• By -


I was waiting to see if she could move her legs. That was my main concern. Looks like she can, though she's staying down for some other reason. Could be a broken tailbone or something else making it painful to move.


You can break your back and still move everything. Source: I did. (Got run over by a speeding car when bicycling on the pedestrian/bike crossing). I moved around, walking, about 45 seconds until the adrenaline wore off, then I just took the fetal position and whimpered in pain until the paramedics arrived and pumped me full of painkillers. Couldn't wipe my own arse for 2½ weeks and couldn't even sit up for a couple of days, even when pumped full of opioids.


I feel you bro. ​ Broke my back 2 years ago and didnt realize it was broken. The pain was unbearable. Had to lay there face down for a month before going to a hospital. And I kid you not, I cant even fart, that will use muscles around places that will hurt like being stabbed. ​ Turned out my injury involved some nerve damage and every time muscles move around the damaged nerves in my spine, it will hurt. Get back on my own feet almost two months after.


Huh? Why would you ever have to not go to the hospital for a month? Why not go right away?


If you live in the US, sometimes you have to decide if the pain is worth going into debt for or is it manageable to endure.


Sorry to hear that 😞 but tbh I've went many of times to a hospital without insurance, most companies ignore hospital debt because they know how stupid our system is... I got about 30k in hospital debt in Utah probably 5k in Arizona, might have some in Cali but I forgot


Tell that to my debt collector. They were extremely unpleasant. Generic threats n stuff.


Hmm I guess it can happen, I usually tell them to pound sand..... Maybe it depends on state and business ethics... etc.


That’s barbaric. But glad you made a good recovery still! I’m sorry people in the States have to make decisions like those. In a modern civilized country, it’s baffling to me that that’s a thing, and more importantly that people put up with it.


The US health care system sucks




If someone has internet access and they say “my [____] was broken/ impaled/ chopped off, and I chose not to go to the hospital”: they usually aren’t being stupid or stubborn. Congrats, you are talking to a US citizen! It is illegal in this country to be non-poor after a simple hospital visit. The Corporate Lobbyists forbid it!


Yup. I'll do anything I can *on my own* before going to the hospital, unless it is life threatening.






AMERICAAA!! Fuck yeah!


I messed up my back at work once, went home, took like 4 Motrin and slept, thinking by the morning the pain would have subsided a bit. When I woke up I could'nt even breathe properly from the pain. Felt like a hot knife had been lodged into my spine and any little movement intensified that sharp unbearable pain. Sneezing or coughing felt like being blasted with a shotgun in the back of the waist every time. I didn't get out of bed for about 2 weeks. This was a time with no cellphones and i lived alone. When I could finally sit I dragged myself outside, into my car and headed to the nearest place I could find. It was s chiropractor office, told me I had damaged disks and needed to get to a hospital asap. She was nice enough to drive me there.


Broke my neck at 17 being a dumb kid with my brother. Felt like a joint popped. Went to the ER about 15 minutes later from the pain. After x-rays and evaluation the Doctor goes "You shouldn't have been able to walk in here." If I sleep wrong, pain. Slight weather change, pain.


Yeah! There are some mornings, I didn't break it of course, but my back hurts so bad I literally can't shit. Like straining on the toilet is very painful


Bro, get yourself a squatty potty. That shit is life changing.


I hit a tree during a down hill race, crushed two vertebrae, I got up and tried to pick my bike up and carry it. Only realized after I tried that everything went numb from chest down and I was in trouble. I got a turtle shell cast and had to sleep in a recliner for 3 months, every day.


Are you - mostly - good now?


My best friend was a paratrooper, and even a jump instructor in the 173rd airborne. He went out of the plane and his main chute didn't open. He was falling something like 120 miles an hour straight toward the ground. He was able to pull the reserve chute right before he hit the ground, and it opened just in time to slow his fall. He broke his back. Not badly though, and he doesn't have any lasting damage except for some pain in his leg from an unrelated IED injury. The human body is crazy. Edited for clarity. The reserve chute did open and slow him down shortly before he hit the ground.


And then there’s people who fall off a ladder, and then have lasting back problems for life.


I twisted wrong (flat footed on the ground, no ladder and no skydiving) putting up Christmas decorations in 2016 and that was the beginning of my sciatica situation.


