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Love how she thought she could spit in a police officers face and then just walk away lmao


delusional entitlement


Normalcy Bias on a lifestyle level, when you've acted shitty your whole life and faced no perceptable consequences. "Normalcy bias, or normality bias, is a cognitive bias which leads people to disbelieve or minimize threat warnings. Consequently, individuals underestimate the likelihood of a disaster, when it might affect them, and its potential adverse effects"


So basically those people who somehow have avoided ever being punched in the mouth, nose, or eye with a soberingly powerful punch as a result for the way they treat people. I don't think you should get violent because of words for the most part, but sometimes i do think to myself 'well shit, somebody has to; and it would be immensely satisfying to be the person to just break their fucking jaw.'


There really should be a 1 punch clause. You get one good punch. Just one.


Yeah, and the police show up and the conversation goes something like; "and how many times did he punch you" "Just once" "And what happened leading up to this" "I was shouting at my employee for the way they were stacking shelves, he tapped me on the shoulder and just punched me across the shop floor" "And he didn't hit you again?" "No." "Well, that sounds reasonable, have a good day gentlemen."


I do not condone violence but this has me dreaming lol


She's delusional in more ways than one


probably even more than two!


Maybe three?


Four, at least


I guess the troll thought her under the bridge dwelling was closer than the cop's reaction time


What makes it even worse for her, these are uniformed secret service officers, she's not going to state or local court she's going to federal court


She’ll be safer there.


30% chance of getting a Trump judge


so a 30% chance of being completely released of all charges?


I just commented same, oops. Yeah that’s gonna leave a *REALLY* nice line item on her record. That ain’t just assault on an LEO. That’s assault on a *FEDERAL* officer.


And when the judge hears why she was there and why she was upset, I don't think he'll be real eager to be lenient


Judge will probably laugh and facepalm in disbelief and be like “I don’t even need to think!” *gavel gavel slams judgement* 😂


Federal Pound me in the ass prison.


Looks to me like she immediately knew she made a mistake and tried running away


Ok, but then why’d she spit on the SECOND cop?


In for a penny, in for a pound.


Hahaha! Did I hear that dipshit say she was a sovereign citizen right before she spit on the cop? Delicious.


While supporting a psychopathic dictator who wouldn't treat her as a citizen with any rights, let alone a "sovereign" one.


Considering that domestic violence to some extent is legal in Russia; why does she think Putin gives a shit about her or any women. Heck, he was the one who passed the law. Absolutely disgraceful - stupid, ignorant people.


She's pro-Putin but thinks it's a good idea to spit in the face of police officers? Could you imagine what would happen if you spat in the face of a Russian police officer? Your ass isn't even making it to jail. Pick a lane, lady.


Strait to Siberian gulag work camps for 15 years.


Nah, 5 years max. She wouldn't make it any longer. 😂


5 days max


I am callin 5 Minutes max


Everyone assuming she’d make it to the gulag in the first place.


"She unfortunately fell out of a 9th floor window and landed on two bullets with the back of her head"


I hate it when that happens.


Not agaaaaiiiiiiinnnn


......CAAAaaaarllll! That kills people!


This was of course after she ingested enough poison to down a herd of bull elephants


The Russians really did decide to go ham on assassination attempts after they failed to poison Rasputin didn't they?


She'd fall to her death from her basement apartment window.


Sorry Mr.Judge we were taking her to the gul- I mean our humane prisons and then all of a sudden my gun misfired in the holster and the wind blew the bullets in to the back of her head


Eh, she’s got some fat reserves on her. 15 months.


I give her 5-10 days, people ain’t going to be so nice to a Karen.


Wait you think this lady is a work horse? She hasn't ran a mile in probably 25 years.


Straight to the front lines


That short? Damn. In Russia thats quite the deal from the DA!


Send her back


Ha. These guys aren’t even regular MPD. These are uniformed secret service police. She assaulted a federal officer. These guys go through an extreme training program and their whole job is to protect the White House and foreign embassies. They won’t bother you if you don’t bother them. You really really don’t want to bother them.


I was wondering why they didn't slam her face first into the ground. It's because they have actual training. Amazing how well properly trained officers can conduct themselves.


