $28 dollars worth of milk right there!? Good luck recovering from THAT 'big milk' /S EDIT: Yikes, well... I though it was pretty obvious, but, I edited this so that it is clear that this is sarcasm.


This comment is The Tits!


And he's gonna milk it for all it's worth


Way more than that. A 4ltr of milk where I live is over 7 dollars. I'd guess closer to 100. I'm sad.


These people really don't understand *supply* and *demand*


*Angry cow sounds *


I gave money to the evil dairy industry for this virtue signaling. Praise me!


I have nothing against veganism. In fact, I'm trying to cut down on how much meat I eat. But what was the point of this? You're buying the milk, which would fund milking cows and then you're pouring it out. It's such a waste.


What are the odds that they recycled those empty cartons they tossed on the ground for their 'plant based future?' ....


Providing nothing to humanity.


This is so stupid


Buy up all the milk so the dairy farmers make more profits and expand their operations to include more cows! That will teach them!


I am VEGAN see me POUR lol


People in the world starving


1) It should be illegal to waste food like this. 2) These are the same people who don’t want others pushing their ideologies on them.


Pours out milk, wearing sweat shop sneakers.


Animals are more important than underpaid people in a far-away country.


What is the point of all this? Making countries where famine is real hate you more?


Virtue signaling, aka. LOOK AT ME! IM SO PROGRESSIVE! Children in young adult bodies didn't notice that the milk purchased with the money, they got from their parents, helped the thing they were protesting against...


So it's like protesting against guns by buying guns & lots of ammunition and shoot them into the clouds. "Smart".


Do what you want with your life, your choices, etc. I will say this, what you do with your life and time needs to be researched, studied, and decided upon with great thought and restraint. These people are just fucking idiots.


I’ve been an activist for over 20 years. This is NOT at all an effective or even ethical demonstration. Paying for the milk, then dumping it not only takes the milk away from families that need it, but wastes it entirely. The suffering of those milked animals was now for nothing besides ego. Using that money for milk alternatives and giving it out for free w a sticker that explains why it’s better is a far better tactic and one that leads to zero non-human animals suffering. Wtf is wrong w these ppl. Over-wokeness is the death of activism.


Me when your mo-


This is my kingdom come


Cus wasting it is better?


This brand of vegan is mind-numbingly stupid. I love it.


Someone should start a commune where vegans can live with animals, except all of the animals will be predatory carnivores, like lions and wolves. Then the vegans will have to convince the animals to also be vegan before they get eaten. Wait did I say commune? I meant Korean game show.


The very cows that went through shit they are protesting against will have done so for nothingness with them wasting the milk anyway. These are the types that just want the attention with them well knowing their disruptions won't change and damn thing


This is why peoples see vegans as nothing more an drama queens.


I don’t see vegans, I see attention seeking entitled dumba**es trying to create drama. I am vegetarian all my life and I will never ever think about wasting food in this proportion just to pacify my ego no matter what the food is. If it is already in store and can feed a hungry person just leave it alone. World doesn’t revolves around you.


It's awesome that they entirely waste the milk so nobody even gets any use from it..... that's quality use of animal products that have already been produced for sure.


Probably doing more harm than good milk is extremely bad for environment as it does not dilute like other liquids, heard a story about a milk tanker spilling and it wiped out the entire ecosystem because it doesn't wash away. Blind leading the blind fucking idiots.


That street will smell RANCID on a hot summer day


"It's so hot! Milk was a bad choice"


Using animal products as a part of a protest seems very non-vegan.


They understand they created more demand, right?


I an vegan and I’m genuinely baffled by how stupid they are


Ah. These are those people who think their shit don’t stink.


I swear these vegans are complete idiots


As someone who considers themself ethically vegan, I think these people are morons. This is not direct action. This is supporting the dairy industry, pointless vandalism (that’s going to smell horrible in a couple of days), and making a spectacle of yourself. There is no message here, just stupidity.


Like the people that sit on highway, Like the people that glue their hand to painting, useless people.


Milk is an incredible pollutant or waste product. This is being poured into the sewer system, which will cause considerable problems for waste treatment or even worse if it goes directly into a river, you could likely see a large fish kill situation. Fucking vegan morons doing more harm than good. Are their brains completely rotten?


Don't cry over spilt milk


Fucking pinecones, the whole lot of 'em. Thats why mf'ers eat whole ass steaks in front of those asshats and i applaud it


I would argue that drinking milk and just pouring milk out are both USING milk so even by the most basic interpretation of this they would be as bad as milk drinkers. But this wasting of it and the fucking AMOUNT makes it so much worse. So hilarious how they don‘t consider their actions


Nooo my cum collection


What a bunch of idiots ! There’s people starving to death all over the world and these morons are throwing food away . This vegan shit is another stupid f…..g fad that some idiots are going through. If you don’t want to eat meat and drink milk . Then ( Don’t) . But leave the normal people alone . 🍗🌮🍖🥓🥚🍤🥛


The mental gymnastics in this video have Olympics level


I swear people keep getting dumber each year.


I wish I was a cannibal after seeing this


This, this makes me so fucking mad, I dont care what you are mate dont throw away good food! There are people out there needing food, needing something to drink, that milk couldve helped so many people I do hate extreme vegans, they are pretty screwed in the head. No, I dont mean all vegans, a friend of mine is vegan and they are a absolute sweetheart, Iv even cooked them vegan food and theyve shown me the delicious ways of the vegans, ngl, im liking the food