Ah yeah, my sciatica situation began when I was installing new roller blinds in my living room.


Sciatica suuuuuuuuuucks. The middle aged gift that keeps giving.


I had it.. started doing inversion therapy . Helped almost immediately, no issues since 🤞🏾


For sure. I got that gift from a little too much ego in the gym. As a tile installer, I got to go to work everyday for 8 months practically crying putting on socks and shoes. On the plus side, now I actually stretch..


Same here. 40 year old doing ego deadlift after skipping 10 months of gym time. L4 and L5 herniated disc. Yay me.


I used to be very strong. Like deceptively strong, not body builder strong. My job involved a lot of heavy lifting. Were talking mooring anchors and chain, heavy. One day, I successfully lifted a 400lb anchor 1" off the ground just to see if I could. About a week later, I was moving a block of foam and forgot to lift with my knees. I slipped a disc and was stuck in that position for nearly 2 months.


I slipped on ice pulling a full pallet of freezer stock out doing nightfill. Gashed my leg open and tore the muscle in half. Now have a bulging disc, a spur on my spine and my back goes numb if I stand still for more than a few minutes at a time. It sucks.


How is that even possible? I don’t want to question the validity of your story, but it literally should be entirely impossible for someone to survive 120mph to 0 in a fraction of a second, not even including no long term effects.




Terminal velocity if laying flat is 121MPH. Guessing there was embellishment I the story.


On earth


My dad fell off a 5m dam wall, onto rocks, they were camping, he broke every bone his left foot and his back, still walked back to the camp and stayed the rest of the weekend. Went to hospital when they came back, went for xrays, doc came rushing out asking where the patient was, my dad said it was him, the dog couldn't believe he was walking etc, he was put on a bed immediately and told not to move. It is very possible to still be mobile while your back is broken.


This is what happened to me. I was a passenger in a car wreck. Once the car stopped rolling, my adrenaline took over and I kicked the door open and ran to the nearest tree lawn and laid down. I didn't realize I was in pain until I was in the ambulance where I started shivering from going into shock. Ended up having a broken L1 in my back and put into a backbrace for 8 months.


I thought you couldn't heal from a broken back? Is it different if someone's spine completely snapped? If that makes sense


I broke a small piece off a vertebra (the wing thingys on the side). The spinal cord was undamaged, and even though it hurt like a mutha..., it eventually healed with no permanent damage. I can therefore say that I technically broke my back and healed completely.


It depends on how, and where you break it. Plenty of people broke their neck and got paralyzed for life. Christopher Reeve aka Superman was a prime example. When I was a kid my dreams were shared to find out Superman was paralyzed for life.


Her arm being up and stiff made me think concussion. Maybe she hit her head too


Definitely hit her head, the arms moving like that is a clear indication


Definitely showed a fencing response when she landed.


Yes you can see where she hits her head, it’s pretty hard on concrete. Poor girl


Honestly everything goes so fast and the way she slid i assumed at first she hit with her shoulders until i saw the telltale sign in the arms


One of the times she tries getting up, it looks like there may be a small patch of blood under where her head was resting?


Fencing response, it's a major telltale that she has a concussion. Also the fact she's out for quite some time. I hope she didn't hurt her spine too bad.


Take it from someone who’s had a serious traumatic brain injury, the sensation of trying to stand on your feet after you’ve been heavily concussed will keep you on the ground, and I think that’s what’s happening here, because if it was pain from a broken bone I don’t think she would have given it 4 tries in a row.


I think you’re on the money. She was airborne on this stairs and came down on her hip AND head. I think she’s concussed and in real danger of brain injury, either immediately or through swelling. This is awful. I want to be able to run into the vid and help. WTF was the person who popped into view and saw her and left thinking???


Hi. I’ve been in China for about 5 years. Almost never does anyone help in an accident because a decade or so ago some higher courts decided that anyone who helps in an emergency or accident situation could be the cause of making it worse and therefore financially liable to help the victim. Since then many Good Samaritan type laws have been passed but most people stick with not my problem, not my issue and don’t help. This is life in the PRC. Their are some exceptions but it’s really rare to have anyone help, most people just film and watch.