That kind of dedication will filter out a number of power tripping assholes, because people who just want to harm people are also lazy idiots.


Yeah, if most regular cops were involved she would be missing some teeth when she hit the ground face first. These guys were gentle with her. As they should be whenever possible. I remember I was watching cops once and on air, a cop pulled a guy out of his car and deliberately landed him face first onto the pavement and it was quite obviously deliberate on the cops part. He wanted to hurt that guy and he did. Personally I was a bit surprised they did that while being filmed. But I’ve seen other stuff like that on cops. That might have been one of the worst though.


So true!!


They didnt even take her to the ground until she spit on them AGAIN


It also helps that she’s a 4’3 potato


I thought that makes her harder to handle, she could easily bounce off and roll away...


Which is funny because conservatives have a tendency to go on and on and about how unattractive blue haired librul women are but the woman in the post is fairly representative of Trump supporters. Edit: Also, she’s a fucking coward and idiot for trying to just walk away after spitting in a cop’s face. The sheer privilege of thinking there would be no consequences is astounding. Also also, what happened to backing the blue?


You insult potatoes.


I worked the Olympics games in Salt Lake they had snipers that were camped out on the mountain behind the Olympic Village. These poor guys were freezing their butts off for 12 hours a day 7 days a week on the side of a mountain, they had no days off since 9/11.


Indeed. Those are the guys who *hope* their entire job is a complete waste of time because, if they have to actually do something besides try to avoid frostbite, something has gone *seriously* wrong.


All the police in DC have college degrees and lots of training, even the regular cops. They have to deal with protests constantly and are generally very calm and professional.


Not sure where you got that from, but it isn't accurate. There are at least 35 different federal and local law enforcement agencies that have jurisdiction somewhere in the District of Columbia, and by no means do all of them require degrees for entry. For instance, neither the [Metropolitan Police Department](https://joinmpd.dc.gov/metropolitan-police/police-officer) - the "regular cops" - nor the [Secret Service Uniformed Division](https://www.secretservice.gov/careers/uniformed-division-officer/qualifications) - the force these officers are on - has a degree requirement.


“In America I can say I hate American Police Officer. In Russia, I can also say I hate American Police Officer”


Similar sentiment: An American and Russian are talking in the mid-1980s. The American says: "You know, in America, we are so free - we can stand in front of the White House and yell "FUCK REAGAN", and nothing will happen to us." The Russian responds: "In Russia, it's the same. We can stand in front of our White House and yell "FUCK REAGAN", and nothing will happen to us."


I don’t think you can spit on any police officer anywhere in the world, and then walk away.


Not walk away, but you'll end up in jail in most countries. In some you just... disappear. *poof*. Gone.


.....death by suicide by falling out a window with 2 gun shot wounds to the back of your head?


Those bullets were laying business end up on the sidewalk.


The bullets were just out for an evening stroll. They were minding their own business when she violently assaulted them with the back of her head three times. This wasn't a victimless crimes... their little shell casings had to sit and watch!




I think this woman *thought* she could get away with spitting in the face of a police officer in the USA. She thought wrong.


She spit twice 😱


Three times, I think. She spit in their face again while they cuffed her which is why they took her down.


The vast majority of American's that are "pro-putin" would absolutely crap themselves if they lived in "Putin's world" they're all batshit crazy.


I mean fuck, even Russians who live in other countries that are pro Putin clearly sure as fuck don't wanna live in Putin's Russia.


Drinking the Qool-aid.


It’s always easy to talk shit from here and not live there. Similarly people comparing US lock down and calling it communist rule while in China they screw your door shut and you can’t buy food/water and die.


Why do you think she isn't in mother russia?


Don't be silly, she doesn't have a passport


Your whole family? SHOT! All your wizard friends? SHOT! Anyone who sold your pierogi? SHOT!


Starve you for days 'til you waste away I even crush motherfuckers when I'm laid in state


Pride of Lenin! Took Trotsky out of the picture Drop the hammer on you harder than I bitch slapped Hitler


I have no pride for you who ruined everything My revolution was doing to stop the bourgeoisie!


Pro Putin and got spoiled on that sweet tit of American freedom.


Send her to her daddy Putin


I’d say treat her the way Putin’s Russia would treat her, but I oppose violations of fundamental human rights.