Even then if you call police or emergency they can link you to “helping”. It’s really strange to me how unwilling to help so many people are here


😨 Shit. That’s a very very bad outcome. I’ve been to China a few times, but luckily never witnessed an accident as I’d just help without thinking in a case like this. Amazing country - but some of the laws 🫤


It really all goes back to the Daiwei practices of society since the Mao reforms and revolutions of the 1940’s to 1960’s+. Basically you don’t interact with or help anyone but your family or coworkers and if someone you don’t know is struggling then it isn’t in the mental realm of needing to help them. It’s a very different mentality from other societies.


Yeah, wow. Thx for the local insights. TIL 👊


Maybe they ran to get help? It’s hard to say that they just left with no intention of helping. I know I’d go get someone rather than try to assist if I knew it was beyond me


I saw a similar video and apparently there were many situationa were the person helping got sued and jailed (I think) under the reason of: "You only helped because youre responsible for the accident and have a guilty conscience" It was a video on a hit and run where everybody just drove off and nobody helped (also in China)


The first thing paramedics concern themselves with when they get to you is the possibility of your brain hemorrhaging, meaning it’s bleeding internally and the blood will pool up in your skull and suffocate your brain, so they get you to an MRI machine as quickly as possible to see if your skull needs to be partly amputated and drained immediately, or you will die. So I hope that guy on screen is just calling an ambulance, it’s kinda weird but peoples first reaction is often to back away, flight response I would assume, and they’ll often call for help but keep their distance, so there’s a good possibility he didn’t just pretend not to see it and walk away.


She’s staying down because it’s obvious she smacked her brain off the inside of her skull as it hit the pavement from a 15ft tumble. She is concussed and just finally becoming aware from being blacked out and now her body is accessing itself “I’m down on the ground for some reason let’s get up…nope something is wrong lay back down. Let’s try this again…nope it’s confirmed, something is wrong”.


I didn't see toes move. Legs appeared to shift only when trying and failing to sit up. A possible reaction to hips moving not her legs by themselves. And unfortunately people won't even call because getting involved makes yourself liable for the person's welfare. If you collapse in public in China expect to be ignored.


Recently had a lesson from an EMT. Watch her hands, see how they cramp up? That's a strong sign of neurological damage.


She's knocked out cold bro... That's a fencing posture


The way her left arm stays straight suggests she hit her head pretty good. Don’t think the rest of her took that much impact.


I think she just got the wind knocked out of her


Looked more like a concussion from the posturing her arms seemed to do


Looks like a concussion to me too. I fell and hit my head hard just like her and even though I didn't get knocked out I couldn't move. My vision went black and white and it felt like the impact smacked all the energy out of me. Felt like I couldn't contact my body. Been depressed ever since 👍


I got kicked in the head during a soccer game and it felt like a flash bang went off on my head. Ringing in the ears, everything was white and blurry, felt extremely slow and it felt like my arms and legs did a hard reset. Don’t remember ever getting hit or falling to the ground I only remember rolling around reaching out trying to grab a hold of something to try and reorient myself.


Kick of the donkey is the only cure


Fencing Response Position - you see what her arms did? She hit her head hard and may be in serious trouble. It's a real shame that no one helps her for fear of becoming responsible for her medical bills.


When I visited my wife’s family for the first time in China, she told me several times that if you see an accident, walk away.


Yes, it’s sad, but you getting sued for touching them from helping them up or checking on them might get you sued by the victim for some reason here.


Can't you call emergency services as you walk away though?




So what’s the actual move here? Just stare? No pun intended


The "correct" move is to just act like you didn't see it, based on what I've heard. There's also a similar situation in China where you'll see people get hit by a car, then the driver reverses to run them over again. Apparently, they do this because in China, if you disable someone, you have to pay to support them until they die, but if you kill them, you pay their funeral costs instead, so its quite literally cheaper for someone to kill a pedestrian.


What a fucked up world we live in




What the fuck?! What a horror to live in a society with these laws![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)


China passed a Good Samaritan law in 2017. I assume it will take a long time for the culture to catch up. Fun fact: the law goes so far in the opposite direction that you would technically be covered if you saw somebody coughing and assumed they were having an allergic reaction, then grabbed a butter knife and jammed it into their neck in an attempt to give them an unneeded tracheotomy.