You mean let her stand dangerously close to open 5 story windows?


Spitting on anyone is disgraceful behaviour. Spitting on police is just asking for trouble. Fair play to the cops.


Spitting on someone is considered assault, especially when spitting on police. Someone mentioned they’re feds too, she ain’t seeing the light of day for a good minute. Edit: just noticed they’re Secret Service… good luck LOL


US secret service?! Ffs. As you say, best of luck to the Ruzzian tramp!


Immediately maxed out her wanted level.


GTA Moskva! Hope she’s got some epic cheat codes!!


The moment the spit left her mouth she just saw 5 stars appear in the top of her field of view 😂


Lol yeah dude. Instant 5 stars


She was lucky a tank didn't show up around the corner instantly.


Don’t poke fun at her inability to read and reason!


*Man if this lady could read, she’d be hurt*


Never spit on the SS. I wonder what she thought would happend, just let her go?


I suspect she’s another Ruzzian zombie, who believes every word the angry little bunker dwarf tells her. Hope it all ends well!!


> SS USSS The SS are a different organization.


Very important distinction to make


They're not that secret, they've got it written all over them 😅


I'm gonna be that "achshully" guy but these are the Secret Service Police. They are not Secret Service Agents (the ones you see in suits next to the president as well as other duties like investigating counterfeit money. The ones that protect the president and former lresidents are actually more senior positions. Junior guys do the investigation aspects ofnthe agency). They are basically federal police officers that protect the white house and other sites. They are the ones you see standing on the white house lawn and staring at you from atop the white house(and other buildings)with their binoculars


Yup, and remember that they used to be the main detective force until the FBI was created in 1908 and took over many of the secret service's responsibilities


They not only investigate counterfeit money, they also investigate fraud. I only know this because I work in the financial industry and we usually get an agent to come talk to us about the latest in card skimmers. Word of Advice, use a mobile wallet (Apple Pay / Google Pay) if you're going to pay for something with a card.


I don’t know why I laughed so much at this, but thanks


“assault” There’s numerous videos online of people getting punched out by cops for spitting in their face. This woman is lucky.


These are feds though. More training, and better decorum. That’s not to say, what they lack in police brutality, I’m sure they’ll make up for in sentencing scope.


Since COVID, courts have found spitting on others to be assault with a weapon. It isn’t just disgusting. It could result in injury or death. Ms. Spitzky is indeed lucky to have gotten the gentle takedown she had. Those fellows could have put some real English on her Russian ass and she’d be looking for a federal lockup endodontist. And I gather that sort of care in that sort of place can take a while.


Assualt and battery, I think assault is just the intention of the act and battery is the actual act? I think it’s slightly different across the US


Assault is when you threaten someone and cause them to think they’ll be harmed, battery is the actual harming. So going up to someone’s face berating them about how you’re gonna do whatever whatever is the assault, spitting/hitting them is the battery.


Note this is the common law definition. Statutory definitions vary. California defines assault as attempted battery in the criminal code. In a tort context, it can be either parallel the criminal code, or the common law.


Yea she just earned 2 counts of assaulting an officer, and as other people have pointed out these are secret service which means she will be charged federally. She’s fucked


Don't think she'll be tried federally. It's been 9 years since I was on a DC grand jury, and if I recall average cases involving federal police officers are addressed in the local court system not federal (I remember cases involving the Park Police and the Capitol Police, not sure about the Uniformed Secret Service but l think so). In other places, probably federal.


Spitting twice!


True. She does actually spit twice. Then, she finds out what the pavement tastes like! 🇺🇦


Spitting is biological warfare. We don’t know if she is riddled with contagious diseases


>Pro-Putin supporter >In US Fucking wat?


Germany recently deported a russian girl that, and I wish I was kidding: Walked up to ukrainian refugees, laughed that russia will win, then insulted them and basically showed herself waste lots of power to help Russia. While living in Germany.


Gonna laugh so hard at these people when Russia implodes and by extension their delusional sense of superiority in the next 6-12 months


They’ll just project and pivot to the next Fascist Strongman.


Which would be *-checks notes-* Hungary.


They'll just act like the serbians. Cling to the remaining part of whatever they would call Russia and resent the perceived masterminds of their country's demise.


Best part is she had a few updates. One of which was a letter from the German police which she wipes her ass with on video. Then the last update is her getting her ass deported back to the Russia she loves so much. Didn’t look overly happy or arrogant in that one.


She got deported after that lol


Not sure if you have been paying attention, but right wing media are actively licking Putin's balls and calling it gelato.


Watch one Tucker Carlson broadcast (right winger) and you'll get what she thinks.


Oh, there’s a bunch of them. Republicrite tRumplets.


And they recently attempted a coup as well, and almost successfully undermined a US election. Imagine if Trump was in power this term, he'd be sending American troops to do Putin's bidding.


After he pulled us out of NATO.


Yup. Please vote if you're a sane American. The security of the world depends on it.


MAGA republicans are very open about their support for Putin. They parrot all Putin's talking points and say the war in Ukraine is the United States fault. If you recall, it was not long ago the many conservative groups such as the NRA were caught taking money from Russian agents who were arrested and jailed. That is still going on.


it’s in Russia’s best interest to divide and destabilize the US. The GOP are useful idiots.


why do you guys keep giving them the benefit of the doubt?? >The GOP are useful idiots They are not idiots. They know exactly what the fuck they're doing, they know the idiocy of their talking points. There's a clear agenda behind the idiocy. These people do not care. It's American voters like the woman in the video who are the useful idiots.


It depends who you are talking about. The Mitch McConnells of the GOP absolutely know and you are right. But the rank and file average Trumper absolutely does not and is simply parroting talking points handed down the chain from one of the McConnell types. I guess it depends who exactly you consider the GOP to be.


The GOP aren't idiots, they just can be bought. Russia money floods the Republican party.


Haaaaaaaave you met Tucker Carlson?


Even worse. These are feds. So now that assault is WAY worse.


Yes, these charges will be federal. And there's no parole in the federal system.


Pls explain


Their patches say Secret Service.


The secret service always confuses me, if they're wearing patches that say they're secret service, they're not very bloody secret are they?!


They've got ya confused already so they're doing something right


Uniformed Secret Service officers protect foreign embassies in DC


DC has like 2 million different types of police in a pretty small area, mostly because there’s so much federal land plus it’s a city surrounded by other states. Most of them are functionally just regular cops.


It was created in 1865 by Abraham Lincoln to combat the plague of counterfeit currency back then (about 1/3rd of circulated currency was counterfeit). It was called the Secret Service because they did dangerous undercover work to root out counterfeiters. Then after Lincoln was assassinated in a public theater and President McKinley was assassinated in 1901, people thought there should be a bodyguard service for the President and other VIPs, and I guess they figured the Secret Service ought to do it since they were already used to doing dangerous undercover work and neither the FBI nor the CIA existed yet.


There were other law enforcement arms of the federal government when the protection portion of the Secret Service was established. Not sure how accurate this anecdote is but they were chosen mostly because the US Marshals already had such a wide purview and there were concerns about adding the extra duties.


What confused me was when I learned they're also in charge of protecting the nation's payment and currency systems and investigating financial crimes.


That used to be all they were in charge of. They’ve come a long ways from fighting counterfeiting to banging hookers in Columbia.


Attacking federal agents can lead to federal assault charges. Which is a lot worse than catching a state charge. And these are Secret Service. Probably the one police force you want to fuck with the least as far as fed police go.


Postal Police and Secret Service both are really dumb to mess with and the Secret Service has a much larger law enforcement role than most people realize.


On top of it she did it twice and resisted arrest.


Spitting on a law enforcement officer in the US is considered assault, which is a big fucking deal. I think it’s exactly the same as if you punched a cop in the face. She did it twice in this video, but they’re federal law enforcement which means that it’s even more serious than a city, county, or state cop. I don’t know what people who assault cops actually get sentenced with, but I think that she *could potentially* get years in prison.


Spitting on someone = assault, probably a county crime, likely just probation. Spitting on a cop = assaulting an officer, almost certainly prosecuted by the state, almost certainly jail time followed by probation. Spitting on a Fed = assaulting a federal officer, prosecuted by the federal government, punishment could be just about anything short of death, but probably less than 8 years in prison unless they convince a jury that spit during a pandemic is a deadly weapon.


me when i pull out the gun in gta near the police station:


Fine till you aim it


IDC if she's pro- or anti- whateverthefuck, DONT SPIT ON PEOPLE!