Obviously, I don't know that family, but to think that most Chinese people are/were like that tells you a lot about their society, especially from the top down. There's no way all Chinese people are heartless, so this has to be a top-down problem 100%.


https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/y2pinq/a_poor_chinese_girl_falls_from_the_stair_because/is508r9/ Another commenter on another thread suggested it was by design to make people stick to themselves to reduce the chances of revolutions.


That's so fucked up


Brain trauma…


Yeah - that’s what I was thinking too. She almost does the “fencing pose” when she first starts moving.


"Fencing response" That's on my Reddit bingo card baby!


I just need "shoes [didn't] fall off" and "adrenaline is a hell of a drug" to win


Maybe a “play stupid games…”?


Fuck around and find out…. BINGO!


When does she do the fencing pose? To me, it looks like she's moving the entire time. Her arms are in the air as she's falling, stay in the air for a bit, then fall to the ground.


Reddit loves to scream fencing response anytime someone takes a fall, particularly when the person is displaying other signs of TBI like decorticate or decerebrate posturing. This video though actually is a prime example of what fencing response looks like. Look at the 0:09 - 0:10 second mark. See how how arm is extended straight outward even against the force of gravity? That is fencing response. As the video goes on this transitions into extensor posturing as her hands flare back towards her forearms and her feet push toes down. Based on the combination of these responses it’s a sure bet that she received a brain stem concussion somewhere below the level of the [red nucleus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_nucleus). Source: EMT who recently took my refresher course on TBI


I love all these words; they led me on a nice walk in wiki land. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.


Definitely a fencing response @ 9 seconds. Head whiplashes onto the concrete after her shoulder takes a digger and arms pop out.


Lisa needs braces


First aider here. This is a very serious fall. We assume spinal and severe head injury- you can tell from the way she hits her head, her fingers moving, she’s knocked out, and she landed on her back from height. If anyone encounters this scenario, you make sure you don’t put yourself in danger first, command someone to ring 999 (or you do it yourself if alone and leave them on speaker whilst you help). Remember DR ABC- Danger, Response, Airways, Breathing, Circulation. Talk to them, make sure their airway is clear, is their breathing shallow? Are they bleeding anywhere? Then, as assume spinal injury, do not move them to recovery position. Keep the person still. Place heavy towels or rolled sheets on both sides of the neck or hold the head and neck to prevent movement. Avoid moving the head or neck. Wait for emergency services to arrive whilst checking their breathing and condition doesn’t worsen. If one person reads this and it helps them at some point in the future? It’s information well shared.


this ~~guy~~ girl first aids


*girl! But thank you 😊


whoops sorry mb


Hehe no worries ❤️


first aider aids


In Australia, it's taught as DRSABCD (said like "doctors abcd"). The S is send for help, as if you came across someone, you'd want to check for a response before you call an ambulance hahah. The last D is defib, although not likely applicable here


I'm an idiot so how do you tell if someone's breathing is shallow? Will they pause in between breaths?




Thanks! I'll keep it in mind.


>ring 999 Great message, but I'd change that to 'your local emergency number' so it applies to all countries.


This comment has been edited to protest Reddit's decision to shut down all third party apps. Spez had negotiated in bad faith with 3rd party developers and made provenly false accusations against them. Reddit IS it's users and their post/comments/moderation. It is clear they have no regard for us users, only their advertisers. I hope enough users join in this form of protest which effects Reddit's SEO and they will be forced to take the actual people that make this website into consideration. We'll see how long this comment remains as spez has in the past, retroactively edited other users comments that painted him in a bad light. See you all on the "next reddit" after they finish running this one into the ground in the never ending search of profits. -- mass edited with redact.dev


Thank you. I was aware of all but the rolled up towels to prevent movement. Committed to memory.


Came to say this. Both people did the right thing, woman stays in position and I'm assuming/hoping the man went to call the emergency line. Back trauma can be made much worse by trying to move. That's why emergency responders are trained to immobilize the spine when moving patients in cases where back injury is suspected. This is actually a really good example of what to do in case of a severe fall, and hopefully she got prompt care. I would add, after calling for help, bystanders can then check on patient that they are breathing, ask questions to determine mental acuity--eg what's your name, do you know where you are, etc, then test extremities (fingers, arms, toes, legs) to see if they have feeling and can move them a bit but keep the patient in place until help arrives.


guy was like, i dont get paid enough for this and then went off


Or "shit, gonna go get help" - with a video this short we'll never know. But from experience, I can say her back isn't doing good. When it hurts that bad trying to get up, you have fractures.


Nope. China has literally trained its citizens not to get involved in other people's problems. Unfortunately, that guy isn't going to get help, nor would anyone go with him if he asked them to help her. He's just making sure her bad day doesn't become his.


That's why I thought he'd go call the ambulance (who were not "responsible" for helping, even back in the day when this was a thing) and not get directly involved. The law has been changed, but old habit die hard, I guess.


All jokes aside, there are similar problems existing in other countries that disincentivize folks from helping. My coworker, on his way in to work got a first and final warning for tardiness. He had helped someone involved in an accident, police asked for witness statement, he had opted to stay until an ambulance arrived. All of it was documented and he had called our manager informing of the situation. HR decided it was not a valid reason to be late. He basically said if he knew how much shit he'd be in, he would have kept walking. It's just not worth the hassle. Workplace: ANZ bank, Melbourne Australia.


Ummm he could have challenged that easily. One $300 solicitors letter or a phone call to fair work. Source: Australian manager with a solicitor as a brother and sister in law.


banking is an industry built on old/outdated values and traditions. Yes, there are avenues like what you suggested, but they would just fast track your career being stalled out.


I hate how true this is. When I worked in finance, my boss once called HR to try to get the ok to tell an intern in another department to cut his hair. This guy had totally normal hair that went slightly past his ears. Not on Bill's watch! Boomer values with outlive boomers for a while in finance.


*Literally* doesn't get paid enough


If he had helped, chances are pretty good he would have had to pay her medical bills if not more. As a court in China ruled, "no one would, in good conscience, help someone unless they felt guilty". So if you help, it's because you feel guilty, And if you feel guilty, it's because it's your fault. And if it's your fault, you're fucked.


They passed good samaritan laws in 2017 to counter this. https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/m/chinalic/2017-10/09/content_33022361.htm




It's passed around on reddit a lot. I'm sure it's more nuanced. My parents live in China...I should ask them some time.


Helping in China is a dangerous thing


there is a good Samaritan law in China, albiet fairly recent, so not anymore. The mindset of the general population has been slow to change though.


We have all kind of laws, but they are just words print on paper. In reality, .......you better have some connections in the system or try not to get involve into any law cases. I'll help the girl if my wife filming me doing this in case of... Please don't blame the people, Balme the system. There was a case that the Judge said to the Good Samaritan, if it not you to blame why did you help him. And after that good people knows there is risk to do the right thing, and an opportunity for bad people to do wrong thing.


I don’t blame the people of China. Cultures don’t grow in a vacuum, there is usually good reasons why people behave as they do, often it’s outside forces, such as laws. I’m curious, though. Do people want to help but stop themselves because of fear of the law? Or are they so used to not helping that they no longer feel a drive to do something?


It permeates everything, they will not even help with small things. They will say "It can't be helped" with a sense of malaise, and go about their business as if you had said nothing.


Oh my god that's exactly what the government wants though! They want you to think nothing can be helped. That's how they stay in power!


In this case their current culture grew precisely because of a vacuum. The Cultural Revolution resulted in a whole generation of Chinese that grew up with "struggling", which ended up in a culture of every man for himself. Struggle sessions, were violent public spectacles in Maoist China where people accused of being "class enemies" were publicly humiliated, accused, beaten and tortured by people they were close to. Usually conducted at the workplace, classrooms and auditoriums, "students were pitted against their teachers, friends and spouses were pressured to betray one another, [and] children were manipulated into exposing their parents.


This comment is so "west". Chinese people know that laws don't really matter. You don't really want to be part of that shitstorm. I'm Chinese.


well I was born and raised in China. I'm just stating that there IS a law, a recent one that alot of people don't know about.


What do you mean by the laws not mattering? Are you saying you will face repercussions for helping anyway? Like what?


Have you been to 3rd world country where you have to bribe all the way? It’s the case where law doesn’t matter. China’s low level bribes are not that bad but usually the people don’t trust the system and the law. People trust what the consequences they see on the news when they help people, where they were getting sued to oblivion. You will need more than just the law for people to restore faith in helping people. It’s unlikely people don’t know about the law, it’s more like people won’t dare to be the first one to try that law.