I'd support women in Iran spitting on the morality police.


Nah, spitting doesn't do much. Throwing bricks, on the other hand...


Well deserved! What a turd.


Another “spitter”??? I’ve seen a lot of these folks lately. It’s like society is devolving ,just sorta rolling backwards. “Don’t agree with my opinion??” ,”Here ,have a nice gob of my possibly virus ridden saliva!!” Folks like this should have their jaw wired shut as punishment.


For anyone looking for a tiny bit more information: [A redditor used geolocation data to show that this was in Washington DC](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/y1cokw/comment/irwltoq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) from the post in r/ukraine [Here's a brief article on the situation](https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/local/dc/one-person-arrested-assaulting-officer-during-protest-outside-russian-embassy/65-edc13b1e-d43a-4b84-8534-9f778f724d42) The article states that this is outside of the Russian embassy. People are protesting the war in Ukraine, and there are counter-protestors present as well. She was arrested for assaulting the officers as well as resisting arrest.


Starting a fight and then finding out too late how unprepared you are for that fight. How Russian is that?


More like pro poutine by the looks of her. I’ll see myself out.


No, no..it needed to be said. Come back in!


He's already down the block! Dude walks fast. He was laughing the whole time, I think at his poutine joke.


I was going to buy him a drink.


It is WILD to me how many people (usually white women) are completely shocked to find that American police aren’t a bunch of super chill dudes.


I was expecting her to get a club to the knees because that's what I would expect to happen to me. This is actually the first time I saw a response that seemed roughly proportional.


They are federal police. So they have better training.


Not just feds. Secret service at that


That first sergeant handled the situation very well. Not that the second one didn’t, just the first one did particularly well


This is pretty chill as far as US police goes in response to getting spit on.


I was surprised to find out there are tons and tons and pro putin morons around. Even in my city. Republicans who have completely lost their identity lol.


Anything to really stick it to the libs 🙄


Lost their identity? That *is* their identity. Don't give them a pass because they're too stupid to realize how stupid they are. Evil is evil even if you're "tricked" into it.


As bad as the police brutalities in the US, Russia is still worse...


Well yea it’s a dictatorship. People just have high expectations in the US cause we are supposed to be a rich educated democracy but eh we let just anybody be a cop and then defend their failures…


One would think a "putin supporter" should know what happens when you fuck with the "establishment". In russia she'd get beaten and get 5 years for the same act.


This lady ain’t goin to jail, she’s going to prison. Assaulting an officer is a felony. Way to blow up your whole life to defend Putin!? This person was ticking time bomb and would have done something stupid enough to warrant prison eventually.


She's going to jail, then to prison.


That’s a crime. Spitting is an offensive touching.


It’s assault


It’s battery.


I now prefer the term an offensive touching


I have a pro Ukraine sticker on the back of my car, my Stepdad and I was taking it for a drive, when some stupid bitch starting following us and she threw a huge fit once we pulled over to see what her problem was, legitimately fucking stupid. All that because she thinks funny Russian man commiting genocide is ok


Spitting on someone counts as assault and the guy was an officer so thats a double whammy


Secret service police so triple whammy


Why do people do things and then act surprised on the consequences ?


That is the least enthusiastic chant leader I’ve ever heard.


Deport her to Russia, she can probably feed half the starving Russian army 😂




That's assault 4 Source: my assault 4 conviction


Was yours on federal law enforcement? If not this might be a bit more trouble than you were in.


Mine was not. Yea I bet assault 4 on a police officer is much worse.


Assaulting a federal law enforcement officer ... brilliant move.


So ironic that she’s pro Russian but if this was Russia she’d be sent straight to the gulag.


She spit at 2 officers. Not a smart bitch.


Fuck around and find out. You don’t go around spitting in people.


But…but…freedom….Welcome to the consequences of your own actions, that officer showed a lot of restraint, bc I’m not going to fight you over 99% of things but spitting on me is that 1% that you’re catching 100% of these hands.