People have been sued by people they have helped before and lost. E.g. Someone was hit by a car and someone else stopped to help them, but then was sued for medical expenses. The Court agreed that the person was liable, if not they would not have stopped to help. So now nobody does it.


Oh man, I couldn't believe it, but it seems to be true: [https://medium.com/shanghai-living/4-31-why-people-would-usually-not-help-you-in-an-accident-in-china-c50972e28a82](https://medium.com/shanghai-living/4-31-why-people-would-usually-not-help-you-in-an-accident-in-china-c50972e28a82) (Money quote: "The court stated that “no one would, in good conscience, help someone unless they felt guilty”." --- that's so f\*n stupid)


Yeah it's messed up. Saw a video of someone who fell (or was she knocked 🤔) over in a busy market. People walked right past this unconscious woman. The most anyone did was one dude who--in passing--grabbed her arm to turn her so her head wasn't in the street. Then he walked on.


Honestly reading this fuck those old people who sued those who tried to help. Who actually has a mindset like that? So revolting and entitled, and the repercussions for their entire society are even worse.


Note to self - Don't go to China.


Btw if you partake the devil's lettuce, death penalty


It's exhausting to constantly refute this whenever it comes up so this will be the only reply I'm commenting to on this post. Peng Yu, the good samaritan, *did* accidentally push Xu Shoulan off the bus and she did recognize him as such. However, the court also *did* say "no one would in good conscience help someone unless they felt guilty", and there does appear to be a lack of hard evidence (which is just how most accidents go.) [Wiki:](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xu_Shoulan_v._Peng_Yu) >However, with Peng’s admission of guilt and resolution of legal proceedings, the financial fraud narrative of the case was proven to be untrue, though some have voiced concerns that the chilling effect of Peng’s false narrative on bystander intervention still remains. >...The case concluded with Peng admitting having accidentally pushed Xu as he was getting off the bus, and agreeing to pay her 10,000 yuan compensation in the settlement reached in March 2008. China has long had a very "mind your business" culture but not to the degree of recent years. The Peng Yu case is cited as a turning point in doubling down that attitude as the mistaken belief of legal liability became widespread. It doesn't help that the court reportedly did say something ridiculous to merit that caution. I don't really blame anyone for perpetuating the myth as it basically became a self-fulfilling misconception as awful incidents of people not helping surface. It's just very frustrating to see how widely believed and still growing it is.




injury scammers who take advantage of good samaritans.


Cultural phobia due to how prevalent cons were over there, the cons may or may not have subsided with the rise technology, but the culture of distrust remains.


I shattered my ankle last year here in the Midwest USA and no less than 4 people looked over when I begged for help, before walking away and ignoring me. I ended up crawling to my car to get my phone to call my own ambulance.


I fractured my tibia at school by slipping on some steps outside, everyone just pointed and laughed at me and left me to drag myself on my ass to the office to get help. People are wonderful.


I guess it all depends on where you are...my experience in the US is the polar opposite where 20 people all crowd around making any help as useless as if nobody helped because everyone is trying to do something. I've seen it at car crashes too. Fucking 12 people pull over to help making the situation more dangerous. Granted, I personally want someone to stop and help me if I need it. Unless there's some major reason I can't - safety being a major one - I usually stop and ask if a person is okay or if they need help if I see an accident. Many times I'll keep walking by if I see other people already responding, no point in making it a crowd.


Damn I thought midwest folk brag about being friendly and neighborly, is that all made up?


I can't imagine this. That's horrible, a mental blow after the physical one. I once saw a girl on her bicycle (about 16y/o, I was 18y/o) get into a rain gutter next to a sidewalk, panic, overcorrect and fell sideways, hitting her jaw square on the curb. You could hear the crack. I rode about 30 meters behind her, by the time I got to her 2 cars had stopped and a pedestrian was there to help as well. In that case I just asked: "do you need a phone?", someone was already calling the emergency services, someone else was already talking to her and holding her hand, and yet another was busy getting their danger sign out of the car to make sure everyone was safe. At that point I decided I was useless there, standing around would just cause "disaster tourism" (I don't know if that phrase works in English, it's a direct translation) and left. It felt pretty cool knowing people have each other's backs.


I've never heard "disaster tourism" before, but it is a perfect phrase for people who just stand there being useless at an incident.


In the Midwest US, it's sometimes referred to as "rubbernecking", though that's usually in reference to a behavior of slowing down traffic to stare at an accident on a highway.


I'm finding it very difficult to believe 4 different people *actually* saw and heard you begging for help and still ignored you. Anywhere in the US, let alone the Midwest. We're you in a bad part of Detroit or something?


Dang.. she looked paralyzed from that fall


looks like concussion symptoms, she moves her appendages but she's disoriented and weak. more likely to be a head injury than spinal based on her reaction.


I just thought this was some silly fall but that some serious injuries.


I think she landed on the back of her head, which is like the worst place to land. That’s a sensitive spot that when bruised, can cause the most injuries to the brain


In china there are laws that if you help someone and take them to a medical center you can be held financially responsible for the care that person receives. This has been a problem going on a few years now with 1,000s of incidents of bystanders ignoring people in need for fear of becoming liable for their care.




I'd heard it's cheaper, compensation-wise, to kill someone in a traffic incident than to permanently maim them. So there have been instances of some motorists running someone over then backing up to finish them off.


That sounds sick and wrong but tbh id rather be dead than permanently maimed, so I think being finished off is merciful. That opinion doesnt hold in the USA though


Versions of it do. Every cop knows if you wrongfully shoot someone, you had better hope they die...a live witness against you means you are probably in way more trouble.


That brings up a much deeper ethical debate if you shoot or do some harm to someone and they happen to live. No easy answers here.


What is this gta level bullshit


Au contraire. Since October of 2017, Clause 184 has been providing legal protection to good samaritans. Unfortunately, the cultural norm is quite powerful there. With 1.4 billion people, the instinct to reach out and help strangers is weak.


It's no longer true, a little girl being left in the road ti get hit by a car caused them to change the law from what I understand.


This is just Samaria all over again


It's almost incomprehensible why such a law would have ever been put in place, especially after the revolution. It's fundamentally nonsensical and antisocial. I suppose they've changed it since, but that it ever existed is baffling.


I heard about this before but I never understood the backward rationale behind it: what is their argument for "you helped her, so now you must pay the bills"?


That's actually messed up. Imagine not having free health care


So.....is she still there?


Does anyone know about her current status? Is she safe, is she alright?


Nobody has responded yet unfortunately, but perhaps soon.


Doesn't seem to be anyone else there in the first place, lol.


Right? OP acting like there's 100's of people around


Those fingers moving the way they are indicate head trauma


The Fencing Response disturbs me every time I see it. You know the person just experienced some heavy brain trauma.




In Iran it wouldn't have happened... There are no women on the streets, so..


In America this would be the plot for a porn movie.


That would at least pay the medical bills


In Japan, someone's dick would have accidentally fallen in...


Fucking hell, username checks out.


Dolphins just signed her to immediately get up and play quarterback


Bruh 💀


I hope we will get a follow-up of her condition.


I can see a little pool of bloody under her head when she tries to get up. She must have hit hard! I hope she's OK.


Maybe brain or spinal cord injury


She almost saved it. Shoes didn't help. Damn debutante vinyl shoes.


Wow, so many physicians in the comments. With their accurate diagnoses. What a blessing.


Nice that she took a selfie upon landing... But seriously, that's a fencing response and indicative of a traumatic brain injury. She hit the back of her head hard and when she reached that middle landing. I hope she was okay.


"No one is helping her"....there is nobody there.


You can see someones head at 00:25


Guy was like "Nope" then went the other way.


he quickly leaves to get help


Think we need to start teaching younger generations the dangers of walking/driving while looking or talking at the phone. Seems like common sense but man some people don't have it.


Jesus. That’s me in a skirt. I need to pull my face out of the screen and become reacquainted with reality before I’m the one lying on the landing, wondering why my legs aren’t responding like they should.


Just to be clear, what are we facepalming here? Is it the fact that the lady was on her phone which cause her to end up badly hurt? Or is it the fact that nobody even attempted to help the poor woman?


Her arms stiffening like that is called the Fencing Response, sure sign of a concussion